--Indus Script documents the evidence of enterprising artisans and seafaring merchants yearning for Veda, knowledge systems
This is an addendum to:
What is पुरुषार्थ? It is any object of human pursuit. Lipi, mlecchita vikalpa is one such pursuit. I think श्रेणि guilds of artisans, merchants documented their contributions to the wealth of a nation. So did the kavi-s. Hence, the prayers to the divinity, the devatā ātmā of RV X.125 in Devī or Rāṣṭrī Sūktam and to.
![Image result for padri gujarat]()
--Indus Script documents the evidence of enterprising artisans and seafaring merchants yearning for Veda, knowledge systems
This is an addendum to:
pasār, pahārā, bazaar of Mohenjo-daro, kole.l 'smithy, forge, temple' of Harappa; Protective divinity Lajjā Gaurī is tāmarasa kóśa Indus Script hypertext, metalwork treasure
What is पुरुषार्थ? It is any object of human pursuit. Lipi, mlecchita vikalpa is one such pursuit. I think श्रेणि guilds of artisans, merchants documented their contributions to the wealth of a nation. So did the kavi-s. Hence, the prayers to the divinity, the devatā ātmā of RV X.125 in Devī or Rāṣṭrī Sūktam and to.
Lajjā Gaurī who is tāmarasa kóśa Indus Script hypertext, metalwork treasure
Based on the evidence realized from a decipherment of over 8000 Indus Script inscriptions (See: Over 1500 monographs posted at, two conclusions emerge:
1. The earliest evidence of identification of अध्य्-ात्म, supreme ātman relates to 1) the worship of Lajjā Gaurī in the archaeological site of Padri, Gujarat (also known as Kerala-no-dhoro) and 2) prayer to devatā ātmā in RV X.125, the Devī or Rāṣṭrī Sūktam. Both exemplify veneration of sustained human effort to contribute to shared wealth of a nation. In the Rāṣṭrī Sūktam, artisans are venerated using the metaphors of Tvṣṭr̥, Marut-s, Vasu-s, Rudra-s which relate to creating the wealth of a nation.

2. The identification of अध्य्-ात्म, supreme ātman is matched by the efforts of seafaring merchants and artisans who have documented their contributions to the wealth of a nation in over 8000 Indus Script inscriptions which are rebus renderings of Meluhha expressions related to the metallurgical competence and lapidary expertise. The veneration of अध्य्-ात्म, supreme ātman is matched by the emphatic principle which can be summarised in the expression given by Basavanna (ಬಸವಣ್ಣ) who is a 12th-century philosopher, statesman,
Kannada poet in the Śiva-focussed Bhakti movement and a social reformer during the reign of the Kālācūri-dynasty king Bijjala I in Karnataka, India. His exhortation in Kannada language is: ಕಾಯಕವೇ ಕೈಲಾಸ kāyakave kailāsa. कैलास is a particular form of temple (वराह-मिहिर 's बृहत्-संहिता), the paradise of शिव and kāyaka is a Meluhha (Mleccha) speech form of कर्मक ifc. = कर्मन् , work , action &c (cf. अ-क्° , स-क्° , &c ). Thus, Basava's exhortation can be translated as 'Work is worship'.
The two cardinal principles of पुरुषार्थ identified are the quintessential world-view of the people of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization:
1) worship of अध्यात्म, supreme ātman 'life-principle' exemplified by the metaphor of the Cosmic Dancer and
2) श्रद्धा,trust,confidence,trustfulness,faithfulness,belief in (loc. or comp. ; श्रद्धया- √गम् , "to believe in" , with gen. DivyA7v. ),trust, confidence,loyalty (Faith or Faithfulnesses is often personified and in RV. x , 151 invoked as a deity.
That work is worship is enshrined in the word kole.l: kole.l 'smithy, forge' rebus: kole.l 'temple'. This explains why every one of the scores of circular workers' platforms evidenced by Harappa is a temple, a sacred space where work is performed unfolding the human potential for abhyudayam. अभ्य्-ुदय 'elevation , increase , prosperity , happiness , good result' Mn. iii , 254 R. &c. The semantics of this expression get summarised in the word dharma-dhamma, 'law, rule, duty' which is the defining life principle followed even to this day by the inheritors of the heritage of Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization.