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Wealth classifier hypertexts. What do Harappa miniature tablets signify through their messages? Metallurgy of kasērā ʻmetal workerʼ

" Sign sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'. Sign 123  signifies kuṭi'a slice, a bit, a small piece'(Santali) Rebus: kuṭhi 'iron smelter furnace' (Santali) kuṭhī factory (Assamese)

These two signs associated with specific hieroglyphs of the script yield hypertexts are wealth classifier hypertexts.

Sign 123  and Sign "Sign 99 are uniquely associated with specific signs of Indus Script Corpora. These associates signs relate to metalwork in smelters or metal workshops by smiths, metalwork artisans and lapidaries -- signs such as .

"Bell-metal workshop.
"Goldsmith workshop

Sign 287 or Sign 287 or 293 which signifies kuṭila 'bell-metal' ( Smelter for...)
 Sign 216 dhatu 'mineral ore' (Smelter for...)

 dhatu 'mineral ore' (Smelter for...)
 Sign 391 arka 'gold, copper' (Smelter for...)

Hieroglyph: Pupil of eye: Ma. kuṭṭi pupil of eye; Ta. kuṭṭam smallness; young of a monkey; kuṭṭaṉ laddie, lassie, as a term of endearment; kid or lamb; kuṭṭi young of a dog, pig, tiger, etc.; little girl; smallness; kuṭṭai shortness, dwarfishness; kuṭṭ-ēṟu a small bull; kuṇṭai shortness, that which is short and stout. Ma. kuṭṭan boy, lamb, calf; kuṭṭi young of any animal, child (chiefly girl) (DEDR 1670) Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'

Sign 293 is a hypertext composed of 'curve' and 'pupil of eye' hieroglyphs: Curve is signified by kuṭi 'curve'; rebus: कुटिल kuṭila, katthīl (8 parts copper, 2 parts tin); cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass' Old English ār 'brass'; Pupil of eye is kuṭi rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. Thus, Sign 293 signifies smelter for कुटिल kuṭila, katthī 'brass'. This Sign 293 is followed by Sign 123  which signifies smelter (as a semantic determinative):

I submit that the hieroglyphs which are associated with "are wealth classifiers. Each of these wealth classifiers included on Indus Script phrases are descriptors of artisanal/metallurgical/lapidary processes of guild workshops involved in creating wealth.
Sign 296 is a variant ofSign 287 'curve' hieroglyph and 'angle' hieroglyph (as seen on lozenge/rhombus/ovalshaped hieroglyphs). The basic orthograph of Sign 287 is signifiedby the semantics of: kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ.(CDIAL 2984) कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥ कौटिलिकः 1 A hunter.-2 A blacksmith. Sign 293 may be seen as a duplication (dula 'pair' rebus; dul 'metal casting') of Sign 287  The reading of Sign 293 is thus: dul kuṭila  metal casting of 'pewter'.

 (Thanks to Behata Ansumati Mukhopadhyay for these clustered images from the Indus Script Corpora.
 Smelter  Sign 123 signifies kuṭi 'a slice, a bit, a small piece'(Santali) Rebus: kuṭhi'iron smelter furnace' (Santali) kuṭhī factory (Assamese)(CDIAL 3546) Thus, Sign 123 is a semantic determinative of the associated Sign293  which signifies pupil of the eye: kuṭṭi pupil of eye rebus: kuṭhi 'iron smelter furnace' (Santali) kuṭhī factory (Assamese)

Smelter  Sign 123 is also associated with Sign 216 pincers hieroglyph and variants:

ḍato 'claws or pincers (chelae) of crabs'; rebus: dhatu 'mineral.

 Thus, the pair of signs Sign 123 and Sign 216 signify dhatu kuṭi , 'mineral ore smelter'.

Similarly,  the pair of signs Sign 123 and Sign 391 signify arka kuṭi 'smelter of goldsmith workshop' (portable crucible used also to process crucible steel).

The word which signifies Sign 391 spoked or potter's wheel is cognate with:
   څرخ ṯs̱arḵẖ, s.m. (2nd) A wheel (particularly a potter's, or of a water-mill or well). 2. A grindstone. 3. Circular motion, turn, revolution, the act of turning. 4. Fortune, chance. 5. The heavens, the sphere, the celestial globe. 6. A kind of hawk or falcon, an eagle. 7. A stab, a puncture, a prick, a wound produced by a spear, an arrow, or the like. Pl. څرخرنه ṯs̱arḵẖ-ūnah; 8. adj. Punctured, pricked, pierced, stabbed; (Fem.) څرکه ṯs̱arkaʿhڅرخیدل ṯs̱arḵẖedal, verb intrans. To revolve, to turn round, to wheel. 2. To dance. Pres. څرخبږي ṯs̱arḵẖej̱ẕī (W.) or څرخیګي ṯs̱arḵẖegī (E.); past ؤ څرخیده wu-ṯs̱arḵẖedah or ؤ څرخیدَ wu-ṯs̱arḵẖeda; fut. ؤ به څرخیږي wu bah ṯs̱arḵẖej̱ẕī or ؤ به څرخیګي wu bah ṯs̱arḵẖegī; imp. ؤ څرخیږه wu-ṯs̱arḵẖej̱ẕah or ؤ څرخیګه wu-ṯs̱arḵẖegah; act. part. څرخیدونکيَ ṯs̱arḵẖedūnkaey
 or څرخیدونيَ ṯs̱arḵẖedūnaey; past part. څرخید ليَ ṯs̱arḵẖedalaey; verb. n. څرخیدنه ṯs̱arḵẖedanaʿh. څرخول ṯs̱arḵẖawul, verb trans. To turn, to make revolve, to wheel round. 2. To sharpen. Pres. څرخوي ṯs̱arḵẖawī; past ؤ څرخاوه wu-ṯs̱arḵẖāwuh or ؤ څرخاوو wu-ṯs̱arḵẖāwo; fut. ؤ به څرخوي wu bah ṯs̱arḵẖawī; imp. ؤ څرخوه wu-ṯs̱arḵẖawah; act. part. څرخوونکيَ ṯs̱arḵẖawūnkaey orڅرخوونيَ ṯs̱arḵẖawūnaey;
 past part. څرخوليَ ṯs̱arḵẖawulaey; verb. n. څرخونه ṯs̱arḵẖawunaʿh. (P چرخ). څرخ کول ṯs̱arḵẖ kawul, verb trans. To pierce, to stab, to puncture. څرخ کیدل ṯs̱arḵẖ kedal, verb intrans. To enter (as a pointed instrument), to penetrate, to stab, to pierce.    څرخه ṯs̱arḵẖaʿh, s.f. (3rd) A spinning-wheel, a large reel. Pl. يْ ey. (P چرخه). 

arka'gold, copper'; arka'sun'

Smelter  Sign 123 is also associated with Sign 137 or Sign 149 and variants which signify mineral ore; thus, the pair of signs Sign 123 and Sign 137 or Sign 149 signify mineral ore smelter:

dã̄ṭu = cross over; daṭ- (da.ṭ-t-) to cross (Kol.)(DEDR 3158) Rebus: dhātu ‘mineral’; rebus: dhatu = a mineral, metal (Santali)   

Ta. koṭiṟu pincers. Ma. koṭil tongs. Ko. koṛ hook of tongs. / Cf. Skt. (P. 4.4.18) kuṭilikā- smith's tongs.(DEDR 2052)

FS 72 Fig. 108 Chanhudaro seal. Person kneeling under a tree facing a tiger[Chanhudaro Excavations, Pl. LI, 18] 6118  Seal T-A-T ID 1743

Decipherment of Chanhudaro seal

Kneeling adorant: భక్తుడు. 'adorant, worshipper' rebus:  బత్తుడు battuḍu The caste title of all the five castes of artificers as వడ్లబత్తుడు a carpenter. కడుపుబత్తుడు one who makes a god of his belly. L. xvi. 230.  Five categories of artificers: పాంచాలము pāñcālamu pānchālamu. [Skt.] पंचाळ  pañcāḷa m (पांचाल S q. v.) A common term for five castes--सोनार, सुतार, लोहार, कांसार, पाथरवट. These all wear the जानवें.  (Marathi) பஞ்சகம்மாளர் pañca-kammāḷarn. < pañcantaṭṭāṉ, kaṉṉāṉ, ciṟpaṉ, taccaṉ, kollaṉதட்டான், கன்னான், சிற்பன், தச்சன் கொல்லன் என்ற ஐவகைப் பட்ட கம்மாளர். (சங். அக.) அஞ்சுபஞ்சலத்தார் añcu-pañcalattār, n. < அஞ்சு + பஞ்சாளத்தார். Pañca-kammāḷar, the five artisan classes; பஞ்சகம்மாளர். (I. M. P. Cg. 371.) Rebus:phaḍa फड 'manufactory, company, guild' 
Feeding trough in front of cattle (even wild animals)  pattar 'feeding trough' rebus: pattar, బత్తుడు battuḍu 'a guild, title of goldsmiths'. Ta. paṭṭai painted stripe (as on a temple wall), piebald colour, dapple.Ma. paṭṭa stripe. Ka. paṭṭe, paṭṭi id. Koḍ. paṭṭe striped or spotted (as tiger or leopard); paṭṭati n.pr. of dappled cow. Tu. paṭṭè stripe. Te. paṭṭe stripe or streak of paint; paḍita stripe, streak, wale.(DEDR 3877) Ta. pātti bathing tub, watering trough or basin, spout, drain; pattal wooden bucket; pattar id., wooden trough for feeding animals. Ka. pāti basin for water round the foot of a tree. Tu. pāti trough or bathing tub, spout, drain. Te. pādi, pādu basin for water round the foot of a tree(DEDR 4079)

Rebus 1: pāṭaṇ maritime town, port: పట్ర paṭra paṭra. [Tel.] n. A village, a hamlet. పల్లెపట్ర villages and hamlets. H. iv. 108. paṭṭana n. ʻ town ʼ Kauṭ., °nī -- f. lex. 2. páttana -- n. MBh. [Prob. ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 383 and EWA ii 192 with ṭṭ replaced by IA. tt. But its specific meaning as ʻ ferry ʼ in S. L. P. B. H. does lend support to its derivation by R. A. Hall in Language 12, 133 from *partana -- (√pr̥ ~ Lat. portus, &c.). Poss. MIA. pattana -- , paṭṭana -- ʻ *ferry ʼ has collided with Drav. loanword for ʻ town ʼ] 1. Pa. paṭṭana -- n. ʻ city ʼ, °aka -- n. ʻ a kind of village ʼ; Pk. paṭṭaṇa -- n. ʻ city ʼ; K. paṭan m. ʻ quarter of a town, name of a village 14 miles NW of Śrinagar ʼ; N. pāṭan ʻ name of a town in the Nepal Valley ʼ; B. pāṭan ʻ town, market ʼ; Or. pā̆ṭaṇā°anā ʻ town, village, hamlet on outskirts of a big village ʼ; Bi. paṭnā ʻ name of a town ʼ; H. pāṭan m. ʻ town ʼ, G. pāṭaṇ n.; M. pāṭaṇ ʻ name of a town ʼ; Si. paṭuna ʻ town ʼ. -- Pa. paṭṭana -- n. ʻ harbour, port ʼ, Pk. paṭṭaṇa -- n.; H. paṭnīpā̆ṭaunīpāṭūnī m. ʻ ferryman ʼ; Si. paṭuna ʻ harbour, seaport ʼ.2. Pk. pattaṇa -- n. ʻ town ʼ, Si. patana. -- S. pataṇu m. ʻ ferry ʼ (whence pātaṇī m. ʻ ferryman ʼ, f. ʻ ferry boat ʼ); L. pattan, (Ju.) pataṇ m. ʻ ferry ʼ; P. pattaṇ ʻ ferry, landing -- place ʼ, pattaṇī°tuṇī m. ʻ ferryman, one who lives near a ferry ʼ; B. pātanī ʻ ferryman ʼ.(CDIAL 7705)

maṇḍi 'kneeling position' Rebus: maṇḍā 'warehouse, workshop' (Konkani) māa'shrine; mandil 'temple' (Santali).

kola, kolum = a jackal (G.) kolhuyo (Dh.Des.); kulho, kolhuo (Hem.Des.); kroṣṭṛ (Skt.) kul seren = the tiger’s son, a species of lizard (Santali) kolo, koleā jackal (Kon.lex.) Rebus: kol metal (Ta.) kol = pan~calokam (five metals) (Ta.lex.) kol = pan~calokam (five metals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha =  a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Man:garāja’s Nighan.t.u. 498)(Ka.) kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kol = kollan-, kamma_l.an- (blacksmith or smith in general)(Ta.lex.) kollar = those who guard the treasure (Ta.lex.) cf. golla (Telugu) khol, kholi_ = a metal covering; a loose covering of metal or cloth (G.) [The semant. expansions to kollāpuri or kolhāpur and also to 'kollāppan.t.i' a type of cart have to be investigated further]. kol ‘working in iron, blacksmith (Ta.); kollan- 
blacksmith (Ta.);kollan blacksmith, artificer (Ma.)(DEDR 2133)

dã̄ṭu = cross over; daṭ- (da.ṭ-t-) to cross (Kol.)(DEDR 3158) Rebus: dhātu ‘mineral’; rebus: dhatu = a mineral, metal (Santali)   

gaṇḍe ‘to place at a right angle to something else, cross, transverse’; gaṇḍ gaṇḍ
‘across, at right angles, transversely’ (Santali) [Note: A slanted line Lahn.d.a writing of accounts connotes a quarter; a straight line connotes ‘one’.] Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) kāṇḍa ‘iron’ as in ayaskāṇḍa ‘excellent iron’ (Pan.Skt.) kolmo ‘three’ (Mu.); rebus: kolimi ‘smithy’ (Te.)

kuṭī 'tree', 'water carrier' (Semantic determinative) rebus: kuṭhī 'smelter'

The evidence relates to the semantics of worker in wood and iron. He is called बढई bahī.


बढई bahī m ( H) A carpenter. (Marathi)  పట్టడ paṭṭaa paṭṭau. [Tel.] n. A smithy, a shop. కుమ్మరి వడ్లంగి మొదలగువారు పనిచేయు చోటువడ్రంగివడ్లంగి,వడ్లవాడు varagi, valagi, valavāu or వడ్లబత్తుడు varangi. [Tel.] n. A carpenter. వడ్రంగమువడ్లపనివడ్రము or వడ్లంగితనము varangamu. n. The trade of a carpenter. వడ్లవానివృత్తివడ్రంగిపనివడ్రంగిపిట్ట or వడ్లంగిపిట్ట varangi-piṭṭa. n. A woodpecker. దార్వాఘాటమువడ్లకంకణము vala-kankaamu. n. A curlew. ఉల్లంకులలో భేదమువడ్లత or వడ్లది valata. n. A woman of the carpenter caste. vardhaki m. ʻ carpenter ʼ MBh. [√vardh] Pa. vaḍḍhaki -- m. ʻ carpenter, building mason ʼ; Pk. vaḍḍhaï -- m. ʻ carpenter ʼ, °aïa -- m. ʻ shoemaker ʼ; WPah. jaun. hōī ʻ carpenter ʼ, (Joshi) hi m., N. bahaïbaahi, A. bārai, B. °ui, Or. bahaï°hāi, (Gajād) hoi, Bi. baahī, Bhoj. H. bahaī m., M. hāyā m., Si. vau -- vā.*vārdhaka -- .Addenda: vardhaki -- : WPah.kg. ḍḍhi m. ʻ carpenter ʼ; kg. he\ihi, kc. bahe  H. beside genuine ḍḍhi Him.I 135), J. hi, Garh. bahai, A. also hai AFD 94; Md. vaīnvain pl.(CDIAL 11375)  

" Sign sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'.
"Bell-metal workshop. 
"Goldsmith workshop

-- Indus Script messages are phrases of metal-, lapidary-work wealth-accounting ledgers

-- Clusters of Indus Script inscriptions presented by Bahata Ansumati Mukhopadhyay (2019) deciphered as metal-, lapidary-work wealth-accounting ledgers;

-- Bahata Ansumati says Indus Script is logographic NOT syllabic. My 1700+ monographs demonstrate hundreds of evidences for this conclusion:


-- Harappa miniature tablets signify the message bharat gaṇḍa kaṇḍa kanka 
kharada 'scribe's daybook of bharat gaṇḍa 
-- copper-zin-tin alloy equipment'
-- processed on the follwing types of furnaces:

 || 'metalcasting furnace'||| 'smithy furnace'|||| 'equipment furnace'

Image result for bharatkalyan97 currycomb Seal excavated in 2009 at Kanmer in the Kutch. 
khareḍo = a currycomb (Gujarati) खरारा [ kharārā ] m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. (Marathi) Rebus: 1. करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 2. kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati)Seal m 290 Mohenjo-daroIndus Script epigraph deciphered: kol 'working in iron' + pattar 'goldsmith guild' + ṭāṅka ʻleg, thighʼ (Oriya) PLUS khar 'ass, onager' (Kashmiri) PLUS  kharedo = a currycomb (Gujarati) deciphered as: ṭaṅka 'mint' PLUS khār खार् 'blacksmith' PLUS kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati) Tiger PLUS (trough -- broken seal): kola 'tiger' Rebus; kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' kole.l 'smithy, temple' kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS pattar 'trough' Rebus: pattar 'guild of goldsmiths'.

ṭaṅkaśālā -- , ṭaṅkakaś˚ f. ʻ mint ʼ lex. [ṭaṅka -- 1, śāˊlā -- ]N. ṭaksāl˚ār, B. ṭāksālṭã̄k˚ṭek˚, Bhoj. ṭaksār, H. ṭaksāl˚ār f., G. ṭãksāḷ f., M. ṭã̄ksālṭāk˚ṭãk˚ṭak˚. -- Deriv. G. ṭaksāḷī m. ʻ mint -- master ʼ, M. ṭāksāḷyā m.Addenda: ṭaṅkaśālā -- : Brj. ṭaksāḷī, ˚sārī m. ʻ mint -- master ʼ.(CDIAL 3424)  टंकशाला   ṭaṅkaśālā f (S) pop. टंकसाळ or टकसाळ f A mint. टंकसाळचा फुटका or फुटलेला   ṭaṅkasāḷacā phuṭakā or phuṭalēlā a (Broken in the mint.) Spoiled or mutilated in birth, or in the parents' home, or in early training &c. The phrase is from H. टंकसाळ्या   ṭaṅkasāḷyā a (टंकसाळ) Epithet of that सोनार or goldsmith who is employed in coining: opp. to अंगसाळ्या. 2 A person generally employed at the mint. (Marathi)

What do Harappa miniature tablets signify through their messages?

The miniature tablets are wealth-accounting daybooks The kharada खरडें daybooks render bharata kanda kanka 'bharata copper-zinc-tin alloy equipment scribal accounst':

Sign 176Hieroglyph: currycomb: खरारा   kharārā m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. ख0 खाजवीत नगारा वाजवीत-येतो-फिरतो &c. Used of a low vagabond or idler.(Marathi)

Rebus: wealth-accounting ledgers -- kharada खरडें 'daybooks' Hieroglyph: Currycomb, scraper: khareḍo 'a currycomb' (Gujarati); खरड्या   kharaḍyā a (खरडणें) That writes or shaves rudely and roughly; a mere quill-driver; a very scraper. khareḍo = a currycomb (Gujarati) खरारा [ kharārā ] m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. (Marathi) Rebus: 1. करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 2. kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati) Rebus: करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi). 

Common inscriptions on Indus Script seals which occur on more than one site (After Fig. 4 in Behata Ansumati's article 


This is a remarkable demonstration by Behata of the unity of parole (spoken language) and/or writing system in vogue in Sarasvati Civilization. It is certainly evident that these sites had interactions using the writing system to document some important life-activity.


7097 karã̄ n. pl.wristlets, banglesRebus: khãr 'blacksmith, ironsmith' PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

6128 ranku 'liquid measure' rebus: ranku 'tin ore' PLUS kūdī 'bunch of twigs' (Sanskrit) Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter furnace' (Santali) .PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

 6226 PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

1366 PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

7100 PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

  Metal-/lapidary-artisanal products from blazing heat furnace under the charge of steersman.

2364 m0810  Sign 328 baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus:bhaṭa ‘furnace’.baṭa 'iron'. Thus, iron furnace PLUS lid hieroglyph: *ḍhakk ʻ cover ʼ. 2. *ḍhaṅk -- . [Cf. ḍhakkana -- n. ʻ shutting ʼ Śīl.]
1. Pk. ḍhakkaï ʻ shuts ʼ; S. ḍhakaṇu ʻ to cover ʼ; L. ḍhakkaṇ ʻ to imprison ʼ; P. ḍhakkṇā ʻ to cover ʼ, Ku. ḍhakṇo, N. ḍhāknu, A. ḍhākiba, B. ḍhākā, Bhoj. ḍhākal, OMarw. ḍhakaï; -- Pk. ḍhakkiṇī -- f. ʻ lid ʼ, S. ḍhakkaṇī f., P. ḍhakṇā m., ˚ṇī f., WPah. bhad. ḍhakkaṇ n., Ku. ḍhākaṇ, N. ḍhakni, A. ḍhākni, B. ḍhākanḍhāknā˚ni; Bi. ḍhaknā ʻ cover of grain -- pot ʼ, Mth. ḍhākni; Bhoj. ḍhaknī ʻ lid ʼ. -- Poss. K. ḍākürü f. ʻ wide shallow basket ʼ; N. ḍhāki ʻ basket ʼ, ḍhākar ʻ a kind of large basket ʼ; Bi. mag. ḍhākā ʻ large open basket ʼ; -- P. ḍhakkā m. ʻ pass between two hills ʼ.2. Pk. ḍhaṁkissaï ʻ will cover ʼ; Kho. (Lor.) ḍaṅgeik ʻ to cover, shut, bury ʼ; Phal. ḍhaṅg -- ʻ to bury ʼ; Or. ḍhaṅkibā ʻ to cover ʼ, H. ḍhã̄knā, Marw. ḍhã̄kṇo, G. ḍhã̄kvũ, M. ḍhã̄kṇẽ; -- Pk. ḍhaṁkaṇa -- n., ˚ṇī -- f. ʻ cover, lid ʼ, Or. ḍhāṅkuṇi, H. ḍhãknī f., G. ḍhã̄kṇũ n., ˚ṇī f., M. ḍhã̄kaṇ n., ḍhã̄kṇī f.(CDIAL 5574) Rebus: *dhagg ʻ throb, glitter ʼ. [Cf. dhagiti ʻ at once ʼ Kād., dhagad -- dhagiti ʻ crack! ʼ HPariś., and *ḍag -- 1]Pk. dhagadhagaï ʻ flares ʼ, dhagadhaggamāṇa -- , dhaggīkaya -- ʻ blazing ʼ; H. dhagdhagānā ʻ to throb, glitter ʼ; G. dhagdhagvũ ʻ to burn fiercely ʼ; M. dhagdhagṇẽ ʻ id., to beat (of heart) ʼ; -- S. dhakdhaki f. ʻ palpitation ʼ; N. dhakāunu ʻ to pant ʼ; B. dhak ʻ sudden blaze ʼ, dhakdhakāna ʻ to throb, glitter ʼ; Or. dhaka ʻ blaze ʼ, dhakadhaka ʻ throbbing, blazing ʼ; H. dhakdhakānādhadhaknā ʻ to blaze ʼ, G. dhakdhakvũ; M. dhakdhakṇẽ ʻ to palpitate ʼ.*dhaṅga -- ʻ defective ʼ see *ḍagga -- 2.
Addenda: *dhagg -- : Ko. dhaggu ʻ heat ʼ, dhagdhagu ʻ blazing heat ʼ.PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

1217 Seal with one-horned young bull mūhā mẽṛhẽt kolimi PLUS kunda singi 'finegold, ornament gold'PLUS konda 'fire-altar' kundakara m. ʻ turner ʼ W. [Cf. *cundakāra -- : kunda -- 1, kará -- 1]A. kundār, B. kũdār˚ri, Or. kundāru; H. kũderā m. ʻ one who works a lathe, one who scrapes ʼ, ˚rī f., kũdernā ʻ to scrape, plane, round on a lathe ʼ(CDIAL 3297) PLUS 

mūhā mẽṛhẽt kolimi = Smithy/forge (in which) iron is smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) 

PLUS Sign 342 = kanda kanka

1279 Seal with one-horned young bull kasērā ʻmetal workerʼ PLUS कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman' PLUS  kunda singi 'finegold, ornament gold' PLUS konda 'fire-altar' kundakara m. ʻ turner ʼ W. [Cf. *cundakāra -- : kunda -- 1, kará -- 1]A. kundār, B. kũdār˚ri, Or. kundāru; H. kũderā m. ʻ one who works a lathe, one who scrapes ʼ, ˚rī f., kũdernā ʻ to scrape, plane, round on a lathe ʼ(CDIAL 3297) PLUS Sign48 = bharata (copper-zinc-tin alloy)

Sign 342 = kanda kanka


Sign48 = bharata (copper-zinc-tin alloy)

Sign 342 = kanda kanka

I submit that the Harappa miniature tablets are documentation of wealth-accounting ledgers (kharada खरडें daybooks) from three segments of metallurgical operations. The three segments are:

 || 'metalcasting furnace'
||| 'smithy furnace'
|||| 'equipment furnace'

1. metalcasting furnace; 2. smithy furnace; and 3. equipment furnace


At times 'rim-of-jar' hieroglyph is further elucidated by the addition of the 'currycomb' hieroglyph to signify: kharada खरडें daybook (wealth acounting classification ledger).

Thus, Sign 342-Sign176 pair is read rebus as: kaṇḍa kanka kharada खरडें daybook OR 'scribe's daybook'. The qualifier of this phrase 'scribe's daybook' is: the backbone hieroglyph with four short strokes Sign 46. This Sign 46 is read rebus as: bharat gaṇḍa 'copper-zinc-tin alloy equipment'.

 The phrase composed by Sign 48-Sign342-Sign176 is

Segment 1: bharat gaṇḍa, 'bharat (copper-zinc-tin) alloy equipment'
Segment 2: kaṇḍa kanka kharada, 'scribe's daybook'.

Together, the three-hieroglyph segment on miniature tablet reads:  bharat gaṇḍa kaṇḍa kanka kharada 'scribe's daybook of bharat gaṇḍa -- copper-zin-tin alloy equipment'

Decipherment of three miniature tablets of Harappa:

Backbone, rib cage

Sign 48. kaśēru ‘the backbone’ (Bengali. Skt.); kaśēruka id. (Skt.) Rebus: kasērāʻmetal workerʼ (Lahnda)(CDIAL 2988, 2989) Spine, rib-cage: A comparable glyptic representation is on a seal published by Omananda Saraswati. In Pl. 275: Omananda Saraswati 1975. Ancient Seals of Haryana (in Hindi). Rohtak.” (I. Mahadevan, 'Murukan' in the Indus Script, The Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies, March 1999). B.B. Lal, 1960. From Megalithic to the Harappa: Tracing back the graffiti on pottery. Ancient India, No.16, pp. 4-24. baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat 'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi) bhārata,'a factitious alloy of pewter, copper, tin'. 
Hieroglyphs: backbone + four short strokes

Signs 47, 48: baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi) +

gaṇḍa ‘four’ Rebus: kaṇḍ ‘fire-altar’. Thus, Sign 48 reads rebus: bharat kaṇḍ ‘fire-altar’, furnace for mixed alloy called bharat (copper, zinc, tin alloy),

‘Backbone, spine’ hieroglyph: baraḍo = spine; backbone; the back; baraḍo thābaḍavo = lit. to strike on the backbone or back; hence, to encourage; baraḍo bhāre thato = lit. to have a painful backbone, i.e. to do something which will call for a severe beating (Gujarati)bārṇe, bāraṇe = an offering of food to a demon; a meal after fasting, a breakfast (Tulu) barada, barda, birada = a vow (Gujarati)bharaḍo a devotee of S’iva; a man of the bharaḍā caste in the bra_hman.as (Gujarati) baraṛ = name of a caste of jat- around Bhaṭiṇḍa; bararaṇḍā melā = a special fair held in spring (Punjabi) bharāḍ = a religious service or entertainment performed by a bharāḍi_; consisting of singing the praises of some idol or god with playing on the d.aur (drum) and dancing; an order of aṭharā akhād.e = 18 gosāyi_ group; bharād. and bhāratī are two of the 18 orders of gosāyi_ (Marathi).

Rimless pot Sign 328

Sign 328 baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus:bhaṭa ‘furnace’.baṭa 'iron'. Thus, iron furnace.

Ligatures: Worshipper + rimless pot + scarf (on pigtail)

Signs 45, 46: A variant of ‘adorant’ hieroglyph sign is shown with a ‘rimless, broad-mouthed pot’ which is baṭa read rebus:bhaṭa ‘furnace’. If the ‘pot’ ligature is a phonetic determinant, the gloss for the ‘adorant’ is bhaṭa ‘worshipper’. If the ‘kneeling’ posture is the key hieroglyphic representation, the gloss is eragu ‘bow’ Rebus: erako ‘moltencast copper’. Thus moltencast copper furnace. + dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu) m. ‘scarf’ (Western Pahari) (CDIAL 6707) Rebus: dhatu ‘minerals’ (Santali). Thus Sign 46 read rebus: moltencast copper minerals furnace.

|| Two linear strokes hieroglyph: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS :bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, metalcasting furnace.

|||Three linear strokes hieroglyph: kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, smithy furnace .

|||| gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: kaṇḍa 'equipment PLUS PLUS bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, equipment (from) furnace .

Thus, the three miniature tablets of Harappa are: scribe's daybooks of 1) equipment from furnace; 2) smithy furnace; and 3)metalcasting furnace.

bharat gaṇḍa kaṇḍa kanka kharada 'scribe's daybook of bharat gaṇḍa -- copper-zin-tin alloy equipment' FROM 

1) bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, metalcasting furnace.
2) gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: kaṇḍa 'equipment PLUS PLUS bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, equipment (from) furnace .

3) kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS bhaṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: :baṭa 'iron' :bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, smithy furnace 

m1202 Seal


Rebus reading of plain text: ṭhaṭṭha brass PLUS dul mũhã̄ khār koḍ 'metal casting ingot blacksmith' PLUS me koḍ 'iron workshop'. Thus, brass, iron workshop of blacksmith for producing metalcasting ingots.

||||| Hieroglyph: Five linear strokes: taṭṭal'five' Rebus: ṭhaṭṭha brass; 

Sign 408 karã'wristlets' rebus:khā'blacksmith PLUS koDa 'one'

rebus: koD 'workshop'. Alternative, semantic determinative:  mũhã̄ 'bun ingot PLUS dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'; khā'blacksmith PLUS

koḍ 'workshop'.Thus, brass ingot blacksmith metal casting workshop.

Sign 25 Ma. ṭaṅkam mace. Ka. ṭaṅke, ḍaṅke, ḍaṅgi, ḍaṅge staff, cudgel, etc. (DEDR 2940) PLUS meD 'body' rebus: meD 'iron'. Thus, the mace or staff carried by the standing person identifies him to be a worker in  ṭaṅka  Thus, Sign 25 signifies 'mint' me  ṭaṅka 'iron mint'.

Alternative rebus readings of Sign 25: me koḍ 'iron workshop' OR  kāṭhī + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.

Ligature hieroglyph: 'stick' or 'one'

Sign1 Hieroglyph: काठी [ kāṭhī ] f (काष्ट S)  (or शरीराची काठी) The frame or structure of the body: also (viewed by some as arising from the preceding sense, Measuring rod) stature (Marathi) B. kāṭhā ʻ measure of length ʼ(CDIAL 3120).H. kāṭhī 'wood' f.  G. kāṭh n. ʻ wood ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ stick, measure of 5 cubits ʼ(CDIAL 3120). + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.The 'stick' hieroglyph is a phonetic reinforcement of 'body stature' hieroglyph. Alternatively,  koḍ 'one' Rebus:  koḍ 'workshop'+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.. Thus, workplace of furnace fire-trench.

Sign 25         53 Sign 25 ciphertext is composed of Sign 1 and Sign 86. mē̃ḍ 'body' rebus: mē̃ḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.)Hypertext reads in a constructed Meluhha expression: mē̃ḍ koḍ 'iron workshop'.

Field symbol:'

barad, barat 'ox' Rebus: bharat 'alloy of copper, pewter, tin' (Marathi)  भरत   bharata n A factitious metal compounded of copper, pewter, tin भरती   bharatī a Composed of the metal भरत. भरताचें भांडें   bharatācē mbhāṇḍēṃ n A vessel made of the metal भरत.

pattar 'trough' Rebus: pattar 'goldsmith guild'

Text segment 1:

Sign 373 signifies mũhã̄'bun ingot' 

Text segment 2:
karã'wristlets' rebus:khAr 'blacksmith'
 ē̃ṣṭrĭ̄  'flying squirrel' rebus: śrēṣṭhin 'foreman of a guild'.

kaNDA kanka 'equipment supercrgo'

Text segment 3:
maĩd ʻrude harrow or clod breakerʼ (Marathi) rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron'
bhaTa 'warrior' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace',baTa 'iron'
kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇika 'scribe'(Sanskrit)कारणी or कारणीक kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S)
 That causes, conducts, carries on, manages. 
Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship (Marathi) PLUS kanda 'jar'
rebus: kanda 'fire-altar', konda 'fire-altar, kiln'rebus:kanda 'equipment'. 
Thus, kaNDA kanka 'equipment supercrgo' .

taṭṭal'five' rebus:   5491 *ṭhaṭṭha ʻ brass ʼ. [Onom. from noise of hammering brass?

-- *ṭhaṭṭh -- ] N. ṭhaṭṭar ʻ an alloy of copper and bell metal ʼ.*ṭhaṭṭhakara -- ,

*ṭhaṭṭhakāra -- .*ṭhaṭṭhakāra ʻ brass worker ʼ. 2. *ṭhaṭṭhakara -- . [*ṭhaṭṭha -- 1,

kāra -- 1]1. Pk. ṭhaṭṭhāra -- m., K. ṭhö̃ṭhur m., S. ṭhã̄ṭhāro m., P. ṭhaṭhiār˚rā m.2.

P. ludh. ṭhaṭherā m., Ku. ṭhaṭhero m., N. ṭhaṭero, Bi. ṭhaṭherā, Mth. ṭhaṭheri,

H. ṭhaṭherā m.(CDIAL 5492, 5493)

Decipherment of m1202 epigraph:

Sign 403 karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khAr 'blacksmith, iron worker'.

Hypertext of Indus Script: šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄  'flying squirrel' rebus: śrēṣṭhin 'foreman of a guild'.

kanda kanka 'rim of pot' Rebus: khaNDa 'implements' karNI 'supercargo, scribe'; 
Hieroglyph: harrow: maĩd ʻrude harrow or clod breakerʼ (Marathi) rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron'
bhaTa 'warrior' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace';  kanda kanka 'rim of pot' Rebus: khaNDa 'implements' karNI 'supercargo, scribe'; muhA 'ingot, quantity of iron ore smelted out of the smelter'.
Space on the side of the seal was used to inscribe a third line
Evidence of the guild-master presented in 

Guild-master’s Indus Script Inscription (m304) deciphered. Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) 

https://tinyurl.com/y9ug5h9y) After presenting a long catalogue of metalwork done, the documentation is signed off by the guild-master: hieroglyph: khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel’ rebus: śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master'. 

Similarly, thousands of Indus Script inscriptions are signed off by the scribe (signified by 'rim of jar' hieroglyph, Sign 342).

Hypertext of Indus Script: šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄  'flying squirrel' rebus: śrēṣṭhin 'foreman of a guild'. Rebus: śrēṣṭhin m. ʻ distinguished man ʼ AitBr., ʻ foreman of a guild ʼ, °nī -- f. ʻ his wife ʼ Hariv. [śrḗṣṭha -- ] Pa. seṭṭhin -- m. ʻ guild -- master ʼ, Dhp. śeṭhi, Pk. seṭṭhi -- , siṭṭhi -- m., °iṇī -- f.; S. seṭhi m. ʻ wholesale merchant ʼ; P. seṭh m. ʻ head of a guild, banker ʼ,seṭhaṇ°ṇī f.; Ku.gng. śēṭh ʻ rich man ʼ; N. seṭh ʻ banker ʼ; B. seṭh ʻ head of a guild, merchant ʼ; Or. seṭhi ʻ caste of washermen ʼ; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. sēṭhi ʻ merchant, banker ʼ, H. seṭh m., °ṭhan f.; G. śeṭhśeṭhiyɔ m. ʻ wholesale merchant, employer, master ʼ; M. śeṭh°ṭhīśeṭ°ṭī m. ʻ respectful term for banker or merchant ʼ; Si. siṭuhi° ʻ banker, nobleman ʼ H. Smith JA 1950, 208 (or < śiṣṭá -- 2?) (CDIAL 12726) I suggest that the šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ? is read rebus: śeṭhīśeṭī m. ʻ respectful term for banker or merchant ʼ (Marathi) or eṭṭhin -- m. ʻ guild -- master ʼ(Prakrtam)

Alternative: tuttha 'squirrel' Rebus: tuttha 'pewter, zinc alloy';
h771 Decipherment of h771:

dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' muhA 'ingot' (Together, dul muhA  'cast iron ingot'); 
tuttha 'squirrel' Rebus: tuttha 'pewter, zinc alloy'; dula 'two' Rebus: dul 'cast metal or casting'. Thus, the epigraph with three hieroglyph-multiplexes read rebus: metal castings, cast metal ingot, pewter-zinc alloy.

barad, balad 'ox' rebusbharat (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin)

(Punjabi) PLUS pattar 'feeding-trough' rebus:pattar 'goldsmith guild'

meD 'body' rebus: meD 'iron'

karNaka 'rim of jar' rebus:karNaka 'helmsman'

taṭṭal 'five' rebus:   5491 *ṭhaṭṭha1 ʻ brass ʼ. [Onom. from noise of hammering brass? -- *ṭhaṭṭh -- ] N. ṭhaṭṭar ʻ an alloy of copper and bell metal ʼ.*ṭhaṭṭhakara -- , *ṭhaṭṭhakāra -- .*ṭhaṭṭhakāra ʻ brass worker ʼ. 2. *ṭhaṭṭhakara -- . [*ṭhaṭṭha -- 1, kāra -- 1]1. Pk. ṭhaṭṭhāra -- m., K. ṭhö̃ṭhur m., S. ṭhã̄ṭhāro m., P. ṭhaṭhiār˚rā m.2. P. ludh. ṭhaṭherā m., Ku. ṭhaṭhero m., N. ṭhaṭero, Bi. ṭhaṭherā, Mth. ṭhaṭheri, H. ṭhaṭherā m.(CDIAL 5492, 5493)

dula 'pair'rebus; dul 'metal casting' PLUS muh 'oval bun-ingot shape' rebus: muh 'ingot'. Thus, ingot metalcasting.

Sign 408 karã'wristlets' rebus:khAr 'blacksmith PLUS koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop'

dhal 'slant' rebus: dhalako large ingot'; PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) Rebus: khāṇḍā 'tools, pots and pans' .Thus, ingots and equipment.

sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'

dula 'pair' rebus; dul 'metal casting' PLUS kaNDa 'arrow' rebus: khāṇḍā 'tools, pots and pans' .Thus, ingots and equipment.

Cargo bill of lading signified on Mohenjo-daro boat prism tablet

Ka. tār̤ palmyra or toddy palm, Borassus flabelliformis. Tu. tāri, tāḷi id. Te. tāḍu, (inscr., Inscr.2tār̤u id.; tāṭi of or belonging to the palmyra tree; tāṭi ceṭṭu palmyra tree; tāṭ-āku palmleaf. Kol. (Kin.) tāṭi māk palmyra tree. Nk. tāṛ māk/śeṭṭ toddy palm. Nk. (Ch.) tāṛ id. Pa. tāṛ id. Ga. (S.3tāṭi palmyra palm. Go. (G. Ma. Ko.) tāṛ, (S.) tāṛi, (A.) tāḍi toddy palm; (SR.) tādī kal palm liquor (Voc. 1709). Konḍa ṭāṛ maran, ṭāṭi maran palmyra tree. Pe. tāṛ mar toddy palm. Kuwi (Su.) tāṭi mārnu, (S.) tāti id. Kur. tāṛ palm tree. Malt. tálmi Borassus flabelliformis. / Cf. Skt. tāla-, Pkt. tāḍa-, tāla-; Turner, CDIAL, no. 5750 (some of the Dr. items may be < IA).(DEDR 3180)*tāḍa3 ʻ fan -- palm ʼ, tāḍī -- 2 f. in tāḍī -- puṭa -- ʻ palm -- leaf ʼ Kād., tāla -- 2 m. ʻ Borassus flabelliformis ʼ Mn., tālī -- , ˚lakī -- f. ʻ palm -- wine ʼ W. [Cf. hintāla -- ]Pa. tāla -- m. ʻ fan -- palm ʼ, Pk. tāḍa -- , tāla -- , tala -- m., tāḍī -- , tālī -- f., K. tāl m., P. tāṛ m., N. tār (tāṛ ← H.), A. tāl, B. tāṛ, Or. tāṛa, tāṛi, tāḷa, Bi. tār, tāṛ, OAw. tāra, H. G. tāṛ m., M. tāḍ m., Si. tala. -- Gy. gr. taró m., tarí f. ʻ rum ʼ, rum. tari ʻ brandy ʼ, pal. tar ʻ date -- spirit ʼ; S. tāṛī f. ʻ juice of the palmyra ʼ; P. tāṛī ʻ the fermented juice ʼ; N. tāṛī ʻ id., yeast ʼ (← H.); A. tāri ʻ the fermented juice ʼ, B. Or. tāṛi, Bi. tārī, tāṛī, Bhoj. tāṛī; H. tāṛī f. ʻ the juice, the fermented juice ʼ; G. tāṛī f. ʻ the juice ʼ, M. tāḍī f. <-> X hintāla -- q.v.tālavr̥nta -- ; *madatāḍikā -- .Addenda: tāḍa -- 3: S.kcch. tāṛ m. ʻ palm tree ʼ. (CDIAL 5750)5752a †*tāḍarukṣa -- ʻ palmyra palm ʼ. [tāḍa -- 3, rukṣá -- ]

Md. tāruk ʻ palmyra ʼ.
 tāṭaṅka n. m. ʻ ear -- ornament (large ring ac. Apte) ʼ Pra- sannar., tāḍaṅka -- n. Rājat., tālaṅka -- m. Apte. [Cf. tāḍīdala -- n. ʻ ear -- ornament ʼ Kālid., tāḍapattra -- (= tāḍaṅka -- ) lex., tālapattra -- n. ʻ palm -- leaf, ear -- ornament ʼ (ʻ gold cylinder ʼ ac. Apte) Kād.; tālāṅka -- ʻ palm leaf ʼ W.; tāḍī -- , tālī -- f. ʻ ornament ʼ lex. (← Drav. Tam. tāli ʻ neck ornament ʼ, etc. DED 2594, EWA i 499), tālaka -- n. ʻ ornament ʼ ("shaped like palm leaf") BHSk. Association with, rather than derivation from, *tāḍa -- 3]H. tāṛãk˚rãg m. ʻ an ornament for the ear ʼ, H. tarkī f. ʻ a kind of earring (made orig. from palm -- leaf ac. Platts UD) ʼ.(CDIAL 5747)

Rebus: iron bar: tāḍa2˚aka -- m. ʻ latch ʼ BHSii 251, tāla -- , ˚aka -- m. ʻ latch, bolt ʼ lex., tālikā -- f. ʻ bar ʼ Hariv. [Tam. tār̤ ʻ bar, bolt, latch ʼ, etc. DED 2598; but in NIA. meanings ʻ mallet, etc. ʼ prob. same as tāˊḍa -- 1]Pa. tāḷa -- m. ʻ door -- bar ʼ; Pk. tāla -- , ˚aya -- n. ʻ bolt ʼ; Kho. taḷ ʻ bolt ʼ, taḷo don ʻ canine tooth ʼ; K. tôru m. ʻ bolt ʼ; S. tāṛo m. ʻ cotton -- scutcher's mallet ʼ, tāṛī f. ʻ bar or bolt of door ʼ; L. tāṛ f. ʻ part of driving wheel of spinning wheel ʼ, tāṛā m. ʻ cotton -- scutcher's mallet ʼ; P. tāṛ f. ʻ cock's spur ʼ, tāṛā m. ʻ cotton -- scutcher's mallet, piece of bamboo on a string beaten against a tree to scare birds ʼ, tālā m. ʻ lock ʼ; Ku. tālo m. ʻ hot iron bar for scorching belly of newborn infant, lock ʼ, tālī ʻ lock ʼ, gng. tāutāi ʻ lock ʼ; B. tāṛā ʻ door -- bar ʼ, tālā ʻ lock ʼ (→ Or. tālā), H. tālā m. ʻ lock ʼ (→ Bi. N. tālā; M. tālā m. ʻ padlock ʼ), tālītārī f. ʻ key ʼ; Marw. tāḷo m. ʻ lock ʼ, G. tāḷũ n., M. ṭāḷẽ n. -- Si. talaya ʻ the blade of any instrument ʼ rather < tala -- .Addenda: tāḍa -- 2: S.kcch. tāṛo m. ʻ lock ʼ, Md. taḷu. (CDIAL 5749)

Side A of prism tablet. Three pairs of hieroglyphs shown are: 1.black drongo; 2.palm tree; 3. ox-hide type shield 

The three cargo items on bill of lading are Meluhha rebus renderings of: 1) steel metal castings; 2) Metalcastings of Iron bars; and 3) metalcastings of large metal ingots.

These three categories constitute the cargo on the Mohenjo-daro prism tablet.

The three pairs of hieroglyphs on side 1 of the tablet are:

1. black drongo'
2. palm tree
3. ox-hide sape large ingots

The rebus readings start with pairing as a rebus signifier:  dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting'.

Thus, the following three types of metalcastings constitute the cargo on the boat:

1. poladu పోలడు 'black drongo' rebus: poladu 'steel'पोलाद pōlāda n ( or P) Steel. पोलादी a Of steel. (Marathi) bulad 'steel, flint and steel .Thus, dul पोलाद pōlāda 'metalcasting of steel.'

2. tāṛ palm tree rebus: tāṛā m. ʻcotton -- scutcher's malletʼ; tālo m. ʻhot iron bar for scorching belly of newborn infant, lockʼ. Thus dul tālo 'metalcasting of iron bars'

3.ḍhālako 'large ox-hide shaped ingot' Rebus:  ḍhāla n. ʻ shield ʼ lex. 2. *ḍhāllā -- .1. Tir. (Leech) "dàl"ʻ shield ʼ, Bshk. ḍāl, Ku. ḍhāl, gng. ḍhāw, N. A. B. ḍhāl, Or. ḍhāḷa, Mth. H. ḍhāl m.2. Sh. ḍal (pl. ˚le̯) f., K. ḍāl f., S. ḍhāla, L. ḍhāl (pl. ˚lã) f., P. ḍhāl f., G. M. ḍhāl f.Addenda: ḍhāla -- . 2. *ḍhāllā -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhāˋl f. (obl. -- a) ʻ shield ʼ (a word used in salutation), J. ḍhāl f.(CDIAL 5583). Thus dul ḍhālako 'metalcastings of large ingots' 

Sign 375 conveys the message: mūhā mẽṛhẽt kolimi = Smithy/forge (in which) iron is smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) Sign 387 uses Sign 373 as a circumscript upon kolmo 'rice plant' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge'. ||| three linear strokes next to Sign 375 is a semantic determinative: kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'.

Sign 389

Circumscript is a hieroglyph read rebus: khaḍā ‘circumscribe’ (M.); Rebs: khaḍā ‘nodule (ore), stone’ (M.) This is also a semantic determinative of the stone-like nature of the ingot processed further in a smithy/forge to produce metal implements.

Sign 389 may be a variant of kolimi 'smithy/forge', maybe, pasara 'smithy' where artisans work on  kaṇḍe A head or ear of millet or maize (Telugu) Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘stone (ore)(Gadba)’ Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298).  OR, Sign 389 may signify a bar of metal which like an ingot is further processed in a forge.This is read rebus: kor̤u 'sprout' rebus: kor̤u 'bar of metal' (processed further in the forge to produce equipments)

खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. (Marathi) PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  khaṇḍa 'implements'. PLUD dula 'pair'  rebus: dul 'metal casting'.
Sign 389 is a cicumscript enclosing sprout.

Sign 373 .Side B of the prism tablet shows a field symbol of a crocodile catching a fish on its jaws. The rebus reading is: ayakara, 'metal alloysmith'. aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal' PLUS kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Telugu) ghariyal id. kāru 'crocodile' (Telugu) கராம் karām, n. prob. grāha. 1. A species of alligator; முதலைவகை. முதலையு மிடங்கருங் கராமும் (குறிஞ்சிப். 257). 2. Male alligator; ஆண் முதலை. (திவா.) కారుమొసలి a wild crocodile or alligator. (Telugu) Rebus: kāru ‘artisan’ (Marathi) kāruvu 'artisan' (Telugu) khār 

'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)  
I suggest that this is a variant of Sign 375 

m1281 2266

S. baṭhu m. ‘large pot in which grain is parched, Rebus; bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’ (P.) baṭa = a kind of iron (G.) Vikalpa: meṛgo = rimless vessels (Santali) bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (G.) baṭa = kiln (Santali); baṭa = a kind of iron (G.) bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron (Pkt.) baṭhu large cooking fire’ baṭhī f. ‘distilling furnace’; L. bhaṭṭh m. ‘grain—parcher's oven’, bhaṭṭhī f. ‘kiln, distillery’, awāṇ. bhaṭh; P. bhaṭṭh m., ṭhī f. ‘furnace’, bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’; S. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ‘distil (spirits)’. (CDIAL 9656) Rebus: meḍ iron (Ho.) PLUS  muka 'ladle' rebus; mū̃h 'ingot', quantity of metal got out of a smelter furnace (Santali).Thus, this hieroglyph-multiplex (hypertext) signifies: iron ingot.

[fish = aya (G.); crocodile = kāru (Telugu)] Rebus: ayakāra ‘ironsmith’ (Pali) khār 1 खार् । लोहकारः m. (sg. abl. khāra 1 खार; the pl. dat. of this word is khāran 1 खारन्, which is to be distinguished from khāran 2, q.v., s.v.), a blacksmith, an iron worker (cf. bandūka-khār, p. 111b, l. 46; K.Pr. 46; H. xi, 17); a farrier (El.). This word is often a part of a name, and in such case comes at the end (W. 118) as in Wahab khār, Wahab the smith (H. ii, 12; vi, 17).

Side C

The text message on the Mohenjo-daro boat tablet has two segments: Boat Cargo Bill of lading Segment 1; Boat Cargo Bill of lading Segment 2 

Segment 2:Sign 59 aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'.

On Segment 2, Sign 375 reads rebus: dul 'metalcasting' khanda 'implements'

PLUS (circumscript) mūhāmẽṛhẽt kolimi(from)ingotsmithy.
कर्णिक 'alloy metal steersman'

Sign 342 kana kanka  (कर्णिक )'rim-of-jar' rebus: khanda 'implements' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman' 

Segment 1:medho karnika 'steersman's helper merchant'

Sign 1 meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic) PLUS dāma ‘fetter’ rebus: meḍ dhā̆vaḍ  ‘iron smelter’  Circumscript: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting'. Thus, cast iron. meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id ‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam) (Semantic determinative of ‘ferrite ore’).(Deśīnāmamālā) 

मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick, horn &c.) Rebus 1: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.) Rebus 2: medho 'helper of a merchant'.

m0571 copper tablet

Horned elephant.  Almost similar to the  composition: Body of a ram (with inlaid ‘heart’ sign),  horns of a bull, trunk of an  elephant, hindlegs of a tiger  and an upraised serpent-like tail 

कूदीf. a bunch of twigs , bunch (v.l. कूट्/ईAV. v , 19 , 12 Kaus3. accord. to Kaus3. Sch. = बदरी, "Christ's thorn".(Monier-Williams) Rebus: kuThi 'smelter'. Thus, smelter used for iron metal castings. OR, pajhar'sprout' rebus: pasra'smithy'. Thus smithy for iron metal castings. OR, 
Ta. kor̤untu tender twig, tendril, tender leaf, shoot, anything young, tenderness; kor̤umai freshness (as of shoots), beauty; kor̤untaṉ husband, husband's younger brother; kor̤unti wife's sister, brother's wife; kor̤unaṉ husband; kur̤a young, tender; kur̤akaṉ youth, beautiful person, Skanda; kur̤aku youthfulness, beauty, infant; kur̤antai infant, childhood; kur̤avi infant, young of certain animals, young of the vegetable kingdom; kur̤avu tender age, juvenility; kur̤ai (-pp-, -tt-) to cause to sprout or shoot forth; n. tender leaf, sprout, shoot. Ma. kor̤unnu, kor̤untu tender twig, young shoot, new-grown hair. To. kwïζ twig. Ka. koḍa tenderness, tender age, youth; koṇasu young one of wild beasts. Tu. korè weak, small. Kor. (O. T.) korayi, (M.) kori husband; (O. M. T.) korti wife. Te. krotta (in cpds. kro-) new, fresh; koḍuku son; koṇḍika child; kodama the young of any animal; young; komma maiden, female; kōḍalu daughter-in-law; kōṭramu, kōḍaṇṭramu, kōḍaṇṭrikamu, kōḍaṟikamu the position and duties of a daughter-in-law, daughter-in-lawship. Kol. kovve young of bird or animal; koral younger brother's wife; kommal (pl. kommasil) daughter. Nk. kovve young of bird or animal; koraḷ daughter-in-law, bride; kommaḷ (pl. kommaśil) daughter. Nk. (Ch.) komma daughter; kola bride, son's wife, younger brother's wife. Pa. koṛ very young; koṛuŋg new shoot, sprout; koṛc- to sprout; koṛol bride. Ga. (Oll.) koṛal son's wife, younger brother's wife; (S) koḍus-, koḍc- to sprout; (P.) koṛuŋ young shoot. Go. (Tr.) kōṛsānā, kōrsānā to sprout, grow (of trees, plants, etc.); (A. Mu. Ma. S.) koṛs- to sprout (Voc. 945); (Mu.) koṛk-ila new leaf; (Ko.) koṛi leaf-shoot (Voc. 934); (Ma.) koṛta month of Bhadrā (Aug.-Sept.) when new paddy is worshipped (Voc. 940); (Tr.) koriāṛ son's wife; tammur-koriāṛ younger brother's wife; (W.) koṛiāṛ daughter-in-law; (Mu.) koṛiyaṛ id., sister's daughter, younger brother's wife (Voc. 936); (Koya Su.) koḍiyāḍ daughter-in-law, sister's daughter (of a male); (ASu.) koṛkēlā tender, young. Konḍa koṛo (pl. -k) female child, (pl. -r) male child; koṛonali a nursing mother; koṛya daughter-in-law, younger brother's wife; koṛesi daughter-in-law (when referring to the 3rd person); (BB) kodma male buffalo calf (< Te.). Pe. koṛiya gāṛ son's wife, younger brother's wife; kṛogi fresh, new (of leaves). Manḍ. kṛugdi id.; kuṛiya gāṛ son's wife, younger borther's wife. Kui koṛgi newly sprouted, green, immature, unripe; koṛgari (pl. koṛgai) new shoot, fresh stalk, something green, immature, or unripe; kōṛu new shoot, fresh stalk, stem, or bud; new, green, immature; kōṛa a shoot, sprout, first sprout (of paddy after planting); kōṛa koḍa to sprout (of paddy); kōna bud; gōṇi sprout, offshoot; kuṛa, kṛua,(Letchmajee) kṛuha wife. Kuwi (P.) kuṛia, (F.) 
kūria daughter-in-law; (Ḍ.) kuṛva younger brother's wife; (F.) khrogi kōma a soft twig (i.e. soft, young, tender; for kōma, see 2115); (Ṭ.) koṛgi young (of children); (Isr.) kṛōgi immature, young. Kur. xōr leaf-bud, new leaves, fresh and tender leaves of vegetables; xōrnā (xūryā) to shoot out new leaves; korrā fresh (recently made, prepared, or obtained), pure. Malt. qóro infant, Indian corn when green; qóroce to sprout. Br. xarring to sprout; xarrun green, blue, black and blue; fruitful; xarrunī greenness; wife. Cf. 3650 Ta. nāy, for -kuṛi, etc., in Konḍa, Kui, Kuwi. / Cf. Skt. kora-, koraka- bud (Turner, CDIAL, no. 3527); kuṇaka- a new-born animal; kuḍaka- child (epic; Burrow, Belvalkar Felicitation Volume, pp. 6 f.; cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 3245); kuḍmala-, kuṭmala- filled with buds, bud (epic, kāvya; Turner, CDIAL, no. 3250); Turner, CDIAL, no. 3249, *kuḍma- bud.(DEDR 2149) kōraka m.n. ʻ bud ʼ R. [← Drav. (Tam. kuṟai ʻ sprout ʼ, Kui kōṛu ʻ bud ʼ) EWA i 272]Pa. kōraka -- m.n. ʻ bud, sheath ʼ; Pk. kōraya -- , ˚rava<-> m.n. ʻ bud ʼ; Si. kuru ʻ bud, tender leavesʼ.Addenda: kōraka -- [← Drav. see kuḍmalá -- Add2] (CDIAL 327)

Rebus: bar of metal:: Ta. kor̤u bar of metal, ploughshare. Ma. kor̤u ploughshare. Ko. kov iron point of plough. To. ku· ploughshare (< Badaga gü·, Language 15.47; the word occurs only in one passage and the meaning is arrived at by etymology). Ka. kur̤a, kur̤u, gur̤a, gur̤u ploughshare, iron used in cauterizing. Tu. koru a bar of metal.(DEDR 2147)

kaNDa kanka 'equipment supercrgo'
Field symbol: phaḍa 'cobra hood' rebus: phaḍa, paṭṭaḍe 'metals workshop' PLUS  karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'; PLUS koD 'horns' rebus: koD 'workshop'. Thus,iron workshop in  metals manufactory.

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