-- Tributes, Indus Script hieroglyphs, from Musiri to Shalamaneser are gold and other wealth product imports from Meluhha
-- Imports from Meluhha into Ancient Near East include wood, metals, metal equipment, weapons, precious stones, gems and jewels, all signified by Indus Script hieroglyphs read rebus in Meluhha
-- Imports included सांगड sāṅgaḍa 'combined animals, hieroglyphs' rebus: सांगड sāṅgaḍa'double-canoe, raft' (This is archaeologically validated by the shipwreck of sewn boats from Kerala at Ayn Soukhna, north of Suez Canal on the Red Sea.) See:
Catamarans built in Malabar coast compare with sewn boats of 19th cent.BCE Ain Sukhna, a Red sea port http://tinyurl.com/hqbne2m
The animals displayed on Shalamaneser Black Obelisk are pasaramu 'cattle' rebus: prasāra ʻtrader's shopʼ pajhar'smithy, smelter' (products).
Animal hieroglyphs are metalwork wealth classifiers. Pasaramu 'cattle' rebus: pajhar 'smelter, smithy',pahārā ʻgoldsmith's workshop' associated hypertext clusters in Indus Script https://tinyurl.com/ybby7t6m
The imports and signifier Indus Script hieroglyphs are:
kuṭhāru कुठारु monkey; rebus: kuṭhāru, कुठारु 'an armourer, scribe'
laṅgūr ʻthe langur monkey Semnopithecus schistaceusʼ Rebus: lāˊṅgala n. ʻplough'
ranga 'buffalo' rebus: ranga 'pewter'
kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'kunda singi'horned young bull': khoṇḍa 'young bull'singi 'horned'. *śārṅgala ʻ horned ʼ. [śārṅga -- ] Paš.lauṛ. ṣaṅgala ʻ a small horn ʼ; K. hã̄gul m. ʻ the stag Cervus wallichii ʼ.(CDIAL 12410) Rebus: Combinations of parts of animals to create composite iconographs are called:सांगड sāṅgaḍa This signifies rebus a 'double-canoe, raft': Rebus: saṁghāṭa m. ʻ fitting and joining of timber ʼ R. [√ghaṭ ]Pa. nāvā -- saṅghāṭa -- , dāru -- s˚ ʻ raft ʼ; Pk. saṁghāḍa -- , ˚ḍaga -- m., ˚ḍī -- f. ʻ pair ʼ; M. sãgaḍ m.f. ʻ float made of two canoes joined together ʼ (LM 417 compares saggarai at Limurike in the Periplus, Tam. śaṅgaḍam, Tu. jaṅgala ʻ double -- canoe ʼ), Si. san̆gaḷa ʻ pair ʼ, han̆guḷa, an̆g˚ ʻ double canoe, raft ʼ.(CDIAL 12859).Thus, the tributes have been carried as cargo on double-canoes, rafts. Rebus: samgraha'collection (of materials)'.
susu is antelope; the translation in Meluhha: ranku 'antelope' rebus: ranku 'tin'
G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; Tu. sã̄gāḍī f. ʻ latheʼ
Akkadian reading is: bazitu/uqupu 'monkey/ape'; the Meluhha translations are:

Hieroglyphs: tails: picha ʻ tail, feather' Rebus: picchalā ʻDalbergia sissoo, Bombax heptaphyllumʼ
Executive sumary; the readings in Meluhha expressions, of the hypertexts and plan texts as tributes to Shalamaneser II are:
karibha 'camels' rebus: karba, 'iron'
ranga 'buffalo' rebus: ranga 'pewter'
sakea is a composite animal hypertext in Indus Script: singi 'horned' PLUS खोंड khōṇḍa 'A young bull' rebus: kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'. Rebus: kunda 'fine gold' singi 'ornament gold'
ranga 'buffalo' rebus: ranga 'pewter'
sakea is a composite animal hypertext in Indus Script: singi 'horned' PLUS खोंड khōṇḍa 'A young bull' rebus: kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'. Rebus: kunda 'fine gold' singi 'ornament gold'
susu is antelope: ranku 'antelope' rebus: ranku 'tin'
karibha, ibha, 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'
bazitu/uqupu is monkey/ape: kuṭhāru कुठारु monkey; rebus: kuṭhāru, कुठारु an armourer, scribe'. laṅgūr ʻthe langur monkey Semnopithecus schistaceusʼ Rebus: lāˊṅgala n. ʻplough' मर्कट ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c Rebus: marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ greenʼ(CDIAL 9868) मरकत marakata m S An emerald. (Marathi)
karibha, ibha, 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'
bazitu/uqupu is monkey/ape: kuṭhāru कुठारु monkey; rebus: kuṭhāru, कुठारु an armourer, scribe'. laṅgūr ʻthe langur monkey Semnopithecus schistaceusʼ Rebus: lāˊṅgala n. ʻplough' मर्कट ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c Rebus: marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ greenʼ(CDIAL 9868) मरकत marakata m S An emerald. (Marathi)
-- रत्नी ratnī + śã̄gaḍ 'female monkey + chain' rebus ratna sangar 'gems trade' saṅgaha'collection' proclamation of Indus Script hypertext display on Shalamaneser Obelisk shrang श्रंग् । शृङ्गम्, प्रधानभूतः m. a horn; the top, peak, summit of a mountain; the head man or leading person in a village or the like.
-- रत्नी ratnī 'female monkey' dressed as woman' rebus ratnin 'possessing gifts'
-- rátna n. ʻ gift ʼ RV., ʻ treasure, jewel ʼ Mn. [√raṇ 1 ]Pa. ratana -- n. ʻ jewel ʼ, Pk. rayaṇa -- , ladaṇa -- m.n., Si. ruvan -- a. ratnākara m. ʻ jewel -- mine, ocean ʼ Kāv. [rátna -- , ākara -- ]Pa. ratanākara -- m. ʻ mine of jewels or precious metals ʼ, Pk. rayanāara -- m.; -- Si. ruvanāra ʻ ocean ʼ (EGS 148) prob. ← Pa.(CDIAL 10600, 10601)
Other Meluhha imports signified on other Indus Script hieroglyphs
Import of pearls, stones from Meluhha
शिला śilā m ( A) Armour or a piece of armour.
शिल्प śilpa n (S) A manual or mechanical art, any handicraft.
शिल्पकर्म śilpakarma n (S) Mechanical or manual business, artisanship.
शिल्पकार śilpakāra m or शिल्पी m (S) An artisan, artificer, mechanic.
शिल्पविद्या śilpavidyā f (S) Handicraft or art: as disting. from science.
शिल्पशाला śilpaśālā f (S) A manufactory or workshop.
शिल्पशास्त्र śilpaśāstra n (S) A treatise on mechanics or any handicraft.
शिल्पी śilpī a (S) Relating to a mechanical profession or art.
*sippī ʻ shell ʼ. [← Drav. Tam. cippi DED 2089]Pa. sippī -- , sippikā -- f. ʻ pearl oyster ʼ, Pk. sippī -- f., S. sipa f.; L. sipp ʻ shell ʼ, sippī f. ʻ shell, spathe of date palm ʼ, (Ju.) sip m., sippī f. ʻ bivalve shell ʼ; P. sipp m., sippī f. ʻ shell, conch ʼ; Ku. sīp, sīpi ʻ shell ʼ; N. sipi ʻ shell, snail shell ʼ; B. sip ʻ libation pot ʼ, chip ʻ a kind of swift canoe ʼ S. K. Chatterji CR 1936, 290 (or < kṣiprá -- ? ); Or. sipa ʻ oyster shell, mother -- of -- pearl, shells burnt for lime ʼ; Bi. sīpī ʻ mussel shells for lime ʼ; OAw. sīpa f. ʻ bivalve shell ʼ, H. sīp f.; G. sīp f. ʻ half an oyster shell ʼ, chīp f. ʻ shell ʼ; M. śīp, śĩp f. ʻ a half shell ʼ, śĩpā m. ʻ oyster shell ʼ; -- Si. sippiya ʻ oyster shell ʼ ← Tam.(CDIAL 13417)Ta. ippi pearl-oyster, shell; cippi shell, shellfish, coconut shell for measuring out curds. Ma. ippi, cippi oyster shell. Ka. cippu, sippu, cimpi, cimpe, simpi, simpu, simpe oyster shell, mussel, cockle, a portion of the shell of a coconut, skull, a pearl oyster; (Gowda) cippi coconut shell. Tu. cippi coconut shell, oyster shell, pearl; tippi, sippi coconut shell. Te. cippa a shell; (kobbari cᵒ) coconut shell; (mōkāli cᵒ) knee-pan, patella; (tala cᵒ) skull; (muttepu cᵒ) mother-of-pearl. Go. (Ma.) ipi shell, conch (Voc. 174). / Cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 13417, *sippī-; Pali sippī- pearl oyster, Pkt. sippī- id., etc. (DEDR 2535)
Import of kuddāla 'ebony wood' from Meluhha:
kuddāla1 m.n. ʻ a kind of spade or mattock ʼ. 2. *kōddāla -- . 3. kuḍḍāla -- ʻ spade ʼ Apte. [Prob. ← Drav. EWA i 229 with lit.]1. Pa. kuddāla -- , ˚aka -- m.n. ʻ spade, hoe ʼ; Pk. kuddāla<-> m. ʻ mattock ʼ; Gaw. kundāˊl ʻ hoe ʼ; P. kudāl, ˚lā m. ʻ mattock ʼ; WPah. jaun. kudāwa ʻ pickaxe ʼ; B. kudāl, ˚li ʻ hoe, spade ʼ; Or. kudāḷi ʻ one -- sided pickaxe ʼ; Mth. kudār ʻ mattock ʼ, ˚rī ʻ do. with narrow blade ʼ (→ B. kuddār, Or. kudāra ʻ spade ʼ, ˚ri ʻ one -- sided pickaxe ʼ); Bhoj. kudār ʻ hoe ʼ; Aw. lakh. kudāri ʻ pickaxe ʼ; H. kudāl, ˚ār m. ʻ mattock ʼ, ˚lī, ˚rī f. ʻ small do. ʼ, kudrā m.; M. kudā̆ḷ m.f. ʻ hoe ʼ, kudḷā m. ʻ large hoe ʼ, ˚ḷī f. ʻ small hoe ʼ, ˚ḷẽ n. ʻ hoe ʼ; -- Si. udalu ʻ mattock ʼ prob. X uddālayati (D. E. Hettiaratchi Univ. of Ceylon Review vi 292 < cmpds. such as keṭi -- hudaluvak = Pa. kuṇṭha -- kuddālaka -- ).2. Pk. koddāla -- m., ˚liyā -- f. ʻ mattock ʼ, S. koḍ̠ari f. ʻ hoe, spade ʼ (→ Brah. kōḍāl), ˚ryo m. ʻ worker with a k˚ ʼ; L. kodā̆l m. ʻ mattock ʼ, kodali f. ʻ hoe ʼ, Ku. N. kodālo, ˚li; A. B. kodāl ʻ hoe ʼ, Or. kodāḷa, Bi. kŏdārī, Mth. kodār, ˚ri ; G. kɔdāḷɔ m. ʻ spade ʼ, ˚ḷī f. ʻ hoe ʼ; -- other Ind. forms with ku -- may be < ko -- before following long syllable.3. Pk. kuḍḍāla -- , kuḍāla -- n. ʻ part of a plough ʼ; Wg. koṇḍāl, kondāl ʻ mattock, hoe ʼ.Addenda: kuddāla -- 1 : WPah.poet. kudaḷe f. ʻ spade, pickaxe ʼ, J. kudāḷi f. ʻ hoe ʼ; -- Md. oḍā (oḍalek) ʻ adze ʼ < *uddāla -- 2 .(CDIAL 3286)
kuddāla -- 2 , ˚dala -- , kuṇḍala -- , kudāla -- , ˚āra -- m. ʻ the tree Bauhinea variegata ʼ. 2. kōvidāra -- m. Gobh. [Poss. conn. with uddāla -- 1 ]1. Pk. kuddāla -- m. ʻ a partic. tree ʼ; A. kurāl ʻ a kind of tree ʼ (< *kuḍḍāla -- ); Or. kudāḷa, ˚āra ʻ B. variegata ʼ.2. Pa. kōviḷāra -- m. ʻ B. variegata ʼ; Ku. kuirāl ʻ a partic. wild tree ʼ; N. koirālo ʻ B. variegata ʼ; -- Si. kaḷuvara ʻ ebony, Diospyros ebenum ʼ perh. pop. etym. from kaḷu -- hara -- ʻ black heartwood ʼ EGS 41.(CDIAL 3287)

kēndu m. ʻ a kind of ebony, Diospyros embryopteris ʼ, kendu 'copulation'
A standing human couple mating (a tergo); one side of a prism tablet from Mohenjo-daro (m489b). Other motifs on the inscribed object are: two goats eating leaves on a platform; a cock or hen (?) and a three-headed animal (perhaps antelope, one-horned bull and a short-horned bull). The leaf pictorial connotes on the goat composition connotes loa; hence, the reading is of this pictorial component is: lohar kamar = a blacksmith, worker in iron, superior to the ordinary kamar (Santali.)]
dhanam, 'cattle' rebus: dhanam 'wealth'. Alternative: pasaramu, pasalamu = an animal, a beast, a brute, quadruped (Telugu) Thus, the depiction of animals in epigraphs is related to, rebus: pasra = smithy (Santali)
kāruvu ‘crocodile’ Rebus:kāruvu ‘artisan, blacksmith’.
pisera_ a small deer brown above and black below (H.)(CDIAL 8365).
ḍān:gra = wooden trough or manger sufficient to feed one animal (Mundari). iṭan:kārri = a capacity measure (Ma.) Rebus: ḍhan:gar ‘blacksmith’ (Bi.)
ḍān:gra = wooden trough or manger sufficient to feed one animal (Mundari). iṭan:kārri = a capacity measure (Ma.) Rebus: ḍhan:gar ‘blacksmith’ (Bi.)
pattar ‘goldsmiths’ (Ta.) patra ‘leaf’ (Skt.)
r-an:ku, ran:ku = fornication, adultery (Telugu); rebus: ranku ‘tin’ (Santali)
Rebus readings of Meluhha hieroglyphs:
Hieroglhyphs: elephant (ibha), boar/rhinoceros [kāṇḍā mṛga 'rhinoceros' (Tamil)], tiger (kol), tiger face turned (krammara), young bull calf (khōṇḍa) [खोंड m A young bull, a bullcalf. (Marathi)], antelope, ḍangur ʻbullockʼ, melh ‘goat’ (Brahui)
Rebus mleccha glosses: Ib 'iron' ibbo 'merchant'; kāṇḍā, 'tools, pots and pans, metalware'; kol 'worker in iron, smithy'; krammara, kamar 'smith, artisan', kõdā 'lathe-turner' [B. kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’; Or. kū̆nda ‘lathe’, kũdibā, kū̃d ‘to turn’ (→ Drav. Kur. kū̃d ‘lathe’) (CDIAL 3295)], khũṭ ‘guild, community’, ḍāṅro ’blacksmith’ (Nepalese) milakkhu ‘copper’ (Pali) [Meluhha!]
Iron (ib), carpenter (badhi), smithy (kol ‘pancaloha’), alloy-smith (kol kamar)
tam(b)ra copper, milakkhu copper, bali (iron sand ore), native metal (aduru), ḍhangar ‘smith’.
Imports from Meluhha into Ancient Near East
Daniel T Potts provides a succinct account of the imports from Meluhha into Ancient Near East from 3rd millennium BCE (Excerpts attached). Cuneiform texts record the imports as wood, stones, animals. Shalamaneser II Black Obelisk records a list of animals as tributes from Musiri (a place with Meluhha contacts and may have imported the list of tributes from Meluhha). The list of animals are 'symbols' read rebus in Meluhha as Indus Script hieroglyphs signifying wealthy products which are offered as tributes and which are imported from Meluhha.
Meluhha expressions of Indian lexicon (Indian sprachbund, 'language union'
marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ green ʼ.(CDIAL 9868) मरकत marakata m S An emerald. (Marathi)
मर्कट m. ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c; n. an iron monkey-shaped bolt; मर्कटी f. a female ape (Monier-Williams)
markáṭa1 m. ʻ monkey ʼ VS., markaṭī -- f., ˚ṭaka -- m. lex., maṅkaḍa -- m. Schmidt Nachtr. [Poss. ext. with -- ṭa -- of marka -- m. BhP. which may be ← Drav. Kan. maṅga ʻ monkey ʼ T. Burrow BSOAS xii 389 and DED 3777]Pa. makkaṭa -- m. ʻ monkey ʼ, ˚ṭī -- f., NiDoc. makaḍ'a F. W. Thomas AO xii 40, Pk. makkaḍa -- m., ˚ḍī f., maṁkaḍa -- , ˚kaṇa -- m., Ap. makkala -- m., Kt. makeŕ, (Kamdesh) māgŕə̃, Wg. mákäŕ, Dm. makäŕ, Paš.kuṛ. makṓṛ, Kal.rumb. mŕāko, makŕṓŕyak, Kho. mukuḷ, Bshk. makīr (< markaṭī -- ?), Phal. māˊkaṛ, N. mākul, Or. mākaṛa, māṅkaṛa; G. mākṛũ, mã̄k˚ n. ʻ red -- faced monkey ʼ, mākṛī f. ʻ female monkey ʼ; M. mākaḍ m. ʻ baboon ʼ, makḍī f. ʻ female monkey ʼ; Ko. māṁkaḍa ʻ monkey ʼ, Si. makul.(CDIAL 9882)
मकडी makaḍī f (मर्कट S) A female monkey or ape. Pr. लकडीवांचून मकडी वठणीस येत नाहीं. The word seems confined to this proverb. मर्कट markaṭa m n (S) A monkey or an ape.(Marathi) माकड mākaḍa n m (मर्कट S) A baboon, a monkey of short tail and red muzzle, Macacus radiatus. Pr. मा0 मारलें आणि पाला हगलें Applied to useless punishment. Pr. माकडाला काकडी (मिळणें) Used where a person is pleased and full-satisfied at very little cost. माकडचेष्टा mākaḍacēṣṭā f Monkey-tricks; mischievous pranks. माकडतोंड्या mākaḍatōṇḍyā a Baboon-faced. (Marathi)
मकडी makaḍī f (मर्कट S) A female monkey or ape. Pr. लकडीवांचून मकडी वठणीस येत नाहीं. The word seems confined to this proverb. मर्कट markaṭa m n (S) A monkey or an ape.(Marathi) माकड mākaḍa n m (मर्कट S) A baboon, a monkey of short tail and red muzzle, Macacus radiatus. Pr. मा0 मारलें आणि पाला हगलें Applied to useless punishment. Pr. माकडाला काकडी (मिळणें) Used where a person is pleased and full-satisfied at very little cost. माकडचेष्टा mākaḍacēṣṭā f Monkey-tricks; mischievous pranks. माकडतोंड्या mākaḍatōṇḍyā a Baboon-faced. (Marathi)
Ka. siṅgaṇika, siṅgaḷīka a black monkey. Tu. ciṅglike a large kind of ape. Te. (B.) siṅgilīkamu the great black monkey (DEDR 2502) చింకలిక్క chinkalikka. n. A red faced monkey. సింగిలీకము
ṣingilīkamu. [Tel.] n. The great black monkey, పెద్ద నల్లకోతి. "ముంగిస సివంగిశోణంగిసింగిలీక గుంపు. మానిసికోతులగొన్నికొనియె." H. v. 400.
సింగిణి, సింగాణి singāni. [from Skt. శార్ఙ్గ.] adj. Made of horn. కొమ్ముతోచేసిన. "సింగాణివిండులు." S. i. 158.
ṣingilīkamu. [Tel.] n. The great black monkey, పెద్ద నల్లకోతి. "ముంగిస సివంగిశోణంగిసింగిలీక గుంపు. మానిసికోతులగొన్నికొనియె." H. v. 400.
సింగిణి, సింగాణి singāni. [from Skt. శార్ఙ్గ.] adj. Made of horn. కొమ్ముతోచేసిన. "సింగాణివిండులు." S. i. 158.
kuṭhāru 'monkey' Rebus: kuṭhāru 'armourer'
खोंड khōṇḍa 'A young bull' rebus: kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'.
M. śĩsvel, śĩsvyel n. ʻ id. ʼ
Tail: 8151 piccha n. ʻ tail -- feather ʼ MBh., ˚chaka -- m.n. lex., ˚chikā -- f. ʻ a kind of chowrie, bunch of peacock's feathers (?) ʼ Ratnāv. 2. *piñja -- 2 . [piñjā -- f. ʻ switch ʼ lex., piñjalī -- f. ʻ bunch of grass ʼ Gobh., ˚la -- n. lex., piñjulá -- n. PārGr̥., piñjūlī -- f. Kauś., (with darbhá -- ) ˚lá -- n. MaitrS., piñjīlá -- n., puñjīla -- n. TS. -- If *piñja -- ʻ bunch ʼ (~ puñja -- ʻ heap ʼ?) is the earlier word, then piccha -- , (Pa.) piñcha -- ʻ *bunch of tail -- feathers ʼ are poss. from *piñja<-> X púccha -- . Neither EWA ii 271 (piccha -- and púccha<-> < *pr̥ṣṭhya -- ) nor T. Burrow BSOAS xi 348 (← Drav., contested in PMWS 132) are convincing]1. Pa. piccha -- , piñcha -- n. ʻ tailfeather ʼ; Pk. piccha -- , piṁcha -- , ˚aḍa -- n. ʻ tail -- feather, tail ʼ, B. pẽcā ʻ tail -- piece (as of a fish) ʼ, Or. picha ʻ tail -- feather ʼ, OM. piṁcha; G. pīch, pīchũ, pī˜ch n. ʻ feather ʼ, M. pīs; Si. pihā ʻ wing ʼ.
2. Pa. piñja -- n. ʻ tail -- feather ʼ; Si. pen̆da ʻ bird's tail ʼ; <-> Gy. pal. pínǰi ʻ tail ʼ rather <púccha -- .
Addenda: piccha -- : A. phichā (phonet. -- s -- ) ʻ tail of a fish ʼ AFD 212, pich (phonet. -- s) ʻ rear ʼ AFD 218.
2. Pa. piñja -- n. ʻ tail -- feather ʼ; Si. pen̆da ʻ bird's tail ʼ; <-> Gy. pal. pínǰi ʻ tail ʼ rather <
Addenda: piccha -- : A. phichā (phonet. -- s -- ) ʻ tail of a fish ʼ AFD 212, pich (phonet. -- s) ʻ rear ʼ AFD 218.
Sissoo wood: 8153 picchalā f. ʻ Dalbergia sissoo, Bombax heptaphyllum ʼ lex. [picchala -- ]
A. pisalā ʻ a kind of forest tree ʼ.
A. pisalā ʻ a kind of forest tree ʼ.
Leopard: kolhā: krōṣṭŕ̊ ʻ crying ʼ BhP., m. ʻ jackal ʼ RV. = krṓṣṭu -- m. Pāṇ. [√kruś ]Pa. koṭṭhu -- , °uka -- and kotthu -- , °uka -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ, Pk. koṭṭhu -- m.; Si. koṭa ʻ jackal ʼ, koṭiya ʻ leopard ʼ GS 42; -- Pk. kolhuya -- , kulha -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ < *kōḍhu -- ; H. kolhā, °lā m. ʻ jackal ʼ, adj. ʻ crafty ʼ; G. kohlũ, °lũ n. ʻ jackal ʼ, M. kolhā, °lā m.(CDIAL 3615 Rebus: koṭiya 'dhow'.
sakea is a composite animal hypertext in Indus Script: sakea is a composite animal hypertext in Indus Script: khara'onager' PLUS khoṇḍa'young bull'rebus: kār kunda'blackmith, turner, goldsmith' کار کنده kār-kunda 'manager, director, adroit, clever, experienced' (Pashto) khar 'blacksmith' kunda 'fine gold' PLUS singi 'horned' rebus: singi 'golf for ornaments';thus, the 'unicorn' shown on the obelisk as a tribute signifies fine gold, ornament gold' kunda 'fine gold' PLUS singi 'horned' rebus: singi 'gold for ornaments';thus, the 'unicorn' shown on the obelisk as a tribute signifies fine gold, ornament gold.'
Hieroglyph: scarf on the shoulder of the bovine: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā ] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f.(CDIAL 6773) पोळ pōḷa, 'zebu, bos indicus' signifies pōḷa 'magnetite, ferrous-ferric oxide Fe3O4' PLUS dhatu 'scarf' Rebus: dhatu 'mineral'. Thus, the animal signifies the wealth resource tribute of iron magnetite ore PLUS circle as horn: vaṭṭa 'circle'. Thus, the expression of scarf PLUS horns is read as: dhã̄i 'mineral ore' PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. Thus, the mineral wealth as a tribute signified by this composite animal signifies smelted iron, magnetite ore.
Elephant, camel: Hieroglyphs: karibha, ibha 'elephant' karabhá m. ʻ camel ʼ MBh., ʻ young camel ʼ Pañcat., ʻ young elephant ʼ BhP. 2. kalabhá -- ʻ young elephant or camel ʼ Pañcat. [Poss. a non -- aryan kar -- ʻ elephant ʼ also in
Daniel T. Potts (ed.), A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, John Wiley & SOns, pp. 759-769
Monkeys as tributes on Shalamaneser Black Obelisk
Female monkedy dressed as a woman: रत्नी ratnī f (रत्न) In monkey-sports. A term given to the female monkey habited as a woman.
रत्न ratna n (S) A gem, a jewel, a precious stone. 2 A common term for the fourteen precious things produced by the ocean when it was churned by the gods and giants. See चौदा रत्नें. 3 fig. A term of praise for an excellent thing in general, a jewel.
மரகதப்பச்சை marakata-p-paccai , n. < id. +. A variety of green stone; நாகப்பச்சை. (யாழ். அக.) மரகதம் marakatam , n. < marakata. 1. Emerald, one of nava-maṇi, q.v.; நவமணியு ளொன்றான பச்சை யிரத்தினம். மரகத மணியோடு வயிரங் குயிற்றிய (சிலப் . 5, 147). 2. Green colour; பச்சைநிறம். மரகதக்கதிரும் (பெரியபு. அமர்நீதி . 7). மரகதன் marakataṉ , n. < marakata. Kubēra; குபேரன். (பிங்.)
lākṣiká ʻ dyed with lac ʼ lex. 2. *lākṣaka -- ʻ red ʼ. [lākṣāˊ -- ]1. Kal. lac̣hīˊa ʻ red ʼ; S. lākhī ʻ dyed with lac ʼ; L.khet. lākhī ʻ red ʼ; G. lākhī ʻ coloured like sealing wax ʼ; M. lākhī ʻ having the colour of lac ʼ; -- poss. Ḍ. lāč f. ʻ fox ʼ (c̣h?).2. Dm. lâc̣hâ ʻ red ʼ; L. lākkhā ʻ red, brown, black (of cattle) ʼ, khet. lākhā ʻ red ʼ; P. lākkhā ʻ red, brown, black ʼ; H. lākhā m. ʻ lac dye ʼ; G. lākhũ n. ʻ red mark on the skin ʼ, M. lākhẽ n.; -- perh. N. lākhu ʻ monkey, langur ʼ (< ʻ brown ʼ, cf. kapilá -- ).
Addenda: lākṣiká -- . 1. WPah.kc. lakhi ʻ dark (e.g. of a forest) ʼ.2. *lākṣaka -- : WPah.kṭg. lákhɔ ʻ dark brown (of animals) ʼ.(CDIAL 11003)
Ta. ñāñcil, nāñcil plough. Ma. ñēṅṅōl, nēññil plough-shaft. Ko. ne·lg plough. Ka. nēgal, nēgil, nēgila id. Koḍ. ne·ŋgiid. Tu. nāyerů id. Kor. (T.) nēveri id. Te. nã̄gali, nã̄gelu, nã̄gēlu id. Kol. na·ŋgli, (Kin.) nāŋeli id. Nk. nāŋgar id. Nk(Ch.) nāŋgar id. Pa. nã̄gil id. Ga. (Oll.) nāŋgal, (S.) nāngal id. Go. (W.) nāṅgēl, (A. SR.) nāngyal, (G. Mu. M. Ko.) nāŋgel, (Y.) nāŋgal, (Ma.) nāŋgili (pl. nāŋgisku) id. (Voc. 1956); (ASu.) nāynāl, (Koya Su.) nāṅēl, nāyṅēl id. Konḍa nāŋgel id. Pe. nāŋgel id. Manḍ. nēŋgel id. Kui nāngeli id. Kuwi (F.) nangelli ploughshare; (Isr.) nāŋgeli plough. / Cf. Skt. lāṅgala-, Pali naṅgala- plough; Mar. nã̄gar, H. nã̄gal, Beng. nāṅgal id., etc.; Turner, CDIAL, no. 11006. (DEDR 2907) lāˊṅgala n. ʻ plough ʼ RV. [→ Ir. dial of Lar in South Persia liṅgṓr ʻ plough ʼ Morgenstierne. -- Initial n -- in all Drav. forms (DED 2368); PMWS 127 derives both IA. and Drav. words from Mu. sources]Pa. naṅgala -- n. ʻ plough ʼ, Pk. laṁgala -- , ṇa˚, ṇaṁgara<-> n. (ṇaṁgala -- n.m. also ʻ beak ʼ); WPah.bhad. nã̄ṅgal n. ʻ wooden sole of plough ʼ; B. lāṅal, nā˚ ʻ plough ʼ, Or. (Sambhalpur) nã̄gar, Bi.mag. lã̄gal; Mth. nã̄gano ʻ handle of plough ʼ; H. nã̄gal, nāgal, ˚ar m. ʻ plough ʼ, M. nã̄gar, ˚gor, nāgār, ˚gor m., Si. nan̆gul, nagala, nagula. -- Gy. eur. nanari ʻ comb ʼ (LM 357) very doubtful.lāṅgalin -- .Addenda: lāṅgala -- : A. lāṅgal ʻ plough ʼ (CDIAL 11006)
lāṅgūlá (lāṅgula -- Pañcat., laṅgula -- lex.) n. ʻ tail ʼ ŚāṅkhŚr., adj. ʻ having a tail ʼ MBh., ʻ penis ʼ lex. 2. *lāṅguṭa -- . 3. *lāṅguṭṭa -- . 4. *lāṅguṭṭha -- . 5. *lēṅgula -- . 6. *lēṅguṭṭa -- . [Cf. lañja -- 2 . -- Variety of form attests non -- Aryan origin: PMWS 112 (with lakuṭa -- ) ← Mu., J. Przyluski BSL 73, 119 ← Austro<-> as.]1. Pa. laṅgula -- , na˚ n. ʻ tail ʼ, Pk. laṁgūla -- , ˚gōla -- , ṇaṁgūla -- , ˚gōla -- n.; Paš. laṅgūn n. ʻ penis ʼ; K. laṅgūr m. ʻ the langur monkey Semnopithecus schistaceus ʼ; P. lãgur, lag˚ m. ʻ monkey ʼ; Ku. lãgūr ʻ long -- tailed monkey ʼ; N. laṅgur ʻ monkey ʼ; B. lāṅgul ʻ tail ʼ, Or. laṅgūḷa, lāṅguḷa; H. lagūl, ˚ūr m. ʻ tail ʼ, laṅgūr m. ʻ longtailed black -- faced monkey ʼ; Marw. lagul ʻ penis ʼ; G. lãgur, ˚ul (l?) m. ʻ tail, monkey ʼ, lãguriyũ n. ʻ tail ʼ; Ko. māṅguli ʻ penis ʼ (m -- from māṅgo ʻ id. ʼ < mātaṅga -- ?); Si. nagula ʻ tail ʼ, Md. nagū.2. Or. lāṅguṛa, nā˚ ʻ tail ʼ, nāuṛa ʻ sting of bee or scorpion ʼ (< *nāṅuṛa?); Mth. lã̄gaṛ, nāgṛi ʻ tail ʼ; . nã̄goḍā, nã̄gāḍā,
vānara m. ʻ monkey ʼ Mn. [Der. vanar -- in cmpd. ʻ forest ʼ RV. -- vána -- 1 ]
Pa. vānara -- m. ʻ monkey ʼ, Pk. vāṇara -- m., Sh.gur. vandur m. (← L. *vāndur), K. wã̄dur, wānur m., S. vānaru m., P.ludh. bāndar (→ L.awān. bã̄drī f.), WPah.bhal. bānar n., bhiḍ. bã̄dar n., Ku. bānar, N. bã̄dar, bã̄dhar, bānar, A. bāndar, B. bã̄dar, Or. bāndara, Bi. Mth. bānar, OAw. bānara, lakh. bã̄dar, H. bã̄dar, bã̄drā m., ˚rī f., Marw. bã̄dro m., G. vã̄dar, vã̄drɔ m., ˚rī f., ˚rũ n., M. vã̄dar m.n., Ko. vāṁdar, Si. van̆durā, f. vän̆durī, ˚diri; -- Gy. as. (Baluči) banur ← Ind.Addenda: vāˊnara -- : WPah.kṭg. bandər m. ʻ monkey ʼ (← H.?), poet. bandro ʻ brown ʼ, J. bāndar m. ʻ monkey ʼ, poet. bandri f. ʻ she -- monkey ʼ, Garh. bã̄dar m.(CDIAL 11515)
mayūˊra m. ʻ peacock ʼ VS., in cmpds. RV., mayūrīˊ -- f. ʻ peahen ʼ RV. 2. *mōra -- . 3. *majjūra -- (< *mayyūra<-> with early eastern change -- yy -- > -- jj -- ?). [mayūka -- , marūka -- 1 m. lex. -- J. Bloch BSL 76, 16 ← Drav. (cf. DED 3793); J. Przyluski BSL 79, 100 ← Austro -- as. (cf. also Savara māˊrā ʻ peacock ʼ Morgenstierne); H. W. Bailey BSOAS xx 59, IL 21, 18 connects with Khot. murāsa -- as orig. an Indo -- ir. colour word. -- EWA ii 587 with lit.]1. Pa. mayūra -- m. ʻ peacock ʼ, Pk. maūra -- , maūla -- m.; Sh. (Lor.) maiyūr m. ʻ cock munāl pheasant ʼ; A. mairā ʻ peacock ʼ, B. maür, maur, Or. maïra m., ˚rī f., Si. mayurā, miyurā.2. Pa. mōra -- m., mōrinī -- f., Aś.gir. mora -- , Pk. mōra<-> m., ˚rī -- f., K. mōr m., S. moru m., L. P. mōr m., Ku. Mth. Bhoj. mor, OAw. mora m., H. mor m., ˚rī, ˚rinf., OMarw. moraḍī f., G. M. mor m., Si. mōrā; <-> H. (dial.) mhor, murhā m., Ko. mhōru.3. Aś.shah. man. majura -- , kāl. majula -- , jau. majūla -- , N. majur, mujur, Or. (Bastar) mañjura, OAw. maṁjūra m., Si. modara, monara.
*mayūrapakṣala -- .Addenda: mayūˊra -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) mōr ʻ peacock ʼ.(CDIAL 9865)
Elephant, camel: Hieroglyphs: karibha, ibha 'elephant' karabhá m. ʻ camel ʼ MBh., ʻ young camel ʼ Pañcat., ʻ young elephant ʼ BhP. 2. kalabhá -- ʻ young elephant or camel ʼ Pañcat. [Poss. a non -- aryan kar -- ʻ elephant ʼ also in karḗṇu -- , karin -- EWA i 165] 1. Pk. karabha -- m., ˚bhī -- f., karaha -- m. ʻ camel ʼ, S. karahu, ˚ho m., P. H. karhā m., Marw. karhau JRAS 1937, 116, OG. karahu m., OM. karahā m.; Si. karaba ʻ young elephant or camel ʼ.2. Pa. kalabha -- m. ʻ young elephant ʼ, Pk. kalabha -- m., ˚bhiā -- f., kalaha -- m.; Ku. kalṛo ʻ young calf ʼ; Or. kālhuṛi ʻ young bullock, heifer ʼ; Si. kalam̆bayā ʻ young elephant ʼ Rebus: karba, ib 'iron'Addenda: karabhá --: OMarw. karaha ʻcamelʼ.PLUS
śr̥ṅkhalaka -- ʻ chained camel ʼ Pāṇ. Rebus: Pa. saṅgaha -- m. ʻ collection ʼ(of equipment) śã̄gaḍ ʻchainʼ rebus: sanghāta 'vajra, metallic adamantine glue'. Thus, the metallurgist has achieved and documented the alloy of copper, as adamantine glue.சங்கிலி. A chain-ornament of gold.
The second monkey anthropomorph turns its head backwards. The rebus readings of this second animal are:
ūkam , 'Female monkey' rebus: ukku 'steel' PLUS kammara 'turn back' rebus: kamar'blacksmith'.Thus, steelsmith. This reinforces the semanics signified by the elephant: karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus; karba, ib 'iron' PLUS panja 'claws' rebus: panja 'kiln, furnace'
Hieroglyph: Female monkey: ஊகம்1 ūkam , n. 1. Female monkey; பெண் குரங்கு. (திவா.) 2. Black monkey; கருங் குரங்கு. பைங்க ணூகம்பாம்பு பிடித்தன்ன (சிறுபாண் . 221). 3. cf. ஊகை2 . இயூகம் iyūkam , n. < ஊகம் . Black monkey; கருங்குரங்கு . (பெருங். வத்தவ . 17, 14.) வல்லூகம்2 val-l-ūkam , n. < வல்1 + ஊகம்1 . (W .) 1. Male monkey; ஆண்குரங்கு . 2. Large ape; முசு . கருவிரலூகம் karu-viral-ūkam , n. < கரு-மை +. A catapultic machine, of the shape of a monkey with black claws, mounted on the walls of a fort in ancient times and intended to seize and bite the approaching enemy; கரிய விரல்களையுடைய குரங்குபோலிருந்து சேர்ந்தாரைக் கடிக்கும் மதிற்பொறி. கருவிரலூகமுங் கல்லுமிழ் கவ ணும் (சிலப் . 15, 208). காரூகம் kār-ūkam , n. < கார் + ஊகம் . Black monkey; கருங்குரங்கு. (திவா.) யூகம்1 yūkam , n. < ஊகம்1 . 1. Black monkey; கருங்குரங்கு. யூகமொடு மாமுக முசுக்கலை (திருமுரு . 302). (பிங் .) 2. Female monkey; பெண்குரங்கு. (திவா.)
Ko. uk steel. Ka. urku, ukku id. Koḍ. ur- (uri-) to melt (intr.); urïk- (urïki-) id. (tr.); ukkï steel. Te.ukku id. Go. (Mu.) urī-, (Ko.) uṛi- to be melted, dissolved; tr. (Mu.) urih-/urh- (Voc. 262). Konḍa (BB) rūg- to melt, dissolve. Kui ūra (ūri-) to be dissolved; pl. action ūrka (ūrki-); rūga (rūgi-) to be dissolved. Kuwi (Ṭ.) rūy- to be dissolved; (S.) rūkhnai to smelt; (Isr.) uku, (S.) ukku steel. (DEDR 661)
kēndu m. ʻ a kind of ebony, Diospyros embryopteris ʼ, ˚uka -- m. ʻ D. glutinosa (yielding a sort of tar) ʼ lex. [Cf. tinduka -- , tumbara -- ]A. kendu ʻ the tree Diospyros tomentosa ʼ; B. kendu ʻ D. embryopteris ʼ; Or. kendu ʻ D. embryopteris, D. glutinosa ʼ, H. kẽdū m.(CDIAL 3464)
kendu 'copulation': Ta. cē (-pp-, -tt-) to dwell, lie, remain, sleep; cēppu (cēppi-) to abide, remain; cēkkai cot, bed, roost, dwelling place, nest. Ma. cēkuka, cēkkuka to roost; cēkal, cēyal, cēkka, cēkku a roost. Ka. kē (kēd-) to lie down, repose, copulate with; kēvu, (K.2 ) kendu copulation. Tu. kedoṇuni to lie down, rest; (B-K.) ketoṇu, katoṇu to lie down; kerapāvu to cause to lie down; kēlů abode of a Pariah. Kol. ke·p- (ke·pt-) to make (child) to sleep. Kur. kīdnā, kīd'ānā to allow or invite one to lie down for rest or sleep, put to bed (a child, a sick person), lay in the grave. Malt. kíde to lay down.(DEDR 1990)
मरकत marakata m S An emerald.
मारकट mārakaṭa a (Qualif. form of मारका) Rather given to butting or kicking.
सांगड sāṅgaḍa m f (संघट्ट S) A float composed of two canoes or boats bound together: also a link of two pompions &c. to swim or float by.
सांगड sāṅgaḍa m f (संघट्ट S) f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together.
साग sāga m ( H or शाक S) The teak tree or wood, Tectona grandis.

Female monkedy dressed as a woman: रत्नी ratnī f (रत्न) In monkey-sports. A term given to the female monkey habited as a woman.
रत्न ratna n (S) A gem, a jewel, a precious stone. 2 A common term for the fourteen precious things produced by the ocean when it was churned by the gods and giants. See चौदा रत्नें. 3 fig. A term of praise for an excellent thing in general, a jewel.
markáṭa1 m. ʻ monkey ʼ VS., markaṭī -- f., ˚ṭaka -- m. lex., maṅkaḍa -- m. Schmidt Nachtr. [Poss. ext. with -- ṭa -- of marka -- m. BhP. which may be ← Drav. Kan. maṅga ʻ monkey ʼ T. Burrow BSOAS xii 389 and DED 3777]Pa. makkaṭa -- m. ʻ monkey ʼ, ˚ṭī -- f., NiDoc. makaḍ'a F. W. Thomas AO xii 40, Pk. makkaḍa -- m., ˚ḍī f., maṁkaḍa -- , ˚kaṇa -- m., Ap. makkala -- m., Kt. makeŕ, (Kamdesh) māgŕə̃, Wg. mákäŕ, Dm. makäŕ, Paš.kuṛ. makṓṛ, Kal.rumb. mŕāko, makŕṓŕyak, Kho. mukuḷ, Bshk. makīr (< markaṭī -- ?), Phal. māˊkaṛ, N. mākul, Or. mākaṛa, māṅkaṛa; G. mākṛũ, mã̄k˚ n. ʻ red -- faced monkey ʼ, mākṛī f. ʻ female monkey ʼ; M. mākaḍ m. ʻ baboon ʼ, makḍī f. ʻ female monkey ʼ; Ko. māṁkaḍa ʻ monkey ʼ, Si. makul.(CDIAL 9882)
Addenda: lākṣiká -- . 1. WPah.kc. lakhi ʻ dark (e.g. of a forest) ʼ.2. *lākṣaka -- : WPah.kṭg. lákhɔ ʻ dark brown (of animals) ʼ.(CDIAL 11003)
nã̄gḍā, nã̄gā m. ʻ scorpion's tail ʼ.3. Sh.jij. laṅuṭi ʻ tail ʼ, Si. nan̆guṭa, nag˚, nakuṭa. -<-> X lamba -- 1 : Phal. lamḗṭi, Sh.koh. lamŭṭo m., gur. lamōṭṷ m.4. Pa. naṅguṭṭha -- n. ʻ tail ʼ.5. A. negur ʻ tail ʼ, B. leṅguṛ.6. Aw.lakh. nẽgulā ʻ the only boy amongst the girls fed on 9th day of Āśvin in honour of Devī ʼ.Addenda: lāṅgūlá -- [T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65, comparing lāṅgula -- ~ Pa. nȧguṭṭha -- with similar aṅgúli -- ~ aṅgúṣṭha -- , derives < IE. *loṅgulo -- (√leṅg ʻ bend, swing ʼ IEW 676)]1. Md. nagū (nagulek) ʻ tail ʼ (negili ʻ anchor ʼ?).(CDIAL 11009)
Pa. vānara -- m. ʻ monkey ʼ, Pk. vāṇara -- m., Sh.gur. vandur m. (← L. *vāndur), K. wã̄dur, wānur m., S. vānaru m., P.ludh. bāndar (→ L.awān. bã̄drī f.), WPah.bhal. bānar n., bhiḍ. bã̄dar n., Ku. bānar, N. bã̄dar, bã̄dhar, bānar, A. bāndar, B. bã̄dar, Or. bāndara, Bi. Mth. bānar, OAw. bānara, lakh. bã̄dar, H. bã̄dar, bã̄drā m., ˚rī f., Marw. bã̄dro m., G. vã̄dar, vã̄drɔ m., ˚rī f., ˚rũ n., M. vã̄dar m.n., Ko. vāṁdar, Si. van̆durā, f. vän̆durī, ˚diri; -- Gy. as. (Baluči) banur ← Ind.Addenda: vāˊnara -- : WPah.kṭg. bandər m. ʻ monkey ʼ (← H.?), poet. bandro ʻ brown ʼ, J. bāndar m. ʻ monkey ʼ, poet. bandr
morakkaka (loha) 'calcining metal'.Ta. nīṟu (nīṟi-) to become slaked (as lime), be turned to ashes or calcined (as metals or stones); perish, be ruined; n. ashes, dross of any substance after it has been burned, sacred ashes, dust, slaked lime; nīṟṟu (nīṟṟi-) to slake (as lime), reduce to ashes or powder, calcine (as metals), calcinate; nivaṟu (nivaṟi-) to be powdered. Ma. nīṟuka to be slaked and powdered as lime, burn to ashes; nīṟal burning grief; nīṟṟuka to burn to ashes, slake shells for lime; nīṟu ashes. Ka. nīṟupowder, ashes. Te. niguṟu, nivuṟu, nīṟu ashes upon live coal. Nk. (Ch.) īd ashes. Pa. nīd id. Ga. (P.) nīr id. Go. (Tr.) nīr (gen. nītā, pl. nīhk), (W. Ph. Mu. etc.) nīr, (Ma.) nīr̥(i) (obl. nīṭ-) id. (Voc. 2004). Konḍa nīṟu id. Pe. nīz/nīs id. Manḍ. nīy-darambu id. (for darambu, see 3092).(DEDR 3693)
Hieroglyph: Chain links: śã̄gal, śã̄gaḍ ʻchainʼ (WPah.) śr̥ṅkhala m.n. ʻ chain ʼ MārkP., °lā -- f. VarBr̥S., śr̥ṅkhalaka -- m. ʻ chain ʼ MW., ʻ chained camel ʼ Pāṇ. [Similar ending in mḗkhalā -- ] Pa. saṅkhalā -- , °likā -- f. ʻ chain ʼ; Pk. saṁkala -- m.n., °lā -- , °lī -- , °liā -- , saṁkhalā -- , siṁkh°, siṁkalā -- f. ʻ chain ʼ, siṁkhala -- n. ʻ anklet ʼ; Sh. šăṅāli̯ f., (Lor.)š*l ṅāli, ši ṅ° ʻ chain ʼ (lw .with š -- < śr̥ -- ), K. hö̃kal f.; S. saṅgharu m. ʻ bell round animal's neck ʼ, °ra f. ʻ chain, necklace ʼ, saṅghāra f. ʻ chain, string of beads ʼ,saṅghirī f. ʻ necklace with double row of beads ʼ; L. saṅglī f. ʻ flock of bustard ʼ, awāṇ. saṅgul ʻ chain ʼ; P. saṅgal m. ʻ chain ʼ, ludh. suṅgal m.; WPah.bhal. śaṅgul m. ʻ chain with which a soothsayer strikes himself ʼ, śaṅgli f. ʻ chain ʼ, śiṅkhal f. ʻ railing round a cow -- stall ʼ, (Joshi) śã̄gaḷ ʻ door -- chain ʼ, jaun. śã̄gal, śã̄gaḍ ʻ chain ʼ; Ku. sã̄glo ʻ doorchain ʼ, gng. śāṅaw ʻ chain ʼ; N. sāṅlo ʻ chain ʼ, °li ʻ small do. ʼ, A. xikali, OB. siṅkala, B. sikal, sikli, chikal, chikli, (Chittagong) hĩol ODBL 454, Or.sāṅk(h)uḷā, °ḷi, sāṅkoḷi, sikaḷā̆, °ḷi, sikuḷā, °ḷi; Bi. sīkaṛ ʻ chains for pulling harrow ʼ, Mth. sī˜kaṛ; Bhoj. sī˜kar, sĩkarī ʻ chain ʼ, OH. sāṁkaḍa, sīkaḍa m., H. sã̄kal, sã̄kar,°krī, saṅkal, °klī, sikal, sīkar, °krī f.; OG. sāṁkalu n., G. sã̄kaḷ, °kḷī f. ʻ chain ʼ, sã̄kḷũ n. ʻ wristlet ʼ; M. sã̄k(h)aḷ, sāk(h)aḷ, sã̄k(h)ḷī f. ʻ chain ʼ, Ko. sāṁkaḷ; Si. säkilla, hä°, ä° (st. °ili -- ) ʻ elephant chain ʼ.śr̥ṅkhalayati. Addenda: śr̥ṅkhala -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) śáṅgəḷ f. (obl. -- i ) ʻ chain ʼ, J. śã̄gaḷ f., Garh. sã̄gaḷ.śr̥ṅkhalayati ʻ enchains ʼ Daś. [śr̥ṅkhala -- ]
Ku.gng. śāṅaī ʻ intertwining of legs in wrestling ʼ (< śr̥ṅkhalita -- ); Or. sāṅkuḷibā ʻ to enchain ʼ.(CDIAL 12580, 12581)சங்கிலி¹ caṅkili , n. < šṛṅkhalaā. [M. caṅ- kala.] 1. Chain, link; தொடர். சங்கிலிபோ லீர்ப்புண்டு (சேதுபு. அகத். 12). 2. Land-measuring chain, Gunter's chain 22 yards long; அளவுச் சங்கிலி. (C. G .) 3. A superficial measure of dry land=3.64 acres; ஓர் நிலவளவு. (G. T n. D. I , 239). 4. A chain-ornament of gold, inset with diamonds; வயிரச்சங்கிலி என்னும் அணி. சங்கிலி நுண்டொடர் (சிலப். 6, 99). 5. Hand-cuffs, fetters; விலங்கு. Rebus: sangaha, sangraha, 'catalogue, list'. saṁgraha m. ʻ collection ʼ Mn., ʻ holding together ʼ MBh. [√grah ] Pa. saṅgaha -- m. ʻ collection ʼ, Pk. saṁgaha -- m.; Bi. sã̄gah ʻ building materials ʼ; Mth. sã̄gah ʻ the plough and all its appurtenances ʼ, Bhoj. har -- sã̄ga; H. sãgahā ʻ collection of materials (e.g. for building) ʼ; <-> Si. san̆gaha ʻ compilation ʼ ← Pa. *saṁgrahati ʻ collects ʼ see sáṁgr̥hṇāti. (CDIAL 12852). sáṁgr̥hṇāti ʻ seizes ʼ RV. 2. *saṁgrahati. 3. saṁgrāhayati ʻ causes to be taken hold of, causes to be comprehended ʼ BhP. [√grah ] 1. Pa. saṅgaṇhāti ʻ collects ʼ, Pk. saṁgiṇhaï; Or. saṅghenibā ʻ to take with, be accompanied by ʼ. 2. Pa. fut. saṅgahissati, pp. saṅgahita -- ; Pk. saṁgahaï ʻ collects, chooses, agrees to ʼ; Si. han̆ginavā ʻ to think ʼ, hän̆genavā, än̆g° ʻ to be convinced, perceive ʼ, han̆gavanavā, an̆g° ʻ to make known ʼ.
3. Or. saṅgāibā ʻ to keep ʼ.(CDIAL 12850)
Rebus: Vajra Sanghāta 'binding together': Mixture of 8 lead, 2 bell-metal, 1 iron rust constitute adamantine glue. (Allograph) Hieroglyph: sãghāṛɔ 'lathe'.(Gujarati)
Rebus: Vajra Sanghāta 'binding together': Mixture of 8 lead, 2 bell-metal, 1 iron rust constitute adamantine glue. (Allograph) Hieroglyph: sãghāṛɔ 'lathe'.(Gujarati)