-- Sign 15 water-carrier + rim-of-jar hieroglyphs read rebus as Meluhha (Indian sprachbund) expression kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka 'supercargo of smelter factory'
కుటి =నీళ్లు మోయు పనికత్తె (Telugu-English dictionaries), i.e., kuṭi is attested in Telugu to mean 'water-carrier woman'.
Rebus readings of this Meluhha (Indian sprachbund, 'language union') are: কুঠি kuṭhi: an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factory; a merchant (Bengali)
Thus, I submit that the hieroglyph
Sign 12 of Indus Script Corpora signifies
kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter', 'manager of a factory, merchant'.
Ligatured to Sign 342 'rim-of-jar' hypertext Sign 15 is read rebus as:
কুঠি kuṭhi: an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factor; a merchant. (Sailendra Biswas, Bengali-English dictionary) kuṭī f. ʻ hut ʼ MBh., ˚ṭikā -- f. Divyāv., ˚ṭīkā -- f. Hariv. [Some cmpds. have ˚ṭa(ka) -- : ← Drav. EWA i 222 with lit.: cf.kōṭa -- 3 ] Pa. kuṭī -- , ˚ṭikā -- f. ʻ single -- roomed hut ʼ; Pk. kuḍī -- f., ˚ḍaya -- n. ʻ hut ʼ; Gy. pal. kúri ʻ house, tent, room ʼ, as. kuri, guri ʻ tent ʼ JGLS New Ser. ii 329; Sh. kúi ʻ village, country ʼ; WPah. jaun. kūṛo ʻ house ʼ; Ku. kuṛī, ˚ṛo ʻ house, building ʼ, ghar -- kuṛī ʻ house and land ʼ, gng. kuṛ ʻ house ʼ; N. kur ʻ nest or hiding place of fish ʼ, kuri ʻ burrow, hole for small animals ʼ, kaṭ -- kuro ʻ small shed for storing wood ʼ; B. kuṛiyā ʻ small thatched hut ʼ; Or. kuṛī, ˚ṛiā ʻ hut ʼ; H. kuṛī f. ʻ fireplace ʼ; M. kuḍī f. ʻ hut ʼ; Si. kiḷiya ʻ hut, small house ʼ.*indhanakuṭaka -- , *kāṣṭhakuṭaka -- , *guḍakuṭī -- , *gōkuṭī -- , *ḍōmbakuṭaka -- , *busakuṭikā -- , *bhēḍrakuṭikā -- .Addenda: kuṭī -- : WPah.kṭg. krvṛi f. ʻ granary (for corn after threshing) ʼ; Garh. kuṛu ʻ house ʼ; -- B. phonet. kũṛe.(CDIAL 3232) *ḍōmbadhāna -- , or *ḍōmbādhāna -- , ʻ Ḍom settlement ʼ. [*ḍōmba -- , dhāˊna -- or ādhāˊna -- ]Ku. ḍumāṇo ʻ Ḍom settlement ʼ.(CDIAL 5572)ḍōmba m. ʻ man of low caste living by singing and music ʼ Kathās., ḍōma -- m. lex., ḍōmbinī -- f. [Connected with Mu. words for ʻ drum ʼ PMWS 87, EWA i 464 with lit.]Pk. ḍoṁba -- , ḍuṁba -- , ḍoṁbilaya -- m.; Gy. eur. rom m. ʻ man, husband ʼ, romni f. ʻ woman, wife ʼ, SEeur. i̦om ʻ a Gypsy ʼ, pal. dōm ʻ a Nuri Gypsy ʼ, arm. as. (Boša) lom ʻ a Gypsy ʼ, pers. damini ʻ woman ʼ; Ḍ. ḍōm (pl. ˚ma) ʻ a Ḍom ʼ; Paš. ḍōmb ʻ barber ʼ; Kho. (Lor.) ḍom ʻ musician, bandsman ʼ; Sh. ḍom ʻ a Ḍom ʼ, K. ḍūmb, ḍūm m., ḍūmbiñ f.; S. ḍ̠ūmu m., ḍūmṛī f. ʻ caste of wandering musicians ʼ, L. ḍūm m., ḍūmṇī f., (Ju.) ḍ̠om m., ḍ̠omṇī, ḍomṛī f., mult. ḍōm m., ḍōmṇī f., awāṇ. naṭ -- ḍūm ʻ menials ʼ; P. ḍūm, ḍomrā m., ḍūmṇī f. ʻ strolling musician ʼ, ḍūmṇā m. ʻ a caste of basket -- makers ʼ; WPah. ḍum ʻ a very low -- caste blackskinned fellow ʼ; Ku. ḍūm m., ḍūmaṇ f. ʻ an aboriginal hill tribe ʼ; N. ḍum ʻ a low caste ʼ; A. ḍom m. ʻ fisherman ʼ, ḍumini f.; B. ḍom, ḍam m. ʻ a Ḍom ʼ, ḍumni f. (OB. ḍombī); Or. ḍoma m., ˚aṇī f., ḍuma, ˚aṇī, ḍamba, ḍama, ˚aṇī ʻ a low caste who weave baskets and sound drums ʼ; Bhoj. ḍōm ʻ a low caste of musicians ʼ, H. ḍomb, ḍom, ḍomṛā, ḍumār m., ḍomnī f., OMarw. ḍūma m., ḍūmaṛī f., M. ḍõb, ḍom m. -- Deriv. Gy. wel. romanō adj. (f. ˚nī) ʻ Gypsy ʼ romanō rai m. ʻ Gypsy gentleman ʼ, ˚nī čib f. ʻ Gypsy language ʼ.*ḍōmbakuṭaka -- , *ḍōmbadhāna -- .Addenda: ḍōmba -- : Gy.eur. rom m., romni f. esp. ʻ Gypsy man or woman ʼ; WPah.kṭg. ḍōm m. ʻ member of a low caste of musicians ʼ, ḍv̄m m.; Garh. ḍom ʻ an untouchable ʼ. (CDIAL 5570)
குடிமக்கள் kuṭi-makkaḷ , n. < id. +. 1. Sub-castes rendering service in a village, being 18 in number, viz., வண்ணான், நாவிதன், குயவன், தட்டான், கன்னான், கற்றச்சன், கொல்லன், தச்சன், எண்ணெய்வாணிகன், உப்புவாணிகன், இலைவாணிகன், பள்ளி, பூமாலைக்காரன், பறையன், கோவிற்குடியான், ஒச்சன், வலையன், பாணன்; பணிசெய்தற்குரிய பதி னெண்வகைக் கிராமக்குடிகள் . (W .) 2. Slaves; அடிமைகள். இந்திரியங்களுக்குக் குடிமக்களாய் வர்த் திக்கிற லீலாவிபூதி (திவ். திருமாலை , 13. வ்யா .).
కుటి kuṭi. [Skt.] n. A hut or cottage. గుడిసె. R. ii. 103.குடி⁴ kuṭi , n. cf. kuṭi. [M. kuṭi.] 1. Ryot; குடியானவன். கூடு கெழீஇய குடிவயினான் (பொருந . 182). 2. Tenants; குடியிருப்போர் . 3. Subjects, citizens; ஆட்சிக்குட்பட்ட பிரசைகள். மன்னவன் கோனோக்கி வாழுங் குடி (குறள் , 542). 4. Family; குடும்பம். ஒருகுடிப்பிறந்த பல்லோருள்ளும் (புறநா . 183). 5. Lineage, descent; கோத்திரம். (பிங்.) 6. Caste, race; குலம். (பிங்.) 7. House, home, mansion; வீடு. சிறுகுடி கலக்கி (கந்தபு. ஆற்று . 12). 8. Town, village; ஊர். குன்றகச்சிறுகுடிக் கிளை யுடன் மகிழ்ந்து (திருமுரு . 196). 9. [T. K. kuṭi.] Abode, residence; வாழ்விடம். அடியாருள்ளத் தன்பு மீதூரக் குடியாக்கொண்ட (திருவாச . 2, 8). Ta. kuṭi house, abode, home, family, lineage, town, tenants; kuṭikai hut made of leaves, temple; kuṭical hut; kuṭicai, kuṭiñai small hut, cottage; kuṭimai family, lineage, allegiance (as of subjects to their sovereign), servitude; kuṭiy-āḷ tenant; kuṭiyilār tenants; kuṭil hut, shed, abode; kuṭaṅkar hut, cottage; kaṭumpu relations. Ma. kuṭi house, hut, family, wife, tribe; kuṭima the body of landholders, tenantry; kuṭiyan slaves (e.g. in Coorg); kuṭiyān inhabitant, subject, tenant; kuṭiññil hut, thatch; kuṭil hut, outhouse near palace for menials. Ko. kuṛjl shed, bathroom of Kota house; kuṛm family; kuḍḷ front room of house; kuṛḷ hut; guṛy temple.
To. kwïṣ shed for small calves; kuṣ room (in dairy or house); kuḍṣ outer room of dairy, in: kuḍṣ was̱ fireplace in outer room of lowest grade of dairies (cf. 2857), kuḍṣ moṇy bell(s) in outer section of ti· dairy, used on non-sacred buffaloes (cf. 4672); kuṛy Hindu temple; ? kwïḏy a family of children. Ka. kuḍiya, kuḍu śūdra, farmer; guḍi house, temple; guḍil, guḍalu, guḍisalu, guḍasalu, guḍasala, etc. hut with a thatched roof. Koḍ. kuḍi family of servants living in one hut; kuḍië man of toddy-tapper caste. Tu. guḍi small pagoda or shrine; guḍisalů, guḍisilů, guḍsilů, guḍicilů hut, shed. Te. koṭika hamlet; guḍi temple; guḍise hut, cottage, hovel. Kol. (SR) guḍī temple. Pa. guḍi temple, village resthouse. Ga. (Oll.)
guḍi temple. Go. (Ko.) kuṛma hut, outhouse; (Ma.) kurma menstruation; (Grigson) kurma lon menstruation hut (Voc. 782, 800); (SR.) guḍi, (Mu.) guḍḍi, (S. Ko.) guṛi temple; guḍḍī (Ph.) temple, (Tr.) tomb (Voc. 1113). Kui guḍi central room of house, living room. / Cf. Skt. kū˘ṭa-, kuṭi-, kū˘ṭī- (whence Ga. (P.) kuṛe hut; Kui kūṛi hut made of boughs, etc.; Kur. kuṛyā small shed or outhouse; Malt. kuṛya hut in the fields; Br. kuḍ(ḍ)ī hut, small house, wife), kuṭīkā-, kuṭīra-, kuṭuṅgaka-, kuṭīcaka-, koṭa- hut; kuṭumba- household (whence Ta. Ma. kuṭumpam id.; Ko. kuṛmb [? also kuṛm above]; To. kwïḍb, kwïḍbïl [-ïl from wïkïl, s.v. 925 Ta. okkal]; Ka., Koḍ., Tu. kuṭumba; Tu. kuḍuma; Te. kuṭumbamu; ? Kui kumbu house [balance word of iḍu, see s.v. 494 Ta. il]). See Turner, CDIAL, no. 3232, kuṭī-, no. 3493, kōṭa-, no. 3233, kuṭumba-, for most of the Skt. forms; Burrow, BSOAS 11.137. (DEDR 1655)
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cf.The model for Sign 12 is provided in the pictograph of 'water-carrier' on Ur seal impression. cf.
Sign 15 This is composed of Sign 12 and Sign 342 This Hypertext Sign 15 signifies kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka ‘smelting furnace account (scribe)’.
(Santali) kanda also signifies a fireplace (Kui):Tu. kandůka, kandaka ditch, trench. Te. kandakamu id. Konḍa kanda trench made as a fireplace during weddings. Pe. kanda fire trench. Kui kanda small trench for fireplace. Malt. kandri a pit.(DEDR 1214) Since the rim-of-jar has the expression kanda kankha, when this hieroglyph is ligatured with kuṭi'water-carrier' hieroglyph of Sign 12, the resulting sign Sign 15 is read as an expression related to:
(Santali). Thus, the expression of Sign 15 is read together as: kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka 'smelting furnace account (scribe)'. In the context of the Bengali lexeme কুঠি kuṭhi: an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factory; a merchant (Bengali), the expression kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka signified by Sign 15 is also read rebus as: manager, merchant (super-cargo) in-charge of smelter factory. The reading of merchant (super-cargo) is suggested because of the rebus rendering of kárṇaka 'rim-of-jar' rebus: कारणी or कारणीक kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S) That causes, conducts, carries on, manages. Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship &38 (Marathi) :
It will be seen from Sign 15 that the basic framework of a water-carrier hieroglyph (Sign 12) is superscripted with another hieroglyph component, Sign 342: 'Rim of jar' to result in Sign 15. Thus, Sign 15 is composed of two hieroglyph components: Sign 12 'water-carrier' hieroglyph; Sign 342: "rim-of-jar' hieroglyph (which constitutes the inscription on Daimabad Seal 1).
kaṇḍa karaṇaka ‘rim of jar’; Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe’; kaṇḍ ‘furnace, fire-altar’. Thus the ligatured Glyph is decoded: kaṇḍ karṇaka ‘furnace scribe'
Daimabad Seal 1 (Sign 342: Two hieroglyph components: jar with short-neck and rim-of-jar) -- distringuished from broad-mouthed rimless pot which is another Sign hieroglyph.
Each hieroglyph component of Sign 15 is read in rebus-metonymy-layered-meluhha-cipher: Hieroglyph component 1: kuṭi 'woman water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/kuṭila, 'tin metal'. Hieroglyph component 2: karaṇaka, kārṇī-ka 'rim-of-jar' rebus: karaṇaka, kārṇī-ka m. ʻsupercargo of a shipʼ 'scribe'.
-- Sign 15 water-carrier + rim-of-jar hieroglyphs read rebus as Meluhha (Indian sprachbund) expression kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka 'supercargo of smelter factory'
Obverse of the Gadd Seal 18 shows four dotted circles and three horizontal lines. These are hypertexts:
Four Dotted circles: ganda 'four' rebus: kanda 'equipment'
dha 'strand (dot)', dAya 'one in dice'+ vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus:धवड dhavaḍa m (Or धावड) A class or an individual of it. They are smelters of iron. धावडी dhāvaḍī a Relating to the class धावड. Hence 2 Composed of or relating to iron. (Marathi)
Split parenthesis: shape of bun-ingot:mũhã̄ ‘ingot’. I suggest that the split parenthesis signifies ingot produced from smelter. muhA 'quantity of smelted metal produced from a furnace'
kuTi ‘water-carrier’ rebus: kuThi ‘smelter’ मेढ [ mēḍha ] ‘polar star’ rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ dula ‘pair’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’Seal impression, Ur (Upenn; U.16747); dia. 2.6, ht. 0.9 cm.; Gadd, PBA 18 (1932), pp. 11-12, pl. II, no. 12; Porada 1971: pl.9, fig.5; Parpola, 1994, p. 183; water carrier with a skin (or pot?) hung on each end of the yoke across his shoulders and another one below the crook of his left arm; the vessel on the right end of his yoke is over a receptacle for the water; a star on either side of the head (denoting supernatural?). The whole object is enclosed by 'parenthesis' marks. The parenthesis is perhaps a way of splitting of the ellipse (Hunter, G.R., JRAS, 1932, 476). An unmistakable example of an 'hieroglyphic' seal.
కుటి =నీళ్లు మోయు పనికత్తె (Telugu-English dictionaries), i.e., kuṭi is attested in Telugu to mean 'water-carrier woman'.
Rebus readings of this Meluhha (Indian sprachbund, 'language union') are: কুঠি kuṭhi: an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factory; a merchant (Bengali)
Thus, I submit that the hieroglyph
kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter', 'manager of a factory, merchant'.
Ligatured to Sign 342 'rim-of-jar' hypertext Sign 15 is read rebus as:
কুঠি kuṭhi: an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factor; a merchant. (Sailendra Biswas, Bengali-English dictionary) kuṭī f. ʻ hut ʼ MBh., ˚ṭikā -- f. Divyāv., ˚ṭīkā -- f. Hariv. [Some cmpds. have ˚ṭa(ka) -- : ← Drav. EWA i 222 with lit.: cf.
- కుటి : శబ్దరత్నాకరము (బహుజనపల్లి సీతారామాచార్యులు) 1912
గ్రంథసంకేతాది వివేచన పట్టిక
- సం. వి. ఇ. స్త్రీ.
- బుడిపి.
- 1. గుడిసె;
- 2. నీళ్లుమోసెడు పనికత్తె;
- 3. మురయనెడు గంధద్రవ్యము.
- కుటి : బ్రౌణ్య తెలుగు-ఇంగ్లీష్ నిఘంటువు 1903
- kuṭi[Skt.] n.
- A hut or cottage. గుడిసె.R. ii.103.
- A hut or cottage. గుడిసె.
- కుటి, కుటిక : శంకరనారాయణ తెలుగు-ఇంగ్లీష్ నిఘంటువు 1953
- n.
- a hut, a cottage.
- కుటి : శంకరనారాయణ తెలుగు-ఇంగ్లీష్ నిఘంటువు 1953
- n.
- a woman water-carrier.
- కుటి : తెలుగు నిఘంటువు తెలుగు-తెలుగు (జి.ఎన్.రెడ్డి-ఆం.ప్ర.సా.అ.) 1979
- సంస్కృత విశేష్యము
- 1. గుడిసె.
- 2. బుడిపి.
- 3. నీళ్లు మోయు పనికత్తె.
- గుడిసె : తెలుగు పర్యాయపద నిఘంటువు (జి.యన్.రెడ్డి) 1990
- ఇ(ల)(లు)వరము, ఇలారము, కుటము, కుటి, కుటిక, కుట్టిమము, కొట్టము, పల్లి, పాక.
- కుటి : ఆంధ్ర-తమిళ-కన్నడ త్రిభాషా నిఘంటువు (ఆం.ప్ర.సా.అ.) 1979
- [తెలుఁగు]బుడిపి, గుడిసె, నీళ్ళుమోసెడు పనికత్తె.
- [తమిళము]కుటి, గుడిసె, నీర్ మొండువరుమ్ పణిప్పెన్.
- [కన్నడము]గుడిసలు, నీరు తరువదాసి, బుడపె.
- కుటి : సంస్కృత-తెలుగు నిఘంటువు (వావిళ్ల) 1943
- స్త్రీ.
- గుడిసె.
- కుటి[1] : సంస్కృత-ఆంధ్ర నిఘంటువు (వ్యుత్పత్తి, నిర్వచన సహితంగా) (ముదిగంటి గోపాలరెడ్డి) 2019
- పుం.
- [కుట+ఇ, కుట్యతే ఛిద్యతే అసౌ] ఛేదింపబడునది. వృక్షము.
- కుటి[2] : సంస్కృత-ఆంధ్ర నిఘంటువు (వ్యుత్పత్తి, నిర్వచన సహితంగా) (ముదిగంటి గోపాలరెడ్డి) 2019
- స్త్రీ.
- [కుట+ఇ, కుట్యతే సంచీయతే ద్రవ్యాదిభిః] ద్రవ్యాదులు కూడబెట్టబడునది. ఇల్లు.
- కుటి, కుటిక : శబ్దార్థ చింతామణి తెలుగు-ఉర్దూ (తాటికొండ తిమ్మారెడ్డిదేశాయి) 1906
- [తె.] గుడిసె -[ఉ.] ఝోఁప్డీ
కుటి kuṭi. [Skt.] n. A hut or cottage. గుడిసె. R. ii. 103.
To. kwïṣ shed for small calves; kuṣ room (in dairy or house); kuḍṣ outer room of dairy, in: kuḍṣ was̱ fireplace in outer room of lowest grade of dairies (cf. 2857), kuḍṣ moṇy bell(s) in outer section of ti· dairy, used on non-sacred buffaloes (cf. 4672); kuṛy Hindu temple; ? kwïḏy a family of children. Ka. kuḍiya, kuḍu śūdra, farmer; guḍi house, temple; guḍil, guḍalu, guḍisalu, guḍasalu, guḍasala, etc. hut with a thatched roof. Koḍ. kuḍi family of servants living in one hut; kuḍië man of toddy-tapper caste. Tu. guḍi small pagoda or shrine; guḍisalů, guḍisilů, guḍsilů, guḍicilů hut, shed. Te. koṭika hamlet; guḍi temple; guḍise hut, cottage, hovel. Kol. (SR) guḍī temple. Pa. guḍi temple, village resthouse. Ga. (Oll.)
guḍi temple. Go. (Ko.) kuṛma hut, outhouse; (Ma.) kurma menstruation; (Grigson) kurma lon menstruation hut (Voc. 782, 800); (SR.) guḍi, (Mu.) guḍḍi, (S. Ko.) guṛi temple; guḍḍī (Ph.) temple, (Tr.) tomb (Voc. 1113). Kui guḍi central room of house, living room. / Cf. Skt. kū˘ṭa-, kuṭi-, kū˘ṭī- (whence Ga. (P.) kuṛe hut; Kui kūṛi hut made of boughs, etc.; Kur. kuṛyā small shed or outhouse; Malt. kuṛya hut in the fields; Br. kuḍ(ḍ)ī hut, small house, wife), kuṭīkā-, kuṭīra-, kuṭuṅgaka-, kuṭīcaka-, koṭa- hut; kuṭumba- household (whence Ta. Ma. kuṭumpam id.; Ko. kuṛmb [? also kuṛm above]; To. kwïḍb, kwïḍbïl [-ïl from wïkïl, s.v. 925 Ta. okkal]; Ka., Koḍ., Tu. kuṭumba; Tu. kuḍuma; Te. kuṭumbamu; ? Kui kumbu house [balance word of iḍu, see s.v. 494 Ta. il]). See Turner, CDIAL, no. 3232, kuṭī-, no. 3493, kōṭa-, no. 3233, kuṭumba-, for most of the Skt. forms; Burrow, BSOAS 11.137. (DEDR 1655)
Ta. kuṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to drink, inhale; n. drinking, beverage, drunkenness; kuṭiyaṉ drunkard. Ma. kuṭi drinking, water drunk after meals, soaking; kuṭikka to drink, swallow; kuṭippikka to give to drink, soak; kuṭiyan drunkard. Ko. kuṛy- (kuṛc-) to drink (only in: uc kuṛy- to drink urine, i.e. to be humbled). To. kuḍt- (only 2nd stem) to drink (in song; < Badaga or Ta.). Ka. kuḍi to drink, inhale; n. drinking; kuḍisu to cause to drink; kuḍika, kuḍaka drinker, drunkard; kuḍita, kuḍata drinking, a draught; kuḍu, kuḍiyuvike drinking. Koḍ. kuḍi- (kuḍip-, kuḍic-) to drink. Tu. kuḍcuni to drink excessively, swallow liquor; kuḍcelů, kuḍicelů drunkenness; kuḍcele, kuḍicele drunkard. Te. kuḍucu to eat, suck, drink, enjoy, suffer; kuḍupu to feed, suckle, cause to eat, enjoy, or suffer; n. eating, food, enjoying, suffering; kuḍupari one who eats, enjoys, or suffers; kuḍi right, right-hand; kuḍiti the washings of rice, split pulse, etc., used as a drink for cattle. Cf. 1658 Ko. guṛakn. / Cf. Skt. kuṭī- intoxicating liquor. (DEDR 1654)
Indus Scrript pictograph on a Ur seal is a logograph. It reads in Meluhha kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhii 'smelter'. This is a clear demonstration of the logograhic nature of Indus Script Cipher. The pictograph becomes a frequently used sign, Sign 12 and also gets ligatured with the most frequent sign Sign 342 to yield composite hypertext Sign 15.![]()
On the Ur seal, Sign 12 is indicated by the 'water-carrier' pictograph PLUS two 'stars' PLUS split parenthesis. Seal Ur (Upenn; U.16747); dia. 2.6, ht. 0.9 cm.; Gadd, PBA 18 (1932), pp. 11-12, pl. II, no. 12; Porada 1971: pl.9, fig.5; Parpola, 1994, p. 183; water carrier with a skin (or pot?) hung on each end of the yoke across his shoulders and another one below the crook of his left arm; the vessel on the right end of his yoke is over a receptacle for the water; a star on either side of the head (denoting supernatural?). The whole object is enclosed by 'parenthesis' marks. The parenthesis is perhaps a way of splitting of the ellipse (Hunter, G.R., JRAS, 1932, 476). An unmistakable example of an 'hieroglyphic' seal. The parenthesis is split oval or lozenge shape which is an Indus Script hypertext: mũh 'lozenge-shape' rebus: mũh '(copper) ingot' (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron smelters' (Santali)
The reading of the Ur seal is: kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter’ meḍha
‘polar star’ rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ dula ‘pair’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’ PLUS mũh 'lozenge-shape (split parentthesis)' rebus: mũh '(copper) ingot' mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron smelters' (Santali) Thus, the Ur seal signifies seafaring cargo of iron metalcasting ingots from smelter.
The reading of the Ur seal is reinforced by the hieroglyph signifiers on the obverse boss of the seal. kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS dotted circle: dhāv, dāya 'one in dice' + vaṭṭa ' circle' rebus धावड dhāvaḍa 'red ferrite ore smelter' PLUS gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'equipment'; thus, equipment from smelter (for) smithy/forge.
Sign 342 (rim-of-jar).
cf.The model for Sign 12 is provided in the pictograph of 'water-carrier' on Ur seal impression. cf. Demonstration of hypertext process of 'signs' and 'field symbols' on Indus Script cipher
Sign 15 which is a hypertext reads: metalcasting ingot (from) smelter (Sign 12) PLUS Sign 342 karṇika 'rim-of-jar' Rebus: karṇika 'scribe; karṇaka
'steersman';karaṇi 'supercargo'; (upa)karaṇa 'equipment'. Thus, Sign 15 signifies metalcasting ingots and equipment (from) smelter.
This Santali word, kankha is derived from कर्णक m. (ifc. f(आ).) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c ) , a tendril S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.; a rim, ring (Monier-Williams). This phonetic form and variants are attested in many languags of Indian sprachbund: 2830 kárṇa m. ʻ ear, handle of a vessel ʼ RV., ʻ end, tip (?) ʼ RV. ii 34, 3. [Cf. *kāra -- 6 ]Pa. kaṇṇa -- m. ʻ ear, angle, tip ʼ; Pk. kaṇṇa -- , ˚aḍaya<-> m. ʻ ear ʼ, Gy. as. pal. eur. kan m., Ash. (Trumpp) karna NTS ii 261, Niṅg. kō̃, Woṭ. kanə, Tir. kana; Paš. kan, kaṇ(ḍ) -- ʻ orifice of ear ʼ IIFL iii 3, 93; Shum. kō̃ṛ ʻ ear ʼ, Woṭ. kan m., Kal. (LSI) kuṛō̃, rumb. ku ŕũ, urt. ãdotdot; (< *kaṇ), Bshk. kan, Tor. k*l ṇ, Kand. kōṇi, Mai. kaṇa, ky. kān, Phal. kāṇ, Sh. gil. ko̯n pl. ko̯ṇí m. (→ Ḍ kon pl. k*l ṇa), koh. kuṇ, pales. kuāṇə, K. kan m., kash. pog. ḍoḍ. kann, S. kanu m., L. kann m., awāṇ. khet. kan, P. WPah. bhad. bhal. cam. kann m., Ku. gng. N. kān; A. kāṇ ʻ ear, rim of vessel, edge of river ʼ; B. kāṇ ʻ ear ʼ, Or. kāna, Mth. Bhoj. Aw. lakh. H. kān m., OMarw. kāna m., G. M. kān m., Ko. kānu m., Si. kaṇa, kana. -- As adverb and postposition (ápi kárṇē ʻ from behind ʼ RV., karṇē ʻ aside ʼ Kālid.): Pa. kaṇṇē ʻ at one's ear, in a whisper ʼ; Wg. ken ʻ to ʼ NTS ii 279; Tir. kõ ʻ on ʼ AO xii 181 with (?); Paš. kan ʻ to ʼ; K. kȧni with abl. ʻ at, near, through ʼ, kani with abl. or dat. ʻ on ʼ, kun with dat. ʻ toward ʼ; S. kani ʻ near ʼ, kanã̄ ʻ from ʼ; L. kan ʻ toward ʼ, kannũ ʻ from ʼ, kanne ʻ with ʼ, khet. kan, P. ḍog. kanē ʻ with, near ʼ; WPah. bhal. k*l ṇ, ˚ṇi, ke ṇ, ˚ṇi with obl. ʻ with, near ʼ, kiṇ, ˚ṇiã̄, k*l ṇiã̄, ke ṇ˚ with obl. ʻ from ʼ; Ku. kan ʻ to, for ʼ; N. kana ʻ for, to, with ʼ; H. kane, ˚ni, kan with ke ʻ near ʼ; OMarw. kanai ʻ near ʼ, kanã̄ sā ʻ from near ʼ, kã̄nī˜ ʻ towards ʼ; G. kane ʻ beside ʼ.kárṇaka -- , kárṇikā -- , karṇín -- ; karṇakaṇḍū -- , *karṇakāṣṭhaka -- , *karṇakīla -- , karṇadhāra -- , karṇapattraka -- , karṇapuṭa -- , *karṇapuṣya -- , *karṇamarda -- , karṇamūla -- , *karṇavaṭikā -- , karṇavēdha -- , *karṇavyādhikā -- , karṇaśūlá -- , *karṇasphōṭikā -- , *karṇākṣi -- ; ākarṇayati, utkarṇa -- ; ajakarṇa -- , gōkarṇa -- , catuṣkarṇa -- , lambakarṇa -- .
Addenda: kárṇa -- : S.kcch. kann m. ʻ ear ʼ, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) kān, poet. kanṛu m. ʻ ear ʼ, kṭg. kanni f. ʻ pounding -- hole in barn floor ʼ; J. kā'n m. ʻ ear ʼ, Garh. kān; Md. kan -- in kan -- fat ʻ ear ʼ < karṇapattraka -- , kan -- huḷi (+ cūḍa -- 1 ) ʻ side -- burns ʼ.†*karṇavāla -- .kárṇaka m. ʻ projection on the side of a vessel, handle ʼ ŚBr. [kárṇa -- ]Pa. kaṇṇaka -- ʻ having ears or corners ʼ; Wg. kaṇə ʻ ear -- ring ʼ NTS xvii 266; S. kano m. ʻ rim, border ʼ; P. kannā m. ʻ obtuse angle of a kite ʼ (→ H. kannā m. ʻ edge, rim, handle ʼ); N. kānu ʻ end of a rope for supporting a burden ʼ; B. kāṇā ʻ brim of a cup ʼ, G. kānɔ m.; M. kānā m. ʻ touch -- hole of a gun(CDIAL 2830, 2831)
Thus, the two hypertexts together signify a proclamation that inscribed (authenticated) brass metal (iron) ingots, inscribed metal castings are offered for barter (sale) and contained in the storage pot.
Identifying Meluhha gloss for parenthesis hieroglyph or ( ) split ellipse: குடிலம்¹ kuṭilam, n. < kuṭila. 1. Bend curve, flexure; வளைவு. (திவா.) (Tamil) In this reading, the Sign 12 signifies a specific smelter for tin metal: kuṭi 'woman water-carrier' rebus: rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/ kuṭila, 'tin (bronze)metal; kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) [cf. āra-kūṭa, ‘brass’ (Samskritam) See:
It will be seen from Sign 15 that the basic framework of a water-carrier hieroglyph (Sign 12) is superscripted with another hieroglyph component, Sign 342: 'Rim of jar' to result in Sign 15. Thus, Sign 15 is composed of two hieroglyph components: Sign 12 'water-carrier' hieroglyph; Sign 342: "rim-of-jar' hieroglyph (which constitutes the inscription on Daimabad Seal 1).
kaṇḍa karaṇaka ‘rim of jar’; Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe’; kaṇḍ ‘furnace, fire-altar’. Thus the ligatured Glyph is decoded: kaṇḍ karṇaka ‘furnace scribe'

Each hieroglyph component of Sign 15 is read in rebus-metonymy-layered-meluhha-cipher: Hieroglyph component 1: kuṭi 'woman water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/kuṭila, 'tin metal'. Hieroglyph component 2: karaṇaka, kārṇī-ka 'rim-of-jar' rebus: karaṇaka, kārṇī-ka m. ʻsupercargo of a shipʼ 'scribe'.
Ligatured hieroglyph 15 using two ligaturing components: 1. water-carrier; 2. rim-of-jar. The ‘rim-of-jar’ glyph connotes: furnace account (scribe). Together with the glyph showing ‘water-carrier’, the ligatured glyphs of kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ + ‘rim-of-jar’ can thus be read as: kuṭhi kaṇḍa karaṇaka ‘smelting furnace account (scribe)’.

A water carrier or “bhisti” in India.