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Time for Antonio Manio Sonia to leave us alone -- India and its people -- Dr. Mrs. Hilda Raja


Time for Antonio Manio Sonia to leave us alone-India and its people.

Nov. 7, 2015

It is simply exasperatingly painful and horrifying to see that Mrs Sonia and the Congress are destabilizing the country. She started her gimmicks soon after Modi became the Prime Minister.She is and was hell bend on making her son-Rahul Gandhi the Prime Minister. Since her plans went awry she has now resorted to become the greatest destablisher the country has. This can be understandable-because she has no genuine love for the country and its people. She is self promoter and did everything to feather her nest and also that of her Italian family. Towards this and under her guidance the Congress disseminates wrong information, prods on the people to agitate and stirs unrest.

It is clear that Mrs Sonia to achieve her designs she and the Congress party have stooped so low as to target the PM. First it raked up the issue of his marital status and questioned how he could treat his wife so badly. They it raked up his mother’s issue and again blamed him for not caring for her. All the time Rahul Gandhi was periodically visiting his hideouts God knows what for. The Congress is the most undemocratic party-its President and VP just ascended the power seats. No one can sneeze even without the concurrence of the High Command. Yet this party has the cheek to blame Modi for being undemocratic. Look at how it has functioned for the past 60 years. Just assess what it had done to the country. The legacy of Nehru- is a big mirage. Created for us to believe that he was a legend- a careful and objective analysis of Nehru and his period will reveal how he betrayed the people of India by his shortsightedness. He had other interests. The people then were ignorant and the media played up to the Nehru legacy as it does now. Then the regime of Indira Gandhi was the most stifling and intolerant period –the dark period in the history of this country. She was a dictator-throttled every dissenting voice. Yet the Congress under Mrs Sonia has the audacity to term Modi’s rule as intolerant. Then came Rajiv Gandhi-he banned books, used the floor of the Parliament to ridicule his opponents-and to shout them down by his ‘shouting brigade’ He injected third rate communalism in the polity by breaking the lock in the Ram temple and thus declared that he will usher in Ram Rajya - and thus started a period of religious polarization.

The Congress with its ‘garibi hato’,its 20 Point program succeeded in increasing  poverty-divided the people on caste lines. Even today it holds on to is communal perspective and sees caste and religion as the vote catching mantra. The country’s backwardness is the making and its sole irresponsibility. The Congress did not and even today does not want the country to prosper. It has vested interest in its backwardness; illiteracy and poverty. To keep the Indians with a begging bowl in their hands suits the Congress’s self aggrandization. If it has these to its credit how can it demand Modi to account for the ‘achha din’ which he promised? Rahul Gandhi is such a miserable failure .He has no sense of history and no vision and is simply led by his mother and tied to her apron strings. He cannot think for himself. His thought process is not only muddled and lumpened but also skewed. This is the man Mrs Sonia wants to make the PM of India. What does she take the Indian people for? She came with nothing-she has accumulated and amassed enough of wealth and assets. She must realize that it is time to pack and leave this country because she is the biggest destabilizing force in today’s political scenario. How long can the people tolerate an Italian born woman to meddle with our affairs and worse to create such an environment of intolerance?

 Talking of intolerance it is clear that Modi is the victim of intolerance. In a country of 1.6 billion people there is bound to be a few incidents of communal violence-a few killings but how can that be blamed on Modi? Look at the world countries- which country is free of discrimination, of violence based on color and ethnicity and religion? Given the proportion of our numbers when compared with the incidences world over India is better off. Yet Mrs Sonia does not hesitate to start the chorus of ‘Intolerance’.

During the regime of the Congress it had packed all seats of power, every institution, political, social and cultural with its ‘yes’ men/women. with its handpicked coterie and sycophants. So today they have all joined the ‘manufactured’ intolerance chorus and want to pull down Modi’s government. Hence we have the award returning procession. Each one is in some way or other linked with Congress. After all, the awards were not given by Modi and his government. So what sense does it make to return the awards as a sign of protest against the growing intolerance in Modi’s regime? Is it not a slap in the face of the Congress which gave them the awards? In what way had Modi throttled free speech, freedom of expression and in what way is Modi linked with murders of the rationalists? Then by the same yardstick was it not the responsibility of Sonia and MANMOHAN Singh to account for the suicides and the communal killings and starvation deaths which occurred during the UPA 1 and UPA 2?Is it not the responsibility of the State governments-all Congress and non- BJP governments to be answerable?

The Congress has never accepted the fact that in democracy anyone who gets the mandate of the people will hold power and has the right to head the government. Look at its history-Did the Congress not pull down the Dev Gowda government,the Chandrasekhar government,the IK Gujaral government. So this is nothing new for the Congress. It has not learned to sit in the Opposition and to allow a democracy to function. Democracy is not in the DNA of the Congress. This dangerous trend is being led by Mrs Sonia.Is it not time for her to leave the country which gave her so much and now which she is stabbing

 This manufactured ‘intolerance’ theme is nothing but a farce and utter falsehood. Where is the intolerance? It is the intolerance of the Congress under Mrs Sonia Gandhi that is apparent and obvious. Too long the Indians have been extremely patient. Let political parties fight out politically their battles and seek the mandate of the people. Not run hither-thither raking up imageries of intolerance. Rallies-meeting the President are part of this disinformation pattern and kicking up a mirage and hysteria. It will be good to look back a bit and find out why Pranab Mukherjee  and Shukla left the Congress party. Similarly’ why did A.K Antony too leave the Congress party? Was this because it was more democratic? Is it not ridiculous that a party which enforced Emergence, called for a ‘committed’ judiciary and did not hesitate to butcher and ruthlessly slain a minority community- right in N.Delhi and the country over in thousands with Rajiv Gandhi justifying it ‘when a big tree falls the small plants round it will die’ blame Modi. Today the Congress and its spokesmen/women talk of Modi’s intolerance, riots and communalism? Whom is Mrs Sonia Gandhi and the Congress trying to fool?

Rahul Gandhi can be brushed aside because he is just a zero when it comes to politics. His hideouts and his periodical disappearance is a puzzle. What does Mrs Sonia think and estimate the Indian people-Are we not entitled for better governance. The truth is that- she and her party do not want Modi to succeed because it is their vested interest that India continues to be mired in poverty and assetlessness. Towards this  they obstruct the Parliament. Small minds think in circles and in a grove. Hence it is time to question Mrs Sonia and her sycophants. It is time to politely tell her that before she wrecks more havoc to the Indian people it would be prudent for her to pack up and leave for Italy and leave us alone with our affairs. The great renunciation drama fitted in her scheme of things. She has betrayed the people and evidently does not want the country to move forward. She hence allowed rampant corruption during the UPA 1 and UPA 2.Now she prods her party men/women to block Parliament and prevent development and reform .After doing this they have  the cheek to ask Modi where are the election promises he made. If they want him to account for the 25 months that he was in power what about an accountability of 25 years and more when the Congress was in power? For her selfish reasons she makes the country suffer. She has betrayed the country which gave her so much…is it not then in the fitness of things that she leaves us alone.

Dr Mrs Hilda Raja,



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