This monograph posits that the expression म्लेच्छित विकल्प which describes the Indus Script is provided by Vātsyā one of the three arts taught to youth; the other two arts are: akṣara muṣṭika kathanam, deśabhāṣājnānam (messaging through wrist-finger gestures, knowledge of dialects).
Taking the example of spiny-horned young bull, the so-called 'unicorn', decipherment process is demonstrated using the underlying cipher. The rebus reading is खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull, a bullcalf' of खोडसाळ khōḍasāḷa 'metal workshop', ebus: खोंड khōṇḍa 'metal' of PLUS singi 'ornament gold'. Thus, the pictorial motif of 'unicorn' signifies ornament-gold,metal..The workshop is described by the standard device: kunda 'lathe' rebus: kunda 'fine gold' PLUS kammata 'portable furnace' rebus: kammata 'mint, coiner, coinage'.
The writing system related to the activities of खोडसाळ khōḍasāḷa 'metal workshop', exemplified by खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf.
I submit that Indus Script Cipher has defied decipherment for over 140 years since the first seal was found at Harappa before 1872 primarily because the orthography, semantics and pragmatics could not be successfully related to the parole, spoken language of the Sarasvati Civilization. Since the Indus Script inscriptions are documented in very small objects such as miniature tablets of Harappa of the size of a thumb-nail, विकल्पजाल, the net of hieroglyphs and hypertexts architecturted by ligatured hieroglyphs (e.g. composite animal or
Sign 418 which is composed a number of hieroglyphs such as water-carrier -- body fused like a fish, rude harrow, rim-of-jar and a small ingot shape). This विकल्पजाल 'a net of alternative combinations' renders the script to be a stunningly precise cipher, providing a medium to convey messages composed of spoken words and even expressions.
Many attempts at deciherment have floundered on pre-conceived assumptions of syllabic nature of the 'signs' (thus, ignoring the pictorial motifs which dominate the inscription space) and syntactic nature of messaging. Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyaya has demonstrated that the patterns realized from a review of the Indus Script Corpora indicates that the cipher cannot be syllabic but has to be lexemic, logographic or logosemantic. Most importantly, many decipherment claims have failed to realize that the pictorial motifs or field symbols such as 'unicorn' or 'one-spiny-horned young bull with pannier, rings on neck, heart-sign on the belly) are integral part of the cipher or messaging system and had to be deciphered using the underlying cipher of the writing-cum-messaging system signified by विकल्पजाल ..
First Indus Script seal discovered at Harappa before 1872
chanacchan छनच्छन् ind. An imitative sound, expressive of the noise of falling drops &c; छनच्छनिति बाष्पकणाः पतन्ति (छमच्छमिति v. l.)(Amarusataka.86)
विकल्प vi-kalpa alternative, option: combination, contrivance; variety; distinction (rare); indecision, hesitation, doubt; false notion, fancy: in. optionally: -gâla, n. number of possible cases; -kalpana, n., â, f. allowing an option; distinction; false notion or assumption; -kalpanîya, fp. to be ascertained; -kalpayitavya, fp. to be put as an alternative; -kalpa-vat, a. undecided, doubtful; -kalpa̮an-upapatti, f. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpa̮asaha, a. not standing the test of a dilemma: -tva, n. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpitatva, n. optionalness; -kalpin, a (hair) liable to be mistaken for (black Asoka flowers, --°); -kalpya, fp. to be distributed; -- calculated; -- chosen according to circumstances.
खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf.
This monograph posits that the expression म्लेच्छित विकल्प which describes the Indus Script is provided by Vātsyā one of the three arts taught to youth; the other two arts are: akṣara muṣṭika kathanam, deśabhāṣājnānam (messaging through wrist-finger gestures, knowledge of dialects).
Taking the example of spiny-horned young bull, the so-called 'unicorn', decipherment process is demonstrated using the underlying cipher. The rebus reading is खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull, a bullcalf' of खोडसाळ khōḍasāḷa 'metal workshop', ebus: खोंड khōṇḍa 'metal' of PLUS singi 'ornament gold'. Thus, the pictorial motif of 'unicorn' signifies ornament-gold,metal..The workshop is described by the standard device: kunda 'lathe' rebus: kunda 'fine gold' PLUS kammata 'portable furnace' rebus: kammata 'mint, coiner, coinage'.
The writing system related to the activities of खोडसाळ khōḍasāḷa 'metal workshop', exemplified by खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf.
I submit that Indus Script Cipher has defied decipherment for over 140 years since the first seal was found at Harappa before 1872 primarily because the orthography, semantics and pragmatics could not be successfully related to the parole, spoken language of the Sarasvati Civilization. Since the Indus Script inscriptions are documented in very small objects such as miniature tablets of Harappa of the size of a thumb-nail, विकल्पजाल, the net of hieroglyphs and hypertexts architecturted by ligatured hieroglyphs (e.g. composite animal or
This Sign 418 occurs on a Kalibangan terracotta two-sided tablet.
Kalibangan terracotta inscription K079
Many attempts at deciherment have floundered on pre-conceived assumptions of syllabic nature of the 'signs' (thus, ignoring the pictorial motifs which dominate the inscription space) and syntactic nature of messaging. Bahata Ansumali Mukhopadhyaya has demonstrated that the patterns realized from a review of the Indus Script Corpora indicates that the cipher cannot be syllabic but has to be lexemic, logographic or logosemantic. Most importantly, many decipherment claims have failed to realize that the pictorial motifs or field symbols such as 'unicorn' or 'one-spiny-horned young bull with pannier, rings on neck, heart-sign on the belly) are integral part of the cipher or messaging system and had to be deciphered using the underlying cipher of the writing-cum-messaging system signified by विकल्पजाल ..
म्लेच्छित mfn. = म्लिष्ट mfn. spoken indistinctly or barbarously (पाणिनि. 7-2 , 18)
विकल्पजाल n. a number of possible cases , dilemma(तैत्तिरीय-प्रातिशाख्य सर्वदर्शन-संग्रह Sāyaṇa) |
विकल्पजाल gets compounded by the spoken expressions used as cipher. In the traditions continuum of Sarasvati Civilization, म्लिष्ट is the nature of the spoken expressions. This म्लिष्ट signifies myriad pronunciation variants in many successor languages of the civilization which provide lexical and semantic evidences to match the hieroglyphs and hypertexts of the cipher.
म्लिष्ट nature is best exemplified by the most common messages seen on Indus Script Corpora. These common messages (with orthographic variants or विकल्पजाल) are:
1. Spiny-horned young bull (with orthographic emphasis on pannier on the shoulder, rings on neck, hear-shaped pictograph on belly)
2. Standard device (composite of lathe on top register, portable furnace on bottom register) carried on a flagstaff; at times, the bottom register portable furnace is ligatured with dotted circles and indicators of smoke emanating from the furnace)
3. Rim of jar (rim PLUS narrow-necked jar)
What do these three cyphertexts convey? How to derive the plaintexts of the spoken language of the civilization? This is the decipherment challenge.
The challenge is joined by identifying words and expressions evidenced on spoken forms of Ancient Indian languages. The spoken forms or parole bristles with pronunciation variants as demonstrated below with evidence of lexical entries of Indian sprachbund (language union) or linguistic area. The objective is to expand on Vātsyāyana's reference to deśabhāṣājnānam. to relate the म्लेच्छित, म्लिष्ट words or expressions or phrases to the hieroglyphs or विकल्पजाल |
This monograph focusses on tand provides the process of deciphering the ciphertext of spiny-horned young bull.
As has been demonstrated, the writing system's scribes evidence many orthographic tricks, exemplified by the semantics: खोडकर khōḍakara a (खोड q. v.) Mischievous, full of tricks and pranks.खोडसर khōḍasara a unc खोडसा a unc Mischievous &c. खोडाळ, खोडील, खोडेल, खोड्या, खोड्यारा, खोड्याळ khōḍāḷa, khōḍīla, khōḍēla, khōḍyā, khōḍyārā, khōḍyāḷa See खोडकर.खोडाळी khōḍāḷī f (खोडाळ) Mischievous or troublesome pranks or tricks.
The scribe is engaged in metal workshop: खोडसाळ khōḍasāḷa a Properly खोटसाळ.खोटसाळ khōṭasāḷa a (खोट & साळ from शाला) Alloyed--a metal.
Semantic determinatives of this word signifier for a bullcalf are the pannier on the bull's shoulder
2987 kāˊṁsya ʻ made of bell -- metal ʼ KātyŚr., n. ʻ bell -- metal ʼ Yājñ., ʻ cup of bell -- metal ʼ MBh., ˚aka -- n. ʻ bell -- metal ʼ. 2. *kāṁsiya -- . [kaṁsá -- 1 ]1. Pa. kaṁsa -- m. (?) ʻ bronze ʼ, Pk. kaṁsa -- , kāsa -- n. ʻ bell -- metal, drinking vessel, cymbal ʼ; L. (Jukes) kã̄jā adj. ʻ of metal ʼ, awāṇ. kāsā ʻ jar ʼ (← E with -- s -- , not ñj); N. kã̄so ʻ bronze, pewter, white metal ʼ, kas -- kuṭ ʻ metal alloy ʼ; A. kã̄h ʻ bell -- metal ʼ, B. kã̄sā, Or. kãsā, Bi. kã̄sā; Bhoj. kã̄s ʻ bell -- metal ʼ, kã̄sā ʻ base metal ʼ; H. kās, kã̄sā m. ʻ bell -- metal ʼ, G. kã̄sũ n., M. kã̄sẽ n.; Ko. kã̄śẽ n. ʻ bronze ʼ; Si. kasa ʻ bell -- metal ʼ.2. L. kã̄ihã̄ m. ʻ bell -- metal ʼ, P. kã̄ssī, kã̄sī f., H. kã̄sī f.*kāṁsyakara -- , kāṁsyakāra -- , *kāṁsyakuṇḍikā -- , kāṁsyatāla -- , *kāṁsyabhāṇḍa -- .Addenda: kāˊṁsya -- : A. kã̄h also ʻ gong ʼ, or < kaṁsá -- . 2988 *kāṁsyakara ʻ worker in bell -- metal ʼ. [See next: kāˊṁsya -- , kará -- 1 ]L. awāṇ. kasērā ʻ metal worker ʼ, P. kaserā m. ʻ worker in pewter ʼ (both ← E with -- s -- ); N. kasero ʻ maker of brass pots ʼ; Bi. H. kaserā m. ʻ worker in pewter ʼ. 2989 kāṁsyakāra m. ʻ worker in bell -- metal or brass ʼ Yājñ. com., kaṁsakāra -- m. BrahmavP. [kāˊṁsya -- , kāra -- 1 ]N. kasār ʻ maker of brass pots ʼ; A. kãhār ʻ worker in bell -- metal ʼ; B. kã̄sāri ʻ pewterer, brazier, coppersmith ʼ, Or. kãsārī; H. kasārī m. ʻ maker of brass pots ʼ; G. kãsārɔ, kas˚ m. ʻ coppersmith ʼ; M. kã̄sār, kās˚ m. ʻ worker in white metal ʼ, kāsārḍā m. ʻ contemptuous term for the same ʼ. 2990 *kāṁsyakuṇḍikā ʻ bell -- metal pot ʼ. [kāˊṁsya -- , kuṇḍa -- 1 ]N. kasaũṛi ʻ cooking pot ʼ. 2991 kāṁsyatāla m. ʻ cymbal ʼ Rājat. [kāˊṁsya -- , tāla -- 1 ]Pa. kaṁsatāla -- m. ʻ gong ʼ; Pk. kaṁsālā -- , ˚liyā -- f. ʻ cymbal ʼ, OB. kaśālā, Or. kãsāḷa; G. kã̄sāḷũ n. ʻ large bell -- metal cymbals ʼ with ã̄ after kã̄sũ ʻ bell -- metal ʼ; M. kã̄sāḷ f. ʻ large cymbal ʼ; -- Si. kastalaya ʻ metal gong ʼ (EGS 40) is Si. cmpd. or more prob. ← Pa. 2992 *kāṁsyabhāṇḍa ʻ bell -- metal pot ʼ. [kāˊṁsya -- , bhāṇḍa -- 1 ]Pa. kaṁsabhaṇḍa -- n. ʻ brass ware ʼ; M. kāsã̄ḍī, ˚sãḍī f. ʻ metal vessel of a partic. kind ʼ. ![]()
(Santali) शृङ्गिन् śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Horned. -2 Crested, peaked. -m.A bull; शङ्ग्यग्निदंष्ट्र्यसिजलद्विजकण्टकेभ्यः Bhāg.1.8.25.शिंगी śiṅgī f (Dim. of शिंग) A little blowing horn (as of the कानफाट्या गोसावी).
खोंडरूं khōṇḍarūṃ n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा-cowl. खोंडी khōṇḍī f An outspread shovelform sack (as formed temporarily out of a कांबळा, to hold or fend off grain, chaff &c.) See under खुंडी. खोंडा khōṇḍā m A कांबळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood. 2 fig. A hollow amidst hills; a deep or a dark and retiring spot; a dell.
In a remarkable orthographic frieze of a marble narrativeof Mari, the young-bull with a spiny, one horn is held on a flagstaff of holcus sorghum.खोंड khōṇḍa, खुंडी which is a variety of holcus sorghum, a semantic determinative of the word signifier खोंड khōṇḍa for a bullcalf
The rein on top of the flagstaff which is the platform for the one-spiny-horned young bull is:
káśā f. ʻwhipʼ RV., ʻ rein ʼ Śiś., ʻstringʼ lex., kaśa -- m. ʻ whip, thong ʼ MBh.
Pa. kasā -- f. ʻ whip ʼ; Pk. kasā -- f., ˚sa -- m., ˚siā -- f., ˚sia -- n. ʻ whip, thong ʼ; Or. kasa ʻ rope ʼ; H. kasī, ˚saī, ˚seī, kesaī f. ʻ rope used in land measurement ʼ; OMarw. kasa ʻ string ʼ; G. kas ʻ tape of a bodice ʼ; M. kasā m. ʻ cord, tie of a garment ʼ; Si. kasaya, ˚se ʻ whip ʼ. -- Deriv.: Or. kasibā ʻ to whip ʼ; -- OMarw. kasaï ʻ binds, harnesses ʼ, M. kasṇẽ ʻ to bind tightly with a cord ʼ(CDIAL 2965)
Pa. kasā -- f. ʻ whip ʼ; Pk. kasā -- f., ˚sa -- m., ˚siā -- f., ˚sia -- n. ʻ whip, thong ʼ; Or. kasa ʻ rope ʼ; H. kasī, ˚saī, ˚seī, kesaī f. ʻ rope used in land measurement ʼ; OMarw. kasa ʻ string ʼ; G. kas ʻ tape of a bodice ʼ; M. kasā m. ʻ cord, tie of a garment ʼ; Si. kasaya, ˚se ʻ whip ʼ. -- Deriv.: Or. kasibā ʻ to whip ʼ; -- OMarw. kasaï ʻ binds, harnesses ʼ, M. kasṇẽ ʻ to bind tightly with a cord ʼ(CDIAL 2965)
kas 'rein' rebus: G.kãsārɔ, kas m. ʻcoppersmith'. Thus, the orthography of the pictorial narratives on Mari procession signify a L. awāṇ. kasērā ʻ metal worker ʼ, P. kaserā m. ʻ worker in pewter ʼ (both ← E with -- s -- ); N. kasero ʻ maker of brass pots ʼ; Bi. H. kaserā m. ʻ worker in pewter ʼ.

खोंड khōṇḍa A variety of जोंधळा. खोंडा khōṇḍā (also खोंडी & खोंडें) A variety of जोंधळा. खोंडें khōṇḍēṃ n A description of जोंधळा. It is grown in the hot weather on garden-land. जोंधळा (p. 187) jōndhaḷā m A cereal plant or its grain, Holcus sorghum. Eight varieties are reckoned, viz. उता- वळी, निळवा, शाळू, रातडी, पिवळा जोंधळा, खुंडी, काळबोंडी जोंधळा, दूध मोगरा . There are however many others as केळी, अरगडी, डुकरी, बेंदरी, मडगूप etc. (Marathi)
Why is the young bull decorated with a spiny horn,making it look like a 'unicorn'?
While the word kunda 'fine gold' sounds like a homonym (similar sounding word) of खोड in खोडसाळ 'metal workshop', the spiny horn signifies rebus:
Rebus: शृङ्गिः śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments.
शिंग śiṅga n (शृंग S) A horn. Pr. म्हशीचीं शिंगें म्हशीस जड नाहींत. 2 A horn or cornet. शिंगावर घेणें To oppose or meet (a trouble or an evil) manfully; to battle with; furcâ expellere. Ex. आलें अंगावर घेतलें शिंगावर. शिंगें मोडून वासरांत शिरणें To behave or act childishly. 2 To conceal one's knowledge and simulate the simplicity of childhood. शिंगट śiṅgaṭa n (A contemptuous form of शिंग) A horn of a dead beast, a broken horn &c. 2 A horn filled with gunpowder; to be exploded. शिंगटणें śiṅgaṭaṇēṃ v c (शिंग) To toss, gore, or strike with the horns. शिंगाळ śiṅgāḷa a C (शिंग) That has a trick of butting--a bullock &c. 2 fig. Used of a fellow mischievous or troublesome to all around him; a general pest. 3 That has large or long horns. शिंगाळणें śiṅgāḷaṇēṃ v c (शिंगाळ) To toss, gore, or strike with the horns. शिंगाळू śiṅgāḷū a (शिंग) Of shotten or sprouted horns--a young ram, buck &c. 2 Given to butting. 3 Having large or long horns.