Bhajans For Children - Namo Sharada Full Song with Lyrics Search of Sharada Civilization By Sankaratv. Author and Director: TKV Rajan Search of Sharada Civilization By Sankaratv. Author and Director: TKV Rajan
Published on Oct 9, 2014In Search of Sharada Civilisaion - Eight episode series is to be telecast in Srisankara TV from November 2014 onwards. The main aim of this research documentary is to showcase the invaluable legacy of Kashmir Valley also known as Sharada Desh. This series depict how Sharada Peeth of Kashmir ( now in POK ) has been the foundation head of Sanathana Dharma & the pivotal role played by Sharada Civilisation in shaping India's culture & civilisation for the past 2000 years. This documentary is written & directed by archaeologist T K V Rajan. In Search of Sharada Civilization: Episode aired on Nov 22 2014 Published on Nov 28, 2014
In Search of Sharada Civilisaion - Eight episode series is to be telecast in Srisankara TV from November 2014 onwards. The main aim of this research documentary is to showcase the invaluable legacy of Kashmir Valley also known as Sharada Desh. This series depict how Sharada Peeth of Kashmir ( now in POK ) has been the foundation head of Sanathana Dharma & the pivotal role played by Sharada Civilisation in shaping India's culture & civilisation for the past 2000 years. This documentary is written & directed by archaeologist T K V Rajan. In Search of Sharada Civilization: Episode aired on Nov 22 2014 Published on Nov 28, 2014
Visit to Sarswati Lake in Neelum Kishen-Ganga valley
By Rukhsana Khan
September 19th 2015
September 19th 2015
Another view of sharda Temple
Documentation of ancient script from area
Prof Ashraf Khan Director ,Taxila instiute of Asian Civilizations,QAU,Islamabad & research during recordings 2013.
My Archaeological research is solely based on Sharda civilisation, which was housed in Neelum Kishen Ganga valley. The architectural/ standing evidence of this civilization is present in the shape of Sharda temple, dedicated to the goddess Sarswati (Sharda).The place was once known as Sharda Peeth or Sarada Pith, as a great centre of learning, Kashmir as Sharda Desh and was center of attraction for Kashmiri pundits, scholars of various beliefs, Pilgrims, and travelers. The evidence of different architectural remains and variety of documented cultural material, from surroundings of Sharda temple reveals that there was a grand structure but area was inhabited by diverse populous in different periods of time. These findings, rock inscriptions and documented archaeological sites from different places of valley not only confirm the evolvement of civilization in Kishanganga valley but necessitate the exploration of other related sites which have also been mentioned in ancient text.
Beside the archaeological sites the river Neelum Kishen ganga, streams like Madumati, Kankotri or Surgan and lakes, are an integral part of Sharda civilisation. Although there are over a dozen lakes on the higher altitude in the surroundings of Neelum valley, but four of these lakes has religious significance theses are Hari-Parbat lake on the Hari-Parbat mountain in shunter valley, other three are directly associated with Sharda Devi which are Vagdevi, Narda and Saraswati. After founding’s of these lakes research confirms presence of three lakes shaping idea of trinity, related to Sharda civilizations.
The ambiguity existed about whether one of these three is Saraswati. This prompted me to verify the Sarasvati Lake associated with Sharda Devi. It was confirmed through research that Narda and Vagdevi lakes are situated on Narda mountain range in the north of Sharda temple and the Narda peak is visible also from Sharda temple. These two lakes have construction of some stone slab stairs (descending into water) the stones are similar to those found in the construction of Sharda temple. The chiselled stones are ten to fourteen ft., in length and three to five ft., in height, local believe that some supernatural forces had brought these stones from top of these mountains for construction of temple. Interestingly these particular types of stone are not found anywhere else in the valley. During my recent visit I documented few such stone slabs lying in Sheri Dana village in Surgan valley I was told that these stones are not locally found and must have been brought here ages ago. Even locals never reused these stone slabs because of believe associated with Sharda Mai and its respect. This archaeological evidence corroborates the historical records and myths related to Sharda civilizations’.
The ambiguity existed about whether one of these three is Saraswati. This prompted me to verify the Sarasvati Lake associated with Sharda Devi. It was confirmed through research that Narda and Vagdevi lakes are situated on Narda mountain range in the north of Sharda temple and the Narda peak is visible also from Sharda temple. These two lakes have construction of some stone slab stairs (descending into water) the stones are similar to those found in the construction of Sharda temple. The chiselled stones are ten to fourteen ft., in length and three to five ft., in height, local believe that some supernatural forces had brought these stones from top of these mountains for construction of temple. Interestingly these particular types of stone are not found anywhere else in the valley. During my recent visit I documented few such stone slabs lying in Sheri Dana village in Surgan valley I was told that these stones are not locally found and must have been brought here ages ago. Even locals never reused these stone slabs because of believe associated with Sharda Mai and its respect. This archaeological evidence corroborates the historical records and myths related to Sharda civilizations’.
Previously Researcher had verified archaeological sites mentioned in the ancient text such as ‘hill of Genes’ or Ganesh Ghati, Tehjian (Tejavana),siege of Gautama and others in the reference of religious and worldly connection in the written record of Kalhana’s Rajatarangini. Religious text of Nilamata Puranas also mentioned about places along the temple of Sharda beside other sacrosanct places customs and rituals of Kashmir. Most recent discovery is a sacred pond directly associated with Ashtami ritual, located where Madhumati merges into Kishanganga on the left bank of river. This was constructed pond it’s only visible in winter when the water subsides.
My point of real Sarswati Lake is in the context of abode of Goddess Sharda in Neelum Kishen ganga valley. Kalhanna Rajatarangini mentions Sarswati Lake as sacred abode of goddess Sharda, according to R.S Pandit: “where the goddess sarasvati herself may be seen in the form of a swan in a lake on the peak of the Bheda Mountain which is hallowed by the rise of the Ganga.” Taranga 1 .35.
The Sarswati Lake is isolated and difficult to reach and surrounded by thousand ft. higher cliffs all around. The opening in the North West from where it feed Surgan stream which join river kishen ganga near shirdi. The place where pilgrimage use to take third ritual bath of Ashtami (stein’s mentioned it as Kankotri stream) which is also borderline between AJK & northern area at some places, and further chilas, Silk Road. The unusual formation of high cliffs of north eastern side of the lakes was covered with snow. The geological formation of lake is olden as compare with other lakes vagdevi & Narda .
Now on the lighter side the interesting experience was the confirmation of the “Myths” related with Sharda Devi abode. When local guides had almost collapsed, somehow I found the strength and energy and felt kind of pulled forwards the top from where the first glimpse of lake was possible. At that point all three including my husband were suggesting to return back, because we had lost hope of finding the lake. My colleagues were also startled and informed me they are hearing sounds of music (drum, Bajja etc.) they started searching bags for cell phone to check if these sound were coming from cell phones. I did not hear any such sound though. Another myth was that if any one visit this mountain the earth shakes. Strangely it happened in the middle of the night (we were in a cave like hut) we experienced earth shaking violently and I thought it was very strong earthquake. At night we heard strange heavy sounds like when earth plates move and produce dragging sounds. Another myth I was told about was that a visitor to this place always receives snowfall. Next day very early morning when we started descending it started snow falling, we barely managed to get out in time but as we descended further the weather cleared. The further study on the subject is underway. During this expedition I came across some archaeological and other evidence which needs further study and corroboration. There are lot of other archaeological and ethno-archaeological material which I gathered during this survey and documented, which I will publish later.The Sharda temple is located on the left bank of river Neelum tehsil Sharda of District Neelum. The temple facing south west with opening towards the river Neelum .The river is joined by a sacred stream named as Sarswati or Kankotri (surgan stream), Madhumati stream is flowing few meters down near the Sharda temple which presently known as Sharda sangam. The left bank of river follows towards Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir with the distance of 250 km. In the north Neelam valley road joint Sharda towards khel, Jaunvi, Phalvi, and Helmet & Taobat and in the south it’s linked Dudnial Dawarian, Lawat, Naghdar, Kern & Athmaqam. There is a zig zag flow of crystal water stream all the way from the top most field trace towards Sharda temple and finally joins the Madhumati stream and then river Neelum.
The Sarswati Lake is isolated and difficult to reach and surrounded by thousand ft. higher cliffs all around. The opening in the North West from where it feed Surgan stream which join river kishen ganga near shirdi. The place where pilgrimage use to take third ritual bath of Ashtami (stein’s mentioned it as Kankotri stream) which is also borderline between AJK & northern area at some places, and further chilas, Silk Road. The unusual formation of high cliffs of north eastern side of the lakes was covered with snow. The geological formation of lake is olden as compare with other lakes vagdevi & Narda .
Now on the lighter side the interesting experience was the confirmation of the “Myths” related with Sharda Devi abode. When local guides had almost collapsed, somehow I found the strength and energy and felt kind of pulled forwards the top from where the first glimpse of lake was possible. At that point all three including my husband were suggesting to return back, because we had lost hope of finding the lake. My colleagues were also startled and informed me they are hearing sounds of music (drum, Bajja etc.) they started searching bags for cell phone to check if these sound were coming from cell phones. I did not hear any such sound though. Another myth was that if any one visit this mountain the earth shakes. Strangely it happened in the middle of the night (we were in a cave like hut) we experienced earth shaking violently and I thought it was very strong earthquake. At night we heard strange heavy sounds like when earth plates move and produce dragging sounds. Another myth I was told about was that a visitor to this place always receives snowfall. Next day very early morning when we started descending it started snow falling, we barely managed to get out in time but as we descended further the weather cleared. The further study on the subject is underway. During this expedition I came across some archaeological and other evidence which needs further study and corroboration. There are lot of other archaeological and ethno-archaeological material which I gathered during this survey and documented, which I will publish later.The Sharda temple is located on the left bank of river Neelum tehsil Sharda of District Neelum. The temple facing south west with opening towards the river Neelum .The river is joined by a sacred stream named as Sarswati or Kankotri (surgan stream), Madhumati stream is flowing few meters down near the Sharda temple which presently known as Sharda sangam. The left bank of river follows towards Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir with the distance of 250 km. In the north Neelam valley road joint Sharda towards khel, Jaunvi, Phalvi, and Helmet & Taobat and in the south it’s linked Dudnial Dawarian, Lawat, Naghdar, Kern & Athmaqam. There is a zig zag flow of crystal water stream all the way from the top most field trace towards Sharda temple and finally joins the Madhumati stream and then river Neelum.
Update :About Sharda Temple and its associated Archaeological sites , in Neelum Kishen ganga valley on 15th october 2015
The ancient temple of Sharda is situated on top of a plateau from where one can view whole of the Sharda valley as in the north the
Narda Mountain with snowy covered peaks with a haziness or impression of Narda lake. The most notable structure of the site is the
main northern entrance, where a huge slightly damage enclosure is standing. That is approached by 63 stone slabs stairs. The northern
boundary wall of the Sharda temple is a complete structure of stone slabs, which resembles with the ancient stones structure of the
main temple. In the middle of the northern wall there is a trefoil arch chamber or cell. The Chamber housed two moderate sizes of
lingams during the visit of Ariel Stein in 1892.The most striking feature of the main the temple is square in plan and standing on a high
platform. The Pyramidal Shikaras of Kashmiri style of architectural design is present on the three sides i.e. northern, southern and the
eastern walls of the temple. The interior of the temple is without any design or architectural detail, placing cult statues or for performing
rituals. But there was evidence of a stone slab in the middle of the temple floor, which is now missing. There was no entrance gate of
the temple during the time when Ellison Bates visited the site. He observed presence of an unpolished slab of the stone lies in the centre
of the ground of the temple.
The roof of the Sharda temple was missing since 1870, when Charles Bates visited the site as he mentioned that roof was missed
and single roof was re-erected by the temporary material for its protection .There is a clear indication that different type of the material
is used in the construction of Sharda temple. The material is the heavy dressed stone slabs river pebbles lime stone mud plaster.
The carved head of elephant along mark of swastika and a bust of the female are found on the Ganesh Ghati near the Sericella fort.
The carved head is now slightly damage, which occupies the Ganesh Ghati rock.The Khel Patt site is mostly known as Shish pheri,
which is an asymmetrical rock having natural caves, with engraved symbols. Stein mentioned in the Kalhana’s Rajatrangini that during his
visit to the place of Tehjian in valley of Neelum (Kishen Ganga) in 1892, he observed the place where the pilgrims perform the ritual of
cleanings called Tejavana. From this point, a hill tributary emerging from the south-east and falls in to Kishen. In the ancient times
pilgrims used to stay in Lithervana, presently Indian administrated Kashmir near the walnut trees and then came to Khel patt for the
worship of sacred spot presently known as Shispari The site of Khazana Mati, locally known as Naghdar near Neelum village,from
where researcher documented rock inscription (Sharda script & other).
Rukhsana Khan added 36 new photos to the album: Visit to Sarswati Lake in Neelum Kishen-Ganga valley by Arif Kamal and Rukhsana Khan.
See: A Preliminary Study of Resources Usage & Expected environmental impact in Neelum valley
Ruins of Sharada Sarvajna Peetha. Chinese Buddhist monk, Xuanzang visited this learning centre in 632 CEShrine of Sharada, Crest jewel of Kashmir, the crown of Bharat

October 10, 2013
Though in recent times the Shrine of Sharada of Kashmir is almost unknown to the people of Bharat in general, it has been one of the most important places of pilgrimage in Kashmirfrom times immemorial. M.A. Stein in his English translation of Kalhana's Rajatarangini has recorded that the Shrine of Sharada was the most important and sacred place of pilgrimage in Kashmir. This information was secured by M.A. Stein, who was a Hungarian-British archaeologist primarily known for his explorations and archaeological discoveries in Central Asia, in the course of the search made by him in 1892. He has authored three volumes of Kalhana's Rajatarangini in English which is a chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. The first edition of this was published in 1900. By writing this book, M.A. Stein has rendered everlasting service to our Nation. This Article is based on and inspired by his book and in particular his Note B-137 titled "SHRINE OF SHARADA" incorporated at pages 279 to 289 of the Second volume of his Magnum Opus.
He has pointed out that according to Kalhana, the author of Rajatarangini in Samskrit, the Shrine of Sharada was in the close proximity to Sirahsila Castle. Though finding of exact location of Shrine of Sharada was difficult, M.A. Stein made herculean efforts and was able to find out the location by following various indications gathered from the general description of the locality in Kalhana's Rajatarangini. Kashmir has been known as abode of Sharada from times immemorial. It should be pointed out that in all parts of Bharat, including the southernmost part of Bharat, Sharada is being worshipped as the most popular Goddess of knowledge. This is evidenced from the following Samskrit verse which is being recited every day by all devout Hindus in all parts of Bharat more particularly in educational institutions and Samskrita Patha Shalas:
“Namastey Shaaradaadevi Kashmirapuravaasini,
Twaamaham Praarthaye Nityam Vidyaam Buddhim Cha Dehi Mme!”
On the occasion of my 'vidyaramba samskara' at the age of three, my father recited the aforesaid samskrit verse and I was asked to learn it by heart which I did. After I learnt writing Kannada language, it has been the practice to write this verse on the 'Saraswati Pooja or Vijayadashami festival during Dasara and place it at the feet of Sharada idol and pray for blessings to confer knowledge. Thus, for Hindus, Kashmir has been an inseparable part of Bharat.
In his notes, in Volume-2 of Kalhana's Rajatarangini vide Note - 37, M.A. Stein has given an elaborate account about his search and finding out the location of Shrine of Sharada. He says Sharada is also known as Saraswathi and Vagdevi which is true even to this day in all parts of Bharat. The author quotes the information furnished by Chandra Pandit about the people in the neighbouring districts who still perform pilgrimage to Shrine of Sharada.
The author has recorded that the route reaching the Shrine of Sharada is a very difficult one. One has to go thorough the Kisanganga Valley. The pilgrims used to start pilgrimage on the fourth day of Bhadrapada by bathing in a rivulet instead of visiting its source at Kisanganga. By travelling on this route, they were reaching Tejavana which would take about four days. On the way there is a place called Ganesagiri mentioned in Mahatmya. After travelling further, ancient temple of Sharada comes conspicuously into view. The author says he was able to cross the river by means of raft fastened to a twig rope, and thus to avoid the long and somewhat dangerous rope bridge which when the water is high, forms the only means of passage.
M.A. Stein describes that the shrine of Sharada rises in a prominent and commanding position above the right bank of the Madhumati. There on a small sandy beach the pilgrims perform 'Shraddha' and give 'tarpana' to the deceased ancestors. The height of the staircase forms the approach to the temple from the West, where an extensive view opens.
The ruins which mark the ancient shrine of Sharada has a few description as the only account he was able to trace and which is also recorded in Gazette of Kashmir. The temple is approached from the lower slope of the hill in the west by an imposing stone staircase. The entrance is through a gateway provided with the usual double porch ofKashmir architecture. The temple which occupies the centre of the quadrangle, forms a square cella conforming in plan and elevation to the usual features of Kashmiri architecture.
According to the author, at the time of his visit, a red cloth canopy with plenty of tinsel surmounted the sacred spot. Conches, bells and other implements of worship filled the remainder of the interior spaces. The author remembers that it is evident that a shrine erected at a site so popular and renowned from early times would be sure of continued attention and hence there has been repeated restorations. He further states that the solidity of construction and massiveness of material surpasses in its present state of preservation many of the most famous monuments of Kashmir architecture, seems to indicate a comparatively later date.
According to Chandra Pandit's relation, who gave the description to M.A. Stein, the temple had been almost deserted during the time preceding the Sikh invasion, when the Mohammadan Rajas ruled as practically independent chiefs in the Kisanganga Valley. The temple was subsequently repaired by Maharaja Gulab Singh.
The author states that according to the information given by Chandra Pandit, the pilgrimage to the shrine takes place regularly in the bright half of the month of Bhadrapada. The pilgrims start their journey on the 4th day of Bhadrapada and perform the visit to the Saradakunda and perform the Sraddhas. The author further says that whatever be the historic value of the story related may be, it is clear that the particular reference to Sharada could not have been introduced if it had not been known that the fame of Sharada had spread even to far off regions.
These facts are also reported by Alberuni who had heard of Shrine of Sharada during his stay in Punjab. Alberuni speaks of the wooden idol of Sharada and that it was much venerated and frequented by pilgrims. He describes its position accurately enough as being "in inner Kashmir, about two or three days journey from the capital in the direction towards the mountains of Bolor". Alberuni mentions Sharada not in his description of Kashmir but in his account of the most famous idols of the Hindus, immediately after the image of the Sun God at Multan, the Vishnu Cakrasvamin of Thaneshwar and the Linga of Somanath.
The author adds that Prof. Buhler was undoubtedly right when he treated the statement of the Prabhavakacarita that all manuscripts had come from the temple ofSaraswathi in Kashimr. The Temple of Saraswathi means the shrine of Sharada, the two names being ordinarily considered designations of the identical deity. Reference to the Sharada temple is of interest because it leads us to the probable reason for the far spread renown of this particular Thirtha. Kashmir has claimed from early times to be the land beloved by Saraswathi - Sharada and such designations as Sharadapeetha, Sharadamandala etc, have been and are still in common use.
In addition, Shankaracharya had visited Kashmir and had received the honour of ascending the Sarvajna Peetha. There is a Hill in the vicinity of Srinagar named after him and Amarnath as also Vaishno Devi which attract thousands of pilgrims every year together prove that Kashmir is an inseparable part of Bharat, the land created by God.
I have ascertained from Dr. Karan Singh, my colleague in Rajya Sabha that at present it is located in Pak occupied Kashmir. S.M. Krishna, ex-minister of External Affairs in his speech while inaugurating 'KASHMIRI BHAVAN' in the city of Bangalore,on Sunday, the 6th October 2013 has rightly stated that India should take back that area which is part and parcel of Bharat in terms of the resolution passed by the Parliament.
Thus, Sharada Shrine has been the crest jewel of Kashmir, the crown of Bharat and it should be rebuilt as a grand temple to remind the Nation of its past glory.
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 5:05 PM
Subject: To Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois from VHP Ashok Singhal: Thank you very much for inviting me to attend the inaugural ceremony of the 2+ day Archaeological and Cultural Exhibition titled "Kashmir - the Crown of India"
(Scanned copy of signed letter attached hereby which contains the following text.)
Office of Ashok Singhal, Senior Patron & Life Trustee, VHP Int’L
Sankat Mochan Ashram, Ramakrishna Puram Sector-6, New Delhi - 110 022 Bharat (India)
TeleFax (00-91) (011) 2610 3495, 2617 8992; Emails:
Ref.#VHP/38/2013 Date: October 22, 2013
Aadaraniiya Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois Ji,
Jai Maa Sharada!
Pray you are doing well!
Thank you very much for inviting me to attend the inaugural ceremony of the 2+ day Archaeological and Cultural Exhibition titled “Kashmir – the Crown of India” scheduled at 5 p.m. on 25th October, 2013 in Bangalore and to be respectively opened and introduced by enlightened Sharada-Putras of the stature of Hon’ble CJI (Rtd) M.N. Venkatachaliah and your patriotic-self. The involvement of renowned sons of Maa Bhaarati in it would surely draw public attention and give a great start to the exhibition on a subject of immense national importance about which 1.25 billion Bharatiyas are so much emotional and exercised. It would really have been a great learning experience to visit the exhibition and see and hear the enlightening presentations. But much as I wish I am not being able to join you all due to my organizational preoccupations elsewhere in the country on those dates. Hope you would appreciate and pardon my absence. I’m with you all in all heart and spirit and wish this exhibition all success in Bangalore as well as in all other cities and towns that the organizer plans to take it to. The exhibition is conceptualized and produced by Archaeologist & Journalist Sri TVK Rajan. In his invitation folder he has so succinctly and compellingly presented the non-negotiable integrality of Kashmir with the body-politic and spirituo-cultural commonwealth of Bharatvarsh. May Maa Sharada and Maa Bhaarati bless their son Sri Rajan with all success in this long overdue work! In the last two paragraphs of your forceful article titled “Shrine of Sharada – Crest Jewel of Kashmir – The Crown of Bharat”, you have rightly quoted Shri S.M. Krishna – the Former GOI Minister for External Affairs that “…India should take back that area (i.e., the Sharada Mandal, now in Pak occupied Kashmir) which is part and parcel of Bharat in terms of the resolution passed by the Parliament (of Bharat)”. You have also rightly said that the “Sharada Shrine (now in PoK) has been the crest jewel of Kashmir, the crown of Bharat and it should be rebuilt as a grand temple to remind the Nation of its past glory.”
In fact the entire zone of Kashyap-Meru (i.e., Kashmir – meaning the mountain of the great Rishi Kashyap – the progenitor of the most of humanity) and Tribishtap (Tibet) recognized as forming the “Roof of the World” must always remain with the followers of the holistic, altruistic and syncretic Himalayan Tradition including Hindus and Buddhists, who have utmost respect for nature and life, as its occupation by the Jihadi desert traditions and the imperialist materialists (Communist China) would turn the celebrated “roof of the world” with also invaluable glaciers and sources of great river systems and bio-diversity into a field of atrocious, fatal and unsustainable exploitation and destruction of nature and also the play ground of nuclear activities and the dumping ground of nuclear waste, thereby, endangering, sooner than later, the perennial life-sustaining river systems of Northern Bharat in particular and the environmental and ecological balance of the whole of Mother Earth in general which would prove detrimental to the survival of the entire humanity, plant kingdom and animal kingdom.
In any case, the Himalayas are also venerated as the “Ardhanaarishwar” form of Parvati-Parameshwar – the green & flowery southern side of the mountain range being identified with the feminine principle of Bhagwati Parvati and the non-green, icy, rugged northern side with the masculine principle of Bhagwan Shiva. The Himalayan mountain ranges are also considered to be the “Sahasraara” region – the Crown Plexus – of the living entity Mother Earth, Bharatvarsh being its spine containing the Triveni of spinal cords of Ida, Pingala and Shushumnaa, which became the cradle of the Rishi-Krishi Culture (Kulaachaar) and from where all the profoundest and subtlest spirituo-religious traditions of humanity originated from age to age.
Kashyap-Meru (Kashmir) has been and shall always remain an integral part of Bharat and all the designs of the Jihadi perverts to disintegrate it from Bharat by turning it into a nuclear flash point must be foiled. The Pakistanis say that without Kashmir Pakistanis incomplete, but in our view Bharat is incomplete without Pakistan. A well-known political joke about solving the Kashmir problem goes like this: “An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile. A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whomKashmir is named. When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.' He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.' The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.' The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.' And they say Kashmir belongs to them????”
May Maa Sharada endow Bhaaratvanshis and humanity with all the wisdom and strength to either reform or overpower the forces of wickedness, sensuousness and terrorism and restore Her reign!
Wishing the exhibition all success!
Yours in the service of
Maa Bhaarati and Dharma,
Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois (Rtd)
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha)
Former Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court and
Former Governor of Jharkhand and Bihar
No. 870-C, 5th Block, Purandarpura,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560 010 Karnataka
(HINDU HISTORY OF KASHYAP-MERU (KASHMIR) - Archaeological and Cultural Exhibition on Kashmir and Sharada Peetham in PoK - Kashmir has always been an integral part of Bharat and will remain so. If Pakistan is incomplete without Kashmir, then Bharat is incomplete without Pakistan.)
Archaeological and Cultural Exhibition
Conceptualized & Produced by TKV Rajan, Archaeologist
Padma Vibhushan Justice M N Venkatachaliah, Former Chief Justice of India will inaugurate the exhibition followed by a speech by Justice Dr. Rama Jois, MP, Former Chief Justice of Punjab and Hariyana and Former Governor of Jarkhand and Bihar on "SRI SHARADA PEETAM OF KASHMIR" on 25th October 2013, at 5 p.m.
The Indian Institute of World Culture, Basavanagudi, Bangalore.
The Exhibition will be on view for the public on 26th & 27th October 2013 b/w 11 am to 7 pm
The Crown of India
Millions of empathetic viewers from all over the world watched this television serial on SRI SANKARA TV with great concern ..... Now it is here in your Metro as an exhibition
to tell you why we should safeguard Kashmir for the welfare of our motherland India. Visit this exhibition with your family and Get immune to the glory of Kashmir!
You are cordially invited!
TKV Rajan, Editor, Indian Science Monitor
Some of the Contents
- Evolution of Mankind seems to have started in Kashmir Valley. The skeletal remains of the first man in Asia known as sivapithacus punjabicus were discovered from Shivalik ranges of Kashmir Valley. Thus it seems to be the Cradle of evolution of human beings.
- The rich bio-diversity of Valley safeguards north Indian climatic system since ages and Great Himalayan glaciers flowing through Kashmir are the primary source for perennial water supply to North Indian states. So we have to safeguard these glaciers.
- The rich biodiversity of Kashmir attracted several British Botanists, including Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. Based on his research in Kashmir Valley, he offered botanical inputs much of which found its way into the immortal work of Charles Darwin known as "Origin of Species".
- Goddess Sharada Devi was the presiding deity of Kashmir Valley, who represented for language and speech and through Her disciples the Vedic knowledge had spread all over India. The oldest temple of Sharada Peetam is in Kashmir Valley, but presently it is in the hands of Pakistan.
- Kashmir was the great centre for Buddhism and it was from here that this faith had spread to China, Japan and other Asian countries. Buddha was influenced by the climate of Kashmir and said that it was the best place for meditation.
- Kashmir Valley seems to be the birthplace of Saivism. Well known Saiva Mystic Thirumoolar is said to have come from Kashmir to spread Saivism in Tamilnadu.
- The solitary existence of the temple of Adi Sankara in Kashmir depicts the influence of Sankara philosophy in Kashmir valley.
- Sri Ramanuja's visit to Kashmir brought home "Bodhyana-Vritti" to complete Sribhashya – the Holy text of Sri Vaishanavas, with the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi, the presiding deity of Kashmir.
- Kashmir has been the home of learning and the oldest Sanskrit university known as Brajbihara is located here.
- During the periods of King Lalithadithya and Avanthivarman, the whole gamut of Kashmir's cultural and literary traditions had played a prominent role in enriching the cultural life which pulsated throughout India.
- Kalhana's Rajatarangini (Chronicle of the kings of Kashmir) is one of the oldest historical chronologies of the World History.
- Story telling tradition evolved from Kashmir. Internationally well known Panchatantra was written by a Kashmiri author. Tradition of Kashmir Shawl goes back to 5000 years.
- The emergence of Sufi Music and introduction of Santoor musical instrument inKashmir are the milestones in world of music.
- For the past 3000 years Kashmir has been the centre of attraction for the invaders for its beauty and climate, it is known as Paradise on Earth. Above all, by land it is the only the GateWay to India.
- A research proved that cricket bat made of Kashmiri Willow is much more superior to English Willow cricket bat.
- To sum up, Kashmir is the Crown of India and when you look at the map of Indiayou would see Kashmir forms the head of India.
Posted 26th October 2013 See: