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Set up Paki as anti-India, set up Ukraine as anti-Russia -- before exiting Eurasia: Dmitry Orlov

The Imperial Collapse Playbook 

By Dmitry Orlov

December 30, 2014 "
ICH" - Some people enjoy having the Big Picture laid out in front of them—the biggest possible—on what is happening in the world at large, and I am happy to oblige. The largest development of 2014 is, very broadly, this: the Anglo-imperialists are finally being forced out of Eurasia. How can we tell? Well, here is the Big Picture—the biggest I could find. I found it thanks to Nikolai Starikov and a recent article of his.

Now, let's first define our terms. By Anglo-imperialists I mean the combination of Britain and the United States. The latter took over for the former as it failed, turning it into a protectorate. Now the latter is failing too, and there are no new up-and-coming Anglo-imperialists to take over for it. But throughout this process their common playbook had remained the same: pseudoliberal pseudocapitalism for the insiders and military domination and economic exploitation for everyone else. Much more specifically, their playbook always called for a certain strategem to be executed whenever their plans to dominate and exploit any given country finally fail. On their way out, they do what they can to compromise and weaken the entity they leave behind, by inflicting a permanently oozing and festering political wound. “Poison all the wells” is the last thing on their pre-departure checklist.

• When the British got tossed out of their American Colonies, they did all they could, using a combination of import preferences and British “soft power,” to bolster the plantation economy of the American South, helping set it up as a sort of anti-United States, and the eventual result was the American Civil War.

• When the British got tossed out of Ireland, they set up Belfast as a sort of anti-Ireland, with much blood shed as a result.

• When the British got tossed out of India, they set up Pakistan, as a sort of anti-India, precipitating a nasty hot war, followed by a frozen conflict over Kashmir.

• When the US lost China to the Communists, they evacuated the Nationalists to Taiwan, and set it up as a sort of anti-China, and even gave it China's seat at the United Nations.

The goal is always the same: if they can't have the run of the place, they make sure that nobody else can either, by setting up a conflict scenario that nobody there can ever hope to resolve. And so if you see Anglo-imperialists going out of their way and spending lots of money to poison the political well somewhere in the world, you can be sure that they are on their way out. Simply put, they don't spend lots of money to set up intractable problems for themselves to solve—it's always done for the benefit of others.

Fast-forward to 2014, and what we saw was the Anglo-imperialist attempt to set up Ukraine as a sort of anti-Russia. They took a Slavic, mostly Russian-speaking country and spent billions (that's with a “b”) of dollars corrupting its politics to make the Ukrainians hate the Russians. For a good while an average Ukrainian could earn a month's salary simply by turning up for an anti-Russian demonstration in Kiev, and it was said that nobody in Ukraine goes to protests free of charge; it's all paid for by the US State Department and associated American NGOs. The result was what we saw this year: a bloody coup, and a civil war marked by numerous atrocities. Ukraine is in the midst of economic collapse with power plants out of coal and lights going off everywhere, while at the same time the Ukrainians are being drafted into the army and indoctrinated to want to go fight against “the Muscovites.”

But, if you notice, things didn't go quite as planned. First, Russia succeeded in making a nice little example of self-determination in the form of Crimea: if it worked for Kosovo, why can't it work for Crimea? Oh, the Anglo-imperialist establishment wishes to handle these things on a case-by-case basis, and in this case it doesn't approve? Well, that would be a double-standard, wouldn't it? World, please take note: when the West talks about justice and human rights, that's just noise.

Next, the Russians provided some amount of support, including weapons, volunteers and humanitarian aid, to Ukraine's eastern provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk, which declared themselves People's Republics and successfully fought Ukraine's so-called “anti-terrorist operation” to a stalemate and an imperfect, precarious cease-fire. Very significantly, Russia absolutely refused to get involved militarily, has withheld official recognition of these republics, has refused to consider breaking up Ukraine, and continues to insist on national dialogue and a peace process even as the bullets fly. According to Putin, Ukraine must be maintained as “a contiguous political space.” Thus, the Russians have responded to the Anglo-imperialists' setting up of an anti-Russia in the form of Ukraine by setting up an anti-Ukraine in the form of DPR and LPR, thereby shunting the Anglo-imperialist attempt to provoke a war between Ukraine and Russia into a civil war within Ukraine.

You might also notice that the Anglo-imperialists have been getting very, very angry. They have been doing everything they can to vilify Russia, comparing Putin to Hitler and so on. This is because for them it's all about the money, and they didn't get what they paid for. What the Anglo-imperialists were paying for in corrupting Ukraine's politics was a ring-side seat at a fight between Ukraine and Russia. And what they got instead is a two-legged stool at a bar-room brawl between Eastern and Western Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine accounts for a quarter of the Ukrainian economy, produces most of the coal that had formerly kept the lights on in the rest of the country, and contains most of the industry that had made Ukraine an industrialized nation. Western Ukraine is centered on the unhappy little rump of Galicia, where the political soil is so fertile for growing neo-Nazis. So, paying billions to watch a bunch of Ukrainians fight each other inconclusively while Russia gets to play peacemaker is not what the Anglo-imperialists wanted, and they are absolutely livid about it. If they don't get the war they paid for PDQ, they will simply cut their losses, pack up and leave, and then do what they always do, which is pretend that the country in question doesn't exist, which, the way things are going in the Ukraine, it barely will.

Note that leaving, and then pretending that a place doesn't exist, is something the Anglo-imperialists have been doing a lot lately. When they left Iraq, they did succeed in setting up a sort of anti-Iraq in the form of Iraqi Kurdistan, but that all blew up in their face. Their attempts to set up an anti-Syria or an anti-Libya died in their infancy, and they don't seem to have any plan at all with regard to Afghanistan, unless it is to repeat every single blunder the Soviets made there as carefully and completely as possible.

What's more, it's starting to look like they are about to get kicked out of Eurasia altogether. Most of the major Eurasian players—China, Russia, India, Iran, much of Central Asia—are cementing their ties around the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, to which the United States isn't even admitted as an observer. As for the European Union, the current crop of EU politicians is very much bought and will be paid for upon retirement by the Anglo-imperialists, but the only reason they are still in power is that there are lots of older voters in Western Europe, and older people tend to cling to what they know even after it stops working—for them or, especially, for their kids. If it was up to the young people, the Anglo-imperialists would face open rebellion. In fact, the trends in voting patterns show that their departure from the region is a matter of time.

Here is a preview of possible coming attractions. On their way out, the Anglo-imperialists will of course try to set up an anti-Europe, and the obvious choice for that is Britain. Of all the European nations, it is the most heavily manipulated by their Anglo cousins from across the pond. It would take minimal effort for them to hurt Britain economically, then launch a propaganda campaign to redirect the blame for the bad economy toward the continent. They wouldn't even have to hire translators for their propaganda—a simple “spelling-chequer” (or whatever) would suffice. And so, to make sure that their efforts to provoke a large-scale, hugely destructive, festering conflict between Britain and Europe fail, Europe would do well to set up an anti-Britain within Britain.

And the obvious choice for an anti-Britain is of course Scotland, where the recent independence referendum failed because of... the recalcitrance of older voters. A dividing line between the Anglo empire and Eurasia running through the English Channel/La Manche would be a disaster for Europe and moving it somewhere west of Bermuda would pose a formidable challenge. On the other hand, suppose that line ran along Hadrian's Wall, with the traditionally combative and ornery Scots, armed with the remnants of North Sea oil and gas, aligning themselves with the Continent, while England remains an ever-so-obedient vassal of the Anglo-imperialists? That would reduce the intercontinental conflict to what Americans like to call a “pissing contest”: not worth the high price of admission. Yes, there would be some strong words between the two sides, and some shoving and shouting outside of pubs, and even some black eyes and loose teeth should diplomacy fail, but that should be the extent of the damage. That I see as the best-case outcome.

So that's the big picture I see heading into 2015, which I am sure will be a most tumultuous year. Not to make a prediction as to timing (don't worry, you won't ever get one out of me!) but 2015 could be the year the Anglo-imperialist franchise finally starts shutting down in obvious ways. We know it will have to shut down eventually, because failing all the time is not conducive to its survival. The bonus question is, what sort of anti-America will these parasites set up inside America before they abandon their host and scatter to their fortified compounds in undisclosed locations around the world? Or will they not even bother, and just provoke a war of all against all?

I would think that they would at least try to leverage their expensively engineered red/blue divide within the United States. This fake cultural/political divide, with all the pseudoliberal/pseudoconservative indoctrination and university- and church-based brainwashing that put it in place, cost them a pretty penny. It was engineered to produce the appearance of choice at election-time while making sure that there isn't any. But could it not be pressed into service in some more extreme manner? How about leveraging it to organize some sort of rabidly homophobic racist fundamentalist separatist enclave somewhere down south? Or perhaps one somewhere in the north, where zoophilia is de rigeur while heterosexual intercourse requires a special permit from a committee stocked with graduates in women's studies? Now, fight, you idiots! Don't you see how well that could work in practice? Would they waste such a nice opportunity to set up a system of controlled mayhem? I think not!

I leave all of that up to you to imagine.

Happy New Year!

Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States," something he has called “permanent crisis”. http://cluborlov.blogspot.com

Comments (57)

bozhidar balkas's avatar
bozhidar balkas· 2 days ago
Yes, the two ruling classes in US [people of money and 'elite'] are getting dally more jittery because the Planet is daily slipping from their grasp. 
Easy-does-it sanctions, taking/switching sides, wars just don't work like say, just, a year ago. 
No, no more, those glorious days when US incinirated about 150K people in Japan in just seconds seem over forever--- unless US uses nuclear weapons. 
It never will, i think, deliberately!!! 
So, even tho God [probably Yahweh also] promised Americans all of it, it seems s/he changed its mind.
2 replies · active 2 days ago
bozhidar balkas's avatar
bozhidar balkas· 2 days ago
US runs also on inerrancy on moral level [possibly/probably also legal] and that ONLY US possesses the truth and not just that MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO OWN MAN AND A NATION ANOTHER NATION, dogmas. 
Can it getter more perilous or worse than that for some people and peoples? I don't think so. Did Hitler [but not Stalin] also thought so?
RoyceRoyal's avatar
RoyceRoyal· 2 days ago
Who should get the credit for this 
brilliant article, Orlov or Nickolai Starikov? It does not matter since, thanks to Orlov, we get a sample of how the Russian thought process works. The Russians can think strategically and, for the most part, avoid making tactical decisions which might look good quarterly but are disastrous in the long run. I hate the overly used chess metaphors, but all grand masters play for a beneficial endgame, while novices always look for the sucker punch. 
Well, the gas/ruble sucker punches have been delivered without the intended knockout. Yes, zoophilia de rigueur can become very dangerous when trying to approach a Bear or Dragon from the rear. But in this case we are dealing with perverted neocons who will stop at nothing until they are castrated. 2015 may be the year.
1 reply · active 1 day ago
The Future's avatar
The Future· 2 days ago
The plan to tear the US apart is by escalating racial hatred, first between Blacks and Whites, later also between Whites and Hispanics. This will already make for good civil war. In addition, border issues with Mexico will be escalated, leading to a war-like situation along the southern border. Later, once Washington lost control over the country, separatist movements will be fostered, notably in Texas, the West Coast, Southeast and Northeast. Finally, once the US is torn apart, Hawaii will be declared independent and demilitarized. If necessary, a Chinese or International "peace keeping force" will be stationed on the soil of the former USA to keep matters calm and the world at peace.
9 replies · active 4 hours ago
"I would think that they would at least try to leverage their expensively engineered red/blue divide within the United States. This fake cultural/political divide, with all the pseudoliberal/pseudoconservative indoctrination and university- and church-based brainwashing that put it in place, cost them a pretty penny. It was engineered to produce the appearance of choice at election-time while making sure that there isn't any." 

God yes! So nice to see people who are aware they are being played! I was giving up hope by the people who surround me in meatspace. And they herd the sheep in which direction they want them to go, depending on which side is in charge. Except for small cosmetic differences (wedge issues to keep people bickering over that affects only a small percentage of the population), the differences are practically nil.
1 reply · active 2 days ago
DrS's avatar
DrS· 2 days ago
Imagine Putin is playing by the rules and speaks of adhering to international laws and it is America and its allies that is not only flouting the laws but is bent on destroying our world. 

Citizens need to RISE UP and recovery their governments.
1 reply · active 2 days ago
Angel Gabriel's avatar
Angel Gabriel· 2 days ago
Anti-America is already set up and in progress as we speak... The police State is making sure it succeeds and is armed to the teeth in order to keep White & Wealthy safe from the planned de-population and Incarceration (FEMA Secure Facilities). FEMA set up Immigration Camps years ago. In recent years there has been mass movement of Troops and Equipment across the Western States. Every Agency and their Dog has Armed up and secured massive amounts of Assault Caliber Ammunition, Gas Mask and Infra-Red Gear, the US is ready to rock on it's own people, errr, it's Immigrant population of Color!!! 
The Politico's have built underground Cities on the Eastern Seaboard and throughout the Midwest and all those Solar Panels that didn't sell when the Government Subsidy existed - well, they'll be ready to light the way for the "New Mayflower Project" (that's my name for it, not their name. I have no idea what the official code name is?) 
Now that the Corporation is control of all 3 Branches of Government would be a good time to begin the Cull I reckon... Obama is well and truly a Dead Duck in Office, so he makes the perfect fall guy for the White Supremacist League to blame for all the unrest followed by Marshall Law and the closing of the Borders while the Minorities are rounded up and dealt to... Ah yes, 2015!!! Will be an interesting timeframe in the Future History Books! What a Long Strange Trip it's Been!
3 replies · active 2 days ago
TheGuest's avatar
TheGuest· 2 days ago
S good piece, especially the last paragraph! Yes. I totally can see the elites exploiting the fake left-right divide to cause mayhem and retain what's left of their power.
Klaatu's avatar
Klaatu· 2 days ago
Dimitri is very bright; I DO wish he would clearly label some paragraphs as satire, however. The collapse is near, and many know, but how it will come about I doubt anybody knows. Jim Rickards is very bright and shows how interrelated and hence complex the systems are. I hope to get my IRA into a small bank before Wachovia declares a "bail in".
1 reply · active 2 days ago
thlovegovernment.com's avatar
thlovegovernment.com· 2 days ago
I enjoy Orlov's humor as much as his big pictures. I don't know what he intended with his parting shot of zoophilia + radical feminism but it highlights (perhaps unintentionally) how sexuality underlies both big and little pictures. 

The war of the sexes drives the war of the ex's (ex-empires and XXX empires), as well as benign empires; driving true, genuine and real sex six feet under. Until we take the patrix bull by his horn, we will be "dying when we've hardly been born."
Junious R. Stanton's avatar
Junious R. Stanton· 2 days ago
" Not to make a prediction as to timing (don't worry, you won't ever get one out of me!) but 2015 could be the year the Anglo-imperialist franchise finally starts shutting down in obvious ways. We know it will have to shut down eventually, because failing all the time is not conducive to its survival. The bonus question is, what sort of anti-America will these parasites set up inside America before they abandon their host and scatter to their fortified compounds in undisclosed locations around the world? Or will they not even bother, and just provoke a war of all against all?" 
This is a well written piece. Time is the real issue. The collapse/ implosion is coming, it is eminent and inevitable. We can see it all around us. The anti AmeriKKka will be the economic divide, the wealth gap and economic apartheid as the elites soon steal our pensions, savings and 401K etc and leave us destitute to keep their sinking system afloat. 
Alas we will continue to fall for the okey-doke because the color and class schisms will continue to be manufactured and manipulated otherwise the masses would rise up against the elites and do like the French did and cut off their heads. 
As an aside the US was run out of Vietnam and like the writer said they pretend the Vietnamese don't exist. But the real problem for the Empire is they aren't that butch, they haven't won a real war in decades. And they are in total denial that it was the Russians who really defeated Hitler not the US. But if you want to know how psychopathic the US elites are; think about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There was no need to drop those bombs the Japanese were looking for ways to surrender without losing face but the US elites wanted to set an example to the rest of the world (mainly Russia). So they murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians needlessly. 
Some are predicting the coming collapse/implosion or war will be the final decline of the Empire. Some are saying this is JUSTICE and GOOD KARMA for all the evil the Anglo-AmeriKKKan Empire has done.
1 reply · active 7 hours ago
marcus's avatar
marcus· 2 days ago
Very perceptive about how England & now the U.S. build their Empires on dirty divide & rule, &/or destroy strategies during the 20th Century. But I also liked his seldom mentioned indictment of England's support for the seditious Confederacy's reactionary defense of ancient chattel slavery to promote economic backwardness, secession & ruinous Civil War against the U.S. to destroy, divide & weaken it for a restoration of British NEO-colonial control . . World Crisis Radio has a series on that which is also one of the highest viewed programs on C-Span archives. Today's right-wing Neo-Confederates who glorify & whitewash that brutal racist Slavocracy & call for secession are parroting Red Coat propaganda.
joe gil 's avatar
joe gil· 2 days ago
a race war..... engineered as a controlled conflict, to let off steam and scape goat minorities for the economic downturn due to de-regulation and wall streets free for all out of control party; just" another tool in the tool box " but they were wrong again, the people were united,,,, how about a false flag cyber war....the tools don't seem to be working...no one is buying that either...they have thousands of people figuring out different scenarios, mostly about fear and digital money
joe gil's avatar
joe gil· 2 days ago
my advice is to Hedge the Hedgemon's , when you have the wealth of the world at your disposal, it seems like a "novel idea".
Scott Lindsay's avatar
Scott Lindsay· 2 days ago
Well with the Pacific Ocean almost dead and the Gulf of Mexico almost dead and the water tables throughout the US polluted and the GMO food that is not only killing the land but the people and animals as well, its a wonder the 1% haven't taken there money and hide somewhere in a land not yet touched by the anglo-elite.Hold on I just heard through the grape vine they are leaving in droves since 2008.
Guest's avatar
Guest· 2 days ago
Anglo-imperialists = International zio-judaics. 

Dmitry Orlov: 

"On their way out, they do what they can to compromise and weaken the entity they leave behind, by inflicting a permanently oozing and festering political wound. “Poison all the wells” is the last thing on their pre-departure checklist. 

"The bonus question is, what sort of anti-America will these parasites set up inside America before they abandon their host and scatter to their fortified compounds in undisclosed locations around the world? Or will they not even bother, and just provoke a war of all against all?" 

Is this as close as Orlov will go to fingering the real poisoners of the well/perp/players and their genocidal/extermination playbook?
World, please take note: when the West talks about justice and human rights, that's just noise. 

With the U.S., never has a nation talked about peace so much while it simultaneously waged war! 

The U.S., aided by its Allies, has killed more people than any other nation in the history of the world. 

How does the world get rid of America? Do I have to spell it out? 

My recent post Happy New Year? What A Joke!
Owe's avatar
Owe· 1 day ago
"This fake cultural/political divide, with all the pseudoliberal/pseudoconservative indoctrination and university- and church-based brainwashing" 

There it is!! In plain english ,it's not just the Jooo's....US is full of Christian B.S. 
G.W.Bush and his family are Texan's,right-wing conservative brainwashed Baptist M.F.like most US, southern states so ignorant so back-wards they still believe the world was created 6000 years ago by God almighty....what an awakening they are in for!!! 
And YES Jooo's run much of the show.....with ease.....when their "subjects"??are soooo aware and easily herded in any direction they point at. 

Obviously it's not just the horrors of war that most 'mercans have been" protected" from by vast oceans......it seems like common sense is another thing they been" protected" from.
5 replies · active 5 hours ago
GreedrulesinDC's avatar
GreedrulesinDC· 1 day ago
I think, when it becomes obvious to even to the most obtuse bastard elites that the Empire is shutting down, these elites will toss a few politicians, cops, journalists, and less wealthy CEO's off the bus, in order to mollify the angry crowd. It will suck to be a scapegoat in the post-Empire world, but hey, they made their beds. The only question will be, when the elite start eating their own, who will remain and will the governments in the multitpolar world go after them? Payback's going to be a bitch (at least, i hope so).
wjs's avatar
wjs· 1 day ago
that's funny...
DrS's avatar
DrS· 1 day ago
The leaders of China and Russia should not be quite so naive. 

The Western banking/financial concerns, America, UK, the EU and Nato are playing with fire. They are going for BROKE. 

It can only end badly for all concerned. 

It looks like 2015 is shaping up to be a momentous year. 

Peace and Blessings to one and all.
" ... a simple 'spelling-chequer' (or whatever) would suffice." 
And once s/he fails at his job he will be known as the 'spelling-EXchequer.'
cococooo's avatar
cococooo· 1 day ago
BuddhaNature's avatar
BuddhaNature· 1 day ago
"I would think that they would at least try to leverage their expensively engineered red/blue divide within the United States. This fake cultural/political divide, with all the pseudoliberal/pseudoconservative indoctrination and university- and church-based brainwashing that put it in place, cost them a pretty penny" 
How about a conflict between the police and the people to start it off, the first shots have already been fired?And it is good bet that there will more in the near future.


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