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Indus Script priest with trefoil-decorations on shawl: kolimi pottha-kara 'smithy-forge modeller in clay (metalcaster)', pō̃ta 'casting in metal'


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Trefoil is a hieroglyph-multiplex on Indus Script Corpora. This hieroglyph also occurs in Egypt and in the Ancient Near East artifacts. In the context of catalogus catalogorum of metalwork in Indus Script Corpora, the trefoil is deciphered as smithy-forge work of metalcasting using cire perdue (lost-wax) method of first modelling in clay by pottha-kara, 'modelers in clay' and then pouring molten metal to achieve pō̃ta 'casting in metal'.

Trefoil is a hieroglyph-multiplex which occurs in the context of semantics related to ancient metalcasting on a number of artifactspota'keeper of books', pottha-kara'modeller in clay', pō̃ta'casting in metal', पोतृ pōtṛ'purifier', pusti, pustia'a generation' . 

pottha-kara, 'a modeller in clay' is also a metalcaster, casting in metal: pō̃ta 

using the cire perdue (lost-wax) method of metalcasting as evidenced by the Nahal Mishmar artifacts, Dong Son bronze drums and dancing girl, lamp-carrier statuettes of Mohenjo-daro.

It is suggested that the trefoil hieroglyph-multiplex is a phrase of veneration of ancestors. போற்றி pōṟṟi , < id. n. 1. Praise, applause, commendation; புகழ்மொழி. (W.) போத்தி pōtti , n. < போற்றி. 1. Grandfather; பாட்டன். Tinn. 2. Brahman temple- priest in Malabar; மலையாளத்திலுள்ள கோயிலருச்சகன்.  पोतृ [p= 650,1] प्/ओतृ or पोतृm. "Purifier" , N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brahman ; = यज्ञस्य शोधयिट्रि Sa1y.)RV. Br. S3rS. Hariv.

The veneration is of pottha-kara 'modellers in clay' and pō̃ta artisans casting in metal. 

The trefoil hieroglyph is a semantic rendering of pot 'to perforate'. Three perforations are shown on the shawl of the Mohenjo-daro statuette, since the perforations occur in a smithy. kolom 'three' Rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, together, the phrase is: Hieroglyph: kolom pota 'three perforated beads'  Rebus: kolimipottha-kara pō̃ta 'smithy-forge modeller in clay (metalcaster), casting in metal'.

On the hammered gold fillet shown on the forehead of the statuette: Fillet with hanging ribbons falling down the back. పట్టము [ paṭṭamu ] paṭṭamu. [Skt.] n. A gold band or fillet tied on the forehead of one at the time of coronation. See powerpoint slide embedded. பட்டன் paṭṭaṉ, n. < bhaṭṭa. 1. Learned man, scholar; priest. cf. bhaṭa 'furnace'.

Hieroglyph multiplex of trefoil occurs on the following contexts as semantic determinatives of the phoneme: pō̃ta 'casting in metal'.

1. a stone pedestal for a linga [põd'base of a structure?' (Marathi); 

pōṭa ʻfoundation of a houseʼ (Samskritam)]

2. a  potī ʻshawlʼ (Sindhi)

3. buttock of a calf, or bull [pōṭī 'buttock' (Samskritam); ta पोतः 'young animal']

4. glass beads [pot m. ʻglass beadʼ (Hindi)]

Rebus: pō̃ta'casting in metal' (Telugu) पोतृ pōtṛ'purifier' (Vedic); pot jeweller's polishing stone' (Bihari) pottha-kara'modeller in clay' (Pali) pota 'keeper of books' (Sinhala) pusti, pustia'a generation' (Santali)

பீடி² pīṭi, n. < U. pīrhī. [K. pīḍi] Generation, lineage; வமிசம். (C. G.)(Tamil)

பெரியோன் periyōṉn. < பெரு-மை. 1. Great man; உயர்ந்தோன். கருணையினாற் பெரியோ னொருவன் (திருவாச. 44, 2). 2. God, as the Great; கடவுள். பிறவாயாக்கைப் பெரியோன் கோயிலும் (சிலப். 5, 169).பெரியவர் periyavarn. < பெரு-மை. [K. piriyavar.] 1. The great; உயர்ந்தோர். பெரியவர் கேண்மை பிறைபோல . . . நந்தும் (நாலடி, 125). 2. The aged; முதியவர். Loc. 3. Ancestors; முன் னோர். எங்கள் பெரியவர் தேடிவைத்த ஆஸ்தி.பெரியார் periyār , n. < பெரு-மை. [K. piriyar.] 1. The aged; மூத்தோர். 2. The great; சிறந்தோர். பெரியார் பெருமை சிறு தகைமை (நாலடி, 170). 3. Saints, sages; ஞானியர். பெரியாரும் பணித் தார் (குறள், 381, பரி. அவ.). 4. Kings; அரசர். பெரியார் மனையகத்தும் . . . வணங்கார் குரவரையுங் கண்டால் (ஆசாரக். 73).(Tamil)

pōta -- 4°aka -- , pōṭa -- m. ʻfoundation of a houseʼ lex.(CDIAL 8379) 

pōṭī -- f. ʻ rectum ʼ PārGr̥.com. and ʻ buttock ʼ group s.v. pūta -- 2] B. põd ʻ anus, posterior, hips ʼ; M. põd n. ʻ the bottom (as of a vessel) ʼ; Or. pendi ʻ earth bulging at bottom side of a brick when in the mould, depression at bottom of a pot, pedestal of a cup ʼ; Bi. pẽd(ā), °dīpenī ʻ bottom of a granary ʼ, Mth. pẽdo; H. pẽdā m. ʻ bottom ʼ; M. pẽd n. ʻ tuft of grass ʼ, pẽdīpẽdhī f. ʻ bottom P. pẽdā m., °dī f. ʻ bottom ʼ; N. pĩdpĩdhpin ʻ bottom, fundament, buttocks ʼ(CDIAL 8379) Pa. pot upper part of back; pottel back; adv. behind. Ga. 

(Oll.) poṭ, poṭtel, (S.3) poṭṭu back.(DEDR 4514)

Ma. poti a bundle; potikka to wrap; (DEDR 4509) *pōṭṭa1 ʻ bundle ʼ. 2. pōṭṭala -- n., °lī -- f. lex., °laka -- n., pōṭala -- m. Car. 3. *pēṇḍha -- . [Cf. puṭa -- ]1. Pk. poṭṭa -- n. ʻ bundle ʼ; S. poṭiṛī f. ʻ bag, satchel ʼ; P. poṭ f. ʻ bag, load ʼ; N. poṭi ʻ bulb (e.g. of garlic) ʼ, poṭinu ʻ (ears) to be filled with grain ʼ, poṭilo ʻ filled with grain (of an ear) ʼ; H. poṭ f. ʻ bundle, bale ʼ; G. poṭ ʻ bundle ʼ, poṭkũ n. ʻ packet ʼ.2. Pk. poṭṭala -- n., °liyā -- f., puṭṭala -- , °laya -- m.n., °liyā -- f. ʻ bundle ʼ (whence poṭṭaliya -- m. ʻ porter ʼ); P. poṭlī f. ʻ small bag ʼ; B. põṭlāpũṭal°ṭuli ʻ bundle ʼ, Or. poṭaḷā̆°ḷi, H. poṭlā m., °lī f. ʻ small do. ʼ, G. poṭlɔ m., °lī f., °lũ n.; M. poṭḷā m., °ḷī f. ʻ bundle of stuff ʼ.3. M. pẽḍhī f. ʻ packet ʼ.(CDIAL 8396)

Potthaka anything made or modelled in clay (or wood etc.), in rūpa˚ a modelled figure J vi.342; ThA 257; DA (Pali) pusta -- 2 n. ʻ working in clay ʼ see pōta -- 2.(CDIAL 8310)

*pōstikā ʻ skin ʼ. [← Ir., e.g. Pers. pōst ʻ skin ʼ and so ultimately of same origin as *pōstaka -- ]NiDoc. cam̄a pothi ʻ skin ʼ Burrow KharDoc 107; L. pothī f. ʻ fleece ʼ.(CDIAL 8414)

pūthi पूथि पुस्तकम् f. (sg. dat. pōthĕ पोथ्य), a manuscript, a book (cf. burza-po, p. 131a, l. 3; nĕchapatri-po, p. 621a, l. 34; lŏküṭü po, a small book, a pamphlet, Gr.M.) (Gr.Gr. 24, 41, 46, 6, 115; Gr.M.; K. 955, 182). pōthi-gara पोथि-गर m. or -kuṭhu  m. a book-room, a library (Gr.M.). (Kashmiri) S پوتئِي potaʿī, s.f. An unbound book. S. and Pl. (Pashto) vīd वीद् or (as written by Paṇḍits) vēd वेद् । वेदः m. the sacred scriptures of the Hindūs, the Vēda (Śiv. 8, 5, 64, 77, 82, 19, 2, 276, 394, 446, 515, 538, 582, 626, 672, 688, 757, 8, 83, 847, 851, 979, 16, 177, 1115-6, 1118, 1158, 1164, 1169, 1186, 1287, 1323, 1368, 1527, 158, 1753, 1763, 1796, 1837, 1865; Rām. 11, 637, 114, 1643; K. 96, 568, 666, 139). vīda-pāṭh वीद-पाठ् । वेदाध्ययनम् m. (sg. dat. -pāṭhas -पाठस्), reading, or studying, of the Vēda; reciting a text or texts of the Vēda at some religious rite. -pöṭhi -। वेदाध्ययनवृत्तिः m. a professional reciter of vedic texts, as ab. -pūthi -पूथि। वेदपुस्तकम् f. (sg. dat. -pōthĕ -पोथ्य), a book of one or more of the Hindū scriptures.(Kashmiri) पोथीपुस्तक [ pōthīpustaka ] n (पोथी & पुस्तक Both signifying Book.) A comprehensive term for books and manuscripts of whatever form, size, or description.पोथी [ pōthī ] f A book, a pamphlet, a manuscript. 2 (For पोळी) A dye of lác, lodhra &c. used as red ink: also the cotton imbued with it.(Marathi) Potthaka [cp. Class. Sk. pustaka] 1. a book J i.2 (aya˚ ledger); iii.235, 292; iv.299, 487; VvA 117. (Pali)

pota 'keeper of books': *paustaka ʻ keeper of books ʼ. [*pōstaka -- ]Si. pota ʻ keeper of books ʼ SigGr ii 449? (CDIAL 8427) *pōstaka ʻ book ʼ. [pusta -- m.n., °tā -- f. ʻ book ʼ VarBr̥S., °taka -- m.n., °tikā -- f. Hariv. -- ← Ir., e.g. Sogd. pwstk ʻ book ʼ ~ Pers. pōst ʻ skin ʼ (< OPers. pavastā -- → pavásta -- : see also *pōstikā -- ) EWA ii 319 with lit.] Pa. potthaka -- m. ʻ book ʼ, Pk. puttha -- , °thaya -- n., °thiyā -- f., K. pūthi, dat. pōthĕ f.; S. pothu m. ʻ large book ʼ, °thī f. ʻ smaller do. ʼ, P. po(t)thā m., °thī f., Ku. pothī f., N. pothi, A. puthi, B. pothā, °thi, puthi, pũthi, Or. pothā, °thi, puthi, Mth. pothā, °thī, Bhoj. pōthī, Aw.lakh. H. pothā m., °thī f., G. pothũ n., °thī f., M. pothī f., Si. pota.*pōstaka -- : WPah.kṭg. pótthi f. ʻ (small) book ʼ, pótthu m. ʻ small book ʼ, J. pothī f., Garh. pōthī, Md. fot.(CDIAL 8413)

puthi'a book' (Santali)

pusti, pustia'a generation'; adi pusti hoeena, adi pusti calaoena'many generations have pased' (Santali)

ta पोतः [पू-तन्; Uṇ.3.86] 1 The young of any animal, cub, colt, foal &c

Sumerian marble calf with inlaid trefoils of blue stone. From the late Uruk era, cira 3000 B.C.Sumerian marble calf with inlaid trefoils of blue stone. From the late Uruk era, Jemdet Nasr cira 3300 - 2900 B.C.E 5.3 cm. long; Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin; Parpola, 1994, p. 213.

Trefoil inlay decorated on a bull calf. Uruk (W.16017) ca. 3000 BCE. 

kõdā 'young bull calf' Rebus: kõdā 'turner-joiner' (forge),

damkom = a bull calf (Santali) Rebus: damha = a fireplace; dumhe = to heap, to collect together (Santali)
Steatite statue fragment; Mohenjodaro (Sd 767); trefoil-decorated bull; traces of red pigment remain inside the trefoils. After Ardeleanu-Jansen 1989: 196, fig. 1; Parpola, 1994, p. 213.

*pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ. Pk. pottī -- f. ʻ glass ʼ; S. pūti f. ʻ glass bead ʼ, P. pot f.; N. pote ʻ long straight bar of jewelry ʼ; B. pot ʻ glass bead ʼ, puti, pũti ʻ small bead ʼ; Or. puti ʻ necklace of small glass beads ʼ; H. pot m. ʻ glass bead ʼ, G. M. pot f.; -- Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ rather than < pōtrá -- 1.(CDIAL 8403) पोत (p. 532) [ pōta ] m f A bead of glass and, sometimes, of gold and of stone. 2 m A neck-ornament of females made of these beads. पोतंडी (p. 532) [ pōtaṇḍī ] f A little thing (as a nut, a pebble,) or a small quantity (as of sugar, flour, grain) put up in a corner of a cloth and confined by a knot; thus forming a knob or ball. 2 Medicaments tied up in a corner of a cloth, to be dabbed on the eye or other part: also a cloth rolled up into a ball, heated, and applied to foment. v दे,लाव, also पोतंडीनें or पोतंडीचा शेक.
Trefoils painted on steatite beads, Harappa (After Vats, Pl. CXXXIII, Fig.2)

پوتئِي potaʿī, s.f. (6th) Face, visage, countenance, 
(Pashto) पोतृ pōtṛ 'purifier' (Vedic)
Priest King Statue (DK 1909), Mohenjodaro; four views; white steatite, with remnants of red paint inside the trefoils of the robe; height 17 cm.; National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi; After Marshall 1931a:pl.98; Parpola, 1994, p. 212.

Seated male sculpture, or "Priest King" from Mohenjo-daro (41, 42, 43). Fillet or ribbon headband with circular inlay ornament on the forehead and similar but smaller ornament on the right upper arm. The two ends of the fillet fall along the back and though the hair is carefully combed towards the back of the head, no bun is present. The flat back of the head may have held a separately carved bun as is traditional on the other seated figures, or it could have held a more elaborate horn and plumed headdress. 

Two holes beneath the highly stylized ears suggest that a necklace or other head ornament was attached to the sculpture. The left shoulder is covered with a cloak decorated with trefoil, double circle and single circle designs that were originally filled with red pigment. Drill holes in the center of each circle indicate they were made with a specialized drill and then touched up with a chisel. Eyes are deeply incised and may have held inlay. The upper lip is shaved and a short combed beard frames the face. The large crack in the face is the result of weathering or it may be due to original firing of this object. 

Material: white, low fired steatite
Dimensions: 17.5 cm height, 11 cm width
Mohenjo-daro, DK 1909
National Museum, Karachi, 50.852
Marshall 1931: 356-7, pl. XCVIII

Trefoil design on the uttarIyam of the priest, AcArya, PotR. 

There are three distinct geometric glyphs which are used to compose the hieroglyphs deployed on the 17.5 cm. high statuette of a reverenced person with a smooth hair-do and a neatly trimmed beard. This is clearly indicative of the possible use of a metal or stone razor to trim the hair on the face. That reverence is the intended message is reinforced by the deployment of trefoil hieroglyph on the based used for sacred Sivalinga in Mohenjo-daro.
It is possible to decipher the hieroglyphs using the rebus-metonymy layered cipher of Indus writing system. 

Trefoil hieroglyph or three 'beads, orifice' 
kolom 'three' (Munda) Rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. The triplicate  composing the trefoil is a semantic determinant of the signified object: smithy, forge.

Rebus: Soma priest, jeweller's polishing stone

போத்தி pōtti , n. < போற்றி. 1. Grandfather; பாட்டன். Tinn. 2. Brahman temple- priest in Malabar; மலையாளத்திலுள்ள கோயிலருச் சகன்.  पोतृ [p= 650,1] प्/ओतृ or पोतृm. " Purifier " , N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brahman ; = यज्ञस्य शोधयिट्रि Sa1y.)RV. Br. S3rS. Hariv. पोत्रम् [पू-त्र]  The office of the Potṛi. pōtṛ पोतृ m. An epithet of Viṣṇu.(Apte. Samskritam) 

पोतन a. 1 Sacred, holy. -2 Purifying. pōtrá1 ʻ *cleaning instrument ʼ (ʻ the Potr̥'s soma vessel ʼ RV.). [√] Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ? -- Rather < *pōttī -- .(CDIAL 8404) Pota3 [etym.?] a millstone, grindstone, only as nisada˚ Vin i.201; Vism 252. (Pali)

pōtram पोत्रम् [पू-त्र] 1 The snout of a hog; धृतविधुरधरं महा- वराहं गिरिगुरुपोत्रमपीहितैर्जयन्तम् Bk.1.6; Ki.13.53.-Comp. -आयुधः a hog, boar. (Samskritam. Apte)

पोत्रम् A boat, ship (Samskritam)

पोत्रम् A garment (Samskritam)

पोंथ [ pōntha ] m n (Or पोंत) A seton. 2 Applied to the hole of a ploughshare. (Marathi) पोत्रम् ploughshare, thunderbolt (Samskritam)

Hieroglyph: fillet on the forehead 

பட்டம்² paṭṭam , n. < paṭṭa. 1. Plate of gold worn on the forehead, as an ornament or badge of distinction; சிறப்புக்கு அறிகுறியாக நெற்றி யிலணியும் பொற்றகடு. பட்டமுங் குழையு மின்ன (சீவக. 472). 2. An ornament worn on the forehead by women; மாதர் நுதலணி. பட்டங் கட்டிப்பொற்றோடு பெய்து (திவ். பெரியாழ். 3, 7, 6). 3. Title, appellation of dignity, title of office; பட்டப்பெயர். பட்டமும் பசும்பொற் பூணும் பரந்து (சீவக. 112). 4. Regency; reign; ஆட்சி. 5. Fasteners, metal clasp; சட்டங்களை இணைக்க உதவும் தகடு. ஆணிகளும் பட்டங்களுமாகிய பரிய இரும்பாலேகட்டி (நெடுநல். 80, உரை). 6. Flat or level surface of anything; பட்டைவடிவு. 7. Flat piece, as of bamboo; பட்டையான துண்டு. 8. Cut of a gem; மணிகளில் தீரும் பட்டை. 9. Paper-kite; காற்றாடி. பிள்ளைகள் பற்பலவுயர் பட்டம் விடல்போல் (திருப்போ. சந். பிள்ளைத். சப்பாணி. 8). 10. Cloth; சீலை. (அக. நி.) 11. Large banner; பெருங்கொடி. (பிங்.) 12. High position; உயர் பதவி. (பிங்.) 13. Gold; பொன். (சங். அக.) 

Rebus: smithy, forge

பட்டடை¹ paṭṭaṭai, [K.paṭṭaḍi.] Smithy, forge; கொல்லன் களரி.  n. prob. படு¹- + அடை¹-. [T. paṭṭika, K. paṭṭaḍe.] Anvil; அடைகல். (பிங்.) சீரிடங்காணி னெறிதற்குப் பட்ட டை (குறள், 821). பட்டறை² paṭṭaṟai , n. < K. paṭṭale. 1. Community; சனக்கூட்டம். 2. Guild, as of workmen; தொழிலாளர் சமுதாயம்.  பட்டடையார் paṭṭaṭaiyār, n. < id. (W. G.) 1. Master of a shop; கடையின் எசமானர். 2. Overseer; மேற்பார்ப்போர். பட்டக்காரன்¹ paṭṭa-k-kāraṉ, n. < பட்டம்² +.  Title of the headman of the Toṭṭiyar and Koṅkuvēḷāḷa castes; தொட்டியர், கொங்குவேளாளர் சாதித்தலைவரின் சிறப்புப்பெயர். பட்டகசாலை paṭṭaka-cālai , n. < T. paṭa- šāla. [K. paṭṭasāle.] 1. Central or principal hall in a house; கூடம்.

பட்டங்கட்டு-தல் paṭṭaṅ-kaṭṭu-v. intr. < id. +. 1. To confer a title; பட்டப்பெயர் சூட்டுதல். நன்னெறிப் பட்டங்கட்டி நல்கினான் பரிவட்டங்கள் (திருவாலவா. 39, 27). 2. To invest with office, dignity, authority; to install, crown; அரசு முதலிய பதவி யளித்தல். இராவ ணனை வென்று . . . அவன்றம்பிக்குப் பட்டங்கட்டிய ராமா (தனிப்பா. i, 391, 48). 3. To fasten a gold band on the foreheads of the bridal pair in a marriage; கலியாணத்தில் மணமக்கள் நெற்றியிற் பொற்பட்டம் கட்டுதல். 4. To perform the ceremony of indicating the succession to the estate of deceased person among Maṟavas, wherein, before the corpse is removed, the chief heir and his wife take two balls of cow- dung mixed with various kinds of grain and stick them on to the wall of their house and throw them in water on the eighth day after death; மறவர் சாதியில் இறந்தோனது சவத்தை எடுப்பதற்குமுன் அவனுடைய முக்கிய வாரி சும் அவ்வாரிசின் மனைவியும் தானியங்களோடு கலந்த இரண்டு சாணவுண்டையை வீட்டின் சுவரில் ஒட்டி யும் பிறகு எட்டாநாள் அதனை நீரிற் கரைத்துந் தாமே இறந்தோன் சொத்துக்கு உரிமையுடையவரென்று தெரிவிக்குஞ் சடங்கு செய்தல். (E. T. v, 42.) 5. To perform the ceremony of going round the deceased during cremation; தகனக்கிரியையிற் பிரேதத்தைச் சுற்றிவருதல். Nāñ.

The tradition in Indian sprachbund records coronation ceremony also to confer a title ācārya, 'teacher' or ācariyakula 'teacher's family' or head of a artisan guild:

ஆசாரி ācāri n. < ā-cārya. [T. K. Tu. ācāri.] 1. A title adopted by Mādhva and Šrī Vaiṣṇava Brāhmans; மாத்துவ ?வைஷ்ண வப்பிராமணர் பட்டப்பெயர். 2. [M. āšāri.] Title of the five artisan castes; கம்மாளர்பட்டப்பெயர்.

ācāríya -- , ācāryà -- m. ʻ teacher ʼ AV. [ācāra -- ]Pa. ācariya -- , °aka -- , ācēra -- m., KharI. ayariasa gen., Pk. āyariya -- m., Si. brāhmi inscr. ajara, 10th cent. äjara, mod. ädurā. *ācāriyakula ʻ teacher's family ʼ. [ācāríya -- , kúla -- ] Pa. ācariyakula -- n. ʻ the teacher's clan ʼ; Si. ädurol ʻ line of teachers, tradition ʼ(CDIAL 1072, 1073)

"Late Harappan Period dish or lid with perforation at edge for hanging or attaching to large jar. It shows a Blackbuck antelope with trefoil design made of combined circle-and-dot motifs, possibly representing stars. It is associated with burial pottery of the Cemetery H period,dating after 1900 BC.The Late Harappan Period at Harappa is represented by the Cemetery H culture (190-1300 BC) which is named after the discovery of a large cemetery filled with painted burial urns and some extended inhumations. The earlier burials in this cemetery were laid out much like Harappan coffin burials, but in the later burials, adults were cremated and the bones placed in large urns (164). The change in burial customs represents a major shift in religion and can also be correlated to important changes in economic and political organization. Cemetery H pottery and related ceramics have been found throughout northern Pakistan, even as far north as Swat, where they mix with distinctive local traditions. In the east, numerous sites in the Ganga-Yamuna Doab provide evidence for the gradual expansion of settlements into this heavily forested region. One impetus for this expansion may have been the increasing use of rice and other summer (kharif) crops that could be grown using monsoon stimulated rains. Until late in the Harappan Period (after 2200 BC) the agricultural foundation of the Harappan cities was largely winter (rabi) crops that included wheat and barley. Although the Cemetery H culture encompassed a relatively large area, the trade connections with thewestern highlands began to break down as did the trade with the coast. Lapis lazuli and turquoise beads are rarely found in the settlements, and marine shell for ornaments and ritual objects gradually disappeared. On the other hand the technology of faience manufacture becomes more refined, possibly in order to compensate for the lack of raw materials such as shell, faience and possibly even carnelian." (Kenoyer in harappa.com slide description) http://www.harappa.com/indus2/162.html
Slide 322. Terracotta bangle fragments decorated with red trefoils outlined in white on a green ground from late Period 3C deposits in Trench 43. This image shows both sides of the two fragments (H98-3516/8667-01 & H98-3517/8679-01).
Slide 323. Detail of terracotta bangle with red and white trefoil on a green background (H98-3516/8667-01 from Trench 43). Trefoil motifs are carved on the robe of the so-called "priest-king" statuette from Mohenjo-daro and are also known from contemporary sites in western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and southern Central Asia. http://www.harappa.com/indus4/323.html 
Stone base for Sivalinga. Tre-foil inlay decorated base (for linga icon?); smoothed, polished pedestal of dark red stone; National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi; After Mackay 1938: I, 411; II, pl. 107:35; Parpola, 1994, p. 218.
Image result for bull with trefoil inlays; shell mass with inlays of lapis lazuli;Lingam, grey sandstone in situ, Harappa, Trench Ai, Mound F, Pl. X (c) (After Vats). "In an earthenware jar, No. 12414, recovered from Mound F, Trench IV, Square I... in this jar, six lingams were found along with some tiny pieces of shell, a unicorn seal, an oblong grey sandstone block with polished surface, five stone pestles, a stone palette, and a block of chalcedony..." (Vats, EH, p. 370)
Two decorated bases and a lingam, Mohenjodaro. 

If one end of a tape or belt is turned over three times and then pasted to the other, a trefoil knot results. (Shaw, George Russell (MCMXXXIII). Knots: Useful & Ornamental, p.11.)

kaND, kandu 'fire altar, smelting furnace of a blacksmith' (Santali.Kashmiri)
Glyphs of dotted circles on the bottom portion of the 'standard device': kandi (pl. -l) beads, necklace (Pa.); kanti (pl. -l) bead, (pl.) necklace; kandit. bead (Ga.)(DEDR 1215). Rebus: लोहकारकन्दुः f. a blacksmith's smelting furnace (Grierson Kashmiri)

pōta2 m. ʻ cloth ʼ, pōtikā -- f. lex. 2. *pōtta -- 2 (sanskrit- ized as pōtra -- 2 n. ʻ cloth ʼ lex.). 3. *pōttha -- 2 ~ pavásta<-> n. ʻ covering (?) ʼ RV., ʻ rough hempen cloth ʼ AV. T. Chowdhury JBORS xvii 83. 4. pōntī -- f. ʻ cloth ʼ Divyāv. 5. *pōcca -- 2 < *pōtya -- ? (Cf. pōtyā = pōtānāṁ samūhaḥ Pāṇ.gaṇa. -- pṓta -- 1?). [Relationship with prōta -- n. ʻ woven cloth ʼ lex., plōta -- ʻ bandage, cloth ʼ Suśr. or with pavásta -- is obscure: EWA ii 347 with lit. Forms meaning ʻ cloth to smear with, smearing ʼ poss. conn. with or infl. by pusta -- 2 n. ʻ working in clay ʼ (prob. ← Drav., Tam.pūcu &c. DED 3569, EWA ii 319)]1. Pk. pōa -- n. ʻ cloth ʼ; Paš.ar. pōwok ʻ cloth ʼ, g ʻ net, web ʼ (but lauṛ. dar. pāwāk ʻ cotton cloth ʼ, Gaw. pāk IIFL iii 3, 150).2. Pk. potta -- , °taga -- , °tia -- n. ʻ cotton cloth ʼ, pottī -- , °tiā -- , °tullayā -- , puttī -- f. ʻ piece of cloth, man's dhotī, woman's sāṛī ʼ, pottia -- ʻ wearing clothes ʼ; S. potī f. ʻ shawl ʼ, potyo m. ʻ loincloth ʼ; L. pot, pl. °tã f. ʻ width of cloth ʼ; P. potṛā m. ʻ child's clout ʼ, potṇā ʻ to smear a wall with a rag ʼ; N. poto ʻ rag to lay on lime -- wash ʼ, potnu ʻ to smear ʼ; Or. potā ʻ gunny bag ʼ; OAw. potaï ʻ smears, plasters ʼ; H. potā m. ʻ whitewashing brush ʼ,potī f. ʻ red cotton ʼ, potiyā m. ʻ loincloth ʼ, potṛā m. ʻ baby clothes ʼ; G. pot n. ʻ fine cloth, texture ʼ, potũ n. ʻ rag ʼ, potī f., °tiyũ n. ʻ loincloth ʼ, potṛī f. ʻ small do. ʼ; M. pot m. ʻ roll of coarse cloth ʼ, n. ʻ weftage or texture of cloth ʼ, potrẽ n. ʻ rag for smearing cowdung ʼ.3. Pa. potthaka -- n. ʻ cheap rough hemp cloth ʼ, potthakamma -- n. ʻ plastering ʼ; Pk. pottha -- , °aya -- n.m. ʻ cloth ʼ; S. potho m. ʻ lump of rag for smearing, smearing, cloth soaked in opium ʼ.4. Pa. ponti -- ʻ rags ʼ.5. Wg. pōč ʻ cotton cloth, muslin ʼ, Kt. puč; Pr. puč ʻ duster, cloth ʼ, pūˊčuk ʻ clothes ʼ; S. poco m. ʻ rag for plastering, plastering ʼ; P. poccā m. ʻ cloth or brush for smearing ʼ, pocṇā ʻ to smear with earth ʼ; Or. pucā̆rapucurā ʻ wisp of rag or jute for whitewashing with, smearing with such a rag ʼ.pōta -- 2. 2. *pōtta -- 2: S.kcch. potyo m. ʻ small dhoti ʼ.(CDIAL 8400)

Ta. pōttu sapling, tender branch or shoot of tree; pōtu flower bud, freshness, beauty. Pa. pottid twig.Kui podeli sapling, young green branch;(DEDR 4587) पोतकः young plant.(Samskritam) Potaka 2. a small branch, offshoot, twig; in twig; in amba˚ young mango sprout DhA iii.206 sq.;araṇi˚ small firewood Miln 53.(Pali)

pōta पोतः [पू-तन्; Uṇ.3.86] 1 The young of any animal, cub, colt, foal &c.; पिब स्तन्यं पोत Bv.1.6; मृगपोतः; शार्दूल˚ Mu.2.8; करिपोतः &c; वीरपोतः a young warrior; कोप्ययं वीरपोतः U.5.3. -2 An elephant ten years old. पोतकः 1 The young of an animal. 
-2 Te. bōda young of bird.  Konḍa bōdel bride, young lady. Kui. bōda 
child. Kuwi pōde (F. S.) girl, (Su.) woman, girl; (Isr.) pōti small girl; pōdi pōti small children, young boys and girls; (F.) pōdipōda boys and girls. / Cf. Skt. pota- young of animal or plant; Turner, CDIAL, no. 8399.(DEDR 4587) Putta [Vedic putra, Idg. *putlo=Lat. pullus (*putslos) young of an animal, fr. pōu, cp. Gr. pau=s, pai/s child, Lat. puer, pubes, Av. pupra, Lith. putýtis (young animal or bird), Cymr. wyr grandchild; also Sk. pota(ka) young animal Pota1 [cp. Epic Sk. pota, see putta for etym.] the young of an animal J ii.406 (˚sūkara); Cp. i.102 (udda˚); SnA 125 (sīha˚).Potaka ( -- ˚) [fr. pota1] 1. the young of an animal M i.104 (kukkuṭa˚); J i.202 (supaṇṇa˚), 218 (hatthi˚); ii.288 (assa˚ colt); iii.174 (sakuṇa˚); PvA 152 (gaja˚). -- f. potikā J i.207 (haŋsa˚); iv.188 (mūsika˚). -- (Pali) pṓta -- 1°aka -- m. ʻ young of animal or plant ʼ MBh. 2. *pōtara -- . 3. *pōtala -- , pōtalaka -- m. ʻ young animal ʼ BHSk., gō -- pōtalikā -- f. ʻ heifer ʼ Pat. 4. *pōtāla -- . 5. *pōtta -- 1. 6. *pōṭṭa -- 3. 7. *pōna -- 1. 8. *pōttha -- 1. 9. *phōta -- . 10. *phōtta -- 2. [Variety of form points to non -- Aryan origin (scarcely with Wackernagel AiGr ii 2, 591 < putrá -- ): prob. with T. Burrow BSOAS xii 386 ← Drav. Tam. pōttu &c. DED 3748. -- Cf.pōṭā -- f. ʻ female slave ʼ, pōṭaka -- m. ʻ servant ʼ KātyŚr. com. -- See also *pōṅga -- 2]1. Pa. pōta -- , °aka -- m. ʻ young of an animal ʼ, Aś. potake nom. sg. m.; NiDoc. potaǵa ʻ young (of camel) ʼ; Pk. pōa -- , °aya -- m. ʻ young snake, child ʼ; Dm. pâi ʻ son ʼ; Paš. ōya ʻ boy, child, daughter ʼ < *wōyā with special development in word of address (IIFL iii 3, 188 sandhi form < pōtaka -- ); Bshk. pɔ̈̄ ʻ son, boy ʼ; Tor.  m. ʻ child ʼ; Sh.koh. gur.  ʻ sons ʼ (pl. of puc̣h < putrá -- ) → Ḍ. pe_ (pl. of pūc̣); P. poā m. ʻ tender twig ʼ; Ku.gng. pōi ʻ budding of trees in spring ʼ; A. B. po ʻ son ʼ; Or. popoapua ʻ son, shoot of plaintain ʼ, puā ʻ plaintain seedling ʼ, poi ʻ small girl, shrimp ʼ; Mth. poā ʻ tobacco seedling ʼ; Bhoj. pōi ʻ sugarcane sapling ʼ; H. poā m. ʻ young of an animal ʼ; G. poī f., M. poy f. ʻ spike of coconut or other palms containing the spadix ʼ; M. povā m. ʻ young snake ʼ; OSi. povā pl. ʻ youths ʼ, Si. povuvā (st. pov -- ,  -- ) ʻ young of an animal ʼ. -- X *kuḍa<-> q.v.
2. G. porɔ m. ʻ insect ʼ, porī f. ʻ little girl ʼ, poriyɔ m. ʻ boy ʼ; M. por m. f. n. ʻ young child or animal ʼ.3. Pk. pōalaya -- m. ʻ child ʼ; Gaw. pōlá, f. °lī ʻ small ʼ, poliṛá ʻ younger ʼ; A. puli ʻ young plant ʼ; B. polā ʻ child, son ʼ; M. poḷ m. ʻ bull dedicated to the gods ʼ; Si. pollā ʻ young of an animal ʼ.4. Pk. pōāla -- m. ʻ child, bull ʼ; A. powāli ʻ young of animal or bird ʼ.5. K. pọ̆tu m. ʻ son (esp. an only son), child ʼ, pūtu m. ʻ young chick ʼ, ḍoḍ. pōtō ʻ bird ʼ, kash. ċāwali -- pūt ʻ goat's kid ʼ; H. potī f. ʻ young female of any animal ʼ.6. H. poṭā m. ʻ young of animal, unfledged bird ʼ.7. A. B. ponā ʻ young fish ʼ (A. also ʻ affectionate term of address to a child ʼ).8. Ku. potho ʻ any young animal ʼ, pothilo ʻ young of a bird ʼ; N. pothi ʻ hen bird ʼ, pothro ʻ young tree, bush ʼ.9. Phal. phō ʻ boy ʼ, phoyīˊphōī ʻ girl ʼ.10. Ku. photo m. ʻ young child, small cucumber, testicle ʼ, photi f. ʻ girl ʼ, phwātā -- photi ʻ children ʼpōta -- 1. (CDIAL 8399)

WPah.kṭg. phɔ́təṛ m. ʻ penis, scrotum ʼ, J. pothaṛ m. ʻ penis ʼ.(CDIAL 8399)

போற்றன் pōṟṟaṉ , n. prob. id. Grandfather; பாட்டன். (நாமதீப. 189.) போற்றுநர் pōṟṟunar n. < போற்று-. 1. Relatives, kinsmen; சுற்றத்தார். போற்றா ருயிரினும் போற்றுந ருயிரினும் (பரிபா. 4, 52). 2. Those who understand; நன்குணர்வார். வேற்றுமை யின்றது போற்றுநர்ப் பெறினே (பரிபா. 4, 55). 

போற்றி pōṟṟi , < id. n. 1. Praise, applause, commendation; புகழ்மொழி. (W.) 2.Brahman temple-priest of Malabar; கோயிற் பூசைசெய்யும் மலையாளநாட்டுப் பிராமணன். (W.) 3. See போத்தி, 1.--int. Exclamation of praise; துதிச்சொல்வகை. பொய்தீர் காட்சிப் புரையோய் போற்றி (சிலப். 13, 92).போற்றிசெய்-தல் pōṟṟi-cey-v. tr. < போற்றி +. To praise, worship, adore; துதித் தல். பரமனை. . . போற்றிசெய்வேனே (திருமந். 3).போற்றிமை pōṟṟimai , n. < id. Honour, reverence; வணக்கம். (W.)
போற்று² pōṟṟu , n. < போற்று-. 1. Protection; காப்பு. (சங். அக.) 2. Praise, invocation; துதி. (யாழ். அக.) Ta. pōṟṟu (pōṟṟi-) to praise, applaud, worship, protect, cherish, nourish, entertain; n. protection, praise; pōṟṟi praise, applause; pōṟṟimai honour, reverence. Ma. pōṟṟuka to preserve, protect, adore; pōṟṟi nourisher, protector. (DEDR 4605) 

Te. pōyu to pour, cast in metal; (K. also) (sweat, pus) forms; pō̃ta pouring, casting in metal.(DEDR 4407) పోత pōta. adj. Molten, cast in metal. పోతచెంబు a metal bottle or jug, which has been cast not hammered.పోత (p. 0823) [ pōta ] pōta. [Tel. from పోయు.] n. Pouring, పోయుట. Casting, as of melted metal. పోత (p. 0823) [ pōta ] pōta. [Tel. from పోయు.] n. Pouring, పోయుట. Casting, as of melted metal. Bathing, washing. Eruption of the small pox. ఆకుపోత putting plants into the ground. పెట్టుపోతలు శాశ్వతములుకావు meat and drink (literally, feeding and bathing) are not matters of eternal consequence. Pottha [later Sk. pusta, etym. uncertain; loan -- word?] modelling, only in cpd. ˚kamma 
plastering (i. e. using a mixture of earth, lime, cowdung & water as mortar) J vi.459; carving DhsA 334; and ˚kara a modeller in clay J i.71. Cp. potthaka1.(Pali)

*plōtra ʻ boat ʼ. [pōta -- 3 m. ʻ boat ʼ MBh. is MIA. (amg.?) < *plōtra -- (EWA ii 346 < *plavata -- ), pōtāra<-> m. or n. BHSk. < *plōtr̥ -- ? -- √plu]Ku. pot ʻ boat ʼ.(CDIAL 9032)పోతము (p. 0823) [ pōtamu ] pōtamu. [Skt.] n. A vessel, boat, ship. ఓడ. The young of any animal. పిల్ల. శిశువు. An elephant ten years old, పదేండ్ల యేనుగు. A cloth, వస్త్రము. శుకపోతము a young parrot. వాతపోతము a young breeze, i.e., a light wind. పోతపాత్రిక pōta-pātrika. n. A vessel, a ship, ఓడ. "సంసార సాగరమతుల ధైర్యపోత పాత్రికనిస్తరింపుముకు మార." M. XII. vi. 222. పోతవణిక్కు or పోతవణిజుడు pōta-vaṇikku. n. A sea-faring merchant. ఓడను కేవుకు పుచ్చుకొన్నవాడు, ఓడ బేరగాడు. పోతవహుడు or పోతనాహుడు pōta-vahuḍu. n. A rower, a boatman, a steersman. ఓడనడుపువాడు, తండేలు. पोतः -A ship, raft, boat; पोतो दुस्तरवारिराशितरणे H.2.124; नभस्वता प्रतीपेन भग्नपोता इवार्णवे Śiva B.22.11; हा विपद्- वारिनिधिपतितजनोद्धरणपोत Nāg.5. -4A garment, cloth. - The young shoot of a plant. - The site or founda- tion of a house. - A foetus having no enveloping membrane. -Comp. -आच्छादनम् a tent. -आधानम् a shoal of small fish. -धारिन् m. the master of a vessel. -प्लवः a mariner, seaman. -भङ्गः a ship-wreck. -रक्षः the rudder of a boat or ship. -वणिज् m. a sea-faring merchant; धत्ते पोतवणिग्जनैर्धनदतां यस्यान्तिके सागरः Śiva B. 29.89. -वाहः a rower, steersman. Pota2 [Epic Sk. pota; dial. form for plota (?), of plu] a boat Dāvs v.58; VvA 42.(Pali)

Ko. pot bush. Ka. pode (podad-, poded-, podd-) to put over, put on, wrap round; n. a thatch, bush, bundle, quiver; podaṟ bush, thicket, thick tuft of trees; Tepoda, podaru bush, thicket, shrub; (DEDR 4509)

Ta. potti garment of fibres, cloth. Ka. potti cloth. Te. potti bark, a baby's linen, a sort of linen cloth; pottika a small fine cloth; podugu a baby's linen.Kol. (SSTWpot sari. Pa. bodgid a short loincloth. / Cf. Skt. potikā-, Pkt. potti-, pottiā-, etc.; Turner, CDIAL, no. 8400.(DEDR 4515) पोत (p. 532) [ pōta ] m ( or P) A link composed of rolls of coarse cloth. This portion, together with the विडी or iron handle, constitute the मशाल or torch. 2 The head, end, point (of a tool, stick &c.): also the end or extreme portion (of a thing gen.) 3 m A seton; and fig. the hole of a फाळ or ploughshare. pot- to make a hole: Ta. po (-pp-, -tt-) to perforate, puncture, make a hole; poy (-v-, -t-) to be hollowed; n. tubularity, hole, hollow or recess in tree; poku (-pp-, -tt-) to make a hole, perforate; pokkaṇai hole in a tree, stone, or ground, cleft in rock; pokku hollow in a tree, defect, fault, blemish; pokkai little hole, crack, having a part deformed, blemish; potir (-pp-, -tt-) to pierce; potu (-v-, -nt-) to be perforated; (-pp-, -tt-) to bore, pierce; potumpu hole, hollow in a tree, pit, cave;pottu hole, rat-hole, hollow in a tree, rent or puncture, defect; pottal, pottai hole, orifice, defect; pottilam hole in a tree; pōttu, pontar, pontu hole, hollow;pōṉ cave. Ma. pottu hole in the ground, cavity, hollow hand; pōtu a hole as in worm-eaten wood. Ko. pok-va·yṇ man whose teeth are all gone (cf. Ta.pokku-vāy, pokkai-vāy toothless mouth). Ka. bokke any round, small hole made by rats, etc.; hodaru hollow of a tree, hole in the ground; bokka a toothless man; (Hav.) bokku toothless. Tu. boṅku hollow, void, empty; (B-K.) poguḷu a hole, usually in a mud dam across a watercourse; (B-K.) bokku, bokkubāyi mouth without teeth. Te. bokka hole, orifice, aperture, pit; (Telangana dial., K.) pokka hole; botta hole, leak; bonda hole, bore; bokki toothless.Kol. pokka ditch, grave; (Pat., p. 115) pokor hollow; 
bogga small hole, perforation. Nk. pokka hole, cave; bogga hole. Pa. botta
 id.; potpa, poppa a chisel.Ga. (P.) boŋga hole. Go. (Tr. W. Ph.) pohpī, (Ma.) poˀpi chisel (Voc. 2432); (D. G. Mu. Ma.) būka hole (Voc. 2585); (Ma.) bokka id. (Voc. 2614); (S.)boŋa id. (Voc. 2620); (Koya Su.) boḍga id. Konḍa (BB) pot- (-t-) to bore, perforate. Pe. pot- (-t-) id. Kui pospa (post-) to pierce, bore a hole, mortise; n. act of piercing, mortising; pondo hole; ? bojo wood dust resulting from dry rot. Kuwi (F.) pōthali to hollow out; (S.) poth'nai to hole; (Isr.) pot- (-h-) to make a hole (in wood, etc.). Kur. pattnā to pierce, perforate, tap with a chisel; pattā chisel to dig a hole in a piece of wood. Malt. pattre to pierce. / Cf. Skt. (lex.) bhūka- hole; also Turner, CDIAL, nos. 8391, *pōka- hollow; 9263(6), *bōkkha- toothless; 9624, *bhōkkha- hollow. DED(S, N) 3646, DEDS 724.(DEDR 4452)

பொத்தல் pottal n. < id. [K. poṭṭare, M. pottu, Tu. potre.] 1. Hole, orifice. 

(a) Ta. pōṟai hole, hollow in tree, cavern; pōr hollow of a tree. Ko. bo·r vagina. To.  o·ṟ (obl. o·ṯ-) hole, wound. Ka. pōr hole. Te. boṟiya, boṟṟe hole, burrow, hollow, pit; boṟṟa hole, hollow, cavity in a tree. Ga. (S.2) borra hole in tree. Konḍa boṟo hole of a crab, etc. Kuwi (P.) borra hole in tree. DED(S) 3765.
(b) Ta. pōl hollow object, (Koll.) hollowness in a tree. Te. bōlu hollow.(DEDR 4604) போறை pōṟai , n. cf. புரை&sup5;. [T. borre, K. por.] 1. Hole; hollow in a tree; பொந்து. Colloq. 2. Cavity in the side of a well; cavern; கிணறு முதலியவற்றின் வங்கு. (W.)

Ta. poṭṭu drop, spot, round mark worn on forehead. Ma. poṭṭu, poṟṟu a circular mark on the forehead, mostly red. Ka. boṭṭu, baṭṭu drop, mark on the forehead. Koḍ. boṭṭï round mark worn on the forehead. Tu. boṭṭa a spot, mark, a drop; (B-K.) buṭṭe a dot. Te. boṭṭu a drop, the sectarian mark worn on the forehead. Kol. (SR.) boṭla drop. Pa. boṭ id. Ga. (P.) boṭu drop, spot. Konḍa boṭu drop of water, mark on forehead. Kuwi (F.) būttū, (Isr.) buṭu tattoo. (DEDR 4492)

पोत (p. 532) [ pōta ] n m ( H Quality; or formed by redup. out of सूत with which word it is generally conjoined in use.) Weftage or texture (of cloth); quality as respects closeness, firmness, body. Ex. सूत- पोत पाहून धोत्र घ्यावें.

पोतडी (p. 532) [ pōtaḍī ] f पोतडें n (पोतें) A bag, esp. the circular bag of goldsmiths, shroffs &c. containing their weights, scales, coins &c. Synonym: वाट [ vāṭa ] m A weight to weigh with. It ranges as far as five sher. वाटवा [vāṭavā] m (H) A circular bag (of shroffs and goldsmiths); closed by drawing together rings fixed around its edge. 2 A bag of another kind; having partitions &c.

"...of Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd, who registered it in 1899- it's actually a tripartite cartouche that's not evident in the picture..." http://www.silvercollection.it/40BINGLESEBIS.jpg

Tripartite silver box [India] (15.95.12) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Tripartite silver box [India] (15.95.12) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tripartite silver box [India] (15.95.12) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

पोतदार (p. 532) [ pōtadāra ] m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith.पोतदारी (p. 532) [ pōtadārī ] f ( P) The office or business of पोतदार: also his rights or fees.पोतनिशी (p. 532) [ pōtaniśī ] f ( P) The office or business of पोतनीस. पोतनीस (p. 532) [ pōtanīsa ] m ( P) The treasurer or cash-keeper.

Harry Burton photograph taken during the excavation of the tomb in 1922 in pharaoh's Antechamber, Treasury and Burial chamber.
Funeral couch of Tutankhamen (1336 BC - 1327 BCE) features cow with solar disc and inlay blue glass trefoils decorating the body. Said to represent Goddess Hathor.

"An inscription from The Book of the divine cow found in the Burial chamber alludes to its sacred function as a solar barque for bearing the pharaoh to the heavens...Hieroglyphs carved on the footboard promise the protection of Isis and the endurance of Osiris." 

<pitaraku>  {N} 'spirits of dead ^ancestors, relatives who must be worshipped or appeased''.  @6216.  #28481.

पितृ [p= 626,2] m. (irreg. acc. pl. पितरस् MBh. gen. pl. पित्रिणाम् BhP. ) a father RV. &c &c (in the वेद N. of बृहस्-पति , वरुण , प्रजा-पति , and esp. of heaven or the sky ; अन्तरा पितरं मातरं च , " between heaven and earth " RV. x , 88 , 15)m. pl. (°तरस्) the fathers , forefathers , ancestors , (esp.) the पितृs or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes , viz. the deceased father , grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any partic. person , and the progenitors of mankind generally ; in honour of both these classes rites called श्राद्धs are performed and oblations called पिण्डs [q.v.] are presented ; they inhabit a peculiar region , which , according to some , is theभुवस् or region of the air , according to others , the orbit of the moon , and are considered as the regents of the नक्षत्रs मघा and मूल ; cf. RTL. 10 &c ) RV. &c (Monier-Williams) pitŕ̊ (nom. sg. pitāˊ, acc. pitáram, gen. pitúḥ, nom. pl. pitáraḥ) m. ʻ father ʼ RV., pitárā du. ʻ father and mother ʼ RV.Pa. pitā nom., pitaraṁpituṁ acc. ʻ father ʼ, Aś. pitā nom., man. shah. pituna inst., Dhp. pidara acc., KharI. pitaraṁpidara acc.,  pidu gen.,(CDIAL 8179)

Kal. rumb. gaṇḍau (st. °ḍāl -- ) ʻ ancestor image ʼ(CDIAL 3998)
Mesopotamian lama deity, a bull with a human head, kind, protective spirits associated with the great sun god Shamash. In one inscription, an Assyrian king called upon lama deities to "turn back an evil person, guard the steps, and secure the path of the king who fashioned them." 2100-2000 BCE Serpentine, a smooth green stone the color of life-giving water in a desert area. The hollowed-out shapes on the body originally were inlaid with pearly shell or lapis lazuli.

"Images of human-headed bulls are found throughout Mesopotamian history. Several statuettes dating from the late third millennium BC show a bearded creature wearing the divine horned headdress, lying down with its head turned to the side. They have been found at various Sumerian sites, the majority from Telloh.

The human-headed bull

The animal is shown lying, its head turned to the side and its tail underneath its right hoof. On its head is the divine headdress with three pairs of horns. It has a man's face with large elongated eyes, a beard covering half its cheeks and joining with the mustache before cascading down over its breast, where it ends in small curls, and long ringlets framing its face. The ears, however, are a bull's, though fleecy areas at the shoulders and hindquarters seem to suggest the animal is actually a bison. Another example in the Louvre displays particularly fine workmanship, the eyes and the whole body being enriched with decorative elements, applied or inlaid in trilobate and lozenge-shaped cavities (in the hooves). There is a small group of these recumbent bulls dating from the Neo-Sumerian period (around 2150-2000 BC), one of which is inscribed with the name of Gudea, the Second Dynasty ruler of Lagash. In the Neo-Assyrian period (9th-6th centuries BC), the human-headed bull, now with a pair of wings, becomes the guardian of the royal palace, flanking the doors through which visitors entered. This creature was a lamassu, a benevolent protective spirit generally associated with the sun-god Shamash.http://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/recumbent-bull-man-s-head

Bovine head rhytonCrete. Cow-head rhython with trefoil decor.

1 G. Contenau, Manual d'archeologie orientale, II, Paris, 1931, p. 698-9.
2 ibid. and A. Evans, the Palace of Mines, II, 1928, p. 261
3 The Babylonian Legends of the Creation (Brit. Mus. 1931), p. 59; Antiquaries Journal, III, 1923, p.331
4 Evans, op cit. I, 1921, pp. 513-14

5 ibid. IV, 1935, p. 315

S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvati Research Center
September 5, 2015


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