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Something rotten at 10 Janpath. Seeing through the veil of sphinx-like silence of SoniaG -- NS Rajaram


Something rotten at 10 Janpath
by N S Rajaram on 03 May 2013 2 Comments

Following their return from Pakistan, Sarabjit Singh’s relatives have charged that the Sonia-Manmohan Singh Government failed to support them and put no pressure on the Pakistani Government to stop its atrocities. This is consistent with Sonia Gandhi’s decades-long deference to Islamist forces even in the face of the most severe provocation. This weakness has come to haunt India with Chinese squatting on Indian soil and Pakistanis butchering Indians.

Something extraordinary is going on in the dark recesses of 10 Janpath. Sonia Gandhi and her retainers including Manmohan Singh are neglecting vital developments affecting the nation and are seemingly preoccupied with less vital issues like corruption which is nothing new for this administration.

I refer to Sarabjit Singh’s sister Dalbir Kaur’s charge on return from Pakistan that the Indian Government did not support her by putting pressure on Islamabad. Others have also noted this Government’s soft attitude towards Pakistan (and other anti-India outfits) in the face of the most appalling atrocities. Even this is only a symptom of a much deeper malaise.

One can ignore Manmohan Singh who is a voluntary nobody propped up by Sonia Gandhi. He has no mind or spirit of his own, and is but a willing minion of 10 Janpath. So we must look beyond him into those precincts and examine the antecedents of its occupants to decipher this persistent pro-Pakistan, pro-Islamist trend in the Sonia–Manmohan Singh policy.

An examination of her record over the years shows that Sonia Gandhi has never openly criticized Pakistani aggression or even Pakistan sponsored terrorism. This was so even during the Kargil War when she was anything but supportive of the Indian Armed Forces waging a life-and-death struggle against the Pakistani intruders. This is not a new development and Islamist forces have taken advantage of her reluctance to criticize them.

As far back as 2001, within weeks of the 9/11 attacks, the Bin Laden family-founded Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies invited Sonia Gandhi to deliver a lecture. Many found this strange, for the BJP was in power and Mrs Gandhi has no credentials to justify the invitation, other than her willingness to speak. In 2005, I wrote a two-part article for The American Thinker (Sonia Gandhi’s Reluctant War on Terror
http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/09/sonia_gandhis_reluctant_war_on_1.html and

The most curious thing about her talk at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies was, I noted:
“In her talk titled ‘Conflict and coexistence in our age,’ Mrs. Gandhi spoke vaguely about extremism and fundamentalism, ‘of all religions’ without once mentioning the word Jihad or terrorism. Mrs. Gandhi has never once uttered the word “Jihad” or mentioned Islamic terror in public even though India is one of the worst victims of Jihadi terrorism. The Telegraph of London called it a ‘strongly pro-Muslim speech.’

“Mrs. Gandhi is not an Islamic scholar - she has not even graduated high school. There was no reason for her to be invited to such a high profile institution, at such an inopportune time (November 2001) except its propaganda value. This proved suicidal for her party in the Gujarat state elections where the Congress was trounced. Adding to her troubles was a terrorist attack on a train that killed scores of passengers, mostly women and children. There again she failed to denounce Islamic terror.”

It was the same story again when on July 5, 2005 (two days before the London bombings). A band of jihadi terrorists armed with grenades and AK 47 rifles attacked a temple complex at the sacred Hindu site of Ayodhya. Thanks to the vigilance and the speedy response of the security forces, all terrorists were killed before they could do serious damage. Still there was a gun battle lasting hours and a soldier was killed, but the intended holocaust of Hindu devotees was averted.

Sonia Gandhi did not outright condemn the terrorist attack. All she did was to issue a weak statement appealing to the people to “stand as a rock against the divisive forces.” As was the case after the London blasts, there was talk of “backlash.” Teesta Setalvad, a Muslim activist close to Mrs. Gandhi, cautioned that the attack on the Ayodhya temple should not be labeled as Jihad. (Sic: Should it be labeled as a Tea Party?) As usual, Mrs. Gandhi did not use the word Jihad.

Her appeasement policy came to the fore again in a human rights case that has drawn international attention. When Imrana, a young Muslim woman was raped by her father-in-law, a self-appointed Muslim body calling itself the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, issued a ruling that the rape had made Imrana ‘impure’ (haraam) and that her marriage to her husband therefore stood annulled. Adding insult to injury, it directed Imrana to leave her husband and live with her rapist father-in-law as one of his wives!

There were protests all over India and the whole world reacted with shock. Salman Rushdie, himself a victim of religious persecution, wrote an op—ed in The New York Times (July 10, 2005) denouncing Islamic courts and the Sharia (Islamic code). (“India and Pakistan’s Code of dishonor,”

In the midst of the storm, Sonia Gandhi refused to intervene or even condemn it. Instead, she directed her government’s law minister HR Bharadwaj, said to be her closest advisor, to issue a statement exonerating the Muslim Personal Law Board, saying that the government could not “interfere” in a religious matter.

So her reaction in the face of Pakistani barbarism is consistent with her record of handling provocations by Islamic outfits with kid gloves. Her conduct in the face of Pakistani atrocities against Indian prisoners is consistent with her decades-old pattern of deference towards provocation by Islamist outfits including Pakistan. It is not something to be seen in isolation.

Clearly her concern for not offending such groups overrides any concern (if she has any) for India’s national interests. The same is true of her son Rahul Gandhi who has been propagating the view that Hinduism represents a greater threat to security than terrorist outfits like the LeT, etc, all the while being protected by security guards who are mostly Hindu. (The same holds for his mother.) But Rahul Gandhi seems to have intellectual deficiencies with no assets beyond birth and (dubious) wealth and is not taken seriously. It is a different matter with Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Sonia Gandhi and her family enjoy security guards provided by the Government. She will lose this protection once the coalition government falls. Has this made her go soft in the face of provocation by Islamic fundamentalist forces? This vulnerability and its potential impact on the global war on terror, not to mention India’s national security, is something all of us need to know and understand.

This cannot be said of Manmohan Singh. At this time in his life he should be thinking about his place in history. Unlike Sonia Gandhi and her family and friends – from Quattrocchi to Robert Vadra – one expects him to be dedicated to India, not to a neo-rich family that has propped him up because he has a supple backbone. He needs to decide how he wants to go down in history – as a national leader or as the domestic minion of a neo-rich family rapidly descending into a cesspool of disrepute and disgrace.

The conduct of Sonia Gandhi in the face of Pakistani atrocities is enough to raise questions about her motives and agenda in India and her attitude towards national security. At the very least she should address the nation and declare unequivocally where she sees her interests lie: in India which has given her everything while getting little in return (other than rapacious friends and relatives) – or appeasing Pakistan and the Jihadi forces that have sworn to destroy India and with it everything Sonia Gandhi has gained.

In the final analysis, no individual is above the nation – or every individual is. National security cannot be sacrificed on the altar of insecurity of a privileged few. India’s enemies are taking advantage of the spinelessness of the Sonia – Manmohan Singh Government. Chinese are squatting on Indian soil while Pakistan is butchering Indian citizens. In the face of this, Sonia Gandhi must stop playing the sphinx; she should come out and spell out her policy on Jihadi terrorism and national security. People have seen enough of her veil of sphinx-like silence and are now beginning to see through it.

User Comments Post a Comment
The writer is known for producing "gems" and this one is not an exception.The writer wants every one around him to see things in his "saffron" colored glasses and anyone speaking his or her mind is quickly labelled "Muslim lover" or even better "anti-Hindu".
The fact of the matter is that Sarbjeet Singh was no ordinary criminal. He was a terrorist who was caught crossing the border and then let go. He was then caught red handed murdering 18 people who never hrmed him and confessed to terrorism.The families of those murdered people would have liked to see Sarabjeet Singh hang from the gallows, till he was dead .He stole that from the families by engaging in a fight with two other criminals who were incarcerated in the same jail.
He should not have died in the fight. He should have been hanged long ago. It was the incompetence of the jail authorities or their magnanimity that Sarbjeet was allowed to live so long and died in this manner.
While Pakistani criminals are all over the Indian news channles, Indian criminals are treated as victims. Pakistani victims are buried in local Indian graveyards. Their bodies are not handed over to their relatives in Pakistan.This Indian convict should be buried in the local graveyard in Pakistan and his body should not be sent back to India where he can be celebrated as a hero.
If we all remember just recently an Indian spy was released by Pakistan where he was pleading his innocence but as soon he crossed back into India he smiled and admitted that he indeed was a spy working for Indian intelligence agency.

5 Hours ago Report Abuse
@Dr. N.S. Rajaram

The questions you have raised about Sonia are indeed pertinent. Her motivations ? Afterall she surrounded herself with advisors such as Ahmed (cannot recall his full name) or Salman Kurshid, people who are intent on keeping their priviliged perches secure.

She is, in my opinion both a scheming woman and lured by the prospects not only of power but also money. From all the reports about her she comes from a family that was originally so poor that the good nuns of the convent in Italy sent her to learn English and become an au pair.

Unfortunately for India, Rajiv Gandhi meets her and the rest is history. From rags to riches ! The Swiss accounts stashed away both for herself and her children. The frequent trips to Europe, the sisters who made fortunes by selling stolen antiques from India ! And the enrichment from the Commonwealth games.

Behind her stoic appearance is something else. It has been speculated that once her use is over, the powers that set her up may eventually wish to be rid of her. So there may be some latent fear also.

One thing is certain : her devout Catholicism has prevented her from throwing in her lot with Hindu India which she secretly despises. And there may be something to the Opus Dei story.

At any rate her days of power and glory are numbered. But she cannot be let off lightly to retire to Switzerland or some place in Europe where she can enjoy the money she stole from the Indian masses. She must be brought to justice in India, and the monies should be recovered.

Re: Sarabjit. Since his capital sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and he was due to be released (after serving some 23 years already) the question arises as to why Pakistan did not release him immediately, even before the tragedy occurred.

These and other questions related to the death of a prisoner in state custody are ones that must be discussed diligently both by the Opposition and the Indian public.
Dr.Vijaya Rajiva


The Sphinx In The Room

Sonia Gandhi can do no wrong. That seems to be the basic assumption in the current debate. Is she such a morally superior person that her good faith and integrity have to be implicitly accepted and her role cannot be questioned?

Sonia Gandhi can do no wrong.

That seems to be the basic assumption in the current debate on the various decisions of a very controversial nature made by the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh since the present government was formed after the elections of 2009—whether the decisions related to the questionable functioning of the ministry of telecommunications or the wrongful appointment to the high-pedestal post of the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) of someone facing an enquiry into a charge, which could cast a shadow on his integrity if proved or other serious matters of public interest.

In all the debates in public—whether in the media or by political parties— the focus has been on the role of the Prime Minister and other concerned ministers as well as bureaucrats. I watched with interest the debate in the various TV channels this evening on the adverse judgement of a bench of the Supreme Court delivered earlier in the day in the case regarding the procedure followed for the appointment of Shri PJ Thomas as the CVC.

The eminent personalities, who participated in the debates, as well as the TV anchors focussed only on the role of the various personalities in the government from the Prime Minister downwards. Not one of them mentioned even in passing the possible role of Sonia Gandhi as the leader of the Congress (I) in these controversial decisions. Even the spokespersons of the opposition parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), did not even mention her name in their interventions.

Does this mean that all these controversial decisions were taken only by the government with the Congress (I) leadership playing no role in it? Any objective analyst would find it difficult to accept this. We have been under a peculiar system of governance since 2004 in which real power seems to be wielded by Sonia Gandhi in her capacity as the head of the Congress (I) with the Prime Minister as the head of the government exercising only seeming power.

There has been an unseen, but unquestioned power which has been exercising a compulsive influence on decision-making in important matters. This compulsive influence is quite evident in the case of the appointment of the CVC. Whether in matters relating to his appointment despite his facing an incomplete enquiry or the defence of his appointment before the Supreme Court everyone from the Prime Minister downwards has been acting as if they were acting at the instance of an invisible force that could not be resisted. Such an invisible force could be only that of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.

She has been conducting herself as a neutral, disinterested bystander, who had nothing to do with any of these decisions. She has not spoken on any of these decisions in any great detail, nor has she been questioned. Everyone, including the media and even the opposition, has been behaving as if like the British monarch she is above and beyond all controversies and, hence, her role cannot be questioned.

If one has to find out the real truth behind the recent controversies it is as important to go into her role as it is to go into the role of others. The assumption that Sonia Gandhi can do no wrong has to be challenged by the public as well as the media and the political class. She must be made to face the fire of criticism and questioning like any other leader. She should no longer be treated as if she is a morally superior person whose good faith and integrity have to be implicitly accepted.

It is important for the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) now being constituted to summon her and question her in detail on the various controversies. It is equally important for her role in decision-making to be debated in Parliament, in the media and elsewhere. She should herself welcome a greater public focus on her role and influence in decision-making.

B. Raman is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai.


Sonia Gandhi: Sphinx who would be Pharaoh
by Sandhya Jain on 06 Aug 2011 48 Comments

In a move reminiscent of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s startling decision to will her political party, including its workers and presumably also its voters and supporters, to her eldest son, Bilawal, the Congress president Sonia Gandhi secretly flew off to the United States for medical treatment, leaving behind a demi-testament bestowing the de facto leadership of the party on her only son, Rahul, though formally embedded among three family regents.

Given the thinly veiled nature of Sonia’s conflict with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over his refusal to step down and make way for her chosen heir after the victory of May 2009, it is safe to assume that the Signora now expects party loyalists to cluster around her charmless prince-ling and ensure him a say in government as well. Political compulsions have forced discretion regarding the chairmanship of the UPA parliamentary party, and her personal vanguard, the National Advisory Committee (whose members will doubtless be feeling orphaned already).

The composition of the committee that is now to preside over the Congress and its interaction with government reveals everything about Sonia Gandhi’s intent, mindset and style of functioning. It is an open affront to the Prime Minister and his senior cabinet colleagues (particularly to all purpose trouble shooter Pranab Mukherjee), to all senior Congress leaders with vote catching abilities, and to the party and nation. As such, it is virtually designed to undo the objective for which it has been formed, viz., install the Amethi MP as de facto leader of the party, and at an early date in the future, as head of the Government as well.

Even by the standards of the factional politics she played when she decided to keep the then Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao on tenterhooks throughout his tenure – which culminated in the party denying him a ticket to contest the next Parliamentary election, and then consigning him to oblivion – Sonia Gandhi’s designated committee is scandalously narrow. Worse, it is partisan against the Hindu community, a fact that would have been noted in the country as a whole.

Besides the non-Hindu Rahul Gandhi, who is obviously positioned as primus inter pares of the group, it comprises Defence Minister A.K. Anthony (supposedly for his clean image, but really because he is a Christian co-religionist and is therefore trusted more than other party veterans); her political secretary Ahmed Patel (a Muslim with no base in his home state of Gujarat, or indeed in any part of the country); and party organizing secretary Janardhan Dwivedi (a Patel acolyte and party spokesman with no base outside 24 Akbar Road).

Neither Rahul Gandhi, nor any among this group, is known for political sagacity, vision, and the ability to inspire the masses by winning votes, and thereby elections. Rahul Gandhi’s leadership qualities (sic) have already been tested in the waters of Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and leave one speechless. His espousal of the farmers’ cause in Bhatta-Parsaul villages of UP was swiftly undone by revelations of State favours in land acquisition in Haryana for a Trust run by Sonia, Rahul, and Priyanka!

Yet Sonia Gandhi chose to shove aside all party veterans and trust such non-charismatic ‘nurses’ to propel Rahul Gandhi on a winning trajectory into the Prime Minister’s Office. Actually, the family miscalculated by refusing Dr Singh’s offer of a cabinet berth for Rahul in the recent cabinet reshuffle (though they would have been aware of Sonia’s ill-health by then), and now he is on a sticky wicket. Neither Dr Singh who sits in the Prime Minister’s chair, nor the seasoned Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who controls the Government’s purse strings, is going to forgive the calculated insult to their persons and their chairs.

Meanwhile, a number of questions arise about the secretive manner in which Sonia Gandhi went abroad for surgery on 2 August 2011. The excuse of excessive visitors disturbing patients in an Indian hospital is sheer arrogance; visitors do not get beyond the reception if one does not want them.

In January 2009 the Prime Minister underwent a well-publicized heart surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences; Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar announced he was going to undergo jaw surgery for cancer some years ago. With India having some of the best oncologists in both private and public hospitals, the true reasons for Ms Gandhi opting to go abroad, and the nature of her illness, should be made known as soon as possible. Reports that she was operated upon at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center need to be confirmed or denied without further ado.

To begin with, there was simply too much secrecy. At first, on 31 July a small news item in a newspaper said Sonia was suffering from viral flu and would be back in Parliament on Thursday (4 August). That same day, Janardhan Dwivedi told reporters she had gone abroad the previous day and been operated upon successfully. When the timeline did not add up, this was amended and the operation placed in the future; then finally it was stated that the surgery was successful and that Sonia had left on 2 Aug.

More disturbing are the reports in the latest issue of India Today that the Gandhis habitually refuse to inform the Lok Sabha Secretariat about their foreign trips, though this is the established convention, even for personal visits. Thus, in June this year, Sonia Gandhi went to London and Italy. The same month, Rahul Gandhi celebrated his 41st birthday in London, and both reportedly went to Switzerland – where they reputedly did not visit the holiday district but the commercial centre of Zug, thereby setting tongues wagging amidst a nationwide furore over black money in Swiss banks.

When Dwivedi announced the formation of the uninspiring committee, observers were quick to notice the absence of Home Minister P Chidambaram and Rahul mentor-cum-general secretary Digvijay Singh. As Sonia does not seem to have had detailed discussions with the Prime Minister and senior cabinet colleagues about the status of her health and the issues pending before the government, political observers speculate that the UPA will have to postpone appointment of Governors in states with vacancies, and a decision on the Telangana issue. It remains to be seen, therefore, how long her ill-health can be allowed to paralyze the government.

Ra(h)ul (da) Vinci

Now that the Gandhi family has concertedly declared Rahul Gandhi as their official candidate for the leadership of the party and government, both of which they tend to regard as watan jagir, it would be appropriate for the nation to know everything it has a right to know about the Amethi MP cum wannabe PM.

To begin with – and the Prime Minister would do well to make the matter public without further delay – how and when did Rahul Gandhi acquire the identity of Raul Vinci?

As friendly journalists and newspapers were asked to acknowledge and dismiss the news that Rahul Gandhi has travelled abroad on a passport issued in the name of Raul Vinci, some questions deserve an answer: -

- Which Government issued the Raul Vinci passport? India or Italy?
- If it was Italy, does it also follow that Rahul Gandhi enjoys Italian citizenship by virtue of an old Roman law that bestows citizenship on the offspring of all children born to its native citizens? Note that Sonia Gandhi was an Italian citizen at the time her two children were born, and that the family has persistently refused to answer pertinent questions regarding their citizenship.
- The Government of India must now settle this issue in public – including the legality of the trio holding Indian passports, and contesting Indian elections.
- What are the names of the alleged parents of Raul Vinci in the fake passport and what is the place of residence given on that document? It should be made public on a Government website.
- Where is that passport now and how often and where has Rahul Gandhi travelled on it? All details should be made public on a Government website.

The specious plea that Rahul Gandhi assumed a false identity for security reasons will not wash: Benazir Bhutto’s son Bilawal studies abroad under his own name, as do the scions of other eminent families.

Then, Rahul Gandhi supposedly holds an M. Phil degree in Development Studies from Cambridge University, UK, though there is no information about when and where he completed graduate and post-graduate studies. To this day not a single person has surfaced anywhere in the world to say that Raul Vinci (his disguise) was his/her classmate at x y or z college.

Family acolyte and then Cambridge Master Amartya Sen defended the degree but refused to furnish details. Now, following revelations about the purchased Ph.D. degree of Saif Gaddafi, it seems that London routinely “takes care of” the academic credentials of political scions in the third world.

Raul Vinci is also supposed to have worked as financial consultant in London. No colleague has stepped forward to say where.

Yet this man wants to impose himself upon the nation as Prime Minister. He needs to be downsized.

And Sonia Gandhi, appropriately dubbed ‘the Sphinx’ for her dogged silence on all issues of public concern, would have realized that she was not born to be Pharaoh of India. This country is governed by the invisible ethos of Vikramaditya – the throne will move away when the utterly unworthy approach it.

The author is Editor, www.vijayvaani.com

Also see:
Robert Vadra: Proxy Tycoon? By Sandhya Jain, 19 March 2011
User Comments Post a Comment
A timely one Sandhyaji. //Yet this man wants to impose himself upon the nation as Prime Minister. He needs to be downsized.// Yes, say that again! He needs to be downsized. Your article on that fellow Robert Vadra was also timely. Mainstream media will never write about the facts of this dangerously scheming family. So, we must keep on hammering it. It is very clear that due to her serious nature of illness, she would certainly try to impose her worthless offspring on the nation. We must never allow that to happen. This is the right time to strike. And what a finish you have given! //This country is governed by the invisible ethos of Vikramaditya – the throne will move away when the utterly unworthy approach it.// Excellent.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Accuarte Analysis. Thanks Sandya Ji. Like Sri Haran Ji, I liked your last line " This country is governed by the invisible ethos of Vikramaditya – the throne will move away when the utterly unworthy approach it". Desperately hope this is going to be true. Im really worried.
Pratap Mohanty
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
It is too much of a coincidence that Sonia Gandhi left India just about when a top Swedish university which worked with Wikileaks has revealed the names of Indians with black money abroad. Rajeev Gandhi's name is one of the names on top of this list. After his death Sonia Gandhi would be the legal beneficiary of this money. Do we know for certain that she is really ill or she merely flew out of the country when things were getting hot here?
R Divakar
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
This is divine retribution. Who would have thought that Sonia Gandhi would be put out of action so suddenly? Maybe her midnight assault on sleeping bhaktas of Baba Ramdev incensed our gods or maybe they have been incensed for a long time because of her anti-Hindu politics.
Nirmala Pandit
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Some cancers have foreign origin, and they can spread beyond geographical boundaries.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Excellent ! Keep up the attack !
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
The CIA certainly knows WHERE Sonia Gandhi is and the treatment she is undergoing. This means the Russian and Chinese and other Western intelligence agencies also know, because they will not remain in the dark on this one. So, the ONLY people who are being denied information are the Indian people. Good idea if the lady flies back to Itaty and stays there. No one wants her here anyway. And they also have their foreign passports at the ready...
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Obviously, Sonia thinks that India is not a democracy but a dynasty. In a democracy, the next in line of Congress should have been the person In-charge. But in a dynasty, children become In-charge as is the case of Rahul. India must be a dynasty.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Not even a dynasty. She is the Estate Holder. India is registered in her name and allowed by Cabinet Ministers and the whole Congress Party reinforced by State leaderships. There is no governance. India does not need one.

Raul Vinci cannot enter the US unless he goes straight to jail for possession of $160,000.00 in cash together with unaccounted amount of drugs at Boston Airport. It would be fun to see what happen if Sonia were to die in this country. The whole truth may come out.
B D Mishra
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Actually, we should send emails and call FBI to highlight this.

See if US does anything...
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Does this mean that India will now be governed from New York and Sheila Dikshit's fate will be decided from the ICU of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital? Now this is what I call a real remote control.
Radha Rajan
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
An excellent analysis of the 2 G's who are determined to hold India as their personal fiefdom.. Ms Sandhya Jain's radical insights and revelations into the nature of the power-politics compulsions that drive the corrupt congressmen need to be broadcast on wider platforms. Keep up the fire and the torch of truth burning brightly, Ms. Jain. People of Bharat will be beholden to you!
Bhagwat S. Goyal
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
India's polity , which remained mostly frozen during the British colonial rule .is stuck in late Moghul era based on dynasties and families.The flawed electoral system has only accentuated the caste and family system domination as shown even in last Bihar elections .If BJP has not produced dynasties it is the outcome of no worth while heirs ie of Atal and LK or of Gujarat Modi. /// SG is not PM because Sushma and Uma Bharti wanted to cut hair as widows do denied power after the death of husbands ( power in this case) BJP proved itself worse than Congress during its shining India reign and is unlikely to come into power any time soon
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Useless article..an article by someone who thinks she or he knows everything but actually knows nothing about politics...................
ravi menon
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
While these are internal matters of a family and the party owned by a single family,PM and the government belong to the nation.
This is the right time for PM and his cabinet colleagues to overthrow the yoke of this single family.They are all honourable men and women. Why should they put up with this arrangement?
Congress party has a national executive with Vice Presidents, General Secretaries and all.Are they not good enough to handle matters related to party? Why this gang of four?
Jitendra Desai
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Really, the author seems to take herself seriously. Stranger is the fact that what she wrote here finds takers. This is the kind of output a person regrets in his/ her more reasonable moments. One does not have to be a fan of the G's to see the absurdity of this article. Abysmal.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Varghese your Christian slip is showing.
Nirmala Pandit
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Please make it compatible to share on Face Book,Twitter n all.
Raghunandan Sharma
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Maino proposes but Vadra will dispose. Let me give an accurate prediction of things that are bound to unfold post-Antonia. Vadra the highly ambitious and the fastest growing billionaire of Delhi whose father and siblings had a mysterious end will not tolerate Raul Roberto to become heir apparent and will ensure that mystery will continue. A renactment of Alagiri vs Stalinsibling rivalry will take place. But then Divinity will again intervene and this country will be ridden of the locusts forever. Moot point is wheter we can recover the 80% of Indian Black money stashed in foreign banks. I am astounded at the way Divine retribution takes place when the kingpins heads roll...
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Very nice article Sandhya. High time that info that u asked about Rahul Baba's passport and citizenship be answered.
sanjeev nayyar
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Nirmala Pandit! Varghese is a known case. Ravi Menon seems to be a new case, probably a crypto. It is quite natural that both of them are worried about the Italian family becoming a "gone case".
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Dear Sandhya, Thanks a million for writing another incisive and brilliant article, this time on Sonia Gandhi (I call her "Hunterwali keeper of the congress circus). Pl accept my salute, though I no longer wear uniform. I also wish more punch to your facile pen and long life to you for serving the motherland. You are indeed a worthy daughter of a worthy father. Regards and my blessings.
Ram Kumar
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
It definitely beats one as to whether the Constitution of the Congress Party has no provision for such a situation - when the President of the Party is unable to function. Even a Lions or Rotary Club has one or more vice-presidents to take over the affairs of the Club, in such an eventuality. If Congress Consitution does not have such provisions, it is unfit to contest as a party, much less to rule the country. Or is Sonia so arrogant and the others are so powerless that such a slip-shod alternative arrangement is made ? Seniors like Pranab, MM Singh, PC etc. should hang their heads in shame.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
A very relevant article but Ms Jain is off the mark at one point: Neither Dr Singh who sits in the Prime Minister’s chair, nor the seasoned Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who controls the Government’s purse strings, is going to forgive the calculated insult to their persons and their chairs.

I am sure that there was no need to overestimate the self esteem and spunk of these court jestors of 10 Janpath!

Personally I believe that even this surgery (better called Operation as in Op Vijay, Op Rhino etc of the army) is a hastily cooked excuse to remain out of trouble's way when Anna and the masses locks horns with MMS and his 'n' chors on 16 Aug 2011!
P M Ravindran
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
while i liked the general tone & tenor and also agreed with the facts presented in the case, i simply cannot accept her line that there is a 'thinly veiled' conflict between Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi over the former's refusal to quit. you are giving the good old doctor credit for having a spine which he simply does not have. i don't have the slightest doubt that were Sonia to ask for his resignation, Manmohan would run - tail between his legs and pagdi in hand - with the resignation letter to 10, Janpath within seconds. my undestanding is the Signora realises that with 2G, CWG, black money and a host of other scams dogging the government, the time is not opprtune for the princeling to ascend the throne.
sandeep sahu
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
An otherwise reasonably good article was marred by the last sentence"the throne will move away when the utterly unworthy approach it." Did not the utterly unworthy Nehru sit in the PM's chair for 17 long years? Did not the utterly unworthy Indira Gandhi (alias Maimoona Begum) sit in the PM's chair for many years? Did not the utterly worthy Rajiv (alias Roberto) Gandhi sit in the PM's chair for some time? What makes Sandhya Jain so sure that neither Sonia Gandhi (alias Antonia Maino) nor Rahul Gandhi (alias Raul Vinci) will sit on the throne of New Delhi?
Indira Oorath
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Sandhyaji, Congratulations for the excellent article. A superb piece even by your own exalted stadnards. Full marks for the finishing line.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Dear Sandhya Ji Simply fantastic piece of poltical analysis. I hope every patriotic Indian reads this piece
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Varki, what is wrong if Sandhya takes herself seriously? Is it strange that there are plenty of takers among true patriots for her article? (No wonder, sappers and miners of foreign powers do not like Sandhya Jain) I am sure Sandhya will never have to regret writing this article. Far from being absurd, this article is almost entirely logical. Great!
Indira Oorath
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
Thanks u very much for the article. After starting reading this article....I am not able to stop inbetween.

Thanks again for writing a great great article.
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
The best thing I loved was the Title! - Sphinx who would be Pharaoh - Wow! Great!
August 06, 2011 Report Abuse
@Shyamala. Except that the Sphinx and the Pharaoh were noble beings who did not aspire to rule an alien nation by marrying the son of the ruler. This is typical Christian ploy. That's how these white christians ruined all ruling families in the Muslim world..
Suryakumar Tripathi
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
The author mistakenly thinks that Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee have some self-respect. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Manmohan knew from Day 1 that he is merely keeping the seat warm for Rahul Baba alias Raul Vinci. He has himself said that the Amul baby has all the qualities needed to be PM. No Congressman, down from the original M K Gandhi himself, has ever had an iota of self-respect. That is why it is so easy for foreigners to capture the party and lord it over us Hindus. The sphinx may not become pharoah but the sphinx's son will certainly become the pharoah. Those who hope this will not happen are living in a dream world. They just do not know how Gandhian, how evil the Congress is.
Indira Oorath
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
This seems to be sheer propaganda. Though trends such as 'Dynastic politics' should be criticized; the author has tried to see things through a 'communal eye'. A case in point being the author's reference to inclusion of AK Antony being linked to his christian parentage. The author is ignorant of the fact that AK Antony is an athiest. This happen when one has a prejudiced mind.
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
Kiran, there are any number of Atheists among the so called Hindus, more in fact, than among minority faiths. So Anthony is there not for ability but for the extra loyalty that comes from faith. Believe, Christians, esp the elites, believe very much in faith loyalty angle, that is why they do conversions with such unflinching zeal. Also, all monotheistic faiths are inextricably tied to politics and political control, and hence the excess reliance upon faith when push comes to shove.
Narad Muni
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
Sonia does not trust Indian doctors and hospitals. She has plenty of money in Swiss bank and hence she can afford private medical treatment in the USA. I think the US government should make a rule that no dirty money should be spent in the USA. This is all the blood and sweat of poor Indian.
Sonia has no feeling for India or Indian, of course, this is not her country of birth and she can't understand the people. We need to have a leader who has played and grown on the soil of this country.
Sonia can defect to USA or Italy as she is really not welcome here because of the manner she has pursued the politics. She has turned this nicely maturing democracy into her own family affair by using the sentiments and emitions of the people.
Coming to Rahul, he is a fraud. He was caught with millions of cash in the USA. He is misleading the Indian people about his degrees and so on. He thinks he can fool us to become PM of this great Bharat. That will be the joke of this new century.
Let us fix ourselves on making the next PM from BJP or JD. Sure Modi or Nitish Kumar whould be the man. I think the traitors in Congress who are supporting this corrupt family need to be given a very strong lesson of their lifetime.
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
You must be joking if you think Sonia is spending her 'own' money, whatever that means. She is being fully funded by the Govt of India as an MP and cabinet rank holding chairperson NAC. Would be a good idea to file an RTI on the issue when she returns. Last year, did she go to US for her own diagnosis and treatment, when she pretended that her mother was ill? All should now come out
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
The entire trip to USA is shrouded in secrecy, which is typical of the ways of Sonia even with regard to political affairs. Now, this is a fertile field for all types of speculation. One rumour doing rounds is that Sonia is suffering from cervical cancer. Incidentally, the US hospital seems to be for cancer patients. If Sonia is really suffering from terminal disease, I think she has to terminate serious political involvement. Does not the country have a right to know its destiny? Why the congress chaps are hiding behind masks even when they know what it means to the country. Maybe they are afraid that the country will regain its rightful path if the cat is out of the bag.
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
>>>"This country is governed by the invisible ethos of Vikramaditya"<<< ___ The PM's ethos are invisible too. Those who believe in governance by invisible ethos needs to do reality check.
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
I am not a fan (or enemy) of the G parivar, my objection to the writ- up is because in parts it reads like the outlandish theories and claims of Dr Subramanian Swamy, especially the Raul Vinci part. The author has to give something more dependable than speculative strawmen and attacks on them, if she is to be taken seriously. For example, I loved her article on the historical background of Padmanabhaswamy temple.
August 07, 2011 Report Abuse
N RAM and his new Editor and the chamchas at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies have emerged as the VANGUARD OF THE POLITICAL ELITE - Marx must be turning in his grave - and are shamelessly plugging for Rahul as Popular Choice for PM!!! See

Give us a break Ram. Unless you are calling for a Mid Term Poll led by Rahul, you can't plug a coup against the elected Prime Minister like this. For shame. Shame. Shame
August 08, 2011 Report Abuse
This is is a fact with evidence that after J.L.Nehru no one from this Nehru-Gandhi family has graduated.
Rajiv had joined Cambridge University but left without degree because he could not.
Sonia claims to have studied at C.U. but it is a lie.
Rahul joined C.U. for six months but failed in one subject out of four
FOR FURTHER details log on
August 08, 2011 Report Abuse
Mrs. Sonia Maino is in New York Hospital. Obviouly she is suffering from the cause no one want to suffer with. It seems that India is about to win her freedom from Gandhi Family, a family which has given Serpant Grip to the nation!
August 08, 2011 Report Abuse
We all hope that she comes back to India in good health so that she can continue her good work to safe guard the minorities and helps progress the country in right direction.
August 09, 2011 Report Abuse
Manishankar Iyer rightly pointed out that congress is a circus tent in which the main ringmaster is imported ---girl Sonia Maino and no doubt that all the Cabinet Ministers are circus buffoons including the once upon a time honest PM. Their only duty is to dress and dance according to the tune of ringmaster. Now thye want to add a new event by introducing number one idiot, ---- ------ Ra-ul Vinci in the PM chair. It is Indians fate to watch all the tamasha as long as the congress seculars hide under the alien lady's gown.
August 09, 2011 Report Abuse
"Aconcernedindian" has let the cat out of the bag. Sonia Gandhi (alias Antonia Maino) exists only to "safeguard" (read promote) the interests of the "minorities" (read anti-Hindus). "Progress of the country in the right direction" means conversion of Hindus to a cruel and spectaculuarly intolerant desert religion.
Let us Hindu patriots all pray that the wretched Italian returns to Delhi (or to Italy) only in a coffin.
Indira Oorath
August 09, 2011 Report Abuse
A superb article of real information. But unfortunately in our country the one who votes does not know the value of vote and those who know it do not vote. In fact all those so called hi-fi people take pride in saying that they never voted. The result one can see with all spineless and characterless people at the helm of affairs of the country. So Indira Oorath is absolutely right in her comment on 06 Aug 2011. Unless at least handful of worthy people in politics come out of these petty vote-catching-tactics irrespective of their political affiliations and strongly stand behind persons like Dr Subramanya Swamy, the throne will be available to these sons of foreign soil. The anti-Hindu attitude of these pharoahs is a well known fact which has allowed late YSR to loot the National Wealth unchecked. Thanks to the activism of a couple of leaders the whole thing is being digged out.
So let us appeal to those people like Subramanya Swamys, Sankarraos, Errannayudus to unearth these ghastly truths so that the country is saved from the so called Pharoahs and the political bandicoots. Also let us appeal to all to come out of the shackles of the pseudo secularism strongly being professed by these pharoahs to save the rich culture and heritage of Hinduism. JAI HIND!
Commander S Krishna Kumar (Retd)
August 19, 2011 Report Abuse
What sort of writing all this. Is there any basis. Every line is a guess work. And then appreciations by readers for cooking up a story.
If any one objects this sort of rumor mongering, call him Congress man!
All this from educated men.
I am sure Congress failed in imparting right education in our country.
September 03, 2011

Sonia, the Sphinx, turns 66

Sonia Gandhi, recognized as one of the most powerful women in the world today, turns 66 on Friday. Almost 15 years into the rough and tumble of politics, she continues to be an inward-looking and publicity-shy politician, a very unlike-Indian characteristic.

Variously described as ‘sphinx’ and ‘inscrutable’, Sonia has had an eventful life that has seen it all.

The quintessential housewife reluctantly agreed to join politics in 1997; in 1998, she was elected as the leader of the Congress. Since then, Sonia Gandhi has been the President of the Indian National Congress Party. She has served as the Chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance in the Lok Sabha since 2004.

In September 2010, on being re-elected for the fourth time, she became the longest serving president in the 125-year history of the Congress party. Although Sonia is actually the fifth foreign-born person to be leader of the Congress Party, she is the first since independence in 1947.

Her halting English and awkward Hindi notwithstanding, Sonia is now seen by the people of this country as full-blooded Indian, in whose hands the nation’s cultural diversity is safe. This, despite her lack of thorough grounding in grass-root Indian political realities and the continued stigma of her being a ‘foreigner’. Read her full story in the following pages.


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