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Stature of body Meluhha hieroglyphs (48) in Indus writing: Catalogs of Metalwork processes



Ligature: Stool or plank/seat
Sign 43: Kur. kaṇḍō a stool. Malt. kanḍo stool, seat. (DEDR 1179) Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’ (Marathi) +  kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metals in mint. Thus, fire-altar metalware furnace.

Ligature: crab, claws
Sign 36: kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metals in mint + kamaḍha‘crab’ Rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint, coiner’. ḍato = claws of crab (Santali) Rebus: dhātu ‘mineral ore’. Thus mineral ore mint, coiner.

Archer. Ligature one bow-and-arrow hieroglyph
kamaḍha‘archer, bow’ Rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint, coiner’. + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metals in mint.
Sign 29 Archer. Ligature two bow-and-arrow hieroglyphs

kamaḍha‘archer, bow’ Rebus: kammaṭa ‘mint, coiner’. dula'two' Rebu: dul'cast metal'. Thus metal castings mint. + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metal castings in mint.
Ligature hieroglyph: 'lid of pot'

‘lid of pot’ Rebus: aduru ‘unsmelted, native metal’ + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus furnace for aduru, unsmelted, native metal.Ligatures: water-carrier + lid of pot
Sign 14: kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ Rebus: kuṭhi
kāṭi'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench +
‘lid of pot’ Rebus: aduru ‘unsmelted, native metal’ + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus furnace for aduru, unsmelted, native metal. Thus, furnace-smelter for unsmelted, native metal.
Ligature: water-carrier
Sign 12: kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter/furnace’+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.  Thus, smelter furnace.
Ligatures: water-carrier + notch
Sign 13: kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter/furnace’+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. +  खांडा [ khāṇḍām  A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon)(Marathi). Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’(Marathi) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. + kāṭi 'body =stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, smelter-furnace metalware.
Ligatures: water-carrier (as in Sign 12) + rim of jar
Ligature: rim of jar Rebus: kanda kanka'fire-trench account, karṇi supercargo'  Tu. kandůka, kandaka ditch, trench. Te. kandakamu id. Konḍa kanda trench made as a fireplace during weddings. Pe. kanda fire trench. Kui kanda small trench for fireplace. Malt. kandri a pit. (DEDR 1214).

'rim-of-jar' hieroglyph Rebus: kanka  (Santali) karṇika  ‘scribe’(Sanskrit) kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter/furnace’.+kāṭi'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.  Thus, smelter furnace account, supercargo.
Ligature 'two spoked wheels'

Spokes-of-wheel, nave-of-wheel āra 'spokes' Rebus: āra ‘brass’. cf. erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Kannada) Glyph: eraka’nave of wheel’ Rebus: eraka ‘copper’; cf. erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Kannada) dula'two' Rebus: dul'cast metal'. Thus, moltencast copper castings ++ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for copper metal castings.

Ligature hieroglyph 'corner'
kanac‘corner’ Rebus:  kañcu ‘bronze’ + kāṭi'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for bronze castings.
Ligatures: corner + notch
Sign 31: kana, kanac = corner (Santali); Rebus: kañcu = bronze (Telugu) PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍām  A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’Thus, bronze metalware. + kāṭi'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace bronze metalware castings.


Ligature hieroglyph: 'stick' or 'one'
Sign1 Hieroglyph: काठी [ kāṭhī ] f (काष्ट S)  (or शरीराची काठी) The frame or structure of the body: also (viewed by some as arising from the preceding sense, Measuring rod) stature (Marathi) B. kāṭhāʻ measure of length ʼ(CDIAL 3120).
H. kāṭhī 'wood' f.  G. kāṭh n. ʻ wood ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ stick, measure of 5 cubits ʼ(CDIAL 3120). + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.The 'stick' hieroglyph is a phonetic reinforcement of 'body stature' hieroglyph. Alternatively,  koḍ 'one' Rebus:  koḍ 'workshop'+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench.. Thus, workplace of furnace fire-trench.

Rebus: G. kāṭɔṛɔ m. ʻ dross left in the furnace after smelting iron ore ʼ.(CDIAL 2646)

Rebus: kāṭi , n. < U. ghāṭī. 1. Trench of a fort; அகழி. 2. A fireplace in the form of a long ditch; கோட்டையடுப்பு காடியடுப்பு kāṭi-y-aṭuppu , n. < காடி&sup6; +. A fireplace in the form of a long ditch used for cooking on a large scale; கோட்டையடுப்பு.

Rebus: S.kcch. kāṭhī f. ʻ wood ʼPa. Pk. kaṭṭha -- n. ʻ wood ʼ(CDIAL 3120).

Sign 37 Hieroglyph: WPah.kṭg. ṭōṭʻ mouth ʼ.WPah.kṭg. thótti f., thótthəṛ m. ʻ snout, mouth ʼ, A. ṭhõt (phonet. thõt) (CDIAL 5853).

tutthá n. (m. lex.), tutthaka -- n. ʻ blue vitriol (used as an eye ointment) ʼ Suśr., tūtaka -- lex. 2. *thōttha -- 4. 3. *tūtta -- . 4. *tōtta -- 2. [Prob. ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 381; cf. dhūrta -- 2 n. ʻ iron filings ʼ lex.]1. N. tuthoʻ blue vitriol or sulphate of copper ʼ, B. tuth.2. K. thŏth, dat. °thas m., P. thothā m.3. S. tūtio m., A. tutiyā, B. tũte, Or. tutiā, H. tūtā, tūtiyā m., M. tutiyā m.
4. M. totā m.(CDIAL 5855) Ka. tukku rust of iron; tutta, tuttu, tutte blue vitriol. Tu. tukků rust; mair(ů)suttu, (Eng.-Tu. Dict.) mairůtuttu blue vitriol. Te. t(r)uppu rust; (SAN) trukku id., verdigris. / Cf. Skt. tuttha- blue vitriol (DEDR 3343).
Sign 2: dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus furnace for metal casting.  koḍ 'one' Rebus:  koḍ 'workshop'. Thus, furnace workshop.
Ligature: harrow
Ligatures: harrow + notch (between legs) Allographs: Signs 18, 39
Sign 18: खांडा [ khāṇḍām  A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon)(Marathi). Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’(Marathi) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metalware castings of unsmelted, native metal.
Ligature component in hieroglyph 'harrow'
Sign 19: aḍar 'harrow'; rebus: aduru'native unsmelted metal’ (Kannada) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for native metal.
Sign 20: खांडा [ khāṇḍām  A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon)(Marathi). Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’(Marathi) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for metalware castings of unsmelted, native metal.
 Ligature hieroglyph 'currycomb'
kSign 38: hareḍo = a currycomb (Gujarati) खरारा [ kharārā m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. (Marathi) Rebus: करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati)  kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, fireplace for hard alloy metal.
 Ligature hieroglyph 'foot, anklet'
Sign 40: toṭi bracelet (Tamil)(DEDR 3682). Jaina Skt. (IL 20.193) toḍaka- an
anklet (Sanskrit) khuṭo ʻ leg, foot ʼ, °ṭī ʻ goat's leg ʼ Rebus: khōṭā ‘alloy’ (Marathi) Rebus: tuttha 'copper sulphate' + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus smelted copper sulphate alloy.
Ligature hieroglyph 'rimless pot + ladle'
Sign 34:
muka ‘ladle’ (Tamil)(DEDR 4887) Rebus: mū̃h ‘ingot’ (Santali) baṭa a kind of iron (G.) baṭa = rimless pot (Kannada) Thus, iron ingot.+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, iron ingot furnace.
Ligatures: rimless pot + hollow or ingot
Sign 32: baṭa = rimless pot (Kannada) Rebus: baṭa a kind of iron (G.)+ kāṭi'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, iron furnace
Sign 33: As for Sign 32 + dulo 'hole' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' Thus, furnace iron castings.
Ligatures: rimless pot + dance step
Sign 44: meṭ sole of foot, footstep, footprint (Ko.); meṭṭu step, stair, treading, slipper (Te.)(DEDR 1557).  Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’(Munda); मेढ meḍh‘merchant’s helper’(Pkt.)  meḍ  iron (Ho.)  meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) +  kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, iron furnace.
Ligatures: rimless pot + wire mesh
Sign 35: baṭa = rimless pot (Kannada) Rebus: baṭa a kind of iron (G.)+ kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench+ akho m. ʻmesh of a netʼ Rebus: L. P. akkhā m. ʻ one end of a bag or sack thrown over a beast of burden ʼ; Or. akhā ʻ gunny bag ʼ; Bi. ākhā, ã̄khā ʻ grain bag carried by pack animal ʼ; H. ākhā m. ʻ one of a pair of grain bags used as panniers ʼ; M. ã̄khā m. ʻ netting in which coco -- nuts, &c., are carried ʼ, ā̆khẽ n. ʻ half a bullock -- load ʼ (CDIAL 17)  అంకెము [ aṅkemu ] ankemu. [Telugu] n. One pack or pannier, being half a bullock load. Thus, a consignment or packload of furnace iron castings.

Ligature: warrior + ficus religiosa
Sign 17:  loa ficus religiosa’ Rebus: lo ‘iron’ (Sanskrit) PLUS unique ligatures: लोखंड [lōkhaṇḍa ] n (लोह S) Iron. लोखंडाचे चणे खावविणें or चारणें To oppress grievously.लोखंडकाम [ lōkhaṇḍakāma ] n Iron work; that portion (of a building, machine &c.) which consists of iron. 2 The business of an ironsmith.लोखंडी [ lōkhaṇḍī ] a (लोखंड) Composed of iron; relating to iron. (Marathi)bhaṭa ‘warrior’ (Sanskrit) Rebus: baṭa a kind of iron (Gujarati). Rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (Santali) Thus, together, th ligatured hieroglyph reads rebus: loabhaṭa‘iron furnace’

 Ligature 'armed body stature' or 'horned body stature'
Sign 8:bhaṭa ‘warrior’ (Sanskrit) Rebus: baṭa a kind of iron (Gujarati). Rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (Santali) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for a kind of iron.
Ligatures: two curved lines
Sign 9: Read rebus as for Sign 8 PLUS Ligature hieroglyphs of two curved lines
dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal + ()kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) [cf. āra-kūṭa, ‘brass’ (Sanskrit) + bhaṭa ‘warrior’ (Sanskrit) Rebus: baṭa a kind of iron (Gujarati). Rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (Santali) + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace bronze castings.
Ligature hieroglyph: 'roof' Allograph: Sign 10

Sign 5: mūdh ʻ ridge of roof ʼ(Assamese)(CDIAL 10247) Rebus: mund'iron' + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace for  iron.
 Ligature hieroglyph 'flag'
Sign 4: koḍi ‘flag’ (Ta.)(DEDR 2049). Rebus 1: koḍ ‘workshop’ (Kuwi) Rebus 2: khŏḍ m. ‘pit’, khö̆ḍü f. ‘small pit’ (Kashmiri. CDIAL 3947). + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus, furnace workshop.

Sign 16:dula 'two' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' + + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench + koḍi ‘summit of mountain' (Tamil). Thus, furnace for metal casting. mēḍu height, rising ground, hillock (Kannada) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Munda.Ho.) Thus, iron metal casting. The ligaured hieroglyph of Sign 11 is a ligature with two mountain peaks. Hence dul meḍ ‘iron casting’

 Ligature hieroglyph 'paddy plant' or 'sprout'
kolmo‘paddy plant’ Rebus: kolami ‘smithy, forge’ Vikalpa: mogge‘sprout, bud’ Rebus: mū̃h ‘ingot’ (Santali) dolu ‘plant of shoot height’ Rebus: dul ‘cast metal’ + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench. Thus furnace smithy or ingot furnace.
Ligature hieroglyph: 'three short strokes on a slanted stroke'

Signs 23, 24: dula 'two' Rebus: dul 'cast metal'dhāḷ ‘a slope’; ‘inclination of a plane’ (G.); ḍhāḷiyum = adj. sloping, inclining (G.) Rebus: ḍhālako = a large metal ingot (G.) ḍhālakī = a metal heated and poured into a mould; a solid piece of metal; an ingot (Gujarati)  + kāṭi 'body stature; Rebus: fireplace trench' Thus ingot furnace for castings. Three short strokes: kolom 'three' Rebus: kolami 'smithy, forge'. Thus it is a place where artisans work with furnace for metal castings. 
Ligatures: Worshipper + rimless pot + scarf (on pigtail)
Signs 45, 46: A variant of ‘adorant’ hieroglyph sign is shown with a ‘rimless, broad-mouthed pot’ which is baṭa read rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’. If the ‘pot’ ligature is a phonetic determinant, the gloss for the ‘adorant’ is bhaṭa ‘worshipper’. If the ‘kneeling’ posture is the key hieroglyphic representation, the gloss is eragu‘bow’ Rebus: erako‘moltencast copper’. Thus moltencast copper furnace. + dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu) m. ‘scarf’ (Western Pahari) (CDIAL 6707) Rebus: dhatu‘minerals’ (Santali). Thus Sign 46 read rebus: moltencast copper minerals furnace.
Hieroglyphs: backbone + four short strokes
Signs 47, 48: baraḍo = spine; backbone (Tulu) Rebus: baran, bharat‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi) +
gaṇḍa‘four’ Rebus: kaṇḍ‘fire-altar’. Thus, Sign 48 reads rebus: bharat kaṇḍ‘fire-altar’, furnace for mixed alloy called bharat (copper, zinc, tin alloy),
‘Backbone, spine’ hieroglyph: baraḍo = spine; backbone; the back; baraḍo thābaḍavo = lit. to strike on the backbone or back; hence, to encourage; baraḍo bhāre thato = lit. to have a painful backbone, i.e. to do something which will call for a severe beating (Gujarati)bārṇe, bāraṇe = an offering of food to a demon; a meal after fasting, a breakfast (Tulu) barada, barda, birada = a vow (Gujarati)bharaḍo a devotee of S’iva; a man of the bharaḍā caste in the bra_hman.as (Gujarati) baraṛ = name of a caste of jat- around Bhaṭiṇḍa; bararaṇḍā melā = a special fair held in spring (Punjabi) bharāḍ = a religious service or entertainment performed by a bharāḍi_; consisting of singing the praises of some idol or god with playing on the d.aur (drum) and dancing; an order of aṭharā akhād.e = 18 gosāyi_ group; bharād. and bhāratī are two of the 18 orders of gosāyi_ (Marathi).
S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvai Research Center
September 20, 2014

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