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Utsava bera processions of Indus Script are a celebration of wealth-production


-- Utsava bera processions of Indus Script and roots of gold standard in the writing system celebrated in Mari, c. 24th cent. BCE

-- The most frequent Indus Script symbols trace roots of gold standard, cashiers, scribes, assayers of metal

-- The most frequent pictographs such as dotted circles, 'unicorn' (one-horned young bull), rim-of-jar, of Indus Script define wealth-production by smiths, lapidaries working with fine gold, ornament gold, minerals, smelters, moltencast metal castings.

उत्-सव m. enterprise , beginning RV. i , 100 , 8 ; 102 , 1; a festival , jubilee (Monier-Williams) उत्सवः   utsavḥ उत्सवः [उद्-सू-अप्] 1 A festival, joyous or festive occasion, jubilee; रत˚ Ś.6.2; ताण्डव˚ festive or joyous dance. U.3.18 (v. l.); Ms.3.59. -2 Joy, merriment, delight, pleasure; स कृत्वा विरतोत्सवान् R.4.78,16.1; Mv.3.41; Ratn.1.23; Śi.2.61; पराभवोप्युत्सव एव मानिनाम् Ki.1.41. -3 Height, elevation. -4 Wrath, -5 Wish, rising of a wish. तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्सवौ Rām.5.35.23. -6 A section of a book. -7 Enterprise. -8 An undertaking, beginning. -Comp. -उदयम् The height of the vehicle animal in comparison with that of the principal idol; मूलबेरवशं मानमुत्सवोदयमीरितम् (Māna- sāra.64.91-93). -विग्रहः Image for procession (Kondividu Inscription of Kriṣṇarāya). -सङ्केताः (m. pl.) N. of a people, a wild tribe of the Himālaya; शरैरुत्सवसङ्केतान् स कृत्वा विरतोत्सवान् R.4.78.(Apte)

There is joy and merriment in the processions becaus wealth has been produced by the enterprise of artisans and seafaring merchants of Meluhha. The joyous celebration on over 8000 Indus Script inscriptions are matched and paralleled by the Mari procession signified on a marble frieze.

These processions (utsava bera) of Indus Script symbols are matched by the Mari procession marble frieze, holding aloft a horned young bull on a flagstaff.
"The Royal Palace of Mari was the royal residence of the rulers of the ancient kingdom of Mari in eastern Syria. Situated centrally amidst PalestineSyriaBabylonLevant, and other Mesopotamian city-states, Mari acted as the “middle-man” to these larger, powerful kingdoms. Both the size and grand nature of the palace demonstrate the importance of Mari during its long history, though the most intriguing feature of the palace is the nearly 25,000 tablets found within the palace rooms. The royal palace was discovered in 1935, excavated with the rest of the city throughout the 1930s, and is considered one of the most important finds made at Mari André Parrot led the excavations and was responsible for the discovery of the city and the palace. Thousands of clay tablets were discovered through the efforts of André Bianquis, which provided archaeologists the tools to learn about, and to understand, everyday life at the palace and in Mari. The discovery of the tablets also aided in the labeling of various rooms in terms of their purpose and function...The palace reached its grandest state with its last renovation under king Zimri-Lim in the 18th century BCE; in addition to serving as the home of the royal family, the palace would have also housed royal guards, state workers, members of the military, and those responsible for the daily activities of the kingdom...The royal palace at Mari was decorated with frescoes and statues. Decoration different depending on the function of the room. Religious and royal scenes were placed in public areas, where the message of kingship and religion could easily be viewed by visitors and residents of the palace.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Palace_of_Mari


-- The most frequent Indus Script symbols trace the incipient framework of gold standard based monetary systems which replace barter trade transactions (utsava bera) shown on Indus Scipt and Mari marble frieze processions.

खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull', 'holcus sorghum', 3) khōṇḍa 'sack, pannier' Rebus: konda 'furnace' PLUS karba'stalk of millet' (holcus sorghum) rebus: karba'iron'.kunda 'fine gold' singi 'horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold'

पोतदार   pōtadāra m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith.
पोतदारी   pōtadārī f ( P) The office or business of पोतदार: also his rights or fees.
पोतनिशी   pōtaniśī f ( P) The office or business of पोतनीस.
पोतनीस   pōtanīsa m ( P) The treasurer or cash-keeper.(Marathi)

The fillets worn by the priest on his forehead and right shoulder signify his professional competence: dhāī 'strand' PLUS vata, 'string'; together, the expression is:a dotted circle + string which signifies dhā̆vaḍ ''iron-smelter'. His beard is neatly trimmed signifying that he may have used a metal razor or similar toiletry instrument to trim the beard. These pragmantics are reinforced by the dotted circles decorated on the potti'cloth' he wears as a shawl.

In view of the extensive use of these pictographs in Indus Script, I suggest that the 'unicorn' shown on Ishtar Gate of Babylon (dated 576 BCE, now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin) is a meaningful symbol transmitted through Indus Script into Ancient Near East.

The most requent pictographs of Indus Script are: 1. Rim of jar; 2. One-horned young bull; and 3. standard device (combination of lathe and portable furnace) with a staff (handle) and decorated with dotted circles.

1. Rim of jar is khaṇḍa kanka 'pot, rim'
2. One-horned young bull is kunda singi'young bull, horned'
3. Standard device is kunda kammaa'lathe, portable furnace' PLUS dotted circles: dhã̄ 'strand' dāya 'one in dice' PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' PLUS pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ.

Semantics of rebus readings are:

khaṇḍkaraṇa'equipment scribe/merchant/helmsman'
kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'
kunda kammaa 'fine gold mint'
dāya'one in dice' rebus: dhatu'mineral' PLUS vaṭṭa'circle' rebus: vtta'profession'; together, dhã̄va 'smelter' PLUS pōttī ʻglass beadʼ rebus: Potr purifier'potadāra'assayer of metals'

Thus, the most frequent pictographs are hypertexts signifying wealth-creation activities of lapidaries (assayers of metals) and merchants (who are also scribes and boat-people, helmsmen) working in a mint with minerals, smelters, fine gold, ornament gold.

  Rim of jarSign 342 is a pictograph of a rim or handle of jar
A variant of Sign 342 with flared handles of jar in the middle of the Text message sequence of signs.
sal'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'
eraka 'knave of wheel' rebus: eraka'moltencast' Thus, the two signs together signify metal casting workshop.
खांडा khāṇḍā m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool' khaṇḍa'divisions' Rebus: kāṇḍā'metalware' .

Thus, the text message conveys the wealth-creating activities of: smelter, fine gold, ornament gold lapidary, moltencast metal casting workshop of scribes/merchants/lathe-worker producing metal equipments.

The Sign 397 shown in front of the horned young bull is a semantic equivalent of the standard device with dotted circles. Sign 397 signifies dhā̆vaḍ ''iron-smelter'dhāī˜ 'wisp of fibre in a twisted rope' (Lahnda); rebus: 'one in role of dice'.The circumference of a circle is slightly more than three times as long as its diameter. 
Sign 397 dhāī 'strand' PLUS vata, 'string'; together, the expression is:
a dotted circle + string which signifies dhā̆vaḍ ''iron-smelter' who performs the act of purification to win the wealth, the metal from mere earth and stone -- replicating the immeasurability of cosmic phenomena. This symbol is worn on the fillets of the Mohenjo-daro priest (on his forehead and on his right shoulder).
The rim of jar pictograph is distinguished frin a wude=mouthed rimless pot together with a ladle on this seal.
Hypertext of Sign 336 has hieroglyph components: muka 'ladle' (Tamil)(DEDR 4887) Rebus: mū̃h'ingot' (Santali).PLUSSign 328  baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: baṭa 'iron' bhaṭa 'furnace'. The hypertext reads: mū̃h bhaṭa 'ingot furnace'.

käti ʻwarrior' (Sinhalese)(CDIAL 3649). rebus:  khātī m. ʻ 'member of a caste of wheelwrights' 
kui 'temple' rebus: kuhi 'smelter'.

khōṇḍa 'sack, pannier' khōṇḍī 'pannier sack'खोंडी (Marathi) Rebus: kunda 'nidhi'; kō̃da कोँद 'kiln, furnace for smelting'
kammatamu 'portable gold furnace' rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner coinage
kunda 'lathe' rebus: kundan 'fine gold'
dhã̄ 'strand' daya 'one in dice' rebus: dhatu 'mineral' PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: vtta 'profession'; together, dhã̄va 'smelter'.
A large seal 5 cm x 5 cm (Courtesy: HARP project, JM Kenoyer; Dept. of Archaeology and Museums, Karachi, Pakistan)

kándu f. ʻ iron pot ʼ Suśr., ˚uka -- m. ʻ saucepan ʼ.Pk. kaṁdu -- , kaṁḍu -- m.f. ʻ cooking pot ʼ; K. kō̃da f. ʻ potter's kiln, lime or brick kiln ʼ; -- ext. with -- ḍa -- : K. kã̄dur m. ʻ oven ʼ. -- Deriv. Pk. kaṁḍua -- ʻ sweetseller ʼ (< *kānduka -- ?); H. kã̄dū m. ʻ a caste that makes sweetmeats ʼ. (CDIAL 2726) kuṭa1 m.n. ʻ water -- pot, pitcher ʼ Yaśast., kūṭa -- 5 n. lex., kuḍikā -- f. lex. 2. *kuṭava -- . 3. *kōṭa -- 4.[With kuṇḍá -- 1, *kulla -- 3, kúlāla -- , *kōḍamba -- , gōla -- 2, *ghōla -- 2 ← Drav. EWA i 221, 226 with lit. -- Cf. kuḍava -- ] 1. Pa. kuṭa -- m.n. ʻ pitcher ʼ; NiDoc. kuḍ'a ʻ waterpot ʼ, Pk. kuḍa -- m.; Paš. kuṛã̄ ʻ clay pot ʼ (or < kuṇḍá -- 1); Kal. kŕūŕi ʻ milking pail ʼ; H. kuliyā f. ʻ small earthen cup ʼ; Si. kuḷāva ʻ pot, vessel for oil ʼ (EGS 47 wrongly < kaṭāha -- ), kaḷa -- geḍiya ʻ waterpot ʼ, kaḷaya (or < kaláśa -- ).2. Pa. kuṭava -- ʻ nest ʼ (semant. cf. N. gũṛ s.v. kuṇḍá -- 1); Or. kuṛuā ʻ tall red earthen pot for cooking curry and rice offerings in the temple at Puri ʼ.3. Pk. kōḍaya -- , ˚ḍia -- n. ʻ small earthen pot ʼ; Dm. kōŕí ʻ milking pail ʼ; G. koṛiyũ n. ʻ earthen cup for oil and wick ʼ; M. koḍẽ n. ʻ earthen saucer for a lamp ʼ.*tailakuṭaka -- , *sindūrak˚, *hiṅgulakuṭikā -- .Addenda: kuṭa -- 1: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) loc.sg.m. kūṛaï ʻ pot ʼ; G. kuṛlī f. ʻ small pitcher ʼ.(CDIAL 3227) Ta. kuṭam waterpot, hub of a wheel; kuṭaṅkar 
waterpot; kuṭantam pot; kuṭantai Kumbakonam (old name); kuṭukkai
 coconut or other hard shell used as vessel, pitcher; kuṭikai ascetic's pitcher; kuṭuvai vessel with a small narrow mouth, pitcher of an asectic. Ma. kuṭam waterpot; kuṭukka shells (as of gourds) used as vessels, small cooking vessel with narrow mouth; kuṭuka, kuṭuva small vessel. Ko. koṛm (obl. koṛt-) waterpot with small mouth; ? kuck small clay pot used to drink from (? < *kuṭikkay). To. kuṛky small pot. Ka. koḍa earthen pitcher or pot; kuḍike small earthen, metal, or wood vessel; guḍuvana, guḍāṇa large water-vessel, used also for storing grain; earthen pot used for churning. Koḍ. kuḍike pot in which food (esp. rice) is cooked. Tu.kuḍki, kuḍkè, guḍke small earthen vessel. Te. kuḍaka, kuḍuka cup, bowl, scoop, any cup-like thing; guḍaka a coconut or other similar shell; (B) guḍaka, kuḍaka shell of a fruit prepared to serve as a snuff-box, etc., small metal box; (Inscr.) kuḍalu small earthen vessels. Kuwi (Su.) ḍōka, (S.) ḍoka, (F.) dōkka pot (Te. kuḍaka > *kḍōka > ḍōka). / Cf. Skt. kūṭa- waterpot; Turner, CDIAL, no. 3227. (DEDR 1651)

कण्ड ornament (Monier-Williams)

खण्डmn. a party , number , multitude , assemblage MBh. (sometimes not to be distinguished from षण्डR. i , 30 , 15 &c (ifc. m. or n. cf. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-2 , 38 and 51)

खण्डm. a calf with horns half grown (Demetrius Galanos's Lexiko: sanskritikes, anglikes, hellenikes)

खण्डm. pl. N. of a people (v.l. षण्ड)(वराह-मिहिर 's बृहत्-संहिता)

kāraṇī or kāraṇīka ...the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship &c.
कारण that on which an opinion or judgement is founded (a sign , mark ; a proof ; a legal instrument , document) Mn. MBh. &c
कारण a number of scribes or कायस्थs (Monier-Williams)
कर्ण the handle or ear of a vessel RV. viii , 72 , 12 S3Br. ix Ka1tyS3r. &c
कर्ण the helm or rudder of a ship R.
कर्णक m. (ifc. f().) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c ) , a tendril S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
कर्णिका f. a round protuberance (as at the end of a reed or a tube) Sus3r.
कर्णिका f. the pericarp of a lotus MBh. BhP. &c
कर्णिकाf. central point , centre  (चरक, बालरामायण)
कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 , 3
कर्णिकm. a steersman
कर्णी f. of ° ifc. (e.g. अयस्-क्° and पयस्-क्°Pa1n2. 8-3 , 46
उप-करण  उप- √1. कृ. instrument , implement , machine , engine , apparatus , paraphernalia (as the vessels at a sacrifice &c Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khGr2. Ya1jn5. Mn. &c; anything fabricated Mn. Sus3r. Katha1s. Car. &c
करण mf()n (once करण्/ RV. i , 119 , 7) doing , making , effecting , causing (esp. ifc. ; cf.अन्तकरण , उष्णं-क्° , &c R. &c; clever , skilful RV. i , 119 , 7; m. a helper , companion AV. vi , 46 , 2 ; xv , 5 , 1-6 ; xix , 57 , 3; m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast क्षत्रिय Mn. x , 22 ; or the son of a शूद्रwoman by a वैश्य Ya1jn5. i , 92 ; or the son of a वैश्य woman by a क्षत्रिय MBh. i , 2446 ; 4521 ; the occupation of this class is writing , accounts &c ); m. writer , scribe
करण  m. (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context ; in this sense usually n.Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 Pat. Comm. on RPra1t.

करण n. the special business of any tribe or caste 

I suggest that the pannier vividly displayed on the young bull is a semantic determinative of the spoken form of Indian sprachbund (speech union) for the young bull which is खोंड khōṇḍa. The rebus reading is: kunda 'fine gold' kō̃da कोँद 'furnace, kiln'. Varieties of spoken forms of the underlying semantics and pragmatics related to the hieroglyphs/hypertexts, young bull and horn, are presented in this monograph, reinforcing the mleccha, meluhha 'mispronunciation' nature of the pronunciation variants across dialect streams of the sprachbund 'language union' of ancient Indian languages.

The signifier of a horned young bull is the word attested in Santali, singhin, 'spiny horned' young animal. The word singi signifies ornament gold. Thus, the combination of a young bull (with pannier) as a horned animal is intended to signify two varieties of gold: fine gold, ornament gold worked on by the singi, 'village headman'. Thus the roots of gold standard of fine gold (say 24 carats), distinguished from ornament gold (say of 22 carats) are seen in the unique pictorial motif of the horned young bull with a खोंड khōṇḍa 'pannier' (as a semantic determinative of the spoken form of word खोंड khōṇḍa, 'young bull'). singin 'horned' is rebus: singi 'ornament gold' and also 'village headman'.

The roots of gold standard are also seen in the first Lydian electrum coin (c. 6th cent. BCE), juxtaposing a खोंड khōṇḍa singi, 'horned young bull' to arye,'lion' Rebus: kunda 'fine gold' vs. ara 'brass' singi 'horned' singi 'ornament gold' PLUS panja 'feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' PLUS anka 'leg' rebus: anka 'mint'. 

  kundan कुंदन् । निर्मलं हेम m. pure gold, the finest gold (Śiv. 531, 1293). --char hyuhu --छर् हिहु॒ । अतिनिर्मलम् भूषणम् adj. (f. --hishü --हिशू॒), like a drop of pure gold; hence, very flawless and brilliant.(Kashmiri)
 This opposition between the horned young bull and the feline paw of the lion continues into the dramatic portrayal, together with mušḫuššu composite animal (another characteristic legacy of Indus Script cipher) on processions of Ishtar gate (6th cent.BCE).

The clear distinction between fine gold (24 carat) and ornament gold (22 carat) may have its roots in Indus Script which evolved into the Gold Standard which defines monetary transactions as the polities advanced from the barter system to monetary systems of trade transactions and definitons of value of currencies (minted coins authenticated by the governors of communities).
Image result for ishtar gate unicorn

Te. kōḍiya, kōḍe young bull; adj. male (e.g. kōḍe dūḍa bull calf), young, youthful; kōḍekã̄ḍu a young man. Kol. (Haig) kōḍē bull. Nk. khoṛe male calf. Konḍa kōḍi cow; kōṛe youngbullock. Pe. kōḍi cow. Manḍ.kūḍi id. Kui kōḍi id., ox. Kuwi (F.) kōdi cow; (S.) kajja kōḍi bull; (Su. P.) kōḍi cow. (DEDR 2199) కోడె  kōḍe. [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. కోడెదూడ. A young bull. కాడిమరపదగినదూడ. Plumpness, prime. తరుణముజోడుకోడయలు a pair of bullocks. కోడె adj. Young. కోడెత్రాచు a young snake, one in its prime. "కోడెనాగముం బలుగుల రేడుతన్ని కొని పోవుతెరంగురామా. vi. కోడెకాడు kōḍe-kāḍu. n. A young man. పడుచువాడు. A lover విటుడు. కోడియ  kōḍiya Same as కోడె.. కారుకోడె  kāru-kōḍe. [Tel.] n. A bull in its prime. கொற்றி² koṟṟi கொற்றி² koṟṟi , n. Young calf; பசுவின் இளங்கன்று. (பிங்.). கோடிப்பாம்பு kōṭi-p-pāmpu கோடிப்பாம்பு kōṭi-p-pāmpu , n. < id. +. [T. kōḍepāmu.] Wild or untamed young cobra; பழக்கப்படாத நாகம்வெட்டவெளியிலே கோடிப்பாம் பாடுமோ (குற்றாகுற. 124, 31).
 *kuḍa1 ʻ boy, son ʼ, ˚ḍī ʻ girl, daughter ʼ. [Prob. ← Mu. (Sant. Muṇḍari koṛa ʻ boy ʼ, kuṛi ʻ girl ʼ, Ho koakui, Kūrkū kōnkōnjē); or ← Drav. (Tam. kur̤a ʻ young ʼ, Kan. koḍa ʻ youth ʼ) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 373. Prob. separate from RV. kŕ̊tā -- ʻ girl ʼ H. W. Bailey TPS 1955, 65. -- Cf. kuḍáti ʻ acts like a child ʼ Dhātup.]
NiDoc. ǵ ʻ boy ʼ, kuḍ'i ʻ girl ʼ; Ash. kūˊṛə ʻ child, foetus ʼ, istrimalī -- kuṛäˊ ʻ girl ʼ; Kt. kŕūkuŕuk ʻ young of animals ʼ; Pr. kyǘru ʻ young of animals, child ʼ, kyurú ʻ boy ʼ, kurīˊ ʻ colt, calf ʼ; Dm. kúŕa ʻ child ʼ, Shum. kuṛ; Kal. kūŕ
*lk ʻ young of animals ʼ (CDIAL 3245) खोंड   khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf (Marathi)
खोंड   khōṇḍa a variety of जोंधळा. खोंडी khōṇḍī f An outspread shovelform sack (as formed temporarily out of a कांबळा, to hold or fend off grain, chaff &38;c.) See under खुंडी. 2 A species or variety of जोंधळाखुंडी   khuṇḍī f A cloth doubled over and sewn at one end, forming a घोंगता, खोपा, or खोळ (an open or outspread shovel-form sack). Used in exposing grain in the market. 2 A species or variety of जोंधळा.खोंडें  khōṇḍēṃ n A description of जोंधळा. It is grown in the hot weather on garden-land. जोंधळा   jōndhaḷā m A cereal plant or its grain, Holcus sorghum. Eight varieties are reckoned, viz. उतावळीनिळवाशाळूरातडीपिवळा जोंधळाखुंडीकाळबोंडी जोंधळादूध मोगरा. There are however many others as केळीअरगडीडुकरीबेंदरीमडगूप &c.

 *kōtthala ʻ bag ʼ. [Cf. *kōttha -- ]Pa. kotthalī -- f. ʻ sack (?) ʼ; Pk. kotthala -- m. ʻ bag, grainstore ʼ (kōha -- m. ʻ bag ʼ < *kōtha?); K. kŏthul˚lu m. ʻ large bag or parcel ʼ, kothüjü f. ʻ small do. ʼ; S. kothirī f. ʻ bag ʼ; Ku. kuthlo ʻ large bag, sack ʼ; B. kūthlī ʻ satchel, wallet ʼ; Or. kuthaḷi˚thuḷi,kothaḷi˚thiḷi ʻ wallet, pouch ʼ; H. kothlā m. ʻ bag, sack, stomach (see *kōttha -- ) ʼ, ˚lī f. ʻ purse ʼ; G. kothḷɔ m. ʻ large bag ʼ, ˚ḷī f. ʻ purse, scrotum ʼ; M. kothḷā m. ʻ large sack, chamber of stomach (= peṭā ċā k˚) ʼ, ˚ḷẽ n. ʻ sack ʼ, ˚ḷī f. ʻ small sack ʼ; -- X gōṇīˊ -- : S. g̠othirī f. ʻ bag ʼ, L. gutthlā m.(CDIAL 3511)

bāna 1 बान -kō̃da -कोँद  कुलालचुल्लिः f. a potter's furnace, the pile of combustible materials in which he bakes his earthen vessels.  kō̃da कोँद  कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv. 1033); a lime-kiln. -bal -बल्  कुलालादिकन्दुस्थानम् m. the place where a kiln is erected, a brick or potter's kiln (Gr.Gr. 165). --khasüñü --खस॑ञू॒  कुलालादिकन्दुयथावद्भावः f.inf. a kiln to arise; met. to become like such a kiln (which contains no imperfectly baked articles, but only well-made perfectly baked ones), hence, a collection of good ('pucka') articles or qualities to exist. Cf. Śiv. 1033, where the causal form of the verb is used.

Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting gems in a jewel; fine gold (< Te.). Ka. kundaṇa setting a precious stone in fine gold; fine gold; kundana fine gold. Tu. kundaṇa pure gold. Te. kundanamu fine gold used in very thin foils in setting precious stones; setting precious stones with fine gold. (DEDR 1725)
unicorn seal found during the 1927-31 excavations at Mohenjo-daro vividly displays the spiny horn of the horned young bull with a pannier. खोंडी khōṇḍī f An outspread shovelform sack (as formed temporarily out of a कांबळा, to hold or fend off grain, chaff &38;c.) खुंडी   khuṇḍī f A cloth doubled over and sewn at one end, forming a घोंगता, खोपा, or खोळ (an open or outspread shovel-form sack). Used in exposing grain in the market. 

Another semantic determinative is the lathe part of the standard device often shown in front of the hypertext of horned young bull. kunda 'lathe' rebus: kunda 'fine gold'. The bottom part of the device is kammata 'portable furnace' rebus: kammaa 'mint, coiner, coiange'. The bottom part also is decorated with dotted circles: dhã̄ 'strand' daya 'one in dice' rebus: dhatu 'mineral' PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: vtta 'profession'; together, dhã̄va 'smelter'.

Santali gloss.
śr̥ṅgín ʻ horned ʼ RV. [śŕ̊ṅga -- ]Pa. siṅgin -- , siṅgika -- ʻ horned ʼ, Pk. siṁgi -- , N. siṅe, G. sĩgī; -- ext. -- l -- : Pa. siṅgila -- m. ʻ a kind of horned bird ʼ; S. siṅiru ʻ horned ʼ.
Addenda: śr̥ṅgín -- : OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) sīṁgī f.adj. ʻ horned (of cow) ʼ.(CDIAL 12595) śŕ̊ṅga n. ʻ horn ʼ RV. [See *
śrū -- , *śruṅka -- ]Pa. siṅga -- n., Pk. siṁga -- , saṁga -- n.; Gy. eur. šing m. (hung. f.), ʻ horn ʼ, pal. šíngi ʻ locust -- tree ʼ (so -- called from the shape of its pods: with š -- <  -- < śr -- ); Ash. Kt. ṣĭ̄ṅ ʻ horn ʼ, Wg. ṣīṅŕiṅ, Dm. ṣiṅ, Paš.lauṛ. ṣāṅg (or < śārṅga -- ), kuṛ. dar. ṣīṅ, nir. ṣēṅ, Shum. ṣīṅ, Woṭ. šiṅ m., Gaw. Kal.rumb. ṣiṅ, Bshk. ṣīṅ, Phal. ṣiṅ, pl. ṣíṅga; Sh.gil. ṣĭṅ m. ʻ horn ʼ, jij. ṣiṅ, pales. c̣riṅga ʻ temples ʼ (← Kaf. AO xviii 229); K. hĕng m. ʻ horn ʼ, S. siṅu m., L. siṅg m., awāṇ. sìṅg, P. siṅg m., WPah.bhad.bhal.khaś. śiṅg n., (Joshi) śī˜g m., Ku. sīṅ, N. siṅ, A. xiṅ, B. siṅ, Or. siṅga, Bhoj. sī˜gi, Aw.lakh. H. sī˜g m., G. sĩg n., M. śī˜g n., Ko. śī˜ṅga, Si. han̆gaan̆ga, pl. aṅ (sin̆gu ← Pa.). (CDIAL 12583)
शृङ्गिन्   śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि1 Horned. (Apte) Rebus: Singin (adj.) [Vedic śngin] having a horn Vin ii.300; J iv.173 (=cow); clever, sharp -- witted, false Th 1, 959; A ii.26; It 112; cp. J.P.T.S. 1885, 53. Rebus:   Singī & singi (f.) [cp. Sk. śngī] 1. gold Vin i.38; S ii.234; J i.84.  -- nada gold Vv 6428; VvA 284. -- loa ( -- kappa) license as to ginger & salt Vin ii.300, 306. -- vaṇṇa gold-coloured D ii.133. -- suvaṇṇa gold VvA 167.(Pali) śr̥ngī 'gold used for onaments' shrang श्रंग्  शृङ्गम्प्रधानभूतः m. a horn; the top, peak, summit of a mountain; the head man or leading person in a village or the like.   शृङ्गिः   śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments. शृङ्गी   śṛṅgī शृङ्गी 1 Gold used for ornaments. (Apte)

Ṡṛuṅgī ଶୃଙ୍ଗୀ ସଂ. ବିଣ. ପୁଂ. (ଶୃଙ୍ଗ+ଇନ୍. 1ମା. 1ବ)— ଶୃଙ୍ଗ ବିଶିଷ୍ଟHorned.(Oriya)

 Ṡṛuṅgī ଶୃଙ୍ଗୀ Gold intended for being made into ornaments. Ṡṛuṅgī kanaka ଶୃଙ୍ଗୀ କନକ ସଂ. ବି— ଅଳଙ୍କାର ବ୍ଯବହୃତ ସୁବର୍ଣ୍ଣ— Gold for ornaments.(Oriya)

Kundagara କୁନ୍ଦଗର কুন্দকী कुंदमसाज ଦେ. ବି. (ସଂ. କୁନ୍ଦକର)— 1। କୁନ୍ଦକରିବା କାରିଗର— 1. A turner. 2। କୁନ୍ଦନ କାମ କରିବା ବଣିଆ—2. A goldsmith adept in the art of setting precious stones on gold leaves. Kundana sunā କୁନ୍ଦନ ସୁନା कुंदन ଦେ. ବି. (ବଣିଆ ଶବ୍ଦ)— ବିଶୁଦ୍ଧ ସୁନାର ତାରକୁ ପାତଳା ପତ୍ର କରି ସେଥିରେ ଘସି ପାଉଁଶ ଓ ତେନ୍ତୁଳି ରସ ଓ ମସଲାଦ୍ବାରା ପୁଟ ଦେଇ ତତ୍ପରେ 18 ଥର ବିଶୁଦ୍ଧ ଜଳରେ ଧୋଇଲେ ୟେଉଁ ସୁନା ହୁଏ— Very pure gold prepared by burning very fine foil of gold and washing it well. କୁନ୍ଦନ ସୁନା କଳେବର ଝଲକ ଝୀନ ନୀଳୀମ୍ବର। ଭୂପତି. ପ୍ରେମପଞ୍ଚାମୃତ।(Oriya)

kundā କୁନ୍ଦା কোঁদা; কুঁদযন্ত্র कुंदा ଦେ. ବିଣ— କୁନ୍ଦୟନ୍ତ୍ରରେ ପାଲିସ୍ କରା ୟାଇଥିବା; କୁନ୍ଦରେ ଗଢ଼ା ହୋଇଥିବା—Turned on the lathe. ଦେ. ବି— 1। କୁନ୍ଦିବା ୟନ୍ତ୍ର; ଭ୍ରାମ୍ଯମାଣ ଗୋଲାକାର ୟନ୍ତ୍ର; ଶାଣଚକ—1. Turners lathe. 2। ପ୍ରହାର; ମାଡ଼—2. Sound beating. 3। କୁନ୍ଦିବା— 3. The work of turning on the lathe. 4। କୁନ୍ଦନ— 4. Artistic mode of setting gems on gold.(Oriya)

Ta. kuṭi house, abode, home, family, lineage, town, tenants; kuṭikai hut made of leaves, temple; kuṭical hut; kuṭicai, kuṭiñai small hut, cottage; kuṭimai family, lineage, allegiance (as of subjects to their sovereign), servitude; kuṭiy-āḷ tenant; kuṭiyilār tenants; kuṭil hut, shed, abode; kuṭaṅkar hut, cottage; kaṭumpu relations. Ma. kuṭi house, hut, family, wife, tribe; kuṭima the body of landholders, tenantry; kuṭiyan slaves (e.g. in Coorg); kuṭiyān inhabitant, subject, tenant; kuṭiññil hut, thatch; kuṭil hut, outhouse near palace for menials. Ko. kuṛjl shed, bathroom of Kota house; kuṛm family; kuḍḷ front room of house; kuṛḷhut; guṛy temple. To. kwïṣ shed for small calves; kuṣ room (in dairy or house); kuḍṣ outer room of dairy, in: kuḍṣ was̱ fireplace in outer room of lowest grade of dairies (cf. 2857), kuḍṣ moṇy bell(s) in outer section of ti· dairy, used on non-sacred buffaloes (cf. 4672); kuṛy Hindu temple; ? kwïḏy a family of children. Ka. kuḍiya, kuḍu śūdra, farmer; guḍi house, temple; guḍil, guḍalu, guḍisalu, guḍasalu, guḍasala, etc. hut with a thatched roof. Koḍ. kuḍi family of servants living in one hut; kuḍië man of toddy-tapper caste. Tu. guḍi small pagoda or shrine; guḍisalů, guḍisilů, guḍsilů, guḍicilů hut, shed. Te. koṭika hamlet; guḍi temple; 
guḍise hut, cottage, hovel. Kol. (SR) guḍī temple. Pa. guḍi temple, village resthouse. Ga. (Oll.) 
guḍi temple. Go. (Ko.) kuṛma hut, outhouse; (Ma.) kurma menstruation; (Grigson) kurma lon menstruation hut (Voc. 782, 800); (SR.) guḍi, (Mu.) guḍḍi, (S. Ko.) guṛi temple; guḍḍī (Ph.) temple, (Tr.) tomb (Voc. 1113). Kui guḍi central room of house, living room. / Cf. Skt. kū˘ṭa-, kuṭi-, kū˘ṭī- (whence Ga. (P.) kuṛe hut; Kui kūṛi hut made of boughs, etc.; Kur. kuṛyā small shed or outhouse; Malt. kuṛya hut in the fields; Br. kuḍ(ḍ)ī hut, small house, wife), kuṭīkā-, kuṭīra-, kuṭuṅgaka-, kuṭīcaka-, koṭa- hut; kuṭumba- household (whence Ta. Ma. kuṭumpam id.; Ko. kuṛmb [? also kuṛm above]; To. kwïḍb, kwïḍbïl [-ïl from wïkïl, s.v. 925 Ta. okkal]; Ka., Koḍ., Tu. kuṭumba; Tu. kuḍuma; Te. kuṭumbamu; ? Kui kumbu house [balance word of iḍu, see s.v. 494 Ta. il]). See Turner, CDIAL, no. 3232, kuṭī-, no. 3493, kōṭa-, no. 3233, kuṭumba-, for most of the Skt. forms; Burrow, BSOAS 11.137.(CDIAL 1655)

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