Seal discovered in Cholistan (near Ganweriwala). Surface find.
mlekh 'goat' rebus: milakkhu 'copper'; meḍh 'goat' rebus: meṛha, meḍhi ‘merchant’s clerk; (Gujarati) मेढ ‘merchant’s helper’ (Pkt.) krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'artisan, smith' Thus,merchant-artisan of metal castings.Tail of the goat is a sprout hieroglyph: xoli 'fish-tail' rebus: kolhe 'smelter', kol ' working in iron' ; Ma. koṭi top, extremity, flag, banner, sprout; rebus: koD 'workshop'. Thus, the pictorial motif reads: artisan, smith working in iron, copper metalcastings.

mlekh 'goat' rebus: milakkhu 'copper'; meḍh 'goat' rebus: meṛha, meḍhi ‘merchant’s clerk; (Gujarati) मेढ ‘merchant’s helper’ (Pkt.) krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'artisan, smith' Thus,merchant-artisan of metal castings.Tail of the goat is a sprout hieroglyph: xoli 'fish-tail' rebus: kolhe 'smelter', kol ' working in iron' ; Ma. koṭi top, extremity, flag, banner, sprout; rebus: koD 'workshop'. Thus, the pictorial motif reads: artisan, smith working in iron, copper metalcastings.
Text message: dhvajapaṭa m. ʻ flag ʼ Kāv. [dhvajá -- , paṭa -- ]Pk. dhayavaḍa -- m. ʻ flag ʼ, OG. dhayavaḍa m.(CDIAL 6899) Rebus: धवड dhavaḍa (Or धावड) 'smelter' (Marathi) PLUS ḍhāla 'slanted' rebus: ḍhālaka 'large ingot' ḍhālakī = a metal heated and poured into a mould; a solid piece of metal; an ingot (Gujarati) PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, the hypertext reads: ingot metalcasting smithy, forge.
The message reads: ingot metalcasting smithy, forge PLUS smelter -- of artisan, smith working in iron, metalcastings.