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NaMo, listen to the Janataa led by Ravinar. It is a wake-up call for a sleepless PM.


NaMo, listen to the Janataa led by Ravinar. Get back kaalaadhan, else BJP fades away after achieving Congress-mukt Bharat. Enforce anti-looter laws. 

NaMo, these voices are from Bharatam Janam who care for the nation and for the welfare of present and future generations.

Don't squander away the rich treasure of Swarajyam Bharatam won in May 2014. Enforce the law. Scrap PNotes. Restitute kaalaadhan, nationalise kaalaadhan.
You have a destiny to achieve, a destination to reach: True Swaccha Bharat, which is corruption-free Bharat with people who celebrate dharma-dhamma traditions as inviolate values in life and rectitude in serving janataa janardhan.

NaMo, the Bharatam Janam trust you. Please, please, do not disappoint the people of Bharatam in the 2015 Budget which could be a splendid opportunity to lead the nation to abhyudayam, using Tihar as the refuge for the looters of the nation -- post-colonial looters who have outsmarted the colonial looters, impoverishing the nation.

Time is NOW. No time to lose, NaMo. Make space for traitors and anti-nationals in Tihar.

NaMo, you interact with people even as you rule the nation as PM. Please spare some sleepless moments of your service to the nation, listening the impassioned voice of Ravinar which has received resounding support. Do NOT take the Delhi mandate lightly. It is a wake-up call for a sleeples PM, NaMo.



Delhi Debacle: A Hitch In Time

People don’t buy fairness creams because it makes them fair. People buy fairness creams because they are emotional and would like to give those blessed creams a try; even when some can’t afford the extra expense. Here are some of my favourite lines from many posts in the past:

An aide remarks in very harsh terms:  “…Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand”. To which the President responds: “We've had presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference”.

Delhijans have decided to drink the sand. Still, 67-3 is a thrashing. 67-3 is like Germany thrashing Brazil 7-1 in the last World Cup. It is a thrashing that you cannot explain by absence of Neymar. It is a thrashing that BJP cannot explain by nonsense of vote-share or margins of defeats or anything. Vote-shares are mere statistics. What counts in a democracy is how many seats. And just as 7-1 doesn’t diminish Brazil as a football-powerhouse, Delhi’s 67-3 does not diminish Modi as a power-house. Only the media would like you to believe that. That’s the way it is. For the record, nobody got it right. Not the pollsters, not the pundits, not the whining panellists of G37. Even Arvind Kejriwaldid not get it right. He didn’t expect people would vote like this. Delhi didn’t vote AAP merely because of foolish promises. People don’t vote sitting around analysing manifestos which the media so slavishly demands. Delhi wasn’t merely a pro-AAP vote. It was a very strong anti-BJP vote.

There is something Narendra Modi & Co have forgotten. The idea about development speeches fail when the Delhi Municipality does have BJP in charge. Not just in these elections, even in the past Delhi elections the BJP has come across as a party with indifference towards Delhi. Mind you, unlike Sheila Dikshit there isn’t really an anti-corruption campaign against Modi. Modi has forgotten what he learned in Gujarat.Development has two faces – One that is VISIBLE and one that is EXPERIENCED. I have explained this in Gujarat Breaking Rules. Most people don’t give a damn about macro-economics except maybe Shobha De and her erotic outbreaks for that Raghu Rajan of RBI. People live their lives in micro and the emotions of their daily grind. In the LS campaign Modi said people don’t just want to throw out Congress but they want to punish the corrupt. Who have you punished? Modi and some of his stupid Cabinet ministers have been behaving like “Goody two shoes”.

All that Modi has been doing is sucking up and trying to be goody two shoes as are his stupid ministers and CMs. After winning Maharashtra, Devendra Phadnavis was on a TV-yatra trying to act like Deepika Padukone. Such CMs don’t even know what voted them to power in the first place. Phadnavis cannot claim to be a Bachchan in campaign and act like an item-girl after winning elections. This is precisely the problem with media-sickos of BJP; prominent among them being Arun Jaitley. Swach Bharat is a good campaign but it is certainly not something that is an election campaign. Modi even invited perceived anti-Hindu morons like Tharoor and Aamir Khan to this campaign. You forgot who voted you. You forgot people didn’t vote you to be another half-baked Obama. It will end up as much a hogwash as the campaign about family planning. Nobody gives a damn about population anymore and Modi even flaunts it wrongly as an asset.

Delhijans don’t really suffer so many problems as people in other cities. They whine a lot though. But in eight months of time the Modi Sarkar thought a few speeches by him or Amit Shah can sustain electoral successes. The BJP unit in Delhi is run by sickos and not by people with courage. The LKA-Jaitley clique in Delhi was why they lost 2004 and 2009 and the BJP folks still don’t learn anything. Here is what I wrote about this particular media-guy Jaitley in Goody two shoes:

The time for BJP’s ministers and its members to compare their actions or statements on issues with the Congress is over. Congress is the lowest standard of politics and country-management besides being anti-Hindu, a terror-sympathiser and genetically corrupt. And changes need tough decisions. People would be more willing to swallow bitter pills in the first year of a new govt than in the last year. But it seems that everyone from Modi to the last motley minister in the new govt just wants to be “nice”. Or maybe they want to “appear” to be nice to everyone…  it is okay to be cordial and courteous with politicians across the spectrum. After all politicians are a community and need not be enemies. But you cannot frequently sleep with those you should be prosecuting and claim you are bringing change.

In particular, politicians cannot be bedmates of media crooks and vice versa. Any journalist who is in bed with politicians is clearly the public’s worst enemy. All the top media celebs have enriched themselves by sleeping with politicians and the establishment… If there are BJP ministers or party members blabbering some nonsense every week then there are ministers who go one step further. Arun Jaitley is in some event or forum almost every week. He went on a TV Yatra with his Black Money crap. He then attends a show with P Chidambaram, the guy Jaitley should be prosecuting for various offences (with his son Karthi PC). PC is known as the “friend, father and philosopher” of black money. That’s the company Jaitley keeps. What is the message you’re sending to people? Not just that, he launches a book by a scumbag

You cannot be sleeping with the Barkhas of the media and hope to wake up with your supporters. Even if Arun Jaitley is your man-Friday he is a rejected misfit by people. Get a new pair of undies. It is the cult of people like Jaitley that has destroyed the BJP unit in Delhi. They have no clue of the micro issues of people while the Jaitley types grandly lecture on macro issues. Every week this flamboyant mouth is at some event lecturing the country when he is not doing another interview with Lady Botch. Imagine, it is over a month since the JK elections were over and still the BJP heads don’t know what to do. You either form a govt, a coalition, outside support to someone or decide to sit in the Opposition. What is taking you so long? The JK governor set a deadline of January 19 to form a govt. You did not meet that deadline! And you did the same nonsense with Delhi too. When the iron was hot in Delhi the BJP was searching for a hammer in the media even when its senior leaders knew the media is predominantly Commie and anti-BJP.

A horse, a horse… a kingdom for my horse… I haven’t had a win in six months”. The Commies and their media foot-soldiers are willing to sell the whole kingdom just to get a horse. They were thirsting for blood and revenge after the thrashings in the last six months. Their cup is running over and they feel delighted they found their horse. AK was their horse because their earlier corrupt bosses Congress had no chance. Even AK was finished but it’s the BJP that breathed life back in to him by sacrificing their core agenda and core voters. AAP was mauled during the LS elections and knew it had no chance anywhere. Its survival was only possible because the BJP bosses neglected Delhi and were consistently indifferent to issues of Delhi. The media that hates Modi and the BJP played up every soundbite of AK and helped him play Meena Kumari every time he was attacked by the BJP.

And then this same clique of Delhi-Jaitley gets a spluttering, stammering, blabberingKiran Bedi as their CM candidate. The “coup” runs over. A candidate who cannot utter one sentence without blabbering is what you offered Delhi? For a ruling party that is in charge in many states and the Centre you couldn’t produce your own leader? I have said many times on SM that Kiran Bedi is a farcical fence-sitter who doesn’t inspire trust. She is nothing more than a happy G37 panellist and as ignorant as any other G37 panellist on politics. She too behaved like Jaitley, Gadkari or Phadnavis. Immediately on her selection as CM candidate she went on a TV-yatra and blabbered as only she possibly could. As the election neared she was talking more like a school-girl than a seasoned politician. That’s not all; they also brought in worn-out politicians like Shazia Ilmi, Vinod Binny and Krishna Tirath from other parties. AK learned from his past mistakes but the BJP helped him by their indifference and arrogance.

There is an irony in the Delhi elections that the media will not tell you. AK and AAP claim to be fighting corruption but it is ironically the corrupt establishment and corrupt media of Delhi who extended phenomenal help to him to win because they want status-quo and continue their corrupt ways. This is one gift that BJP should be happy about because AK now owns the responsibility of cleaning up some more corrupt Babus in Delhi. As for the Centre, they too must weed out more corrupt Babus who are predominantly Congress doormats. Modi has also started down-playing Hindutva which is exactly what the media and Commies want. The IT dept has recently sent notices to 50 fraudulent entities on bogus funding. What was Jaitley doing all these months? The media is currently happy to project the Delhi-rage as a national verdict on the BJP govt. This is their nonsensical wishful orgasm. A vast corrupt establishment that is entrenched in Delhi is still made up of Congress doormats, add corrupt media entrenched in Delhi, Muslim and Christian fatwas, Congress campaigning more to support AAP than itself, maybe anti-India foreign “entities” too – that is a concoction possible only in Delhi.

Recently the SC ruled against a Muslim man claiming a right to a second wife against govt rules. This is a chance for Modi to open up debate on UCC and make UCC a reality. Religious nonsense cannot supersede civil and national laws. There is another casewhere a Catholic Ecclesiastical Court demanded supremacy over our civil laws. Why do such religious courts even exist? A Padre arbitrating a family dispute is one thing but they now want powers to decide on divorce and marriage laws? The SC rightly trashed this Catholic court and GOI must define the limits of roles of such religious courts (and maybe make them illegal) even the clout of personal law boards that interfere with National laws. Then there is the issue of “GharWapsi” and conversion. Here too the BJP must show the courage to ban conversions and ban cow slaughter. Such acts support the Constitution. I have long called Delhi govt nothing more than a “Senior Municipality” and losing it so badly is a small price to pay to learn a big lesson.

There are many good things that the BJP GOI has done in a short time. The media or others are not going to publicise it. For instance, now each time an employee’s PF is deposited by the employer the employee gets an SMS message. There are many other similar actions. People also want changes that are VISIBLE on the ground. GDP growth, economic indicators are not always visible to the ordinary man and nor is he tracking such things. Set up special courts to prosecute corrupt politicians and speed up cases. Marans, Rajas and Gandhis are all darlings of the media and our courts are classy in burying cases for decades. Why is it that BJP is not speeding up the National Herald case against the Chinese-Gandhis? Looks like they are not even interested in punishing the corrupt! If you cannot keep your promises on these issues then how exactly are you different from Congress? This is the question Modi and Shah must answer. Modi must assert his authority over the “Delhi Belly” of BJP.

Most of all, the BJP must start changing public discourse. 60+ years of Commie nonsense has dominated Indian public discourse. Our corrupt Commie media is built on this nonsense and their anti-BJP, anti-Hindu propaganda is no stranger. Stop feeding this criminal media with soundbites and participating in bogus debates. It is sick to find BJP spokies turning every night on the most stupid debates that are not even called for. You cannot change public discourse by participating in the same nonsense that defeated your opponents in the past. Use regular press briefings. Make them weekly or bi-weekly. Demand that certain issues be debated and avoid appearing on debates that are uncalled for. A sound media strategy needs to be evolved but instead the BJP leaders only seem to want to suck up to corrupt media editors and sell fairness creams. No party is obligated to participate in stupid debates. The nightly TV debates are themselves a sick, perverted trick to target BJP. The party bosses don’t seem to learn.

As for AAP, the Centre is not obligated to fund them in their frivolous promises – be it free WIFI or 12 lakh CCTVs. AAP has the mandate and they must find ways to raise their money from Delhi to fund their promises. Tall promises by Aaptards were made in the comfort that they can blame the BJP GOI for not helping them. Proactive actions against nonsensical, non-viable promises need to be regularly taken to educate the public. At the same time BJP GOI must not thwart their good actions by hurdles. This foolish nonsense of Centre must fund AAP's Commie freebie-land will now be a constant rant to watch out for:

There are many who are offering or hanging on to conspiracy theories of “internal sabotage” by BJP leading to its thrashing in Delhi. These aren’t worth dealing with. If anything, BJP must see Delhi results as a “hitch” in time. Delhi is not India. A hitch in time might save nine.


  1. Amazing post! All key micro issues disected! I hope the BJP takes stock and works some course correction! Question is who would take ownership for execution! None I guess!! RUT will spread!
  2. Spot on ravinar. Act on corrupt media, punish vadras and chinese gandhis for which people voted u. Make visible changes on ground which affect common man. Get rid of jaitley who cant even win his own seat during strong modi wave and u gave him two important portfolios as if u dont have any resources. All the anti nationl forces have come together in bihar. Now the elections have become biparty. Good vs evil. Make strategy to get anti bjp votes in ur kitty. Now an old wine in a new bottle has come up called AAP. Educate people on the groound rather to blabber on tv which is ur dreaded opponent. Let people decide why no dicussions after rajasthan win chhatisgarh win MP win haryana win maharastra win jAnd k performance, jharkand win, only Delhi which is not even a state . Punishing the corrupt may be shouted by media people as political vendetta but we hve voted u for that only. We had modiji because we perceived him as a strong person who can act.
  3. Very nice article Ravinar.You are spot on right in the errors of Modi you have pointed.He is slowly changing his uncompromising Tough image to a Vajpayee-like meak personality.Before the elections,we got so high doses of latent Hindutva,muscle flexing etc. from Modi and now that he is elected,we are witnessing a complete rout.Robert Vadra , Gandhi family or the likes of Chidambaram are no more considered criminals by Modi like they were before the Loksabha.Modiji people do understand such insulting Uturns.Soon the latent belief that you are in complete cahoots with Congress and other "secular" parties will spread like fire .And then people will search for the same alternatives that they had rejected in the loksabha.Why will we elect a B-team of the covert political alliance?Rather we can bring the real A-team in power.Oh sorry How will you take steps against Vadra?I forgot that you have suddenly lost the damn files a couple of months back!
  4. Well said. The courage to show change like Varanasi in Delhi was needed. it could have been done in last few months. Ghar Vapasi of Kejriwal has turned out in to Media handle which Congress needed to stop Modi.
  5. Well said. The courage to show change like Varanasi in Delhi was needed. it could have been done in last few months. Ghar Vapasi of Kejriwal has turned out in to Media handle which Congress needed to stop Modi.
  6. y's news: Modi in a fix whether to attend SHARAD Pawar's meeting or AKs oath. The same pawar's party he called Nationally Corrupt Party during Mah elections. What's the credibility of Modiji left
  7. Tangible action is what people voted for. Ravi add to the list Modi's claim in all his rallies that he will request the supreme court to setup a fast track court to clear the declared cases of the MP to begin with. Has there been any action? or have I missed something?
    1. There was, as soon as he became PM. He asked the SC to fast track political cases but the SC put him down, saying, in their eyes, the smallest theft and the biggest political crime are the same and they cannot prioritize one over the other.

      They also said that if he wanted faster resolutions, he should look at speeding up the whole judiciary and not ask for special consideration for cases of a certain nature.

      I think the alternative is to set up special courts, like Ravi says.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
    3. it was supreme court asked who asked Govt. to stand in q like otehr cases.
  8. While analyzing the defeat, the BJP leaders should take a printout of this post and debate each point.
    1. What to debate? Ravi has told what to do, just follow that. 

      I think Modi is smarter and experienced than most of us. He knows what he is doing. Maybe he is too busy with PM work. Suggestions from well wishers are definitely a plus point. The reason why Modi may or is becoming like Vajpayee is that he is fearing the media may start gujrat 2002 gibberish again if he act tough. He is slowly creating the base for the heavy attack. He knows pvt media is sold out to west and middle east, so he is reviving All India Radio by Mann Ki baat. He is promoting social media and internet. I urge people to start viewing DD again. It does highlight good deeds by Modi govt.

  9. I hope NM and Amit Shah read this excellent piece, and act upon it.
    During engineering we were taught that when stuck in a complex problem, try solving it using the basic principles.
    Thats what BJP needs to do. It cannot mould itself into a 'Congress but better' party. We have some specific strengths. Use them , play on them. Bring some real and perceived changes to the lives of Indians in INDIA !!

  10. Modi needs an effective attack dog. Jaitley is not campaign material. He can't connect with public.Kiran Bedi proved to be same.
  11. PM Modi has every right to wear whatever he wants. Does he care about what impression in creates in peoples minds? Name-striped suit did him more damage than all his enemies put together. Just my opinion.
    Next madam Kiran Bedi. She begins here campaign with "I am the woman of the moment". It lacked everything a voter would have expected in a BJP campaign.
    BJP's media strategy is bad. Still it would could have earned them a 20-25 seats. The above two blunders wiped them out. 
    Loksatta party has been an advocate of proportional representation system for long. It should be given a serious thought. It is a way to make sure vote share is given due importance in a democracy.

    1. I guess naming Kiran Bedi as their CM candidate did the maximum damage... name striped suit was again hyped by media... TOI later apologized stating that suit did not cost more than Rs. 7000 but by then damage was already done. AAPTARDS and some stupid morons started blabbering about the same throughout their election campaign...
    2. Any and all special dresses for a very special occasion ends up in a museum. That same suit Modi is not going to wear again anywhere for sure. Now there is a talk that it will be auctioned off for charity.
  12. Gopinath ji
    It was clarified that the suit was not costly n was gifted to him. Unfortunate that this was turned into ruckus by media crooks n ullu baba.

  13. AK travels business class no outrage as it was sponsored,Modi wears Rs.7k suit,gifted MSM outrage,S Coupta even tweeted chaiwala shd wear only dhoti!68 yrs since independence n a poor man is not allowed any luxury!Shame on Delhites!
  14. Selfies with crookish mediafolks &bollywood stars is not expected from Modi. We want to see our Lion Modi back.
  15. "..organized greed always defeats disorganized democracy"... Matt Taibbi
  16. Totally agree that it's a strong anti-BJP vote but the point is what blunder has the Modi government done in the last 8 months? Obviously none. The positive image of this government is being slow poisoned by the Delhi media for last 8 months. Latest example is the fake story by Times of India regarding Rs10 lakh suit of Mr. Modi.

    It is equally sad that well educated spokespersons like Patra, Sudhanshu, GVL etc. are everyday insulted and heckled in these sham TV debates and they still are asked to attend these debates.

    Surprising that 'modern Chanakyas' of BJP are not realizing that if they don't retaliate and make this non-stop propaganda costly for media crooks, they would lose the battle of perception and fade away very soon. 

  17. You have rIghtly brought out the feelings of the well wishers of this Government. Very good piece.
  18. AAP's next stop is Bangalore Municipality elections in April, 2015....Guess what...it is another case of pathetic BJP local leadership......

    With the Cong govt in the state, they've made a total mess of the city...with 80% of the funds drained out in bogus projects (that are only on paper)....garbage lying around for days....roads in world-famous-terrible conditions...etc....

    Somebody made the conditions just right for the AAP campaign......

    Wish BJP gives instructions to do quality work from the top (MPs) all the way down to local leadership (corporators..)........else, every other month, there will be "Blow to Modi" breaking on crooked media...

    1. Bangalore Municipality (Corporation) is controlled by BJP and their Councillors are no less corrupt. They are not touch with people and show their face only once in 5 years at election time. People are itching to teach them a lesson. People's anger can be easily exploited by parties like AAP who are good at drama, lies, bluster and tall promises aided by anti-BJP media.
    2. Every BBMP Corporator is corrupt to their gills. It is available for AAP on a platter and all the City BJP MLAs are in a battle of oneupmanship.
    3. I don't think BBMP elections will be held in April...it may delay. Yes, condition is just right for AAP in Bangalore. I can see people getting carried away with Delhi results and chanting AAP. Gauging people's foolishness is beyond my ability. And BBMP elections are mostly won on an individual candidate, party too plays a role. No matter which party wins BBMP, results will be same. There is negative fund. Actually, corporaters though corrupt are approachable and get your work done if you approach them. We have a congress corporator who has 24*7 helpline, you call his office anytime and file a compalint, he will get your work done ASAP. He is quite good. Don't mind voting for him though he is from congress. 
  19. Hope that our PM reads this, and take corrective action.
  20. During the London Olympic Trails in jamaica, Yohan Blake, Usain Bolt's companion in training, soundly defeated Bolt in 100 mts and 200 mts. That was a rude shock for Bolt which made him work harder to win both golds in London olympics. It was a 'smaller' shock as it was only in 'trails'. I am glad that BJP faced this test / shock in their first one year so that they can hopefully clean-up their act for Bihar & UP elections. Modi must truly 'step-up' the game, else these MediaCrooks will go to any extent to ruin his chances. Modiji are you listening ?

    This is what I wrote elsewhere:

    In all probability with this kind of Majority you will be seeing 'AAP goondaism' in the form of Mohalla Sabhas in full-force. AAP vigilantes who almost ran a parallel government trying to 'check' and 'judge' the functioning of various departments / schools / hospitals will do it with even more force this time. This will be one of the reasons, 5 years hence, when AAP & AK's reversal of fortunes is analysed. For the sake of Delhi, I hope I am not prescient.

    About Media, I wont even write about them. Let them say / write what they want to. I want to bring up one important point using the same stupid Media logic after Lok Sabha polls. Only 55% people voted for AAP not WHOLE of Delhi. So 45% (that is almost half of them) REJECTED it. Media Crooks any one listening ? Only 55% voted for AAP.

    I hope Delhi improves....

  21. Speech by Ravinar in Moneylife Foundation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoimnDcGHJE) or search mediacrooks in youtube. 

    This blog post should be read by Namo and AShah and every genuine Bjp leaders who don't know what to do but are good in their intentions. HIndus have always this mentality of Prithviraj Chouhan.

  22. Brilliant, simply brilliant, if only the BJP guys read and act upon, would the negative campaign of MSM can be neutralized. Let us hope that Modi ji read it and acts accordingly.
    bjp should give first prefence to hindhus and bring big reforms in forth comming months.......to get back the support of pepole

    By simply passing comments on PREAMBLE ,SECULARIZM,



  24. The most important thing to take from this article is the line:
    "At the same time BJP GOI must not thwart their good actions by hurdles". Don't be petty and extend them all help if their ideas are good. This is was the reason for Congress's downfall. At the same time don't bow down to their commie like demands. Let them self destruct. Win the Delhi public back. 

    The biggest thing to learn from Delhi Fiasco is to communicate with Indian public and let them know of the good actions the govt is taking for their benefit. For heaven's sake, help the poor farmers of drought stricken states. It's appalling that nothing has been done so far.

    Delhi showed them that they have no qualms in abandoning NaMo. Other states will do the same soon. BJP should be worried that AAP might score big in South. Their support base in south is increasing. Do these idiots even have a strategy in South? 
    By 2019, the slogan will be "BJP Mukt Bharat" and people will fall hook line and sinker.

    1. TN is rudderless but there is nothing on the the ground to suggest that BJP intends to lend direction. Whatever effort that local BJP does, is negated by stupid acts like AJ meeting JJ. If Rajya Sabha is stalling legislations, come to the people and explain that. Make sure that the parties that affect development are called out in public and make sure that their electoral prospects are hampered because of non-cooperation. This would a better option than mollycoddling.

      BJP has to do serious work if it has to create an impact in South. Just like Namo used Patel and Vivekananda to explain his ideas, there is a need to use Kamraj, MGR , Tiruvalluvar and Bharathi to explain what being an integrated Dravidian meant. The mis-conception as though South was distinct from North and is a kind of separate country has been propagated by a chosen few to shore up their personal and family finances. There is a urgent need to correct this in order to swerve TN away from extreme populism to inclusive development.

  25. Amazing Post !!! 
    Hope Modi takes cognisance and addresses the same

  26. We need more of such blunt post-mortems.
  27. While I agree with every word in the article, this article should be directed as much towards RSS as it is towards Modi and Amit Shah.Modi is going to be there for one or two terms max but the damage will be done to Hindu interests permanently if they don't change course. The onus is equally on RSS to give the boot to Jaitley, reign in the corrupt ministers, carry on their ghar-vapasi types campaign smartly, give free hand to Modi and remove every obstacle in his path.
  28. I don't think Modi did lot of the things in Guj that many of his supporters want him to do. He didn't go after corruption of earlier governments. He didn't do anything specific except visiting temples, doing arti, etc. to prove his commitment to Hindutva. His Guj tenure is all about (a) getting administration to do what they should be doing, (b) formulating policies and (c) making sure all decision making is policy driven. I don't think he is going to change his approach because he seems to be a man with very clear idea of what he wants to do. 

    Also, I commented this at some other place that he didn't deliver success in Guj in months. Guj probably started getting 24X7 electricity in 2004\2005, almost 3 years after getting in to power. Guj didn't become policy driven state overnight. It would have taken long time to get the whole govt machinery to work in that fashion. I think the problem is Modi supporters and media just saw the rosy picture of Guj when his hard work started delivering. They think this guy can do this at national level. He can but it will require lot more hard work than Guj. 

    Also, it took some time for Modi to get full control of local BJP unit in Guj. There were many useless fellows here as well. I think it would much more difficult to gain control of national unit that in Guj. It is not as simple as asking Arun Jaitley to sit in a corner and he'll oblige!

    Finally, however we dislike Modi's approach, there is NO OTHER OPTION better than him in the current lot.

  29. This is the toughest moment for modi since perhaps 2002 -2007 era when the whole cocktail of crooks were running after him like mad dogs. He defeated them. This time again there's'' modi defeated' is in the air. This article by ravinar may be the best advice to the BJP. Hope they wake up and smell the coffee. Cons of losing this election are analysed any way. The pros are that this defeat could not have come at a better time. Modi still has his trusted Man as the president. Keep the jaitley Man out and get to the basics. In the mean time honey moon period of AK too will be over.
  30. Awesome Post!!
    On UCC, May be gov can start with #shahbano case which saves muslims from paying any ailmony to their wife after divorse. A court rule override done by Rajiv Gandhi. 
    A gift to Delhi janta would be GST which would lead wholesale market to nearby Noida and Gurgaon..A step to bring cost down by minimum 20%.


  31. You have hit the nail.If BJP does not mend its ways it will be repeat of 2004 in 2019.You have to aggressively pursue Hindu agenda within the limits of our constitution.You have to nurse your core voter base and then control the narrative so that you get incremental youth votes.And yes, you have to go for all those doormats still hanging around in Delhi.UPA I did that in less than a month in 2004.
    AJ and others should be forced to work over time on [a] Radical budget [b] Black money in foreign banks [c] Prosecution of the corrupt netas and babus from all parties [d] stop pandering to Delhi based MSM [e] patronise DD/AIR instead and make it the best broadcasting entity in Asia.

  32. the vote was not against Modi or BJP but a vote against Arun Jaitely and Kiran Bedi.They are solely liable for poor performance of BJP in Delhi.Although it won Jharkhand,J&K,Maharshtra and haryana recently how can they lsoe so badly in Delhi although they won 7 Lokasabha seats in 2014 and 32 VS seats in 2013.It is dfeat of autocracy and arrogance overconfidence by Arun Jaitely who misguided MODI and AMIT shah to experiment with Kiran Bedia whow as not in good books of BJP worke5rs ever.It is blasphemy of truth that Amit Shah and Modi are liable.YES it is alos true that they had put wrong man in delhi election charge.When that man had never won any direct election,engaged in conspiracies in BCCI,and a lawyer of corporates how can he worked to win in Delhi a national capital with lots of intellectual and aristocrats.If Modi will order total evacualtion of all Delhi incharge leaders and remove them from tp jobs then very soon Delhi BJP can be built.Kiran Bedi can be forgotten as bad dream.
  33. Modi government should first understand that they are voted to power to give good governance and the same time to punish the corrupts of previous regimes. When you claim you have given clean government, but failed to punish the corrupt big fishes, people perceive that you are part of the corrupt. AAP exploiting this loophole and convincing the people that they are the only saviors.
  34. BJP should know that he has no vote % as of now as all parties and groups are aligned against him.He is enemy to all communla secular and anti national forces who wants total rout of BJP and Modi.They wanted form a grand alliance of old defunct Janata Dal by merger of JDU JDS RJD INLD RLD BSP SP TMC and now AAP.Congress will be extinct very soon for sins of Sonia gandhi who worked against Hindutva for ten lng years and damaged Indian secularism.BJP has only 32% votes all over India.If it wants to win all elections it has to improve its vote share which is only possible by takinh a hard hindutva line and appeasement of none.If Hindus are 80% of total voters then it is prime imporatnce that they be given many supports and help by renovation of all temples,handing of temples to Hindu shrine board,ban cow slaughter,stop beef exports,construction of temples and Bhagawat nivas in all villages.All saints be given works to spread hindutva.Powers to be given RSS VHP Bajarangdal and Durga vahini through police training.
    1. Sorry, such Hindutva agenda wont work. With out a doubt Modi has to deliver on his development agenda by hook or crook (I'm hope he will). Hindutva must be handled intelligently without giving media chance to bark. Modi's idea of initating "World Yoga Day" is one such thing. Yoga is closely associated with Hindutva, aggressive approach to help Kashmiri Pandits (not sure where it's up to ), even revoking Article 370 - There will be lot of noise in media but true nationlaists would like to see this happening. Very reason I voted for Modi is he has the ability to take such tough decisions. And when ever there is a shelling across border by Pak with the help of terrorists, don't hesitate to bomb POK and get rid of terror camps :P.

  35. one more thing forget to say.BJP lost election by a deceitr lies biased and paid media in 2004 2009 and now in Delhi election.BJP didnot cared to silent them nor it also propped up its own TV news channel.I have requested several times to them that please start news channels in all languages and also Nes papers in all languages.Media regulatory auithoruity be formed and they be checked from showing biased paid news.News chgannels and news papers are to be neutral and holistic.They cant be police prosecution judge and hanger all in one.They behave like that.they must be asked to do their duty of showing news as Dd showing.No more partiality in favour or against govt or any party .
  36. Namo's biggest strength is his ability to shut off the noise and do his work. In Guj also , he just kept on plodding and let the media dogs bark. Another thing I want to point out vis-a-vis the media is that they are till measuring everything from the frame of reference of Congress politics, and don't know Modi the man at all. That's why many of their predictions ("atkale" ) are all wrong. For e.g 
    --the hullabaloo about Rajan being sacked. Nothing happened on that front. because Namo believes in giving people a chance.And letting good people do their work 
    --Shah being made Home minister - I correctly guessed he would be in charge of electioneering. because its about leveraging people's strength
    --I also guessed correctly that smriti would get a portfolio. because its about women's empowerment and recognition of her abilities

    Many of the bhakts also fall in the trap of media assessment of Namo.

    1. I dont agree this approach will succeed at national level.

      Gujarat has 5cr population and maximum 5 top media houses. Also his rapport with gujarat public is something almost personal level.So he can connect with them well with his work, by ignoring media.

      But India has 125cr population with hundreds of media (both english and regional) and his message will definitely get diluted and sometimes may not even reach to public as regional issues gets priority.

      So different strategy is needed now

  37. An eye opener to @BJP4India article by none other than @mediacrooks , take bow Master.
    Hope @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice will also accept this & takes actionaccordingly.

  38. I was shocked to see BJP giving a show cause notice to Sakshi Maharaj on his 4 children comments instead of defending him.

    The libtards,commies and congress are able to successfully defended Hussain's obscene paintings of hindu goddess in the name of artistic freedom. Not only that, they blamed Hindus, Hindu organizations for targeting him by taking legal course.

    Where as Sakshi Maharaj comments did not incite any community, but even before muslims get touchy, the media pounded on him and BJP behaving like helpless. The hate mongering media took full advantage of BJP's situation and started drubbing BJP and Modi by associating any comments made by any remote hindu organization. 

    what is the use of getting so powerful mandate but failed to protect the FoE of his own MP? 

    On the other hand, a congress PM made comments like "Muslims have the 1st right on nation's resources" and able to get away with it. 

    forget Modi, can any ordinary MP of BJP utter words like "Hindus have 1st right on resources"? 

    It is irritating to see these "delhi" leaders and the spokespersons of BJP cozying up with media instead of being confrontational. And most of them are so under prepared and obnoxiously boring in a debate. What value it bring for BJP to send such guys?

    The party boasts about 5 crore members and they failed to find 5 good spokespersons. 

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
    2. We know we don't agree with Sakshi Maharaj but pouncing on him for his comment by media and BJP was much more than needed. It was just a stupid comment which could be ignored. You are right - can't imagine a BJP person (he may be a small corporator from a unknown place ) saying "Hindus have 1st right on resources". That would have become national news. So much for secularism. And what about AAP MLA's first reaction after his win - Batla encounter was fake. This is more communal than what Sakshi Maharaj did but I did not see any coverage on this. Unfortunately, this is how it goes. Media is going to hound such never before heard of sadhus like Sakshi and RSS, VHP members and project BJP and Modi as communal. So, we can't help it...Hindutva agenda has to be dealt smartly instead of rhetoric.
  39. After about 8 months in office, BJP must already have a blue print of what they plan to accomplish. Needless to say this must be in tune with the promises made during the 2014 elections. Now how difficult would it be for the digitally savvy govt. to come up with a bullet list of goals per ministry and an overreaching document that ties the individual goals per ministry to the overall master plan. Once it is done it should be widely published. 

    The govt must have professional spokesperson in each ministry. They should be the ones who should speak for the government. I like how Syed Akbaruddin of MEA conducts himself, more such people need to be appointed in various ministries to speak on govt policies and legislations. These interactions should be fortnightly or monthly. The concerned minister can have a bi-annual meet the press with sufficient time for Q&A. All such interactions should always reference the master document/major goals and hint as to how certain legislation, govt programme fits into the overall scheme of things. Media is adept at bollywoodizing the important matters through "melodramatic" debates. Such professional engagements from govt through authorized spokespersons will help cut down the nightly nonsense peddled on TV's.

    BJP spokies should not talk anything about government decisions or participate in discussions relating to government decisions. On other matters be honest. If someone really spoke out of turn say so. If not, simply say that you support that line of argument. One of the reasons I like Modi is his non-hypocritical way of saying that he is a Hindu Nationalist. Remember he had the guts to say that before he was elected PM, knowing fully well that media would try its best to leverage the statement. A honest statement is much better than a contrived appeasement discourse. For e.g. in the Church attacks debate, all that was needed to be said was that being public places, they should have CCTV cameras. Let the footage from those be produced to the police and any miscreant would be punished. Law enforcement is based on evidence and not on the emotions. Pointless finger pointing and attempt to address bias should be avoided.

  40. Very worthy article...Please send it to BJP core team.
    In addition to .....
    #‎Suggestions‬ to BJP Core Team
    1. Your Cadres are assets to your Organisation, work towards their Personality development, this will benefit BJP in Long run.
    2. Dont be just a political party be a Leader Manufacturer, prepare ur cadres to be world class leaders, it doesn't matter if it takes 10 years too, don't just borrow people from other parties.
    3. If someone is giving his entire life to the organisation, its your duty to mold them and develop their Qualities, Bjp needs 1000s of Atal Ji, Modi Ji & Shah Ji, or else it will take years to make BJP a Long-live ruling party.
    4. Each Bjp Cadres is a representative of BJP, as we know the max strength of a chain is the strength of its weakest link. So arrange workshop at diffrent levels to make them a future strong Spokesperson and leader.
    5. Make a HRD department in BJP whose only work is to work in personality development of all who has given there life to BJP.
    6. Use these trained people for Jansampark, Janjagran etc, at mass level.
    7. Dont just go to voters in election, try to be go to them at least monthly or bimonthly once, make families, societies, villages, cities etc a integral part of BJP family. Here your Cadres will play a pivotal role.
    8. In any State election in addition to preparing a single common manifesto, ask all your MLA candidates to prepare their own manifesto for their constituency, based on jansampark done by Bjp karyakartas. Leaders are meant to lead not to just guide, so ask MLAs to come forward in all jansampark karya.
    Please add points if you have any.

  41. Excellent...take away from this article is "Development has two faces – One that is VISIBLE and one that is EXPERIENCED"...Yes, it should visible, otherwise it's difficult to convince people. They don't care about GDP and so called statistics. Do something boss. At least read this article :(
  42. AJ has direct responsibility in the affairs of black (most of them red) money. But corrupt media like Time of India says "Government has put up AJ to defend its stand in black money case" !!!

  43. Dear Ravinar,

    Real scathing article. Most of the comments which are coming too are very real in nature. I think the most common demand of the nationalists are following :

    1) Plan out a tough media policy so that your message is not drowned in all the
    noise specifically created by Media to shut your message,

    2) The municipalities ruled by BJP to submit mass resignations. This will ensure that the local workers slug out for themselves & AAP like parties do not get a foothold ( E.G :Mumbai & Bangalore)

  44. Modi team is no match for media hounds of Delhi. Modi govt and BJP are walking right in their trap with eyes wide shut. Modi is not living up to the no nonsense hard taskmaster and an astute politician we voted for. With his own handicap in speaking good English he has collected a coterie of armchair politicians around him whose only qualification is that they can converse in english with proper Luytens accent. After an overwhelming victory in LS polls the elected members of the house should have found important place in the cabinet. Instead what we have is candidates who lost elections, RS members and erstwhile spokespersons. He couldn't find a person in his party to head important portfolio like defence for a long time. The finance portfolio is also not appear to be doing any spectacular job except continuing with discredited UPA policies. Honest and efficient persons like Harsh Vardhan have been humiliated and demoted. People have now started wondering where is the new deal we were promised. Govt seem to be in perpetual election mode. No difference in governance is visible on the ground. No improvement in Railways. They are as dirty and messy as always. No improvement in delivery of public services such as passport issue. Income Tax authorities are as tax payer unfriendly as they have always been.Administrative and judicial reforms are the crying need of the hour. But we don't see any movement on that front. It is well known that MCD has not exactly covered itself with glory for all the years they have been in power. No visible steps were taken to improve its image and the functioning. Delhi unit is full of deadwood. No steps were taken to reinvigorate it and at the last minute KB was parachuted to lead the battle. This women for all her administrative and social service credentials is a big zero as a politician. She is such a terrible public speaker that she can't utter two straight sentences without making a complete hash of it. The defunct Delhi unit got demoralised and that sealed the fate of BJP. Why was the Delhi leadership so unaware of the AAP cadre slogging in the constituencies and their leaders busy only in trying to lure away other party MLAs. Their media management is zilch. It is pathetic to see BJP spokies getting thrashed every night on TV channels. They are not aggressive enough and easily drowned out by shrill anchors and other panellists. Meenakshi Lekhi is not seen in TV debates probably because she is miffed for not getting any importance in the new setup. She was a good spoky. Similarly Arun Shourie and other stalwarts like Subramaniam Swamy are quite capable of giving it back to likes of Arnab Goswami, Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep and others of their clan.
    1. No improvement in public places and passport service? May be my experience is different.

      Applied for wife's passport on 22nd Jan and today it got delivered.

      And the Sec'bad station has scaled up the no.of dustbins at least by 3 times and they are getting regularly emptied.

  45. Contd from previous....

    Modi went overboard in PR blitz on Obama visit and made quite a hash of it. Addressing him by first name, wearing a abominable suit and getting lectured on religious tolerance. Why doesn't govt show its displeasure over Obama's sanctimonious preaching? Then the loose cannons in his team doing their bit to give a handle to the vultures in the media to maul him. It is not as if the Hindutva is not important. But do it smartly. Have we seen the in-your-face kind of Xtianity preached by missionaries. They do it very subtly by living among people, befriending them and winning them over rather than making loud statements in media and converting a few under the glare of TV cameras. Systematic conversion is too serious a business to be left to a rag tag bunch of illiterate swamis and sadhus. Evangelists have evolved into slick corporate ventures with their well funded strategic research teams and an elaborate structure of targets and incentives. Our desi babas are not a patch on them and become easy prey to the well oiled machinery of evangelists-global media-powerful donors with deep pockets combo. Unless RSS, VHP and other such organisations can come up with organisation and resources to match them they should'nt even try. I wish and hope Sangh Parivar to go back to the drawing board and rework their strategies rather than bumbling around and making a fool of themselves. In the meantime the govt should seriously get down to the business of governance and ask its associates to keep a low profile and work silently.


    1. Dear unknown,

      Although I agree to your comments, but no matter how much the babas & sadhus control themselves from giving some statements, the Media pimps shall always hound them for some soundbites for creating political circus during parliament session.

      We must atleast keep trying to pressurize BJP leadership in realizing their errors of judgement & not giveup because NAMO government is the best thing that has happened to this country since independence. 

      We should be ready to live & die for this single goal of ensuring NAMO rules for atleast next 20 years or we shall not get moksha.

    2. What baba and sadhus state is not totally irrelevant or it cannot be said that their outburst is not based on historical certainty. Only thing that they will have to do is to learn to put in rationalised method else present day secular-crooks who have acquired debauching skill in debating will outsmart them with the help of media.
      If they say that we have ‘to see that situation do not arise that our places of worship is again destroyed and dishonoured as happened in the past by invaders’. Nothing is wrong in saying this, yes it is truth that no one can deny, that in the past it has happened. And as everyone has right to protect their places of faith Hindus too have. They can very well say that, ‘we have to see that in the future situation do not arise that our women do not become victim of mass sexual slander (or ‘baandis’) that happened in the past’. Again not wrong in expressing the anxiety for the community. Everyone has right to worry about its community. And why not they can say that, ‘We are not against wilful conversion but we need to guard that, like it happened few centuries back that our ancestors were converted by threat of sword or thousands and thousands of them who refused to get converted got their head chopped off happens no more or see that as it happens by deception and deceit now must no more take place. As every community priests have right to have concern for their community, so Hindus too have. Let them debate whoever wants to. At least by it this generation will have some insight into what type of gruesome situation their ancestor undergone? What were their shortcoming or folly that they had to be a victim of such a tragedy? And above all will they allow such despicable situation again to happen? 
      At least they will think before they are trapped in phoney arguments of fraudulent-seculars that ‘Hindu is resilient religion it has stood in spite of onslaught for centuries’ and self-respecting lot will take effort to know how much dent, destruction and damage has occurred to the community. Also will learn to spot out black sheep in the community who want to be in intellectual-club. But to get entry in the club they have to enrol in secular-gang and to get entry in secular-gang simply one has to be anti-Hindu’. 

  46. The suggestion of boycotting the noisy one-sided debates and concentrating on communicating through press briefings is a good strategy. Change the rules of the game to suit you!
  47. Dear Ravinar, 
    As always, an excellent article �� 
    Kudos to you. 
    Now one query, why have you blocked me on Twitter? What did I do? 

  48. Dear Ravinar, 
    As always, an excellent article �� 
    Kudos to you. 
    Now one query, why have you blocked me on Twitter? What did I do? 

  49. Brilliant! Hope better sense prevails and these BJP leaders listen to you or wait for repeat of India Shines of 2004 and get dumped.
  50. Blunt and to the point..Hats off Mr. Ravinar, for this excellent article..Hope PM reads this and act immediately on UCC, Ban on conversions and Cow slaughter. As you have explained, SC has given a good opportunity for the current Govt., and if they miss the bus now, they will miss Bihar and other state elections too......
  51. Dear Ravinar.....I many a times could not understand why the BJP doesn't understand that media in India is their biggest enemy. We common people could understand this but BJP doesn't. Each and every suggestion in your post is implementable. But I doubt they will do it. It is really frustrating and believe me this has been ever since 2004 or from Kandhahar hijack. The real antinational forces in India are the Mediacrooks.
  52. You have rightly said the friendship with media pimps and crooks is not going to help BJP in any way. Prostitute’s loyalty will always be with money. The reporters from distant land has his eyes open. And reported in http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/election-watchdog-fights-lonely-battle-on-paid-news-coverage/?smid=tw-share&_r=0 ‘The party with the most confirmed cases of paid news in Delhi is the Aam Aadmi Party, which is known for its anticorruption platform’. 
    But media cell of BJP this time have left buffoons far behind so far as performance in news channel debates, discussion or interaction with reporters are concerned. They could not understand that most of this anti-BJP and anti-Hindu pimps in the garb of journalists are not going to bring in public ‘good work’ that Modi has done in this brief period. They will pick up only those points which could be blown out of proportion to malign Modi. And they were successful in limiting BJP chaps to such frivolous debates. Otherwise what was point of stupid debates for two days on Modi’s comment on nasib-badnasib made in jest, with headlines ‘Kya DEsh chalega Nasib se’? 
    I am putting excerpts from a comment of reader in Niti Central- Media management was great draw back on the part of BJP. Often spokes persons (bearing one or two) of BJP on media debate and discussions were found to be not coming with full homework and were tactless too. When you are dealing with noisy and foxy opponents (with unfriendly host) who off tracks debate with lies and loud sound bites cannot be tackled with sober, decent and defensive demeanour. Minaxi Lekhi was one who never allowed derailment of debate and till her point was forcefully put in will not leave a mike.
    In almost all the debate be it on any issue opponents used to bring point of black money irrelevantly. Neither Modi nor his senior colleges at any point promised specifically that money recovered would be apportioned into individual’s accounts or within 100 days black money would be brought back. But all the time lacklustre defence by BJP spokees allowed the creation of impression that Modi faulted on this promise. Had they done homework and e.g.gone through supporters such as Kartikeya Tanna’s work https://storify.com/KartikeyaT... could have provided sufficient ammunition to counter ‘Campaign of lies’. This proselytism of falsity is not going to stop here. It has to be an approach of all-out attack on the creators of black money and corrupts.
    In media debates in India with hostile host as debate-conductor soberness, logical dispensation and defensiveness will never work. Expertise in how to derail, divert, be noisy and how to attack lies is pre-requisite. 
    Look at the recent pimping media has started in the same style of cuddling they had done during 2014 campaign- He has yet to prove but his biographical paean have been on circulation on TV channels. Quotes from him are in circulation. 
    And as rightly put in your last paragraph. Delhi is not India as ‘Indira was not India. When parents this days do not tolerate prodigal son, why should rest of India’s coffer be made available to encourage extravaganza of imposter when India has to feed bellies and look after welfare of 120 crores minus 1.8 crore too. 

  53. MC, Congratulations on 5 year anniversary
  54. AK may have friends with criminal cases, friendship with terrorists, tied up with MIM to garner Muslims vote but save this comment AK is going to have many Pro-Hindu policies to keep Hindus happy in Delhi. He is now uncrowned King of Delhi Sultanate and going to be there for ever he is untouchable and unstoppable as far as Delhi is concerned. 

    He will be more or less like Karunanidhi who kept saying Who is Lord Ram is he Civil Engineer Lord Ram was drunkard but when ever he came to power he used to allocate funds separately for Hindu Temple Renovation even if JJ comes to power she cuts fund but allocation for Hindu Temple continued in spite both parties ideology foundation is Atheism see how well they have read peoples pulse that still date no other party could enter into TN. Who ever comes to power in TN both party knows how to take care of there cadres. All Govts public schemes are handled by party cadres through which they remain connected with people, cadre happy and People also happy. Here is where BJP lacks the skill and disappoint party cadres. Will sending SMS to TOLL Free number and becoming party members will it provide Two time meals to him and his family members certainly Not!

    BJP is opposite to this when in power they forget those who are responsible for bringing them to power and become 24 Carat Secularists forget Lord Ram. Induct Lateral entries disappointing Local Leaders. In fact they will demolish Temple just in the name of Development forget about constructing and renovating.

    Ram Mandir is now forgotten History for BJP. Punishing corrupt people which will never going to happen.I am not in favor of believing that only Billion Dollar investment will fetch votes may be Job generation fetch but where is the Statistic of this Govt on Job creation? Is there any policies for safeguarding Jobs in private sector No? How youngster will get attracted?

    Modi Bhakatas will be searching across Delhi where is CCTV, where is Statehood for Delhi blaming him for not having it mean while AK will start Sanskrit Patsala somewhere in Delhi, will start Bus services for pilgrimage. Then what Bhaktas will get "Thumps Down" from people.

  55. This time anarchists and anti-Modi parties had plan. They adhered to that plan to the letter. Five attacks on churches and subsequent protest march by Christians was as per this plan. 95-98 per cent of Muslim and Christian votes went against BJP candidates. Delhi election was an unprecedented coalition of Anti-BJP parties. Let us hope BJP highlights from the beginning that AAP cannot make promises for giving moon in Delhiites' palms and then turn around and blame BJP for not funding such extravaganza. Modi should highlight in his 'Man Ki Baat' that center will cooperate with AAP does not mean any extra money. In the future, just before election, arrangement should be made to protect churches and apprehend culprits that attack churches. We may surprise about the identity of these culprits.
  56. Excellent spot on article, hitting the bulls eye as ever, hope Narendra Modi, Amit Shah reads this article and at least from now on some concrete action is taken by them. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.................. We want actions on effective action on corruption, media management, both on priority. Will it happen????????????
  57. That modi is incorruptible is a given,but if they do not go after these media crooks and hit them where it hurts most,all shall be lost.Question their illegal funding and take stringent action against their illegal activities.Introduce new channels that highlight your achievements and defend you robustly.STRENGTHEN the already existing pro BJP channels .Wheedle out useless fodder.Some of your ministers have no sway with the publc and last but not the least Pl.act on Ravinar's advise:It is worth its weight in gold.We are great admirers of namo.He has great strength of character ,and would hate to see him brought down by a bunch of traitors,weaklings and "scumbags"
  58. 3 to 67 drubbing maybe unexpected. 
    But see this written well before campaign started.

  59. Sir, How can we make sure that Modi and core BJP team reads this article and all the comments, byhearts each word? 
    I agree with above comments. 1) Hindutva agenda must be covert. 2)Sadhus and other hindu leaders must be very diplomatic yet assertive. take a leaf out of sr sri ravishankar's book 
    3) Show me some development. some movement in things. project the work you are doing. PROJECT in 3D
    4) The spokies are pussies (Sorry for the lang) but they neither make any pertinent points, nor they do any research. all they need to do is to read certain FB posts of people like Sumedha, shefali and mediacrooks. They will get all the points they need
    5) The spokies need not be present in alllllll the 110000000+ debates that happen everyday. trun them down saying you are busy with work
    6) loved the comment by Rajneesh Gowda and Unknown.
    IS there a way that Modi and team reads this particular article? Can we post it on website? Its one heck of am important one.

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