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Water-carrier Indus Script seal is dhavaḍa kuthi 'iron smelter', भर्तृहरि vākyasphoṭa, is rebus Meluhha speech of artisan of Sarasvati Civilization


Bhartṛhari organises speech universals:varṇasphoṭa, padasphoṭa and vākyasphoṭa (syllable, word, sentence utterance) in four stages. Bhartṛhari's Vākyapadīya, on Sanskrit grammar and linguistic philosophy, is a text in the Indian grammatical tradition

This philosophy of language in spoken form is demonstrated with the decipherment of Water-carrier Indus Script seal as dhavaḍa kuthi 'iron smelter'. In this decipherment, भर्तृहरि vākyasphoṭa, is rebus Meluhha speech of artisans of Sarasvati Civilization.

The universal philosophy of sound of language, of speech rendered by Bhartṛhari is demonstrated by decipherment (recognition of the speech message) of an Indus Script seal (found in Ur and reported by Gadd). The meaning is realized when the context of the utterance is realized. Thus, if a seal is found, the context -- generally -- is trade transaction or documentation of livelihood or business activity..

Stage1:वायु 'breath',stirring of the air or breath (ईश-उपनिषद्); वा 'to blow as the wind'

Stage 2:पश्यन्ती seeing 

Stage 3:मध्यमा medium or intervening or the womb (picture)(e.g.written picture on Indus seal)

Stage 4: वैखरी utterance (production of sound, of pada 'word')

For example, on this seal, as the वायु 'breath' is being formed recognising 'meaning', the pictures seen (पश्यन्ती) are: 

dotted circle, 
three lines, 
two stars. 

मध्यमा is the womb, the central medium & purpose of the seen object (seal) with pictures. 

मध्यमा is recognition of the medium, that it is a seal for authenticating cargo -- because, the object is a मुद्रा a seal or an instrument used for sealing or stamping a package or container.

Simultaneously, words are evoked (in brain's memory) by the pictures (including words which sound similar to the 'picture' words). This is the rebus speech medium of identifying 'seen picture' words and similar sounding words. 

The picture (hieroglyph) words seen and the corresponding similar sounding words rebus Meluhha are: 

Dot: dhāī 'wisp of fibres' rebus: dhāv 'soft red stone' (mineral ore);Circle: hieroglyph:vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: vr̥ttá 'livelihood,business' Together rebus: dhavaḍa (Or धावड) 'iron smelter'.

Three lines: kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'

Stars: मेढा [ mēḍhā ] 'polar star' Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' PLUS dula 'dual' rebus: dul 'metal casting'; thus, iron castings

Water-carrier: kuti 'water-carrier' rebus: kuthi 'smelter'

Split parenthesis hieroglyph is split ovarl-shape ingot: mũh 'bun ingot' rebus: mũhã̄ 'quantity of metal brought out of the furnace'

वैखरी utterance of the 'seen picture' words and similar sounding words constitutes decipherment -- resulting in vākyasphoṭa, sentence utterance

The rebus Meluhha utterance in this stage (i.e., decipherment phase) is:dhavaḍa (Or धावड) 'iron smelter'; kolimi 'smithy, forge'; kuthi 'smelter'; dul mẽṛhẽt, dul meḍ'cast iron'; mũhã̄'ingots'.

Explanations of terms, etyma

mudrā मुद्रा [मुद्-रक्] 1 A seal, an instrument for sealing or stamping; especially a seal-ring, signet-ring; अनया मुद्रया मुद्रयैनम् Mu.1; नाममुद्राक्षराण्यनुवाच्य परस्परमवलोकयतः Ś.1; बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः स-मुद्रः Bk.1.19 (fig. also); इति प्रायो भावाः स्फुरदवधिमुद्रामुकुलिताः Bh.2.114. -2 A stamp, print, mark, impression; चतुःसमुद्रमुद्रः K. 191; सिन्दूरमुद्राङ्कितः (बाहुः) Gīt.4. -3 A pass, pass- port (as given by a seal-ring); अगृहीतमुद्रः कटकान्निष्कामसि Mu.5; गृहीतमुद्रः सलेखः पुरुषो गृहीतः Mu.5; शाहसूनोः शिवस्यैषा मुद्रा भद्राय राजते (wording on Śivājee's seal). -4 A stamped coin, coin, piece of money. -5 A medal. -6 An image, a sign, badge, token. -7 Shutting, closing, sealing; सैवौष्ठमुद्रा स च कर्णपाशः U.6.27; क्षिपन्निद्रा- मुद्रां मदनकलहच्छेदसुलभाम् Māl.2.12 'removing the seal of sleep'&c. -8 A mystery
वा cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 42व्आ ति (pf. ववौ Br. MBh. &c aor. अवासीत् Br.;fut. वास्यति 
Megh. inf. वातुम् Hariv. ) , to blow (as the wind) ind. or (excluded , like the Lat. ve , from the first place in a sentence , and generally immediately following , rarely and only m.c. preceding , the word to which it refers) RV. &c &c (often used in disjunctive sentences ; वा-वा , " either " -- " or " , " on the one side " -- " on the other " ; न वा -- वा or  -- वा , " neither " -- " nor " ; वा न-वा , " either not " -- " or " ; यदि वा-वा , " whether " -- " or " ; in a sentence containing more than two members वा is nearly always repeated , although if a negative is in the first clause it need not be so repeated ; वा is sometimes interchangeable with  and अपि , and is frequently combined with other particles , esp. with अथ , अथो* , 
उत , किम् , यद् , यदि q.v. [e.g. अथ वा , " or else "] ; it is also sometimes used as an expletive)(Monier-Williams) Ta. vāy mouth, beak of birds, mouth as of cup, bag, ulcer, etc., mouthful, lip, edge, rim, edge as of a knife, word, speech, hole, orifice. Ma. vāy, vā mouth, opening, juncture, edge of a sword. Ko. va·y mouth (of living thing, cup, bag, pot), mouthful, rim, brink, edge (as of knife); a· ke·r va·y other bank, other side (of road). To. po·y mouth; po· neṟf- to fill to brim. Ka. bāy(i) mouth, mouth of a vessel, bag, drain, etc., head of a drum, edge of any cutting instrument. Koḍ. ba·y mouth. Tu. bāyi mouth, edge of a knife, sword, etc., opening, speech, utterance; ? bāmbelů a large mouth; crack, hole. Te. vāyi mouth, face, edge of any cutting instrument; vā-konu to speak, utter, say, cry out; vādara edge of sword; (K.) vāya blade, sharpness. Kol. i· bay this side or bank; a· bay that side or bank. Pa. (S.) vāy mouth of pot. Ga. (P.) vāy edge of knife; (Oll.) vāsi lip. Go. vāy (Ma. Ko.) edge of knife, (M.) sharp (Voc. 3224). Konḍa veyu (pl. veyku) mouth; (BB 1972) vepoṭi lip. Pe. vey mouth; vey-oṭi lip. Manḍ. vay mouth. Kur. baī mouth (of man and animal), aperture of a vessel, mouthful; baī-muī˜ the face. Br. bā mouth, aperture, edge of a knife.(DEDR 5352)

पश्यन्ती पश्यत् (अन्ती)n. seeing , beholding; paśyat पश्यत् a. (-न्ती f.) Seeing, perceiving, beholding, looking at, observing 

madhyama मध्यम a. [मध्ये भवः म] 1 Being or standing in the middle, middle, central; पितुः पदं मध्यममुत्पतन्ती V.1.19; मध्यमोपलम् Ki.9.2; so मध्यमलोकपालः, मध्यमपदम्, मध्यमरेखा q. q. v. v. -2 Intermediate, intervening; नाप्नोद्यो$यं मध्यमः प्राणस्तानि ज्ञातुं दध्रिरे Bṛi. Up.1.5.21. मध्यमा the womb (तैत्तिरीय-ब्राह्मण)

vaikharī वैखरी 1 Articulate utterance, production of sound; see Malli. on Ku.2.17. -2 The faculty of speech; वैखरी सर्ववद्यासु प्रशस्ता Narāyaṇapūrvatāpi. Up.5.8. -3 Speech in general. वैखरी speech in the fourth of its four stages from the first stirring of the air or breath, articulate utterance, that utterance of sounds or words which is complete as consisting of full and intelligible sentences.

पद a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some तद्धित(पाणिनि 1-4 , 14 &c); तद्धित (scil. प्रत्यय) an affix forming nouns from other nouns (opposed to 1. कृत्) , noun formed thus, derivative noun (तद्-धित mfn. " good for that or him " , is one of the meanings peculiar to derivative , nouns cf. मौदकिक &c ) (निरुक्त , by यास्क, प्रातिशाख्य, पाणिनि, शाङ्खायन-गृह्य-सूत्र, पारस्कर-गृह्य-सूत्र, गोभिल-श्राद्ध-कल्प ii , 8 , 15) (also अ--त्/अद्-धित neg. mfn. "having no तद्धित affix").

वाक्य a mode of expression;a periphrastic mode of expression (पाणिनि)
periphrastic: (of a case or tense) formed by a combination of words rather than by inflection (such as did go and of the people rather than went and the people's ).

स्फोट bursting , opening , expansion , disclosure (cf. नर्म-स्फ्°MBh. ; the eternal and imperceptible element of sounds and words and the real vehicle of the idea which bursts or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered (पतञ्जलि); स्फोटा shaking or waving the arms (मार्कण्डेय-पुराण)

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