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No, Christians are not persecuted in India -- Sankrant Sanu


No, Christians are not persecuted in India

Last updated on: March 20, 2015 15:21 IST
'India has always been a land of acceptance of diversity. But if the evangelical activities continue unabated, there is no doubt this will cause a backlash.'
'One exclusive ideology begets another. The hit list will spread. The more strident the evangelists, the more strident the voices for Ghar Wapsi will grow,' says Sankrant Sanu.
A highly respected retired police officer, Julio Ribeiro, recently wrote a column saying that as an Indian Christian he felt like he was on a hit list. I respect Ribeiro's feelings, even though, as analysis has shown(external link), these are not based on reality (external link).
There is little evidence of Christians in India being on any kind of hit list.
There is a hit list, but thankfully not with Ribeiro's name on it. Unfortunately, I am on it, as are all non-Christian communities in India and throughout the world. This hit list is very systematically organised and is backed by vast monetary and state resources. Consider this description:
Did you know that the Sonar people of Maharashtra, India, are the primary crafters of gold and silver Hindu idols? These idols are the most powerful stronghold that Satan has upon the Hindu worshipers in India and around the world. When the Sonar people embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, the subsequent change in their livelihood could have a huge ripple effect in the world of Hinduism. As one international Christian worker said, "When we reach the Sonar with the gospel, we will see the collapse of Hinduism." Pray that the gospel would flow through and permeate the Sonar culture like molten silver fills a mold.'
The aim is spelled out. It is the 'collapse of Hinduism', and every single Hindu is a target. This quote is not from some fringe group, but from the official pages of the International Mission Board, the evangelism arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Southern Baptist Convention, who?
The Southern Baptist Convention was formed in the United States in 1845 mainly to create mission boards. It boasts of over 16 million members and runs 48 Baptist colleges and universities. It counts several past United States presidents among its members and its revenues from member contributions top $9 billion annually.
Then US president George W Bush addressed each of the convention's last four annual meetings. But this is not just a Republican issue. Democrats like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are Baptists too.
Not convinced yet? Let me introduce you to the Joshua Project (external link), the comprehensive hit list. Here is the target map (external link), in which red stands for 'unreached people', the biggest target on the hit list.
As you can see from that link, India is densely red.
Just wishful thinking? Hardly. This is fully operationalised, with vast resources behind it. Global Christianity is a $250 billion+ annual revenue machine with a large number of State and non-State actors. The funding for global evangelism's hit list is nearly $50 billion annually. That is quite a supari.
You can helpfully filter as you wish. Yes, they now have 2,412 Hindu groups (up from 1,596 in the database a decade ago) on the hit list but their goals are not confined to 'Satanic Hindoos' alone. Do look it up. When I did a few years ago, I found this:
'Among the targets -- the small Akha group in Vietnam consisting of a mere 3,040 people following their ethnic traditions to the largest groups -- the 13 million Sinhalese who follow Buddhism -- only 4% of which have yet been converted according to the Joshua database. India contains the largest number of targeted groups. Sample targets -- among the Buddhists -- the 102,480 Bhotias in Sikkim, and the 47,030 Sherpas, the 162,210 Tibetan Buddhists and the 8,410,800 Marathi Nau Buddhists; the 3,165,200 Bania Jains; among the Muslims --the 9,796,100 Ansaris, the 6,938,600 Sayyids, the 894,690 Faqirs and the 112,420 Ganchis.'
'The tribal religionists are, of course, the easiest targets, many of them having already been "reached" -- a remaining sample include the Mongpa, all of 850 people, following Tibetan Himalayan customs. The Sikhs are another major target -- further divided into 58 groups, from the 11,581,200 Jat Sikhs to the 880 Assamese Sikhs. Among the 1,596 Hindu target groups -- the 3.4 million Aroras, the 53.5 million Yadavs, the 6.9 million Nairs, the Sonar community of nearly 6.5 million people to the barely 14,000 Kashmiri Hindu Zargars.'
To each of these thousands of target groups gets assigned church planting teams, missionaries, resources, funds, media support, Bibles in their language and dubbed versions of the 'Jesus' film (with children's versions), now available in a staggering 877 languages. No other global corporate multinational could come close to a marketing campaign of this breadth.
Every native culture is on their target list, all must be brought to Christ. Why?
'It is a vision that will be fulfilled, for Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, "The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a witness to every nation and then the end will come."
The goal is to bring about no less than the End of the World and Judgement Day when apparently Christians would bodily ascend to heaven and all other would be 'Left Behind' for the torment of hell.
You may not know this, but in the US there was an entire bestselling book series called Left Behind (external link) that described the rapture of heaven for the god-believing Christians and the torment of hell for incorrigible heathens like me who would be left behind.
That is quite a hit list. And the most fundamentalist of Christians -- those that believe all other religions are Satanic -- are the ones most active in the evangelism project.
The assault of evangelical Christianity is the spread of this exclusive right-wing Christian belief. But this is no fringe effort.
Here is the description from Tehelka (external link), no 'Hindutva' magazine, that was able to find the same data I did.
'Religious expansionism has not witnessed this scale, scope, and state resources in a long time. Detailed investigations by Tehelka reveal that American evangelical agencies have established in India an enormous, well-coordinated and strategised religious conversion plan. At the heart of this complex and sophisticated operation is a simple strategy -- convert locals and then give them the know-how and money to plant their own churches and multiply.'
'A large-scale intelligence operation that brought together American strategists, theologians, missionary specialists, demographers, technologists, sociologists, anthropologists and researchers to create the most comprehensive people group profiles in the 10/40 window... The 10/40 window, denoting the latitudes on the globe considered the prime target for conversion, has India squarely in its sights.'
Now I don't know about Ribeiro, but I was brought up to value the diversity of religions and cultures on the planet. As I child I would happily go to a Sikh gurdwara and a Hindu temple with equal reverence. Christmas would be celebrated with our Christian friends, often with a visit to the local church.
In the world according to my simple heathen eyes, all this was wonderful. After all, everyone had their own way, and it added to the richness of the planet.
And why can't we be Hindu and Christian and Buddhist all at once?
Since I discovered I was on a hit list about 10 years ago I have been researching evangelical Christian missions. The findings are not great. For this type of Christianity attacks something that has been core to the Indian ethos, the reason for the relative peace and acceptance between different religious communities in India. A missionary site stated the problem quite clearly:
'Anyone who is familiar with India knows that India has always been a challenge to the Gospel. Hinduism that teaches, "Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, all religions lead to God", dominates the thinking of the masses. Many Hindus revere Jesus as another god. Yet their eyes are blinded to the uniqueness of Christ.'
No, Christians are not being persecuted in India. India has always been a land of acceptance of diversity. But if the evangelical activities continue unabated, there is no doubt this will cause a backlash.
One exclusive ideology begets another. The hit list will spread. The more strident the evangelists, the more strident the voices for Ghar Wapsi will grow.
This exclusive dogma is alien to all of us. Like a foreign body intrusion, it will evoke a response. It will lead to competitive madness.
There is a way to reel this back, but to do so we must cease the distinction between Hindu, Muslim, Christian. Rather we should distinguish between all those that are committed to Indian pluralism and reject all those that preach exclusive dogmas.
This kind of money can buy a lot of media support. The facts of this evangelical war upon India has largely been kept out of mainstream discourse in India, even when they have been readily available in the public domain for years.
Now is the time for Indian society to truly say no to this conversion war (external link).
Let us challenge this hit list together, Mr Ribeiro.
Sankrant Sanu (@sankrant) is an author and entrepreneur based in Gurgaon and Seattle. He blogs at sankrant.org. The views expressed are personal.

A Christian responds to a Christian who felt “he was a stranger in his own country”

Mr Julio Ribeiro was one of my few role models whom I held in high esteem. To see him cry the way he did in his letter in the Indian express, was a rude shock and surprise to me. As I began reading the article I thought there must be something that hurt this man very deeply, and I wanted to know the details, but as I continued reading I found no serious merit in his remark that “As a Christian, suddenly I am a stranger in my own country”
In his letter he said:
“there are those of the predominant Hindu faith who still remember my small contribution to the welfare of the country of our birth. During a recent trip to Rajgurunagar in the Khed taluka of Pune district to visit schools that my NGO, The Bombay Mothers and Children Welfare Society, had adopted, I stopped at Lonavla for idli and tea. A group of middle-aged Maharashtrians sitting on the next table recognised me and stopped to greet and talk. A Brahmin couple returning from Kuwait (as I later learnt) also came up to inquire if I was who I was and then took a photograph with me”
I was astounded after reading this. On the one hand he claims the average Indian, be it from the majority community, respects and adores a Christian like him, yet his conclusion from the entire article is that “he is a stranger in his own country”!
Further Mr Ribeiro said:
“The Indian army was headed by a Christian general, the navy more than once, and same with the air force. The country’s defence forces have countless men and women in uniform who are Christians”
This would lead to only one conclusion:  in spite of being such a small minority we could reach the top posts in the Indian Armed Forces! This only shows that merit alone matters and not religion! And this can’t be seen anywhere in the world including our “role models” like US and UK ! And still we curse our mother land and its inclusiveness!
He also said:
“Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a stranger in my own country.  The same category of citizens who had put their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practising a religion that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra”
I tried hard to find evidence in his own article in support of this remark and conclusion,  but to no avail. I am surprised! what is going on? How can a man of his calibre conclude things with out first hand experience? How can he place reliance on (paid) media reports, of so called attacks? The same media which has lost all their credibility (at least after Radia tapes).  And the super cop of yesteryears is fully dependent on such storys to make so serious comments and draw conclusions as he did in his article!
Mr Ribeiro also remarks:
“ But the outburst of Mohan Bhagwat against Mother Teresa, an acknowledged saint — acknowledged by all communities and peoples — has put me back on the hit list. Even more so because BJP leaders, like Meenakshi Lekhi, chose to justify their chief’s remarks.”
What was the outburst of Mohan Bhagwat?  I learnt that he said “Mother Theresa intended to convert and service was the face of it”. Is this an “outburst”?  Even if there is,  the way to counter it, is to issue a counter statement and close the matter, because in democracy where freedom of expression is a fundamental right, if one disagrees with any statement it should be countered by another statement. There is no scope for hue and cry as if the heaven has fallen unless one has a hidden agenda. So Bhagwat’s statement need not have received the kind of reaction that it received unless there was a hidden agenda to polarise people by playing victim. More over in a democracy no one is above criticism, whether mother Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi.
Next, my “hero” chooses to wilfully mix diverse issues:
“Ghar wapsi”, the declaration of Christmas as “Good Governance Day”, the attack on Christian churches and schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now afflicts these peaceful people
‘Ghar wapsi’ is related to religious conversion and needs to be debated separately at length. A B Vajpayee’s birthday is celebrated as Good Governance Day, if it falls on Christmas day blame the creator, blaming the government is unfair. The next issue mentioned is “attack on Christian schools and churches in Delhi” – I have a serious objection here, after all what exactly is “attack on Christians”? How do you define “attack”?  Anycase of robbery or theft becomes attack on community? Or is it a deliberate attempt to defame my mother land before the world community?
He then laments:
“What should I do? What can I do to restore my confidence? I was born in this country. So were my ancestors, some 5,000 or more years ago. If my DNA is tested, it will not differ markedly from Bhagwat’s. It will certainly be the same as the country’s defence minister’s as our ancestors arrived in Goa with the sage Parshuram at the same time. Perhaps we share a common ancestor somewhere down the line. It is an accident of history that my forefathers converted and his did not. I do not and never shall know the circumstances that made it so”
This is an important observation, he admits the same DNA but stops short of analysing why he is a Christian today and cleverly calls it “an accident”, because going into depth will expose him. It is true that not only his and defence minster’s but even my ancestors are same, though I have born in a place 350 km to the South of Goa. Here it was incumbent upon him to check what exactly made his ancestors embrace Christianity? ( And my ancestors to flee Goa) Is it love of God /Jesus Christ or the force or torture from criminal saint Francis Xavier and his cruel gang? An IPS officer can’t be so ignorant about his own history unless he deliberately chooses to do so! He ought to know the History of Inquisition and its horrifying impact on Indian society.
Then why did Mr Ribeiro conclude such dreary views of my mother land called  Bharat? Obviously to understand this one has to understand the depth and impact “religious teachings” have on young minds during their childhood, that even after serving the full term of eminent service in Indian bureaucracy, this “fear” of Christians being “unsafe” in this country remains unchanged deep in a corner of the sub conscious mind! Which lead to remarks of the kind we saw!
It is not for the first time that I am confronting a senior learned man from my own community, whom the entire society held in high respect. I have seen IPS officers who served with integrity during service but after retirement show these leanings to victimhood of Christians. One retired joint commissioner of Delhi police having roots in Mangalore outraging on a English channel during 2008 church attack made news. A retired high court judge, with whom I had to differ on his findings on the infamous so called Mangalore church attacks of 2008, was also an eminent jurist and known for integrity honesty and impartial judgements, but after retirement when it comes to analysing “church attacks” the prejudice of the indoctrinated minds was clearly visible! So how poisonous could have been the teachings at young age which have this life time impact on the minds!
It is not today I am seeing such utterances for the first time but observing since 1977, the year Congress lost power at the centre for the first time! We the Christians were never bothered when the whole country was fighting emergency,  but felt ‘very unsafe’ the moment Congress was thrown out of power! And we took to streets protesting and spreading panic! And it continued whenever Congress lost at centre, in 1989-90 during V P Singh rule at centre and Mulayam singh (today’s secular champions) at UP we took to street protesting ‘rape’ of nuns in UP  and shouted slogans condemning V P Singh and Mulayam! And so on & so forth to this day!
– Robert Rosario , a social and political activist, Mangalore.
(The author had sent his letter to Indian Express, who had originally published Mr Ribeiro’s letter, but Indian Express refused to publish the response)

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