-- Ligaturing principle of Indus Script ṯs̱arḵẖ 'potter's wheel' ligatured to मुष्टिक fist is मुष्टिक goldsmith working with eraka metal infusion
-- Indus Script Cipher ṯs̱arḵẖ'potter'swheel' (Pashto) rebus arka'copper,gold'eraka'moltencast, metal infusion' PLUS कर्णक karṇaka'rim of jar' rebus karaṇika'scribe'
Indus Script Cipher infixes a hieroglyph to create Sign 355, Sign 391 as hypertexts
This composition of Sign 355 infixing Sign 391 is a duplication of Sign `162 'rice-plant'
Orthography of Sign 347
indicates that it is a igature of a pair of sprouts
Sign 162 fused into
a rimless pot shape.
Variants of Sign 347
Thus, the components of Sign 347 read rebus are: kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi'smithy, forge' PLUS dula'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS baṭa'rimless pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'. Together, the Sign 347 is read as hypertext: dul bhaṭa kolimi 'metalcasting furnace, smithy, forge'. When 'wheel' sign Sign 391
is infixed in this composite hypertext of Sign 347
the rebus readig is: ṯs̱arḵẖ 'potter'swheel' (Pashto) rebus arka 'copper,gold' eraka 'moltencast, metal infusion' PLUS dul bhaṭa kolimi 'metalcasting furnace, smithy, forge'. The inscription with this hyprtext of Sign 355
thus signifies a smithy/forge with a metalcasting, copper, gold metal infusion furnace.
Orthography of Sign 347
Thus, the components of Sign 347 read rebus are: kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi'smithy, forge' PLUS dula'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS baṭa'rimless pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'. Together, the Sign 347 is read as hypertext: dul bhaṭa kolimi 'metalcasting furnace, smithy, forge'. When 'wheel' sign Sign 391
Clenched fist as an Indus Script Hypertext which signifies
Meaning of 'goldsmith' is validated by the etyma which are semantic expansions of the Bhāratīya sprachbund word: muka 'blow with fist' (Sindhi) rebus: mũhe 'ingot' (Santali): मुष्टिक a partic. position of the hands rebus: मुष्टिक a goldsmith L.; (pl.) of a despised race (= डोम्बास्) R.;N. of an असुर Hariv. अ-क्षर--मुष्टिका f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 कलाs) वात्स्यायन
The etyma Kur. muṭkā ʻfistʼ Prj. muṭka ʻblow with fistʼ are cognate with phonetic forms: Ku. muṭhagī, muṭhkī f. ʻblow with fistʼ, N. muṭki, muṛki, M. muṭkā (CDIAL 10221). This suggests the basis for a hypothesis that an early spoken form in Bhāratīya sprachbund is: muka 'blow with fist' (Sindhi)(CDIAL 10150). This is read rebus: mũhe 'ingot' (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends;kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali).
*mukka1 ʻ blow with fist ʼ. [Prob. ← Drav., Prj. muṭka ʻ blow with fist ʼ, Kur. muṭkā ʻ fist ʼ, DED. 4041]K. muköli f. ʻ blow with fist ʼ, (El.) mukāl m. ʻ fist ʼ; S. muka f. ʻ blow with fist ʼ, L. mukk, °kī f.; P. mukk m. ʻ fist ʼ, °kī f.; WPah.bhal. mukki f. ʻ blow with fist ʼ; N. mukkā, °ki ʻ fist ʼ, H. mūkā, mukkā m., °kī f., mukkhī f. (X muṭṭhī < muṣṭí -- ); G. mukkɔ m., °kī f. ʻ blow with fist ʼ.(CDIAL 10150).
muṣṭí m.f. ʻ clenched hand, fist ʼ RV., ʻ handful ʼ ŚBr. Pa. Pk. muṭṭhi -- f. ʻ fist, handful, handle of an instrument ʼ; Ash. mušt ʻ fist ʼ NTS ii 267, mūst NTS vii 99, Wg. müṣṭ, Kt. muṣṭ, miṣṭ; Bashg. "misht" ʻ hilt of sword ʼ; Pr. müšt ʻ fist ʼ, muṣ (?) ʻ hilt of knife ʼ; Dm. muṣṭ ʻ fist ʼ, muṣṭi ʻ handle ʼ; Paš. uzb. muṣṭī ʻ fist ʼ, lauṛ. muṭhīˊ; Gaw. muṣṭ ʻ handle (of plough) ʼ, muṣṭāˊk, muṣṭīke ʻ fist ʼ, muṣ -- kaṭāˊrī ʻ dagger ʼ; Kal.rumb. muṣṭí ʻ fist ʼ; Kho. muṣṭi ʻ fist, grip ʼ; Phal. muṣṭ ʻ a measure of length (elbow to end of fist) ʼ, múṣṭi f. ʻ fist ʼ, muṭṭi f. ʻ arm below elbow ʼ (← Ind.?) → Bshk. mut (= *muṭh?) ʻ fist ʼ AO xviii 245; Sh.gil. muṭ(h), pl. muṭí m. ʻ fist ʼ, muṣṭí ʻ handle of plough ʼ, jij. mv́ṣṭi ʻ fist ʼ, koh. gur. mŭṣṭăkf., pales. muṭh ʻ arm, upper arm ʼ; K. mŏṭh, m&obrevdotdot;ṭhü f. ʻ fist ʼ; S. muṭhi f. ʻ fist, fistful, handle ʼ; L. muṭṭh ʻ fist, handle ʼ, muṭṭhī f. ʻ handful ʼ, awāṇ. muṭh; P. muṭṭh, muṭṭhī f. ʻ fist ʼ, muṭṭhā m. ʻ handle, bundle ʼ; Ku. muṭhī f. ʻ fist, handful ʼ, muṭho ʻ handle ʼ; N. muṭh ʻ handle ʼ, muṭhi ʻ fist ʼ, muṭho ʻ handful ʼ; A. muṭhi ʻ fist, handful, handle ʼ, muṭhan ʻ measure of length (elbow to middle joint of little finger) ʼ; B. muṭh, muṭi ʻ fist, handful ʼ, muṭ(h)ā ʻ handful ʼ; Or. muṭhi ʻ fist ʼ, muṭha ʻ hilt of sword ʼ, muṭhā ʻ clenched hand ʼ; Bi. mūṭh, muṭhiyā ʻ knob on body of plough near handle ʼ, mūṭhā, muṭṭhā ʻ the smallest sheaf (about a handful) ʼ; Mth. muṭhā ʻ handle of mattock ʼ; Bhoj. mūṭhi ʻ fist ʼ; OAw. mūṭhī f. ʻ handful ʼ; H. mūṭh f., mūṭhā m. ʻ fist, blow with fist ʼ, mūṭhī, muṭṭhī f. ʻ fist, handful ʼ, muṭṭhā m. ʻ handful, handle (of plough), bundle ʼ; G. mūṭh f. ʻ fist ʼ, muṭṭhī f. ʻ handful ʼ; M. mūṭh f. ʻ fist ʼ, Ko. mūṭ; Si. miṭa, pl. miṭi ʻ fist, handful ʼ, miṭiya ʻ hammer, bundle ʼ; Md. muři ʻ hammer ʼ: the forms of P. H. Si. meaning ʻ bundle ʼ perh. rather < *muṭṭha -- 2 s.v. mūta -- ; -- in Gy. wel. mušī, gr. musī ʻ arm ʼ loss of ṭ is unexpl. unless -- ī is secondary. -- Poss. ← or infl. by Drav. (Prj. muṭka ʻ blow with fist ʼ &c., DED 4041: see *mukka -- 1): Ku. muṭhagī, muṭhkī f. ʻ blow with fist ʼ, N. muṭki, muṛki, M. muṭkā m. nimuṣṭi -- .Addenda: muṣṭí -- : WPah.kṭg. mvṭ -- (in cmpd.), múṭṭhi f. ʻ clenched hand, handful ʼ; J. muṭhā m. ʻ handful ʼ, Garh. muṭṭhi; A. muṭh (phonet. muth) ʻ abridgement ʼ AFD 94; Md. muř ʻ fist, handle ʼ, muři ʻ hammer ʼ.(CDIAL 10221). Pa. muṭṭ- to hammer; muṭkablow with fist. Ga. (P.) muṭa fist. Go. (Mu.) muṭ, (Ko.) muṭiya hammer; (Mu.) muṭka a blow (Voc. 2874). Pe. muṭla hammer. Manḍ. muṭla id.
Kuwi (Su.) muṭla id. Kur. muṭga'ānā to deal a heavy blow with the fist; muṭgā, muṭkā clenched hand or fist, hammering with the fist; muṭka'ānā to hit or hammer at with the fist. / Cf. Skt. muṭ- to crush, grind, break; Turner, CDIAL, no. 10186: root, muṭáti ʻ *twists ʼ (ʻ kills, grinds ʼ Dhātup.) . (DEDR 4932) Muṭṭhi (f.) [Vedic muṣṭi, m. f. Does defn "muṭ=mad- dane" at Dhtm 125 refer to muṭṭhi?] the fist VvA 206.; Muṭṭhika [fr. muṭṭhi] 1. a fist -- fighter, wrestler, boxer Vin ii.105 (malla˚); J iv.81 (Np.); vi.277; Vism 31 (+malla). -- 2. a sort of hammer J v.45.(Pali) मुष्टि the clenched hand , fist (perhaps orig. " the hand closed to grasp anything stolen ") RV. &c; a compendium , abridgment सर्वदर्शन-संग्रह (Monier-Williams).![]()
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Drinking vessel in the shape of a fist
Near Eastern, Anatolian, Hittite
Hittite New Kingdom, reign of Tudhaliya III
14th century B.C.Place of Manufacture: central AnatoliaThis ceremonial drinking vessel is shaped in the form of a human fist with a procession of musicians in relief along the cuff.
Near Eastern, Anatolian, Hittite Hittite New Kingdom, reign of Tudhaliya III 14th century B.C. Place of Manufacture: central Anatolia This ceremonial drinking vessel is shaped in the form of a human fist with a procession of musicians in relief along the cuff. |
मुष्टिक'goldsmith' kanda kanka 'rim of jar' Rebus: कर्णिक m. a steersman (Monier-Williams) karaṇī 'supercargo, a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.' (Marathi).
मुष्टिक a goldsmith L.; (pl.) of a despised race (= डोम्बास्) R.;N. of an असुर Hariv. अ-क्षर--मुष्टिका f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 कलाs) वात्स्यायन
Hieroglyph:potter's wheel: 
h2091b āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus sal 'workshop' āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' (DEDR 856) era, er-a = eraka =?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Ka.lex.)[Note Sign 391 and its ligatures Signs 392 and 393 may connote a spoked-wheel,nave of the wheel through which the axle passes; cf. ara_, spoke].
Rebus:eraka moltencast metal: Kur. elkhnā to pour liquid out (by tilting a vessel standing on the ground); elkhrnā to be poured out. Malt. eqe to pour out from a vessel; To. eṟ- (eṟQ-) to scoop up (water with vessel). Ka. eṟe to pour any liquids, cast (as metal); n. pouring; eṟacu, ercu to scoop, sprinkle, scatter, strew, sow; eṟaka, eraka any metal infusion; molten state, fusion. Tu. eraka molten, cast (as metal); eraguni to melt. Kur. ecchnā to dash a liquid out or over (by scooping, splashing, besprinkling). (DEDR 840, 866) eraka= copper (Ka.) eruvai =copper (Ta.); ere - a dark-red colour (Ka.) (DEDR 817). eraka, era, er-a= syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.) erka = ekke
(Tbh.of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Kannada)
There are many orthographic variants of the Sign 342. See for example, variants presented in ASI 1977 Memoir (Also called Mahadevan Concordance).
Sign 342 is orthography of ‘rim-of-jar’. This is read rebus as karṇaka ‘rim of jar’ rebus: karṇī 'engraver, supercargo' is echoed in Telugu. Tamil, Kannada expressions as a village accountant, writer, clerk. Marathi expressions are: गांवकुळकरणी gāṃvakuḷakaraṇī m The hereditary village-accountant: in contradistinction from देशकुळकरणी District accountant. kāraṇika m. ʻ teacher ʼ MBh., ʻ judge ʼ Pañcat. [kā- raṇa -- ]Pa. usu -- kāraṇika -- m. ʻ arrow -- maker ʼ; Pk. kāraṇiya -- m. ʻ teacher of Nyāya ʼ; S. kāriṇī m. ʻ guardian, heir ʼ; N. kārani ʻ abettor in crime ʼ; M. kārṇī m. ʻ prime minister, supercargo of a ship ʼ, kul -- karṇī m. ʻ village accountant ʼ.(CDIAL 3058)
Thus, I submit that the Sign342 signifies कर्णक karṇaka'rim-of-jar' and is read rebus in Meluhh (Bharatiya sprachbund, speech union) as karṇī 'supercargo', 'engraver, scribe.'
h2092a Identical to h2091
h2092b Identical to h2091
कर्णक m. (ifc. f(आ).) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c ) , a tendril ŚBr. KātyŚr. Rebus: कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman; m. pl. N. of a people VP. (Monier-Williams) rebus:karṇī 'supercargo', 'engraver' ( Marathi). In spoken form, the word is pronounced kankha as in Santali with the semantics 'rim-of-jar'.
The semantics of the homonym karṇī 'engraver' is echoed in Telugu. Tamil, Kannada expressions as a village accountant, writer, clerk:
కరణము karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. కరణము n. Instrument, means. కొరముట్టు. An organ of sense. ఇంద్రియము. Marking or causing, as in ప్రియంకరణము endearing. స్థూలంకరణము fattening, శుభగంకరణము fortunate. కరణచతుష్టయము the mind, intellect, volition and self-consciousness. మనోబుద్ధిచిత్తాహంకారములు. కరణత్రయము thought, word and deed. మనస్సు. వాక్కు, కర్మము. త్రికరణశుద్ధిగా completely, absolutely, entirely. కరణీయము karaṇīyamu. adj. Fit to be performed, worthy to be done చేయదగిన. కరణికము or కరణీకము karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk. கர்ணம்2 karṇam , n. < karaṇa. 1. Village accountantship; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலை . 2. Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன் . கரணிகம் karaṇikam , n. < karaṇa. 4. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of accountant. See கருணீகம் . Loc. கருணீகம் karuṇīkam , n. < karaṇa. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of village accountant or karṇam; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலை . கருணீகன் karuṇīkaṉ , n. < id. 1. Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன். கடுகை யொருமலை யாகக் . . . காட்டுவோன் கருணீகனாம் (அறப். சத . 86). 2. A South Indian caste of accountants; கணக்குவேலைபார்க்கும் ஒருசாதி .
That is, the most frequently used sign of Indus Script, Sign 342 is a signifier for a scribe, supercargo 'a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.'