"King Nebuchadnezzar II (604–562 BCE) ordered the construction of the gate and dedicated it to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. The gate was constructed using glazed brick with alternating rows of basrelie mušḫuššu (dragons), aurochs (bulls), lions.",
mušḫuššu, auroch (unicorn), lion. Two of these three animals evoke the composite animal composites which is a unique characteristic of Indus Script Cipher.
The unicorn is a composite of spiny horned young bull (aurochs)..
A composite animal is called सांगड sāṅgaḍa A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together. Rebus: sāṅgaha 'collection'; jangadiyo 'military guards accompanying treasure'; सांगड sāṅgaḍa 'double-canoe, catamaran'; जांगड [jāṅgaḍa] 'goods on approval' basis.
See: Composite animal Indus Script hypertext, bill of lading, 'metalwork collection shipment on sāṅgaḍa 'double-canoe'
The 'unicorn' is also a composite animal composed of one spiny horn ligatured tothe body of a young bull. The rebus Meluhha readings are:
खोंड [khōṇḍa] m A young bull, a bullcalf; Rebus: kunda 'fine gold' konda 'furnace' PLUS singhin 'spiny horn' rebus: singi 'ornament gold'.
On Indus Script, lion signifies arye 'lion' rebus: āra 'brass'.
Thus,the three animals adorning the Ishtar gate are products of metal wealth: fine gold, ornament gold,brass, iron implements and weapons.
This method of showing animals to signify wealth on the Ishtar Gate compares with the procession of animals shown as tributes from Musri to Shalamanaser III (858-824 BCE) shown in bas-relief on a Black Obelisk which include elephant, camels, monkeys, unicorn, water-buffalo and antelope.See:
Musri mentioned on Shalamaneser II Black Obelisk. Any links with Muziris of Kerala?, camel: Hieroglyphs: karibha, ibha 'elephant' karabhá m. ʻ camel ʼ MBh., ʻ young camel ʼ Pañcat., ʻ young elephant ʼ BhP. 2. kalabhá -- ʻ young elephant or camel ʼ Pañcat. [Poss. a non -- aryan kar -- ʻ elephant ʼ also in karḗṇu -- , karin -- EWA i 165] 1. Pk. karabha -- m., ˚bhī -- f., karaha -- m. ʻ camel ʼ, S. karahu, ˚ho m., P. H. karhā m., Marw. karhau JRAS 1937, 116, OG. karahu m., OM. karahā m.; Si. karaba ʻ young elephant or camel ʼ.2. Pa. kalabha -- m. ʻ young elephant ʼ, Pk. kalabha -- m., ˚bhiā -- f., kalaha -- m.; Ku. kalṛo ʻ young calf ʼ; Or. kālhuṛi ʻ young bullock, heifer ʼ; Si. kalam̆bayā ʻ young elephant ʼ Rebus: karba, ib 'iron'Addenda: karabhá -- : OMarw. karaha ʻ camel ʼ.5. Monkeys: hieroglyphs: Four monkeys shown as tributes are:kuṭhāru कुठारु monkey; rebus: kuṭhāru, कुठारु an armourer.
korg 'black monkey' rebus: kuro silver (Kol.Nk.)
रत्नी ratnī 'female monkey dressed as woman'Rebus: ratnin 'possessing gifts', rátna n. ʻ gift ʼ RV., ʻ treasure, jewel ʼ Mn. [√raṇ 1 ]Pa. ratana -- n. ʻ jewel ʼ
markaṭa मर्कट ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c Rebus: marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ greenʼ(CDIAL 9868) मरकत marakata m S An emerald. (Marathi)
Thus, the tributes signified by the animals from Musri are iron implements, metal armour, lapidary metalwork wealth from Meluhha and tin ore (ranku 'antelope' rebus; ranku 'tin').
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A visit to the Pergamon museum in Berlin
This gate was built at the northern side of the city of Babylon by the king Nebuchadnezzar II in 575 BCE. It was the eighth gate into the city of Babylon, Mesopotamia (modern Babil Governorate, Iraq).
The gate was built with glazed bricks and decorated with alternating rows of bas-reliefs of aurochs (representing the god Adad) and dragons (also known as Mušḫuššu or Sirrush which represent the god Marduk).
The gate (and its inscription wall or plaque) was excavated by a German archaeological team lead by Robert Koldewey from 1902-1914 CE. A complete reconstruction was made within the PergamonMuseum in Berlin, Germany, during the 1930s CE.
This video features the gate and its inscription plaque together with wall plaques of the throne room of the king Nebuchadnezzar II. The Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany.