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A tablet shaped like a gmelina arborea leaf with Indus Script bas-relief inscription of a silversmith's lapidary metalwork repertoire


Field symbols of text-box with 24 dots, leafless tree, two oxen deciphered:

-- kumuda'gmelina arborea leaf' rebus: kumuda'silver'
-- dul kāru 'metalcaster artisans' dul khaṇḍa 'metalcast equipment'.signified on a Harappa tablet with 24 dots as a hypertext

This is a tribute to Smt. Rekha Rao for the brilliant identification of a gmelina arborea shape leaf which matches with the unique shape of an exquisite Harappa faience tablet with Indus Script inscription.

I agree with this identification of the leaf as signifying gmelina arborea. This Kashmiri teak wood is NOT called Kashmira but kumuda read rebus as कु-मुद kumuda, 'silver'

Ta. kumir̤ coomb teak, small cashmere tree; kūmpal coomb teak, Gmelina arborea. Ma. kumir̤, kumpiḷ G. asiatica. Ka.(Lush.) kumuḷe, kumbuḍi, kūḷe G. arborea. Koḍ. kummi, kumbïḷi id. Te. (Lush.) gummuḍu, gumuḍu G. arborea and asiatica; (Inscr.) kumaḍu G. arborea. Kol. (Kin.) kumre G. arborea. Pa. gumṛi id. Go. (Tr.) gummur marā the kumīn tree, Careya arborea (Voc. 1149); (Koya Lush.) gumudu G. arborea; (LuS.) koomooree the koombhee tree. / Cf. Skt. (lex.) kumudā- G. arborea. (DEDR 1742)  कु-मुदा f. the plant Gmelina arborea (Monier-Williasms कुमुदिक   kumudika कुमुदिक a. Abounding in Kumudas. -का N. of a plant (कट्फला). -2 A small tree (the seeds to which are aromatic).कुमुदः-गन्ध्या f. a woman having the smell of a कुमुद to her body. (Apte) குமுதை kumutai , n. 1. Coomb teak, Gmelina arboreaகுமிழ்
மரவகைPond. (Tamil)

The tablet is inscribed in bas-relief; the term for such writing is: குமிழ்-தல் kumiḻ- , 4 v. intr. To be embossed or worked in relief; சித்திரவேலை செதுக் கப்படுதல். மரத்திற் குமிழ்ந்த் யானை.Thus, the kumir̤, kumuda, gmelina arborea leaf signifies bas-relief writing.

Rebus: कु-मुद 'silver' (Monier-Williams)

Thus, the gmelina arborea leaf shape signifies kumuda 'silver'. With this decipherment, the entier Indus Script inscription on sides of the Harappa tablet is read rebus:
khōṇḍa 'leafless tree'rebus: kunda 'fine gold' PLUS  kuṭi,'tree' rebus: kuṭhi'smelter'

dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS  barad, balad 'ox' rebus: bharata n A factitious metal compounded of copper, pewter, tin &c.  Thus, the pair of bulls (oxen) signifies: copper-pewter-tin-alloy metalcasters.

The text message PLUS 24-dots of a text box read rebus:
24-dot text box as hypertext: dul kāru (2X12) signifies metalcaster artisans (making) dul khaṇḍa 'metalcast equipment'

The four-signs of the text message read from r. to l. 

1. ayo dhakka 'bright alloy metal'
2. baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin)
3.kaṇḍa kārī which reads ‘rim of jar’ rebus: ‘equipment cargo, scribe’ 
4. karaḍā खरडें 'daybook, wealth-accounting ledger'. Rebus: kharādī ' turner'.

Thus, the text message trogether with the text-box of 24 dots conveys the details of the wealth cargo: alloy metal, equipment cargo, wealth-accounting ledger of metals turner. silver and alloy metal smelter, PLUS dul kāru (2X12) metalcaster artisans (making) dul khaṇḍa 'metalcast equipment'.

A unique mold-made faience tablet or standard (H2000-4483/2342-01) was found in the eroded levels west of the tablet workshop in Trench 54 of Harappa by HARP Team. On one side is a short inscription under a rectangular box filled with 24 dots. The reverse has a narrative scene with two bulls fighting under a thorny tree.
Source: https://www.harappa.com/indus3/205.html

खांडा  [ khāṇḍā ]A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  (Marathi). Rebus: khaṇḍa'equipment'.


Such dots are seen on many metallic artefacts of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization.
Rectangle with 12 dots on Harappa faience tablet; deciphered: metalcasting artisans

dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' PLUS कारु [ kāru 'twelve' Rebus: 'artisans' Thus, metal casting artisans. कारु [ kāru ] m (S) A common term for the twelve बलुतेदार q. v. Also कारुनारु m pl q. v. in नारुकारु Rebus: कारु [ kāru ] m (S) An artificer or artisan. बाराकारू (p. 576) [ bārākārū ] m pl The twelve कारू or बलतेदार. See बलुतेदार.बलोतें, बलोतेदार, बलोता or त्या (p. 567) [ balōtē, mbalōtēdāra, balōtā or tyā ] Commonly बलुतें &c. Thus, dul kāru (2X12) signifies metalcaster artisans (making) dul khaṇḍa 'metalcast equipment'.

Hieroglyph: गोटा [ gōṭā ] m A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble (of stone, lac, wood &c.) Rebus 1: खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. Rebus 2: goTa 'laterite (ferrous ore)' [ khōṭasāḷa ] a (खोट & साळ from शाला) Alloyed--a metal. (Marathi) Bshk. khoṭ ʻ embers ʼ, Phal. khūṭo ʻ ashes, burning coal ʼ; (CDIAL 3931)

PLUS कारु [ kāru ] 'twelve' Rebus: 'artisan' dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'cast metal' Thus, the 24 dots signify: ingot, laterite metalcasting artisan. The faience tablet of Harappa on both sides signifies through hieroglyph-multiplexes a catalogue of metallurgical competence of the metalsmiths, laterite (ferrous) metalcasters.

Rebus 2: गोठघोळणी [ gōṭhaghōḷaṇī ] f A goldsmith's instrument for forming गोठ (metal bracelet).गोट [ gōṭa ] m ( H) A metal wristlet. An ornament of women. 2 Encircling or investing
Pair of bulls deciphered as copper-pewter-tin-alloy metalcasters

Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree (DEDR 2200). Rebus 2: खोट [khōṭa] alloyed ingot (Marathi). koḍ ‘artisan’s workplace’. 

dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' Hieroglyph: barad, balad 'ox' Rebus: भरताचें भांडें (p. 603) [ bharatācē mbhāṇḍēṃ ] n A vessel made of the metal भरत. 2 See भरिताचें भांडें.भरती (p. 603) [ bharatī ] a Composed of the metal भरत.भरत (p. 603) [ bharata ] n A factitious metal compounded of copper, pewter, tin &c.  Thus, the pair of bulls (ox) signified: copper-pewter-tin-alloy metalcasters

Lealess tree on faience tablet. Deciphered: metal alloy turner

khōṇḍa  A stock or stump (Marathi) 'leafless tree' (Marathi). खडणें   khaḍaṇēṃ v i To be shed or cast, or to fall--the leaves of a tree: also to be leafless from having cast its leaves--a tree.(Marathi) Rebus: खोट  [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. (Marathi) 

Hieroglyph: khōṇḍa ‘leafless tree’ (Marathi). Rebus 1: kõdā’turner’ (Bengali) कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner' kunda 'fine gold' Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting gems in a jewel; fine gold (< Te.). Ka. kundaṇa setting a precious stone in fine gold; fine gold; kundana fine gold. Tu. kundaṇa pure gold. Te. kundanamu fine gold used in very thin foils in setting precious stones; setting precious stones with fine gold. (DEDR 1725)

Hieroglyph: kuṭi, kuṭhi, kuṭa, kuṭha a tree (Kaus'.); kud.a tree (Pkt.); kur.a_ tree; kar.ek tree, oak (Pas;.)(CDIAL 3228). kuṭha, kuṭa (Ka.), kudal (Go.) kudar. (Go.) kuṭha_ra, kuṭha, kuṭaka = a tree (Samskritam) kuṭ, kurun: = stump of a tree (Bond.a); khut. = id.(Or.) kut.amu = a tree (Telugu)  Rebus: kuThi 'smelter'.

Text on Harappa faience tablet deciphered. alloy metal, copper-pewter-tin alloy, supercargo-scribe, portable furnace.
Sign 65 is a hypertext composed ofSign 59 and 'lid of pot' hieroglyph.Sign 134 ayo 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal' ays 'iron' PLUS dhakka 'lid of pot' rebus: dhakka 'bright' Thus, ayo dhakka, 'bright alloy metal.' Thus, Sign 65 hypertext reads: ayo dhakka 'bright alloy metal'
Sign 48 Sign 48 is a 'backbone, spine' hieroglyph: baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi) Tir. mar -- kaṇḍḗ ʻ back (of the body) ʼ; S. kaṇḍo m. ʻ back ʼ, L. kaṇḍ f., kaṇḍā m. ʻ backbone ʼ, awāṇ. kaṇḍ, °ḍī ʻ back ʼH. kã̄ṭā m. ʻ spine ʼ, G. kã̄ṭɔ m., M. kã̄ṭā m.; Pk. kaṁḍa -- m. ʻ backbone ʼ.(CDIAL 2670) Rebus: kaṇḍ ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) bharatiyo = a caster of metals; a brazier; bharatar, bharatal, bharata = moulded; an article made 

in a mould; bharata = casting metals in moulds; bharavum = to fill in; to put in; to pour into 

(Gujarati) bhart = a mixed metal of copper and lead; bhartīyā = a brazier, worker in metal; bha

bhrāṣṭra = oven, furnace (Sanskrit. )baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi) 

This kaṇḍa kārī which reads ‘rim of jar’ rebus: ‘equipment cargo, scribe’ signifies bill of lading when used as sealings of seals on cargo packages. This explains the reason why this hypertext is the most frequently on Indus Script Corpora.
Sign 176 khareḍo 'a currycomb (Gujarati) Rebus: karaḍā खरडें 'daybook, wealth-accounting ledger'. Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati). 

कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 'spread legs'; (semantic determinant) Rebus: kanahār'helmsman', karNI 'scribe, account''supercargo'. कर्णक 'spread legs' rebus: 'helmsman', karNi 'supercargo'; meṛed 'iron' rebus: meḍh 'merchant' ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal'; 2. कर्णक 'spread legs' rebus: 'helmsman', kari 'supercargo'  Indicative that the merchant is seafaring metalsmith. karṇadhāra m. ʻ helmsman ʼ Suśr. [kárṇa -- , dhāra -- 1]Pa. kaṇṇadhāra -- m. ʻ helmsman ʼ; Pk. kaṇṇahāra -- m. ʻ helmsman, sailor ʼ; H. kanahār m. ʻ helmsman, fisherman ʼ.(CDIAL 2836) Decipherment: कर्णक 'helmsman' PLUS mē̃d, mēd 'body' rebus: mē̃d, mēd 'iron', med 'copper' (Slavic). Thus the body hieroglyph signifies mē̃d कर्णक karṇi 'an iron helmsman seafaring, supercargo merchant.'

baraDo 'spine' Rebus: bharata 'alloy of copper, pewter, tin'; karNIka 'rim of jar' Rebus: karNI 'supercargo' karNIka 'scribe'; karava narrow-necked jar' Rebus: karba 'iron' kharva 'nidhi of Kubera'. कंकवा (p. 123) [ kaṅkavā ] m A sort of comb. See कंगवा. कोंगें (p. 180) [ kōṅgēṃ ] n A long sort of honeycomb.Rebus: kanga 'portable furnace' Rebus: kangar 'large brazier': *kāṅgārikā ʻ poor or small brazier ʼ. [Cf. kāgni -- m. ʻ a small fire ʼ Vop.: ka -- 3 or kā -- , aṅgāri -- ] K. kã̄gürükã̄gar f. ʻ portable brazier ʼ whence kangar m. ʻ large do. ʼ (or < *kāṅgāra -- ?); H. kã̄grī f. small portable brazier ʼ.(CDIAL 3006) 

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/416065382227600/

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The position of Kashmira is described in tantra Bhaminivilasa, 1.71 (Bombay) as a place:
“ShAradA matham aarabhya kunkumaadrita tAntakaha. tAvad kashmira deshaha syat panchashyadhyo janAtmakaha”.
As a place it is (Kashmiragandha)with smell of saffron- “Kashmirajasya katutApi nitAntarabhya”.
KAshmira also means belonging to or inhabitants of place Kashmira.
KAshmari is a fast growing tree called gamhar / Goomar teak (Botanical name Gmelina arboria) occurring naturally in India extensively in sub Himalayan tracts from east of River Bias.
One of the Indus seals (Picture 1) depicts this gamhar tree under which are the bulls grazing and Picture 2, the leaves of Gamhar tree. This gives a picture of the region where Indus civilization was active. The seal is cut in the shape of Gamhar tree leaf.
Picture source Harappa.com and Wikipedia

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