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The Fake Language Debate -- Ravinar



The Fake Language Debate

It may not make much of a difference to his game but it helps Roger Federer talk to audiences in some countries in their native language. He speaks French, Swiss German (his mother-tongue), regular German, English, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. Surely, one can safely estimate that Federer wasn’t taught all the seven languages in school. But a unified continent, open travel and exchanges and then as a professional player could have helped that. How do children learn languages? A new born baby learns to speak her mother-tongue by the age of 2 or 3. There is no special teacher but she hears the sounds in that tongue from age 0. In addition, she also learns Hindi or another language by watching movies or TV with her parents or on her own. She even sings songs and jingles easily at a very tiny age.

Just to reiterate a fact: English is not a foreign language for India. It is merely a second language and also happens to be a global language. Therefore, for all Indians to learn English to a certain level of reasonable proficiency is highly desirable and maybe even essential. Even Narendra Modi has equipped himself with a working level of English.

At many schools in Gujarat (especially places like Rajkot) parents and teachers of English medium schools have told me “We prefer English medium but our kids cannot speak English”. I had to tell the parents that their kids go to English medium schools but what happens when they get home? At home parents watch “Saas-Bahu” soaps on TV and the kids join in. The movies they watch are mostly Hindi. Their newspapers are Gujarati. They do not watch any English programmes of any sort. Even Discovery and History channels have turned into Hindi or other Indian languages. English movies are dubbed in Hindi. By the way, even teachers in such schools talk to other teachers and students in Gujarati. So the child which doesn’t hear or listen to English except as a medium of teaching anywhere will obviously not learn to speak English well or confidently. Speaking requires listening and conversing. Writing requires reading. Many students fail to answer questions in exams just because they were not able to comprehend the question (and this affects their performance in Math and Science too). And we blabber about a foreign language as a third language? So when the HRD ministry recently replaced German with Sanskrit the usual suspects started screaming “Ideology”. That’s what you expect of foreign propagandist NDTV:

At the bottom of the pic above I have underlined a statement which may not be legible. NDTV asks “what sense does it make”? That is, what sense the change to Sanskrit makes. These same media crooks didn’t ask why German was introduced back in 2011. I am not in favour of any third language but if it had one to be then I would certainly support Sanskrit over German. The crooks offer a spurious argument about German being a global language. Since when? Fact is; Spanish is more of a global language than German is. Spanish is spoken in Europe, most of Latin America and even many govt forms in the US have Spanish. So where did this nonsense of German being a global language come from? And replacing German with Sanskrit is a matter of “ideology”? More nonsense! Does that then mean Germany mostly transacts in German because of their “ideology”? In which case what justification does it have to bring German ideology to our schools?

In 2011 an MOU was signed between the Kendriya Vidyalaya and the Goethe-Institute for Teaching of German with the approval of the then HRD minister of Congress. What were the motives of these people? Did KV students desperately want to learn German? From my interactions, where foreign languages are concerned, our high school students have a greater fascination for French rather than German. Even so, what was the outcome? Here’s a report:

Despite grand MOUs and bogus talk of being global citizens by learning foreign languages,  our schools and govts are not even capable of providing teachers for the subject. We don’t produce enough teachers for even regular subjects. Mind you, I am not even talking about good, skilled teachers. They can’t even provide basic teachers. And this nonsensical fancy of govts fails because students don’t have an environment where they can hone the extra-language skills which I already explained with the Gujarat schools of English medium. To be truly learning a language students need a reasonable environment which uses that language. Students who learn German or French in later years do so better when they are better surrounded by such an environment such as the Goethe institute or Alliance Francaise where a majority of transactions and conversations are in that language. They learn it easier in a crash-course of 3 or 6 months because it’s a focused course and they teach only one language there and not with Geometry as an optional subject. Alliance Francaise has established a wide network in India for French. It seems the Germans were too lazy and wanted exploit our schools for their language promotion.

I have studied Sanskrit for two years in high school. I remember only a couple of prominent poems and verses and nothing more. I cannot read any Sanskrit book or understand the language. Our media morons think a couple of years of German will make a difference? The same will be true for teaching or learning German. Hardly any student will remember it two years later. But if I have to make a choice then I would prefer it was Sanskrit rather than German. The simple reason is a vast history of India is all in Sanskrit. It is preferable that interested students continue their pursuit and maybe become skilled in reading the Vedas or many literary works in Sanskrit. Even the Gita is in Sanskrit. But a majority of Indians have grown up reading the Gita in a translated form in English or Hindi or some other language. If there are ignoramuses in the govt and in our stupid media who think two years of Sanskrit or German will deliver some language skills to students then they are dumb poodles who know nothing about education or how children learn.

Think about how you acquired language skills at whatever level. We start learning our mother-tongue from almost age zero. We start learning a language in school (Be it English, Hindi or whichever medium) from KG (lately even Nursery) and we learn that language throughout our school years or even higher education. That’s how we acquire skills in a language; it takes 8-9 years of learning and practice to acquire a decent level of proficiency in a language. There are many students who go through school in their local language but when they have to get into medical school or a higher course they have to switch to English. Imagine the problems they face. That’s the reason Madrassa students also face problems when they get into the outer world for employment. And we are worried about German in school? This sly implementation of a foreign language into our system is what foreign govts do and our corrupt, direction-less local govts gladly oblige. I have no doubt bribes or donations may be involved to push the foreign agenda.

The bigger pity is our education ministries in the Centre and States are mostly dominated by people who don’t really understand education or children. They are mere poodles following a political agenda that has nothing to do with any ideology or real learning. There is even one Puducherry Education minister who has a case against him for exam-fraud. I would cite Anandiben Patel (the current Gujarat CM) as a rare exception who was an educationist and also a former Education Minister in the state.   

Children are already burdened enough. Their subjects should be reduced and some subjects don’t even have to be tested. Their scho0l-hours need to be shortened too. Children’s brains are turned into mashed potatoes at schools leaving them no time to pursue their real talents and hobbies. In CBSE schools I have seen a written test for PE (Physical Education) but no test on the field. That’s how crazy we are. But this fake outrage by our media crooks and some other quarters over Sanskrit being imposed for “ideological” reasons is sheer empty nonsense. Those who want to learn German can do so in a 6-month crash course instead of two years at school. People study English for six months and pass TOEFL to get a certified skill level. I am against imposing more languages. But if at all there has to be an option given to students I would certainly prefer Sanskrit any day over some German or French language.

PS: A word for those who keep ranting “Sanskrit is a dead language”. It is not. The influence and elements of Sanskrit are in most Indian languages from Hindi to Tamil to Gujarati. Everyday Hindu prayers have Sanskrit (including in schools). Hindu marriages have elements of Sanskrit. It is just that Sanskrit is a rich language that is not commonly used in our daily conversations and it never was. Are Shakespeare’s plays dead? Do we speak English like in his plays? Why do they still teach that guy? If we were to speak Shakespearean English in  every day life we would be considered out of place idiots. It may not be the best comparison but Shakespeare’s plays have richness in human qualities as does Sanskrit in our culture and heritage. Would the English do away with Shakespeare?


  1. The forces working against India would like nothing more than for Sanskrit to disappear completely. It would certainly make the Marxist-inspired job of subverting Indian history and heritage so much easier. But it's a war these maggots cannot win.


    1. please tell me sir what you mean by "indian" speaking hindi, sanskrit, being Hindu alone "indian" leave german, as a tamilian there are vast number of people nowdays learning hindi contrary to what Dravadian parties say, but would your cultural nationalism include tamil, its civiliazation? this is where the conflict arises...
    2. Sir,
      you need to clarify your point. Please try again.
      Thank You
    3. Shankar G,

      other than language what is drastically different between various cultures in India? IMO, there are more similarities than differences, especially in spiritual, social and family aspects.

      BTW, Dravidian and other regional parties' objection to Hindi in place of English is more self-defeating. By embracing English for the sake of opposing Hindi, these languages are dying faster. So the cultures. All said and done Hindi is culturally close than European languages.

  2. There is an interesting reference to Science and Education in the "Introduction" of the book "The Goal" by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt.

    He says that Science is simply the method we use to try and postulate a minimum set of assumptions that can explain, through a straight forward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena of nature.

    He also says that the only way we can learn is through our deductive process. Presenting us with final conclusions is not a way that we learn.

    India is fortunate that 1000s of years ago sages observed nature and postulated a minimum set of assumptions or "Laws of Nature", that can explain, through a straight forward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena of nature. These are documented in Vedas in a way which force the deductive process of discovery of these laws.

    Incidentlly, this body of knowledge is in Sanskrit. They formulated the language also that it would communicate highly involved concepts simply.

    All of us who have not studied Sanskrit as well as Vedas are poorer to that extant that we have to reinvent the wheel for life and living.

  3. Thanks a lot again for an incisive article, Ravi Sir. Just this morning IE has an article of Meghnad Desai telling Sanskrit was only used by elites/ Brahmins in our history. He should be given this article of yours in a framed case.


    1. Rather i would say Mr Ravi should be asked to read Mr.Desai's article. I am a tamilian and i would never follow what hardcore Dravidian parties say. i have a great regard for other languages like bengali etc. But telling sanskrit is superior to other languages is what makes it unacceptable
  4. These Macaulay Putra/Putris are still having slave mentality and have sold their ATMA to foreigners.. Even though they are called Indians, they have no love or respect for their country or for any Indian values...One of my friend's son who went to Germany for higher studies, had learnt that language privately, as you said, within 6 months..These crooks forget that even Germans are in favour of Sanskrit...
  5. the surest way of putting people off any language is by imposing it . another method to kill childrens' interest in any language is by the system of giving marks for a written examination and ridiculing any mistakes made. rather, the sounds of the language is something which learners will relate to , be it audio or video. attempts to speak should be encouraged howsoever bad the initial attempts may be. personally i picked up several languages in medical school constantly surrounded by patients who spoke in different languages. i would never have dreamed of this during my schooling... ,

  6. Congress & communists' lobbies for the last 70 years are taking forward the same policy of British/Mughals, which constantly attacked on the self-esteem of Indians.Indian legacy and culture are being continuously ridiculed & insulted to hurt the self confidence of common citizen. Obvious idea is that a weak common man would never challenge the supremacy of rulers and their stooges.

    On the other hand it's naive to expect that Mr.Modi alone would change everything. Common citizen has to protest & oppose in whichever way possible against these low life propagandists.
  7. Not only language our whole education system is flawed & I have studied for more than 18 years . My favorite line is of GB Shaw , Real education begins after you leave college . I regret I did not take this seriously when this line was taught in high school . I later heard cursory stories & came to know that our earlier gurukuls were much better off & we had educated men at the age of 12-15 years. The famous shwetketu went to a gurukul t a late age & after studies he was asked whether he has learnt what is that by knowing which everything is known . does our education come to match even 10 % of this line . The degrees with only unemployment skills & parents life & money wasted on it . PM Modi himself made it clear in one of the speeches , You are MA but what can you do & that too very early . Our engineers do not know simple things of fixing the tap, tubelight forget repairing . Now we have assembly instructions insert & we find it difficult to get it right . Most of our syllabus is repetitive , honestly the whole degree education course can be easily condensed in 12 years if not 10 . Most of the jobs available do not require much education . Operating credit card machine, computer . Most of the specialized white collared back office jobs are dying , replaced by machines that can be operated by primary school pass out . Does this govt has guts to reduce minimum education for all govt jobs where degree is required to XIIth . We will not need more resources in higher education . Most of the ministers including our education minister , entrepreneurs actors would agree to it
  8. "If we have lost faith in our vernaculars, it is a sign of want of faith in ourselves; it is the surest sign of decay. And no scheme of self-government, however benevolently or generously it may be bestowed upon us, will ever make us a self-governing nation, if we have no respect for the languages our mothers speak." - MKG

  9. Not sure of minister's but janitors of NDTV for sure got kickbacks to promote/defend GERMAN. Ndtv gave most airtime to this topic. Vishnu som did two shows "saffornazation of education" ...dumbass was not ok with term "hitlerization of education" for introducing GERMAN....

    I wonder what would been reaction of dumb media if MODI had introduced GERMAN. ..
    autocrat/hitler MODI introducing his language to kids bla bla bla .. shame on these ppl who doesn't understand or don't present facts on screen ..just rant rant and rant ...later they say MEDIA/JOURNALIST under attack. .

    MODI should now introduce "saffornazation of media" make them accountable
  10. Having a nervous breakdown often, especially that you are in your sixties now is not a healthy sign. Are you under medication if not, please visit NIMHANS in bangalore. They have excellent doctors there and can cure your ailment.
  11. A big Kudos for this brilliant post!!! Through a seamless analysis weaved together with facts, you have shredded with ease all the fake arguments spewed by Hindu hating sikulars and ill-informed language chauvnistic morons. Its a pity though that many teachers, principals or even the education policy makers lack even an iota of the clarity of your thoughts in this language debate. Just a thought, it would be most helpful for parents and teachers alike, if you could do an extended take-off on this topic in ur EF blog.
  12. Sanskrit is mother of all languages.. But you are free to dispute and follow your own agenda.

  13. Since this issue hit the headlines I have been wondering why German of all European languages. Some Inglis news traders are even questioning Srimati Iranis
    education background as if only educated people know what is good for people.
    The slaves will never learn to question the relevance of German as against Hispanic, Chinese etc. And since when German Chancellor has right to interfere in Indian affairs. Sorry I forgot she has white skin. Again why not Sanskrit? I am told it is a beautiful language and also a scientific language. Those who dispute this please use Google and educate yourselves before writing. I urge all right thinking people to write to media to make your point. India has many enemies.
  14. good analysis on Sanskrit Vs German
  15. Sanskrit, is a high-power language. That's why, it is capable of envelopping you with those vibrations during chanting of mantras which helps in improved concentration, focus, channelization of energy. So, my vote for sanskrit. I am civil engineer, who has taken up teaching to the downtrodden in Bangalore. I find language knowledge - in both mother tongue as well as state language of students is pathetic. I do not know what language they speak in the name of english. That's why, I am insisting the students to learn kannada first (in english schools). That way, at least, in one language they will become proficient with clarity of thinking. English can be learnt in many ways. Syllabus - study materials for students right from 1st std to 10th is so much that 98% of the students resort to by heart than understanding the concepts. The rate at which this is happening is really mindblowing and "make in india" becomes impossible due to lack of real talent. Even now I wonder, how our software companies are producing the required product..! On my part, I am trying to make the children understand the concepts first and making them move away from "rank syndrome" . They are not even lucky to have nice English lessons which we used to have 40 years back like Gulliver, Julius Caeser, Signal Man, My experiments with Truth,......and many more in 10th (karnataka) and double whammy - no more do exist the breed of teachers, we had.
  16. The whole of Europe is now learning english including poland, italy, switzerland, france,lithuania, latvia, et al. and, of course, Germany. I met all these at Vipassanna meditation camp, and was surprised at their english and upon questioning, learnt that due to necessities of modern world and business, everyone is being taught english at school or otherwise, which includes russia.


    1. Yes ,but they learn their own language FIRST. Then English. You have to remember language ,culture and traditions and religion are intertwined. You neglect your language you neglect all the others. And English became universal because of colonisation. It wasn't always so. The path to Sanskrit will be slow but it can be done. The elite of this country seems to have lost their self respect and want to westernise Indian thinking. We need to think why Germans and Englis want us to learn their language.

  17. Mr. Ravinar my mother tongue is Sanskrit. I have spoken it from the age of 3.
    I worked for 6 years in the German consulate in Bangalore and acquired language proficiency then. I can vouch for the fact that foreign language proficiency can be acquired at a later date, but to know your country you have to speak I its own language.
    Even a foreign country respects you only when you take pride in your own language. (people have complexes regarding this)


    1. yes. mother tongue should be given preference! respect mother tongue.
  18. and the argument "many indians go to germany for advanced sanskrit studies ,this will help" !
  19. I studies German in college purely because it had better scoring prospect compared to Hindi/Marathi/French/Urdu!!! I remember few friends who had studied Sanskrit in school (instead of Marathi as 3rd language) were able to grasp & interpret it better stating the base for learning any language is the best if you have studied Sanskrit. Even the teachers at Max Muller Bhavan (Fort area, Mumbai) told us the same thing...In all areas Sanskrit is much better language and is core ingredient of the idea of India...I am not sure if this is such an important matter to be tackled before the basic issues of creating better school infra, marks system, upgrading the syllabus etc...the HRD dept should be looking at such big issues first...then such silly things will loose importance...
  20. It is funny to read Ravinar's comments on English in Gujarat. I remember Congress politicians in Gujarat were fighting over issue whether to start teaching English from 5th standard or 8th standard. In the end Gujarati students of my generation have stayed fairly mediocre in English. Even after staying in America for more than 40 years, many of us give phone to our children because the person on opposite end could not understand us.

  21. The idea to introduce German by the then UPA govt was no secret. It wants as fewer indians to understand Sanskrit as possible.

    1.More problematic for the nehruvian intellectuals would be people with other high skills start influencing others . These people if along with their own skills in engineering and sciences, also has understanding about sanskrit. It would demolish the idea that people who read sanskrit are pan chewing communal wallahs.

    2. Nehruvian intllectuals only wanted only their small own group of incestual members learning some skills of it and then potraying to the world about india's backwardness and eveything diabolic about the other view.

    3. Germans will only be happy to give lecture to us in German, only few German intellectuals continue to believe in the now discredited Aryan Invasion theory and they needs this theory propounded by charlatans to continue so as to provide some reason to their prolonged careers who lived on this mythical theories.
  22. A Persian and Arabic based language called Urdu, created to emphasise Muslim separateness and dominance over kafirs - and northern India's court language under Muslim rule - is regularly lionised by our slavish elite. Old Gandhi wanted it to be our national language with the pseudonym 'Hindustani'. Nowadays maulanas are paid handsome stipends to teach it. Some ver enthusiastic 'seculars' even want it to replace Hindi as the national language. It is the language of Bollywood films. Actors playing Hindu characters prance around singing 'Khuda', 'Maula', 'sajda' and so on. Methinks it is all well planned. Btw, no Muslim character ever sings 'Ram' or 'Bhagwan' in such films. It is a one way street, this 'secularism' traffic. Sanskrit? Oh no, it is the language of bigots according to the 'secular' tribe. Wonder what the people of Indonesia think about that? They are proud of their language containing dollops and dollops of Sanskrit! Ditto Thailand. 

  23. Please watch this link

    Please read this article also www.ndtv.com/article/world/sanskrit-thriving-in-uk-schools-34267, before they take it out from their site (ndtv).


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
    2. Please read this article too http://www.charityfocus.org/blog/upload/2008/Sanskrit.pdf

  24. Dear Ravinar,

    Really Interesting Observations. Completely agree with them. Apart from being a truly Indian language, I feel learning Sanskrit at school level will go a long term in revival of Hindu society because even backward caste children can have access to Sanskrit which they were denied earlier. Modi will surely win votes from Dalit's for this simple gesture.

  25. Languages flourish with patronage of power. The power may be political, economic or cultural and even religious powers. People learn language to get some foothold in those power architecture. Urdu had a good run because of political power. Farsi was used in Mughal courts and the people engaged in courts had to learn it. People learnt English for the same reasons.

    However, German language does not fulfill any of the criterion. Learning of sanskrit helps one to understand any languages of IE origin. One understand the meaning of the words in his/her mother tongue.

    There is some resistance shown to Sanskrit by Tamil groups. It comes from two sources - a) When someone says "This particular language is better than all other languages" it will be resisted by many. (b) Tamil is a rich, classical + modern language that has not received its due recognition in North India. This is probably due to the fact that the English rulers found more affinity towards Sanskrit. Additionally, the false propaganda by British to create Aryan-Dravid division and subsequent Tamil politics has taken its toll where Sanskrit is pathologically hated, without any thought process.

    Tamils will, someday, understand that their reactions were unwarranted and non-productive.
  26. One minor point about language education. I really feel all Indians should make effort to learn other regional languages (apart from mother tongue). My mother tongue is Hindi. But I have lived in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Really felt would have been so more easier to mingle and work there had I known basics of any of these local languages. Am trying to learn Marathi but its a slow process. I feel a formal education in school can help in laying a good foundation.
  27. Let me clear I am not against any language in the world. But the debate that is happening now is very sad.Days have arrived when we are questioning Sanskrit.Its because we have been complacent all these years and ppl with vested interests were very active. Few years back we used to call Sanskrit as mother of most of the Indian languages. Fools who are pushing German over Sanskrit is like they are questioning their own identity. Even westereners are coming to India to learn Sanskrit and we fools are running behind German. WTF! We have been slaves all these years and love to be slaves of others and their mindsets. V do not have confidence to push Sanskrit in other countries.Look at the sea of knowledge the ppl of this world would be exposed if they learn Sanskrit. Who are responsible 4 slow death of Sanskrit are our politicians with foreign agendas.Smritiji has done a wonderful job and should continue to revive Sanskrit no matter how much German shepherds keep barking.

  28. Just like German was introduced with stealth in the KVs, the new government should have re-introduced Sanskrit. Why do these right-wingers have to take a big bang approach to everything. Moreover its less controversial if the decision seems bottom up rather than top down. She could have conducted a survey about logistical difficulties,teacher unavailability, usefulness, parents' opinion , put it out in the public domain and then provided Sanskrit as an alternative.
    But I guess smriti loves the limelight too much.
  29. On a slightly different note on the issue of language, I am pained to see that vernacular languages in India are dying/weakening at the altar of Hindi.
  30. Thank you for the wonderful article. As always a delight to read your blog.

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