Sign 323
This sign is explained in the context of the body of the young bull on a pectoral m1656.
"Pendant or medallion [from Mohenjo-daro] pictures the unicorn combined with many sacred symbols of the Indus religion. The body of the figure has a womb-shaped symbol in its belly, the same motif is elaborated to form the frame for the pendant, which is also a common design for shell inlay. Two leaf shapes of the sacred pipal tree are depicted at the animals shoulders and rump. A ritual offering stand is placed in front of the image. The deeply incised frame and the symbols on the unicorn would have been set with inlay." (J.M. Kenoyer, Indus Civilization, p. 188)
m1656 Mohenjodro Pectoral. The body of the young bull has the pictograph signified on the body. Arka flipped vertically and signified on the body of the young bull on pectoral, as shown below. The young bull signifies Hieroglyph: kõda 'young bull-calf'. Rebus: kundaṇa 'fine gold'; kār-kund 'manager'.
The overflowing pot atop the one-horned young bull is an Indus Script hypertext. The rebus reading in Meluhha of the overflowing pot is:
lokhaṇḍa 'metal tools, pots and pans, metalware' (Marathi) The expression is composed of two words: '(pot etc.) to overflow' and 'water'. The rebus readings are:
1. (B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See `to be left over'. @B24310. #20851. Re(B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See `to be left over'. (Munda ) Rebus: loh ‘copper’ (Hindi)
. காண்டம்² kāṇṭam, n. < kāṇḍa. 1. Water; sacred water; நீர். துருத்திவா யதுக்கிய குங்குமக் காண்டமும் (கல்லா. 49, 16). Rebus: khāṇḍā ‘metal tools, pots and pans’ (Marathi).
Thus, the overflowing pot is a hypertext to signify metal tools, pots and pans of copper, made by .the young bull kār-kunda 'manager' who works as an artisan with the metallurgical competence of 'lapidary, goldsmith, turner' in mint.
Overflowing pot is an abiding metaphor on Ibni Sharrum cylinder seal and many other Ancient Near East artifacts.
The inverted heart on belly of the young bull appears as a gold pendant.
![Image result for gold pectoral bharatkalyan97]()
m1656 Pectoral. Gold Pendant. Harappa. National Museum, New Delhi

Orthography of the young bull clearly shows sun’s rays on the belly of the bovine.
So, Sign 323 signifies arka 'sun's rays' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' as in Kannada arkalgud, a place name. agasale 'goldsmith workshop'.
Belly is kōttha ʻ belly ʼ. [Cf. *kōtthala -- , kṓṣṭha -- 1?]Pk. kottha -- ʻ pertaining to the belly ʼ; Or. kothā ʻ corpulent ʼ, kothala, ˚thāḷa ʻ pot -- bellied ʼ; -- X *gōdda<-> in kodā, ˚dāḷiā ʻ id. ʼ?(CDIAL 3510). Rebus: koda 'workshop'.
Thus, the inverted heart symbol Sign 323 on the belly of the young bull signifies a goldsmith's workshop. This is a semantic determinative of the word kunda which signifies fine gold.