This is an addendum to:
Lajjā Gaurī Naganatha Temple. Badami.650 CE. Face/head replaced by lotus flower.
Rebus: ताम--रस 'gold'; copper (cf. ताम्र); ताम्र mf(आ)n. ( √ तम् Un2. ) of a coppery red colour VS. xvi ( Naigh. iii , 7) MBh. &c (ताम्रा त्वच् , the 4th of the 7 membranes with which an embryo is covered Sus3r. iii , 4 , 2); mf(ई)n. made of copper R. iii , 21 , 17 Sus3r. Mn. vi , 53÷54 BhavP.; n. copper Kaus3. Mn. &c;n. a coppery receptacle MBh. ii , 61 , 29
5780 tāmrakāra m. ʻ coppersmith ʼ lex. [tāmrá -- , kāra -- 1 ]
Or. tāmbarā ʻ id. ʼ. 5781 tāmrakuṭṭa m. ʻ coppersmith ʼ R. [tāmrá -- , kuṭṭa -- ]
N. tamauṭe, tamoṭe ʻ id. ʼ.
Addenda: tāmrakuṭṭa -- : Garh. ṭamoṭu ʻ coppersmith ʼ; Ko. tāmṭi.
tāraká --1 see tārā -- Add2 . 5782 *tāmraghaṭa ʻ copper pot ʼ. [tāmrá -- , ghaṭa -- 1 ]
Bi. tamheṛī ʻ round copper vessel ʼ; -- tamheṛā ʻ brassfounder ʼ der. *tamheṛ ʻ copper pot ʼ or < next? 5783 *tāmraghaṭaka ʻ copper -- worker ʼ. [tāmrá -- , ghaṭa -- 2 ]
Bi. tamheṛā ʻ brass -- founder ʼ or der. fr. *tamheṛ see prec. 5784 tāmracūḍa ʻ red -- crested ʼ MBh., m. ʻ cock ʼ Suśr. [tāmrá -- , cūˊḍa -- 1 ]
Pa. tambacūḷa -- m. ʻ cock ʼ, Pk. taṁbacūla -- m.; -- Si. tam̆basiluvā ʻ cock ʼ (EGS 61) either a later cmpd. (as in Pk.) or ← Pa. 5785 *tāmradhāka ʻ copper receptacle ʼ. [tāmrá -- , dhāká -- ]
Bi. tama hā ʻ drinking vessel made of a red alloy ʼ. 5786 tāmrapaṭṭa m. ʻ copper plate (for inscribing) ʼ Yājñ. [Cf. tāmrapattra -- . -- tāmrá -- , paṭṭa -- 1 ]
M. tã̄boṭī f. ʻ piece of copper of shape and size of a brick ʼ. 5787 tāmrapattra n. ʻ copper plate (for inscribing) ʼ lex. [Cf. tāmrapaṭṭa -- . -- tāmrá -- , páttra -- ]
Ku.gng. tamoti ʻ copper plate ʼ. 5788 tāmrapātra n. ʻ copper vessel ʼ MBh. [tāmrá -- , pāˊtra -- ]
Ku.gng. tamoi ʻ copper vessel for water ʼ. 5789 *tāmrabhāṇḍa ʻ copper vessel ʼ. [tāmrá -- , bhāṇḍa -- 1 ]
Bhoj. tāmaṛā, tāmṛā ʻ copper vessel ʼ; G. tarbhāṇũ n. ʻ copper dish used in religious ceremonies ʼ (< *ta ramhã̄ḍũ). 5790 tāmravarṇa ʻ copper -- coloured ʼ TĀr. [tāmrá -- , várṇa -- 1 ]
Si. tam̆bavan ʻ copper -- coloured, dark red ʼ (EGS 61) prob. a Si. cmpd. 5791 tāmrākṣa ʻ red -- eyed ʼ MBh. [tāmrá -- , ákṣi -- ]
Pa. tambakkhin -- ; P. tamak f. ʻ anger ʼ; Bhoj. tamakhal ʻ to be angry ʼ; H. tamaknā ʻ to become red in the face, be angry ʼ. 5792 tāmrika ʻ coppery ʼ Mn. [tāmrá -- ]
Pk. taṁbiya -- n. ʻ an article of an ascetic's equipment (a copper vessel?) ʼ; L. trāmī f. ʻ large open vessel for kneading bread ʼ, poṭh. trāmbī f. ʻ brass plate for kneading on ʼ; Ku.gng. tāmi ʻ copper plate ʼ; A. tāmi ʻ copper vessel used in worship ʼ; B. tāmī, tamiyā ʻ large brass vessel for cooking pulses at marriages and other ceremonies ʼ; H. tambiyā m. ʻ copper or brass vessel ʼ.(CDIAL 5779 to 5792)
This is an addendum to:
1) Lajjā Gaurī tāmarasa sã̄ca a sacred Indus Script & civilization metaphor for smelter, metalwork treasure cast in a mould, matrix
2) pasār, pahārā, bazaar of Mohenjo-daro, kole.l 'smithy, forge, temple' of Harappa; Protective divinity Lajjā Gaurī is tāmarasa kóśa Indus Script hypertext, metalwork treasure
Lajjā Gaurī Naganatha Temple. Badami.650 CE. Face/head replaced by lotus flower.![]()
Lajjā Gaurī. Padri
Padri pratimā is composed of hieroglyphs woman, lotus head, pubes, sun's rays, lotus-bud: kola tāmarasá muhã kuṭhi कोँद 'smelter kiln' arka kóśa Meaning: 'smelter copper/gold, ingot, smelter, moltencast, treasure'
Naganatha Temple.Badami pratimā is composed of hieroglyps woman, lotus head pubes : kola tāmarasá muhã kuṭhi कोँद 'smelter kiln' Meaning: smelter, copper/gold, ingot, smelter.
Both pratimā signify squatting position. I submit that the squat signifies kunda 'squatting' rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln'. The particular mineral ore smelted is is signified by the hieroglyph: pubes.
Ta. kuntu (kunti-) to sit on the heels with legs folded upright, squat; n. sitting on the heels, squatting. Ma. kuttuka to squat, sit on one's heels. Ka. kuntu, kūtu having sat down. Tu. (B-K.) kutoṇu to sit. Te. gontu-gūrcuṇḍu to squat, sit with the soles of the feet fully on the ground and the buttocks touching it or close to it; kudikilu, kudikilãbaḍu to squat down; kundikāḷḷu, kundikundikāḷḷu a boys' game likeleapfrog; kundē̆lu hare. Go. (Ko.) kud- to sit (Voc. 748); caus. (KoyaT.) kup-, (KoyaSu.) kuppis-; (many dialects) kuttul a stool to sit on (Voc. 745).(DEDR 1728) Rebus: kunda'one of the nine treasures of Kubera' Rebus: kunda'lathe'. Rebus: Rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln'
The Indus Script hieroglyphs and rebus Meluhha readings on the two Lajjā Gaurī pratimā are:
1. Woman kola 'woman' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelters'
2. Lotus which replaces the head tāmarasa 'lotus' rebus: tāmarasa 'gold, copper'
3. Lotus-bud held on the left hand of Padri pratimā mūke 'flower-bud' rebus: mũh 'ingot'; kóśa 'lotus-bud' rebus: kóśa 'treasure'
4. Pubes kuṭhi 'pubes'; rebus: 'smelter'
5. Sun's rays arka 'sun, rays of sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'molten
6. Bull's head Padri pratimā खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull Rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln'
7. Head of a person Padri pratimā muhã ʻ face, mouth, head, person ʼ Rebus: mũhã̄ 'the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end'; mũh 'ingot'
Gold Pendant. Harappa. National Museum, New Delhi

Sun's rays arka 'sun, rays of sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'moltencast'.
खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf. Rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln', kōḍe dūḍa bull calf (Telugu); kōṛe 'young bullock' (Konda)Rebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali) kõda 'young bull-calf'. Rebus: kũdār 'turner'; kundana 'fine gold' ( Kannada).कुन्द [p= 291,2] one of कुबेर's nine treasures (N. of a गुह्यक Gal. ) L. کار کند kār-kund (corrup. of P کار کن ) adj. Adroit, clever, experienced. 2. A director, a manager; (Fem.) کار کنده kār-kundaʿh. (Pashto)
kuṭhi = pubes. kola ‘foetus’ [Glyph of a foetus emerging from pudendum muliebre on a Harappa tablet.] kuṭhi = the pubes (lower down than paṇḍe) (Santali) kuṭhi = the womb, the female sexual organ; sorrege kuṭhi menaktaea, tale tale gidrakoa lit. her womb is near, she gets children continually (H. koṭhī, the womb) (Santali.Bodding) kōṣṭha = anyone of the large viscera (MBh.); koṭṭha = stomach (Pali.Pkt.); kuṭṭha (Pkt.); koṭhī heart, breast (L.); koṭṭhā, koṭhā belly (P.); koṭho (G.); koṭhā (M.)(CDIAL 3545). kottha pertaining to the belly (Pkt.); kothā corpulent (Or.)(CDIAL 3510). koṭho [Skt. koṣṭha inner part] the stomach, the belly (Gujarat) kūti = pudendum muliebre (Ta.); posteriors, membrum muliebre (Ma.); ku.0y anus, region of buttocks in general (To.); kūdi = anus, posteriors, membrum muliebre (Tu.)(DEDR 188). kūṭu = hip (Tu.); kuṭa = thigh (Pe.); kuṭe id. (Mand.); kūṭi hip (Kui)(DEDR 1885). gūde prolapsus of the anus (Ka.Tu.); gūda, gudda id. (Te.)(DEDR 1891).
Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter)', furnace (Santali)
मोख [ mōkha ] . Add:--3 Sprout or shoot. (Marathi) Kuwi (Su.) mṛogla shoot of bamboo; (P.) moko sprout (DEDR 4997) Tu. mugiyuni to close, contract, shut up; muguru sprout, shoot, bud; tender, delicate; muguruni, mukuruni to bud, sprout; muggè, moggè flower-bud, germ; (BRR; Bhattacharya, non-brahmin informant) mukkè bud. Kor. (O.) mūke flower-bud. (DEDR 4893)
múkha n. ʻ mouth, face ʼ RV., ʻ entrance ʼ MBh.Pa. mukha -- m.; Aś.shah. man. gir. mukhato, kāl. dh. jau. ˚te ʻ by word of mouth ʼ; Pk. muha -- n. ʻ mouth, face ʼ, Gy. gr. hung. muy m., boh. muy, span. muí, wel. mūī f., arm. muc̦, pal. mu', mi', pers. mu; Tir. mū ʻ face ʼ; Woṭ. mū m. ʻ face, sight ʼ; Kho. muxʻ face ʼ; Tor. mū ʻ mouth ʼ, Mai. mũ; K. in cmpds. mu -- ganḍ m. ʻ cheek, upper jaw ʼ, mū -- kāla ʻ having one's face blackened ʼ, rām. mūī˜, pog. mūī, ḍoḍ. mū̃h ʻ mouth ʼ; S. mũhũ m. ʻ face, mouth, opening ʼ; L. mũh m. ʻ face ʼ, awāṇ. mū̃ with descending tone, mult. mũhã m. ʻ head of a canal ʼ; P. mū̃h m. ʻ face, mouth ʼ, mū̃hã̄ m. ʻ head of a canal ʼ; WPah.śeu. ùtilde; ʻ mouth, ʼ cur. mū̃h; A. muh ʻ face ʼ, in cmpds. -- muwā ʻ facing ʼ; B. mu ʻ face ʼ; Or. muhã ʻ face, mouth, head, person ʼ; Bi. mũh ʻ opening or hole (in a stove for stoking, in a handmill for filling, in a grainstore for withdrawing) ʼ; Mth. Bhoj. mũh ʻ mouth, face ʼ, Aw.lakh. muh, H. muh, mũh m.; OG. muha, G. mɔ̃h n. ʻ mouth ʼ, Si. muya, muva. -- Ext. -- l<-> or -- ll -- : Pk. muhala -- , muhulla -- n. ʻ mouth, face ʼ; S. muhuro m. ʻ face ʼ (or < mukhará -- ); Ku. do -- maulo ʻ confluence of two streams ʼ; Si. muhul, muhuna, mūṇa ʻ face ʼ H. Smith JA 1950, 179.; -- -- ḍ -- : S. muhaṛo m. ʻ front, van ʼ; Bi. (Shahabad) mohṛā ʻ feeding channel of handmill ʼ. -- Forms poss. with expressive -- kkh -- Addenda: múkha -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) mū̃ (with high level tone) m. (obl. -- a) ʻ mouth, face ʼ; OMarw. muhaṛaü ʻ face ʼ. (CDIAL 10158)
Rebus: mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end (Santali) Allographs: mũhe ‘face’ (Santali)
A prayer to wealth-givers, Rāṣṭrī Sūktamअहम् राष्ट्री संगमनी वसूनाम् I am the mover of nation's wealth: देवता आत्मा, ऋषिका वाक् आम्भृणी (RV10.125)
If the Padri find of Lajjā Gaurī plaque in a goldsmith's workshop signifies the artisanal professional calling card as a metalsmith smelter.कुन्दvone of कुबेर's nine treasures (N. of a गुह्यक (Demetrius Galanos's Lexiko: sanskritikes, anglikes, hellenikes); A turner’s lathe.
&c; tāmarasá n. ʻ red lotus ʼ MBh., ʻ copper ʼlex. [Cf. tāmrá -- ] Pk. tāmarasa -- n. ʻ lotus ʼ; Si. tam̆bara ʻ red lotus ʼ, Md. taburu.(CDIAL 5774) |
Rebus: ताम--रस 'gold'; copper (cf. ताम्र); ताम्र mf(आ)n. ( √ तम् Un2. ) of a coppery red colour VS. xvi ( Naigh. iii , 7) MBh. &c (ताम्रा त्वच् , the 4th of the 7 membranes with which an embryo is covered Sus3r. iii , 4 , 2); mf(ई)n. made of copper R. iii , 21 , 17 Sus3r. Mn. vi , 53÷54 BhavP.; n. copper Kaus3. Mn. &c;n. a coppery receptacle MBh. ii , 61 , 29
5779 tāmrá ʻ dark red, copper -- coloured ʼ VS., n. ʻ copper ʼ Kauś., tāmraka -- n. Yājñ. [Cf. tamrá -- . -- √tam ?]
Pa. tamba -- ʻ red ʼ, n. ʻ copper ʼ, Pk. taṁba -- adj. and n.; Dm. trāmba -- ʻ red ʼ (in trāmba -- lac̣uk ʻ raspberry ʼ NTS xii 192); Bshk. l ām ʻ copper, piece of bad pine -- wood (< ʻ *red wood ʼ?); Phal. tāmba ʻ copper ʼ (→ Sh.koh. tāmbā), K. trām m. (→ Sh.gil. gur. trām m.), S. ṭrāmo m., L. trāmā, (Ju.) tarāmã̄ m., P. tāmbā m., WPah. bhad. ṭḷām n., kiũth. cāmbā, sod. cambo, jaun. tã̄bō, Ku. N. tāmo (pl. ʻ young bamboo shoots ʼ), A. tām, B. tã̄bā, tāmā, Or. tambā, Bi tã̄bā, Mth. tām, tāmā, Bhoj. tāmā, H. tām in cmpds., tã̄bā, tāmā m., G. trã̄bũ, tã̄bũ n.;M. tã̄bẽ n. ʻ copper ʼ, tã̄b f. ʻ rust, redness of sky ʼ; Ko. tāmbe n. ʻ copper ʼ; Si. tam̆ba adj. ʻ reddish ʼ, sb. ʻ copper ʼ, (SigGr) tam, tama. -- Ext. -- ira -- : Pk. taṁbira -- ʻ coppercoloured, red ʼ, L. tāmrā ʻ copper -- coloured (of pigeons) ʼ; -- with -- ḍa -- : S. ṭrāmiṛo m. ʻ a kind of cooking pot ʼ, ṭrāmiṛī ʻ sunburnt, red with anger ʼ, f. ʻ copper pot ʼ; Bhoj. tāmrā ʻ copper vessel ʼ; H. tã̄bṛā, tāmṛā ʻ coppercoloured, dark red ʼ, m. ʻ stone resembling a ruby ʼ; G. tã̄baṛ n., trã̄bṛī, tã̄bṛī f. ʻ copper pot ʼ; OM. tāṁbaḍā ʻ red ʼ. -- X trápu -- q.v.
tāmrika -- ; tāmrakāra -- , tāmrakuṭṭa -- , *tāmraghaṭa -- , *tāmraghaṭaka -- , tāmracūḍa -- , *tāmradhāka -- , tāmrapaṭṭa -- , tāmrapattra -- , tāmrapātra -- , *tāmrabhāṇḍa -- , tāmravarṇa -- , tāmrākṣa -- .
Addenda: tāmrá -- [< IE. *tomró -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65]
S.kcch. trāmo, tām(b)o m. ʻ copper ʼ, trāmbhyo m. ʻ an old copper coin ʼ; WPah.kc. cambo m. ʻ copper ʼ, J. cāmbā m., kṭg. (kc.) tambɔ m. (← P. or H. Him.I 89), Garh. tāmu, tã̄bu.
Addenda: tāmrá -- [< IE. *tomró -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65]
S.kcch. trāmo, tām(b)o m. ʻ copper ʼ, trāmbhyo m. ʻ an old copper coin ʼ; WPah.kc. cambo m. ʻ copper ʼ, J. cāmbā m., kṭg. (kc.) tambɔ m. (← P. or H. Him.I 89), Garh. tāmu, tã̄bu.
Or. tāmbarā ʻ id. ʼ.
N. tamauṭe, tamoṭe ʻ id. ʼ.
Addenda: tāmrakuṭṭa -- : Garh. ṭamoṭu ʻ coppersmith ʼ; Ko. tāmṭi.
tāraká --
Bi. tamheṛī ʻ round copper vessel ʼ; -- tamheṛā ʻ brassfounder ʼ der. *tamheṛ ʻ copper pot ʼ or < next?
Bi. tamheṛā ʻ brass -- founder ʼ or der. fr. *tamheṛ see prec.
Pa. tambacūḷa -- m. ʻ cock ʼ, Pk. taṁbacūla -- m.; -- Si. tam̆basiluvā ʻ cock ʼ (EGS 61) either a later cmpd. (as in Pk.) or ← Pa.
Bi. tam
M. tã̄boṭī f. ʻ piece of copper of shape and size of a brick ʼ.
Ku.gng. tamot
Ku.gng. tamoi ʻ copper vessel for water ʼ.
Bhoj. tāmaṛā, tāmṛā ʻ copper vessel ʼ; G. tarbhāṇũ n. ʻ copper dish used in religious ceremonies ʼ (< *t
Si. tam̆bavan ʻ copper -- coloured, dark red ʼ (EGS 61) prob. a Si. cmpd.
Pa. tambakkhin -- ; P. tamak f. ʻ anger ʼ; Bhoj. tamakhal ʻ to be angry ʼ; H. tamaknā ʻ to become red in the face, be angry ʼ.
Pk. taṁbiya -- n. ʻ an article of an ascetic's equipment (a copper vessel?) ʼ; L. trāmī f. ʻ large open vessel for kneading bread ʼ, poṭh. trāmbī f. ʻ brass plate for kneading on ʼ; Ku.gng. tāmi ʻ copper plate ʼ; A. tāmi ʻ copper vessel used in worship ʼ; B. tāmī, tamiyā ʻ large brass vessel for cooking pulses at marriages and other ceremonies ʼ; H. tambiyā m. ʻ copper or brass vessel ʼ.(CDIAL 5779 to 5792)