Cult has come to usually refer to a social group defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal. -- Wikipedia. Nāga is NOT a cult; the word is a signifier of artisans who created the wealth of a nation.
Nāga people emerging out of (dh)makara is a metaphor which signifies that Nāga people are metalworkers who create the wealth of a nation.
Patanjali as Śeṣa![]()
Naga king in Anjali mudra in Deogarh temple, Madhya Pradesh
Naga supporting waterspout of Yoni-Lingam, YogyakartaJava, c. 9th century
Hindu, Bauddham and Jaina traditions, the Nāga are people signified in anthropomorphic forms. Nāga (IAST: nāga; Devanāgarī: नाग) or Nāgi (f. of nāga; IAST: nāgī; Devanāgarī: नागी) are divine, semi-divine deities, or half-human half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld (Pātāḷa underground realm filled with gems, gold and other earthly treasures called Nāga-loka) and can occasionally take human form. Vasuki, a nāgarāja who abides on Shiva's neck, becomes the churning rope for churning of kṣīrasāgara, the Ocean of Milk. A Meluhha phonetic form, khirsara, is the name of an archaeological site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization in the Rann of Kutch.
It is possible that Nāga people were metalsmiths as seen from the reading of a Khirsara tablet. नाग n. (m. L. ) tin , lead Bhpr. The cobrahood is an emphatic hieroglyph on many Indus Script inscriptions. The hieroglyph is read rebus:
A tablet with Indus Script inscription ahd the famous two-sign sequence was found at this site. Khirsara is a shortened form of kṣīrasāgara in śvetadwīpa (BhP. Viii,5,11)
khara 'equus hemionus' rebus:khār 'blacksmith
kuttuvā , n. A herring, golden, glossed with purple, Pellona brachysoma; கடல்மீன்வகை Rebus: kōḍa'workshop'.
In Sanskrit, a nāgá (नाग) is a cobra, the Indian cobra (Naja naja). A synonym for nāgá is phaṇin (फणिन्). There are several words for "snake" in general, and one of the very commonly used ones is sarpá (सर्प). Sometimes the word nāgá is also used generically to mean "snake". The word is cognate with English 'snake', Germanic: *snēk-a-, Proto-IE: *(s)nēg-o- (with s-mobile).(Proto-IE: *(s)nēg-o-, Meaning: snake, Old Indian: nāgá- m. 'snake', Germanic: *snēk-a- m., *snak-an- m., *snak-ō f.; *snak-a- vb.: "Indo-European etymology".)
6th century Nāga at Badami cave temples
Indus Script hypertexts: mēḍi, 'plait' dāwanī f. ʻropeʼ dhāī 'twisted rope' paḍa m.’cloth' (Prakrtam) pāṭ, °ṭā ʻboard, bench, stool, throneʼ (Bengali)
Rebus: मृदु mṛdu, mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'metal'(Samskrtam.Santali.Mu.Ho) dhā̆vaḍ m.ʻiron-smeltersʼ फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild', 'Bhāratīya arsenal of metal workers guild'.
![Image result for amaravati slab]()
Amaravati drum slab
dāwanī f. ʻropeʼ dhāī 'twisted rope' dhā̆vaḍ m.ʻiron-smelters’
pāṭ, °ṭā ʻboard, bench, stool, throneʼ (Bengali) Rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild', 'Bhāratīya arsenal of metal workers guild'.
kola 'woman' rebus: kolhe 'smelters', kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' kole.l 'smithy, forge'
kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
A divinity emerges out of the tree trunk on the following frieze signifying the worship of the smelter:kole.l 'smithy, forge' rebus: kole.l 'temple'.
See:Bharata Hindu, Jaina, Bauddham traditions. Tree metaphors and orthographic narratives kuṭhi 'sacred, divine, tree' rebus, kuṭhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore' Harappa, kuṭi 'temple'
Amaravati. Sculptural frieze. A face (of an artisan) emrges ou of tree trunk within vedika, sacred railing. A worshipper carries three strands (of a rope): tAmarasa 'lotus' rebus: tAmra 'copper'dhAu 'strand'. Rebus: M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ)(CDIAL 6773).dhAtu 'strand' rebus: dhAtu 'mineral ore' (Rigveda) tri-dhAtu 'three strands' rebus: tri-dhAtu 'three mineral ores': e.g. haematite, magnetite, laterite three ferrite red coloured ores. A face emergs out of the tree trunk: mũhe ‘face’ rebus mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; kolhe tehen me~ṛhe~t mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron(Santali) Rebus: mūhā 'ingot'; compound formation: mleccha-mukha (Skt.) = milakkhu ‘copper’ (Pali) Another worshipper holds an ingot as an offering in front of the tree-in-railing (vedika).
![Amaravati drum slab (Birth scenes) (1880.7-9.44; Knox 61)]()
Amaravati drum slab (Birth scenes) (1880.7-9.44; Knox 61)
The following sculptural frieze in mathura Museum of Shunga period signifies ḍhāllā paṭṭī 'ingot town' signified by Indus Script hypertexts.
Sculptural frieze. Mathura Museum. पट्टी paṭṭī 'plait' rebus: पट्टी f. a city , town (cf. -निवसन). The ox-hide ingot is the centre-piece on the doorway of the temple. ढाल [p= 431,1]n. " a shield " » °लिन्.ढालिन् [p= 431,1] mfn. armed with a shield (Monier-Williams) ḍhālako a large metal ingot (Gujarati) ḍhāla n. ʻ shield ʼ lex. 2. *ḍhāllā -- .1. Tir. (Leech) "dàl"ʻ shield ʼ, Bshk. ḍāl, Ku. ḍhāl, gng. ḍhāw, N. A. B. ḍhāl, Or. ḍhāḷa, Mth. H. ḍhāl m.2. Sh. ḍal (pl. °le̯) f., K. ḍāl f., S. ḍhāla, L. ḍhāl (pl. °lã) f., P. ḍhāl f., G. M. ḍhāl f.Addenda: ḍhāla -- . 2. *ḍhāllā -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhāˋl f. (obl. -- a) ʻ shield ʼ (a word used in salutation), J. ḍhāl f.(CDIAL 5583)
![Image result for nagaraja erapattra bharhut]()
फडकरी (p. 313) phaḍakarī m A man belonging to a company or band (of players, showmen &c.) 2 A superintendent or master of a फड or public place. See under फड. 3 A retail-dealer (esp. in grain). फड (p. 313) phaḍa m ( H) A place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room: also, in an ill-sense, as खेळण्या- चा फड A gambling-house, नाचण्याचा फड A nachhouse, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singingshop or merriment shop. The word expresses freely Gymnasium or arena, circus, club-room, debating-room, house or room or stand for idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps &c. 2 The spot to which field-produce is brought, that the crop may be ascertained and the tax fixed; the depot at which the Government-revenue in kind is delivered; a place in general where goods in quantity are exposed for inspection or sale. 3 Any office or place of extensive business or work,--as a factory, manufactory, arsenal, dock-yard, printing-office &c. 4 A plantation or field (as of ऊस, वांग्या, मिरच्या, खरबुजे &c.): also a standing crop of such produce. 5 fig. Full and vigorous operation or proceeding, the going on with high animation and bustle (of business in general). v चाल, पड, घाल, मांड. 6 A company, a troop, a band or set (as of actors, showmen, dancers &c.) फडनीस (p. 313) phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस. फडझडती (p. 313) phaḍajhaḍatī f sometimes फडझाडणी f A clearing off of public business (of any business comprehended under the word फड q. v.): also clearing examination of any फड or place of public business फड्या (p. 314) phaḍyā m ( H) One who sells (grain &c.) in small quantities, a retail-dealer.
![Kankali Tila]()
![Image result for bharatkalyan97 flaming pillar]()
Light of dawn ‘divorces the coterminous regions – Sky and Earth – and makes manifest the several worlds. (RV VII.80; cf. VI.32.2, SBr. IV 6.7.9).
‘Sun is spac, for it is only when it rises that the world is seen’ (Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahmana I.25.1-2). When the sun sets, space returns into the void (JUB III.1.1-2).
Indra supports heavn and earth by ‘opening the shadows with the dawn and the sun’. (RV I.62.5). He ‘extends heaven by the sun; and the sun is the prp whereby he struts it.’ (RV X.111.5).
‘He who knows the Brahman in man knows the Supreme Being and he who knows the Supreme Brahman knows the Stambha’. (AV X. 7.17).
![Related image]()
![Image result for amaravati album]()
![Related image]()
![Image result for amaravati pillar huntington]()
![Image result for amaravati pillar huntington]()
![Fig. 3]()
Source: .(Dennys Frenez & Massimo Vidale, 2012, South Asian Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, September 2012, p.115.
The 'cobra hood' as tail of composite animal hypertext means:
Mohenjo-daro pottery sealing (loc.cit. Hertel).![]()
m0492 (DK 8120, NMI 151. National Museum, Delhi).
2835 Pict-99: Person throwing a spear at a bison and placing one foot on the head of the bison; a hooded serpent at left.
Cult has come to usually refer to a social group defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal. -- Wikipedia. Nāga is NOT a cult; the word is a signifier of artisans who created the wealth of a nation.
Four-hooded cobra arches over membrum virile of Daimabad charioteer of bronze chariot with Indus Script hypertexts of metalwork wealth accounting
1. chariot-rider रथी
2. Raised membrum virile protected four cobra hoods bhaṛkanu PLUS lo 'penis, rebus:loh 'metal' PLUS gaṇḍa 'four' kaṇḍa 'metalware, equipment, pots and pans'
3. Two black drongo birds perched on the axle pōlaḍu, 'black drongo' rebus pōlaḍ 'steel'; dula 'two' rebus; dul 'metal casting'
4. chariot drawn by a pair of zebu, humped bulls पोळ pōḷa m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large; zebu (Marathi) Rebus: पोळ pōḷa 'magnetite, ferrite ore'
5. A pair of wheels: څرخ ṯs̱arḵẖ,'wheel' rebus: eraka 'molten cast, metal infusion'
6. A horse on the axle-rod sadassa 'a noble steed of the horse kind' (Pali) sadom 'horse' rebus: sadana 'seat, dwelling'.
Nāga people emerging out of (dh)makara is a metaphor which signifies that Nāga people are metalworkers who create the wealth of a nation.
Sonkh. A young naga [half-human, half-serpent being] emerges from the mouth of Makara. This is conclusive evidence for Nāga people as a continuum of Sarasvati_Sindhu civilization people. The makara is (dh)makara, which signifies a bellows blower: धमक m. " a blower " , blacksmith (as blowing the forge) Un2. ii , 35 Sch. From ध्मा or धम् cl.1 P. ध् अमति (A1. °ते Up. MBh. ; p.
Prec. ध्मायात् or ध्मेयात् Gr. ; fut. धमिष्यति MBh. ; ध्मास्यति,ध्माता Gr. ; ind.p. -ध्म्/आय Br. ) to blow (either intrans. as wind [applied also to the bubbling सोम RV. ix , 73] or trans. as, to blow a conch-shell or any wind instrument) RV. &c ; to blow into (loc.) MBh. l , 813 ; to breathe out , exhale RV. ii , 34 , 1 MBh. xiv , 1732 ; to kindle a fire by blowing RV. ii , 24 , 7 MBh. ii , 2483 ; to melt or manufacture (metal) by blowing RV. &c ; to blow or cast away MBh. v , 7209 : Pass. धम्यते , ep. also °ति , ध्माय्/अते , °ति ( S3Br. MBh. ) to be blown &c : Caus. ध्मापयति MBh. (aor. अदिध्मपत्
Gr.; Pass. ध्माप्यते MBh. ) to cause to blow or melt ; to consume by fire , reduce to cinder MBh. Sus3r. : Desid. दिध्नासति Gr.: Intens. देध्मीयते Pa1n2. 7-4 , 31 ; दाध्मायते , p. °यमान being violently blown (conch-shell) BhP. i , 11 , 2. [cf. Slav. dumo " smoke "] (Monier-Williams)

Naga king in Anjali mudra in Deogarh temple, Madhya Pradesh

Naga supporting waterspout of Yoni-Lingam, YogyakartaJava, c. 9th century
Mathura, possibly from the very ancient Naga temple discovered at Sonkh. Crica 1st-2nd centuries CE.
Red sandstone, 30 × 80cm.
Found in: Sonkh, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
Mathura, Government Museum. AKG236230
Source: Sonkh is a PGW site mapped by Uesugi at 38059410/A_Study_on_the_ Painted_Grey_Ware As a PGW site, the site of Sonkh which celebrates Nāga people is a continuum of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization.
Hindu, Bauddham and Jaina traditions, the Nāga are people signified in anthropomorphic forms. Nāga (IAST: nāga; Devanāgarī: नाग) or Nāgi (f. of nāga; IAST: nāgī; Devanāgarī: नागी) are divine, semi-divine deities, or half-human half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld (Pātāḷa underground realm filled with gems, gold and other earthly treasures called Nāga-loka) and can occasionally take human form. Vasuki, a nāgarāja who abides on Shiva's neck, becomes the churning rope for churning of kṣīrasāgara, the Ocean of Milk. A Meluhha phonetic form, khirsara, is the name of an archaeological site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization in the Rann of Kutch.
It is possible that Nāga people were metalsmiths as seen from the reading of a Khirsara tablet. नाग n. (m. L. ) tin , lead Bhpr. The cobrahood is an emphatic hieroglyph on many Indus Script inscriptions. The hieroglyph is read rebus:
A tablet with Indus Script inscription ahd the famous two-sign sequence was found at this site. Khirsara is a shortened form of kṣīrasāgara in śvetadwīpa (BhP. Viii,5,11)
ID 3732 Mason, ingot kiln, tin smithy, blacksmith smithy, iron smelter furnace, nodule/ore stone furnace, brass-bellmetal kiln, native-metal-iron smelter
ḍabu ‘an iron spoon’ (Santali) Rebus: ḍab, ḍhimba, ḍhompo ‘lump (ingot?)’, baṭa = wide-mouthed pot; Rebus: baṭa = kiln (Te.)
ranku ‘antelope’; rebus: ranku ‘tin’ (Santali) Alternative:
khara 'equus hemionus' rebus:khār 'blacksmith
Alternative 1. śrēṣṭrī 'ladder' Rebus: seṭh ʻ head of a guild, Members of the guild (working with a furnace). Thus, guild-master of the guild of blacksmiths.
Alternative 2. panǰā́r ‘ladder, stairs’ (Bshk.)(CDIAL 7760) Rebus: pasra ‘smithy’ (Santali) Alternative 3.Reading of Sign 177: Herringbone:
Herringbone pattern.

This could be seen as an extension of fish-fins which are read rebus: khambhaṛā 'fish-fin' rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage' .
On Kanmer seal impressions and on Khirsara tablet, this Sign 177 has been read as 'ladder'. Maybe, this has an alternative reading: குத்தா kuttā, குத்துவா
badhi ‘to ligature, to bandage, to splice, to join by successive rolls of a ligature’ (Santali) batā bamboo slips (Kur.); bate = thin slips of bamboo (Malt.)(DEDR 3917). Rebus: baḍhi = worker in wood and metal (Santali) baṛae = blacksmith (Ash.)
kolmo ‘three’ (Mu.); rebus: kolimi ‘smithy’ (Te.)
khaṇḍ ‘division’; rebus: kaṇḍ ‘furnace’ (Santali) khaḍā ‘circumscribe’ (M.); Rebs: khaḍā ‘nodule (ore), stone’ (M.)
bharna = the name given to the woof by weavers; otor bharna = warp and weft (Santali.lex.) bharna = the woof, cross-thread in weaving (Santali); bharni_ (H.) (Santali.Boding.lex.) Rebus: bhoron = a mixture of brass and bell metal (Santali.lex.) bharan = to spread or bring out from a kiln (P.lex.) bha_ran. = to bring out from a kiln (G.) ba_ran.iyo = one whose profession it is to sift ashes or dust in a goldsmith’s workshop (G.lex.) bharant (lit. bearing) is used in the plural in Pan~cavim.s’a Bra_hman.a (18.10.8). Sa_yan.a interprets this as ‘the warrior caste’ (bharata_m – kurvata_m ks.atriya_n.a_m). *Weber notes this as a reference to the Bharata-s. (Indische Studien, 10.28.n.2)
kuṭi = a slice, a bit, a small piece (Santali.lex.Bodding) Rebus: kuṭhi ‘iron smelter furnace’ (Santali)
Hieroglyph ḍhaṁkaṇa 'lid' rebus dhakka 'excellent, bright, blazing metal article'

meḍhi 'plait' meḍ 'iron'; daürā 'rope' Rebus dhāvḍā 'smelter'
In Sanskrit, a nāgá (नाग) is a cobra, the Indian cobra (Naja naja). A synonym for nāgá is phaṇin (फणिन्). There are several words for "snake" in general, and one of the very commonly used ones is sarpá (सर्प). Sometimes the word nāgá is also used generically to mean "snake". The word is cognate with English 'snake', Germanic: *snēk-a-, Proto-IE: *(s)nēg-o- (with s-mobile).(Proto-IE: *(s)nēg-o-, Meaning: snake, Old Indian: nāgá- m. 'snake', Germanic: *snēk-a- m., *snak-an- m., *snak-ō f.; *snak-a- vb.: "Indo-European etymology".)

Indus Script hypertexts: mēḍi, 'plait' dāwanī f. ʻropeʼ dhāī 'twisted rope' paḍa m.’cloth' (Prakrtam) pāṭ, °ṭā ʻboard, bench, stool, throneʼ (Bengali)
See: mEḍi plaits of hair in ancient sculptural ornamentations of Altyn Tepe, Gundestrup, Chandraketugarh rebus medhā 'yajna, nidhi' meḍ 'iron'
The following sculptural frieze of Amaravati is a narrative of a metals manufactory. The pun on the word dhāī 'twisted rope' signifies two meanings: dhā̆vaḍ m.ʻiron-smeltersʼ and dhamma 'Bauddha dharma'. The interpretation of the four sculptural friezes of Amaravati is also explained as a narrative of Māyā's dream related to the birth of the Buddha as a white elephant. karabha, ibha 'elephant' rebus; karba, ib'iron', Māyā is a kole, in the lineage of kolhe 'smelters'. The tree in the background is a semantic determinant: kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. The birth of the Buddha is also narrated as the production of iron from a smelter by the nāga signified by फड, phaḍa 'cobra hood' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork manufactory artisan guild'.

Amaravati drum slab
dāwanī f. ʻropeʼ dhāī 'twisted rope' dhā̆vaḍ m.ʻiron-smelters’
pāṭ, °ṭā ʻboard, bench, stool, throneʼ (Bengali) Rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild', 'Bhāratīya arsenal of metal workers guild'.
kola 'woman' rebus: kolhe 'smelters', kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' kole.l 'smithy, forge'
kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
A divinity emerges out of the tree trunk on the following frieze signifying the worship of the smelter:kole.l 'smithy, forge' rebus: kole.l 'temple'.
Bharata Hindu, Jaina, Bauddham traditions. Tree metaphors and orthographic narratives kuṭhi 'sacred, divine, tree' rebus, kuṭhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore' Harappa, kuṭi 'temple'
An artisan emerges out of a tree trunk venerating the cosmic dance phenomenon of mere earth and stone getting transformed in a smelter into wealth-yielding iron and metal. The Meluhha words signified as hierglyphs include the tree out of which the worshipping artisan emerges and the strings/strands of rope carried by a woman approaching the vedika of the sacredd tree. These are quintessential Indus Script hieroglyphs related to metalwork.

Hieroglyph: kuṭa2 , °ṭi -- , °ṭha -- 3 , °ṭhi -- m. ʻ tree ʼ lex., °ṭaka -- m. ʻ a kind of tree ʼ Kauś.Pk. kuḍa -- m. ʻ tree ʼ; Paš. lauṛ. kuṛāˊ ʻ tree ʼ, dar. kaṛék ʻ tree, oak ʼ ~ Par. kōṛ ʻ stick ʼ IIFL iii 3, 98.(CDIAL 3228) कुटि a [p= 288,2] m. a tree L., the body कुठि [p= 289,1]mfn. " leafless , bare " or " crooked , wry " (Comm. ; said of a tree) Shad2vBr.m. a tree L., a mountain (Monier-Williams)
Rebus:kuṭhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore, to smelt iron’;koṭe ‘forged (metal)(Santali) kuṭhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore to smelt iron’; kolheko kuṭhieda koles smelt iron (Santali) kuṭhi, kuṭi (Or.; Sad. koṭhi) (1) the smelting furnace of the blacksmith; kuṭire bica duljad.ko talkena, they were feeding the furnace with ore; (2) the name of ēkuṭi has been given to the fire which, in lac factories, warms the water bath for softening the lac so that it can be spread into sheets; to make a smelting furnace; kuṭhi-o of a smelting furnace, to be made; the smelting furnace of the blacksmith is made of mud, cone-shaped, 2’ 6” dia. At the base and 1’ 6” at the top. The hole in the centre, into which the mixture of charcoal and iron ore is poured, is about 6” to 7” in dia. At the base it has two holes, a smaller one into which the nozzle of the bellow is inserted, as seen in fig. 1, and a larger one on the opposite side through which the molten iron flows out into a cavity (Mundari) kuṭhi = a factory; lil kuṭhi = an indigo factory (koṭhi - Hindi) (Santali.Bodding) kuṭhi = an earthen furnace for smelting iron; make do., smelt iron; kolheko do kuṭhi benaokate baliko dhukana, the Kolhes build an earthen furnace and smelt iron-ore, blowing the bellows; tehen:ko kuṭhi yet kana, they are working (or building) the furnace to-day (H. koṭhī ) (Santali. Bodding) kuṭṭhita = hot, sweltering; molten (of tamba, cp. uttatta)(Pali.lex.) uttatta (ut + tapta) = heated, of metals: molten, refined; shining, splendid, pure (Pali.lex.) kuṭṭakam, kuṭṭukam = cauldron (Ma.); kuṭṭuva = big copper pot for heating water (Kod.)(DEDR 1668). gudgā to blaze; flame (Man.d); gudva, gūdūvwa, guduwa id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1715). dāntar-kuṭha = fireplace (Sv.); kōti wooden vessel for mixing yeast (Sh.); kōlhā house with mud roof and walls, granary (P.); kuṭhī factory (A.); koṭhābrick-built house (B.); kuṭhī bank, granary (B.); koṭho jar in which indigo is stored, warehouse (G.); koṭhīlare earthen jar, factory (G.); kuṭhī granary, factory (M.)(CDIAL 3546). koṭho = a warehouse; a revenue office, in which dues are paid and collected; koṭhī a store-room; a factory (Gujarat) koḍ = the place where artisans work (Gujarati)

Amaravati drum slab (Birth scenes) (1880.7-9.44; Knox 61)
A drum slab carved in limestone with the four events related to the Buddha’s birth: Mayadevi’s Dream (top right); the Interpretation of the Dream attended by the dikpala-s (top left); the Birth of the Buddha attended again by the dikpala-s (bottom right); the Presentation of the Buddha to the caitya of the Sakyas (bottom left). This frieze is a divinity emerging out of the throne and presenting a twisted rope to the woman worshipper. I suggest that this is a smelter's narrative of a फड, phaḍa, metals manufactory.
WPah.kṭg. ḍhàḷnõ ʻ to throw, pour down, chop (wood) ʼ; J. ḍhāḷṇu ʻ to cause to melt ʼ.(CDIAL 5581)
mEḍi plait (Kannada) *mēṇḍhī ʻ lock of hair, curl ʼ. [Cf. *mēṇḍha -- 1 s.v. *miḍḍa -- ]S. mī˜ḍhī f., °ḍho m. ʻ braid in a woman's hair ʼ, L. mē̃ḍhī f.; G. mĩḍlɔ, miḍ° m. ʻ braid of hair on a girl's forehead ʼ; M. meḍhā m. ʻ curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread ʼ.(CDIAL 10312) Ta. miṭai (-v-, -nt-) to weave as a mat, etc. Ma. miṭayuka to plait, braid, twist, wattle; miṭaccal plaiting, etc.; miṭappu tuft of hair; miṭalascreen or wicket, ōlas plaited together. Ka. meḍaṟu to plait as screens, etc. (Hav.) maḍe to knit, weave (as a basket); (Gowda) mEḍi plait. Ga.(S.3 ) miṭṭe a female hair-style. Go. (Mu.) mihc- to plait (hair) (Voc. 2850).(DEDR 4853) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (Santali.Mu.Ho.) meḍhā 'stake, yupa' rebus: medha 'yajña, nidhi'.strand (of hair): dhāˊtu *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV.,ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā ]S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)
Rebus: dhāvḍī 'iron smelting': Shgh. ċīw, ċōw, ċū ʻ single hair ʼ ; Ash. dro ʻ woman's hair ʼ, Kt. drū, Wg.drū, drū̃; Pr. ḍui ʻ a hair ʼ; Kho. dro(h) ʻ hair ʼ, (Lor.) ʻ hair (of animal), body hair (human) ʼ: → Orm. dra , drī IIFL i 392 (semant. cf. Psht. pal ʻ fringe of hair over forehead ʼ < *pata -- (CDIAL 6623) drava द्रव [p= 500,3] flowing , fluid , dropping , dripping , trickling or overflowing with (comp.) Ka1t2h. Mn.MBh. Ka1v. fused , liquefied , melted W. m. distilling , trickling , fluidity Bha1sha1p. dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ)(CDIAL 6773)

Nāgaraja, Erapattra worshipping at the smelter and tree. kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. Bharhut, 100 BCE. The hypertext is mounted on a pedestal, paṭa 'throne, tablet, a thatch or roof (= पटल) L.' , फड, phaḍa 'cobra hood' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'arsenal, metalwork artisan guild in charge of manufactory'.
Nāga scene of middle lintel. Southern gate, Sonkh temple, c. 100 CE. The dāman, 'rope' is rebus: dhamma 'dharma'. rebus: dhā̆vaḍ 'iron-smelters'
Three-headed Nāga on block.Southern gate, Sonkh temple, c. 100 CE
Nāga emerging out of makara. Southern gate, Sonkh temple, c. 100 CE makara 'composite crocodile PLUS ele[phant' rebus; dhmakara, dhamaka ''forge-blower, blacksmith'

Naga Deities, Kushana period, horizontal beam (Government Museum, Mathura). Nagas are among the earliest deities to be depicted. They are seen in the art of all religious faiths.

Oxhide ingot as decoration motif. mukha as Indus Script cipher. mũh 'a face' in Indus Script Cipher signifies mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.'.

Woman's Shringhar, Kushana period, scene on a pillar railing (Government Museum, Mathura). The focus is on the ox-hide ingot which adorns the gateway on the top register.

Jain Tablet Homage Set-up by Vasu the daughter of Courtesan Lavana Sobhika - Circa 1st Century CE - Kankali Mound (ACCN 00-Q-7 - Government Museum, Mathura). Veneration of Srivatsa Indus Script hypertext.

Yaksha from stupa, Bharhut, Madhya Pradesh, India. After John Huntington![]()
Detail, relief carved panel, Bharhut. Devotion at Bodhi Tree - Bharhut © Dr. David Efurd

Detail, relief carved panel, Bharhut. Devotion at Bodhi Tree - Bharhut © Dr. David Efurd
I suggest that the worship is of the 'tree' linked to Skambha of Atharva Veda Skambha sukta, as a fiery pillar of light which topped with caṣāla, godhuma fumes, infuses carbon to harden metal in the fire-altar, furnace, smelter. See:

Śrīvatsa khambhaṛā, paṭṭaḍi, phaḍā 'smithy, forge, mint, metals manufactory for wealth'.
Worshippers of a fiery pillar, Amaravati stupa.
श्री--वत्स [p= 1100,1] m. " favourite of श्री " N. of विष्णु L.a partic. mark or curl of hair on the breast of विष्णु or कृष्ण (and of other divine beings ; said to be white and represented in pictures by a symbol resembling a cruciform flower) MBh. Ka1v. &c; the emblem of the tenth जिन (or विष्णु's mark so used) L.
श्री śrī:-वत्सः 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu.-2 a mark or curl of hair on the breast of Viṣṇu; प्रभानुलिप्त- श्रीवत्सं लक्ष्मीविभ्रमदर्पणम् R.1.1.-
Atharva Veda (X.8.2) declares that Heaven and Earth stand fast being pillared apart by the pillar. Like the pillar, twilight of the dawn and dusk split apart the originally fused Heaven and Earth.
Light of dawn ‘divorces the coterminous regions – Sky and Earth – and makes manifest the several worlds. (RV VII.80; cf. VI.32.2, SBr. IV 6.7.9).
‘Sun is spac, for it is only when it rises that the world is seen’ (Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahmana I.25.1-2). When the sun sets, space returns into the void (JUB III.1.1-2).
Indra supports heavn and earth by ‘opening the shadows with the dawn and the sun’. (RV I.62.5). He ‘extends heaven by the sun; and the sun is the prp whereby he struts it.’ (RV X.111.5).
‘He who knows the Brahman in man knows the Supreme Being and he who knows the Supreme Brahman knows the Stambha’. (AV X. 7.17).
Linga-Purana (I.17.5-52; 19.8 ff.) provides a narrative. Siva appeared before Brahma and Vishnu as a fiery linga with thousands of flames. As a Goose, Brahma attempted to fly to the apex of the column; Vishnu as a Boar plunged through the earth to find the foot of the blazing column. Even after a thousand years, they couldn’t reach the destination, bow in homage to the Pillar of the Universe as the Paramaatman.
He is the ‘Pillar supporting the kindreds, that is, gods and men’. (RV I.59.1-2). He is the standard (ketu) of the yajna (equivalent of the dawn), the standard which supports heaven in the East at daybreak. (RV I.113.19; III.8.8).
The same spectra of meanings abound in Bauddham, as a symbolic continuum. So it is, the Buddha is a fiery pillar, comprising adorants at the feet marked with the Wheel of Dharma and the apex marked by a Śrīvatsa (pair of fishes tied together by a thread, read as hieroglyph composition: ayira (metath. ariya) dhama, mandating norms of social, interpersonal conduct). Just as Agni awakens at dawn, the Buddha is the awakened.

Male devotees around a throne with a turban(note feet below the throne). paṭa 'throne, turban' PLUS aḍi 'feet' rebus: paṭṭaḍi 'mint workshop'.
Drawing of two medallions (perhaps the inner and outer face of the same piece). [WD1061, folio 45]
Copyright © The British Library Board
Inscribed:3ft. by 3ft.2in. Outer circle 2nd. H.H. March 8th 1817.
Copyright © The British Library Board
Inscribed:3ft. by 3ft.2in. Outer circle 2nd. H.H. March 8th 1817.
Location of Sculpture: Unknown.

The hypertexts are: kambha 'pillar' PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin' pair atop rebus: aya 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' PLUS kammaṭa 'mint,l coiner, coinage' PLUS feet PLUS throne, turban: ayo kammaṭa 'metal mint' PLUS paṭa aḍi 'throne, turban, slab' PLUS 'anvil' = hypertext, paṭṭaḍi 'metal anvil workshop'.
ayo kammaṭa dvāra 'entrance to metal mint' is an expression used in Mahāvamsa. XXV, 28,
The expression has been wrongly translated as iron-studded gate. It is indeed a reference to the entrance to metal mjint workshop, as signified by the 'Śrīvatsa' ayo kammaṭa hypertext adorning the torana of the gateways of Bharhut and Sanchi.

khambhā, thãbharā, khambhaṛā 'pillar, fish-fin' rebus tã̄bṛā, tambira 'copper' rebus kammaṭa 'mint' kambāra 'blacksmith'. These are Bronze Age Indus Script hypertexts.
Four streams of Indus Script cipher on hieroglyphs/hypertexts are seen in the following rebus readings; the streams are:
tã̄bṛā, tambira 'copper'
kambāra 'blacksmith'
kammaṭa 'mint'
Itihāsa of Bhārata bronze-age, ayo kammaṭa dvāra, 'metals mint workshop entrance' (Mahāvamsa. XXV, 28); paṭṭaḍi 'metal anvil workshop' based on Amaravati, Bharhut, Begram, Sanchi, Bodh Gaya ancient sculptural friezes (ca. 3rd cent. BCE), Indus Script (4th millennium BCE) & Atharva Veda Skambha Sukta(AV X.7)(undated, Bronze_Age).
The monograph demonstrates the signifiers of two Indus Script hypertexts on iconographs of Amaravati, Bharhut, Sanchi sculptural friezes.
The hypertexts are:
ayo kammaṭa dvāra, 'entrance mint workshop'
The monograph demonstrates the signifiers of two Indus Script hypertexts on iconographs of Amaravati, Bharhut, Sanchi sculptural friezes.
The hypertexts are:
ayo kammaṭa dvāra, 'entrance mint workshop'
paṭṭaḍi 'metal anvil workshop'.
paṭṭaḍi cognate phaḍā 'smithy, metals manufactory' is cognate phaḍā 'metals manufactory'
Hieroglyph: फडा (p. 313) phaḍā f (फटा S) The hood of Coluber Nága &c. Ta. patam cobra's hood. Ma. paṭam id. Ka. peḍe id. Te. paḍaga id. Go. (S.) paṛge, (Mu.) baṛak, (Ma.) baṛki, (F-H.) biṛki hood of serpent (Voc. 2154). / Turner, CDIAL, no. 9040, Skt. (s)phaṭa-, sphaṭā- a serpent's expanded hood, Pkt. phaḍā- id. For IE etymology, see Burrow, The Problem of Shwa in Sanskrit, p. 45.(DEDR 47) Rebus: phaḍa फड ‘manufactory, company, guild, public office’, keeper of all accounts, registers.फडपूस (p. 313) phaḍapūsa f (फड & पुसणें) Public or open inquiry. फडफरमाश or स (p. 313) phaḍapharamāśa or sa f ( H & P) Fruit, vegetables &c. furnished on occasions to Rajas and public officers, on the authority of their order upon the villages; any petty article or trifling work exacted from the Ryots by Government or a public officer. फडनिविशी or सी (p. 313) phaḍaniviśī or sī & फडनिवीस Commonly फड- निशी & फडनीस. फडनीस (p. 313) phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस. फडकरी (p. 313) phaḍakarī m A man belonging to a company or band (of players, showmen &c.) 2 A superintendent or master of a फड or public place. See under फड. 3 A retail-dealer (esp. in grain). फडझडती (p. 313) phaḍajhaḍatī f sometimes फडझाडणी f A clearing off of public business (of any business comprehended under the word फड q. v.): also clearing examination of any फड or place of public business. फड (p. 313) phaḍa m ( H) A place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room: also, in an ill-sense, as खेळण्या- चा फड A gambling-house, नाचण्याचा फड A nach house, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singing shop or merriment shop. The word expresses freely Gymnasium or arena, circus, club-room, debating-room, house or room or stand for idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps &c. 2 The spot to which field-produce is brought, that the crop may be ascertained and the tax fixed; the depot at which the Government-revenue in kind is delivered; a place in general where goods in quantity are exposed for inspection or sale. 3 Any office or place of extensive business or work, as a factory, manufactory, arsenal, dock-yard, printing-office &c. 4 A plantation or field (as of ऊस, वांग्या, मिरच्या, खरबुजे &c.): also a standing crop of such produce. 5 fig. Full and vigorous operation or proceeding, the going on with high animation and bustle (of business in general). v चाल, पड, घाल, मांड. 6 A company, a troop, a band or set (as of actors, showmen, dancers &c.) 7 The stand of a great gun. फड पडणें g. of s. To be in full and active operation. 2 To come under brisk discussion. फड मारणें- राखणें-संभाळणें To save appearances, फड मारणें or संपादणें To cut a dash; to make a display (upon an occasion). फडाच्या मापानें With full tale; in flowing measure. फडास येणें To come before the public; to come under general discussion.
பட்டரை¹ paṭṭarai , n. See பட்டறை¹. (C. G . 95.) பட்டறை¹ paṭṭaṟai , n. < பட்டடை¹. 1. See பட்டடை, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14. 2. Machine; யந்திரம். 3. Rice-hulling machine; நெல்லுக் குத்தும் யந்திரம். Mod. 4. Factory; தொழிற்சாலை. Mod. 5. Beam of a house; வீட்டின் உத்திரம். 6. Wall of the required height from the flooring of a house; வீட்டின் தளத்திலிருந்து எழுப்ப வேண்டும் அளவில் எழுப்பிய சுவர். வீடுகளுக்குப் பட்டறை மட்டம் ஒன்பதடி உயரத்துக்குக் குறை யாமல் (சர்வா. சிற். 48). பட்டறை² paṭṭaṟai , n. < K. paṭṭale. 1. Community; சனக்கூட்டம். 2. Guild, as of workmen; தொழிலாளர் சமுதாயம். (Tamil)
Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner. (DEDR 1236)
skabha 13638 *skabha ʻ post, peg ʼ. [√skambh]Kal. Kho. iskow ʻ peg ʼ BelvalkarVol 86 with (?).
SKAMBH ʻ make firm ʼ: *skabdha -- , skambhá -- 1, skámbhana -- ; -- √*chambh.
skambhá 13639 skambhá1 m. ʻ prop, pillar ʼ RV. 2. ʻ *pit ʼ (semant. cf. kūˊpa -- 1). [√skambh]1. Pa. khambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Pk. khaṁbha -- m. ʻ post, pillar ʼ; Pr. iškyöp, üšköb ʻ bridge ʼ NTS xv 251; L. (Ju.) khabbā m., mult. khambbā m. ʻ stake forming fulcrum for oar ʼ; P. khambh, khambhā, khammhā m. ʻ wooden prop, post ʼ; WPah.bhal. kham m. ʻ a part of the yoke of a plough ʼ, (Joshi)khāmbā m. ʻ beam, pier ʼ; Ku. khāmo ʻ a support ʼ, gng. khām ʻ pillar (of wood or bricks) ʼ; N. khã̄bo ʻ pillar, post ʼ, B. khām, khāmbā; Or. khamba ʻ post, stake ʼ; Bi. khāmā ʻ post of brick -- crushing machine ʼ, khāmhī ʻ support of betel -- cage roof ʼ, khamhiyā ʻ wooden pillar supporting roof ʼ; Mth. khāmh,khāmhī ʻ pillar, post ʼ, khamhā ʻ rudder -- post ʼ; Bhoj. khambhā ʻ pillar ʼ, khambhiyā ʻ prop ʼ; OAw. khāṁbhe m. pl. ʻ pillars ʼ, lakh. khambhā; H. khāmm. ʻ post, pillar, mast ʼ, khambh f. ʻ pillar, pole ʼ; G. khām m. ʻ pillar ʼ, khã̄bhi, °bi f. ʻ post ʼ, M. khã̄b m., Ko. khāmbho, °bo, Si. kap (< *kab); -- Xgambhīra -- , sthāṇú -- , sthūˊṇā -- qq.v.2. K. khambürü f. ʻ hollow left in a heap of grain when some is removed ʼ; Or. khamā ʻ long pit, hole in the earth ʼ, khamiā ʻ small hole ʼ; Marw. khã̄baṛoʻ hole ʼ; G. khã̄bhũ n. ʻ pit for sweepings and manure ʼ. Garh. khambu ʻ pillar ʼ.
skambha 13640 *skambha2 ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, plumage ʼ. [Cf. *skapa -- s.v. *khavaka -- ]S. khambhu, °bho m. ʻ plumage ʼ, khambhuṛi f. ʻ wing ʼ; L. khabbh m., mult. khambh m. ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, feather ʼ, khet. khamb ʻ wing ʼ, mult. khambhaṛā m. ʻ fin ʼ; P. khambh m. ʻ wing, feather ʼ; G. khā̆m f., khabhɔ m. ʻ shoulder ʼ.
skambhaghara 13641 *skambhaghara ʻ house of posts ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, ghara -- ]B. khāmār ʻ barn ʼ; Or. khamāra ʻ barn, granary ʼ: or < *skambhākara -- ?13641a †skámbhatē Dhātup. ʻ props ʼ, skambháthuḥ RV. [√skambh]Pa. khambhēti ʻ props, obstructs ʼ; -- Md. ken̆bum ʻ punting ʼ, kan̆banī ʻ punts ʼ?skambhadaṇḍa 13642 *skambhadaṇḍa ʻ pillar pole ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, daṇḍá -- ]
Bi. kamhãṛ, kamhaṛ, kamhaṇḍā ʻ wooden frame suspended from roof which drives home the thread in a loom ʼ.
skambhākara 13643 *skambhākara ʻ heap of sheaves ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, ākara -- ]Mth. khamhār ʻ pile of sheaves ʼ; -- altern. < *skambhaghara -- : B. khāmār ʻ barn ʼ; Or. khamāra ʻ barn, granary ʼ.Addenda: skámbhana -- : S.kcch. khāmṇo m. ʻ bed for plants ʼ.skámbhana 13644 skámbhana n. ʻ prop, pillar ʼ RV., skambhanīˊ -- f. VS. [√skambh]M. khã̄bṇī f. ʻ small post ʼ; -- G. khāmṇiyũ n. ʻ one of the ropes with which bucket is let down a well ʼ (i.e. from the post?); -- Or. khamaṇa ʻ pit, hole, waterchannel, lowland at foot of mountain ʼ; G. khāmṇũ n. ʻ small depression to stand round -- bottomed vessel in, basin at root of a tree for water ʼ: semant. cf. kūˊpa -- 1 and skambhá -- *kūpakastambha ʻ stem of a mast ʼ. [kūpa -- 2, stambha -- ] G. kuvātham m. ʻ mast of a ship ʼ.(CDIAL 3403) *ṭhōmba -- . 1. G. ṭhobrũ ʻ ugly, clumsy ʼ.2. M. ṭhõb m. ʻ bare trunk, boor, childless man ʼ, thõbā m. ʻ boor, short stout stick ʼ (LM 340 < stambha -- ).(CDIAL 5514) *ut -- stambha ʻ support ʼ. [Cf. údastambhīt RV., Pk. uṭṭhaṁbhaï ʻ supports ʼ: √stambh]
OG. uṭhaṁbha m.(CDIAL 1897) upastambha m. ʻ support ʼ Car., ʻ stay, prop ʼ Hit. 2. upaṣṭambha -- . [√stambh] 1. Pa. upatthambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ, °aka -- ʻ supporting ʼ; Paš. ustūˊm, obl. ustumbāˊ ʻ tree, mulberry tree ʼ (IIFL iii 3, 18 < stambha -- ); M. othãbā m. ʻ stake planted as a support ʼ; Si. uvatam̆ba ʻ aid, support ʼ. 2. Pk. uvaṭṭhaṁbha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Dm. uṣṭúm ʻ yoke ʼ, Kal. urt. hūṣṭhum, Phal. uṣṭúm f.; OG. oṭhaṁbha m. ʻ support ʼ. upastambhayati ʻ supports, stiffens ʼ Suśr. [úpa- stabhnāti ŚBr., upastámbhana -- n. ʻ prop ʼ TS.: √stambh] Pa. upatthambhēti ʻ supports ʼ, °bhana -- n.; M. othãbṇẽ ʻ to lean upon or from, climb upon, press down ʼ.(CDIAL 2266, *kastambha ʻ small stem ʼ. [kastambhīˊ -- f. ʻ prop for supporting carriage -- pole ʼ ŚBr.: ka -- 3, stambha -- ] M. kāthãbā m. ʻ plantain offshoot, sucker, stole ʼ.(CDIAL 2983)stambha m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ Kāṭh., °aka -- m. Mahāvy. [√stambh]Pa. thambha -- m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Aś.rum. thabhe loc., top. thaṁbhe, ru. ṭha(ṁ)bhasi, Pk. thaṁbha -- , °aya -- , taṁbha -- , ṭhaṁbha -- m.; Wg. štɔ̈̄ma ʻ stem, tree ʼ, Kt. štom, Pr. üštyobu; Bshk. "ṭam"ʻ tree ʼ NTS xviii 124, Tor. thām; K. tham m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ, S. thambhu m.; L. thamm, thammā m. ʻ prop ʼ, (Ju.)tham, °mā, awāṇ. tham, khet. thambā; P. thamb(h), thamm(h) ʻ pillar, post ʼ, Ku. N. B. thām, Or. thamba; Bi. mar -- thamh ʻ upright post of oil -- mill ʼ; H. thã̄bh, thām, thambā ʻ prop, pillar, stem of plantain tree ʼ; OMarw. thāma m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Si. ṭäm̆ba; Md. tambu, tabu ʻ pillar, post ʼ; -- ext. -- ḍ -- : S.thambhiṛī f. ʻ inside peg of yoke ʼ; N. thāṅro ʻ prop ʼ; Aw.lakh. thãbharā ʻ post ʼ; H. thamṛā ʻ thick, corpulent ʼ; -- -- ll -- ; G. thã̄bhlɔ, thã̄blɔ m. ʻ post, pillar ʼ. -- X sthūˊṇā -- q.v. S.kcch. thambhlo m. ʻ pillar ʼ, A. thām, Md. tan̆bu.
paṭṭaḍi cognate phaḍā 'smithy, metals manufactory' is cognate phaḍā 'metals manufactory'
Hieroglyph: फडा (p. 313) phaḍā f (फटा S) The hood of Coluber Nága &c. Ta. patam cobra's hood. Ma. paṭam id. Ka. peḍe id. Te. paḍaga id. Go. (S.) paṛge, (Mu.) baṛak, (Ma.) baṛki, (F-H.) biṛki hood of serpent (Voc. 2154). / Turner, CDIAL, no. 9040, Skt. (s)phaṭa-, sphaṭā- a serpent's expanded hood, Pkt. phaḍā- id. For IE etymology, see Burrow, The Problem of Shwa in Sanskrit, p. 45.(DEDR 47) Rebus: phaḍa फड ‘manufactory, company, guild, public office’, keeper of all accounts, registers.
फडपूस (p. 313) phaḍapūsa f (फड & पुसणें) Public or open inquiry. फडफरमाश or स (p. 313) phaḍapharamāśa or sa f ( H & P) Fruit, vegetables &c. furnished on occasions to Rajas and public officers, on the authority of their order upon the villages; any petty article or trifling work exacted from the Ryots by Government or a public officer.
फडनिविशी or सी (p. 313) phaḍaniviśī or sī & फडनिवीस Commonly फड- निशी & फडनीस. फडनीस (p. 313) phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस.
फडकरी (p. 313) phaḍakarī m A man belonging to a company or band (of players, showmen &c.) 2 A superintendent or master of a फड or public place. See under फड. 3 A retail-dealer (esp. in grain).
फडझडती (p. 313) phaḍajhaḍatī f sometimes फडझाडणी f A clearing off of public business (of any business comprehended under the word फड q. v.): also clearing examination of any फड or place of public business.
फड (p. 313) phaḍa m ( H) A place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room: also, in an ill-sense, as खेळण्या- चा फड A gambling-house, नाचण्याचा फड A nach house, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singing shop or merriment shop. The word expresses freely Gymnasium or arena, circus, club-room, debating-room, house or room or stand for idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps &c. 2 The spot to which field-produce is brought, that the crop may be ascertained and the tax fixed; the depot at which the Government-revenue in kind is delivered; a place in general where goods in quantity are exposed for inspection or sale. 3 Any office or place of extensive business or work, as a factory, manufactory, arsenal, dock-yard, printing-office &c. 4 A plantation or field (as of ऊस, वांग्या, मिरच्या, खरबुजे &c.): also a standing crop of such produce. 5 fig. Full and vigorous operation or proceeding, the going on with high animation and bustle (of business in general). v चाल, पड, घाल, मांड. 6 A company, a troop, a band or set (as of actors, showmen, dancers &c.) 7 The stand of a great gun. फड पडणें g. of s. To be in full and active operation. 2 To come under brisk discussion. फड मारणें- राखणें-संभाळणें To save appearances, फड मारणें or संपादणें To cut a dash; to make a display (upon an occasion). फडाच्या मापानें With full tale; in flowing measure. फडास येणें To come before the public; to come under general discussion.
பட்டரை¹ paṭṭarai , n. See பட்டறை¹. (C. G . 95.) பட்டறை¹ paṭṭaṟai , n. < பட்டடை¹. 1. See பட்டடை, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14. 2. Machine; யந்திரம். 3. Rice-hulling machine; நெல்லுக் குத்தும் யந்திரம். Mod. 4. Factory; தொழிற்சாலை. Mod. 5. Beam of a house; வீட்டின் உத்திரம். 6. Wall of the required height from the flooring of a house; வீட்டின் தளத்திலிருந்து எழுப்ப வேண்டும் அளவில் எழுப்பிய சுவர். வீடுகளுக்குப் பட்டறை மட்டம் ஒன்பதடி உயரத்துக்குக் குறை யாமல் (சர்வா. சிற். 48). பட்டறை² paṭṭaṟai , n. < K. paṭṭale. 1. Community; சனக்கூட்டம். 2. Guild, as of workmen; தொழிலாளர் சமுதாயம். (Tamil)
Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner. (DEDR 1236)
skabha 13638 *skabha ʻ post, peg ʼ. [√skambh]Kal. Kho. iskow ʻ peg ʼ BelvalkarVol 86 with (?).
SKAMBH ʻ make firm ʼ: *skabdha -- , skambhá -- 1, skámbhana -- ; -- √*chambh.
skambhá 13639 skambhá1 m. ʻ prop, pillar ʼ RV. 2. ʻ *pit ʼ (semant. cf. kūˊpa -- 1). [√skambh]1. Pa. khambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Pk. khaṁbha -- m. ʻ post, pillar ʼ; Pr. iškyöp, üšköb ʻ bridge ʼ NTS xv 251; L. (Ju.) khabbā m., mult. khambbā m. ʻ stake forming fulcrum for oar ʼ; P. khambh, khambhā, khammhā m. ʻ wooden prop, post ʼ; WPah.bhal. kham m. ʻ a part of the yoke of a plough ʼ, (Joshi)khāmbā m. ʻ beam, pier ʼ; Ku. khāmo ʻ a support ʼ, gng. khām ʻ pillar (of wood or bricks) ʼ; N. khã̄bo ʻ pillar, post ʼ, B. khām, khāmbā; Or. khamba ʻ post, stake ʼ; Bi. khāmā ʻ post of brick -- crushing machine ʼ, khāmhī ʻ support of betel -- cage roof ʼ, khamhiyā ʻ wooden pillar supporting roof ʼ; Mth. khāmh,khāmhī ʻ pillar, post ʼ, khamhā ʻ rudder -- post ʼ; Bhoj. khambhā ʻ pillar ʼ, khambhiyā ʻ prop ʼ; OAw. khāṁbhe m. pl. ʻ pillars ʼ, lakh. khambhā; H. khāmm. ʻ post, pillar, mast ʼ, khambh f. ʻ pillar, pole ʼ; G. khām m. ʻ pillar ʼ, khã̄bhi, °bi f. ʻ post ʼ, M. khã̄b m., Ko. khāmbho, °bo, Si. kap (< *kab); -- Xgambhīra -- , sthāṇú -- , sthūˊṇā -- qq.v.2. K. khambürü f. ʻ hollow left in a heap of grain when some is removed ʼ; Or. khamā ʻ long pit, hole in the earth ʼ, khamiā ʻ small hole ʼ; Marw. khã̄baṛoʻ hole ʼ; G. khã̄bhũ n. ʻ pit for sweepings and manure ʼ. Garh. khambu ʻ pillar ʼ.
skambha 13640 *skambha2 ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, plumage ʼ. [Cf. *skapa -- s.v. *khavaka -- ]S. khambhu, °bho m. ʻ plumage ʼ, khambhuṛi f. ʻ wing ʼ; L. khabbh m., mult. khambh m. ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, feather ʼ, khet. khamb ʻ wing ʼ, mult. khambhaṛā m. ʻ fin ʼ; P. khambh m. ʻ wing, feather ʼ; G. khā̆m f., khabhɔ m. ʻ shoulder ʼ.
skambhaghara 13641 *skambhaghara ʻ house of posts ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, ghara -- ]B. khāmār ʻ barn ʼ; Or. khamāra ʻ barn, granary ʼ: or < *skambhākara -- ?13641a †skámbhatē Dhātup. ʻ props ʼ, skambháthuḥ RV. [√skambh]
Bi. kamhãṛ, kamhaṛ, kamhaṇḍā ʻ wooden frame suspended from roof which drives home the thread in a loom ʼ.
SKAMBH ʻ make firm ʼ: *skabdha -- , skambhá -- 1, skámbhana -- ; -- √*chambh.
Pa. khambhēti ʻ props, obstructs ʼ; -- Md. ken̆bum ʻ punting ʼ, kan̆banī ʻ punts ʼ?
skambhadaṇḍa 13642 *skambhadaṇḍa ʻ pillar pole ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, daṇḍá -- ]Bi. kamhãṛ, kamhaṛ, kamhaṇḍā ʻ wooden frame suspended from roof which drives home the thread in a loom ʼ.
skambhākara 13643 *skambhākara ʻ heap of sheaves ʼ. [skambhá -- 1, ākara -- ]Mth. khamhār ʻ pile of sheaves ʼ; -- altern. < *skambhaghara -- : B. khāmār ʻ barn ʼ; Or. khamāra ʻ barn, granary ʼ.Addenda: skámbhana -- : S.kcch. khāmṇo m. ʻ bed for plants ʼ.skámbhana 13644 skámbhana n. ʻ prop, pillar ʼ RV., skambhanīˊ -- f. VS. [√skambh]M. khã̄bṇī f. ʻ small post ʼ; -- G. khāmṇiyũ n. ʻ one of the ropes with which bucket is let down a well ʼ (i.e. from the post?); -- Or. khamaṇa ʻ pit, hole, waterchannel, lowland at foot of mountain ʼ; G. khāmṇũ n. ʻ small depression to stand round -- bottomed vessel in, basin at root of a tree for water ʼ: semant. cf. kūˊpa -- 1 and skambhá --
*kūpakastambha ʻ stem of a mast ʼ. [kūpa -- 2, stambha -- ] G. kuvātham m. ʻ mast of a ship ʼ.(CDIAL 3403) *ṭhōmba -- . 1. G. ṭhobrũ ʻ ugly, clumsy ʼ.2. M. ṭhõb m. ʻ bare trunk, boor, childless man ʼ, thõbā m. ʻ boor, short stout stick ʼ (LM 340 < stambha -- ).(CDIAL 5514)
*ut -- stambha ʻ support ʼ. [Cf. údastambhīt RV., Pk. uṭṭhaṁbhaï ʻ supports ʼ: √stambh]
OG. uṭhaṁbha m.(CDIAL 1897) upastambha m. ʻ support ʼ Car., ʻ stay, prop ʼ Hit. 2. upaṣṭambha -- . [√stambh] 1. Pa. upatthambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ, °aka -- ʻ supporting ʼ; Paš. ustūˊm, obl. ustumbāˊ ʻ tree, mulberry tree ʼ (IIFL iii 3, 18 < stambha -- ); M. othãbā m. ʻ stake planted as a support ʼ; Si. uvatam̆ba ʻ aid, support ʼ. 2. Pk. uvaṭṭhaṁbha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Dm. uṣṭúm ʻ yoke ʼ, Kal. urt. hūṣṭhum, Phal. uṣṭúm f.; OG. oṭhaṁbha m. ʻ support ʼ. upastambhayati ʻ supports, stiffens ʼ Suśr. [úpa- stabhnāti ŚBr., upastámbhana -- n. ʻ prop ʼ TS.: √stambh] Pa. upatthambhēti ʻ supports ʼ, °bhana -- n.; M. othãbṇẽ ʻ to lean upon or from, climb upon, press down ʼ.(CDIAL 2266, *kastambha ʻ small stem ʼ. [kastambhīˊ -- f. ʻ prop for supporting carriage -- pole ʼ ŚBr.: ka -- 3, stambha -- ] M. kāthãbā m. ʻ plantain offshoot, sucker, stole ʼ.(CDIAL 2983)
OG. uṭhaṁbha m.(CDIAL 1897) upastambha m. ʻ support ʼ Car., ʻ stay, prop ʼ Hit. 2. upaṣṭambha -- . [√stambh] 1. Pa. upatthambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ, °aka -- ʻ supporting ʼ; Paš. ustūˊm, obl. ustumbāˊ ʻ tree, mulberry tree ʼ (IIFL iii 3, 18 < stambha -- ); M. othãbā m. ʻ stake planted as a support ʼ; Si. uvatam̆ba ʻ aid, support ʼ. 2. Pk. uvaṭṭhaṁbha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Dm. uṣṭúm ʻ yoke ʼ, Kal. urt. hūṣṭhum, Phal. uṣṭúm f.; OG. oṭhaṁbha m. ʻ support ʼ. upastambhayati ʻ supports, stiffens ʼ Suśr. [úpa- stabhnāti ŚBr., upastámbhana -- n. ʻ prop ʼ TS.: √stambh] Pa. upatthambhēti ʻ supports ʼ, °bhana -- n.; M. othãbṇẽ ʻ to lean upon or from, climb upon, press down ʼ.(CDIAL 2266, *kastambha ʻ small stem ʼ. [kastambhīˊ -- f. ʻ prop for supporting carriage -- pole ʼ ŚBr.: ka -- 3, stambha -- ] M. kāthãbā m. ʻ plantain offshoot, sucker, stole ʼ.(CDIAL 2983)
stambha m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ Kāṭh., °aka -- m. Mahāvy. [√stambh]Pa. thambha -- m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Aś.rum. thabhe loc., top. thaṁbhe, ru. ṭha(ṁ)bhasi, Pk. thaṁbha -- , °aya -- , taṁbha -- , ṭhaṁbha -- m.; Wg. štɔ̈̄ma ʻ stem, tree ʼ, Kt. štom, Pr. üštyobu; Bshk. "ṭam"ʻ tree ʼ NTS xviii 124, Tor. thām; K. tham m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ, S. thambhu m.; L. thamm, thammā m. ʻ prop ʼ, (Ju.)tham, °mā, awāṇ. tham, khet. thambā; P. thamb(h), thamm(h) ʻ pillar, post ʼ, Ku. N. B. thām, Or. thamba; Bi. mar -- thamh ʻ upright post of oil -- mill ʼ; H. thã̄bh, thām, thambā ʻ prop, pillar, stem of plantain tree ʼ; OMarw. thāma m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Si. ṭäm̆ba; Md. tambu, tabu ʻ pillar, post ʼ; -- ext. -- ḍ -- : S.thambhiṛī f. ʻ inside peg of yoke ʼ; N. thāṅro ʻ prop ʼ; Aw.lakh. thãbharā ʻ post ʼ; H. thamṛā ʻ thick, corpulent ʼ; -- -- ll -- ; G. thã̄bhlɔ, thã̄blɔ m. ʻ post, pillar ʼ. -- X sthūˊṇā -- q.v. S.kcch.
thambhlo m. ʻ pillar ʼ, A. thām, Md. tan̆bu.

Asian civilisations Museum, Singapore. Sculptural fragment, showing the adoration of a fiery pillar. India, 3rd century, limestone. On loan from the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi Early Bauddham art was a continuum of non-sectarian ancient Bharatiya tradition venerating cosmic dimensions of phenomena, and NOT veneration of an aniconic Bodhi tree.
Just below the garlanded Bodhi tree is a pillar of fire. The ear studs worn by the worshippers have the safflower motifs. The pillar of fire emerges out of the roof of the smelter. This smelter-roof is comparable to the smelter shown on Bhuteshwar sculptural friezes.
The safflower motifs are Indus Script hieroglyphs: करडी [ karaḍī ] f (See करडई ) Safflower: also its seed. (Marathi) karaṭa2 m. ʻ Carthamus tinctorius ʼ lex.Pk. karaḍa -- m. ʻ safflower ʼ, °ḍā -- f. ʻ a tree like the karañja ʼ; M. karḍī, °ḍaī f. ʻ safflower, Carthamus tinctorius and its seed ʼ.M. karḍel n. ʻ oil from the seed of safflower ʼ(CDIAL 2788, 2789) Rebus: करडा [ karaḍā] 'Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c.' (Marathi) kharādī ' turner '
The pillar is identified by a spathe of date palm: sippī ʻspathe of date palmʼ Rebus: sippi 'artificer, craftsman'.
Bhuteshwar sculptural fragments showing a pillar (ekamukha linga) atop roof of smelter Behind the pillar (linga) is a tree. The tree is venerated: kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter.
The 'cobra hood' as tail of composite animal hypertext means:
फड, phaḍa 'hood of cobra' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild in charge of manufactory'
Mohenjo-daro pottery sealing (loc.cit. Hertel).
फड, phaḍa 'throne, hood of cobra' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild in charge of manufactory'

Hieroglyph: kolsa = to kick the foot forward, the foot to come into contact with anything when walking or running; kolsa pasirkedan = I kicked it over (Santali.lex.)mēṛsa = v.a. toss, kick with the foot, hit with the tail (Santali)
kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pancaloha’ (Ta.) •kolhe (iron-smelter; kolhuyo, jackal) kol, kollan-, kollar = blacksmith (Ta.lex.)•kol‘to kill’ (Ta.)•sal ‘bos gaurus’, bison; rebus: sal ‘workshop’ (Santali)me~ṛhe~t iron; ispat m. = steel; dul m. = cast iron; kolhe m. iron manufactured by the Kolhes (Santali); meṛed (Mun.d.ari); meḍ (Ho.)(Santali.Bodding)
nAga 'serpent' Rebus: nAga 'lead'
Hieroglyph: rã̄go ʻ buffalo bull ʼ
Rebus: Pk. raṅga 'tin' P. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ pewter, tin ʼ Ku. rāṅ ʻ tin, solder ʼOr. rāṅga ʻ tin ʼ, rāṅgā ʻ solder, spelter ʼ, Bi. Mth. rã̄gā, OAw. rāṁga; H. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼraṅgaada -- m. ʻ borax ʼ lex.Kho. (Lor.) ruṅ ʻ saline ground with white efflorescence, salt in earth ʼ *raṅgapattra ʻ tinfoil ʼ. [raṅga -- 3, páttra -- ]B. rāṅ(g)tā ʻ tinsel, copper -- foil ʼ.
paTa 'hood of serpent' Rebus: padanu 'sharpness of weapon' (Telugu)
Rebus: Pk. raṅga 'tin' P. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ pewter, tin ʼ Ku. rāṅ ʻ tin, solder ʼOr. rāṅga ʻ tin ʼ, rāṅgā ʻ solder, spelter ʼ, Bi. Mth. rã̄gā, OAw. rāṁga; H. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼraṅgaada -- m. ʻ borax ʼ lex.Kho. (Lor.) ruṅ ʻ saline ground with white efflorescence, salt in earth ʼ *raṅgapattra ʻ tinfoil ʼ. [raṅga -- 3, páttra -- ]B. rāṅ(g)tā ʻ tinsel, copper -- foil ʼ.
paTa 'hood of serpent' Rebus: padanu 'sharpness of weapon' (Telugu)
Hieroglyph: kunta1 ʻ spear ʼ. 2. *kōnta -- . [Perh. ← Gk. konto/ s ʻ spear ʼ EWA i 229]1. Pk. kuṁta -- m. ʻ spear ʼ; S. kundu m. ʻ spike of a top ʼ, °dī f. ʻ spike at the bottom of a stick ʼ, °diṛī, °dirī f. ʻ spike of a spear or stick ʼ; Si. kutu ʻ lance ʼ.
2. Pa. konta -- m. ʻ standard ʼ; Pk. koṁta -- m. ʻ spear ʼ; H. kõt m. (f.?) ʻ spear, dart ʼ; -- Si. kota ʻ spear, spire, standard ʼ perh. ← Pa.(CDIAL 3289)
2. Pa. konta -- m. ʻ standard ʼ; Pk. koṁta -- m. ʻ spear ʼ; H. kõt m. (f.?) ʻ spear, dart ʼ; -- Si. kota ʻ spear, spire, standard ʼ perh. ← Pa.(CDIAL 3289)
Rebus: kuṇṭha munda (loha) 'hard iron (native metal)'
फड, phaḍa 'throne, hood of cobra' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild in charge of manufactory'
G.karã̄ n. pl. ‘wristlets, bangles’; S. karāī f. ’wrist’ (CDIAL 2779). Rebus: khār खार् ‘blacksmith’ (Kashmiri)
dula ‘pair’; rebus dul ‘cast (metal)’
Santali glosses.
Sa. <i>mE~R~hE~'d</i> `iron'. ! <i>mE~RhE~d</i>(M).
Ma. <i>mErhE'd</i> `iron'.
Mu. <i>mERE'd</i> `iron'.
~ <i>mE~R~E~'d</i> `iron'. ! <i>mENhEd</i>(M).
Ho <i>meD</i> `iron'.
Bj. <i>merhd</i>(Hunter) `iron'.
KW <i>mENhEd</i>
Мед [Med]Bulgarian
Bakar Bosnian
Медзь [medz']Belarusian
Měď Czech
Bakar Croatian
Бакар [Bakar]Macedonian
Miedź Polish
Медь [Med']Russian
Meď Slovak
Бакар [Bakar]Serbian
Мідь [mid'] Ukrainian[unquote]
Miedź, med' (Northern Slavic, Altaic) 'copper'.
Hieroglyph: 'human face': mũhe ‘face’ (Santali)
Mohenjo-daro. Sealing. Surrounded by fishes, lizard and snakes, a horned person sits in 'yoga' on a throne with hoofed legs. One side of a triangular terracotta amulet (Md 013); surface find at Mohenjo-daro in 1936, Dept. of Eastern Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. [seated person penance, crocodile?] Brief memoranda: kamaḍha ‘penance’ Rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint, coiner’; kaṇḍo ‘stool, seat’ Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘metalware’ kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’.
kAru 'crocodile' Rebus: kAru 'artisan'.
![Image result for indus script hooded snake]()
Text on obverse of the tablet m453A: Text 1629. m453B Seated in penance, the person is flanked on either side by a kneeling adorant, offering a pot and a hooded serpent rearing up.
Mohenjo-daro tablet (Drawing). Hooded snakes. Glyph: kaṇḍo ‘stool’. Rebus; kaṇḍ ‘furnace’. Vikalpa: kaṇḍ ‘stone (ore) metal’. Rebus: kamaḍha ‘penance’. Rebus 1: kaṇḍ ‘stone ore’. Rebus 2: kampaṭṭa ‘mint’. Glyph: ‘serpent hood’: paṭa. Rebus: pata ‘sharpness (of knife), tempered (metal). padm ‘tempered iron’ (Ko.) Glyph: rimless pot: baṭa. Rebus: bhaṭa ‘smelter, furnace’. It appears that the message of the glyphics is about a mint or metal workshop which produces sharpened, tempered iron (stone ore) using a furnace.
![Image result for samudra ellora painting bharatkalyan97]()
![Image result for samudra ellora painting]()
![Image result for suvarnabhumi churning of the ocean]()
Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, shows Vishnu in the centre, his turtle avatar Kurma below, asuras and devas to left and right.
Allograph: कुंठणें [ kuṇṭhaṇēṃ ] v i (कुंठ S) To be stopped, detained, obstructed, arrested in progress (Marathi)
फड, phaḍa 'throne, hood of cobra' rebus: फड, phaḍa 'metalwork artisan guild in charge of manufactory'
Rebus readings of glyphs on text of inscription:
koṇḍa bend (Ko.); Tu. Kōḍi corner; kōṇṭu angle, corner, crook. Nk. Kōnṭa corner (DEDR 2054b) G. khū̃ṭṛī f. ʻangleʼRebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’(B.) कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’ (Marathi) koḍ‘artisan’s workshop’ (Kuwi) koḍ = place where artisans work (G.) ācāri koṭṭya ‘smithy’ (Tu.) कोंडण [kōṇḍaṇa] f A fold or pen. (Marathi) B. kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’; Or.kū̆nda ‘lathe’, kũdibā, kū̃d ‘to turn’ (→ Drav. Kur. Kū̃d ’ lathe’) (CDIAL 3295)
aṭar ‘a splinter’ (Ma.) aṭaruka ‘to burst, crack, sli off,fly open; aṭarcca ’ splitting, a crack’; aṭarttuka ‘to split, tear off, open (an oyster) (Ma.); aḍaruni ‘to crack’ (Tu.) (DEDR 66) Rebus: aduru ‘native, unsmelted metal’ (Kannada)
ãs = scales of fish (Santali); rebus: aya ‘metal, iron’ (Gujarati.) cf. cognate to amśu 'soma' in Rigveda: ancu 'iron' (Tocharian)
G.karã̄ n. pl. ‘wristlets, bangles’; S. karāī f. ’wrist’ (CDIAL 2779). Rebus: khār खार् ‘blacksmith’ (Kashmiri)
dula ‘pair’; rebus dul ‘cast (metal)’
Glyph of ‘rim of jar’: kárṇaka m. ʻ projection on the side of a vessel, handle ʼŚBr. [kárṇa -- ]Pa. kaṇṇaka -- ʻ having ears or corners ʼ; (CDIAL 2831) kaṇḍa kanka; Rebus: furnace account (scribe). kaṇḍ = fire-altar (Santali); kan = copper (Tamil) khanaka m. one who digs , digger , excavator Rebus: karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk. (Telugu) káraṇa n. ʻ act, deed ʼ RV. [√kr̥1] Pa. karaṇa -- n. ʻdoingʼ; NiDoc. karana, kaṁraṁna ʻworkʼ; Pk. karaṇa -- n. ʻinstrumentʼ(CDIAL 2790)
Santali glosses.
Sa. <i>mE~R~hE~'d</i> `iron'. ! <i>mE~RhE~d</i>(M).
Ma. <i>mErhE'd</i> `iron'.
Mu. <i>mERE'd</i> `iron'.
~ <i>mE~R~E~'d</i> `iron'. ! <i>mENhEd</i>(M).
Ho <i>meD</i> `iron'.
Bj. <i>merhd</i>(Hunter) `iron'.
KW <i>mENhEd</i>
— Slavic glosses for 'copper'
Мед [Med]Bulgarian
Bakar Bosnian
Медзь [medz']Belarusian
Měď Czech
Bakar Croatian
Бакар [Bakar]Macedonian
Miedź Polish
Медь [Med']Russian
Meď Slovak
Бакар [Bakar]Serbian
Мідь [mid'] Ukrainian[unquote]
Miedź, med' (Northern Slavic, Altaic) 'copper'.
One suggestion is that corruptions from the German "Schmied", "Geschmeide" = jewelry. Schmied, a smith (of tin, gold, silver, or other metal)(German) result in med ‘copper’.
Hieroglyph of a worshipper kneeling: Konḍa (BB) meḍa, meṇḍa id. Pe. menḍa id.
Manḍ. menḍe id. Kui menḍa id. Kuwi (F.) menda, (S. Su. P.) menḍa, (Isr.) meṇḍa id.
Ta. maṇṭi kneeling, kneeling on one knee as an archer. Ma.maṇṭuka to be seated on the heels. Ka. maṇḍi what is bent, the knee. Tu. maṇḍi knee. Te. maṇḍĭ̄ kneeling on one knee. Pa.maḍtel knee; maḍi kuḍtel kneeling position. Go. (L.) meṇḍā, (G. Mu. Ma.) Cf. 4645 Ta.maṭaṅku (maṇi-forms). / ? Cf. Skt. maṇḍūkī- (DEDR 4677)
Hieroglyph: 'human face': mũhe ‘face’ (Santali)
Rebus: mũh opening or hole (in a stove for stoking (Bi.); ingot (Santali) mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali)
The suggested rebus readings indicate that the Indus writing served the purpose of artisans/traders to create metalware, stoneware, mineral catalogs -- products with which they carried on their life-activities in an evolving Bronze Age.Worshippers. Person seated in penance on stool.
Mohenjo-daro. Sealing. Surrounded by fishes, lizard and snakes, a horned person sits in 'yoga' on a throne with hoofed legs. One side of a triangular terracotta amulet (Md 013); surface find at Mohenjo-daro in 1936, Dept. of Eastern Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. [seated person penance, crocodile?] Brief memoranda: kamaḍha ‘penance’ Rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint, coiner’; kaṇḍo ‘stool, seat’ Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘metalware’ kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’.
kAru 'crocodile' Rebus: kAru 'artisan'.
Cylindeer seals Mohenjo-daro baTa 'quail' rebus: bhaTa 'furnace' kuTi 'tree' rebus: kuThi 'smelter' barad, balad 'ox' rebus: bharat 'alloy of copper, pewter, tin' kulA 'hood of snake' rebus: kolhe 'smelter' kol 'working in iron'.

Text on obverse of the tablet m453A: Text 1629. m453B Seated in penance, the person is flanked on either side by a kneeling adorant, offering a pot and a hooded serpent rearing up.

Samudra Manthanam. Khmer sculpture.

Kailasa temple walls. Ellora caves. Samudra Manthanam.
The upper panel of the sculpture depicts Samudramathana. Circa 10th century, Alampur sculpture![Image result for ellora painting samudra manthan bharatkalyan97]()

Samudra manthan or 'Churning of Ocean of Milk' Deva and Da_nava churn the ocean, using Va_suki, the serpent as the rope and Mandara, the mountain as the churning rod. Ganesh Lena, Ellora, ca. 11th cent. CE.

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