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Hypertext formations with combined animal parts signify wealth storage classifications, Indus Script Cipher


Indus Script Cipher has a unique princple to form hypertexts. Animal parts are combined to signify wealth classification categories.
Combined animal heads on a bovine body. Mohenjo-daro seal.

Combined animal figurine: elephant, buffalo, feline in sculptured form. Why are these three distinct animals combined? Because, they signify distinct wealth categories of metalwork.

Rebus renderings signify solder, pewter, tin, tinsel, tin foil: Hieroglyph: Ku. N. rã̄go ʻ buffalo bull ʼ(CDIAL 10559) Rebus: 10562 raṅga3 n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. [Cf. nāga -- 2, vaṅga -- 1] Pk. raṁga -- n. ʻ tin ʼ; P. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ pewter, tin ʼ (← H.); Ku. rāṅ ʻ tin, solder ʼ, gng. rã̄k; N. rāṅrāṅo ʻ tin, solder ʼ, A. B. rāṅ; Or. rāṅga ʻ tin ʼ, rāṅgā ʻ solder, spelter ʼ, Bi. Mth. rã̄gā, OAw. rāṁga; H. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; Si. ran̆ga ʻ tin ʼ.*raṅgapattra -- .10567 *raṅgapattra ʻ tinfoil ʼ. [raṅga -- 3, páttra -- ] B. rāṅ(g) ʻ tinsel, copper -- foil ʼ.(CDIAL 10562, 10567)

ranku'antelope' rebus:rã̄k,ranku'tin'

melh,mr̤eka'goat or antelope' rebus: milakkhu'copper'mleccha'copper'

ډنګر ḏḏangar, s.m. (5th) A bullock or buffalo. Pl. ډنګر ḏḏangœrډنګره ḏḏangaraʿh, s.f. (3rd). Pl. يْ ey. 2. adj. Thin, weak, lean, meagre, emaciated, scraggy, attenuated. rebus: dangar 'blacksmith'.
Istanbul Arch Museum 01391.jpgBull in Istanbul Ancient Orient Museum Ishtar Gate.

khoṇḍa singi 'horned young bull' rebus; kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'.
शृङ्गिन्   śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Horned. -2 Crested, peaked. -m. 1 A mountain. -2 An elephant. -3 A ram. -4 A tree. -5 N. of Śiva. -6 N. of one of Śiva's attendants; शृङ्गी भृङ्गी रिटिस्तुण्डी Ak. -7 A bull; शङ्ग्यग्निदंष्ट्र्यसिजलद्विजकण्टकेभ्यः Bhāg.1.8.25. shrang श्रंग् । शृङ्गम्, प्रधानभूतः m. a horn; the top, peak, summit of a mountain (Kashmiri)

Hieroglyph, 'horned animal': siṅgin.'horned', having a horn Vin ii.300; J iv.173 (=cow); clever, sharp -- witted, false Th 1, 959; A ii.26; It 112; cp. J.P.T.S. 1885, 53. (Pali) OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) sīṁgī f.adj. ʻhorned (of cow)ʼ. (CDIAL 12595).

Rebus: singī & singi (f.) [cp. Sk. śṛngī] gold Vin i.38; S ii.234; J i.84 (Pali) śr̥ngī-नकम् gold used for ornaments. शृङ्गिः śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments. शृङ्गी śṛṅgī Gold used for ornaments.

The one-horned bovine is thus read as: kār kunda siṅgin 'gold for use in ornaments' (by) 'blacksmith, turner, goldsmith.' Singin 'clever, sharp -- witted, false Th 1, 959; A ii.26; It 112; cp. J.P.T.S. 1885, 53.(Pali) is a synonym of کنده kār-kunda 'manager, director, adroit, clever, experienced' (Pashto) kunda1 m. ʻ a turner's lathe ʼ lex. [Cf. *cunda -- 1]N. kũdnu ʻ to shape smoothly, smoothe, carve, hew ʼ, kũduwā ʻ smoothly shaped ʼ; A. kund ʻ lathe ʼ, kundiba ʻ to turn and smooth in a lathe ʼ, kundowā ʻ smoothed and rounded ʼ; B. kũd ʻ lathe ʼ, kũdākõdā ʻ to turn in a lathe ʼ; Or. kū˘nda ʻ lathe ʼ, kũdibākū̃d˚ ʻ to turn ʼ (→ Drav. Kur. kū̃d ʻ lathe ʼ); Bi. kund ʻ brassfounder's lathe ʼ; H. kunnā ʻ to shape on a lathe ʼ, kuniyā m. ʻ turner ʼ, kunwā m.(CDIAL 3295) kunda 'a treasure of Kubera'; kunda 'gold' kundaa 'fine gold'. Thus, of کنده kār-kunda singin signifies 'fine gold, gold for ornaments'. kõdār 'turner' (Bengali) kō̃da 'kiln, furnace' (Kashmiri)
"Cylinder Seal of Ibni-Sharrum, described as "one of the most striking examples of the perfection attained by carvers in the Agade period [2350–2170 BCE]. . . . The decoration, which is characteristic of the Agade period, shows two buffaloes that have just slaked their thirst in the stream of water spurting from two vases held by two naked kneeling heroes." It belonged to Ibni-Sharrum, the scribe of King Sharkali-Sharri, who succeeded his father Naram-Sin. The caption cotinues: "The two naked, curly-headed heroes are arranged symmetrically, half-kneeling. They are both holding vases from which water is gushing as a symbol of fertility and abundance; it is also the attribute of the god of the river, Enki-Ea, of whom these spirits of running water are indeed the acolytes. Two arni, or water buffaloes, have just drunk from them. Below the scene, a river winds between the mountains represented conventionally by a pattern of two lines of scales. The central cartouche bearing an inscription is held between the buffaloes' horns." The buffalo was known to have come from ancient Indus lands by the Akkadians." https://www.harappa.com/blog/indus-cylinder-seals-louvre



I suggest that the three tigers with interlocked bodies connote cāli 'interlocked bodies'.

Rebus-metonymy layered cipher yields the plain text Meluhha message : kola 'tiger'> kolom 'three' PLUS cāli 'interlocked bodies': kammasālā 'workshop' (Prakritam) < kolimi 'forge' PLUS śālā, i.e. smithy workshop; 
salāyisu = joining of metal (Kannada).

m2015, m0295 The three interlocked tigers show their feline claws prominently. panja 'feline paw' rebus:panja 'kiln, furnace' PLUS kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron'; kolhe 'smelter'.
m0295 Pict-61: Composite motif of three tigers (Mahadevan concodance)Location: Mohenjo Daro, Larkana Dt., Sind, Pakistan Site: Mohenjo Daro Monument/Object: carved sealCurrent Location: National Museum, New Delhi, India Subject: interlinked tigers Period: Harappa/Indus Civilization (Pakistan) (3300-1700 BCE) Date: ca. 2100 - 1750 BCE Material: stone Scan Number: 27412 Copyright: Huntington, John C. and Susan L. Image Source: Huntington Archive 



I suggest that the three tigers with interlocked bodies connote cāli 'interlocked bodies'.

Rebus-metonymy layered cipher yields the plain text Meluhha message : kola 'tiger'> kolom 'three' PLUS cāli 'interlocked bodies': kammasālā 'workshop' (Prakritam) < kolimi 'forge' PLUS śālā, i.e. smithy workshop; 
salāyisu = joining of metal (Kannada).

m2015, m0295 The three interlocked tigers show their feline claws prominently. panja 'feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln, furnace' PLUS kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron'; kolhe 'smelter'.

kola ‘tiger’ rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ cāli 'Interlocking bodies' (IL 3872) Rebus: sal 'workshop' (Santali)Hieroglyph of joined, interlocked bodies: cāli (IL 3872); rebus: śālika (IL) village of artisans. cf. salāyisu = joining of metal (Ka.)

Orthography of Harappa Script Corpora presents two variants of 'interlocked' bodies of kola, 'tigers' (rebus: kol 'blacksmith'): e.g., (a) m0295 (PLUS Text message hieroglyphs), (b) m1395 with upto six bodies of tigers intertwined" (bhaa 'six' rebus: bhaa 'furnace').
cāli 'Interlocking bodies' (IL 3872) Rebus: sal 'workshop' (Santali) Allograph: sal ‘splinter’.
m0295 Text1386 Note how the hieroglyph components of the text are displayed in the space available on the seal after the pictorial motif hieroglyphs have been put together as part of the hypertext. The broken corner of the seal may have included other 'text hieroglyphs called signs'.
The text messageis: bronze workshop, scribe/account iron supercargo, helmsman, smithy/forge/temple. 
Details of Text: 
kōna corner (Nk.); tu. u angle, corner (Tu.); rebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali) Alternative reading; kanac 'corner' rebus: kañcu 'bronze'

sal 'splinter' Rebus: sal 'workshop'

कर्णकः karṇakḥ कर्णकः Ved. 1 A prominence; handle' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe. 

kaṇḍ kanka ‘rim of jar’; Rebus: karnI 'supercargo', karṇika ‘scribe’; kaṇḍ ‘furnace, fire-altar’. Thus the ligatured Glyph is decoded: 

kaṇḍkarṇaka ‘furnace scribe'

कर्णक kárṇaka कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 'spread legs'; 

(semantic determinant) rebus: kárṇaka, kannā कर्णक 'helmsman'.PLUS 

me ‘body’ Rebus: me ‘iron’ (Mu.) 

kole.l smithy, temple in Kota village (Ko.) rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge'; kolimi 'smithy, forge' 

kola 'tiger' Rebus: kol 'working in iron'; kolle 'blacksmith'; kolimi 'smithy, forge'; kole.l 'smithy, temple' kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith. 
Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village. To. kwala·l Kota smithy. Ka. kolime, kolume, kulame, kulime, kulume, kulme fire-pit, furnace; (Bell.; U.P.U.) konimi blacksmith(Gowda) kolla id. Koḍ. kollë blacksmith. Te. kolimi furnace. Go. (SR.)kollusānā to mend implements; (Ph.) kolstānā, kulsānā to forge; (Tr.) kōlstānā to repair (of ploughshares); (SR.) kolmi smithy (Voc. 948). Kuwi (F.) kolhali to forge.(DEDR 2133)

Hieroglyph of ‘looking back’ is read rebus kamar 'artisan': క్రమ్మరు [krammaru] krammaru. [Tel.] v. n. To turn, return, go  back. మరలు.  క్రమ్మరించు or  క్రమ్మరుచు  krammarinsu. V. a. To turn, send back, recall. To revoke, annul,rescind.క్రమ్మరజేయుక్రమ్మర krammara Adv. Again. క్రమ్మరిల్లు or క్రమరబడు Same as క్రమ్మరు. krəm backʼ(Kho.)(CDIAL 3145) Kho. Krəm ʻ back ʼ NTS ii 262 with (?) (CDIAL 3145)[Cf. Ir. *kamaka  or *kamraka -- ʻ back ʼ in Shgh. Čůmčʻbackʼ,Sar. Čomǰ EVSh 26] (CDIAL 2776) cf. Sang. kamak ʻ back ʼ, Shgh. Čomǰ (< *kamak G.M.) ʻ back of an animal ʼ, Yghn. Kama ʻ neck ʼ (CDIAL 14356). Kár, kãr  ‘neck’ (Kashmiri) Kal. Gřä ʻ neck ʼ; Kho. Go ʻ front of neck, throat ʼ. Gala m. ʻ throat, neck ʼ MBh. (CDIAL 4070)  Rebus: karmāra ‘smith, artisan’ (Skt.) kamar ‘smith’ (Santali)

kolom 'three' Rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' kole.l 'smithy, forge'; kole.l 'temple'

Thus, the message on the seal reads: me ‘iron’; kāḍ  ‘stone’;  karṇaka karṇika ‘helmsman, supercargo, furnace scribe'; kolimi 'smithy, forge' kole.l 'smithy, temple'; sal ‘workshop’ PLUS kõdā sal 'turner workshop' (Alternative: kañcu sal 'bronze workshop')

The entire hypertexts of pictorial and text hieroglyph components can thus be read using rebus-metonymy-layered-meluhha cipher as: 'iron stone furnace scribe smithy-forge, temple, bronze turner's workshop'.

kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Telugu) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.) कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [kōlhēṃ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil) kōla1 m. ʻ name of a degraded tribe ʼ Hariv. Pk. kōla -- m.; B. kol ʻ name of a Muṇḍā tribe ʼ.(CDIAL 3532) 

కరుకోల (p. 252) karukōla karu-kōla. [Tel.] n. A firing iron, for cautery. கொல்லுலை kol-l-ulai 
  , n. < id. +. Black-smith's forge; கொல்லனுலை. கொல்லுலைக் கூடத் தினால் (குமர. பிர. நீதிநெறி. 14).கொல்² kol Working in iron; கொற்றொழில். Blacksmith; கொல்லன். 5. Lock; பூட்டு. (பிங்.)  Brass or iron bar nailed across a door or gate; கதவு முதலியவற்றில் தைக்கும் இரும்பு முதலிய வற்றாலாகிய பட்டை. Loc.

m1395 [PLUS hieroglyphs on obverse of tablet: haematite (ferrite ore), blacksmith artisan, iron implements merchant, armourer, hard alloy metalcasting]. 

There are at least six multiples of (m1395) tablets with this frame of 'interlocked' bodies of tigers on one side and other hieroglyphs/hypertexts on the reverse side. 
The hypertexts on the reverse side are detailed metalwork catalogues.

सांगड (p. 495) sāgaa f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together. Rebus: sagaha 'catalogue' (Pkt.) सं-ग्रह [p=1129,2] a guardian , ruler , manager , arranger R. BhP. keeping , guarding , protection Mn. MBh.complete enumeration or collection , sum , amount , totality (एण , " completely " , " entirely ")Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (Monier-Williams) Pa. sagaha -- m. ʻ collection ʼ, Pk. sagaha -- m.; Bi. ̄gah ʻ building materials ʼ; Mth. ̄gah ʻ the plough and all its appurtenances ʼ, Bhoj. har -- sã̄ga; H. sãgahā ʻ collection of materials (e.g. for building) ʼ; <-> Si. san̆gaha ʻ compilation ʼ  Pa.(CDIAL 12852) Rebus: सांगड (p. 495) sāgaa m f (संघट्ट S) A float composed of two canoes or boats bound together: also a link of two pompions &c. to swim or float by.  That member of a turner's apparatus by which the piece to be turned is confined and steadied. सांगडीस धरणें To take into linkedness or close connection with, lit. fig.

Terracotta sealing from Mohenjo-daro depicting a collection of animals and some script. Hieroglyphs. Centrepiece is a scorpion, surrounded by a pair of oxen (bulls), rhinoceros, monkey, elephant, a tiger looking back, a standing person with spread legs. This hieroglyph cluster is duplicated on six tablets.
Hieroglyphs. Centrepiece is a scorpion, surrounded by a pair of oxen (bulls), rhinoceros, monkey, elephant, a tiger looking back, a standing person with spread legs. This hieroglyph cluster is duplicated on a six tablets.
m02015 A,B, m2016, m1393, m1394, m1395, m0295, m0439, m440, m0441 A,B On some tablets, such a glyphic composition (hypertext) is also accompanied (on obverse side, for example, cf. m2015A and m0295) with a glyphic of two or more joined tiger heads to a single body. In one inscription (m0295), the text inscriptions are also read. bica ‘scorpion’ rebus: bica ‘haematite, ferrite ore’ kola ‘tiger’ rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ kol ‘metal’ PLUSkrammara ‘look back’ rebus: kamar ‘smith’ karabha ‘trunk of elephant’ ibha ‘elephant’ rebus: karba ‘ironib ‘iron’ ibbo ‘merchant’ kaṇḍa ‘rhinoceros’ rebus; kaṇḍa ‘implements’ kuhāru ‘monkey’ rebus: kuhāru‘armourer’ dula ‘two’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’ dhangar ‘bull’ rebus; dhangar ‘blacksmith’. barada, balad 'ox' rebus: bharata,baran 'factitious alloy of copper, pewter, tin'.

See:  Mirror: http://tinyurl.com/jr43e8g

सं-ग्रह m. holding together , seizing , grasping , taking , reception , obtainment MBh. Ka1v.&c; the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means MBh. Hariv.; bringing together , assembling (of men) R. Ragh. Sin6ha7s.; collecting , gathering , conglomeration , accumulation (as of stores) Mn. MBh. &c; a place where anything is kept , a store-room , receptacle BhP.;complete enumeration or collection , sum , amount , totality (एण , " completely " , " entirely ") Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (Monier-Williams) 
 jangad'invoicing on approval basis', jangadiyo 'military guards carrying treasure into the treasury' (Gujarati) 

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