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Shuruppak tablet knots, hooded snake, are allographs of trefoils deciphered as metalwork catalogues. Trefoils are cross-section orthographic signifiers of dhāī 'strands of rope' rebus: dhāv ʻa partic. soft red stone; dhātu 'mineral ore'.
![Figure 1]()
Reverse of Sumerian tablet VAT 09130 EDIIIA ca. 2600-2500 BCE Shuruppak (mod. Fara)
Hagan Brunke interprets this diagram as a set of knots.
Ribbon on forehead, fillet on upper arm both linked to dhāv/dhāī 'cross section of string/strand' signified by dotted circle. These PLUS trefoil hieroglyph, double dotted circle hieroglyph are signifiers of smelter/smithy in maritime town/village.
3868 Ta. paṭṭi cow-stall, sheepfold, hamlet, village; paṭṭam sleeping place for animals; paṭṭu hamlet, small town or village; paṭṭiṉam maritime town, small town; paṭappu enclosed garden; paṭappai id., backyard, cowstall. Ma. paṭṭi fold for cattle or sheep. Ko. paṭy Badaga village. To. oṭy id. (< Badaga haṭṭi). Ka. paṭṭi pen or fold, abode, hamlet; paṭṭa city, town, village. Tu. paṭṭů nest. Te. paṭṭu abode, dwelling place. / Cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 7705, paṭṭana-. paṭṭana 7705 paṭṭana n. ʻ town ʼ Kauṭ., °nī -- f. lex. 2. páttana -- n. MBh. [Prob. ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 383 and EWA ii 192 with ṭṭreplaced by IA. tt. But its specific meaning as ʻ ferry ʼ in S. L. P. B. H. does lend support to its derivation by R. A. Hall in Language 12, 133 from *partana -- (√pr̥ ~ Lat. portus, &c.). Poss. MIA. pattana -- , paṭṭana -- ʻ *ferry ʼ has collided with Drav. loanword for ʻ town ʼ]1. Pa. paṭṭana -- n. ʻ city ʼ, °aka -- n. ʻ a kind of village ʼ; Pk. paṭṭaṇa -- n. ʻ city ʼ; K. paṭan m. ʻ quarter of a town, name of a village 14 miles NW of Śrinagar ʼ; N. pāṭan ʻ name of a town in the Nepal Valley ʼ; B. pāṭan ʻ town, market ʼ; Or. pā̆ṭaṇā, °anā ʻ town, village, hamlet on outskirts of a big village ʼ; Bi. paṭnā ʻ name of a town ʼ; H. pāṭan m. ʻ town ʼ, G. pāṭaṇ n.; M. pāṭaṇ ʻ name of a town ʼ; Si. paṭuna ʻ town ʼ. -- Pa. paṭṭana -- n. ʻ harbour, port ʼ, Pk. paṭṭaṇa -- n.; H. paṭnī, pā̆ṭaunī, pāṭūnī m. ʻ ferryman ʼ; Si. paṭuna ʻ harbour, seaport ʼ.2. Pk. pattaṇa -- n. ʻ town ʼ, Si. patana. -- S. pataṇu m. ʻ ferry ʼ (whence pātaṇī m. ʻ ferryman ʼ, f. ʻ ferry boat ʼ); L. pattan, (Ju.) pataṇ m. ʻ ferry ʼ; P. pattaṇ ʻ ferry, landing -- place ʼ, pattaṇī, °tuṇī m. ʻ ferryman, one who lives near a ferry ʼ; B. pātanī ʻferrymanʼ.
paṭṭa 7699 paṭṭa1 m. ʻ slab, tablet ʼ MBh., °ṭaka -- m., °ṭikā -- f. Kathās. [Derivation as MIA. form of páttra -- (EWA ii 192), though very doubtful, does receive support from Dard. *paṭṭa -- ʻ leaf ʼ and meaning ʻ metal plate ʼ of several NIA. forms of páttra -- ]Pa. paṭṭa -- m. ʻ slab, tablet ʼ; Pk. paṭṭa -- , °ṭaya -- m., °ṭiyā<-> f. ʻ slab of stone, board ʼ; NiDoc. paṭami loc. sg., paṭi ʻ tablet ʼ; K. paṭa m. ʻ slab, tablet, metal plate ʼ, poṭu m. ʻ flat board, leaf of door, etc. ʼ, püṭü f. ʻ plank ʼ, paṭü rü f. ʻ plank over a watercourse ʼ (< -- aḍikā -- ); S. paṭo m. ʻ strip of paper ʼ, °ṭi f. ʻ boat's landing plank ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ board to write on, rafter ʼ; L. paṭṭ m. ʻ thigh ʼ, f. ʻ beam ʼ, paṭṭā m. ʻ lease ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ narrow strip of level ground ʼ; P. paṭṭ m. ʻ sandy plain ʼ, °ṭā m. ʻ board, title deed to land ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ writing board ʼ; WPah.bhal. paṭṭ m. ʻ thigh ʼ,°ṭo m. ʻ central beam of house ʼ; Ku. pāṭo ʻ millstone ʼ, °ṭī ʻ board, writing board ʼ; N. pāṭo ʻ strip, plot of land, side ʼ, °ṭi ʻ tablet, slate, inn ʼ; A.pāṭ ʻ board ʼ, paṭā ʻ stone slab for grinding on ʼ; B. pāṭ, °ṭā ʻ board, bench, stool, throne ʼ, °ṭi ʻ anything flat, rafter ʼ; Or. pāṭa ʻ plain, throne ʼ,°ṭi, paṭā ʻ wooden plank, metal plate ʼ; Bi. pāṭ ʻ wedge fixing beam to body of plough, washing board ʼ, °ṭī ʻ side -- piece of bed, stone to grind spices on ʼ, (Gaya) paṭṭā ʻ wedge ʼ; Mth. pāṭ ʻ end of handle of mattock projecting beyond blade ʼ, °ṭā ʻ wedge for beam of plough ʼ; OAw.pāṭa m. ʻ plank, seat ʼ; H. pāṭ, °ṭā m. ʻ slab, plank ʼ, °ṭī ʻ side -- piece of bed ʼ, paṭṭā m. ʻ board on which to sit while eating ʼ; OMarw. pāṭī f. ʻ plank ʼ; OG. pāṭīuṁ n. ʻ plank ʼ, pāṭalaü m. ʻ dining stool ʼ; G. pāṭ f., pāṭlɔ m. ʻ bench ʼ, pāṭɔ m. ʻ grinding stone ʼ, °ṭiyũ n. ʻ plank ʼ, °ṭṛɔ m.,°ṭṛī f. ʻ beam ʼ; M. pāṭ m. ʻ bench ʼ, °ṭā m. ʻ grinding stone, tableland ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ writing board ʼ; Si. paṭa ʻ metal plate, slab ʼ. -- Deriv.: N.paṭāunu ʻ to spread out ʼ; H. pāṭnā ʻ to roof ʼ.
paṭṭakila -- ; *akṣapaṭṭa -- , *upparapaṭṭa -- , kaṣapaṭṭikā -- , *catuṣpaṭṭa -- , candanapaṭṭa -- , *talapaṭṭa -- , *tāmrapaṭṭa -- , *dhurapaṭṭa -- , *dhūḍipaṭṭa -- , *pakṣapaṭṭa -- , *prastarapaṭṭa -- , *phalapaṭṭa -- , lalāṭapaṭṭa -- , śilāpaṭṭa -- , *śr̥ṅgapaṭṭa -- , *skandhapaṭṭa -- .
Addenda: paṭṭa --1 : WPah.kṭg. pāṭ m. ʻ mill -- stone ʼ (poss. Wkc. pāṭ m. ʻ female genitals ʼ, paṭṭɔ m. ʻ buttocks, back ʼ; bhal. paṭṭ m. ʻ thigh ʼ Him.I 110); kṭg. paṭḷɔ m. ʻ small wooden stool ʼ. paṭṭa 7700 paṭṭa2 m. ʻ cloth, woven silk ʼ Kāv., ʻ bandage, fillet turban, diadem ʼ MBh. [Prob. like paṭa -- and *phēṭṭa -- 1 from non -- Aryan source, of which *patta -- in Gy. and *patra -- in Sh. may represent aryanization of paṭṭa -- . Not < páttra -- nor, with P. Tedesco Archaeologica Orientalia in Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld 222, < *pr̥ṣṭa<-> ʻ woven ʼ, while an assumed borrowing from IA. in Bur. ph*l lto -- čiṅʻ puttees ʼ is too flimsy a basis for *palta -- (~ Eng. fold, &c.) as the source NTS xiii 93]
Pa. paṭṭa -- m. ʻ woven silk, fine cloth, cotton cloth, turban ʼ, °ṭaka -- ʻ made of a strip of cloth ʼ, n. ʻ bandage, girdle ʼ, °ṭikā -- f.; NiDoc. paṭa ʻ roll of silk ʼ Lüders Textilien 24; Pk. paṭṭa -- m. ʻ cloth, clothes, turban ʼ; Paš. paṭā ʻ strip of skin ʼ, ar. weg. paṭīˊ ʻ belt ʼ; Kal.rumb. pāˊṭi ʻ scarf ʼ; Phal. paṭṭaṛa ʻ bark ʼ; K. paṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ʻ long strip of cloth from loom ʼ, poṭu m. ʻ woollen cloth ʼ, pôṭu m. ʻ silk, silk cloth ʼ (← Ind.?); S. paṭū m. ʻ silk ʼ, paṭū̃ m. ʻ a kind of woollen cloth ʼ, paṭo m. ʻ band of cloth ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ bandage, fillet ʼ; L. paṭṭ m. ʻ silk ʼ, awāṇ. paṭṭī f. ʻ woollen cloth ʼ; P. paṭṭ m. ʻ silk ʼ, paṭṭī f. ʻ coarse woollen cloth, bandage ʼ; WPah.bhal. pe ṭṭu m. sg. and pl. ʻ woman's woollen gown ʼ; Ku. pāṭʻ silk ʼ; N. pāṭ ʻ flax, hemp ʼ; A. B. pāṭ ʻ silk ʼ (B. also ʻ jute ʼ); Or. pāṭa ʻ silk, jute ʼ, paṭā ʻ red silk cloth, sheet, scarf ʼ, (Bastar) pāṭā ʻ loincloth ʼ; Bhoj. paṭuā ʻ jute ʼ; OAw. pāṭa m. ʻ silk cloth ʼ; H. paṭ m. ʻ cloth, turban ʼ, paṭṭū m. ʻ coarse woollen cloth ʼ, paṭṭī f. ʻ strip of cloth ʼ, paṭkā m. ʻ loincloth ʼ; G. pāṭ m. ʻ strip of cloth ʼ, °ṭɔ m. ʻ bandage ʼ, °ṭī f. ʻ tape ʼ; Ko. pāṭṭo ʻ strap ʼ; Si. paṭa ʻ silk, fine cloth ʼ, paṭiya ʻ ribbon, girdle, cloth screen round a tent ʼ. -- Gy. rum. pato ʻ clothing ʼ, gr. patavo ʻ napkin ʼ, wel. patavō ʻ sock ʼ, germ. phār ʻ silk, taffeta ʼ; Sh.koh. gur. pāc̣ṷ m. ʻ cloth ʼ, koh. poc̣e ʻ clothes ʼ.
*paṭṭakara -- , *paṭṭadukūla -- , *paṭṭapati -- , paṭṭaraṅga -- , paṭṭarājñī -- , *paṭṭavaya -- ; *niṣpaṭṭa -- ; *antarapaṭṭa -- , *andhapaṭṭa -- , *kakṣapaṭṭa -- , *karpaṭapaṭṭikā -- , *ghumbapaṭṭa -- , carmapaṭṭa -- , *dupaṭṭikā -- , *paggapaṭṭa -- , *paścapaṭṭa -- , *laṅgapaṭṭa -- , *vasanapaṭṭa -- , śīrṣapaṭṭaka -- .
Addenda: paṭṭa --2 : WPah.poet. pakṭe f. ʻ woman's woollen gown ʼ (metath. of *paṭke with -- akka -- ); Md. fořā ʻ cloth or Sinhalese sarong ʼ,fařu(v)i ʻ silk ʼ, fař ʻ strip, chain ʼ, fař jehum ʻ wrapping ʼ (jehum verbal noun of jahanī ʻ strikes ʼ). paṭṭa 7701 *paṭṭa3 ʻ veil ʼ. [Poss. < *parta -- ~ Pers. parda ʻ veil ʼ < *partaka -- Rep1 62? -- But cf. paṭála -- ]Ash. aċi -- paṭá ʻ eyelashes ʼ, Wg. ačē̃ -- póṭ, Kt. ačipaṭəlók, Pr. iži -- wot, Paš.lauṛ. ac̣i -- paṭala, Kho. páṭuk (→ Sang. patak ʻ eyelid ʼ). paṭṭakara 7702 *paṭṭakara ʻ cloth -- maker ʼ. [Cf. paṭṭakarman -- n. ʻ weaving ʼ Pañcat. -- paṭṭa -- 2 , kara -- 1 ]Or. pāṭarā ʻ a Hindu caste of cloth -- dealers ʼ; Bi. paṭaherā ʻ maker of fancy silk ʼ; -- cf. Pk. paṭṭakāra -- m. ʻ weaver ʼ. paṭṭakila 7703 paṭṭakila m. ʻ tenant of royal land ʼ Vet. -- . [*paṭṭakin: paṭṭa -- 1 ]Pk. paṭṭaïl(l)a -- m. ʻ village headman ʼ; G. paṭe l m. ʻ hereditary headman ʼ (whence paṭlāṇi f. ʻ his wife ʼ); OM. pāṭaïlu, M. pāṭel, °ṭīl m. ʻ village headman ʼ.
Shuruppak tablet knots, hooded snake, are allographs of trefoils deciphered as metalwork catalogues. Trefoils are cross-section orthographic signifiers of dhāī 'strands of rope' rebus: dhāv ʻa partic. soft red stone; dhātu 'mineral ore'.

Reverse of Sumerian tablet VAT 09130 EDIIIA ca. 2600-2500 BCE Shuruppak (mod. Fara)
Hagan Brunke interprets this diagram as a set of knots.
“While the drawings 1, 2, 4, and 5 show one knotted snake each, entangled in itself (i.e., a one-component knot), there are two snakes entangled with each other (i.e., a two-component knot) in drawing 3. ” Hagan Brunke, Embedded structures: two Mesopotamian examples
An alternative interpretation is possible in the context of metalwork signified on Indus Script Corpora using 'endless knot' hieroglyph-multiplexes. Interactions of Meluhha artisans and Sumer are well attested archaeologically.
Strands of rope or entangled strings are displayed as hieroglyph-multiplexes on a number of inscriptions of Indus Script Corpora. All these inscriptions have been deciphered as metalwork catalogues.
Trefoil is a set of three cross sections of three strands. This is read as tri-dhātu 'three-fold'. Rebus: tri-dhāv 'three soft red stone mineral ores'.
Creating the knotted structures of strings as 'endless knot' motifs is explained by the gloss: मेढा [mēḍhā] A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl (Marathi). Rebus: meḍ 'iron, copper' (Munda. Slavic) mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (Munda). http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/11/ornamental-endless-knot-svastika-other.html
The + hieroglyph on Shuruppak tablet knots set signifies a fire-altar as do similar hieroglyphs on Indus Script Corpora. The gloss is: kanda 'fire-altar'.
The 'snake' hieroglyph on Shuruppak tablet knots set signifies kulā 'hood of snake' Rebus: kolle 'blacksmith'; kolhe 'smelter'.
dhāī wisp of fibers added to a rope (Sindhi) Rebus: dhātu 'mineral ore' (Samskritam) dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻa partic. soft red stoneʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻcomposed of or relating to ironʼ(Marathi) धवड [ dhavaḍa ] m (Or धावड) A class or an individual of it. They are smelters of iron. धावड [ dhāvaḍa ] m A class or an individual of it. They are smelters of iron.धावडी [ dhāvaḍī ] a Relating to the class धावड. Hence 2 Composed of or relating to iron. (Marathi.Molesworth)
Dotted circles, trefoils, fillet/ribbon badge on priest statue are Indus Script hieroglyphs deciphered as dhāv paṭy/paṭṭaḍa maritime town red ochre smelter/smithy.
dhāī wisp of fibers added to a rope (Sindhi) Rebus: dhātu 'mineral ore' (Samskritam) dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻa partic. soft red stoneʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻcomposed of or relating to ironʼ(Marathi) धवड [ dhavaḍa ] m (Or धावड) A class or an individual of it. They are smelters of iron. धावड [ dhāvaḍa ] m A class or an individual of it. They are smelters of iron.धावडी [ dhāvaḍī ] a Relating to the class धावड. Hence 2 Composed of or relating to iron. (Marathi.Molesworth)
Dotted circles, trefoils, fillet/ribbon badge on priest statue are Indus Script hieroglyphs deciphered as dhāv paṭy/paṭṭaḍa maritime town red ochre smelter/smithy.
Dotted circles, trefoils, fillet/ribbon badge on priest statue are Indus Script hieroglyphs deciphered as dhāv paṭy/paṭṭaḍa maritime town red ochre smelter/smithy.
There are two glosses related to smelting/smithy metalwork signified by rebus reading of hieroglyphs of fillet/ribbon badge worn on forearm and on forehead by the priest statue, Mohenjo-daro: धवड [ dhavaḍa ] = dhāv + aḍa 'lit. iron/copper smelter + support/anvil'; పట్టడ[ paṭṭaḍa ] 'smithy, workshop'.
Semantics of suffix aḍa is explained by the following etyma consistent with the action of smelting ores :
OAw. bhārū, pl. °rā m. ʻ oven, furnace ʼ; H. bhāṛ m. ʻ oven, grain -- parcher's fireplace, fire ʼ; G. bhāḍi f. ʻ oven ʼ, M. bhāḍ n.
Koḍ. aḍigeka·rë cook; fem. aḍigekarati. Tu. aḍůpini to cook; aḍi cooked, dressed, prepared

Hieroglyph: Tor. dáī, Kand. däī, Mai. dhāi 'beard' Rebus: dhāv 'red ore (copper/iron)
Hieroglyphs: fillet on forehead/bracelet on forearm: dhāī 'strand, string' + paṭī 'fillet'
Rebus: dhāv + paṭṭiṉam/paṭy 'red ore (copper/iron) smelter (in) maritime town/village'.
Assembled smelting furnaces, copper: Singhbum, Aravalli; zinc: Zawarmala
Furnace shemtic and working on bellows, Lohar Para, Bastar District, India
Indus Script hieroglyphs and Meluhha (Indian sprachbund) lexis
Addenda: paṭṭa --
Pa. paṭṭa -- m. ʻ woven silk, fine cloth, cotton cloth, turban ʼ, °ṭaka -- ʻ made of a strip of cloth ʼ, n. ʻ bandage, girdle ʼ, °ṭikā -- f.; NiDoc. paṭa ʻ roll of silk ʼ Lüders Textilien 24; Pk. paṭṭa -- m. ʻ cloth, clothes, turban ʼ; Paš. paṭā ʻ strip of skin ʼ, ar. weg. paṭīˊ ʻ belt ʼ; Kal.rumb. pāˊṭi ʻ scarf ʼ; Phal. paṭṭaṛa ʻ bark ʼ; K. paṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ʻ long strip of cloth from loom ʼ, poṭ
Addenda: paṭṭa --
పట్టడ (p. 0699) [ paṭṭaḍa ] paṭṭaḍu. [Tel.] n. A smithy, a shop. కుమ్మరి వడ్లంగి మొదలగువారు పనిచేయు చోటు .3865 Ta. paṭṭaṭai, paṭṭaṟai anvil, smithy, forge. Ka. paṭṭaḍe, paṭṭaḍi anvil, workshop. Te. paṭṭika, paṭṭeḍa anvil; paṭṭaḍa workshop.86 Ta. aṭai prop. slight support; aṭai-kal anvil. Ma. aṭa-kkallu anvil of goldsmiths. Ko. aṛ gal small anvil. Ka. aḍe, aḍa, aḍi the piece of wood on which the five artisans put the article which they happen to operate upon, a support; aḍegal, aḍagallu, aḍigallu anvil. Tu. aṭṭè a support, stand. Te. ḍā-kali, ḍā-kallu, dā-kali, dā-gali, dāyi anvil.
kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Telugu) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.) कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [kōlhēṃ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil)
Hieroglyph: xolā = tail (Kur.); qoli id. (Malt.)(DEDr 2135). Rebus: kol ‘pañcalōha’ (Ta.) கொல் kol, n. 1. Iron; இரும்பு. மின் வெள்ளி பொன் கொல்லெனச் சொல்லும் (தக்கயாகப். 550). 2. Metal; உலோகம். (நாமதீப. 318.) கொல்² kol Working in iron; கொற்றொழில். Blacksmith; கொல்லன். (Tamil) கொல்லன் kollaṉ, n. < T. golla. Custodian of treasure; கஜானாக்காரன். (P. T. L.) கொல்லிச்சி kollicci, n. Fem. of கொல்லன். Woman of the blacksmith caste; கொல்லச் சாதிப் பெண். (யாழ். அக.) The gloss kollicci is notable. It clearly evidences that kol was a blacksmith. kola ‘blacksmith’ (Ka.); Koḍ. kollë blacksmith (DEDR 2133).
kolo ‘jackal’ (Konkani) kul 'tiger' (Santali); kōlu id. (Te.) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.)Pk. kolhuya -- , kulha -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ < *kōḍhu -- ; H.kolhā, °lā m. ʻ jackal ʼ, adj. ʻ crafty ʼ; G. kohlũ, °lũ n. ʻ jackal ʼ, M. kolhā, °lā m. krōṣṭŕ̊ ʻ crying ʼ BhP., m. ʻ jackal ʼ RV. = krṓṣṭu -- m. Pāṇ. [√kruś] Pa. koṭṭhu -- , °uka -- and kotthu -- , °uka -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ, Pk. koṭṭhu -- m.; Si. koṭa ʻ jackal ʼ, koṭiya ʻ leopard ʼ GS 42 (CDIAL 3615). कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Ta.) Allograph: kōla = woman (Nahali) [The ligature of a woman to a tiger is a phonetic determinant; the scribe clearly conveys that the gloss represented is kōla] kola 'tiger' kola 'woman'
A composite terracotta feline wearing necklace like a woman. kola 'tiger' kola 'woman' Rebus: kol 'working in iron'. Nahali (kol ‘woman’) and Santali (kul ‘tiger’; kol ‘smelter’).
kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kolme =furnace (Ka.) kol = pan~calo_ha (fivemetals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha = a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Man:garāja’s Nighaṇṭu. 498)(Ka.)
Rebus: kol 'working in iron'. Ta. kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith. Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village. To. kwala·l Kota smithy. Ka.kolime, kolume, kulame, kulime, kulume, kulme fire-pit, furnace; (Bell.; U.P.U.) konimi blacksmith (Gowda) kolla id. Koḍ. kollë blacksmith. Te. kolimi furnace. Go.(SR.) kollusānā to mend implements; (Ph.) kolstānā, kulsānā to forge; (Tr.) kōlstānā to repair (of ploughshares); (SR.) kolmi smithy (Voc. 948). Kuwi (F.) kolhali to forge(DEDR 2133).
Kalibangan 37, 34
Two Kalibangan seals show an antelope and fish glyphs as the inscription. Mẽḍha ‘antelope’; rebus: ‘iron’ (Ho.) ayo ‘fish’; rebs: ayo ‘metal’ (G.) [These are examples which clearly demonstrate that Indus script is a glyptic writing system and hence, all glyphs and glyptic elements have to be decoded.] miṇḍāl markhor (Tor.wali) meḍho a ram, a sheep (G.)(CDIAL 10120) iron (Ho.) meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) meḍ ‘iron’. ayo, hako ‘fish’; ãs = scales of fish (Santali) Rebus: aya ‘metal, iron’ (Gujarati); ayah, ayas = metal (Samskritam)
Copper plate inscription. Antelope. Short tail upturned. Trough in front.
Mohenjodaro seal (M-272)Orthographic variants of tails of 'animal' hieroglyphs, particularly those of ram or antelope are deciphered as rebus-metonymy layered Meluhha (Proto-Prakritam) words related to blacksmithy or smelters of iron and other metals including metal infusion and cire perdue lost-wax castings. The 'tail' hieroglyh also gets normalised as a sign on texts to connote kolA 'tail' Rebus: kolhe 'smelter' kolle 'blacksmith'.
Some hieroglyph components are: hooded snake or short-tail generally on antelopes.
This hieroglyph appears on Jasper Akkadian cylinder seal. kulā hood of snake Rebus: kolle'blacksmith'
One Proto-Prakritam word signifies both 'tail' and 'hood of serpent'. The word is: xolā 'tail' of antelope and kulā 'hooded snake'. A similar sounding word signifies a blacksmith or smelter: kolle 'blacksmith' kolhe 'smelter'. These can be cited as 'signature' tunes of the writing system, to convey the semantics of a metalworker -- a smith or a smelter.
mũhe ‘face’ (Santali) mũh opening or hole (in a stove for stoking (Bi.); ingot (Santali)mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali) kaula mengro ‘blacksmith’ (Gypsy) mleccha-mukha (Skt.) = milakkhu ‘copper’ (Pali) The Sanskrit loss mleccha-mukha should literally mean: copper-ingot absorbing the Santali gloss, mũh, as a suffix.
6082 *trōpa ʻ piercing, hole ʼ. [√trup ]L. P. ṭoā m. ʻ hole, pit ʼ; M. ṭov m. ʻ little hole ʼ.6084 *trōpyatē ʻ is pierced ʼ. [√trup ]S. ṭropaṇu ʻ to bore the ears or nose, lance a sore ʼ, ṭropo m. ʻ running stitch ʼ; M. ṭopṇẽ ʻ to pierce ʼ, n. ʻ gimlet ʼ, ṭopasṇẽ ʻ to pierce ʼ.Addenda: *trōpyatē: WPah.kṭg. chəpe uṇõ ʻ to cause to be pierced ʼ; Ko. toptā ʻ pierces ʼ 6068 *trupyati or *trupnāti ʻ pierces ʼ. [√trup ]Paš.kuṛ. l upiyém ʻ I sew ʼ, Woṭ. tuph -- Buddruss Woṭ 129 < *thup -- ← Gaw. l üpe -- , Sv. l up -- ; K. tr&otodhacek;pu m. ʻ stitching ʼ; WPah.bhal. ṭḷupp f. ʻ sewing ʼ; P. tuppṇā ʻ to sew ʼ, tarupṇā, turpṇā, turupṇā, ḍog. truppanī f. ʻ needle ʼ (→ Ku. turpaṇo ʻ to sew a cloth double ʼ; A. turup ʻ hem ʼ; B. turpā ʻ to pierce, sew ʼ; Or. turpibā ʻ to make simple long stitches ʼ; H. turupnā ʻ to hem ʼ); G. ṭupvũ ʻ to pierce, prick ʼ; M.ṭupṇẽ ʻ to pierce, enter, thrust (e.g. a needle) into ʼ.
TRUPH ʻ miscarry ʼ: *truphati; -- √trup .Addenda: *trupyati: WPah.kṭg. chúpṇõ (cú -- ?) ʻ to pierce, prick ʼ, chópṇõ (có -- ?) id.
3339 Ta. tura (-pp-, -nt-) to tunnel, bore; turappu tunnel; turappaṇam auger, drill,tool for boring holes; turuvu (turuvi-) to bore, drill, perforate, scrape out as the pulp of a coconut; n. hole, scraping, scooping; turuvalscrapings as of coconut pulp, boring, drilling. Ma. turakka to bury, undermine; turappaṇam carpenter's drill, gimlet; turappan a bandicoot rat; turavu burrowing, mine, hole; tura hole, burrow. Ka. turi, turuvu to hollow, bore, drill, make a hole, grate, scrape as fruits, scrape out as a kernel out of its shell; n. grating, scraping out, etc. Tu. turipini, turipuni, turupuni to bore, perforate, string as beads; turiyuni, turuvuni to be bored, perforated, be strung. Te. tuṟumu to scrape with a toothed instrument as the kernel of a coconut; ? truṅgu to break, fall in pieces, perish, die; ? t(r)uncu to cut to pieces, tear, break, kill (or truṅgu, truncu with 3305 Ta. tuṇi). Pa. turu soil dug out in a heap by rats. Konḍa(BB, 1972) tṟuk- (-t-) (pig) to root up earth with snout. Kui trupka (< truk-p-; trukt-) to bore, pierce; truspa (trust-), tuspa (tust-), to pierce a hole, breach; trūva (trūt-) to be pierced, holed; trunga (trungi-) to become a hole, be pierced. Kur. tūrnā to pierce through, perforate. Malt.túre to scratch out; turge to bury the ashes of the dead; ? tuṉga, tuṉgṛa hollow of a bamboo or bridge, tube, tunnel.12354 śalyaśaṅku 12355 *śalyaśaṅku ʻ spiked stick ʼ. [śalyá -- , śaṅkú -- 1 ]
P. salhaṅg, °gā m., salaṅgh f., °ghā m. ʻ small pitchfork ʼ.
ఆరకూటము [ ārakūṭamu ] āra-kūṭamu. [Skt.] n. Steel or brass. ఉక్కు, ఇత్తడి. ఆరకూటచ్ఛాయ the hue of steel or brass.பித்தளை pittaḷai, n. < pittalā. [K. hittaḷē.] Brass, Aurichalcum; செம்பும் நாகமுங் கலந்த உலோகவகை. ஈயம் செம்பிரும் பிரசித மென்பவும் புணர்ப்பாற் றோயும் பித்தளை (திருவிளை. இரசவாத. 23).
5-fold symmetry three-strand endless knot hieroglyph on C-49, C-50 identical seals with identical hieroglyph multiplexes
h243A aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'metal' aya 'iron'; kaNDa 'arrow' rebus: kANDA 'tools, pots and pans' (Marathi); kharedo = a currycomb (Gujarati) Rebus: kharadI 'turner' (Gujarati)
h243 A,B Bas-relief tablet 7 ficus leaves, inscription text
Nausharo 3, Nindowari Damb 3 Dotted circle, symmetric circlesObverse has zebu and snake, dotted circle, 3-horns hieroglyphsC-49 a,b,c+ hieroglyph in the middle with covering lines around/dots in corners poLa 'zebu' rebus: poLa 'magnetite'; dhAv 'strand' rebus: dhAv 'smelter'; kulA 'hooded snake' rebus: kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'; kolmo 'three' koD 'horn' rebus: kolimi 'smithy' koD 'workshop'. tri-dhAtu 'three strands, threefold' rebus: tri-dhAv 'three mineral ores'. ![]()
h349A,B 3 concentric circles + dotted circle + 7 point star + antelope looking back mēḍh 'pole star' rebus: mēḍ 'iron'
med 'copper' (Slavic) dhAv 'dotted circle, strand' rebus: dhAv 'mineral'. krammara 'look back' mlech 'goat' rebus: kamar 'artisan' milakkhu 'copper' (Pali)
dots in middle with circles around (dotted circle hieroglyph)Mehergarh 16 + hieroglyph, enclosed in circle with 8 point star mēḍh 'pole star' rebus: mēḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic)
m352 gota 'seed, bean, whole'; खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. (Marathi) dhAv 'dotted circle, strand' rebus: dhAv 'mineral' kanda 'fire-altar'
Lothal075 kanda'fire-altar'
h359 to h362 Dotted circles as allographs of linear strokes PLUS rimless pot
h855 A,B,C 3 Dotted circles
h354, h355, h352, h353 A,B,C Demonstrating three dotted circles as an allograph for three linear strokes PLUS rimless pot hieroglyph multiplex
10489 yugala n. ʻ pair, couple ʼ Pañcat., °aka -- n. Kathās. [yugá -- ]
Pa. yugala -- , °aka -- n. ʻ pair ʼ, Pk. juala -- , juvala -- , juaṇa -- n.; Kho. (Lor.) ǰuwalu ʻ couple (usu. of humans) ʼ; S. joro m. ʻ suit of woman's apparel consisting of petticoat -- bodice and shawl ʼ; P.ḍog. j*l ol f. ʻ cloth joining corner of bride's scarf with the groom's while perambulating the sacred fire ʼ; Ku. jolo, °lī ʻ pair ʼ; Or. (Sambhalpur) joel ʻ copulation of two animals ʼ; H. jūlā, jolā m. ʻ tract of land containing 16 bīsīs ʼ, jolī m. ʻ partner ʼ; G. joḷ f. ʻ twins ʼ; M. j̈ũvaḷ, j̈ūḷ n. ʻ pair of twins, pair ʼ, j̈ũvḷā m., j̈uḷẽ n., j̈uḷī f. ʻ one of twins ʼ; <-> ext. -- ṭṭ -- : N. jolṭinu ʻ to be united, be coupled (as dogs when mating) ʼ, jolṭe ʻ born at a birth, twin ʼ. -- X dva -- : K. dula m. ʻ pair, couple (of anything) ʼ?
11227 *vaḍradaṇḍa ʻ large pole ʼ. [vaḍra -- , daṇḍá -- ]Bi. baṛẽṛā, °ṛī ʻ upper iron bar of pillars supporting a smith's bellows ʼ, bẽriyā (< *baṛẽṛiyā? -- Other names are ḍaṇḍā, ḍaṇṭā Grierson BPL 414). 11211 vaṭa1 m. ʻ the banyan Ficus indica ʼ MBh.Pa. vaṭa -- m. ʻ banyan ʼ, Pk. vaḍa -- , °aga -- m., K. war in war -- kulu m., S. baṛu m. (← E); P. vaṛ, baṛ m., vohṛ, bohṛ f. ʻ banyan ʼ, vaṛoṭā,ba° m. ʻ young banyan ʼ (+?); N. A. bar ʻ banyan ʼ, B. baṛ, Bi. bar (→ Or. bara), H. baṛ m. (→ Bhoj. Mth. baṛ), G. vaṛ m., M. vaḍ m., Ko.vaḍu.*vaṭapadra -- , *vaṭapātikā -- .Addenda: vaṭa -- 1 : Garh. baṛ ʻ fig tree ʼ. vaṭa 11212 vaṭa2 ʻ string ʼ lex. [Prob. ← Drav. Tam. vaṭam, Kan. vaṭi, vaṭara, &c. DED 4268]N. bariyo ʻ cord, rope ʼ; Bi. barah ʻ rope working irrigation lever ʼ, barhā ʻ thick well -- rope ʼ, Mth. barahā ʻ rope ʼ.
11213 vaṭa3 m., °aka -- m.n. ʻ small lump ʼ ŚārṅgS., ʻ round cake of pulse fried in oil ʼ Suśr., vaṭikā -- f. ʻ small lump ʼ Pañcat., °ṭakā -- f. Dhūrtan.
Pa. vaṭaka -- m. ʻ small ball, thickening bulb, tuber ʼ; Pk. vaḍī -- f., °ḍaga -- m. ʻ ball of pulse ʼ; K. woru m. ʻ a kind of spiced cake ʼ, vürü f. ʻ small lump of pulse fried in oil or ghee ʼ; S. vaṛo m., °ṛī f. ʻ dish of pulse ʼ; L.awāṇ. vaṛī ʻ pellet of pulse ʼ; P. vaṛā, ba° ʻ fried preparation of lentils ʼ, vaṛī, ba° ʻ lump of pulse ʼ; Ku. baṛo m. ʻ cake of pulse fried in oil or ghee ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ small do. ʼ; N. bari ʻ pill ʼ; A. bara ʻ round cake of ground pulse ʼ, bari ʻ pill ʼ; B. Or. baṛi ʻ ball of bruised pulse, pill ʼ; Bi. barī ʻ cake of fried pulse ʼ, H. baṛā m., °ṛī f.; G. vaṛũ n., °ṛī f. ʻ a kind of cake ʼ; M. vaḍī f. ʻ id. ʼ, vaḍā m. ʻ cake of fried pulse ʼ.
11354 vartana n. ʻ turning, rolling ʼ Nir., vartanī -- f. ʻ spindle ʼ Lalit. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b*l c̣*l ṇi f. ʻ disc fixed on large spindle ʼ (c̣?); Kho. bartun ʻ wooden disc fixed on spindle ʼ (a?); K. watan f. ʻ small circular piece of leather or wood or metal for fastening chain of bolt ʼ, watüñü f. ʻ do. used as a toy ʼ; S. vaṭiṇo m. ʻ spindle ʼ; L. vaṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ, P. vaṭṭṇā, vaṭṇū m., °ṇī f., baṭṇā, °ṇū m., °ṇī f.; Ku. baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ; B. bāṭnā ʻ grinding ʼ; Bi. baṭanī ʻ fringemaker's wooden reel ʼ; H. baṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ; G. vāṭṇɔ, °ṇiɔ m. ʻ long round stone used in crushing or beating on a slab, muller ʼ.11356 vartáyati ʻ causes to turn, whirls ʼ RV. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēi, vattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. baṭyāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waṭun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭaṇ, (Ju.) vaṭaṇ ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭuṇ ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) bāṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. bāṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. bāṭnu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. bāṭiba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. bāṭā, bã̄ṭāʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. bāṭibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. baṭnāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. bāṭnā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vāṭvũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M.vāṭṇẽ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇẽ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaṭanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaṭāiṇu; P. baṭāuṇā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇā, ba° ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaṭāvvũ, vatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ.
Addenda: vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. bāṭṇu; A. baṭiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ < údvartatē ?).
11357 vartalōha n. ʻ a kind of brass (i.e. *cup metal?) ʼ lex. [*varta -- 2 associated with lōhá -- by pop. etym.?]
Pa. vaṭṭalōha -- n. ʻ a partic. kind of metal ʼ; L.awāṇ. valṭōā ʻ metal pitcher ʼ, P. valṭoh, ba° f., vaṭlohā, ba° m.; N. baṭlohi ʻ round metal vessel ʼ; A. baṭlahi ʻ water vessel ʼ; B. bāṭlahi, bāṭulāi ʻ round brass cooking vessel ʼ; Bi. baṭlohī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; H. baṭlohī, °loī f. ʻ brass drinking and cooking vessel ʼ, G. vaṭloi f.
Addenda: vartalōha -- : WPah.kṭg. bəlṭóɔ m. ʻ large brass vessel ʼ.
9424 bhástrā f. ʻ leathern bag ʼ ŚBr., ʻ bellows ʼ Kāv., bhastrikā -- f. ʻ little bag ʼ Daś. [Despite EWA ii 489, not from a √bhas ʻ blow ʼ (existence of which is very doubtful). -- Basic meaning is ʻ skin bag ʼ (cf. bakura <-> ʻ bellows ʼ ~ bākurá -- dŕ̊ti -- ʻ goat's skin ʼ), der. from bastá -- m. ʻ goat ʼ RV. (cf. bastājina -- n. ʻ goat's skin ʼ MaitrS. = bāstaṁ carma Mn.); with bh -- (and unexpl. -- st -- ) in Pa. bhasta -- m. ʻ goat ʼ, bhastacamma -- n. ʻ goat's skin ʼ. Phonet. Pa. and all NIA. (except S. with a) may be < *bhāsta -- , cf. bāsta -- above (J. C. W.)]With unexpl. retention of -- st -- : Pa. bhastā -- f. ʻ bellows ʼ (cf. vāta -- puṇṇa -- bhasta -- camma -- n. ʻ goat's skin full of wind ʼ), biḷāra -- bhastā -- f. ʻ catskin bag ʼ, bhasta -- n. ʻ leather sack (for flour) ʼ; K. khāra -- basta f. ʻ blacksmith's skin bellows ʼ; -- S. bathī f. ʻ quiver ʼ (< *bhathī); A. Or. bhāti ʻ bellows ʼ, Bi. bhāthī, (S of Ganges) bhã̄thī; OAw. bhāthā̆ ʻ quiver ʼ; H. bhāthā m. ʻ quiver ʼ, bhāthī f. ʻ bellows ʼ; G. bhāthɔ, bhātɔ, bhāthṛɔ m. ʻ quiver ʼ (whence bhāthī m. ʻ warrior ʼ); M. bhātā m. ʻ leathern bag, bellows, quiver ʼ, bhātaḍ n. ʻ bellows, quiver ʼ; <-> (X bhráṣṭra -- ?) N. bhã̄ṭi ʻ bellows ʼ, H. bhāṭhī f.
*khallabhastrā -- .
Addenda: bhástrā -- : OA. bhāthi ʻ bellows ʼ AFD 206.
9684 bhrāṣṭra m. ʻ gridiron ʼ Nir., adj. ʻ cooked on a grid- iron ʼ Pāṇ., °ka -- m. (n.?) ʻ frying pan ʼ Pañcat. [NIA. forms all < eastern MIA. *bhāṭha -- , but like Pk. none show medial aspirate except G. with -- ḍ -- poss. < -- ḍh -- . -- bhráṣṭra -- , √bhrajj ]
Pk. bhāḍa -- n. ʻ oven for parching grain ʼ; Phal. bhaṛ<-> ʻ to roast, fry ʼ (NOPhal 31 < bhr̥kta -- with ?); L. bhāṛ ʻ oven ʼ; Ku. bhāṛ ʻ iron oven, fire, furnace ʼ; Bi. bhārʻ grain -- parcher's fireplace ʼ, (N of Ganges) bhaṛ -- bhū̃jā ʻ grain -- parcher ʼ; OAw. bhārū, pl. °rā m. ʻ oven, furnace ʼ; H. bhāṛ m. ʻ oven, grain -- parcher's fireplace, fire ʼ; G. bhāḍi f. ʻ oven ʼ, M. bhāḍ n.
*bhrāṣṭraśālikā -- .
bhrāṣṭraśālikā 9685 *bhrāṣṭraśālikā ʻ furnace house ʼ. [bhrāṣṭra -- , śāˊlā -- ]
H. bharsārī f. ʻ furnace, oven ʼ.
9656 bhráṣṭra n. ʻ frying pan, gridiron ʼ MaitrS. [√bhrajj ]
Pk. bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron ʼ; K. büṭhü f. ʻ level surface by kitchen fireplace on which vessels are put when taken off fire ʼ; S. baṭhu m. ʻ large pot in which grain is parched, large cooking fire ʼ, baṭhī f. ʻ distilling furnace ʼ; L. bhaṭṭh m. ʻ grain -- parcher's oven ʼ, bhaṭṭhī f. ʻ kiln, distillery ʼ, awāṇ. bhaṭh; P. bhaṭṭh m., °ṭhī f. ʻ furnace ʼ, bhaṭṭhā m. ʻ kiln ʼ; N. bhāṭi ʻ oven or vessel in which clothes are steamed for washing ʼ; A. bhaṭā ʻ brick -- or lime -- kiln ʼ; B. bhāṭi ʻ kiln ʼ; Or. bhāṭi ʻ brick -- kiln, distilling pot ʼ; Mth. bhaṭhī, bhaṭṭī ʻ brick -- kiln, furnace, still ʼ; Aw.lakh. bhāṭhā ʻ kiln ʼ; H. bhaṭṭhā m. ʻ kiln ʼ, bhaṭ f. ʻ kiln, oven, fireplace ʼ; M. bhaṭṭā m. ʻ pot of fire ʼ, bhaṭṭī f. ʻ forge ʼ. -- X bhástrā -- q.v.
bhrāṣṭra -- ; *bhraṣṭrapūra -- , *bhraṣṭrāgāra -- .
Addenda: bhráṣṭra -- : S.kcch. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ʻ distil (spirits) ʼ.
varta 11346 varta1 m. ʻ *turning round ʼ, ʻ livelihood ʼ lex. [√vr̥t ]
S. vaṭu m. ʻ twist ʼ; H. baṭṭā m. ʻ exchange ʼ; -- Si. vaṭa ʻ subsistence, livelihood ʼ or < vr̥ttá -- .
*vartakara -- , *vartakaraṇa -- , *vartāntara -- .
varta 11347 *varta2 ʻ circular object ʼ or more prob. ʻ something made of metal ʼ, cf. vartaka -- 2 n. ʻ bell -- metal, brass ʼ lex. and vartalōha -- . [√vr̥t ?]
Pk. vaṭṭa -- m.n., °aya -- m. ʻ cup ʼ; Ash. waṭāˊk ʻ cup, plate ʼ; K. waṭukh, dat. °ṭakas m. ʻ cup, bowl ʼ; S. vaṭo m. ʻ metal drinking cup ʼ; N.bāṭā, ʻ round copper or brass vessel ʼ; A. bāṭi ʻ cup ʼ; B. bāṭā ʻ box for betel ʼ; Or. baṭā ʻ metal pot for betel ʼ, bāṭi ʻ cup, saucer ʼ; Mth. baṭṭā ʻ large metal cup ʼ, bāṭī ʻ small do. ʼ, H. baṭṛī f.; G. M. vāṭī f. ʻ vessel ʼ.
*aṅkavarta -- , *kajjalavarta -- , *kalaśavarta -- , *kṣāṇavartaka -- , *cūrṇavarta -- , parṇavartikā -- , *hiṅgulavarta -- .
Addenda: *varta -- 2 : Md. vař ʻ circle ʼ (vař -- han̆du ʻ full moon ʼ).
varta 11348 *varta3 ʻ round stone ʼ. 2. *vārta -- . [Cf. Kurd. bard ʻ stone ʼ. -- √vr̥t 1 ]
1. Gy. eur. bar, SEeur. bai̦ ʻ stone ʼ, pal. wăṭ, wŭṭ ʻ stone, cliff ʼ; Ḍ. boṭ m. ʻ stone ʼ, Ash. Wg. wāṭ, Kt. woṭ, Dm. bɔ̈̄'ṭ, Tir. baṭ, Niṅg. bōt, Woṭ.baṭ m., Gmb. wāṭ; Gaw. wāṭ ʻ stone, millstone ʼ; Kal.rumb. bat ʻ stone ʼ (bad -- váṣ ʻ hail ʼ), Kho. bort, Bshk. baṭ, Tor. bāṭ, Mai. (Barth) "bhāt" NTS xviii 125, Sv. bāṭ, Phal. bā̆ṭ; Sh.gil. băṭ m. ʻ stone ʼ, koh. băṭṭ m., jij. baṭ, pales. baṭ ʻ millstone ʼ; K. waṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ʻ round stone ʼ,vüṭü f. ʻ small do. ʼ; L. vaṭṭā m. ʻ stone ʼ, khet. vaṭ ʻ rock ʼ; P. baṭṭ m. ʻ a partic. weight ʼ, vaṭṭā, ba° m. ʻ stone ʼ, vaṭṭī f. ʻ pebble ʼ; WPah.bhal.baṭṭ m. ʻ small round stone ʼ; Or. bāṭi ʻ stone ʼ; Bi. baṭṭā ʻ stone roller for spices, grindstone ʼ. -- With unexpl. -- ṭṭh -- : Sh.gur. baṭṭh m. ʻ stone ʼ, gil. baṭhāˊ m. ʻ avalanche of stones ʼ, baṭhúi f. ʻ pebble ʼ (suggesting also an orig. *vartuka -- which Morgenstierne sees in Kho. place -- name bortuili, cf. *vartu -- , vartula -- ).
2. Paš.lauṛ. wāṛ, kuṛ. wō ʻ stone ʼ, Shum. wāṛ.
vartaka -- 1 ; *vartadruṇa -- , *vartapānīya -- ; *aṅgāravarta -- , *arkavarta -- , *kaṣavartikā -- .
vartaka 11349 vartaka1 m. ʻ *something round ʼ (ʻ horse's hoof ʼ lex.), vaṭṭaka -- m. ʻ pill, bolus ʼ Bhadrab. [Cf. Orm. waṭk ʻ walnut ʼ (wrongly ← IA. *akhōṭa -- s.v. akṣōṭa -- ). <-> √vr̥t 1 ]
Wg. wāṭi( -- štūm) ʻ walnut( -- tree) ʼ NTS vii 315; K. woṭu m., vüṭü f. ʻ globulated mass ʼ; L. vaṭṭā m. ʻ clod, lobe of ear ʼ; P. vaṭṭī f. ʻ pill ʼ; WPah.bhal. baṭṭi f. ʻ egg ʼ.
vartaka -- 2 n. ʻ bell -- metal, brass ʼ lex. -- See *varta -- 2 , vártalōha -- .
vartakara 11350 *vartakara ʻ making turns (of the quail) ʼ. [Pop. etym. for vártikā -- (vartīra -- m. Suśr., °tira -- m. lex.)? -- varta -- 1 , kará -- 1 ]
Ku. B. baṭer ʻ quail ʼ; Or. baṭara, batara ʻ the grey quail ʼ; Mth. H. baṭer f. ʻ quail ʼ; -- → P. baṭer, °rā m., °rī f., L. baṭērā m., S. baṭero m.; K.bāṭuru m. ʻ a kind of quail ʼ, baṭēra m. ʻ quail ʼ.
vartakaraṇa 11351 *vartakaraṇa ʻ twisting instrument ʼ. [varta -- 1 , káraṇa -- ]
N. baṭernu ʻ the stick on which a rope is twisted ʼ.
vartakā -- see vártikā -- .
11354 vartana n. ʻ turning, rolling ʼ Nir., vartanī -- f. ʻ spindle ʼ Lalit. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b*l c̣*l ṇi f. ʻ disc fixed on large spindle ʼ (c̣?); Kho. bartun ʻ wooden disc fixed on spindle ʼ (a?); K. watan f. ʻ small circular piece of leather or wood or metal for fastening chain of bolt ʼ, watüñü f. ʻ do. used as a toy ʼ; S. vaṭiṇo m. ʻ spindle ʼ; L. vaṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ, P. vaṭṭṇā, vaṭṇū m., °ṇī f., baṭṇā, °ṇū m., °ṇī f.; Ku. baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ; B. bāṭnā ʻ grinding ʼ; Bi. baṭanī ʻ fringemaker's wooden reel ʼ; H. baṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ; G. vāṭṇɔ, °ṇiɔ m. ʻ long round stone used in crushing or beating on a slab, muller ʼ.
11356 vartáyati ʻ causes to turn, whirls ʼ RV. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēi, vattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. baṭyāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waṭun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭaṇ, (Ju.) vaṭaṇ ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭuṇ ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) bāṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. bāṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. bāṭnu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. bāṭiba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. bāṭā, bã̄ṭāʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. bāṭibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. baṭnāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. bāṭnā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vāṭvũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M.vāṭṇẽ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇẽ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaṭanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaṭāiṇu; P. baṭāuṇā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇā, ba° ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaṭāvvũ, vatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ.
Addenda: vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. bāṭṇu; A. baṭiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ < údvartatē ?).
vartalōha 11357 vartalōha n. ʻ a kind of brass (i.e. *cup metal?) ʼ lex. [*varta -- 2 associated with lōhá -- by pop. etym.?]
Pa. vaṭṭalōha -- n. ʻ a partic. kind of metal ʼ; L.awāṇ. valṭōā ʻ metal pitcher ʼ, P. valṭoh, ba° f., vaṭlohā, ba° m.; N. baṭlohi ʻ round metal vessel ʼ; A. baṭlahi ʻ water vessel ʼ; B. bāṭlahi, bāṭulāi ʻ round brass cooking vessel ʼ; Bi. baṭlohī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; H. baṭlohī, °loī f. ʻ brass drinking and cooking vessel ʼ, G. vaṭloi f.
Addenda: vartalōha -- : WPah.kṭg. bəlṭóɔ m. ʻ large brass vessel ʼ.
várti 11359 várti1 (and vartí -- ) f. ʻ wick ʼ MBh., ʻ small compress ʼ Suśr., ʻ lamp ʼ lex., °ikā -- f. ʻ wick ʼ KālP. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭi -- , °ikā -- f. ʻ wick ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭĭ̄ -- , °ṭiā -- , vatti -- f.; Sh. batīˊ ʻ unlit native lamp, candle, wick of European lamp ʼ (← H.?); S. vaṭi f. ʻ wick ʼ; L. vaṭṭ f. ʻ roll of grass, wick ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭ ʻ wick ʼ, P. vaṭṭī, ba°, battī f.; N. bāti ʻ lamp ʼ (bati ← H.), A. bāti; B. bāti ʻ wick, lamp, candle ʼ; Or. bati ʻ lamp ʼ (← H.), Bi. Mth. Bhoj. bātī; OAw. bātĭ̄ ʻ wick ʼ, H. bātī, battī f. (→ N. Or. and prob. Sh.); G. vāṭ f. ʻ lamp ʼ, vātī f. ʻ perfumed match or taper ʼ; M. vāt f. ʻ wick ʼ, Ko. vāti; Si. väṭ -- a ʻ lamp ʼ, väṭi -- ya ʻ wick ʼ; Md. vo'ʻ lamp ʼ; -- with -- o as from an orig. masculine: Ku. bāto m. ʻ wick, lamp ʼ; N. bāto ʻ rope of twisted cane (to tie down thatch) ʼ.
dīpavarti -- , *pādavarti -- , *saṁdhyāvartikā -- .
Addenda: várti -- 1 : S.kcch. batī, bhatī f. ʻ lamp, torch ʼ ← H.; WPah.kṭg. batti , kc. baṭe f. ʻ wick, lamp, light ʼ, J. bāṭī f.
varti 11360 varti2 f. ʻ projecting rim ʼ. [√vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭṭi -- , °ikā -- f. ʻ circumference, rim, brim ʼ; Pk. vatti -- f. ʻ edge, limit ʼ; Si. väṭi -- ya ʻ edge of bank or river ʼ.
*skandhavarti -- .
vártikā 11361 vártikā f. ʻ quail ʼ RV. 2. vārtika -- m. lex. 3. var- takā -- f. lex. (eastern form ac. to Kātyāyana: S. Lévi JA 1912, 498), °ka -- m. Car., vārtāka -- m. lex. [Cf. vartīra -- m. Suśr., °tira -- lex., *vartakara -- ]
1. Ash. uwŕe/ ʻ partridge ʼ NTS ii 246 (connexion denied NTS v 340), Paš.snj. waṭīˊ; K. hāra -- wüṭü f. ʻ species of waterfowl ʼ (hāra -- < śāˊra -- ).
2. Kho. barti ʻ quail, partridge ʼ BelvalkarVol 88.
3. Pa. vaṭṭakā -- f., °ka -- in cmpds. ʻ quail ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭaya -- m., N. baṭṭāi (< vārtāka -- ?), A. batā -- sarāi, B. batui, baṭuyā; Si. vaṭuvā ʻ snipe, sandpiper ʼ (ext. of *vaṭu < vartakā -- ). -- With unexpl. bh -- : Or. bhāṭoi, °ṭui ʻ the grey quail Cotarnix communis ʼ, (dial.) bhāroi, °rui (< early MIA. *vāṭāka -- < vārtāka -- : cf. vāṭī -- f. ʻ a kind of bird ʼ Car.).
Addenda: vartikā -- [Dial. a ~ ā < IE. non -- apophonic o (cf. Gk. o)/rtuc and early EMIA. vāṭī -- f. ʻ a kind of bird ʼ Car. < *vārtī -- ) T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 71]
vartula 11365 vartula ʻ round, globular ʼ BhP. [*vartu -- ]
Pa. Pk. vaṭṭula -- (Pk. also vattula -- ) ʻ round ʼ; Ku. bāṭulo ʻ round, globular ʼ (gng. bāṭuw), baṭulī f. ʻ a collected mass ʼ; N. bāṭulo ʻ round ʼ; B. bã̄ṭul ʻ ball, slingstone ʼ; Or. bāṭuḷa ʻ globular ʼ, °ḷā ʻ ball, ball of boiled rice &c. ʼ, °ḷi ʻ small earthen pellet for pellet -- bow ʼ; Bi. baṭulī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; M. vāṭoḷā ʻ round ʼ. <-> Deriv. vb.: N. baṭulnu intr. ʻ to collect ʼ; H. baṭurnā ʻ to be collected ʼ; -- whence tr. with o: P.batoḷnā ʻ to collect ʼ, WPah.cam. baṭoḷṇā, Ku. baṭolṇo, baṭorṇo, N. baṭolnu, Mth. baṭorab, H. baṭolnā, baṭornā.
Addenda: vartula -- : Sh. b*l ḍvlīk ʻ small metal drinking vessel ʼ (→ Bur. b*l ḍ/rolī Lorimer BurLg iii 64) < *baṭul -- ; Garh. baṭoḷnu ʻ to collect ʼ; A. bāṭalu (phonet. batolu) ʻ a round thing ʼ AFD 204.
vártman 11366 vártman n. ʻ track of a wheel, path ʼ RV. [J. Bloch StudII 19 *vartmā nom. sg. m. after ádhvā m. (cf. pánthā -- ) became f. in MIA. -- √vr̥t 1 ]
Pa. vaṭuma -- n. ʻ path, road ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭa -- n.m., vaṭṭā<-> f., vaṭṭamaya -- , vaḍū˘maga -- n., K. wath, dat. °ti f., pog. wat, S. vāṭa f., P. vāṭ, bāṭf., ḍog. batta f., kgr. bat f., bhaṭ. batt, WPah.bhad. bhal. paṅ. cam. batt f., pāḍ. cur. bat; Ku. bāṭ ʻ path, pass ʼ, bāṭo m. ʻ path ʼ, N. bāṭo (obl. bāṭa postp. ʻ from ʼ), A. B. bāṭ; Or. bāṭa ʻ path, place ʼ; Mth. bāṭ ʻ path ʼ, Bhoj. bāt, OAw. OMarw. bāṭa f., H. bāṭ f., G. M. Ko. vāṭ f.; Si.vaṭuma ʻ road ʼ (← Pa.?), devaṭa ʻ lane ʼ (de -- < dēśá -- ?); -- Sh. bāṭṷ m. ʻ wheel ʼ; G. vāṭɔ m. ʻ tire ʼ (semant. cf. vartaní -- f. ʻ felly of wheel, path ʼ RV., Pa. vattanī -- f. ʻ track, path ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭaṇī -- f. ʻ road ʼ). -- Deriv.: N. baṭuwā ʻ traveller ʼ; B. beṭo ʻ of the road ʼ < *bāṭuā ODBL 491; Or. bāṭuā ʻ traveller ʼ, G. vāṭvɔ m. -- X mārga -- q.v. -- Si. vat ʻ road ʼ (LM 404, EGS 155) extracted from māvat < *mahāpanthā
vardhaka 11374 vardhaka in cmpd. ʻ cutting ʼ, m. ʻ carpenter ʼ R. [√vardh ]
Pa. cīvara -- vaḍḍhaka -- m. ʻ tailor ʼ; Kho. bardog , °ox ʻ axe ʼ (early → Kal. wadók before v -- > b -- in Kho.); <-> Wg. wāṭ ʻ axe ʼ, Paš.dar.wāˊṭak (ṭ?).
vardhaki 11375 vardhaki m. ʻ carpenter ʼ MBh. [√vardh ]
Pa. vaḍḍhaki -- m. ʻ carpenter, building mason ʼ; Pk. vaḍḍhaï -- m. ʻ carpenter ʼ, °aïa -- m. ʻ shoemaker ʼ; WPah. jaun. bāḍhōī ʻ carpenter ʼ, (Joshi) bāḍhi m., N. baṛhaï, baṛahi, A. bārai, B. bāṛaï, °ṛui, Or. baṛhaï, °ṛhāi, (Gaṛjād) bāṛhoi, Bi. baṛa hī, Bhoj. H. baṛhaī m., M. vāḍhāyā m., Si. vaḍu -- vā.
*vārdhaka -- .
Addenda: vardhaki -- : WPah.kṭg. báḍḍhi m. ʻ carpenter ʼ; kṭg. bəṛhe\ i , báṛhi , kc. baṛhe ← H. beside genuine báḍḍhi Him.I 135), J. bāḍhi, Garh. baṛhai, A. also bāṛhai AFD 94; Md. vaḍīn, vaḍin pl.
†*vardhakikarman -- .
11375a †*vardhakikarman -- ʻ carpentry ʼ. [vardhaki -- , kár- man -- ]
Md. vaḍām ʻ carpentry ʼ.
vardhira 11385 *vardhira ʻ axe, hammer ʼ. [Cf. *varddhr̥ -- . - √vardh ]
Kho. bəḍīˊr ʻ sledgehammer (?) ʼ (→ Gaw. bäḍíl), Bshk. baḍīˊr; Phal. baḍhīˊr ʻ axe (?), sledgehammer ʼ AO xviii 227: very doubtful.
várdhra 11387 várdhra m. ʻ leather thong ʼ AV., vardhrī -- f. lex., vadhra -- m.n. MBh. 2. badhra -- (v.l.) MBh. (X √bandh?). [√vardh ]
1. Pa. Pk. vaddha -- m.n. ʻ thong ʼ; S. vaḍhī, vāḍhĭ̄ f.; L. vaddhar m., vadhrī f., (Shahpur) vadhar m. ʻ shoulder -- strap ʼ; P. vahdar, vaddhrī,baddharī f., ludh. baddhī f. ʻ leather thong ʼ; Or. badhī ʻ dog's collar, leather thong round a drum ʼ; Bi. bādhā ʻ strings of a balance ʼ, bādhī ʻ ties fastening bamboo poles to body of cart ʼ; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. bādh ʻ rope, string ʼ; OG. vādhra n. ʻ leather ʼ, G. varadhi , vādhar, vādhrī,vādharṛī f. ʻ leather strap ʼ; M. vād, vād(h)ī f. ʻ strap ʼ, vādā m. ʻ whiplash ʼ; Si. vada ʻ leather strap ʼ; -- Kal. badrí ʻ leather belt ʼ, Phal. ḍāk -- badhrḗi (rather than with NOPhal 34 < *baddhrikā -- ); -- Paš.weg. wal āˊ ʻ tie, band ʼ IIFL iii 3, 185 (< *vardh -- tra -- ?).
2. Pa. baddha -- n. ʻ thong ʼ.
*vardhrya -- .
Addenda: várdhra -- [< IE. *werdhro -- ~ vārdhrī -- f. ʻ strap ʼ < IE. *wordhrī -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65, but rather like vāˊrdhra -- ʻ fit for strap ʼ Pāṇ., n. ʻ strap ʼ vr̥ddhi of várdhra -- ]
Md. vadu ʻ strap ʼ.
వటము [ vaṭamu ] vaṭamu. [Skt.] n. The Banyan or Indian fig tree. మర్రిచెట్టు. వటపత్రము a fig leaf.
వట్ర [ vaṭra ] or వట్రన vaṭra. [from Skt. వర్తులము .] n. Roundness. నర్తులము, గుండ్రన. వట్ర . వట్రని or వట్రముగానుండే adj. Round. గుండ్రని . వట్రము vaṭramu. adj. Short, హ్రస్వము . n. A bag in which betel and nut are kept. వక్కాకుతిత్తి . వట్టపడు vaṭrapaḍu. v. n. To become less, to be diminished, decreased, or lessened, తగ్గు . వట్రపెట్టు vaṭra-peṭṭu. v. a. To diminish, decrease, make less,తక్కువపరుచు. తగ్గించు . వట్రించు , వట్రిల్లు or వట్రిలు vaṭrinṭsu. v. n. To make round, or cut round. గుండ్రనగాచేయు . To turn, తిరుగు . To turn back, పరాఙ్ముఖమగు . To happen, occur, కలుగు, వచ్చు. సంభవించు . To be agreeable or pleasant. ఒప్పు . "నగుబాటు వట్రిల్లెనాతులలోన ." BD. v. 103. వట్రువ or వట్రువు vaṭruva. adj. Round, circular. బటువైన. గుండ్రని . n. Roundness, గుండ్రము. వర్తులము . వట్రువసుడి vaṭruva-suḍi. n. Lit: "The round twirl," i.e., the letter ఎ the secondary form of ఋ .
వడము [ vaḍamu ] vaḍamu. [Tel.] n. A very thick rope. మోకు . A garland, దండ. తేరివడము a rope used to drag a car.
వడికొలుపు vaḍi-kolupu. v. a. To twist. మెలిపెట్టు , "మొలకమీసలువడిగొల్పుమురువు నేర్చె ." T. ii. 73.వడివెట్టు or వడివేయు vaḍi-peṭṭu. v. a. To twist. మెలిపెట్టు, నులుము . "తే గీ అలుకచేనుండబుగ్గలునులిచితిట్టి తొడలువడిపెట్టి కోదండమమరగట్టి రెట్టతెగగట్టి ." H. ii. 180. To trouble, annoy, persecute. బాధపెట్టు . వడిసుడి vaḍi-suḍi. n. A whirlpool. ఆవర్తము . వడుకు [ vaḍuku ] vaḍuku. [Tel.] v. a. To spin thread. రాట్నమునుతిప్పి పత్తిని నూలలుగాచేయు . వడుకుడు vaḍukuḍu. n. The act of spinning cotton into thread.
వడె [ vaḍe ] or వడియ vaḍe. [Tel.] n. A peg, చిలుక కొయ్య .
వడ్రంగి, వడ్లంగి, వడ్లవాడు [ vaḍraṅgi, vaḍlaṅgi, vaḍlavāḍu ] or వడ్లబత్తుడు vaḍrangi. [Tel.] n. A carpenter. వడ్రంగము, వడ్లపని, వడ్రము or వడ్లంగితనము vaḍrangamu. n. The trade of a carpenter. వడ్లవానివృత్తి. వడ్రంగిపని . వడ్రంగిపిట్ట or వడ్లంగిపిట్ట vaḍrangi-piṭṭa. n. A woodpecker. దార్వాఘాటము . వడ్లకంకణము vaḍla-kankaṇamu. n. A curlew. ఉల్లంకులలో భేదము . వడ్లత or వడ్లది vaḍlata. n. A woman of the carpenter caste.
పట్టడ (p. 0699) [ paṭṭaḍa ] paṭṭaḍu. [Tel.] n. A smithy, a shop. కుమ్మరి వడ్లంగి మొదలగువారు పనిచేయు చోటు .3865 Ta. paṭṭaṭai, paṭṭaṟai anvil, smithy, forge. Ka. paṭṭaḍe, paṭṭaḍi anvil, workshop. Te. paṭṭika, paṭṭeḍa anvil; paṭṭaḍa workshop.86 Ta. aṭai prop. slight support; aṭai-kal anvil. Ma. aṭa-kkallu anvil of goldsmiths. Ko. aṛ gal small anvil. Ka. aḍe, aḍa, aḍi the piece of wood on which the five artisans put the article which they happen to operate upon, a support; aḍegal, aḍagallu, aḍigallu anvil. Tu. aṭṭè a support, stand. Te. ḍā-kali, ḍā-kallu, dā-kali, dā-gali, dāyi anvil.
kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Telugu) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.) कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [kōlhēṃ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil)
Hieroglyph: xolā = tail (Kur.); qoli id. (Malt.)(DEDr 2135). Rebus: kol ‘pañcalōha’ (Ta.) கொல் kol, n. 1. Iron; இரும்பு. மின் வெள்ளி பொன் கொல்லெனச் சொல்லும் (தக்கயாகப். 550). 2. Metal; உலோகம். (நாமதீப. 318.) கொல்² kol Working in iron; கொற்றொழில். Blacksmith; கொல்லன். (Tamil) கொல்லன் kollaṉ, n. < T. golla. Custodian of treasure; கஜானாக்காரன். (P. T. L.) கொல்லிச்சி kollicci, n. Fem. of கொல்லன். Woman of the blacksmith caste; கொல்லச் சாதிப் பெண். (யாழ். அக.) The gloss kollicci is notable. It clearly evidences that kol was a blacksmith. kola ‘blacksmith’ (Ka.); Koḍ. kollë blacksmith (DEDR 2133).
kolo ‘jackal’ (Konkani) kul 'tiger' (Santali); kōlu id. (Te.) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.)Pk. kolhuya -- , kulha -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ < *kōḍhu -- ; H.kolhā, °lā m. ʻ jackal ʼ, adj. ʻ crafty ʼ; G. kohlũ, °lũ n. ʻ jackal ʼ, M. kolhā, °lā m. krōṣṭŕ̊ ʻ crying ʼ BhP., m. ʻ jackal ʼ RV. = krṓṣṭu -- m. Pāṇ. [√kruś] Pa. koṭṭhu -- , °uka -- and kotthu -- , °uka -- m. ʻ jackal ʼ, Pk. koṭṭhu -- m.; Si. koṭa ʻ jackal ʼ, koṭiya ʻ leopard ʼ GS 42 (CDIAL 3615). कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Ta.) Allograph: kōla = woman (Nahali) [The ligature of a woman to a tiger is a phonetic determinant; the scribe clearly conveys that the gloss represented is kōla] kola 'tiger' kola 'woman'
kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kolme =furnace (Ka.) kol = pan~calo_ha (fivemetals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha = a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Man:garāja’s Nighaṇṭu. 498)(Ka.)
Rebus: kol 'working in iron'. Ta. kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith.
Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village. To. kwala·l Kota smithy. Ka.kolime, kolume, kulame, kulime, kulume, kulme fire-pit, furnace; (Bell.; U.P.U.) konimi blacksmith (Gowda) kolla id. Koḍ. kollë
blacksmith. Te. kolimi furnace. Go.(SR.) kollusānā to mend implements; (Ph.) kolstānā, kulsānā to forge; (Tr.) kōlstānā to repair (of ploughshares); (SR.) kolmi smithy (Voc. 948). Kuwi (F.) kolhali to forge(DEDR 2133).
Kalibangan 37, 34
Two Kalibangan seals show an antelope and fish glyphs as the inscription. Mẽḍha ‘antelope’; rebus: ‘iron’ (Ho.) ayo ‘fish’; rebs: ayo ‘metal’ (G.) [These are examples which clearly demonstrate that Indus script is a glyptic writing system and hence, all glyphs and glyptic elements have to be decoded.] miṇḍāl markhor (Tor.wali) meḍho a ram, a sheep (G.)(CDIAL 10120) iron (Ho.) meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) meḍ ‘iron’. ayo, hako ‘fish’; ãs = scales of fish (Santali) Rebus: aya
‘metal, iron’ (Gujarati); ayah, ayas = metal (Samskritam)


Some hieroglyph components are: hooded snake or short-tail generally on antelopes.

One Proto-Prakritam word signifies both 'tail' and 'hood of serpent'. The word is: xolā 'tail' of antelope and kulā 'hooded snake'. A similar sounding word signifies a blacksmith or smelter: kolle 'blacksmith' kolhe 'smelter'. These can be cited as 'signature' tunes of the writing system, to convey the semantics of a metalworker -- a smith or a smelter.
mũhe ‘face’ (Santali) mũh opening or hole (in a stove for stoking (Bi.); ingot (Santali)mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali) kaula mengro ‘blacksmith’ (Gypsy) mleccha-mukha (Skt.) = milakkhu ‘copper’ (Pali) The Sanskrit loss mleccha-mukha should literally mean: copper-ingot absorbing the Santali gloss, mũh, as a suffix.
6082 *trōpa ʻ piercing, hole ʼ. [√trup ]L. P. ṭoā m. ʻ hole, pit ʼ; M. ṭov m. ʻ little hole ʼ.6084 *trōpyatē ʻ is pierced ʼ. [√trup ]S. ṭropaṇu ʻ to bore the ears or nose, lance a sore ʼ, ṭropo m. ʻ running stitch ʼ; M. ṭopṇẽ ʻ to pierce ʼ, n. ʻ gimlet ʼ, ṭopasṇẽ ʻ to pierce ʼ.Addenda: *trōpyatē: WPah.kṭg. chəpe uṇõ ʻ to cause to be pierced ʼ; Ko. toptā ʻ pierces ʼ 6068 *trupyati or *trupnāti ʻ pierces ʼ. [√trup ]
Paš.kuṛ. TRUPH ʻ miscarry ʼ: *
P. salhaṅg, °gā m., salaṅgh f., °ghā m. ʻ small pitchfork ʼ.
ఆరకూటము [ ārakūṭamu ] āra-kūṭamu. [Skt.] n. Steel or brass. ఉక్కు, ఇత్తడి. ఆరకూటచ్ఛాయ the hue of steel or brass.
பித்தளை pittaḷai, n. < pittalā. [K. hittaḷē.] Brass, Aurichalcum; செம்பும் நாகமுங் கலந்த உலோகவகை. ஈயம் செம்பிரும் பிரசித மென்பவும் புணர்ப்பாற் றோயும் பித்தளை (திருவிளை. இரசவாத. 23).
5-fold symmetry three-strand endless knot hieroglyph on C-49, C-50 identical seals with identical hieroglyph multiplexes

h243 A,B Bas-relief tablet 7 ficus leaves, inscription text
Nausharo 3, Nindowari Damb 3 Dotted circle, symmetric circles
Obverse has zebu and snake, dotted circle, 3-horns hieroglyphs
C-49 a,b,c
+ hieroglyph in the middle with covering lines around/dots in corners poLa 'zebu' rebus: poLa 'magnetite'; dhAv 'strand' rebus: dhAv 'smelter'; kulA 'hooded snake' rebus: kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'; kolmo 'three' koD 'horn' rebus: kolimi 'smithy' koD 'workshop'. tri-dhAtu 'three strands, threefold' rebus: tri-dhAv 'three mineral ores'.

h349A,B 3 concentric circles + dotted circle + 7 point star + antelope looking back mēḍh 'pole star' rebus: mēḍ 'iron'
med 'copper' (Slavic) dhAv 'dotted circle, strand' rebus: dhAv 'mineral'. krammara 'look back' mlech 'goat' rebus: kamar 'artisan' milakkhu 'copper' (Pali)
med 'copper' (Slavic) dhAv 'dotted circle, strand' rebus: dhAv 'mineral'. krammara 'look back' mlech 'goat' rebus: kamar 'artisan' milakkhu 'copper' (Pali)
dots in middle with circles around (dotted circle hieroglyph)
Mehergarh 16 + hieroglyph, enclosed in circle with 8 point star mēḍh 'pole star' rebus: mēḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic)



h855 A,B,C 3 Dotted circles
h354, h355, h352, h353 A,B,C Demonstrating three dotted circles as an allograph for three linear strokes PLUS rimless pot hieroglyph multiplex
Pa. yugala -- , °aka -- n. ʻ pair ʼ, Pk. juala -- , juvala -- , juaṇa -- n.; Kho. (Lor.) ǰuwalu ʻ couple (usu. of humans) ʼ; S. joro m. ʻ suit of woman's apparel consisting of petticoat -- bodice and shawl ʼ; P.ḍog. j
Pa. vaṭaka -- m. ʻ small ball, thickening bulb, tuber ʼ; Pk. vaḍī -- f., °ḍaga -- m. ʻ ball of pulse ʼ; K. wor
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b
Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēi, vattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. baṭyāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waṭun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭaṇ, (Ju.) vaṭaṇ ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭuṇ ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) bāṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. bāṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. bāṭnu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. bāṭiba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. bāṭā, bã̄ṭāʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. bāṭibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. baṭnāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. bāṭnā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vāṭvũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M.vāṭṇẽ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇẽ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaṭanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaṭāiṇu; P. baṭāuṇā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇā, ba° ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaṭāvvũ, vatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ.
Addenda: vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. bāṭṇu; A. baṭiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ <
Pa. vaṭṭalōha -- n. ʻ a partic. kind of metal ʼ; L.awāṇ. valṭōā ʻ metal pitcher ʼ, P. valṭoh, ba° f., vaṭlohā, ba° m.; N. baṭlohi ʻ round metal vessel ʼ; A. baṭlahi ʻ water vessel ʼ; B. bāṭlahi, bāṭulāi ʻ round brass cooking vessel ʼ; Bi. baṭlohī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; H. baṭlohī, °loī f. ʻ brass drinking and cooking vessel ʼ, G. vaṭloi f.
Addenda: vartalōha -- : WPah.kṭg. bəlṭóɔ m. ʻ large brass vessel ʼ.
Addenda: bhástrā -- : OA. bhāthi ʻ bellows ʼ AFD 206.
Pk. bhāḍa -- n. ʻ oven for parching grain ʼ; Phal. bhaṛ<-> ʻ to roast, fry ʼ (NOPhal 31 < bhr̥kta -- with ?); L. bhāṛ ʻ oven ʼ; Ku. bhāṛ ʻ iron oven, fire, furnace ʼ; Bi. bhārʻ grain -- parcher's fireplace ʼ, (N of Ganges) bhaṛ -- bhū̃jā ʻ grain -- parcher ʼ; OAw. bhārū, pl. °rā m. ʻ oven, furnace ʼ; H. bhāṛ m. ʻ oven, grain -- parcher's fireplace, fire ʼ; G. bhāḍ
H. bharsārī f. ʻ furnace, oven ʼ.
Pk. bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron ʼ; K. büṭh
Addenda: bhráṣṭra -- : S.kcch. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ʻ distil (spirits) ʼ.
S. vaṭu m. ʻ twist ʼ; H. baṭṭā m. ʻ exchange ʼ; -- Si. vaṭa ʻ subsistence, livelihood ʼ or <
Pk. vaṭṭa -- m.n., °aya -- m. ʻ cup ʼ; Ash. waṭāˊk ʻ cup, plate ʼ; K. waṭukh, dat. °ṭakas m. ʻ cup, bowl ʼ; S. vaṭo m. ʻ metal drinking cup ʼ; N.bāṭā, ʻ round copper or brass vessel ʼ; A. bāṭi ʻ cup ʼ; B. bāṭā ʻ box for betel ʼ; Or. baṭā ʻ metal pot for betel ʼ, bāṭi ʻ cup, saucer ʼ; Mth. baṭṭā ʻ large metal cup ʼ, bāṭī ʻ small do. ʼ, H. baṭṛī f.; G. M. vāṭī f. ʻ vessel ʼ.
Addenda: *varta --
1. Gy. eur. bar, SEeur. bai̦ ʻ stone ʼ, pal. wăṭ, wŭṭ ʻ stone, cliff ʼ; Ḍ. boṭ m. ʻ stone ʼ, Ash. Wg. wāṭ, Kt. woṭ, Dm. bɔ̈̄'ṭ, Tir. baṭ, Niṅg. bōt, Woṭ.baṭ m., Gmb. wāṭ; Gaw. wāṭ ʻ stone, millstone ʼ; Kal.rumb. bat ʻ stone ʼ (bad -- váṣ ʻ hail ʼ), Kho. bort, Bshk. baṭ, Tor. bāṭ, Mai. (Barth) "bhāt" NTS xviii 125, Sv. bāṭ, Phal. bā̆ṭ; Sh.gil. băṭ m. ʻ stone ʼ, koh. băṭṭ m., jij. baṭ, pales. baṭ ʻ millstone ʼ; K. waṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ʻ round stone ʼ,vüṭ
2. Paš.lauṛ. wāṛ, kuṛ. wō ʻ stone ʼ, Shum. wāṛ.
Wg. wāṭi( -- štūm) ʻ walnut( -- tree) ʼ NTS vii 315; K. woṭ
vartaka --
Ku. B. baṭer ʻ quail ʼ; Or. baṭara, batara ʻ the grey quail ʼ; Mth. H. baṭer f. ʻ quail ʼ; -- → P. baṭer, °rā m., °rī f., L. baṭērā m., S. baṭero m.; K.bāṭur
N. baṭernu ʻ the stick on which a rope is twisted ʼ.
vartakā -- see
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b
Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēi, vattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. baṭyāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waṭun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭaṇ, (Ju.) vaṭaṇ ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭuṇ ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) bāṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. bāṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. bāṭnu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. bāṭiba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. bāṭā, bã̄ṭāʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. bāṭibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. baṭnāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. bāṭnā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vāṭvũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M.vāṭṇẽ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇẽ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaṭanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaṭāiṇu; P. baṭāuṇā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇā, ba° ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaṭāvvũ, vatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ.
Addenda: vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. bāṭṇu; A. baṭiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ <
Pa. vaṭṭalōha -- n. ʻ a partic. kind of metal ʼ; L.awāṇ. valṭōā ʻ metal pitcher ʼ, P. valṭoh, ba° f., vaṭlohā, ba° m.; N. baṭlohi ʻ round metal vessel ʼ; A. baṭlahi ʻ water vessel ʼ; B. bāṭlahi, bāṭulāi ʻ round brass cooking vessel ʼ; Bi. baṭlohī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; H. baṭlohī, °loī f. ʻ brass drinking and cooking vessel ʼ, G. vaṭloi f.
Addenda: vartalōha -- : WPah.kṭg. bəlṭóɔ m. ʻ large brass vessel ʼ.
Pa. vaṭṭi -- , °ikā -- f. ʻ wick ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭĭ̄ -- , °ṭiā -- , vatti -- f.; Sh. batīˊ ʻ unlit native lamp, candle, wick of European lamp ʼ (← H.?); S. vaṭi f. ʻ wick ʼ; L. vaṭṭ f. ʻ roll of grass, wick ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭ ʻ wick ʼ, P. vaṭṭī, ba°, battī f.; N. bāti ʻ lamp ʼ (bati ← H.), A. bāti; B. bāti ʻ wick, lamp, candle ʼ; Or. bati ʻ lamp ʼ (← H.), Bi. Mth. Bhoj. bātī; OAw. bātĭ̄ ʻ wick ʼ, H. bātī, battī f. (→ N. Or. and prob. Sh.); G. vāṭ f. ʻ lamp ʼ, vātī f. ʻ perfumed match or taper ʼ; M. vāt f. ʻ wick ʼ, Ko. vāti; Si. väṭ -- a ʻ lamp ʼ, väṭi -- ya ʻ wick ʼ; Md. vo'ʻ lamp ʼ; -- with -- o as from an orig. masculine: Ku. bāto m. ʻ wick, lamp ʼ; N. bāto ʻ rope of twisted cane (to tie down thatch) ʼ.
Addenda: várti --
Pa. vaṭṭi -- , °ikā -- f. ʻ circumference, rim, brim ʼ; Pk. vatti -- f. ʻ edge, limit ʼ; Si. väṭi -- ya ʻ edge of bank or river ʼ.
1. Ash. uwŕ
2. Kho. barti ʻ quail, partridge ʼ BelvalkarVol 88.
3. Pa. vaṭṭakā -- f., °ka -- in cmpds. ʻ quail ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭaya -- m., N. baṭṭāi (< vārtāka -- ?), A. batā -- sarāi, B. batui, baṭuyā; Si. vaṭuvā ʻ snipe, sandpiper ʼ (ext. of *vaṭu < vartakā -- ). -- With unexpl. bh -- : Or. bhāṭoi, °ṭui ʻ the grey quail Cotarnix communis ʼ, (dial.) bhāroi, °rui (< early MIA. *vāṭāka -- < vārtāka -- : cf. vāṭī -- f. ʻ a kind of bird ʼ Car.).
Addenda: vartikā -- [Dial. a ~ ā < IE. non -- apophonic o (cf. Gk.
Pa. Pk. vaṭṭula -- (Pk. also vattula -- ) ʻ round ʼ; Ku. bāṭulo ʻ round, globular ʼ (gng. bāṭuw), baṭulī f. ʻ a collected mass ʼ; N. bāṭulo ʻ round ʼ; B. bã̄ṭul ʻ ball, slingstone ʼ; Or. bāṭuḷa ʻ globular ʼ, °ḷā ʻ ball, ball of boiled rice &c. ʼ, °ḷi ʻ small earthen pellet for pellet -- bow ʼ; Bi. baṭulī ʻ small metal vessel ʼ; M. vāṭoḷā ʻ round ʼ. <-> Deriv. vb.: N. baṭulnu intr. ʻ to collect ʼ; H. baṭurnā ʻ to be collected ʼ; -- whence tr. with o: P.batoḷnā ʻ to collect ʼ, WPah.cam. baṭoḷṇā, Ku. baṭolṇo, baṭorṇo, N. baṭolnu, Mth. baṭorab, H. baṭolnā, baṭornā.
Addenda: vartula -- : Sh. b
Pa. vaṭuma -- n. ʻ path, road ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭa -- n.m., vaṭṭā<-> f., vaṭṭamaya -- , vaḍū˘maga -- n., K. wath, dat. °ti f., pog. wat, S. vāṭa f., P. vāṭ, bāṭf., ḍog. batta f., kgr. bat f., bhaṭ. batt, WPah.bhad. bhal. paṅ. cam. batt f., pāḍ. cur. bat; Ku. bāṭ ʻ path, pass ʼ, bāṭo m. ʻ path ʼ, N. bāṭo
Pa. cīvara -- vaḍḍhaka -- m. ʻ tailor ʼ; Kho. bardo
Pa. vaḍḍhaki -- m. ʻ carpenter, building mason ʼ; Pk. vaḍḍhaï -- m. ʻ carpenter ʼ, °aïa -- m. ʻ shoemaker ʼ; WPah. jaun. bāḍhōī ʻ carpenter ʼ, (Joshi) bāḍhi m., N. baṛhaï, baṛahi, A. bārai, B. bāṛaï, °ṛui, Or. baṛhaï, °ṛhāi, (Gaṛjād) bāṛhoi, Bi. baṛ
Addenda: vardhaki -- : WPah.kṭg. báḍḍh
Md. vaḍām ʻ carpentry ʼ.
Kho. bəḍīˊr ʻ sledgehammer (?) ʼ (→ Gaw. bäḍíl), Bshk. baḍīˊr; Phal. baḍhīˊr ʻ axe (?), sledgehammer ʼ AO xviii 227: very doubtful.
1. Pa. Pk. vaddha -- m.n. ʻ thong ʼ; S. vaḍhī, vāḍhĭ̄ f.; L. vaddhar m., vadhrī f., (Shahpur) vadhar m. ʻ shoulder -- strap ʼ; P. vahdar, vaddhrī,baddharī f., ludh. baddhī f. ʻ leather thong ʼ; Or. badhī ʻ dog's collar, leather thong round a drum ʼ; Bi. bādhā ʻ strings of a balance ʼ, bādhī ʻ ties fastening bamboo poles to body of cart ʼ; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. bādh ʻ rope, string ʼ; OG. vādhra n. ʻ leather ʼ, G. varadh
2. Pa. baddha -- n. ʻ thong ʼ.
Addenda: várdhra -- [< IE. *werdhro -- ~ vārdhrī -- f. ʻ strap ʼ < IE. *wordhrī -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65, but rather like vāˊrdhra -- ʻ fit for strap ʼ Pāṇ., n. ʻ strap ʼ vr̥ddhi of várdhra -- ]
Md. vadu ʻ strap ʼ.
వటము [ vaṭamu ] vaṭamu. [Skt.] n. The Banyan or Indian fig tree.
వట్ర [ vaṭra ] or
వడము [ vaḍamu ] vaḍamu. [Tel.] n. A very thick rope.
వడె [ vaḍe ] or
వడ్రంగి, వడ్లంగి, వడ్లవాడు [ vaḍraṅgi, vaḍlaṅgi, vaḍlavāḍu ] or
Pa. dāṭhikā -- f. ʻ beard ʼ, Pk. dāḍhiā -- f., Gy. as. (JGLS new ser. ii 259) dari, Ash. däṛīˊ, Kt. däŕīˊ, däyī, Wg. däř, dā̤, dā, Dm. dâŕi, dâacute;ī, Tir. Paš. dāṛīˊ (→ Par. dhâṛīˊIIFL i 249), Shum. dāˊṛi, Woṭ. deāˊṛ, Gaw. dāˊṛī, Bshk. dḕ'r, Tor. dáī, Kand. däī, Mai. dhāi, Phal. dn/aṛī f. (paṇar -- dhōṛ ʻ greybeard ʼ); Sh.gil. dã̄i, koh. gur. dáï, jij. däˊṛī ʻ beard ʼ (all f.), pales. daī ʻ chin ʼ; K. dörü f. ʻ beard ʼ, kash. dāṛhi , S. ḍ̠āṛhī f., L.dāṛhī f., (Ju.) ḍ̠āṛhī f., khet. ḍāṛhī, P. dāṛhī f., °ṛhā m., WPah.bhal. khaś. dāˋṛi f., Ku. dāṛī, N. dāri; A. dã̄ri, ḍāri ʻ beard, whiskers ʼ; B. Or.dāṛ(h)i ʻ beard, chin ʼ; Mth. dāṛh ʻ long beard ʼ; Mth. Bhoj. dāṛhī ʻ beard ʼ; H. dāṛhī, ḍā° f. ʻ beard ʼ, ḍāṛhā m. ʻ hanging root of banyan tree ʼ; G. dāḍhī f. ʻ beard, chin ʼ, dāḍhũ n. (contemptuous) ʻ unshaven chin ʼ, ḍhāḍhī f. ʻ beard ʼ, M. dāḍhī; Si. däliya ʻ beard, moustache ʼ (rävul ʻ beard ʼ < *ḍāḍhiā -- with l -- suffix H. Smith JA 1950, 197: very doubtful).Addenda: *dāṁṣṭra -- [Burrow Shwa 6 MIA. dāṭha < *dāṣṭra<-> with full grade dāś -- ʻ bite ʼ < IE. dēk̂ -- in Gk. fut. dh/zomai , perf.de/dhgmai ; dáṁṣṭra from nasalized weak grade daṁṣṭvā TāṇḍyaBr. (daṁśati Cāṇ.)]Pa. daṭṭhā -- : A. ḍâṭh (phonet. dɔth) ʻ elephant goad ʼ (or conn. daṇḍá -- , *ḍaṭṭha -- ?).Pk. daṁṭhā -- : A. dã̄r ʻ teeth ʼ AFD 207.Pa. dāṭhā -- : S.kcch. ḍāṛ f. ʻ molar ʼ, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dáṛh, dāṛh f. (obl. -- a), J. dā'ṛ m.Pa. dāṭhikā -- : S.kcch. ḍāṛī f. ʻ beard ʼ, WPah.kṭg. dáṛhi f. ʻ beard ʼ, J. dāṛī f.; Md. doḷi ʻ jaw ʼ.(CDIAL 6250)
Rebus:dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., [√dhā ]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻrelicʼ(CDIAL 6773)
76 Ta. aṭu (aṭuv-, aṭṭ-) to cook, roast, fry, boil, melt (tr.); aṭukkaḷai kitchen; aṭicil, aṭucil boiled rice; aṭuppu oven, fireplace for cooking, fire in the oven; aṭṭil
kitchen, place for performing sacrificial ceremonies; aṭṭu a cake of coarse sugar; aṭṭ-uppu salt produced by evaporation; āṭucooking, boiling, distillation. Ma. aṭuka to cook; aṭukkaḷa kitchen; aṭuppu fireplace, hearth, oven. Ko. aṛ- (aṭ-) to cook by boiling, bake (pots). To. oṛ- (oṭ-) to cook. Ka. aḍu (aṭṭ-) to cook, boil, dress, prepare a meal, mature (tr.); n. cooking; aḍi, aḍe cooking; aḍike, ar̤ke, aḍige, aḍuge cooking, boiling, etc.; aṭṭu to evaporate; dry up; n. the state of being free from moisture; aṭṭisu to cause to evaporate by boiling; aṭṭ-uppu salt produced by evaporation; aṇṭarisu to evaporate, as water by boiling(Hav.) aṭṭumbaḷa kitchen. Koḍ. aḍigeka·rë cook; fem.aḍigekarati. Tu. aḍůpini to cook; aḍi cooked, dressed, prepared; aḍiguḷu a cook; aḍigè cooking, distilling; aḍkala cooking shed, oven; aṭṭilů cooking, meal. Te. aḍugaṇṭu to dry up, become exhausted; aṭṭ-uppu a kind of salt; aṭṭu a flat thin cake roasted or baked on an iron pan;aḍasāla kitchen, cook-room; aṭṭamu food, fuel. Nk. (Ch.) aṭay-/aṭil- to be dried up; aṭap- to dry up (water); aṭ bread. Go. (Tr.) aṭṭānā
to cook by boiling; (W.) aṭáná to cook, boil; (A. Y. G. Mu. Ma.) aṭṭ-, (M. S. Ko.) aṭ- to cook (Voc. 26); (Tr.) aṭyār boiling water (Voc. 27); (S-R.)aṭvāl cooking-pot; (L.) aṭuval a cook (Voc. 28). Konḍa aṭk- (-t-) to burn (heaps of hacked forest-wood, before starting pōṛu cultivation), set fire to. Kui aṭa (aṭi-) to heat or boil a liquid; pl. action aṭka (aṭki-). Kuwi (Su. P.) aṭ- to catch fire; aṭi ki- to set fire to. Cf. 75 Ka. aḍigera./Cf. Skt. aṭṭa- dried, dry; Pkt. aṭṭaï becomes dry; Mar. aṭṇē to dry up.
kitchen, place for performing sacrificial ceremonies; aṭṭu a cake of coarse sugar; aṭṭ-uppu salt produced by evaporation; āṭucooking, boiling, distillation. Ma. aṭuka to cook; aṭukkaḷa kitchen; aṭuppu fireplace, hearth, oven. Ko. aṛ- (aṭ-) to cook by boiling, bake (pots). To. oṛ- (oṭ-) to cook. Ka. aḍu (aṭṭ-) to cook, boil, dress, prepare a meal, mature (tr.); n. cooking; aḍi, aḍe cooking; aḍike, ar̤ke, aḍige, aḍuge cooking, boiling, etc.; aṭṭu to evaporate; dry up; n. the state of being free from moisture; aṭṭisu to cause to evaporate by boiling; aṭṭ-uppu salt produced by evaporation; aṇṭarisu to evaporate, as water by boiling(Hav.) aṭṭumbaḷa kitchen. Koḍ. aḍigeka·rë cook; fem.aḍigekarati. Tu. aḍůpini to cook; aḍi cooked, dressed, prepared; aḍiguḷu a cook; aḍigè cooking, distilling; aḍkala cooking shed, oven; aṭṭilů cooking, meal. Te. aḍugaṇṭu to dry up, become exhausted; aṭṭ-uppu a kind of salt; aṭṭu a flat thin cake roasted or baked on an iron pan;aḍasāla kitchen, cook-room; aṭṭamu food, fuel. Nk. (Ch.) aṭay-/aṭil- to be dried up; aṭap- to dry up (water); aṭ bread. Go. (Tr.) aṭṭānā
to cook by boiling; (W.) aṭáná to cook, boil; (A. Y. G. Mu. Ma.) aṭṭ-, (M. S. Ko.) aṭ- to cook (Voc. 26); (Tr.) aṭyār boiling water (Voc. 27); (S-R.)aṭvāl cooking-pot; (L.) aṭuval a cook (Voc. 28). Konḍa aṭk- (-t-) to burn (heaps of hacked forest-wood, before starting pōṛu cultivation), set fire to. Kui aṭa (aṭi-) to heat or boil a liquid; pl. action aṭka (aṭki-). Kuwi (Su. P.) aṭ- to catch fire; aṭi ki- to set fire to. Cf. 75 Ka. aḍigera./Cf. Skt. aṭṭa- dried, dry; Pkt. aṭṭaï becomes dry; Mar. aṭṇē to dry up.
Embedded structures of Mesopotamia comparable to Indus Script hieroglyphs
See: Embedded Structures: Two Mesopotamian Examples