Dileep Padgaonkar - India's 2nd Biggest Intellectual Moron
(This is a MaxiPost)
I consider it a serious insult if someone calls me an “intellectual” in our political context. I have come to loathe that description over the years. Gin-soaked in their Leftist ideology, nothing is real to them. People who think differently or people who demonstrate some common sense are a hindrance to their way of life and their politics. If only they could kill all such people who stand in their way, as the Commies in Bengal do, their life would have been one large cup of joy. Unfortunately, we do happen to exist and that does bother them immensely. Take a look at this:
Why do well-educated anti-war activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks? Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position? In other words, why do smart people fall for stupid ideas? The answer, Daniel J. Flynn reveals in Intellectual Morons, is ideology. Flynn, the author of Why the Left Hates America, shows how people can be so blinded to reality by the causes they serve that they espouse bizarre, sometimes ridiculous, and often dangerous positions. The most influential social movements have spawned ideologues who do not care whether an idea is good or bad, true or false,but only whether it can serve their cause. It is startling how many Americans—and particularly how many media, academic, and political elites—fall for bad ideas. The trouble is, their lies become institutionalized as truth, and we all suffer as a result. How our universities have become hothouses of leftist ideology. How historians and journalists have airbrushed history to turn a racial separatist into a civil rights icon.
All that sounds familiar? Hitler? Airbrushing history? Universities cramped with Leftist ideology? That’s from the book “Intellectual Morons” in the pic above. Hmm… I had some time back recommended the book “How India’s intellectuals spread lies” by Ravishankar Kapoor. He doesn’t call the Leftists intellectuals morons but explains how they float terrible theories and notions which are passed off as gospel by our Commie media. Kapoor’s book in India is closest to “Intellectual Morons” by Daniel Flynn. The book explains how people like Nehru, Chidambaram, Mani Aiyar, Kuldip Nayar, Arundhati Roy and others spread lies and bogus theories to serve their own causes. There is a particular case of Suzy Roy that is hilarious to say the least. She recalls the Pokhran nuclear test of 1974 by Indira Gandhi and that it was followed by the Emergency in 1975. Therefore, she argues, in one of her 108786-word articles in Outlook Magazine of the past, that AB Vajpayee’s 1998 nuclear test would also be followed by Emergency. Oh yes, she’s an intellectual for our media. The only difference between the American and Indian intellectual morons is that they are uniformly anti-Hindu.
Surprisingly, such a long-time IM has been off the radar and he travels by the name ofDileep Padgaonkar (DP). He was the editor of TOI during the time TOI’s owners made the editor a worthless piece of furniture. Post-elections 2014 DP has had a sudden attack of conscience or he is being playfully sarcastic but he wrote his confession blog on May 30 (A missive to distraught liberals). It’s open defecation. Err… I mean like an open letter, which is the flavour of the season since Modi became PM. And he writes it to some imaginary “sentinels”. Here are some excerpts:
Dear Sentinels of the Republic,
We goofed. Every assumption we made during the election campaign has been savaged. Each one was premised on the values we cherish — freedom, justice and fraternity. Yet all that we did to promote them was to create fear in the minds of voters: fear of Hindu nationalists gaining control of levers of the state… We also reckoned that BJP-led NDA would fail to reach the halfway mark. This would compel it to rope in ‘secular’ non-Congress, non-Left regional parties to take a shot at governance. The latter, we took for granted, would extract their pound of flesh: deny Narendra Modi any role in the new dispensation.
Towards this goal we added our two-penny bit. We missed no chance to harp on Modi’s RSS background. Time and again we raked up the 2002 violence in Gujarat. We pooh-poohed the ‘clean chit’ the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team and a lower court in Ahmedabad had given Modi. We picked gaping holes in his much-vaunted development model. And when this was not enough to corner BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, we latched on to Snoopgate. On all these counts, we came a cropper. So why did we lose the plot? The plain answer is that we misread the nation’s mood. We didn’t gauge the depth and sweep of the rage against UPA. The dread possibility of ‘communal’ forces coming to power, we believed, would override all other concerns of the electorate, including the lacklustre leadership of the UPA government and of Rahul Gandhi, Congress’s undeclared mascot… At the same time, we must not lower our vigil to ensure that casteist, communal, sexist, hyper-nationalist and regional chauvinist forces of all shades do not threaten the fundamental rights of citizens. These rights are the foundation on which rests the edifice of our Republic. And we remain its steadfast sentinels.
On the face of it that looks like a confession but when read closely it’s more of regret and bile on having failed to stop Modi. And like the typical coward DP uses “WE”. Who is WE? Why not “I”? Why not admit “I” was wilfully blind? DP dreamed that BJP wouldn’t reach the half-way mark so that there’s a hung parliament and that would at least leave a door open for the Congress to somehow worm its way in or have a powerless govt which will allow scumbags like him to still roam its corridors to curry favours. A true confession by DP would have said he is a pathetic ass-licker of the Congress and Gandhi family. That would have been honest. And sentinels? If DP and his clan of bootlickers were truly sentinels would this country have come to such a pass under Congress-UPA? Would they have indulged in so much corruption and destroyed so many institutions? I doubt a coward like DP has ever questioned SoniaG considering he chose luxury assignments from the govt (as Kashmir interlocutor). Since when do sentinels accept assignments from a corrupt govt? See the line I have underlined in the excerpt. The IM also expects people to be idiots to overlook all the terrible misdeeds of Congress in the misbelief that “communal forces” will come to power. By what logic or reason does he conclude BJP is a “communal” force? Just because all the fake secularists say so? The media will use the same terms that political opponents use to describe parties?
Since when is seeking to remove Article 370 or seeking a uniform civil code communal? Since when is seeking a Ram Temple communal? This is the idea and language of intellectual morons. When they don’t get their way, their language becomes even more colourful. On August 15, 2013 when Modi made a speech after the PM and made comparisons this is what DP had to say (Read his blog):
“The tenor and tone of Manmohan Singh's address were in keeping with the office he holds. Those of Modi were akin to the rants of Hyde Park cranks or, better still, to the often obscene fulminations of Bal Thackeray at Mumbai's Shivaji Park or those of Akbaruddin Owasi in Hyderabad. Indeed, there are times when you detect disturbing similarities between the oratorical style of Modi and, Heaven forbid, of Hafiz Saeed: the same venom, the same conceit of a Saviour-in-waiting, the same promise of redemption from enemies. The result is that even when Modi makes sense - which he does once in a while - he goofs”.
Hyde Park cranks? Akbaruddin Owaisi? Hafiz Saeed? What level of hatred can make Padgaonkar draw such comparisons? You may dislike or hate Modi and you’re free to lampoon him (DP argues Modi makes sense only once in a while). You may not like the fact that Modi made a speech and compared it with the PM or whatever your problem is but you would equate a democratically elected CM with a wanted terrorist like Saeed? But, of course, DP is an intellectual. You see, he was such a gullible “useful idiot” that even the ISI had identified him as a tool to be used byGhulam Nabi Fai, who is now in prison in the US. So Saeed plays with the ISI team and DP gets used for the ISI indirectly. Who is the anti-national? Who has more in common with Hafiz Saeed? When they spew nonsense they forget to look at their own deeds. There are many such IMs who are “useful idiots” for ISI and other enemies of the State. Oh, in case you tried the link to the article above, it has disappeared from the TOI pages. But you can read DP’s garbage in this cache here.When your mind is preoccupied with so much filth how do you expect to read what people are thinking? When the UK moved to re-establishes ties with Gujarat and Modi, DP couldn’t help pouring more scorn:
“Some might be tempted to compare the British government’s decision to reach out to Modi to prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s infamous Munich Pact in 1938. The appeasement of Hitler, ostensibly to ensure that he would be content to subdue the Czechs and spare Europe a devastating war, came a cropper. But to describe Narendra Modi as a Hitler, or to argue that David Cameron has acted like Chamberlain, or to suggest that today’s Gujarat can even remotely be compared to Nazi Germany is not very enlightening. Such comparisons are worse than odious: they are misleading. What however the changed stance of the British government does suggest is a certain continuity in its foreign policy approach. It is Adam Smith who summed it up in ‘The Wealth of Nations’: ‘To found a great empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers may at first sight appear as a project fit only for a nation of shop-keepers. It is, however, a project altogether unfit for a nation of shop-keepers; but extremely fit for a nation whose government is influenced by shop-keepers.”
The intellectual trickery of DP is to first make the comparison with Hitler and then cleverly suggest it’s not very enlightening. I make the comparison and then imply others are doing it and it’s not a great argument. Not just that, DP ends up ridiculing the British govt for its actions. That is not a problem; you can ridicule them if you want. But it NEVER occurs to this IM that the British action in boycotting Gujarat or Modi in the first place itself was WRONG. All his eloquent crap is spent on ridiculing the UK but I wonder if DP ever wrote an article criticising the UK for boycotting a state in India for reasons based on the same hateful campaign that people like him had run.Today Modi is PM; would these same IMs seek UK or USA to boycott India? Such is level of their intellectual moronery. They had no clue that their behaviour was as bad as traitors and anti-nationals.
Some of our IMs speak, write and act in a manner that we have to now question what exactly their motivation is and who motivates them with what. Someone reminded me of this quote of Cicero yesterday:
We put these editors on a pedestal and respected them a long time. Events and discourses have proved they neither deserved nor earned such respect. They aren’t even half as bright as the ordinary people who vote. The kind of lies, filth and hatred they brought to the public domain with their writings and utterances is unmatched in our history. Dileep Padgaonkar once grandly quoted that he held the second most important job in the country after the prime minister. In the past few years he has proved he is the second biggest intellectual moron in the country. He should be looking after Number One.
No words can explain the importance of your posts Ravinar. Three Cheers and Salutes.
Old habits die hard and so DP while reluctantly accepting reality that Modi is the PM and the BJP has a comfortable majority of its own, continues to throw venom.
Keep up the good work, Ravinar
— Daniel J. Flynn (Intellectual Morons: How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas)
When I go through the twitter comments of AAPTards and general Modi haters, I am shocked by the hatred. I have a friend who actually said when Modi won..."wait till the riots strike and the first scams are unearthed"! I was shocked that this person would rather wish death and misfortune upon his countrymen, than to admit, that he backed the wrong horse and the wrong ideology.
To a large extent, IMs have succeeded in their agenda of turning a part of the nation against itself. Blinded by this ideology, their followers turn against their own fellowmen, the countries democratic institutions and the democratic process itself.
I often wonder if there is any way to reverse this trend. Normally when a person sees better results from one idea, than another one, he shifts his preference to the better idea. However some people are mesmerised by the idea rather than the outcome. No matter how much destruction and decay may come from that idea.
There were several opportunities to all the IMs to do course correction. They could have, for instance, seen the difference between the central UPA govt, West Bengal govt and the Gujarat govt honestly. They could have reported facts: including strengths and lacunae of each. They however chose to lie in order to propagate their leftist agenda. The result is there for all to see. Yet none seem to have honestly introspected even now. Some editorialists from the IM clique have been pushed out of their jobs, they leave grudgingly...as if it is injustice done to them, not a result of their actions. I even saw an article call it censorship of the media by Modi.
Sonia said, "power is poison"...but I think bad ideas of the IMs are the real poison.
Very though provoking article, Ravinar!
Dear "the Penguin"
Your comment : "I was shocked that this person would rather wish death and misfortune upon his countrymen, than to admit, that he backed the wrong horse and the wrong ideology". I must completely agree to your comment. While travelling through public transport I overheard a young guy telling his friend how their would be riots in this country in the next 5 years. I wonder if such people are just self righteous idiots or are simply paid to spread the anti-hindu hatred.
yes, it is malicious agenda. Deliberate. These ( so called intellectuals dominating india media space spreading hatred , confusion and chaos ) can be ( and should be ) tried for treason.
they ( along with those that follow them, believe in them) done enough damage to this country.
People like DP, Rajdeep Sardesai, Arundhati Roy, etc INDULGE IN SUCH DEEDS FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY, POWER, FAME, RELEVANCE.
there are many honest, hardworking, nation loving people in this country - but does any of them gets noticed ? NO.
the ones who remain in limelight, get airtime are the ones who speak lies, peddle half truths, indulge in onesided propoganda and prejudices.
It is tragedy of us humans ( and seen more starkly in Indians ) is that only war heroes are decorated and not those who prevent wars . So these evil beings create conflicts , as conflicts creates opportunities and opportunities create gains for them.
these are not "Morons". These are dangerous criminals that have bartered their soul for money , power and relevance.
Lately some of the IMs, like this Padgaonkar, Vinod Mehta, Saba Naqvi etc. are shading crocodile's tears for what they did in past, but be wary of them. Just remember, Chuhe Fook Fook Kar Kat Te Hai.
An excellent write up. Sometimes I feel like having an IM Tracker. I hope to have a web site where we can continuously track these anti-nationals and their rants and have a common place where netizens can read their double talk and hypocrisy.
Twitter is a good place to start but the size limit also limits the scope of our criticism of these Morons.
It was such good article on Dileep padgoankar that I didn't know where to start.
1. Intellectual pressures: Firstly, these so called intellectuals always propagate counter theories which are against common sense and against the nation simply because they are under severe pressure from rest of the community to innovate and produce something new. A new ideology, a new thought process and new road never taken before.
But you see the problem starts from here. Unlike the Engineering or Medical graduates, innovating something new is difficult and hard in social sciences just as commerce (accounting). The trouble starts from here. The reason I say this is because I closely follow kancha illiah. Intellectuals have come to an opinion that condoning anything normal,cultural that India displays is below their intellectual dignity and so must come with a counter theory even if it looks absurd.
2. Illiteracy and access to technology: The reason for their unperturbed dominance all these decades simply was due to two reasons, One was our mass illiteracy (including English illiteracy) and technology. It was not uncommon in many countries (both which started as socialist and market friendly) that the political narrative has been set by their founders. But many countries (especially the socialist ones) have come out of the demagoguery. The reason India could not come out of it was, illiteracy and access to technology.
Even by world's average literacy rate, India falls behind the basic literacy of reading and writing. India's literacy which is still suspect is around 75% while the world's is around 84%. this creates enormous opportunity for the intellectuals to pontificate the rest of the masses.
Technology has been constricted to rest of the masses even two decades ago and there was no way to find out the truth by themselves or read other counter opinions. People mostly read what politicians want them read through these intellectuals.
3. Market Opportunities: The lack of market opportunities for the social sciences graduates (which is what most of our intellectuals come from) makes them dependent on the Government and hence on their largesse. And they can only sustain their living through constant attempts to support status-quo of the polity. India has been a socialist country for decades and with a conservative cultural(though diverse) mindset. Only with countries which have much more dynamic culture with market friendly economies can sustain a living for social and arts students.
For instance, anybody who watches hollywood and their theater with our own industry makes us realizes the way, US carefully weaves technology with narrative to sell its brand of civilization.
4. Absence of cross functional disciplines: What is surprising is, the people who designed courses for the students never thought that cross functional abilities can exist in men and even inhibit in them. So as a student you cannot vouch for engineering subjects and history. Law and business practices with journalism. The depthness of science has gone so deep that it doesn't even make sense to study all the generic subjects which are part of a department (eg: electronics or computers or robotics or mechanical sciences). Student in late teens do not know what interest them and should be left with choice of atleast one or two social science subjects but they way we demarcated them makes these intellectuals run amok which rest of the highly IQ'ed graduates work for the rest of the country.
The arguments you list are crutches for Intellectual Morons. The bottom line is that these IMs have discarded their Intelligence, Reasoning, Rationale AND their Conscience. That is the ONLY reason.
This DP is same who was instrumental in spreading lies and conspiring cases against Osho for their owners. (Indu Jain case). These are old, chronic and solid hate mongers, so how can we expect sense from them.
My humble salute to your efforts in exposing them.
Have copied the post "distinguish_between_wheat_and_chaff" from the link and posted on my blog: http://charuchandragoel.blogspot.in/2014/06/distinguish-between-wheat-and-chaff.html (just have another copy)
On another plane, when people like DP were made Kashmir Interlocuters, could they have ever been objective? The nation really should know what these people really did and what was their mandate? People like Prashant Bhushan are an extended part of that same ecosystem that also includes Rajmohan Gandhi and yes, Gopalkrishna Gandhi - the 'real' Gandhis.
and this is happening on its own . When the direction of wind changes , many a castle built in air gets blown away.
people like prannoy roy - raghav bahl - aroon purie - rajdeep sardesai - sagarika ghose - arnab goswami - barkha dutt - karan thapar - nidhi razdan - punya prasun bajpai - deepak chaurasia - ramchandra guha - dileep padgaonkar - arati jeyrath - shankarshan - abhay kumar dubey - kuldeep nayar - vinod dua - pavan varma - arvind kejriwal - ashutosh - yogendra yadav - the entire gang of AAP and many - many more & more & more ............................................... the list is long - the list is endless - in short - they all are like 'SUPARI KILLERS' of our News Media.
and they have got nothing to do with this country – the people of this country or any issues/problems related to this country – they have sold their loyalties – their physical self & their soul long back to someone very powerful – someone very inhuman – someone very anti india & anti Indians – ie. – our dear ‘Maalkin’ – and now – they are like ‘BhBhaade Ke Tattu – hired henchmans – Supari Killers and they all have just one goal – one mission & one itch.
and before anybody jumps to the conclusion – and say – Modi – then let me say this – No – not only Modi -’Destroy’ Modi’ was definitely one part of their plan – but their main plan is the complete destruction of our India – our motherland – our country and that’s what they have been told to do – that’s what they have been planning to do and that’s what they have been working for since long wickedly – maliciously & atrociously and spreading anger – hatred & poison among poor – youth & common people and will keep doing this until they are stopped-questioned-investigated-tried & imprisoned legally for all their shady-hidden & seditionist activities.
and mind you everybody – Supari Killers have one peculiar trait which differentiates them from everyone and that is – they are ‘Criminals at Work’ forever and whatever they say – do or pretend – be it perpetrating terror – issuing threats or creating confusion – they do it under their Master’s – nay – Maalkin’s evil will – cruel choices & strict orders – so if at all – they regret – shows remorse or feels guilty for any of their sins – crimes or misdeeds at any moment then do not make the mistake of believing them even for once and get alerted right away because they will be doing it as per the strategy – bad circumstances & on direct instructions and not out of some goodwill – sorrow or contrition and hence they can never be trusted – corrected & rehabilitated – they can only be exposed – bared & caught red handed and then must be dealt with firmly – promptly & severely enforcing the ruthless judicial powers of the country.