Ligatured eagle, pine-cone and other metalwork Meluhha hieroglyphs
An alternative rebus reading is provided for what art historians refer to as 'Tree of life' in ancient Sumerian/Mesopotamian contexts. This note explores metalwork Meluhha hieroglyphs such as ligatured eagle, pine-cone, flowering creeper, pillar/post, bucket/wallet. Depiction of an annunaki in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Hieroglyph composition of an eagle-faced winged person also carried a pine-cone in his right hand; a basket or wallet is held in the left hand. Assyrian) alabaster Height: 236.2 cm (93 in). Width: 135.9 cm (53.5 in). Depth: 15.2 cm (6 in). This relief decorated the interior wall of the northwest palace of King Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrud.
Hieroglyphs and Meluhha metalwork, rebus readings:
Hieroglyph: wings: khambhaṛā m. ʻfinʼ (Lahnda); khambh ‘wing’ (Punjabi)
Allograph: Garh. khambu ʻ pillar ʼ.(CDIAL 13640) Rebus: kammaṭa ‘coiner, mint’.
An alternative rebus reading is provided for what art historians refer to as 'Tree of life' in ancient Sumerian/Mesopotamian contexts. This note explores metalwork Meluhha hieroglyphs such as ligatured eagle, pine-cone, flowering creeper, pillar/post, bucket/wallet.
Allograph: Garh. khambu ʻ pillar ʼ.(CDIAL 13640) Rebus: kammaṭa ‘coiner, mint’.
Hieroglyph: pillar, post: thamba ‘pillar’ Rebus: tamba ‘copper’, stambha m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ Kāṭh., °aka -- m. Mahāvy. [√stambh]Pa. thambha -- m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Aś.rum. thabhe loc., top. thaṁbhe, ru. ṭha(ṁ)bhasi, Pk. thaṁbha -- , °aya -- , taṁbha -- , ṭhaṁbha -- m.; Wg. štɔ̈̄ma ʻ stem, tree ʼ, Kt. štom, Pr.üštyobu; Bshk. "ṭam"ʻ tree ʼ NTS xviii 124, Tor. thām; K. tham m. ʻ pillar, post ʼ, S. thambhu m.; L. thamm, thammā m. ʻ prop ʼ, (Ju.) tham, °mā, awāṇ. tham, khet.thambā; P. thamb(h), thamm(h) ʻ pillar, post ʼ, Ku. N. B. thām, Or. thamba; Bi. mar -- thamh ʻ upright post of oil -- mill ʼ; H. thã̄bh, thām, thambā ʻ prop, pillar, stem of plantain tree ʼ; OMarw. thāma m. ʻ pillar ʼ, Si. ṭäm̆ba; Md. tambu, tabu ʻ pillar, post ʼ; -- ext. -- ḍ -- : S. thambhiṛī f. ʻ ins. S.kcch. thambhlo m. ʻ pillar ʼ, A. thām, Md. tan̆bu. (CDIAL 13682)
Hieroglyph: tamar ‘palm’ (Hebrew) Rebus: tamba ‘copper’ (Santali) tamra id. (Sanskrit) tāmrá ʻ dark red, copper -- coloured ʼ VS., n. ʻ copper ʼ Kauś., tāmraka -- n. Yājñ. [Cf. tamrá -- . -- √tam?] Pa. tamba -- ʻ red ʼ, n. ʻ copper ʼ, Pk. taṁba -- adj. and n.; Dm. trāmba -- ʻ red ʼ (in trāmba -- lac̣uk ʻ raspberry ʼ NTS xii 192); Bshk. lām ʻ copper, piece of bad pine -- wood (< ʻ *red wood ʼ?); Phal. tāmba ʻ copper ʼ (→ Sh.koh. tāmbā), K. trām m. (→ Sh.gil. gur. trām m.), S. ṭrāmo m., L. trāmā, (Ju.) tarāmã̄ m., P. tāmbā m., WPah. bhad. ṭḷām n., kiũth. cāmbā, sod. cambo, jaun. tã̄bō, Ku. N. tāmo (pl. ʻ young bamboo shoots ʼ), A. tām, B. tã̄bā, tāmā, Or. tambā, Bi tã̄bā, Mth. tām, tāmā, Bhoj. tāmā, H. tām in cmpds., tã̄bā, tāmā m., G. trã̄bũ, tã̄bũ n.;M. tã̄bẽ n. ʻ copper ʼ, tã̄b f. ʻ rust, redness of sky ʼ; Ko. tāmbe n. ʻ copper ʼ; Si. tam̆ba adj. ʻ reddish ʼ, sb. ʻ copper ʼ, (SigGr) tam, tama. -- Ext. -- ira -- : Pk. taṁbira -- ʻ coppercoloured, red ʼ, L. tāmrā ʻ copper -- coloured (of pigeons) ʼ; -- with -- ḍa -- : S. ṭrāmiṛo m. ʻ a kind of cooking pot ʼ, ṭrāmiṛī ʻ sunburnt, red with anger ʼ, f. ʻ copper pot ʼ; Bhoj. tāmrā ʻ copper vessel ʼ; H. tã̄bṛā, tāmṛā ʻ coppercoloured, dark red ʼ, m. ʻ stone resembling a ruby ʼ; G.tã̄baṛ n., trã̄bṛī, tã̄bṛī f. ʻ copper pot ʼ; OM. tāṁbaḍā ʻ red ʼ. -- X trápu -- q.v. āmrá -- [< IE. *tomró -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 65]S.kcch. trāmo, tām(b)o m. ʻ copper ʼ, trāmbhyo m. ʻ an old copper coin ʼ; WPah.kc. cambo m. ʻ copper ʼ, J. cāmbā m., kṭg. (kc.) tambɔ m. (← P. or H. Him.I 89), Garh.tāmu, tã̄bu.(CDIAL 5779) tāmrakāra m. ʻ coppersmith ʼ [tāmrá -- , kāra -- 1]Or. tāmbarā ʻ id. ʼ.(CDIAL 5780) tāmrakuṭṭa m. ʻ coppersmith ʼ R. [tāmrá -- , kuṭṭa -- ]N. tamauṭe, tamoṭe ʻ id. ʼ.(CDIAL 5781) *tāmraghaṭa ʻ copper pot ʼ. [tāmrá -- , ghaṭa -- 1]Bi. tamheṛī ʻ round copper vessel ʼ; -- tamheṛā ʻ brassfounder ʼ der. *tamheṛ ʻ copper pot ʼ or < next?(CDIAL 5782) *tāmraghaṭaka ʻ copper -- worker ʼ. [tāmrá -- , ghaṭa -- 2]Bi. tamheṛā ʻ brass -- founder ʼ or der. fr. *tamheṛ see prec. (CDIAL 5783) tāmrapaṭṭa m. ʻ copper plate (for inscribing) ʼ Yājñ. [Cf. tāmrapattra -- . -- tāmrá -- , paṭṭa -- 1]M. tã̄boṭī f. ʻ piece of copper of shape and size of a brick ʼ.(CDIAL 5786) tāmrapattra n. ʻ copper plate (for inscribing) ʼ [Cf. tāmrapaṭṭa -- . -- tāmrá -- , páttra -- ]Ku.gng. tamoti ʻ copper plate ʼ. (CDIAL 5787) tāmrapātra n. ʻ copper vessel ʼ MBh. [tāmrá -- , pāˊtra -- Ku.gng. tamoi ʻ copper vessel for water ʼ.(CDIAL 5788) *tāmrabhāṇḍa ʻ copper vessel ʼ. [tāmrá -- , bhāṇḍa -- 1]Bhoj. tāmaṛā, tāmṛā ʻ copper vessel ʼ; G. tarbhāṇũ n. ʻ copper dish used in religious ceremonies ʼ (< *taramhã̄ḍũ).(CDIAL 5789) tāmravarṇa ʻ copper -- coloured ʼ TĀr. [tāmrá -- , várṇa -- 1]Si. tam̆bavan ʻ copper -- coloured, dark red ʼ (EGS 61) prob. a Si. cmpd.(CDIAL 5790) tāmrākṣa ʻ red -- eyed ʼ MBh. [tāmrá -- , ákṣi -- ]Pa. tambakkhin -- ; P. tamak f. ʻ anger ʼ; Bhoj. tamakhal ʻ to be angry ʼ; H. tamaknā ʻ to become red in the face, be angry ʼ.(CDIAL 5791) tāmrika ʻ coppery ʼ Mn. [tāmrá -- ]Pk. taṁbiya -- n. ʻ an article of an ascetic's equipment (a copper vessel?) ʼ; L. trāmī f. ʻ large open vessel for kneading bread ʼ, poṭh. trāmbī f. ʻ brass plate for kneading on ʼ; Ku.gng. tāmi ʻ copper plate ʼ; A. tāmi ʻ copper vessel used in worship ʼ; B. tāmī, tamiyā ʻ large brass vessel for cooking pulses at marriages and other ceremonies ʼ; H.tambiyā m. ʻ copper or brass vessel ʼ. (CDIAL 5792)
Hieroglyph: wing: Ka. eṟake, eṟaṅke, ṟakke, ṟekke wing; ṟaṭṭe, ṟeṭṭe wing, upper arm. Ta. ciṟai, ciṟaku, ciṟakar wing; iṟai, iṟaku, iṟakar, iṟakkai wing, feather. Ma. iṟaku, ciṟaku wing. Ko. rek wing, feather. Koḍ. rekke wing; raṭṭe upper arm. Tu. ediṅke, reṅkè wing. Te. eṟaka, ṟekka, rekka, neṟaka, neṟi id. Kol. reḍapa, (SR.) reppā id.; (P.) reṛapa id., feather. Nk. rekka, reppa wing. Pa.(S.) rekka id. Go. (S.) rekka wing-feather; reka (M.) feather, (Ko.) wing (Voc. 3045). Konḍa ṟekawing, upper arm. Kuwi (Su.) rekka wing (DEDR 2591) Rebus: eraka ‘copper’ (Kannada) erka = ll (Tbh. Of arka) aka (Tbh. Of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Ka.lex.) eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.) eruvai ‘copper’ (Ta.); ere dark red (Ka.)(DEDR 446). Er-r-a = red; (arka-) agasāle, agasāli, agasālavāḍu = a goldsmith (Telugu)
Hieroglyph: safflower: karaṭa m. ʻ Carthamus tinctorius ʼ lex. Pk. karaḍa-- m. ʻ safflower ʼ, °ḍā-- f. ʻ a tree like the karañja ʼ; M. karḍī, °ḍaī f. ʻ safflower, Carthamus tinctorius and its seed ʼ. (CDIAL 2788). Rebus: करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) Thus, hard alloy bronze casting.
Hieroglyph: eagle,kite: Ta. eruvai a kind of kite whose head is white and whose body is brown; eagle. Ma. eruva eagle, kite.(DEDR 818). Rebus: eruvai ‘copper’ (Tamil)
Hieroglyph: pine-cone: கண்டபலம் kaṇṭa-palam, n. < kaṇṭa கண்டம்¹ kaṇṭam kaṇṭal 'pine-cone'; maraka 'peacock' Rebus: khaṇḍa, kaṇṭa 'temple front' smāraka, 'memorial for ancestors'., n. < khaṇḍa. A portion of the front hall, in a temple; கோயில் முக மண்டபப்பகுதி. (S. I. I. v, 236.) Ash. piċ -- kandə ʻ pine ʼ, Kt. pṳ̄ċi, piċi, Wg. puċ, püċ (pṳ̄ċ -- kəŕ ʻ pine -- cone ʼ), Pr. wyoċ, Shum. lyēwič (lyē -- ?).(CDIAL 8407). Cf. Gk. peu/kh f. ʻ pine ʼ, Lith. pušìs, OPruss. peuse NTS xiii 229. The suffix –kande in the lexeme: Ash. piċ-- kandə ʻ pine ʼ may be cognate with the bulbous glyphic related to a mangrove root: Koḍ. kaṇḍe root-stock from which small roots grow; ila·ti kaṇḍe sweet potato (ila·ti England). Tu. kaṇḍe, gaḍḍè a bulbous root; Ta. kaṇṭal mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; dichotomous mangrove, Kandelia rheedii. Ma. kaṇṭa bulbous root as of lotus, plantain; point where branches and bunches grow out of the stem of a palm; kaṇṭal what is bulb-like, half-ripe jackfruit and other green fruits; R. candel. (DEDR 1171). Rebus: khaṇḍa, kaṇṭa 'temple front'. Rebus:khānḍa ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’. Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali)
Hieroglyphs: kandə ʻpineʼ, ‘ear of maize’. Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans of metal’. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298).
Hieroglyhph: peacock: mora peacock; morā ‘peafowl’ (Hindi); rebus: morakkhaka loha, a kind of copper, grouped with pisācaloha (Pali). [Perhaps an intimation of the color of the metal produced which shines like a peacock blue feather.] moraka "a kind of steel" (Sanskrit) smāraka 'memorial' (Sanskrit)
Hieroglyph basket or wallet carried in the hand of 'Nimrod' statue: ḍhol m. basket, wallet (CDIAL) Ku. ḍol ʻ hanging basket or box ʼ(CDIAL 6582).ḍōl m. ʻ bucket ʼ, J. ḍō'l m. ← H. or < *dōlla -- .(CDIAL 6583)N. dhokro ʻ large jute bag ʼ, B. dhokaṛ; Or. dhokaṛa ʻ cloth bag ʼ; Bi. dhŏkrā ʻ jute bag ʼ; Mth. dhokṛā ʻ bag, vessel, receptacle ʼ; H. dhukṛī f. ʻ small bag ʼ; G. dhokṛũ n. ʻ bale of cotton ʼ; -- with -- ṭṭ -- : M. dhokṭī f. ʻ wallet ʼ (CDIAL 6980).
Rebus:dul ‘to cast in a mould’; dul mẽṛhẽt, dul meṛeḍ, dul; koṭe meṛeḍ ‘forged iron’ (Santali) WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhōˋḷ m. ʻstoneʼ, kṭg. ḍhòḷṭɔ m. ʻbig stone or boulderʼ, ḍhòḷṭu ʻsmall id.ʼ Him.I 87.(CDIAL 5536).Cassia ariculata. at Sindhrot near Vadodara, Gujarat. Cassia auriculata shrub. Senna auriculata (Roxb.) These plants areshrubs and small trees growing to 1–15 m tall. The leaves areevergreen, opposite, 3–25 cm long, with milky sap; hence it is one of the diverse plant genera commonly called "milkwood". The flowers are fragrant, white, 1–5 cm in diameter.
tagara n. ʻ the shrub Tabernaemontana coronaria and a fragrant powder obtained from it ʼ Kauś., °aka<-> VarBr̥S. [Cf. sthagara -- , sthakara -- n. ʻ a partic. fragrant powder ʼ TBr.]Pa. tagara -- n., Dhp. takara; Pk. tagara -- , ṭayara -- m. ʻ a kind of tree, a kind of scented wood ʼ; Si. tuvara, tōra ʻ a species of Cassia plant. ʼ tagaravallī f. ʻ Cassia auriculata ʼ Npr. [tagara -- 1, vallī -- ]Si. tuvaralā ʻ an incense prepared from a species of Tabernaemontana ʼ.(CDIAL 5622, 5624).Ku. N.tāmo (pl. ʻ young bamboo shoots ʼ), A. tām, B. tã̄bā, tāmā, Or. tambā, Bi tã̄bā, Mth. tām, tāmā, Bhoj. tāmā, H. tām in cmpds., tã̄bā, tāmā m., G. trã̄bũ, tã̄bũ n. (CDIAL 5779)
Hieroglyph: Ta. takar sheep, ram, goat, male of certain other animals (yāḷi, elephant, shark). Ma.takaran huge, powerful as a man, bear, etc. Ka. tagar, ṭagaru, ṭagara, ṭegaru ram. Tu.tagaru, ṭagarů id. Te. tagaramu, tagaru id. / Cf. Mar. tagar id.(DEDR 3000)
Rebus: tagara 'tin' (Kannada) Ta. takaram tin, white lead, metal sheet, coated with tin. Ma. takaram tin, tinned iron plate. Ko. tagarm (obl. tagart-) tin. Ka. tagara, tamara, tavara id. Tu. tamarů, tamara, tavara id. Te. tagaramu, tamaramu, tavaramu id. Kuwi (Isr.) ṭagromi tin metal, alloy. / Cf. Skt. tamara- id. (DEDR 3001)
Rebus: tambabica, copper-ore stones; samṛobica, stones containing gold (Mundari.lex.)
Hieroglyph: miṇḍāl ‘markhor’ (Tōrwālī) meḍho a ram, a sheep (Gujarati)(CDIAL 10120) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) mlekh 'goat' Rebus: milakkha, mleccha 'copper worker' (Pali. Sanskrit)
Links:Pine cone is a Meluhha metalwork hieroglyph
S. KalyanaramanSarasvati Research Center October 15, 2014
S. Kalyanaraman