-- Itihāsa in Indus Script Cipher of sculptures of नाचण्याचा फड A nach house.
-- फडनीस 'keeper of register' of फडा phaḍā 'metals manufactory', paṭṭaḍe 'smithy',
-- Nr̥tya Gaṇeśa, of नाचण्याचा फड 'nach house', cobrahood, lotus, tridhātu Gaṇeśa karaṇa, 'dance posture' karaṇa 'scribe'
-- Why is Gardez Gaṇeśa (Mahāvināyaka) shown with cobrahood, tiger's paw, decorations and in dance-posture? Dance posture is karaṇa, 'dance posture' Rebus: karaṇa 'scribe'. panja 'feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln, furnace'. फडा phaḍā 'cobrahood' rebus: फडा phaḍā 'metals manufactory), paṭṭaḍe 'smithy, workshop'. He is फडनीस 'keeper of register' shown in नाचण्याचा फड 'nach house' -- with a karaṇa, 'dance posture' to signify rebus that he is karaṇa 'scribe'.
-- फड phaḍa is a place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room.
-- नाचण्याचा फड A nach house, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singing shop or merriment shop.

Dancing gaṇa-s. Badami caves.

Narratives of Badami caves. Trivikrama and dancing dwarfs.

"Ganas", base of the Kailasanatha temple. Those who have been most devoted to Siva win the boon of being perpetually close to him. These are the "ganas", who inhabit the walls of Siva temples. Having gained the opportunity of being with Siva, they are full of joy and share this with the worshipper through their dancing, music and frolicsome pranks.
A row of yaali and a row of boothagana are below the vimana. Inquisitive ganas indeed, playing musical instruments and dancing! Valeeswaram temple has a beautiful stone vimana, built in 10th C CE, majorly by Cholas/
Worship of Śivalinga by Gandharvas - Śunga Period - Bhuteśwar - ACCN 3625 - Government Museum - Mathura 2013-02-24 6098.JPG

In this long frieze on the vimana of Vettuvan Kovil ganas can be seen dancing and playing musical instruments. "...Vettuvan Kovil, a monolithic temple hewn out of a hill. The late C. Sivaramamurti, who was the Director of the National Museum in New Delhi, in his book Kalugumalai and Early Pandyan Rock-cut Shrines, describes it as “by far the most beautiful rock-cut temple of the Pandya period… a half-finished free-standing monolith which recalls the famous temple of Siva at Ellora”. The Jaina sites at Kazhugumalai and Vettuvan Kovil are under the State Department of Archaeology."
(dh)makara 'makara' rebus: dhmākāra 'bellows blower, blacksmith' disgorges the artisan, sculptor, smith..
Sculptural frieze of dancing dwarfs in: Vettuvan Koil, Kalugumalai, Thoothukudi. http://tamilnadu-favtourism.blogspot.in/2016/07/vettuvan-koil-kalugumalai-thoothukudi_8.html

Kailasanatha temple, Kanchipuram.
Dancing Gaṇas (Dancers include karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'; karaṇa, 'dance posture' karaṇa 'scribe'; baḍhi 'boar' rebus: baḍhi 'worker in iron and wood'; vāḍī 'merchant'. These are Gaṇeśa, Varāha (baḍiga, 'artificer') metaphors of wealth-accounting ledgers, metalwork catalogues in Indus Script Cipher..

Broad strap antarīya on Gardez Gaṇeśa pratimā is Indus Script hypertext to signify metals (iron) manufactory of Sarasvati civilization. Amarakośa provides a synonym for Gaṇeśa with the expression tri-dhātu, 'three minerals'.
The pratim ā has vivid iconographic details to further elaborate on the metaphor of Gaṇeśa an iron smelter, a wealth-accounting ledger keeper, a scribe.
Gaṇeśa wears an unusual crown, shaped like a wicker basket. The rebus reading of the crown worn by Gaṇeśa is karaṇḍa hieroglyph करंडी karaṇḍī f (Dim. of करंडा) A little covered basket of bamboo. karaṇḍa'wicker-basket' rebus: करडा karaḍā'Hard from alloy--iron, silver &38' A similar sounding word signifies that Gaṇeśa is a scribe, writer: खरड kharaḍa f (खरडणें) A hurriedly written or drawn piece; a scrawl; a mere tracing or rude sketch.खरडा kharaḍā a day-book; a note-book. Thus, Gaṇeśa is keeper of a day-book, wealth-accounting ledger.
These metaphors are conveyed by the karaṇḍa-shaped mukuṭa 'crown' worn by Mahāvināyaka of Gardez. Elephant trunk: karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'; ib 'stylus' (as in English nib of stylus).
Gaṇeśa wears a yajñopavita, 'sacred thread' adorned with a cobra-hood:phaḍā'cobra hood'rebus phaḍā,paṭṭaḍe'metals manufactory'. kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' kolle 'blacksmith. panja 'claw of beast, feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln'.
Thousands of Gaṇeśa pratimā also show a mouse:mūṣa 'mouse' rebus: mūṣa 'crucible'. Thus, Gaṇeśa is an iron worker producing crucible steel. This metallurgical competence makes him the leader of the guild, ironworker guild-master,Mahāvināyaka.

The inscription says that this "great and beautiful image of Mahāvināyaka" was consecrated by the Shahi King Khingala.
I suggest that the paw of a feline is signified below the feline's face; the word is panja 'claw, paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' of metals manufactory: *pañjāpāka ʻ kiln for a heap ʼ. [*pañja -- , āpāka -- ]P. pañjāvā, pãj° m. ʻ brick kiln ʼ; B. pã̄jā ʻ kiln ʼ, G. pajāvɔ m (CDIAL 7686) panzĕ पन्ज़्य m. the wound made by an animal's claw (cf. panja) (K. 678). panja पंज । पञ्चसंख्यात्मकः, अङ्गुलिपञ्चकसंघः m. an aggregate of five; a five (in cards, on dice, or the like); the hand with the five fingers extended (cf. atha-po, p. 61b, l. 2) (Gr.M.); the paw or claw of beast or bird (Gr.M.; Rām. 41, 61, 697-8, 73; H. xii, 16-17). -- dyunu ; ।पञ्चकाघातः m.inf. 'to give the five', i.e. to strike with the five fingers, to scratch with the five finger-nails or (of a wild beast) to tear with the claws. -ʦoṭu ; । छिन्नपञ्चशाखः adj. (f. -ʦüṭü ), one whose fingers, toes, or claws have all been cut off (of man, beast, or bird). panjī पंजी f. a bird's talon (El.); the five fingers (El. panjih, cf. panja; W. 114, panji).(Kashmiri) *pañja -- ʻ heap ʼ *pahuñca ʻ forearm, wrist ʼ. L. pôcā m. ʻpaw ʼ, (Shahpur) paucā m. ʻ paw, claw ʼ; P. pahũcā m. ʻ wrist, paw ʼ; N. paũjā ʻ paw ʼ; OAw. pahuṁcihi obl. sg. f. ʻ wrist ʼ; H. pahũcā m. ʻ forearm, wrist ʼ; G. pɔ̃hɔ̃cɔ m. ʻ wrist ʼ, M. pohãcī f. PĀ1 ʻ drink ʼ: pa -- 1, pāˊtra -- , pāˊna -- , pānīˊya -- , pāyáyati, *pipāsaka -- , pipāsāˊ -- , pipāsitá -- , píbati, pītá -- 1, pīyátē, pēya -- ; āpāna -- 1, nipāna -- , prapāˊ -- . PĀ2 ʻ protect ʼ: pa -- 2, pā -- ; *āpāna -- 2. pā -- in cmpds. ʻprotecting ʼ: adhipāˊ -- , tanūpāˊ -- , paśupāˊ -- ; -- pa -- 2. Addenda: *pahuñca -- : S.kcch. paũco m. ʻwrist ʼ, WPah.kṭg. pɔ́̄nj̈ɔ m.(CDIAL 8018)
Gaṇeśa, scribe, keeper of registers for wealth accounting for a nation https://tinyurl.com/y9njyfaq
Ta. paṭṭaṭai, paṭṭaṟai anvil, smithy, forge. Ka. paṭṭaḍe, paṭṭaḍi anvil, workshop. Te. paṭṭika, paṭṭeḍa anvil; paṭṭaḍa workshop. Cf. 86 Ta. aṭai.(DEDR 3865)
नाचण्याचा फड A nachhouse, नाचा पाडा nācā pāḍā or -फाडा m See नचा फाडा under न. न or No. Ex. नचा फाडा वाचणें-सांगणें-घट करणें-घोकणें To refuse or deny everything; to be ever no-no-ing. ह्याला नचा फाडा पाठ आहे He says No to everything. फड phaḍa m ( H) A place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room: also, in an ill-sense, as खेळण्या- चा फड A gambling-house, नाचण्याचा फड A nachhouse, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singingshop or merriment shop. The word expresses freely Gymnasium or arena, circus, club-room, debating-room, house or room or stand for idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps &c. 2 The spot to which field-produce is brought, that the crop may be ascertained and the tax fixed; the depot at which the Government-revenue in kind is delivered; a place in general where goods in quantity are exposed for inspection or sale. 3 Any office or place of extensive business or work,--as a factory, manufactory, arsenal, dock-yard, printing-office &c. 4 A plantation or field (as of ऊस, वांग्या, मिरच्या, खरबुजे &c.): also a standing crop of such produce. 5 fig. Full and vigorous operation or proceeding, the going on with high animation and bustle (of business in general). v चाल, पड, घाल, मांड. 6 A company, a troop, a band or set (as of actors, showmen, dancers &c.) 7 The stand of a great gun. फड पडणें g. of s. To be in full and active operation. 2 To come under brisk discussion. फड मारणें- राखणें-संभाळणें To save appearances, फड मारणें or संपादणें To cut a dash; to make a display (upon an occasion). फडाच्या मापानें With full tale; in flowing measure. फडास येणें To come before the public; to come under general discussion. फडकरी phaḍakarī m A man belonging to a company or band (of players, showmen &c.) 2 A superintendent or master of a फड or public place. See under फड. 3 A retail-dealer (esp. in grain).फडणिशी or सी phaḍaṇiśī or sī & फडणीस Preferably फडनिशी or सी & फडनीस.फडनीस phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस. फड्या phaḍyā m ( H) One who sells (grain &c.) in small quantities, a retail-dealer.
Gaṇeśa signified by फड, ‘a cobrahood’ on his body (cf. Mahāvināyaka, Gardez), is the फडनिशी or सीphaḍaniśī or sī f The office or business of फडनीस. फडनीस phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस. नीस nīsa m (निसणें) Sum, substance, essence; the extract or excerptum; the good portion picked out. v काढ, निघ. 2 Scrutiny or close inquiry into. v कर, काढ, पाह, पुरव g. of o. 3 नीस is sometimes used as ad or in comp. with the sense Essentially or purely, i. e. altogether, utterly; as नीस नंगा Wholly bare, void, or destitute (of money, decency &c.) ; नकलनविशी nakalanaviśī or -निशी f ( P) The office or business of नकलनवीस.; नकलनवीस nakalanavīsa or -नीस m ( P) A transcriber or copyist. फडपूस phaḍapūsa f (फड & पुसणें) Public or open inquiry. फडशाफारक phaḍaśāphāraka m (फडशा & A) Full clearance and settlement; final adjustment and decision (of a dispute or a case). 2 Used as a Fully and finally cleared off and settled.
Gaṇeśa is the account-in-charge recording wealth of a nation.
Gaṇeśa is the account-in-charge recording wealth of a nation.

Madhya Pradesh, Dancing Gaṇeśa, 800-900 CE, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, MH 1996.3

Gaṇeśa and Siddhi India, 10th–11th century, Buff sandstone. (via The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston)

Gaṇeśa with his consort 11th century. Central India. Height: 32 cm (12 ½ in) (via Christie’s)

Dancing Gaṇeśa of Shamlaji

Dancing Gaṇeśa India, Pala Period late 11th century blackstone Chazen Museum of Art

Gaṇeśa Dancing on his Vehicle, the Mouse. Halebidu Temple. Hoysala Dynasty. 13th Century CE. Karnataka, India.

Dancing Gaṇeśa Eastern India or Bangladesh Pala Period, 11th Century Grey black stone – Basalt Height: 81 cm

Dancing Gaṇeśa Pala Dynasty,10th Century CE

Dancing Gaṇeśa Red Sandstone, probably Central India, 11th C.. Chicago Art Institute

Gaṇeśa. Madhya Pradesh, 10th/11th Century The potbellied deity carved in openwork dancing on a lotus pod, reaching out to a bowl of sweets with his trunk and flanked by musicians, his face with a humorous expression 39½ in. (100.3 cm.) high.
“Sculpture du dieu Ganesh”From Review: Double temples hindous of Viswanath Temple Double Hindu temples. 23 Jan 2018 jphmol, Rueil-Malmaison, France
"On an esplanade, there are 2 Hindu temples. The east, more modest, is still active. The one to the west is more imposing and presents sculptures in facade."

May 11, 2019
Majestic Murti of 8 armed Ganapati in dancing posture carved in a miniature shrine, Khajuraho Shikhara of shrine can be compared to ancient Vishnu temple of Gop(GJ) & Ajanta cave temple. Note elephants carved in relief and a band of Kirtimukha. Note percussion instruments.
This note interprets Vālakhilya as kharva and traces the iconographic traditions which mirror the metaphors of RV 8.49 to 8.59 which constitute 11 Vālakhilya Suktas in the text used by Sayana/Wilson These are numbered RV 8.93 to 8.103 in the text used by Griffith. Both translations are presented together with the text.
This note interprets Vālakhilya as kharva and traces the iconographic traditions which mirror the metaphors of RV 8.49 to 8.59 which constitute 11 Vālakhilya Suktas in the text used by Sayana/Wilson These are numbered RV 8.93 to 8.103 in the text used by Griffith. Both translations are presented together with the text.
I suggest that this is an iconographic representation of Vālakhilya, kharva 'dwarfs'. The dance takes place in a नाचण्याचा फड A nachhouse; a phaḍa or paṭṭaḍa signifies a 'metals manufactory'. Vināyaka shown with the dancers signifies karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron. Mahāvināyaka is adorned with phaḍa'cobrahoo' rebus: phaḍa or paṭṭaḍa 'metals manufactory'.
वालखिल्य n. (also written बाल्° , of doubtful derivation) N. of a collection of 11 (accord. to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the ऋग्-वेद (commonly inserted after viii , 48 , but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors ; they are also called वालखिल्याः , with or scillicet -- namely (introducing a word to be supplied or an explanation of an ambiguity).-- मन्त्राः , or ऋचः , and दशती वालखिल्यका)(ब्राह्मण); (°ल्य्/अ) pl. N. of a class of ऋषिs of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from ब्रह्मा's body and surround the chariot of the sun)(तैत्तिरीय-आरण्यक; MBh.)
Rebus: वालखिल्या f. N. of a partic. kind of brick (शतपथ-ब्राह्मण).
Six Sukta-s of the 11 Vālakhilya are dedicated to Indra, and one each to the Asvins, the Viśvadevas and Indra-Varuṇa. 8.55 and 8.56 praise "Praskaṇva's Gift", the reward given to the r̥ṣi by Dasyave-vrka "the wolf of the Dasyus", a hero who in alliance with the Kaṇvas has won a victory over the Dasyus.
"After the yagna Vālakhilya’s prasad (food offering) was given to Vinata, one of the two wives of Kaśyapa. She gave birth to two children Aruna and the most powerful golden-hued eagle, Garuda. Long after this Garuda flew to Indraloka to get Amrita and defeated Indra. The Second wife of Kaśyapa Kadru gave birth to the Nagas or the Snake race. Garuda on his way back sat on the tree where Vālakhilyas were doing penance. The tree broke into many branches, but Garuda lifted all the ascetics with the branch and put them in a safe place. The Rig Veda says that they sprang from the hairs of Prajāpati Brahma. They are the guards of the Chariot of the Sun. They are also called the Kharvas. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa describes them as pious, chaste and resplendent as the rays of the sun." https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/valakhilyas-60-000-thumbsized-ascetics-protect-humanity
Synonym of Vālakhilya: kharva, खर्व mfn. (cf. /अ- , त्रि-) mutilated , crippled , injured , imperfect (तैत्तिरीय-संहिता ii , 5 , 1 , 7); low , dwarfish; one of the nine nidhi, 'treasures' of Kubera. खर्व (-र्ब) a. [खर्व्-अच्] 1 Mutilated, crippled, imperfect; Yv. Ts. -2 Dwarfish, low, short in stature. -र्वः, -र्वम् A large number (1,,,). -3 N. of one of the treasures of Kubera. -Comp. -इतर a. not small, great; प्रमुदितहृदः सर्वे खर्वेतरस्मयसंगताः Śiva. B.22.71. -शाख a. dwarfish, small, short.(Apte) Rebus: karba iron' (Tulu)
"Vālakhilya (वालखिल्य).—The name of a saṃhitā imparted by Bāṣkali to Bālāyani and others. A class of seers, 60,000 in number, born of Kratu: advised Citraratha, who fell to the ground to gather Kauśika's bones to throw them into the Sarasvatī and get redemption; They go in front of the Sun from his rise to his setting, singing his glory; live on air; sages by tapas; authors of certain saṃhitas; live in Brahmaloka; Ṛṣis by tapas...Sage Kaśyapa was engaged in performing a sacrifice with a desire to get a valorous child. The Vālakhilya group of sages, whose height was not more than a human thumb, were making herculean efforts to carry a twig of a fig tree to the sacrifice. Indra, the chief of gods, laughed at this comical scene. Enraged at this mockery of Indra, Vālakhilya sages started another sacrifice with the intention of producing another character equal to Indra. Afraid of their ambition, Indra went and begged Kaśyapa to sooth the anger of Vālakhilya ascetics. Accordingly, Kaśyapa pacified the sages. In return, they offered him the fruits of the sacrifice. ."
वालखिल्य n. (also written बाल्° , of doubtful derivation) N. of a collection of 11 (accord. to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the ऋग्-वेद (commonly inserted after viii , 48 , but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors ; they are also called वालखिल्याः , with or scillicet -- namely (introducing a word to be supplied or an explanation of an ambiguity).-- मन्त्राः , or ऋचः , and दशती वालखिल्यका)(ब्राह्मण); (°ल्य्/अ) pl. N. of a class of ऋषिs of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from ब्रह्मा's body and surround the chariot of the sun)(तैत्तिरीय-आरण्यक; MBh.)
Rebus: वालखिल्या f. N. of a partic. kind of brick (शतपथ-ब्राह्मण).
Six Sukta-s of the 11 Vālakhilya are dedicated to Indra, and one each to the Asvins, the Viśvadevas and Indra-Varuṇa. 8.55 and 8.56 praise "Praskaṇva's Gift", the reward given to the r̥ṣi by Dasyave-vrka "the wolf of the Dasyus", a hero who in alliance with the Kaṇvas has won a victory over the Dasyus.
"After the yagna Vālakhilya’s prasad (food offering) was given to Vinata, one of the two wives of Kaśyapa. She gave birth to two children Aruna and the most powerful golden-hued eagle, Garuda. Long after this Garuda flew to Indraloka to get Amrita and defeated Indra. The Second wife of Kaśyapa Kadru gave birth to the Nagas or the Snake race. Garuda on his way back sat on the tree where Vālakhilyas were doing penance. The tree broke into many branches, but Garuda lifted all the ascetics with the branch and put them in a safe place. The Rig Veda says that they sprang from the hairs of Prajāpati Brahma. They are the guards of the Chariot of the Sun. They are also called the Kharvas. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa describes them as pious, chaste and resplendent as the rays of the sun." https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/valakhilyas-60-000-thumbsized-ascetics-protect-humanity
Synonym of Vālakhilya: kharva, खर्व mfn. (cf. /अ- , त्रि-) mutilated , crippled , injured , imperfect (तैत्तिरीय-संहिता ii , 5 , 1 , 7); low , dwarfish; one of the nine nidhi, 'treasures' of Kubera. खर्व (-र्ब) a. [खर्व्-अच्] 1 Mutilated, crippled, imperfect; Yv. Ts. -2 Dwarfish, low, short in stature. -र्वः, -र्वम् A large number (1,,,). -3 N. of one of the treasures of Kubera. -Comp. -इतर a. not small, great; प्रमुदितहृदः सर्वे खर्वेतरस्मयसंगताः Śiva. B.22.71. -शाख a. dwarfish, small, short.(Apte) Rebus: karba iron' (Tulu)
"Vālakhilya (वालखिल्य).—The name of a saṃhitā imparted by Bāṣkali to Bālāyani and others. A class of seers, 60,000 in number, born of Kratu: advised Citraratha, who fell to the ground to gather Kauśika's bones to throw them into the Sarasvatī and get redemption; They go in front of the Sun from his rise to his setting, singing his glory; live on air; sages by tapas; authors of certain saṃhitas; live in Brahmaloka; Ṛṣis by tapas...Sage Kaśyapa was engaged in performing a sacrifice with a desire to get a valorous child. The Vālakhilya group of sages, whose height was not more than a human thumb, were making herculean efforts to carry a twig of a fig tree to the sacrifice. Indra, the chief of gods, laughed at this comical scene. Enraged at this mockery of Indra, Vālakhilya sages started another sacrifice with the intention of producing another character equal to Indra. Afraid of their ambition, Indra went and begged Kaśyapa to sooth the anger of Vālakhilya ascetics. Accordingly, Kaśyapa pacified the sages. In return, they offered him the fruits of the sacrifice. ."
HYMN I. Indra. 93
8.049.01 I would praise to you the bounteous Indra as is fit, the wealth-abounding Maghavan, who loves to help with thousandfold treasure those who praise him.
8.049.02 He rushes on boldly like a weapon with a hundred edges, he smites the enemies of his worshipper; the gifts of him who feeds many, swell like the streams of a mountain.
8.049.03 The expressed exhilarate Soma, O Indra, lover of hymns, fills you for bounty, O hero, O thunderer, as the waters flow to their accustomed lake.
8.049.04 Drink the incomparable, helpful, swelling Soma, the sweet of the Soma, that in your exultation you may pour out treasure for us, just as the mill-stone pours out meal. [dhr.s.ad = dr.s.ad].
8.049.05 Come quickly to our praise--urged on by the Soma-pressers like a horse-- which the kine make sweet, for you, O Indra, of independent mighty; there are gifts (for you) among the Kan.va's. [stomam = somam].
8.049.06 We have approached you with homage like a mighty hero, the pre-eminent one, of imperishable wealth; O Indra, thunderer, our prayers flow forth as an abundant fountain pours out its streams.
8.049.07 Whether you are now present at a sacrifice, or whether you are abroad on the earth, come from thence with your swift steeds to our sacrifice, O you of lofty counsel, come, strong one, with the strong (steeds).
8.049.08 Agile and swift are your steeds, overpowering like the winds; with which you encircle the race of Manus, with which he whole heaven becomes visible. [Or, with which you encircle all...]
8.049.09 O Indra, we long for such a bounty of yours, rich in kine; (help us), Maghavan, as you did help Medhya_tithi with wealth, as you did help Ni_pa_tithi.
8.049.10 As you, Mahavan, did give abundant kine and gold to Kan.va and Trasadasyu, to Paktha and Das'avraja; as you did give them to Gos'arya and R.jis'van.
1. TO you will I sing Indras' praise who gives good gifts as well we know;
The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold.
2 As with a hundred hosts, he rushes boldly on, and for the offerer slays his foes.
As from a mountain flow the waterbrooks-, thus flow his gifts who feedeth many a one.
3 The drops effused, the gladdening draughts, O Indra, Lover of the Son
As waters seek the lake where they are wont to rest, fill thee, for bounty, Thunderer.
4 The matchless draught that strengthens and gives eloquence, the sweetest of the meath drink thou,
That in thy joy thou maysi scatter thy gifts over us, plenteously, even as the dust.
5 Come quickly to our laud, urged on by Somapressers- like a horse-
Laud, Godlike Indra, which milchkine- make sweet for thee: with Kanvas' sons are gifts for thee.
6 With homage have we sought thee as a Hero, strong, preeminent, with unfailing wealth.
O Thunderer, as a plenteous spring pours forth its stream, so, Indra, flow our songs to thee.
7 If now thou art at sacrifice, or if thou art upon the earth,
Come thence, highthoughted-! to our sacrifice with the Swift, come, Mighty with the Mighty Ones.
8 The active, fleetfoot-, tawny Coursers that are thine are swift to victory, like the Wind,
Wherewith thou goest round to visit Manus' seed, wherewith all heaven is visible.
9 Indra, from thee so great we crave prosperity in wealth of kine,
As, Maghavan, thou favouredst Medhyatithi, and, in the fight, Nipatithi.
10 As, Maghavan, to Kanva, Trasadasyu, and to Paktha and Dasavraja;
As, Indra, to Gosarya and Rjisvan, thou vouchsafedst wealth in kine and gold.
The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold.
2 As with a hundred hosts, he rushes boldly on, and for the offerer slays his foes.
As from a mountain flow the waterbrooks-, thus flow his gifts who feedeth many a one.
3 The drops effused, the gladdening draughts, O Indra, Lover of the Son
As waters seek the lake where they are wont to rest, fill thee, for bounty, Thunderer.
4 The matchless draught that strengthens and gives eloquence, the sweetest of the meath drink thou,
That in thy joy thou maysi scatter thy gifts over us, plenteously, even as the dust.
5 Come quickly to our laud, urged on by Somapressers- like a horse-
Laud, Godlike Indra, which milchkine- make sweet for thee: with Kanvas' sons are gifts for thee.
6 With homage have we sought thee as a Hero, strong, preeminent, with unfailing wealth.
O Thunderer, as a plenteous spring pours forth its stream, so, Indra, flow our songs to thee.
7 If now thou art at sacrifice, or if thou art upon the earth,
Come thence, highthoughted-! to our sacrifice with the Swift, come, Mighty with the Mighty Ones.
8 The active, fleetfoot-, tawny Coursers that are thine are swift to victory, like the Wind,
Wherewith thou goest round to visit Manus' seed, wherewith all heaven is visible.
9 Indra, from thee so great we crave prosperity in wealth of kine,
As, Maghavan, thou favouredst Medhyatithi, and, in the fight, Nipatithi.
10 As, Maghavan, to Kanva, Trasadasyu, and to Paktha and Dasavraja;
As, Indra, to Gosarya and Rjisvan, thou vouchsafedst wealth in kine and gold.
HYMN II. Indra. 94
8.050.01 I would praise the far-famed, the bounteous S'akra, for the sake of his protection, who gives desirable wealth by thousands to the presser of the Soma and the offerer of hymns.
8.050.02 Invincible are his hundred-edged weapons, he mighty arrows of Indra; he pours forth blessings on his liberal worshippers like a mountain rich in springs, when the effused Soma has exhilarated him.
8.050.03 When the effused Soma-drops have exhilarated the beloved one, my oblation is offered abundantly like the waters, O gracious Indra-- it is like the kine to the worshipper.
8.050.04 The prayers which consecrate the Soma flow forth to the incomparable one who calls you for his favour, the Soma-drops which invoke you, O gracious one, have set you in the midst of the hymns.
8.050.05 He rushes hurrying like a horse to the Soma offered in our festival, which the hymns make sweet to you, O you that love sweet viands, you approve the summons to the satisfying Soma. [Paura may be a proper name; you approve the summons to (the house of) Paura].
8.050.06 Praise the mighty hero, wide-grasping, spoil-harrying, who has control over vast treasure; you, O thunderer ever pour forth wealth to the worshipper like an abundan fountain.
8.050.07 Whether you are in the far distance or in the earth or in heaven, O Indra, god of lofty counsel, yoke your steeds, come here, lofty one, with the lofty.
8.050.08 Your harmless steeds which draw your chariot, which surpass the strength of the wind, with which you silence the enemy of man and with which you go round the sky. [Or, of Manus, dasyum manus.ah].
8.050.09 May we once more know you as such, O gracious hero, as when you did aid Etas'a in the decisive battle, or Vas'a against Das'avraja.
8.050.10 As you were willing to give, O Maghavan, to Kan.va in the sacrificial feast, or to Di_rghani_tha the friend of the house, as you were willing to give, O slinger, to Gos'arya, so give to me a herd of kine shining like gold.
1. SAKRA I praise, to win his aid, farfamed-, exceeding bountiful,
Who gives, as it were in thousands, precious wealth to him who sheds the juice and worships him.
2 Arrows with hundred points, unconquerable, are this Indras' ndghty- arms in war.
He streams on liberal worshippers like a hill with springs, when juices poured have gladdened him.
3 What time the flowing Somadrops- have gladdened with their taste the Friend,
Like water, gracious Lord! were my libations made, like milchkine- to the worshipper.
4 To him the peerless, who is calling you to give you aid, forth flow the drops of pleasant meath.
The Somadrops- which call on thee, O gracious Lord, have brought thee to our hymn of praise.
5 He rushes hurrying like a steed to Soma that adorns our rite,
Which hymns make sweet to thee, lover of pleasant food. The call to Paura thou dost love.
6 Praise the strong, grasping Hero, winner of the spoil, ruling supreme oer mighty wealth.
Like a full spring, O Thunderer, from thy store hast thou poured on the worshipper evermore.
7 Now whether thou be far away, or in the heavens, or on the earth,
O Indra, mighty- thoughted, harnessing thy Bays, come Lofty with the Lofty Ones.
8 The Bays who draw thy chariot, Steeds who injure none, surpass the winds' impetuous strength-
With whom thou silencest the enemy of man, with whon; thou goest round the sky.
9 O gracious Hero, may we learn anew to know thee as thou art:
As in decisive fight thou holpest Etasa, or Vasa gainst' Dasavraja,
10 As, Maghavan, to Kanva at the sacred feast, to Dirghanitha thine homefriend-,
As to Gosarya thou, Stonedarter-, gavest wealth, give me a goldbright- stall of kine.
Who gives, as it were in thousands, precious wealth to him who sheds the juice and worships him.
2 Arrows with hundred points, unconquerable, are this Indras' ndghty- arms in war.
He streams on liberal worshippers like a hill with springs, when juices poured have gladdened him.
3 What time the flowing Somadrops- have gladdened with their taste the Friend,
Like water, gracious Lord! were my libations made, like milchkine- to the worshipper.
4 To him the peerless, who is calling you to give you aid, forth flow the drops of pleasant meath.
The Somadrops- which call on thee, O gracious Lord, have brought thee to our hymn of praise.
5 He rushes hurrying like a steed to Soma that adorns our rite,
Which hymns make sweet to thee, lover of pleasant food. The call to Paura thou dost love.
6 Praise the strong, grasping Hero, winner of the spoil, ruling supreme oer mighty wealth.
Like a full spring, O Thunderer, from thy store hast thou poured on the worshipper evermore.
7 Now whether thou be far away, or in the heavens, or on the earth,
O Indra, mighty- thoughted, harnessing thy Bays, come Lofty with the Lofty Ones.
8 The Bays who draw thy chariot, Steeds who injure none, surpass the winds' impetuous strength-
With whom thou silencest the enemy of man, with whon; thou goest round the sky.
9 O gracious Hero, may we learn anew to know thee as thou art:
As in decisive fight thou holpest Etasa, or Vasa gainst' Dasavraja,
10 As, Maghavan, to Kanva at the sacred feast, to Dirghanitha thine homefriend-,
As to Gosarya thou, Stonedarter-, gavest wealth, give me a goldbright- stall of kine.
HYMN III. Indra. 95
8.051.01 As you did drink, O Indra, the effused Soma beside Manu, the descendant of Sam.varan.a, by Ni_pa_tithi and Medhya_tithi, by Pus.t.igu and S'rus.t.igu, O Maghavan (so do you drink it here).
8.051.02 The descendant of Pr.s.advana entertained the aged Praskan.va who lay rejected (by his kindred); aided by you the seer Dasyave-vr.ka desired to obtain thousands of cows.
8.051.03 Sing that Indra with the new hymn who has no lack of praises, who is wise and the inspirer of seers, who is as it were eager to enjoy.
8.051.04 He to whom they sang the seven-headed hymn with its three parts in the highest region, he has made all these worlds tremble, and has thus brought forth his power. [i.e. sun by seven divine singers in heaven].
8.051.05 We invoke that Indra who gives us wealth; for we know his new favour; may we obtain a stall rich in cows.
8.051.06 He whom you help, O gracious one, to give, obtains abundance of wealth; bringing the Soma we invoke you, Indra, Maghavan, you that love hymns.
8.051.07 Never are you niggardly, Indra, and give not to the worshipper; but your godlike gifts, O Maghavan, are poured forth more and more.
8.051.08 He who overpowered Krivi by his might and silences Sus.n.a with his weapons, when he spread abroad yonder sky and propped it up, then first the dweller on earth was born.
8.051.09 That wealth, which every A_rya here covets and every miserly Da_sa, is sent direct to yo, the pious Rus'ama Paviru.
8.051.10 The zealous seers have sung a hymn, sweet with Soma and dropping ghi_; wealth and manly strength hav espread themselves among us, and so too the expressed Soma drops.
1. As with Manu Samvarani, Indra, thou drankest Soma juice,
And, Maghavan, with Nipatithi, Medhyatithi, with Pustigu and Srustigu,
2 The' son of Prsadvana was Praskanivas' host, who lay decrepit and forlorn.
Aided by thee the Rsi Dasyavevrka- strove to obtain thousands of kine.
3 Call hither with thy newest song Indra who lacks not hymns of praise,
Him who observes and knows, inspirer of the sage, him who seems eager to enjoy.
4 He unto whom they sang the sevenheaded- hymn, threeparted-, in the loftiest place,
He sent his thunder down on all these living things, and so displayed heroic might.
5 We invocate that Indra who bestoweth precious things on us.
Now do we know his newest favour; may we gain a stable that is full of kine.
6 He whom thou aidest, gracious Lord, to give again, obtains great wealth to nourish him.
We with our Soma ready, Lover of the Song! call, Indra Maghavan, on thee.
7 Never art thou fruitless, Indra Never dost thou desert the worshipper
But now, O Maghavan, thy bounty as a God is poured forth ever more and more.
8 He who hath. overtaken Krvi with his might, and silenced Susna with deathbolts,
When he supported yonder heaven and spread it out, then first the son of earth was born.
9 Good Lord of wealth is he to whom all Aryas, Dasas here belong.
Directly unto thee, the pious Rusama Paviru, is that wealth brought nigh.
10 In zealous haste the singers have sung forth a song distilling oil and rich in sweets.
Riches have spread among us and heroic strength, with us are flowing Somadrops-.
And, Maghavan, with Nipatithi, Medhyatithi, with Pustigu and Srustigu,
2 The' son of Prsadvana was Praskanivas' host, who lay decrepit and forlorn.
Aided by thee the Rsi Dasyavevrka- strove to obtain thousands of kine.
3 Call hither with thy newest song Indra who lacks not hymns of praise,
Him who observes and knows, inspirer of the sage, him who seems eager to enjoy.
4 He unto whom they sang the sevenheaded- hymn, threeparted-, in the loftiest place,
He sent his thunder down on all these living things, and so displayed heroic might.
5 We invocate that Indra who bestoweth precious things on us.
Now do we know his newest favour; may we gain a stable that is full of kine.
6 He whom thou aidest, gracious Lord, to give again, obtains great wealth to nourish him.
We with our Soma ready, Lover of the Song! call, Indra Maghavan, on thee.
7 Never art thou fruitless, Indra Never dost thou desert the worshipper
But now, O Maghavan, thy bounty as a God is poured forth ever more and more.
8 He who hath. overtaken Krvi with his might, and silenced Susna with deathbolts,
When he supported yonder heaven and spread it out, then first the son of earth was born.
9 Good Lord of wealth is he to whom all Aryas, Dasas here belong.
Directly unto thee, the pious Rusama Paviru, is that wealth brought nigh.
10 In zealous haste the singers have sung forth a song distilling oil and rich in sweets.
Riches have spread among us and heroic strength, with us are flowing Somadrops-.
HYMN IV. Indra. 96
8.052.01 As you, S'akra, did drink the effused Soma from Manu Vivasvat, as you did accept the hymn from Trita, so do you gladden yourself with A_yu.
8.052.02 You did enjoy, Indra, the effused drink with Pr.s.adhra, Medhya and Ma_taris'van, just as you did drink the Soma with Das'as'ipra, Das'on.ya, Syumaras'mi, and R.junas.
8.052.03 (It is Indra) who has appropriated the hymns for himself, who has bravely drunk the Soma, for whom Vis.n.u strode the three steps according to the ordinances of Mitra.
8.052.04 O S'atakratu, you who are bountiful to him whose praises and oblations you delight in, we, desiring wealth, invoke you, as the milkers call a cow which bears abundant milk.
8.052.05 He who gives to us is our father, the mighty, the strong, he who acts as the sovereign, may he, the strong rich Maghavan, give us kine and horses, even without our asking for it.
8.052.06 He to whom you give a present that he may obtain abundance of wealth; we, desiring wealth, invoke with our praises Indra S'atakratu, the lord of wealth.
8.052.07 Never are you heedless, you guard both races, (gods and men); O fourth A_ditya, to you belongs the Indra invocation, the ambrosia has risen to heaven. [i.e. with Varun.a, Mitra and Aryaman].
8.052.08 (As you hear) the worshipper who you favour, O Indra, Maghavan, liberal one, you that love hymns, so, gracious one, hear our hymns and our invocation of praise, like Kan.va's.
8.052.09 The old hymn has been sun, you have uttered the prayer to Indra; they have shouted many br.hati_ verses of the rite, many hymns of the worshipper have they poured forth.
8.052.10 Indra has heaped together vast stores of wealth, the two worlds and the sun; the bright pure Soma-drink mixed with milk, has exhilarated Indra.
1. As, Sakra, thou with Manu called Vivasvan drankest Soma juice,
As, Indra, thou didst love the hymn by Tritas' side, so dost thou joy with Ayu now.
2 As thou with Matarisvan, Medhya, Prsadhra, hast cheered thee Indra, with pressed juice,
Drunk Soma with Rjunas, Syumarasmi, by Dasonyas' Dasasipras' side.
3 it is he who made the lauds his own and boldly drank the Soma juice,
He to whom Visnu came striding his three wide steps, as Mitras' statutes ordered it.
4 In whose laud thou didst joy, Indra, at the great deed, O Satakratu, Mighty One!
Seeking renown we call thee as the milkers call the cow who yields abundant milk.
5 He is our Sire who gives to us, Great, Mighty, ruling as he wills.
Unsought, may he the Strong, Rich, Lord of ample wealth, give us of horses and of kine.
6 He to whom thou, Good Lord, givest that he may give increases wealth that nourishes.
Eager for wealth we call on Indra, Lord of wealth, on Satakratu with our lauds.
7 Never art thou neglectful: thou guardest both races with thy care.
The call on Indra, fourth Aditya! is thine own. Amrta is stablished in the heavens.
8 The offercr whom thou, Indra, Lover of the Song, liberal Maghavan, favourest,
As at the call of Kanva so, O gracious Lord, hear, thou our songs and eulogy.
9 Sung is the song of ancient time: to Indra have ye said the prayer.
They have sung many a Brhati of sacrifice, poured forth the worshippers' many thoughts.
10 Indra hath tossed together mighty stores of wealth, and both the worlds, yea, and the Sun.
Pure, brightlyshining-, mingled with the milk, the draughts of Soma have made Indra glad.
As, Indra, thou didst love the hymn by Tritas' side, so dost thou joy with Ayu now.
2 As thou with Matarisvan, Medhya, Prsadhra, hast cheered thee Indra, with pressed juice,
Drunk Soma with Rjunas, Syumarasmi, by Dasonyas' Dasasipras' side.
3 it is he who made the lauds his own and boldly drank the Soma juice,
He to whom Visnu came striding his three wide steps, as Mitras' statutes ordered it.
4 In whose laud thou didst joy, Indra, at the great deed, O Satakratu, Mighty One!
Seeking renown we call thee as the milkers call the cow who yields abundant milk.
5 He is our Sire who gives to us, Great, Mighty, ruling as he wills.
Unsought, may he the Strong, Rich, Lord of ample wealth, give us of horses and of kine.
6 He to whom thou, Good Lord, givest that he may give increases wealth that nourishes.
Eager for wealth we call on Indra, Lord of wealth, on Satakratu with our lauds.
7 Never art thou neglectful: thou guardest both races with thy care.
The call on Indra, fourth Aditya! is thine own. Amrta is stablished in the heavens.
8 The offercr whom thou, Indra, Lover of the Song, liberal Maghavan, favourest,
As at the call of Kanva so, O gracious Lord, hear, thou our songs and eulogy.
9 Sung is the song of ancient time: to Indra have ye said the prayer.
They have sung many a Brhati of sacrifice, poured forth the worshippers' many thoughts.
10 Indra hath tossed together mighty stores of wealth, and both the worlds, yea, and the Sun.
Pure, brightlyshining-, mingled with the milk, the draughts of Soma have made Indra glad.
HYMN V. Indra. 97
8.053.01 We come to you, O Maghavan Indra, the highest of Maghavans, the strong of bulls, the mightiest breakere of forts, the provider of kine, the lord of wealth.
8.053.02 You who, waxing in might day by day, did destroy A_yu, Kutsa, and Atithigva, we invoke you, S'atakratu, with your bay horses, rousing you by our offerings.
8.053.03 Let the stones our forth the Soma for us all, the Soma-drops which have been pressed by men afar or near.
8.053.04 Smite all our enemies and drive them away, may we all obtain their wealth; even amont the S'i_s.t.as are you exhilarating Soma-stalks, where you fill yourself with the Soma.
8.053.05 Indra, come very near with your firmly-wise protections; come, O most healthful, with your mos healthful aid, come, good kinsma, with your good kinsmen.
8.053.06 Make rich in children that chief of all me, who is victorious in battle and a strong protector; proper thoroughly with your powers your singers who cintinually purify their minds.
8.053.07 May we be in battle as one who is the sure to gain your protection; we worship you with invocations and prayers wen we obtain our desire.
8.053.08 With your help, O lord of bay steeds, I always go into prayer and into battle, seeking spoil; it is you whom I insist upon, when I go, longing for horses and kine, at the head of plunders. [mati_na_m = mathi_na_m, in the beginning of my prayers].
1. As highest of the Maghavans, preeminent among the Bulls,
Best breakerdown- of forts, kinewinner-, Lord of wealth, we seek thee, Indra Maghavan.
2 Thou who subduedst Ayu, Kutsa, Atithigva, waxing daily in thy might,
As such, rousing thy power, we invocate thee now, thee Satakratu, Lord of Bays.
3 The pressingstones- shall pour for us the essence of the meath of all,
Drops that have been pressed out afar among the folk, and those that have been pressed near us.
4 Repel all enmities and keep thern far away: let all win treasure for their own.
Even among Sistas are the stalks that make thee glad, where thou with Soma satest thee.
5 Come, Indra, very near to us with aids of firmlybased- resolve;
Come, most auspicious, with thy most auspicious help, good Kinsman, with good kinsmen, come!
6 Bless thou with progeny the chief of men, the lord of heroes, victor in the fray.
Aid with thy powers the men who sing thee lauds and keep their spirits ever pure and bright.
7 May we be such in battle as are surest to obtain thy grace:
With holy offerings and invocations of the Gods, we mean, that we may win the spoil.
8 Thine, Lord of Bays, am I. Prayer longeth for the spoil. Still with thy help I seek the fight.
So, at the raiders' head, I, craving steeds and kine, unite myself with thee alone.
Best breakerdown- of forts, kinewinner-, Lord of wealth, we seek thee, Indra Maghavan.
2 Thou who subduedst Ayu, Kutsa, Atithigva, waxing daily in thy might,
As such, rousing thy power, we invocate thee now, thee Satakratu, Lord of Bays.
3 The pressingstones- shall pour for us the essence of the meath of all,
Drops that have been pressed out afar among the folk, and those that have been pressed near us.
4 Repel all enmities and keep thern far away: let all win treasure for their own.
Even among Sistas are the stalks that make thee glad, where thou with Soma satest thee.
5 Come, Indra, very near to us with aids of firmlybased- resolve;
Come, most auspicious, with thy most auspicious help, good Kinsman, with good kinsmen, come!
6 Bless thou with progeny the chief of men, the lord of heroes, victor in the fray.
Aid with thy powers the men who sing thee lauds and keep their spirits ever pure and bright.
7 May we be such in battle as are surest to obtain thy grace:
With holy offerings and invocations of the Gods, we mean, that we may win the spoil.
8 Thine, Lord of Bays, am I. Prayer longeth for the spoil. Still with thy help I seek the fight.
So, at the raiders' head, I, craving steeds and kine, unite myself with thee alone.
HYMN VI. Indra. 98
8.054.01 The singers with their hymns, O Indra, this might of yours; singing loudly, they have brought you sacred viands dropping with Soma; the offerers have drawn near with their prayers. [Or, the Pauras].
8.054.02 They have drawn near Indra with holy rites for his protection, they in whose libations you rejoice; as you did rejoice in Samvara and Kr.s'a, so now, Indra, do you rejoice in us.
8.054.03 You gods, come all with one accord to us; let the Vasus and Rudras come for our protection, let the Maruts hear our call.
8.054.04 May Pu_s.an, Vis.n.u, Sarsvati_, and the seven rivers, favour my call; may the waters, the wind, the mountains, the trees, the earth, hear my call.
8.054.05 With yours own special gift, O Indra, best of Maghavans, be you our boon-companion for good, our liberal benefactor, O slayer of Vr.tra.
8.054.06 O lord of battle, lord of men, mighty in action, do you guide us in the conflict; far-famed are those who obtain their desires by sacrificial feasts, by invocations, and by entertaining the gods.
8.054.07 Our prayers abide in the true one, in Indra is the life of men; draw near to us, Maghavan, for our protection; milk for the streaming drink.
8.054.08 O Indra, we would worship you with hymns; O S'atakratu, you are ours; pour down upon Pras'kan.va great, solid, inexhaustible, exuberant abundance.
1. INDRA, the poets with. their hymns extol this hero might of thine:
They strengthened, loud in song, thy power that droppeth oil. With hymns the Pauras came to thee.
2 Through piety they came to Indra for his aid, they whose libations give theejoy.
As thou with, Krsa and Samvarta hast rejoiced, so, Indra, be thou glad with us.
3 Agreeing in your spirit, all ye Deities, come nigh to us.
Vasus and Rudras shall come near to give us aid, and Maruts listen to our call.
4 May Pusan, Visnu, and Sarasvati befriend, and the Seven Streams, this call of mine:
May Waters, Wind, the Mountains, and the ForestLord-, and Earth give ear unto my cry.
5 Indra, with thine own bounteous gift, most liberal of the Mighty Ones,
Be our boon benefactor, Vrtraslayer-, be our feastcompanion- for our weal.
6 Leader of heroes, Lord of battle, lead thou us to combat, thou Most Sapient One.
High fame is theirs who win by invocations, feasts and entertainment of the Gods.
7 Our hopes rest on the Faithful One: in Indra is the peoples' life.
O Maghavan, come nigh that thou mayst give us aid: make plenteous food stream forth for us.
8 Thee would we worship, Indra, with our songs of praise: O Satakratu, be thou ours.
Pour down upon PrasKanva bounty vast and firm, exuberant, that shall never fail.
They strengthened, loud in song, thy power that droppeth oil. With hymns the Pauras came to thee.
2 Through piety they came to Indra for his aid, they whose libations give theejoy.
As thou with, Krsa and Samvarta hast rejoiced, so, Indra, be thou glad with us.
3 Agreeing in your spirit, all ye Deities, come nigh to us.
Vasus and Rudras shall come near to give us aid, and Maruts listen to our call.
4 May Pusan, Visnu, and Sarasvati befriend, and the Seven Streams, this call of mine:
May Waters, Wind, the Mountains, and the ForestLord-, and Earth give ear unto my cry.
5 Indra, with thine own bounteous gift, most liberal of the Mighty Ones,
Be our boon benefactor, Vrtraslayer-, be our feastcompanion- for our weal.
6 Leader of heroes, Lord of battle, lead thou us to combat, thou Most Sapient One.
High fame is theirs who win by invocations, feasts and entertainment of the Gods.
7 Our hopes rest on the Faithful One: in Indra is the peoples' life.
O Maghavan, come nigh that thou mayst give us aid: make plenteous food stream forth for us.
8 Thee would we worship, Indra, with our songs of praise: O Satakratu, be thou ours.
Pour down upon PrasKanva bounty vast and firm, exuberant, that shall never fail.
HYMN VII. PrasKanvas' Gift. 99
8.055.01 Great indeed is Indra's might; I have beheld it; your gift approaches, O Dasyaave vr.ka [O foe to the Dasyu].
8.055.02 A hundred white oxen shine like stars in the heaven, by their size they have almost held up the heavens.
8.055.03 A hundred bamboos, a hundred dogs, a hundred dressed hides, a hundred bunches of balbaja grass, and four hundred red mares are mine.
8.055.04 May youu have the gods propitious to you, O descendants of Kan.va, living through youth on youth; step out vigorously like steed.
8.055.05 Let them praise the seven-yoked team, great is the strength of that which is not yet full-grown; the dark-brown mares have rushed along the paths so that no eye can follow them.
1. GREAT, verily, is Indras' might. I have beheld, and hither comes Thy bounty, Dasyavevrka-!
2 A hundred oxen white of hue are shining like the stars in heaven, So tall, they seem to prop the sky.
3 Bamboos a hundred, a hundred dogs, a hundred skins of beasts welltanned-, A hundred tufts of Balbaja, four hundred redhued- mares are mine.
4 Blest by the Gods, Kinvayanas! be ye who spread through life on life: Like horses have ye stridden forth.
5 Then men extolled the team of seven not yet fullgrown-, its fame is great. The dark mares rushed along the paths, so that no eye could follow them.
2 A hundred oxen white of hue are shining like the stars in heaven, So tall, they seem to prop the sky.
3 Bamboos a hundred, a hundred dogs, a hundred skins of beasts welltanned-, A hundred tufts of Balbaja, four hundred redhued- mares are mine.
4 Blest by the Gods, Kinvayanas! be ye who spread through life on life: Like horses have ye stridden forth.
5 Then men extolled the team of seven not yet fullgrown-, its fame is great. The dark mares rushed along the paths, so that no eye could follow them.
HYMN VIII PrasKanvas' Go. 100
8.056.01 Your inexhaustible gift has appeared, O Dasyave vr.ka, its fullness is in extent like the sky.
8.056.02 Dasyave-vr.ka, the son of Putakrata, has given to me ten thousand from his own store.
8.056.03 A hundred asses a hundred woolly sheep, a hundred slaves, beside garlands.
8.056.04 There too has been brought for Putakrata a well-adorned mare, which is not one of the common horses of the herd.
8.056.05 The shining Agni has appeared, the bearer of the oblation, with his chariot; Agni has gleamed forth brilliantly with his bright flame as Sura, he has gleamed forth in heaven as Su_rya.
1. THY bounty, Dasyavevrka-, exhaustless hath displayed itself: Its fulness is as broad as heaven.
2 Ten thousand Dasyavevrka-, the son of Putakrata, hath From his own wealth bestowed on me.
3 A hundred asses hath he given, a hundred head of fleecy sheep, A hundred slaves, and wreaths besides.
4 There also was a mare led forth, picked out for Putakratas' sake, Not of the horses of the herd.
5 Observant Agni hath appeared, oblationbearer- with his car. Agni with his resplendent flame hath shone on high as shines the Sun, hath shone like Surya in
2 Ten thousand Dasyavevrka-, the son of Putakrata, hath From his own wealth bestowed on me.
3 A hundred asses hath he given, a hundred head of fleecy sheep, A hundred slaves, and wreaths besides.
4 There also was a mare led forth, picked out for Putakratas' sake, Not of the horses of the herd.
5 Observant Agni hath appeared, oblationbearer- with his car. Agni with his resplendent flame hath shone on high as shines the Sun, hath shone like Surya in
HYMN IX. Asvins. 101
8.057.01 You have come quickly, you two gods, with your car, endowed with ancient might, O sacred As'vins, truthful ones, with your powers, drink this third libation.
8.057.02 The three-and-thirty truthful gods saw you before the truthful one; O As'vins, gleaming with fire, drink the Soma, enjoying our offering, our libation. [i.e. before the Sun; the dawns are compared to truthful active women; cf. RV. 1.79.1].
8.057.03 That work of yours, O As'vins, is worthy of wonder, the bull of the heavens, the firmament and the earth; and your thousand blessings in battle, for all these come here to drink. [i.e. the Sun, which they may be said to reveal, as they come with the earliest dawn].
8.057.04 O sacred ones, this your portion has been placed for you, O truthful ones, come to these your praises; drink among us the sweet Soma, succour your worshipper with your powers.
1. ENDOWED, O Gods, with your primeval wisdom, come quickly with your chariot, O ye Holy.
Come with your mighty powers, O ye Nasatyas; come hither, drink ye this the third libation.
2 The truthful Deities, the ThreeandThirty—, saw you approach before the EverTruthful-.
Accepting this our worship and libation, O Asvins bright with fire, drink ye the Soma.
3 Asvins, that work of yours deserves our wonder, the Bull of heaven and earth and airs' mid
Yea, and your thousand promises in battle, to- all of these come near and drink beside us.
4 Here is your portion laid for you, ye Holy: come to these songs of ours, O ye Nasatyas.
Drink among us the Soma full of sweetness, and with your powers assist the man who worships.
Come with your mighty powers, O ye Nasatyas; come hither, drink ye this the third libation.
2 The truthful Deities, the ThreeandThirty—, saw you approach before the EverTruthful-.
Accepting this our worship and libation, O Asvins bright with fire, drink ye the Soma.
3 Asvins, that work of yours deserves our wonder, the Bull of heaven and earth and airs' mid
Yea, and your thousand promises in battle, to- all of these come near and drink beside us.
4 Here is your portion laid for you, ye Holy: come to these songs of ours, O ye Nasatyas.
Drink among us the Soma full of sweetness, and with your powers assist the man who worships.
HYMN X. Visvedevas. 102
8.058.01 He whom the wise priests bring, when they arrange the offering in many ways, who was employed as a learned bra_hman.a, what is the offerer's knowledge regarding him?
8.058.02 Agni is one, though kindled in various ways; one is the Sun, pre-eminent over all; one Dawn illumines this all; one is that which has become this all.
8.058.03 The brilliant chariot, diffusing splendour, rolling lightly on its three wheels, offering an easy seat, and full of many gifts, at whose yoking the Dawn was born, rich in marvellous treasures, I invoke that your chariot (O As'vins), come you here to drink.
1. HE whom the priests in sundry ways arranging the sacrifice, of one accord, bring hither,
Who was appointed as a learned Brahman, what- is the sacrificers' knowledge of him?
2 Kindled in many a spot, still One is Agni; Silrya is One though high over all he shineth.
Illumining this All, still One is usas. That which is One hath into All developed.
3 The chariot bright and radiant, treasureladen-, threewheeled-, with easy seat, and lightly
Which She of Wondrous Wealth was born to harness, this car of yours I call. Drink what remaineth.
Who was appointed as a learned Brahman, what- is the sacrificers' knowledge of him?
2 Kindled in many a spot, still One is Agni; Silrya is One though high over all he shineth.
Illumining this All, still One is usas. That which is One hath into All developed.
3 The chariot bright and radiant, treasureladen-, threewheeled-, with easy seat, and lightly
Which She of Wondrous Wealth was born to harness, this car of yours I call. Drink what remaineth.
HYMN XI. IndraVaruna-. 103
8.059.01 These your offered portions stream forth, O Indra and Varun.a, to your honour in the oblations; at every sacrifice you hasten to the oblations, when you help the offerer who presses out the Soma.
8.059.02 The plants and the waters were efficacious, they have attained their power, O indra and Varun.a, you who have gone beyond the path of the firmament, no godless man is worth being called your enemy.
8.059.03 True, O Indra and Varun.a, is that saying of Kr.sa's, 'the seven sacred voices distil a stream of honey', for their sake help the worshipper, O you lords of splendour, who reverence you devoutly in his thoughts. [RV. 9.103.3, 'the Soma streams through the sheep's wool round the honey-dropping vessel, the seven voices of the sacred bards shout to it'].
8.059.04 The seven sister-streams of the Soma, in the hot the offering, pour forth ghi_-dripping streams of yours, O Indra Varun.a, provide for and help the offerer.
8.059.05 To our great happiness we hae declared to these two brilliant ones the true might of Indra; O indra and Varun.a, lords of splendour, help us, the offerers of ghi_, with the company of thrice seven. [cf. use of the same phrase in: RV. 1.133.6: O irresistible one, you destroy not men with the warriors, with the thrice seven warriors].
8.059.06 O Indra and Varun.a, I have seen what you formerly gave to the seers, wisdom, power of song, and fame, and the places which the wise have prepared for themselves, as they spread the web of the sacrifice with holy austerities.
8.059.07 O Indra and Varun.a, give to the offerers cheerfulness without levity, and abundance of wealth; give to us offspring, food, prosperity; prolong our lives to length of days.
1. IN offerings poured to you, O IndraVaruna-, these shares of yours stream forth to glorify your
Ye haste to the libations at each sacrifice when ye assist the worshipper who sheds the juice.
2 The waters and the plants, O IndraVaruna-, had efficacious vigour, and attained to might:
Ye who have gone beyond the path of middle air, no godless man is worthy to be called your foe.
3 True is your Krsas' word, Indra and Varuna: The seven holy voices pour a wave of meath.
For their sake, Lords of splendour! aid the pious man who, unbewildered, keeps you ever in his
4 Dropping oil, sweet with Soma, pouring forth their stream, are the Seven Sisters in the seat of
These, dropping oil, are yours, O IndraVaruna-: with these enrich with gifts and help the
5 To our great happiness have we ascribed to these Two Bright Ones truthfulness, great strength,
and majesty.
O Lords of splendour, aid us through the ThreetimesSeven—, as we pour holy oil, O IndraVaruna-.
6 What ye in time of old Indra and Varuna, gave Rsis revelation, thought, and power of song,
And places which the wise made, weaving sacrifice, these through my spirits' fervid glow have I
7 O IndraVaruna-, grant to the worshippers cheerfulness void of pride, and wealth to nourish them.
Ye haste to the libations at each sacrifice when ye assist the worshipper who sheds the juice.
2 The waters and the plants, O IndraVaruna-, had efficacious vigour, and attained to might:
Ye who have gone beyond the path of middle air, no godless man is worthy to be called your foe.
3 True is your Krsas' word, Indra and Varuna: The seven holy voices pour a wave of meath.
For their sake, Lords of splendour! aid the pious man who, unbewildered, keeps you ever in his
4 Dropping oil, sweet with Soma, pouring forth their stream, are the Seven Sisters in the seat of
These, dropping oil, are yours, O IndraVaruna-: with these enrich with gifts and help the
5 To our great happiness have we ascribed to these Two Bright Ones truthfulness, great strength,
and majesty.
O Lords of splendour, aid us through the ThreetimesSeven—, as we pour holy oil, O IndraVaruna-.
6 What ye in time of old Indra and Varuna, gave Rsis revelation, thought, and power of song,
And places which the wise made, weaving sacrifice, these through my spirits' fervid glow have I
7 O IndraVaruna-, grant to the worshippers cheerfulness void of pride, and wealth to nourish them.
This monograph demonstrates that the Early Sumerian Lyre refers to tigi, a string instrument and that this Sumerian word tigi has cognates in Meluhha, Ancient Indian sprachbund, and derived from the words: Pe. tiga wire. Kuwi (F.) tīgē guitar string;(Ṭ.) trīga wire. (DEDR 3239) తీగ , తీగె or తీవ tīga. [Tel.] n. A creeping plant or vine; a tendril or spray. లత. A wire, the string of a lute, తంతి. A necklace of gold wire, a gold or silver belt. Renate Marian Van Dijk's narrative demonstrates that the Sumerian lyre was used in temple songs and festivities. Ancient Indian Āgama temple worship traditions demonstrates, in Viśvaksena mūrti the personification of Hari or Viṣṇu. In Viṣṇu's abode Vaikunṭha, Viśvaksena is worshipped before any ritual or function in Vaiṣṇava sampradāya. He occupies an important place in Vaikhānasa and Pancarātra temple traditions, where often temple festivals begin with his worship and procession.
This stunning parallel between the functions of Sumerian lyre and the Ancient Indian Āgama temple worship traditions shows that the Sumerian artifacts of lyres are originated by Ancient Indian artisans during their sojourns in Sumeria and other parts of Mesopotamia including Mari.
फड phaḍa is a place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room.
नाचण्याचा फड A nach house, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singing shop or merriment shop.
Such a phaḍa working in metalwork to the accompaniment of dancers and singers is best exemplified by a sculptural frieze from Kailasanatha Temle,Kanchipuram.

Dancing Gaṇas (Dancers include karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'; karaṇa, 'dance posture' karaṇa 'scribe'; baḍhi 'boar' rebus: baḍhi'worker in iron and wood'; vāḍī 'merchant'. These are Gaṇeśa, Varāha (baḍiga, 'artificer') metaphors of wealth-accounting ledgers, metalwork catalogues in Indus Script Cipher..
In a scintillating monograph, Renate Marian Van Dijk provides a succinct narrative of the Mesopotamian/Sumerian Early Dynastic Bull-lyres: "According to Black, Cunningham, Robson and Zóloymi (2006:xxiv), “about a fifth of knownSumerian literary compositions have native genre designations.” Some of these were named after the musical instruments to which they were recited or sung. One of these genres is the balag. The Sumerian word balag probably means “stringed instrument” and appears to
have been used to designate both “harp” and “lyre” (De Schauensee 2002:72), although balag may have been used for ‘harp” andzà-mí, which probably had the meaning “praise”, denoted “lyre”(Zettler & Horne 1998:55). It seems more likely that balag refers not to a drum, but to a stringed instrument, most likely a lyre. Similarly, the Sumerian word tigi, because it is made from the cuneiform signs balag.nar, should be translated as a stringed instrument, and not a drum as it often is (e.g. Black et al 2006:xxiv). It is possible that balag,tigi or zà-mí originally referred to the bull-lyre." (Renate Marian VAN DIJK, 2013, Mesopotamian Early Dynastic Bull-Lyres )
loc.cit.: Black, J., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. & Zólyomi, G. 2006.The Literature of Ancient Sumer. New York: Oxford University Press; De Schauensee, M. 2002. Two Lyres from Ur.Philadelphia: University of PennsylvaniaMuseum of Archaeology and Anthropology; Zettler, R.L. & Horne, L.Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur. Philadelphia: University Pennsylvania. London:
British Musuem

Relief of smithy at Candi Sukuh.On the left, Bhima forges a sword. In the centre, Gaṇeśa dances.Far right, Arjuna is bellows-blower operating a traditional double-piston bellows of Southeast Asia.
Gaṇeśa carries a small animal, probably a tiger looking backwards.kola 'tiger' rebus:kol 'working in iron' krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'smith' karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'; karaṇa, 'dance posture' karaṇa 'scribe'.