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Leaping tigers kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln', crocodile, pubes, dishevelled hair कारकुन kārakuna, کار کند kār-kund 'scribe, manager'


https://tinyurl.com/y2f9t6lv -- Indus Script hypertexts on h180 signify  کار کند kār-kund, कारकुन kārakuna 'scribe, manager' of rāca stone ore (meṛed-bica) kuṭhi smelter

Crocodile hieroglyph on Indus Script Corpora is consistently seen to signify Meluhha reading of kāru a wild crocodile or alligator rebus: khār 1 खार् 'blacksmith'. On an extraordinary Harappa two-sided tablet h180, a crocodile is seen in a narrative of copulation with its snout into pubes of a lying-in woman shown upside down. This orthographic rendering of copulation is rebus reading of hypertexts: kuhi = pubes. kola ‘foetus’ kuhi 'smelter' kol ‘working in iron'. Two standing tigers leap up: kol kõdā rebus: kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln' PLUS panja 'claw of beast, feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' (Semantic determinative). On the obverse of the h180 tablet, a woman with dishevelled hair signifies  rabca ‘dishevelled’ Rebus: రాచ rāca (adj.) Pertaining to a stone (ore) (perhaps bica 'haematite, ferrite ore' ( meṛed-bica = iron stone ore; since such a woman with dishevelled hair is shown in the context of bicha 'scorpion' on two Ur cylinder seal impressions

*ghaṇṭa ʻ throat ʼ. [Despite ghaṇṭikā -- f. ʻ uvula ʼ poss. < ʻ little bell ʼ, this is separate from ghaṇṭā -- and belongs to the group listed s.v. kaṇṭhá -- ]L. ghaṇḍī f. ʻ adam's apple ʼ, awāṇ. also ʻ soft palate ʼ; P. ghaṇḍ m., ˚ḍī f. ʻ adam's apple ʼ; A. ghãṭ ʻ protuberance on snout of crocodile ʼ; H. ghã̄ṭī f. ʻ throat, adam's apple, uvula, soft palate ʼ (→ N. ghã̄ṭi ʻ throat ʼ); G. ghã̄ṭɔ m. ʻ throat ʼ, ˚ṭī f. ʻ adam's apple ʼ; M. ghã̄ṭī f. ʻ throat, adam's apple, larynx ʼ.Addenda: ghaṇṭa -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ghàṇḍu m. ʻ throat ʼ.(CDIAL 4420) ghaṇṭika m. ʻ alligator ʼ Bhpr. [Cf. A. ghãṭ ʻ protu- berance on the snout of an alligator ʼ s.v. *ghaṇṭa -- ]S. ghaṛyālu m. ʻ long -- snouted porpoise ʼ; N. ghaṛiyāl ʻ crocodile ʼ; A. B. ghãṛiyāl ʻ alligator ʼ, Or. ghaṛiāḷa, H. ghaṛyālghariār m.(CDIAL 4422) Vikalpa (alternative): perhaps, ghariyal: karabu 'crocodile''ghariyal' rebus: karb 'iron'.
m1429B and two other tablets showing the typical composite hieroglyph of fish + crocodile. Glyphs: crocodile + fish ayakāra ‘blacksmith’ (Pali) kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Telugu) aya 'fish' (Munda) The method of ligaturing enables creation of compound messages through Indus writing inscriptions. kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Telugu) Rebus: khar ‘blacksmith’ (Kashmiri); kāru ‘artisan’ (Marathi).
Pali: ayakāra ‘iron-smith’. ] Both ayaskāma and ayaskāra are attested in Panini (Pan. viii.3.46; ii.4.10). WPah. bhal. kamīṇ m.f.  labourer (man or woman) ; MB. kāmiṇā  labourer (CDIAL 2902) N. kāmi  blacksmith (CDIAL 2900). 

Kashmiri glosses:
khār 1 खार् । लोहकारः m. (sg. abl. khāra 1 खार; the pl. dat. of this word is khāran 1 खारन्, which is to be distinguished from khāran 2, q.v., s.v.), a blacksmith, an iron worker (cf. bandūka-khār, p. 111b, l. 46; K.Pr. 46; H. xi, 17); a farrier (El.). This word is often a part of a name, and in such case comes at the end (W. 118) as in Wahab khār, Wahab the smith (H. ii, 12; vi, 17). khāra-basta khāra-basta खार-बस््त । चर्मप्रसेविका f. the skin bellows of a blacksmith. -büṭhü -ब&above;ठू&below; । लोहकारभित्तिः f. the wall of a blacksmith's furnace or hearth. -bāy -बाय् । लोहकारपत्नी f. a blacksmith's wife (Gr.Gr. 34). -dŏkuru लोहकारायोघनः m. a blacksmith's hammer, a sledge-hammer. -gȧji or -güjü - लोहकारचुल्लिः f. a blacksmith's furnace or hearth. -hāl -हाल् । लोहकारकन्दुः f. (sg. dat. -höjü -हा&above;जू&below;), a blacksmith's smelting furnace; cf. hāl 5. -kūrü लोहकारकन्या f. a blacksmith's daughter. -koṭu - लोहकारपुत्रः m. the son of a blacksmith, esp. a skilful son, who can work at the same profession. -küṭü लोहकारकन्या f. a blacksmith's daughter, esp. one who has the virtues and qualities properly belonging to her father's profession or caste. -më˘ʦü 1 - लोहकारमृत्तिका f. (for 2, see [khāra 3] ), 'blacksmith's earth,' i.e. iron-ore. -nĕcyuwu  लोहकारात्मजः m. a blacksmith's son. -nay -नय् । लोहकारनालिका f. (for khāranay 2, see [khārun] ), the trough into which the blacksmith allows melted iron to flow after smelting. -ʦañĕ । लोहकारशान्ताङ्गाराः f.pl. charcoal used by blacksmiths in their furnaces. -wānवान् । लोहकारापणः m. a blacksmith's shop, a forge, smithy (K.Pr. 3). -waṭh -वठ् । आघाताधारशिला m. (sg. dat. -waas -वटि), the large stone used by a blacksmith as an anvil.
Thus, kharva may refer to an anvil. Meluhha kāru may refer to a crocodile; this rebus reading of the hieroglyph is.consistent with ayakāra ‘ironsmith’ (Pali) [fish = aya (G.); crocodile = kāru (Telugu)]

h180 The man has a sickle and a ring on his hands, signifiers rebus of a blacksmith: karã̄'wristlets, bangles', khãr 'blacksmith'    1265 Ta. karaṭu roughness, unevenness, churlish temper; karaṭṭu rugged, uneven, unpolished; karaṇ uneven surface in vegetables and fruits, scar; karu prong, barb, spike; karumai, karil severity, cruelty; karukku teeth of a saw or sickle, jagged edge of palmyra leaf-stalk, sharpness.Cf. Skt. karaṭa- a low, unruly, difficult person; karkara- hard, firm; karkaśa- rough, harsh, hard; krakaca-, karapattra- saw; khara- hard, harsh, rough, sharp-edged; kharu- harsh, cruel; Pali kakaca- saw; khara-
 rough; saw; Pkt. karakaya- saw; Apabhraṃśa (Jasaharacariu) karaḍa- hard. Cf. esp. Turner, CDIAL, no. 2819. Cf. also Skt. karavāla- sword (DEDR 1265) Rebus:.khãr 'blacksmith' 

Text 4304 Text on both sides of the tablet Hieroglyphs read rebus from r. to l.: 

Hieroglyph: dhvajapaṭa m. ʻ flag ʼ Kāv. [dhvajá -- , paṭa -- ]Pk. dhayavaḍa -- m. ʻ flag ʼ, OG. dhayavaḍa m. Rebus: Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic (CDIAL 6773)  Hypertext reads: mē̃ḍ 'body' rebus: mē̃ḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.) PLUS dhā̆vaḍ (semantic determinative': 'iron smelter'. Alternative: koi 'flag' rebus: ko 'workshop' gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: kanda 'fire-altar' kaṇḍa kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kanda 'fire-altar' karṇī 'supercargo' karNika 'scribe' khaṇḍa 'notch' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements' ranku 'liquid measure' rebus: ranku 'tin' kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smith, forge' kui 'water-carrier' rebus: kuhi 'smelter'.

Two tigers: dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'cast metal' kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'.

h180B4304 Tablet in bas-relief h180a Pict-106: Nude female figure upside down with thighs drawn apart and  crab (?) issuing from her womb; two tigers standing face to face rearing  on their hindlegs at L.
Pict-92: Man armed with a sickle-shaped weapon on his right hand and a cakra (?) on his left hand, facing a seated woman with disheveled hair and upraised arms.
<raca>(D)  {ADJ} ``^dishevelled'' (Mundarasāṇẽ n. ʻglowing embersʼ (Marathi). rabca ‘dishevelled’ Rebus: రాచ rāca (adj.) Pertaining to a stone (oreAlternative: salae sapae = untangled, combed out, hair hanging loose (Santali) Rebus: sal workshop (Santali) The glyptic composition is decoded as kuṭhāru sal‘armourer workshop.’ eṛaka 'upraised arm' (Tamil). Rebuseraka = copper (Kannada) Thus, the entire composition of these glyphic elements relate to an armourer’s copper workshop. Vikalpa: मेढा A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl (Marathi). Rebus: mēḍ 'iron' (Munda)

<raca>(D)  {ADJ} ``^dishevelled'' (Mundarasāṇẽ n. ʻglowing embersʼ (Marathi). rabca ‘dishevelled’ Rebus: రాచrāca (adj.) Pertaining to a stone (ore) (bica).

The descriptive glyphics indicates that the smelting furnace is for bica, stone (ore). This is distinquished from sand ore.

The object between the outspread legs of the woman lying upside down is comparable orthography of a crocodile holding fiish in its jaws shown on tablets h705B and h172B. The snout of the crocodile is shown in copulation with the lying-in woman (as seen from the enlarged portion of h180 Harappa tablet).

kola ‘woman’; rebus: kol ‘iron’. kola ‘blacksmith’ (Ka.); kollë ‘blacksmith’ (Koḍ) kuhi 'vagina' rebus: kuṭhi 'smnelter' karā 'crocodile' rebus: khār 'blacksmith' khamDa 'copulation' rebus: kammaTa 'coin, mint'

The glyphic elements shown on the tablet are: copulation, vagina, crocodile.
Gyphic: ‘copulation’: kamḍa, khamḍa 'copulation' (Santali) Rebus: kammaṭi a coiner (Ka.); kampaṭṭam coinage, coin, mint (Ta.) kammaṭa = mint, gold furnace (Te.) Vikalpa: kaṇḍa ‘stone (ore)’. Glyph: vagina: kuṭhi ‘vagina’; rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’. The descriptive glyphics indicates that the smelting furnace is for stone (ore). This is distinquished from sand ore. Glyph: ‘crocodile’: karā ‘crocodile’. Rebus: khār ‘blacksmith’. kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Te.) Rebus: kāruvu ‘artisan 

kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Te.) mosale ‘wild crocodile or alligator. S. ghaṛyālu m. ʻ long — snouted porpoise ʼ; N. ghaṛiyāl ʻ crocodile’ (Telugu)ʼ; A. B. ghãṛiyāl ʻ alligator ʼ, Or. Ghaṛiāḷa, H. ghaṛyāl, ghariār m. (CDIAL 4422)  கரவு² karavu

n. < கரா. cf. grāha. Alligator; முதலை. கரவார்தடம் (திவ். திருவாய். 8, 9, 9). 
    கரா karā n. prob. grāha. 1. A species of alligator; முதலை. கராவதன் காலினைக்கதுவ (திவ். பெரியதி. 2, 3, 9). 2. Male alligator; ஆண்முதலை. (பிங்.) கராம் karām n. prob. grāha. 1. A species of alligator; முதலைவகை. முதலையு மிடங்கருங் கராமும் (குறிஞ்சிப். 257). 2. Male alligator; ஆண் முதலை. (திவா.)கரவா karavā , n. A sea-fish of vermilion colour, Upeneus cinnabarinus; கடல்மீன்வகை. Rebus: khAr 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)

kuhi = pubes. kola ‘foetus’ [Glyph of a foetus emerging from pudendum muliebre on a Harappa tablet.] kuhi = the pubes (lower down than paṇḍe) (Santali) kuhi = the womb, the female sexual organ; sorrege kuhi menaktaea, tale tale gidrakoa lit. her womb is near, she gets children continually (H. kohī, the womb) (Santali.Bodding) kōṣṭha = anyone of the large viscera (MBh.); koṭṭha = stomach (Pali.Pkt.); kuṭṭha (Pkt.); kohī heart, breast (L.); koṭṭhā, kohā belly (P.); koho (G.); kohā (M.)(CDIAL 3545). kottha pertaining to the belly (Pkt.); kothā corpulent (Or.)(CDIAL 3510). koho [Skt. koṣṭha inner part] the stomach, the belly (Gujarat)  kūti = pudendum muliebre (Ta.); posteriors, membrum muliebre (Ma.); ku.0y anus, region of buttocks in general (To.); kūdi = anus, posteriors, membrum muliebre (Tu.)(DEDR 188). kūṭu = hip (Tu.); kua = thigh (Pe.); kue id. (Mand.); kūṭi hip (Kui)(DEDR 1885). gūde prolapsus of the anus (Ka.Tu.); gūda, gudda id. (Te.)(DEDR 1891).

Glosses: Indian sprachbund

kāru ‘crocodile’ (Telugu). Rebus: artisan (Marathi) Rebus: khar ‘blacksmith’ (Kashmiri) 
kola ‘tiger’ Rebus: kol ‘working in iron’. 

Select orthographic hypertext devices are deployed in Indus Script Cipher to detail metalwork catalogues:

Tiger leaps: kol kõdā rebus: kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln' PLUS panja 'claw of beast, feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' (Semantic determinative).

Thus, kol pasar 'tiger open mouth' rebus: kol pasar iron smelter trader's shop'.
कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] 'tiger' Rebus: kolhe 'smelter' (Santali) Ta. kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith. Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village; kolhali to forge (Kuwi)(DEDR 2133)

B. kũdā, kõdā 'to leap'; Or. kudibā ʻ to jump, dance ʼ; Mth. kūdab ʻ to jump ʼ, Aw. lakh. kūdab, H. kūdnā, OMarw. kūdaï, G. kūrda m. ʻ jump ʼ, gūrda -- m. ʻ jump ʼ Kāṭh. [√kūrd] S. kuḍ̠u m. ʻ leap ʼ, N. kud, Or. kuda, °dā, kudā -- kudi ʻ jumping about ʼ. kūˊrdati ʻ leaps, jumps ʼ MBh. [gūˊrdati, khūˊrdatē Dhātup.: prob. ← Drav. (Tam. kuti, Kan. gudi ʻ to spring ʼ) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 375]S. kuḍ̠aṇu ʻ to leap ʼ; L. kuḍ̠aṇ ʻ to leap, frisk, play ʼ; P. kuddṇā ʻ to leap ʼ, Ku. kudṇo, N. kudnu, (CDIAL 3411, 3412) 

Rebus: kō̃da कोँद । कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv. 133); a lime-kiln. -bal -बल् । कुलालादिकन्दुस्थानम् m. the place where a kiln is erected, a brick or potter's kiln (Gr.Gr. 165). -- khasüñü -- खस&above;ञू&below; । कुलालादिकन्दुयथावद्भावः f.inf. a kiln to arise; met. to become like such a kiln (which contains no imperfectly baked articles, but only well-made perfectly baked ones), hence, a collection of good ('pucka') articles or qualities to exist. Cf. Śiv. 133, where the causal form of the verb is used. (Kashmiri)
FS Fig. 53 FS Fig. 52FS Fig. 104 Scarfed, lady with markhor horn and twig ligatured to tiger: dhatu 'scarf' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' PLUS kola 'lady' rebus: kol 'working in iron' (Semantic determinative) PLUS kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' PLUS Markhor horns: miṇḍāl 'markhor' rebus: mẽṛhet 'iron' (Santali) med 'copper' (Slavic languages) PLUS  kūdī 'twig' kuṭhi 'smelter'
Images show a figure strangling two tigers with his bare hands.

FS Fig. 105 Two tigers leap:dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS Tiger leaps: kol kõdā rebus: kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln' PLUS panja 'claw of beast, feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' (Semantic determinative). kola 'lady' rebus: kol 'working in iron' The iris of the is plal 'iris of the eye' (Gaw.)(CDIAL 8711) a pronuciation variant is provided by pā̆hār ʻsunshine' in Nepali. If this phonetic form pāhār explains the hieroglyph 'iris of the eye', the rebus reading is: pahārā m. ʻgoldsmith's workshopʼ(Punjabi)(CDIAL 8835).

कारकुन   kārakuna m ( P A factor, agent, or business-man.) A clerk, scribe, writer. सवाहातलेखणीचाका0 A term of ironical commendation for a clerk.
कारकुनी   kārakunī f (कारकून) The office or business of Kárkún. 2 Remuneration to a Kárkún for service rendered. 3 The profits or fees (of Kárkúns) on services done, articles bought &c. 4 Any extra cess laid to pay Kárkún-service. 5 fig. Economizing; careful and thrifty management. 6 A plant, Embelia robusta.
   कारकुनी   kārakunī a (कारकून) Relating to Kárkún--mode of writing &c.
   कारकुनीकावा   kārakunīkāvā m कारकुनीमत n The astuteness, chicanery, or trickery pertaining to the Writerclass. Hence Craftiness or wiliness gen.
   कारकुनीघटा   kārakunīghaṭā m कारकुनीचिन्ह n Kárkún-callosity; the Kárkún-mark or badge; viz. the callosity on the left ankle of this class (arising from the compression of the part through their manner of sitting).
   कारकुनीपेशा   kārakunīpēśā m कारकुनकी f ( & P) Kárkún-service; the place, situation, office, or business of Kárkún.

Rebus:  kō̃da 'fire-altar' (Kashmiripayĕn-kō̃daपयन्-कोँदपरिपाककन्दुः f. a kiln (Kashmiri).A one-horned young bull frequently signified on Indus Script Corpora is signified below the feet of the horned person on Adda, scribe cylinder seal: the hypertext is:  kō̃da 'young bull' rebus:  kō̃da 'fire-altar' (Kashmiripayĕn-kō̃da पयन्-कोँदपरिपाककन्दुः f. a kiln (Kashmiri). 
3248 *kuḍḍha ʻ defective ʼ. [Cf. Pk. kuḍhiya -- ʻ blunt, fool ʼ: see list s.v. kuṇṭha -- ]
L. kuḍḍhā ʻ having horns pointing inwards ʼ; H. kūṛh ʻ stupid ʼ.
    3295 kunda1 m. ʻ a turner's lathe ʼ lex. [Cf. *cunda -- 1]
N. kũdnu ʻ to shape smoothly, smoothe, carve, hew ʼ, kũduwā ʻ smoothly shaped ʼ; A. kund ʻ lathe ʼ, kundiba ʻ to turn and smooth in a lathe ʼ, kundowā ʻ smoothed and rounded ʼ; B. kũd ʻ lathe ʼ, kũdākõdā ʻ to turn in a lathe ʼ; Or. kū˘ndaʻ lathe ʼ, kũdibākū̃d˚ ʻ to turn ʼ (→ Drav. Kur. kū̃d ʻ lathe ʼ); Bi. kund ʻ brassfounder's lathe ʼ; H. kunnā ʻ to shape on a lathe ʼ, kuniyā m. ʻ turner ʼ, kunwā m.    
3297 kundakara m. ʻ turner ʼ W. [Cf. *cundakāra -- : kunda -- 1, kará -- 1]
A. kundār, B. kũdār˚ri, Or. kundāru; H. kũderā m. ʻ one who works a lathe, one who scrapes ʼ, ˚rī f., kũdernā ʻ to scrape, plane, round on a lathe ʼ. 
4862 *cundakāra m. ʻ turner ʼ. [Cf. kundakara -- . -- *cunda -- 1, kāra -- 1]
Pa. cundakāra -- m.; Ku. cunāro ʻ maker of wooden vessels ʼ, N. cunārocan˚cũdārocãd˚.
कुँद्नु kũdnu,vb. tr. To shape smoothly, smooth; carve, hew, fashion. [Sk. lex. kundaḥ m. lathe, kundakaraḥ m. turner: A. kund lathe, kundiba to turn, kundār turner, B. kũdkũdākũdār; O. kundā lathe, kundibā to turn.] (Kashmiri)
 کار kār, s.m. (2nd) Business, action, affair, work, labor, profession, operation. Pl. کارونه kārūnah. (E.) کار آرموده .چار kār āzmūdah. adj. Experienced, practised, veteran. کار و بار kār-o-bār, s.m. (2nd) Business, affair. Pl. کار و بارونه kār-o-bārūnahکار خانه kār- ḵẖānaʿh, s.f. (3rd) A manufactory, a dock- yard, an arsenal, a workshop. Pl. يْ eyکاردیده kār-dīdah, adj. Experienced, tried, veteran. کار روائي kār-rawā-ī, s.f. (3rd) Carrying on a business, management, performance. Pl. ئِي aʿīکار زار kār-zār, s.m. (2nd) Battle, conflict. Pl. کار زارونه kār-zārūnahکار ساز kār-sāz, adj. Adroit, clever; (Fem.) کار سازه kār-sāzaʿhکار ساري kār-sāzī, s.f. (3rd) Cleverness, adroitness. Pl. ئِي aʿīکار کند kār-kund (corrup. of P کار کن) adj. Adroit, clever, experienced. 2. A director, a manager; (Fem.) کار کنده kār-kundaʿhکار کول kār kawul, verb trans. To work, to labor, to trade. په کار راتلل pah kār rā-tʿlal or راغلل rāg̠ẖ-lal, verb intrans. To be fit, to come into use, to be of use, to be proper or useful. په کار راوړل pah kār rā-wʿṟṟal, verb trans. To bring to use, to make use of, to expend. په کار دي pah kār daey, It is useful. په کار نه دي pah kār nah daey, It is useless.(Pashto)
3245 *kuḍa1 ʻ boy, son ʼ, ˚ḍī ʻ girl, daughter ʼ. [Prob. ← Mu. (Sant. Muṇḍari koṛa ʻ boy ʼ, kuṛi ʻ girl ʼ, Ho koakui, Kūrkū kōnkōnjē); or ← Drav. (Tam. kur̤a ʻ young ʼ, Kan. koḍa ʻ youth ʼ) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 373. Prob. separate from RV. kŕ̊tā -- ʻ girl ʼ H. W. Bailey TPS 1955, 65. -- Cf. kuḍáti ʻ acts like a child ʼ Dhātup.]
NiDoc. ǵ ʻ boy ʼ, kuḍ'i ʻ girl ʼ; Ash. kūˊṛə ʻ child, foetus ʼ, istrimalī -- kuṛäˊ ʻ girl ʼ; Kt. kŕūkuŕuk ʻ young of animals ʼ; Pr. kyǘru ʻ young of animals, child ʼ, kyurú ʻ boy ʼ, kurīˊ ʻ colt, calf ʼ; Dm. kúŕa ʻ child ʼ, Shum. kuṛ; Kal. kūŕ
*lk ʻ young of animals ʼ; Phal. kuṛĭ̄ ʻ woman, wife ʼ; K. kūrü f. ʻ young girl ʼ, kash. kōṛī, ram. kuṛhī; L. kuṛā m. ʻ bridegroom ʼ, kuṛīf. ʻ girl, virgin, bride ʼ, awāṇ. kuṛī f. ʻ woman ʼ; P. kuṛī f. ʻ girl, daughter ʼ, P. bhaṭ. WPah. khaś. kuṛi, cur. kuḷī, cam. kǒḷāʻ boy ʼ, kuṛī ʻ girl ʼ; -- B. ã̄ṭ -- kuṛā ʻ childless ʼ (ã̄ṭa ʻ tight ʼ)? -- X pṓta -- 1: WPah. bhad.  ʻ son ʼ, kūī ʻ daughter ʼ, bhal. ko m., koi f., pāḍ. kuākōī, paṅ. koākūī.
   غوو g̠ẖo-o, s.m. (9th) Copulation, coition. Sing. and Pl. غوو کول g̠ẖo-o kawul or غوول g̠ẖo- wul, verb trans. To copulate with, to have coition. See غو for different inflections. (Pashto)
ول gūtawul, verb trans. To copulate with, to have connection with. See غوول and غیل(Pashto)
  غو g̠ẖo or غوو g̠ẖo-o, s.m. (9th) Copulation, coition. Sing. and Pl. غو g̠ẖo or غوو کول g̠ẖo-o kawul, verb trans. To copulate, to have connection with; or غوول g̠ẖo-wul, verb trans. To copulate, to have coition. This verb is imperfect, and requires the imperfect infinitive غیل to make the conjugation complete. Pres. غیي g̠ẖa-yey (from غیل); past ؤ غوو wu-g̠ẖo-wo; fut. ؤ به غيي wu bah g̠ẖa-yey; imp. ؤ غیه wu-g̠ẖa-yah; act. part. غوونکيَg̠ẖo-wūnkaey or غوونيَ g̠ẖo-wūnaey; past part. غووليَ g̠ẖo-wulaey; verb. n. غوونه g̠ẖo-wunaʿh.(Pashto)

Two women with spread legs and dishevelled hair are shown in the context of stone ore smelting:

kola ‘woman’ Rebus: kol ‘working in iron’

kuṛī f. ʻ girl’ Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter’ 

Brass-worker catalog of implements and repertoire:There are five hieroglyphs on the cylinder seal (Figure 270): ‘dishevelled hair’, ‘pudendum muliebre’, ‘lizard’, ‘scorpion’, ‘woman’. The accent is on the sting of the scorpion: koṭṭu (koṭṭi-) to sting (as a scorpion, wasp) (Tamil) Rebus: Pk. koṭṭaga -- m. ʻ carpenter ʼ, koṭṭila -- , °illa -- m. ʻ mallet ʼ. (DEDR 3236). koṭṭu-k-kaṉṉār  brass-workers. the woman is shown with disheveled hair. A lizard is also shown in the field together with a scorpion (bica). <raca>(D)  {ADJ} ``^dishevelled'' (Mundarasāṇẽ n. ʻglowing embersʼ (Marathi). rabca ‘dishevelled’ Rebus: రాచ rāca (adj.) Pertaining to a stone (ore) (bica).

The squatting woman on the Ur cylinder seal impression may be showing dishevelled hair providing for rebus reading: <rabca?>(D)  {ADJ} ``with ^dishevelled ^hair''.  Rebus:రాచ (adj.) Pertaining to a stone. bicha, bichā ‘scorpion’ (Assamese) Rebus: bica ‘stone ore’ (Mu.) sambr.o bica = gold ore (Mundarica)  Thus, the reading of the Ur cylinder seal impression may depict: meṛed-bica‘iron stone-ore’ kuhi ‘smelter, furnace’.

kuire bica duljad.ko talkena, ‘they were feeding the furnace with ore’. (Santali) This use of bica in the context of feeding a smelter clearly defines bica as ‘stone ore, mineral’, in general. kuṭhi  ‘vagina’; rebus: kuṭhi  ‘smelting furnace bichā 'scorpion' (Assamese). Rebus: bica 'stone ore' as in meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Mu.lex.) dul 'pair, likeness' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' (Santali) Thus the hieroglyphs connote a smelter for smelting and casting metal stone ore.

Gyphic: ‘copulation’: kamḍa, khamḍa 'copulation' (Santali) Rebus: kammaṭi a coiner (Ka.); kampaṭṭamcoinage, coin, mint (Ta.) kammaṭa = mint, gold furnace (Te.) Vikalpa: kaṇḍa ‘stone (ore)’. Glyph: vagina: kuṭhi ‘vagina’; rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’. The descriptive glyphics indicates that the smelting furnace is for stone (ore). This is distinquished from sand ore. Glyph: ‘crocodile’: karā ‘crocodile’. Rebus: khar ‘blacksmith’. kāru a wild crocodile or alligator (Te.) Rebus: kāruvu ‘artisan 

kuhi = pubes. kola ‘foetus’ [Glyph of a foetus emerging from pudendum muliebre on a Harappa tablet.] kuhi = the pubes (lower down than paṇḍe) (Santali) kuhi = the womb, the female sexual organ; sorrege kuhi menaktaea, tale tale gidrakoa lit. her womb is near, she gets children continually (H. kohī, the womb) (Santali.Bodding) kōṣṭha = anyone of the large viscera (MBh.); koṭṭha = stomach (Pali.Pkt.); kuṭṭha (Pkt.); kohī heart, breast (L.); koṭṭhā, kohā belly (P.); koho (G.); kohā (M.)(CDIAL 3545). kottha pertaining to the belly (Pkt.); kothā corpulent (Or.)(CDIAL 3510). koho [Skt. koṣṭha inner part] the stomach, the belly (Gujarat)  kūti = pudendum muliebre (Ta.); posteriors, membrum muliebre (Ma.); ku.0y anus, region of buttocks in general (To.); kūdi = anus, posteriors, membrum muliebre (Tu.)(DEDR 188). kūṭu = hip (Tu.); kua = thigh (Pe.); kue id. (Mand.); kūṭi hip (Kui)(DEDR 1885). gūde prolapsus of the anus (Ka.Tu.); gūda, gudda id. (Te.)(DEDR 1891).

kui, kuhi, kua, kuha a tree (Kaus'.); kua tree (Pkt.); kuṛā tree; kaek tree, oak (Pas;.)(CDIAL 3228).kuha, kua (Ka.), kudal (Go.) kudar. (Go.)  kuhāra, kuha, kuaka = a tree (Sanskrit) kut., kurun: = stump of a tree (Bond.a); khu = id. (Or.) kuamu = a tree (Telugu)      


Rebus: kuhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore to smelt iron’; kolheko kuhieda koles smelt iron (Santali) kuhi, kui (Or.; Sad. kohi) (1) the smelting furnace of the blacksmith; kuire bica duljad.ko talkena, they were feeding the furnace with ore; (2) the name of ēkui has been given to the fire which, in lac factories, warms the water bath for softening the lac so that it can be spread into sheets; to make a smelting furnace; kuhi-o of a smelting furnace, to be made; the smelting furnace of the blacksmith is made of mud, cone-shaped, 2’ 6” dia. At the base and 1’ 6” at the top. The hole in the centre, into which the mixture of charcoal and iron ore is poured, is about 6” to 7” in dia. At the base it has two holes, a smaller one into which the nozzle of the bellow is inserted, as seen in fig. 1, and a larger one on the opposite side through which the molten iron flows out into a cavity (Mundari) kuhi = a factory; lil kuhi = an indigo factory (kohi - Hindi) (Santali.Bodding) 

kuhi = an earthen furnace for smelting iron; make do., smelt iron; kolheko do kuhi benaokate baliko dhukana, the Kolhes build an earthen furnace and smelt iron-ore, blowing the bellows; tehen:ko kuhi yet kana, they are working (or building) the furnace to-day (H. kohī ) (Santali. Bodding)  kuṭṭhita = hot, sweltering; molten (of tamba, cp. uttatta)(Pali.lex.) uttatta (ut + tapta) = heated, of metals: molten, refined; shining, splendid, pure (Pali.lex.) kuṭṭakam, kuṭṭukam  = cauldron (Ma.); kuṭṭuva = big copper pot for heating water (Kod.)(DEDR 1668). gudgā to blaze; gud.va flame (Man.d); gudva, gūdūvwa, guduwa id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1715). dāntar-kuha = fireplace (Sv.); kōti wooden vessel for mixing yeast (Sh.); kōlhāhouse with mud roof and walls, granary (P.); kuhī factory (A.); kohā brick-built house (B.); kuhī bank, granary (B.); koho jar in which indigo is stored, warehouse (G.); kohī lare earthen jar, factory (G.); kuhīgranary, factory (M.)(CDIAL 3546). koho = a warehouse; a revenue office, in which dues are paid and collected; kohī a store-room; a factory (Gujarat) ko = the place where artisans work (Gujarati) 

bichi , ‘hematite’ is denoted by hieroglyph bicha ‘scorpion’ (Assamese) Rebus: bica ‘stone ore’ (Santali).

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