Thanks to Janhwij Sharma 10 Nov. 2019 (Facebook Harappan Archaeology) ·
who presented a cluster of 3 Indus Script seals. The set includes a remarkable seal from Chanhudaro, which is called by John Marshall as the 'Sheffield of Ancient India', the site par excellence for metalwork of antiquity. Indus Script inscriptions are descriptive documentation of the metalwork competence of artisans during the Tin-Bronze Revolution. This is demonstrated by a review of four seals including the three presented by Janhwij Sharma.
Harappan seals. While two of the seals show a bull (symbol of virility), the third one, made of granite shows an animal resembling a unicorn (found from Chanhudaro). Source: ASI

The seal belongs to an artisan working with alloy metals.
Field symbol Short-horned bull or ox + feeding trough: barad, balad'ox' Rebus: bharata'metal alloy' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin' PLUS pattar 'water-trough' rebus: pattar 'goldsmith guild'.
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Text of message: ingot smithy, alloy ingots, steersman, supercargo
కరణము karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. కరణము n. Instrument, means. కొరముట్టు. An organ of sense. ఇంద్రియము. Marking or causing, as in ప్రియంకరణము endearing. స్థూలంకరణము fattening, శుభగంకరణము fortunate. కరణచతుష్టయము the mind, intellect, volition and self-consciousness. మనోబుద్ధిచిత్తాహంకారములు. కరణత్రయము thought, word and deed. మనస్సు. వాక్కు, కర్మము. త్రికరణశుద్ధిగా completely, absolutely, entirely. కరణీయము karaṇīyamu. adj. Fit to be performed, worthy to be done చేయదగిన. కరణికము or కరణీకము karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk.
That is, the most frequently used sign of Indus Script, Sign 342 is a signifier for a scribe, supercargo 'a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.'
Field symbol: spiny-horned young bull PLUS standard device of lathe + portable furnace: खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull, a bullcalf' PLUS singhin'spiny-horned' rebus: khoTa 'wedge, alloy metal' PLUS singi 'ornament gold' kunda 'lathe' rebus; Kunda 'turner' PLUS kammata 'portable gold furnace' rebus: kammata 'mint, coiner, coinage'.
kuṭṭi pupil of eye rebus: kuṭhi 'iron smelter furnace' PLUS kuṭi 'curve; rebus: कुटिल kuṭila, katthīl '8 parts copper, 2 parts tin)'..
loa'ficus leaf'; rebus: loh'metal' PLUS karaṇika'ears' rebus: PLUS karaṇi ' supercargo'. Thus, the ligatures of 'ears' attached to ficus glomerata leaf are a semantid determinative of the Sign 342 used in the inscription next to the ficus leaf.
Chanhudaro 19 text 6125
Decipherment of Chanhudaro 19 seal
gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'
pōlaḍu 'black drongo' rebus: polad 'steel'
ḍhāla f (S through H) The grand flag of an army directing its march and encampments: also the standard or banner of a chieftain rebus: ḍhālako 'ingot' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'
(lozenge) Split parenthesis: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' PLUS bhaṭā 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, ingot furnace.
bhaṭā 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe'.
कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread', 'rim of jar', 'pericarp of lotus' karaṇī 'scribe, supercargo', kañi-āra 'helmsman'. Thus, furnace work cargo helmsman.
karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' kolmo 'riceplant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'.
Sign 169: pajhaṛ = to sprout from a root (Santali); Rebus: pasra 'smithy, forge' (Santali) Alternative: mogge ' sprout, bud' Rebus: mū̃h 'ingot' (Santali)
குழ kuḻa , adj. < kuḍa. Young, tender; இள மையான. (தொல். சொல். 312.) குழந்தை kuḻantai , n. < குழ. 1. Infant, babe, suckling; கைப்பிள்ளை. குழந்தையை யுயிர்த்த மலடிக்கு (கம்பரா. உருக்கா. 65). 2. Childhood, tender age; இளமைப்பருவம். குழந்தை வெண்மதி (கம்பரா. ஊர்தேடு. 209).
*kuḍma ʻ bud ʼ.M. kõb, °bā m., °bī f. ʻ young shoot ʼ, kõbeṇẽ ʻ to sprout ʼ; Si. kumu ʻ unopened flower ʼ.(CDIAL 3249)kuḍmalá ʻ filled with buds ʼ MBh., m.n. ʻ bud ʼ BhP. 2. kuṭmalá -- . [*kuḍma -- ]1. Pa. kuḍumala -- , °aka -- m. ʻ opening bud ʼ; L. poṭh. kūmlī, pū˘mlī f. ʻ bud, young shoot ʼ, P. pumlī f.; WPah. roh. kumbəḷe ʻ tuft of grass ʼ.2. Pa. kuppila -- ʻ a kind of flower (?) ʼ; Pk. kuppala -- , kuṁpala -- m.n. ʻ bud ʼ, N. kopilo; H. kõpal, °lī f. ʻ opening bud ʼ; G. kũpaḷ, kõpaḷ n., kõpḷo m. ʻ tender sprout, new twig ʼ.Addenda: kuḍmalá -- [M. B. Emeneau Bull. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica xxxix 1, 9ff. ← Drav. ʻ young new sprout ʼ in DED and DEDS 1787, which appears also as loan in *kōra -- , kōraka -- , kuḍa -- 1 ]1. WPah.kṭg. kvmbḷi f. ʻ sprout, bud ʼ, J. kumaḷ m., kumḷi f. ʻ sprout ʼ.2. kuṭmalá -- : OMarw. kūpaḷa m. ʻ fresh bud or shoot ʼ.(CDIAL 3250) koṭu क&above;टु&below; । अङ्कुरः, पुमपत्यम् (f. küṭü क&above;टू&below; , q.v.), a seedling-sprout, the first sprout of a young plant (cf. gāsakoṭu, p. 37b, l. 34; muji-ko, s.v. mujü); a bush, a thicket of bushes (K. 111, 219, 35); a male child (generally used with reference to caste or profession), usually, but not always, with the idea of praise. It is also occasionally used to indicate the young of animals. Thus, baṭa-koṭu, a (real) son of a Brāhmaṇ, a good Brāhmaṇ; chāna-koṭu, a carpenter's son, a real son of a carpenter, a good carpenter; harạna-koṭu, a fawn (p. 349a, l. 24); mö̃shĕ-koṭu, a buffalo-calf; cf. Gr.Gr. 132 (K.Pr. 174; H. xii, 25) küṭü क&above;टू&below; । स्त्र्यपत्यम् f. (sg. dat. kacĕ कच्य , Rām. 1319), a sprout, a seedling sprout, a blade of grass or the like (Śiv. 149); a female child, a daughter. As in the case of koṭu, q.v., of which it is the f., this word is generally used with reference to a caste or profession, but this f. form is principally used only with reference to some mean or despised profession (cf. kaṭh 2) as in bã̄ḍa-kütü, a buffoon's daughter; wāza-küṭü, a cook's daughter. Hence used in metaphorical expressions, such as (Rām. 1319) shikas-küṭü, a daughter of defeat or misery, i.e. an unfortunate woman. kacĕ-bacĕ कच्य-बच्य । कन्यापुत्रादयः (a comp. of which the first member is and the second, all the children (esp. little children), girls and boys, of a family, i.e. daughters, sons, grandchildren, etc.(Kashmiri)
*kuḍa --2 ʻ wall ʼ see kuḍya -- .kuḍapa -- see kuḍava -- .Addenda: *kuḍa -- 1 [Same Drav. root as in kuḍmalá -- q.v.](CDIAL 3245)kuḍmalá ʻ filled with buds ʼ MBh., m.n. ʻ bud ʼ BhP. 2. kuṭmalá -- . [*kuḍma -- ] 1. Pa. kuḍumala -- , °aka -- m. ʻ opening bud ʼ; L. poṭh. kūmlī, pū˘mlī f. ʻ bud, young shoot ʼ, P. pumlī f.; WPah. roh. kumbəḷe ʻ tuft of grass ʼ.2. Pa. kuppila -- ʻ a kind of flower (?) ʼ; Pk. kuppala -- , kuṁpala -- m.n. ʻ bud ʼ, N. kopilo; H. kõpal, °lī f. ʻ opening bud ʼ; G. kũpaḷ, kõpaḷ n., kõpḷo m. ʻ tender sprout, new twig ʼ.Addenda: kuḍmalá -- [M. B. Emeneau Bull. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica xxxix 1, 9ff. ← Drav. ʻ young new sprout ʼ in DED and DEDS 1787, which appears also as loan in *kōra -- , kōraka -- , kuḍa -- 1 ]1. WPah.kṭg. kvmbḷi f. ʻ sprout, bud ʼ, J. kumaḷ m., kumḷi f. ʻ sprout ʼ.2. kuṭmalá -- : OMarw. kūpaḷa m. ʻ fresh bud or shoot ʼ.(CDIAL 3250) kōraka m.n. ʻ bud ʼ R. [← Drav. (Tam. kuṟai ʻ sprout ʼ, Kui kōṛu ʻ bud ʼ) EWA i 272] Pa. kōraka -- m.n. ʻ bud, sheath ʼ; Pk. kōraya -- , °rava<-> m.n. ʻ bud ʼ; Si. kuru ʻ bud, tender leaves ʼ.Addenda: kōraka -- [← Drav. see kuḍmalá -- Add2 ](CDIAL 3527) कुड्मल mfn. filled with buds MBh. iv , 393 R. Ragh. xviii , 36; mn. a bud (sometimes written कुट्मल) Mr2icch. Ragh. BhP. &c (cf. स्तन-क्°) (Monier-Williams) Kui gunda (gundi-) to sprout, bud, shoot forth into bud or ear; n. a sprouting, budding. ? Kuwi (Isr.) kunda a very small plot of ground (e.g. for seed-bed). Kur. kundnā to germinate, bud, shoot out; kundrnā to be born; kundrkā birth; kundrta'ānā to generate, beget, produce. Malt. kunde to be born, be created (DEDR 1729) Ta. kuruku young of an animal; kurumaṉ the young of certain animals and birds; kuruttu, kuruntu sprout, white tender leaves of a tree, shoots of grain; kuruḷai young of certain animals, young of a snake, child; kurumpai immature coconuts or palmyra nuts, fruit buds; (NTD) kurumpal immature coconut or palmyra nut. Ma. kurukka to sprout, shoot; kurikka breaking out like efflorescence; kurikku, kurukku young fruit; kuruttu, kurunnu sprout, shoot; kuruppu sprouting; kurumpa tender young coconut. Ko. kurl young cow (up to three years). Ka. kuruṇe tenderness; kurube, kurumbe a tender young coconut; (Bark., LSB11.8; Hav.) kuruḷe plantain sprout. Tu. kurulè, kurlè a tender plantain tree, a young pig, the fresh shoots of grain, (B-K.) a baby. Pe. kurnja young male child; fem. kurnji. Kur. kurū
colt. / Cf. Skt.(Hem. Uṇ. 326) kurumbo 'ṅkuraḥ.(DEDR 1791) Ta. kor̤untu tender twig, tendril, tender leaf, shoot, anything young, tenderness; kor̤umai freshness (as of shoots), beauty; kor̤untaṉ husband, husband's younger brother; kor̤unti wife's sister, brother's wife; kor̤unaṉ husband; kur̤a young, tender; kur̤akaṉ youth, beautiful person, Skanda; kur̤aku youthfulness, beauty, infant; kur̤antai infant, childhood; kur̤avi infant, young of certain animals, young of the vegetable kingdom; kur̤avu tender age, juvenility; kur̤ai (-pp-, -tt-) to cause to sprout or shoot forth; n. tender leaf, sprout, shoot. Ma. kor̤unnu, kor̤untu tender twig, young shoot, new-grown hair. To. kwï&ztail; twig. Ka. koḍatenderness, tender age, youth; koṇasu young one of wild beasts. Tu. korè weak, small. Kor. (O. T.) korayi, (M.) kori husband; (O. M. T.) korti wife. Te. krotta (in cpds. kro-) new, fresh; koḍuku son; koṇḍika child; kodama the young of any animal; young; komma maiden, female; kōḍalu daughter-in-law; kōṭramu, kōḍaṇṭramu, kōḍaṇṭrikamu, kōḍaṟikamu the position and duties of a daughter-in-law, daughter-in-lawship. Kol. kovve young of bird or animal; koral younger brother's wife; kommal (pl. kommasil) daughter. Nk. kovve young of bird or animal; koraḷ daughter-in-law, bride; kommaḷ (pl. kommaśil) daughter. Nk. (Ch.) kommadaughter; kola bride, son's wife, younger brother's wife. Pa. koṛ very young; koṛuŋg new shoot, sprout; koṛc- to sprout; koṛol bride. Ga. (Oll.) koṛal
*kuḍa --
colt. / Cf. Skt.(Hem. Uṇ. 326) kurumbo 'ṅkuraḥ.(DEDR 1791) Ta. kor̤untu tender twig, tendril, tender leaf, shoot, anything young, tenderness; kor̤umai freshness (as of shoots), beauty; kor̤untaṉ husband, husband's younger brother; kor̤unti wife's sister, brother's wife; kor̤unaṉ husband; kur̤a young, tender; kur̤akaṉ youth, beautiful person, Skanda; kur̤aku youthfulness, beauty, infant; kur̤antai infant, childhood; kur̤avi infant, young of certain animals, young of the vegetable kingdom; kur̤avu tender age, juvenility; kur̤ai (-pp-, -tt-) to cause to sprout or shoot forth; n. tender leaf, sprout, shoot. Ma. kor̤unnu, kor̤untu tender twig, young shoot, new-grown hair. To. kwï&ztail; twig. Ka. koḍatenderness, tender age, youth; koṇasu young one of wild beasts. Tu. korè weak, small. Kor. (O. T.) korayi, (M.) kori husband; (O. M. T.) korti wife. Te. krotta (in cpds. kro-) new, fresh; koḍuku son; koṇḍika child; kodama the young of any animal; young; komma maiden, female; kōḍalu daughter-in-law; kōṭramu, kōḍaṇṭramu, kōḍaṇṭrikamu, kōḍaṟikamu the position and duties of a daughter-in-law, daughter-in-lawship. Kol. kovve young of bird or animal; koral younger brother's wife; kommal (pl. kommasil) daughter. Nk. kovve young of bird or animal; koraḷ daughter-in-law, bride; kommaḷ (pl. kommaśil) daughter. Nk. (Ch.) kommadaughter; kola bride, son's wife, younger brother's wife. Pa. koṛ very young; koṛuŋg new shoot, sprout; koṛc- to sprout; koṛol bride. Ga. (Oll.) koṛal
son's wife, younger brother's wife; (S) koḍus-, koḍc- to sprout; (P.) koṛuŋ young shoot. Go. (Tr.) kōṛsānā, kōrsānā to sprout, grow (of trees, plants, etc.); (A. Mu. Ma. S.) koṛs- to sprout (Voc. 945); (Mu.) koṛk-ila new leaf; (Ko.) koṛi leaf-shoot (Voc. 934); (Ma.) koṛta month of Bhadrā (Aug.-Sept.) when new paddy is worshipped (Voc. 940); (Tr.) koriāṛ son's wife; tammur-koriāṛ younger brother's wife; (W.) koṛiāṛ daughter-in-law; (Mu.) koṛiyaṛ id., sister's daughter, younger brother's wife (Voc.936); (Koya Su.) koḍiyāḍ daughter-in-law, sister's daughter (of a male); (ASu.) koṛkēlā tender, young. Konḍa koṛo (pl. -k) female child, (pl. -r) male child; koṛonali a nursing mother; koṛya daughter-in-law, younger brother's wife; koṛesi daughter-in-law (when referring to the 3rd person); (BB) kodma male buffalo calf (< Te.). Pe. koṛiya gāṛ son's wife, younger brother's wife; kṛogi fresh, new (of leaves). Manḍ. kṛugdi id.; kuṛiya gāṛ son's wife, younger borther's wife. Kui koṛgi newly sprouted, green, immature, unripe; koṛgari (pl. koṛgai) new shoot, fresh stalk, something green, immature, or unripe; kōṛu new shoot, fresh stalk, stem, or bud; new, green, immature; kōṛa a shoot, sprout, first sprout (of paddy after planting); kōṛa koḍa to sprout (of paddy); kōna bud; gōṇi sprout, offshoot; kuṛa,kṛua (Letchmajee) kṛuha wife. Kuwi (P.) kuṛia, (F.) kūriadaughter-in-law; (Ḍ.) kuṛva younger brother's wife; (F.) khrogi kōma a soft twig (i.e. soft, young, tender; for kōma, see 2115); (Ṭ.) koṛgi young (of children); (Isr.) kṛōgi immature, young. Kur. xōr leaf-bud, new leaves, fresh and tender leaves of vegetables; xōrnā (xūryā) to shoot out new leaves; korrā fresh (recently made, prepared, or obtained), pure. Malt. qóro infant, Indian corn when green; qóroce to sprout. Br. xarring to sprout; xarrun green, blue, black and blue; fruitful; xarrunī greenness; wife. Cf. 3650 Ta. nāy, for -kuṛi, etc., in Konḍa, Kui, Kuwi. / Cf. Skt. kora-, koraka- bud (Turner, CDIAL, no. 3527); kuṇaka- a new-born animal; kuḍaka- child (epic; Burrow, Belvalkar Felicitation Volume, pp. 6 f.; cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 3245); kuḍmala-, kuṭmala- filled with buds, bud (epic, kāvya; Turner, CDIAL, no. 3250); Turner, CDIAL, no. 3249, *kuḍma- bud.(DEDR 2149).
The early word for 'bud, sprout' is likely to be kora, koḍa with a rebus reading:koḍa ''workshop'. Sign 169 is used in cotnexts comparable to the use of Sign 162 on inscriptions. Thus, if Sign 162 signifies kolimi 'smithy, forge', the Sign 169 signifies koḍa'workshop'. The distinction between a smithy and a workshop seems to relate to a facility with the functions of repairs to equipment, tools and metalware. Thus, the distinction in semantics between Sign 162 and Sign 169 may relate to a metalwork production facility (including cire perdue castings) and a metalwork repair facility.![]()
The two seals of Chanhudaro just showing the 'unicorn' or short-horned young bull as the field symbol should be related to the fact that Chanhudaro was the Sheffield of Ancient India, producing exquisite tin-bronze equipment and tools.