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Exit wounds -- Ravinar



Exit Wounds

In the just the previous post I had written that most of the crooks in the media “inject poison into the public vein every single day”. As if to prove the point Dipankar Gupta, a Commie member of the incestuous club of Lutyens, was injecting poison through CNN-IBN during the exit polls discussion on May 12. He made an extraordinary statement “the minorities are now armed and ready to take on the majority and will not be at the receiving end anymore”. There was no real context for the statement except for the fact that the exit polls showed a victory for the NDA. And given that Narendra Modi may become PM the usual nonsense of whether Muslims will be killed and tortured is thrown into the argument for no reason or rhyme. I call such people enemies of the state. The entire club survives on the well-being of the Dynasty in Delhi. You can imagine how many members of this club are going to be hurt that the dynasty may not throw them crumbs for a while or forever.

Four years ago when I started writing at this site my first title was “Time to rein in the Indian media”. Watching the MSM and having read many books, including those on our history, I had to choose which one to confront. Politics? Historians? Corruption? I had to conclude as the original tagline to this blog held: “Crooks and liars in the media are the greatest danger to Indian democracy”. They still are and will remain so for a while. And by these crooks I mostly refer to the editorialists and not the honest ground reporters. These editors grandly like to claim they are mere “messengers”. They can be pimps, brokers and fixers but there is no way they are messengers. They were hoping this time too in the elections they can pull off a miracle for the dynasty by constantly abusing the opponents of Congress, particularly Narendra Modi. Unfortunately for them, unlike 2009 there is a vast army of people on social media who have dismantled their lies methodically.

Even with the exit polls on May 12, Arnab Goswami tried to peddle a farcical poll and he himself seemed unclear who conducted the polls. He claimed ORG and a day later claims ORG-India, both being separate entities. It wasn’t a mere blooper; Arnab carried the polls without having a clue about who had really done the polls. In a hilarious part TimesNow showed the Left getting two seats in Telengana when they had contested only one. After this screw up, a day later Arnab was hosting a programme called “poll of polls” to decide who got it right. As if he or anyone on his panel really knows. And such comic nonsense is discussed for 4 hours non-stop.

In the last one month Arnab has been the biggest asslicker of Congress, particularly Mrs. Priyanka Vadra. The woman who has done nothing in public life went about dancing and waltzing between the private estates of Amethi and Rae Bareli and our MSM kissed the ground she walked on. It wouldn’t be harsh to say they even kept their mouths open all the time so she could use it as a spittoon for her moronic utterances. Such is the slavery of our editors to the Gandhi-Vadra family. The poor ground reporters are forced to chase this princess of nothing like domestic servants by their bosses. All this for what? Merely to stop a man from winning the elections? Here’s a sample of one the biggest scumbaginis in media:

In July 2012 (and many other times) Barkha Dutt grandly claimed Modi wouldn’t be a PM nominee, that there is no Pan-Indian Neta. You think she really meant any of that? Not in the very least. She has to be a dumb moron as an editor if she cannot read political signs. Whatever she has written and spoken till the conclusion of the December 2012 elections in Gujarat is nothing but wishful propaganda-peddling for her darlings in Congress (and the BJP too).  She also campaigned heavily for the Congress in Gujarat in a covert fashion. She has finally learned her lesson the hard way. This election season Barkha largely restricted herself to ground reporting without getting into too much of political campaigning. There was the occasional excess theatre like with the Muslims in many places and the “Ganga-Jamuna Tehseeb”. If you had watched her shows you would think Varanasi was founded by none other than Bismillah Khan. NDTV who pioneered opinion and exit polls on TV must have been seriously wounded. They decided not to conduct any exit polls and not make any predictions at all. Wise decision!

If you look closely at Barkha’s tweet and article I quoted above there has been a strange obsession with the media to make the elections a Rahul-Modi match. Rahul Gandhi was never a match for Modi. He is an excellent non-performer and even better when it comes to moronic utterances. And then all the media houses uniformly descended on Muslims and how they hate BJP and Modi and they won’t vote for Modi. It is telling that all the “Sickular” parties were chasing Muslims while Modi chased “everyone”. The results will probably reflect that reality.

Prior to chasing Muslims the media was trying all alternatives to Modi. They tried LK Advani in their polls, they tried Sushma Swaraj and some jerks even had AB Vajpayee as an option in their polls. Frustrated, they tried to throw in Shivraj Chouhan as an option with foreign articles predicting Chouhan will be the preferred choice. Every corrupt journalistic practice that could be employed to sabotage Modi was used by the entire MSM. In case you forgot, after the Delhi elections they all screamed “Will Arvind Kejriwal halt Modi’s march?” Since then they had projected Arvind Kejriwal as the PM candidate sent directly by Allah. AK got carried away with all this media hype and started challenging Modi to all sorts of things; from debates to data about Gujarat. I feel sorry for AK because he lost his head because of media morons who played him up as the saviour.

But AK too is as hypocritical as his “krantikari” media friends. Each time he dashed to Varanasi he took a train in grand style with the media travelling with him as baggage. He posed for the cameras, took pictures inside the compartment and gave interviews from his sleeper berth. People are now too enlightened to fall for this stupid theatre. AK also claimed he had no money while others were loaded with cash. His was the only campaigner who was arrested for distributing cash to voters in Varanasi. When he realised his stupidity didn’t work, his exit from Varanasi was not worth a train journey. He just took a flight back.

The exit polls are causing dismay to many folks in the media. The Congress, of course, is so badly down in the dumps that it refuses to recognise any poll. One hopes they will respect the outcomes on May 16. The MSM is not the messenger, informer or educator anymore. Trust them where raw, verifiable news is concerned. For the rest, they have become public enemy number one. Post the results many dramatic changes in the media are inevitable. Imagine, if these editors weren’t corrupt why should political change result in a dramatic change in their profession and careers? Political changes should directly affect only politicians. The exit polls are just minor wounds; the bigger ones are around the corner.


  1. Ravinar a good read as always...what i fail to understand about the MSM is it's need to be sycophantic only to the Chinese Gandhis??? Every reporter worth his salt has only made jibes at the die-nasty with padded gloves while going bare nuckled against Modi...I really do not get the compulsion... Don't they have even an iota of self respect????


    1. Very valid question.
      Now as an introspection you might like to look at how media operates all over the world.
      Do they act one-sided like how it is here in India? The answer is Yes, but very subtle way which might be hard to notice unless you're living in that country and following the news regularly, like how you're in this country.

      Now the question is why is media the way it is?
      The answer is because:
      A. Media companies are not a charitable organisations. They run for profit, like any other organisations.
      B. On a global scale they're already "sold" and are run by some very specific, structured and systematic owners, investors and controllers, who run these media organisations to achieve their global aims and ambitions.

      It's almost like this media houses are given instructions on how to run at a macro level and what we're observing and questioning is on a micro level.

      What we're seeing is just a part of the picture, a picture which spans continents, centuries, generations and religions.

      Always remember, this corporate media that we're so used to seeing and believing is just a Tool in the hands of people running it.

      What you have to discover is who is running it, here and globally, and WHY
      (Why being the keyword there)

      The answers will astound and baffle you. Cheers!
  2. One thing is not correct. NDTV ran a combined opinion+exit poll, smack in the middle of the elections, the first poll to give NDA a clear majority. I read my newspapers!!!


    1. That can't be true. Polls were banned after the election process started. They may have predicted NDA win just on the estimate.
    2. @Counterview

      NDTV did run an opinion poll that extended into the election phase. They were pulled up by the EC too. But that doesnt qualify as an exit poll and they havent put out an exit poll after the elections. Youre calling it a "combined" poll which, in your perception, is fine. NDTV got more brickbats for this as people saw it as an attempt to deter BJP voters from voting in the hope they will take a win for granted.
    3. I also thought it was an attempt to make BJP voters complacent and consolidate muslim vote
    4. Prannoy Roy would be presenting his Exit Polls today from 8 PM to 10 PM
    5. NDTV did the biggest anti national activity by trying to polarise the muslim vote against Modi ( vote enmasse against modi otherwise he is bound to win) ...shame on NDTV
    6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. If another "surprise" miraculously occurs on Friday, nobody will believe that Congress hasn't somehow fiddled the results. And both previous elections will also be questioned. It is unfathomable that NDA (if not BJP alone) won't break the 272 barrier.
  4. It's very hard to swallow for all media traders and lowest BAR in particular to accept the people's verdict as all these years they were holding the brief for CONgress together with all pseudo seculars and leftist in India and in West. I am even skeptical that whether they with the help of military will impose emergency and all fascist CONgress try last ditch efforts sabotage election results.
  5. I was surprised to see some leaders from the BJP act as though the exit polls were the final results. We have seen two exit polls go wrong in the last 2 general elections. The BJP should stop uttering moronic comments and just take a break from giving sound bytes to the paid media. Exit polls are like those discussions we did as students immediately after coming out of an exam hall. They don't count. May 16th will be the judgement day For all the scums and filth of India


    1. True I second your views. Modi should tell the spokespersons to keep shut.
    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
    3. yes this is my feeling too. I may be in the minority, but I think a BJP / NDA win is FAR from certain. There has been a lot of vote rigging in Maharashtra, Haryana and Bengal, and probably other places that we are not so aware of. The Exit Polls have the same value as the Indian rupee under a Congress Government and should be completely discounted.

      I do hope that this time, they are correct, however!
    4. Completely agree with Pavan. Exit polls are creating needless and useless entertainment. Congress (although for wrong reasons) has done one great thing by boycotting the exit-poll discussions. Other parties should have done the same.
      EVM security is another issue. The Wikipedia page ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_voting_machines) says that physical security of EVMs can be monitored by candidates. I hope the vigil is ON.
  6. Congress knows art of living -it will be like fish out of water-they will do all the tricks to ensure dynasty survivul -for them MSM is messiah 
  7. Congress knows art of living -it will be like fish out of water-they will do all the tricks to ensure dynasty survivul -for them MSM is messiah 
  8. Congress knows art of living -it will be like fish out of water-they will do all the tricks to ensure dynasty survivul -for them MSM is messiah 
  9. Good read. We spent over 6 months anticipating with pregnant excitement, waiting to see precisely this Result at the end of it all. In fact, 272 on its own was just a dream then. Now that Mr. Modi has overcome all adversities hurled at him and emerged victorious, trust our pregnant excitement will reach its logical conclusion and not be abruptly aborted. w.r.t action against Media Crooks and corrupt UPA MPs/Ministers. Already there are troubling feelers from NCP, the most corrupt and debauched lot for being part of NDA Govt. Their trick and expertise is to make an opportunistic switch that is totally removed from morality and ideology, thereby avoiding answerability, accountability and penance for past mistakes.
  10. Expect communal violence sponsored by the Congress, Dharnas by AAP at the drop of a hat, non cooperation in implementation of NAMO schemes by the states. Constant noise from the media who will blow all this out of proportion and colour it to implicate NAMO.

    If you think their basket of tricks is empty just because they have lost an election, think again. The only chance that NAMO has is while he concentrates on governance he must unleash Swami with crack team on these hyena's collect enough dirt on these India sucking bastards to keep them on a leash.

    Amit Shah must be entrusted with building the BJP in its "dark areas" so that they are ready to win assembly polls ON THEIR OWN riding on NAMO's central governance success.

    NAMO's dream team must not have Congress compromised BJP leaders or it will have no credibility. If such leaders create trouble, do whatever it takes to put them in their place.

    It is the question of the survival of HINDUSTHAN, NAMO can't be a nice guy I hope he understands that and is not foolish to stick to Non Badla as he has been preaching.

    May God bless this country with milk and honey in days to come. Jai Hind....


    1. Agree with you. But keeping my fingers crossed . I do not trust any opinion/exit polls.
  11. Nice article. I just have a few things to say:
    1) NDTV will air an exit poll today (14th May). They were advertising it yesterday.
    2) If the NDA wins ~300, moron Arnab will claim victory notwithstanding his shameful "Exit poll." Yesterday he was predicting 292 to NDA -- an average. It's because of the Chanakya poll (predicting 340) that the average turned out to be 292. Of course Arnab will not mention it.
    3) You tweeted on 12th May warning us not to trust NDTV's exit poll, not TimesNow's. Just saying, not that the two channels are different!
  12. What will be interesting to see if business houses that run these channels will still continue to think these channels are of any use than sheer entertainment? The general opinion remains in oblivion of the MSM. Can such expenditure should still be sustained? It has to be bottom line in the end, and that's a real good thing if the business houses are greedy, for a change!
  13. “the minorities are ""now"" armed and ready to take on the majority and will not be at the receiving end anymore”.
    I heard that on a debate on TV & my reaction was WTF ?
    It gives the impression that the minorities are persecuted regularly by majority and that they ARE forced to take up arms;while the truth is that its the minorities who are the instigators most of the times.


    1. You are mistaken. 26/11 was conducted by RSS. 9/11 was conducted by CIA and Israel. The Pundits left Kashmir because they were bored. 1984 no congressi involved - probably RSS. Routine bomb blasts etc are Sangh handiwork. This is what the media would like us to believe. Thank god there is Internet/facebook/twitter !!!
    2. Is Dipankar Gupta alter ego of Amaresh Mishra?
  14. almost four yrs ago while searching for ANY blog exposing the misdeeds of the indian media i came across 'mediacrooks'. since that time it has grown like Jack's beanstalk. modi in his intw with arnab encapsulated our feelings when he commented on the debt the media was still repaying their masters in one succint sentence .the silence that followed was worth hearing.
  15. Media crooks? Traitors is a better description for these scumbags.
  16. Why talk about Dipankar, yesterday you should have seen Ketkar the Cong's" Agent Vinod" mouthing expletives on Modi and his twitterati supporters. He went on to say that Modi's supporters cannot think beyond 140 words and also are abusive. Has he forgotten the rural and underprivileged class? He and his media goons have also forgotten that Journos have to be impartial in debates and cannot take sides of political parties. Journalistic ethics have been thrown to the wind.
  17. You are right. Kejriwal seems to be the tool. Congress lobby of Dalaals, most of the 'national media', NGOs etc. would attack, hiding behind this 'tool' to destabilize and bring down the government.

    Vajpayee, perhaps under the influence of his half-Congressi advisers, thought he could impress this lobby which proved to be his blunder. Hopefully, Modi would not repeat the same mistake.
  18. The utterance of the scumbag Dipankar is treacherous. Such morons should immediately be put behind the bars!
    Punshment to such scumbags was a wishful thinking earlier, to large section of the people. Now it won't be a wishful thinking just. The morons in media, the traitors in the politics, all flourished along the Toxic dynastic rule. These morons hurled abuses on any thing which was nationalist, whether it is RSS, Hindu culture or our Hero Modi.
    These morons will become history now. They must have sensed it now! I would say this election has been a great victory to our nationalist Indians over traitors!!


    1. Dipankar is actually antinational and he deserved to be banished to any place of his choice if not Siberia.
  19. I fail to understand why tv channels especially the english are so much in awe of P Vadra?Only hope no rigging EVMs by 10 Sampath.As always excellent article!
  20. In the words of Kejri, an investigation through EOW, ED and IB should be launched against all the suspicious media characters and their sponsors in an actual snoopgate. I think this will expose the dirty underbelly.
  21. It was a very wise decision indeed to "reign in the Indian MSM"...it took you many years of tireless work, but the fruits of your labour are here to see now.

    People are alerted to the fraud, lies and hate campaigns that MSM pass off as news. Your readers have also now reached a critical mass, where word-of-mouth is capable of spreading the truth to an exponentially large group of people.

    For those readers who have not read this piece in News laundry...here is the link http://www.newslaundry.com/2013/01/28/spanker-anonymous/ . This is the link that introduced me to this site.
  22. For last 45 days congress has been saying "stop Modi" I do hope they do not do something drastic on 16th May. These people can go to any length no matter how shameful to stop Modi. Such is their hatered. The way congress is talking these days I am afraid they are up to something terrible up their collective sleeve.


    1. As Ravishankar put it some people like Mani Sankara have 'pathalogical hatred' towards Modi
  23. Ravinar. Absolutely spot on. Still I think MSM has not learnt their lessons. They are still in denial mode. If they are not changing, they will be forced to change and become objective. They are trying all tricks to keep mother and son duo out of limelight since exit polls are out. Lets hope betger senses will prevail. I hope NaMo will hit MSM where it hurts more.
  24. The amazing thing about the Vadra gushing media is that the fair skinned memsab has absolute ZERO things to say on policies, on economy and absolutely no vision! But yet Arnab and his ilk gush over her as though she is the Princess of wales descended to India to bless us dehatis.
    It was shocking to see even sane and seasoned journalists like Neerja Choudhary predicting that Priyanka will take over the leadership of Congress. Other than showing her dimples, waving her hands and giving lectures on her family, what leadership qualities does she have? If she represents the future for the Congress, it is better the party folds up and closes its offices.


    1. Hi Deepak,

      Don't give ideas. Who knows, tomorrow there may be a 2 hour program discussing dimples of Gul Panag, Kiron Kher and Priyanka and whether they would be the leaders of their respective parties for 2019 elections.
  25. Read an article by Dipankar Gupta where he goes to Varanasi & 'analyses' from ground zero. The analysis is hilarious.

    He sees an AAP rally in which Kejriwal bashes Modi as supporter of crony capitalism as usual, villagers cheer on it and Mr Gupta concludes the entire rural population is with Kejriwal :

    "If the contest between Mr Modi and Mr Kejriwal were to be decided that hot and humid afternoon but only in the villages, then the broom would have vanquished the lotus with ease. That the contest is heavily weighted by Varanasi city folks is the reason that Modi’s entourage has its tail up"

    Then he goes to locality of weavers in his words about 400,000 of them, talks to them & concludes 90% of them are with Kejriwal :

    "My bet is that from this part of the city, Kejriwal will probably get 90 percent of the votes. I cannot imagine it being otherwise"

    So, essentially Kejriwal is getting almost entire rural area's vote plus 90% of votes of weavers.

    This made me check the 2009 loksabha results in Varanasi. What I found was that total number of people voted were 633, 077.

    Now, Kejriwal seems to be winning hands down if you go by his analysis :)

    I know coming May 16 this guy will have to find another theory to defend his logic.
    To top it all, he is "India’s top sociologist" as per the article. LOL
  26. Indian TV especially English News channels are worth only for watching Ads. Atleast there is some truth in advertisements. Everything else (news, analysis) is plain wrong, false and dangerous. I have stopped watching all these News Traders channels and switched to Zee & IndiaTV. I get all my news from the web/twitter & youtube videos.
  27. HA HA Hasan Ali on the verge of getting a clean chit !! parting gift by Sonia G/UPA .
    Media is silent
  28. Throughout this election there was discusson between three parties bjp , congis and PAAP.. PAAP is not even a recognised party. There are n number of parties who have eztablished themselves but their represe tatives were not brought into discussion. This AAP party was getting unwanted attention az if they are tbe saviour of these crooks. These media people are shameful enough to declare that even if they come out 3rd or 4th position in some seats it has some significance. Tumbare bure din aane wale hain.
  29. Its indeed amazing to see that after abusing, hunting and denigrating him for 12+ years the MSM is now suddenly saying that Modi winning because "exceedingly well run PR campaign" through MSM by his team!!! What a farce!! The fact is the MSM showed Live telecast of Modi's public metings only because he was ALREADY immensly popular among maases and by telecasting his public meeting the MSM was increasing its own TRP. So it is clear that MSM telecasted his rallies for its own benefits NOT out of LOVE for Modi. In fact there was a sort of cut throat competetion among news channels to show his public meetings LIVE. I reiterate it was because Modi was ALREADY immensly popular among the masses and if any news channel was NOT to telecast his public meetings it stood to loose its viewership/TRP---the LAST thing that any news channel wants. So by NO stretch of imagination the LIVE telecast of his public meeting was sponsored by Team Modi; MSM was (quite unwillingly) compelled to do so.

    The MSM morons will do anything to deny this truth and to deny this truth they are now even suggesting (though not OPENLY saying) that they gave so much of media coverage to Modi because they (i.e. the MSM) were bought by the so-called PR machinary of Modi.....One cannot get more cynical than this....


    1. I totally agree with u and I along with many others have stopped watching cnn ibn and times now due to their adamant nature and filthy nature to tarnish the image of modiji which they have failed immensely.
  30. We cannot call MSM media at all. They are first line of defense /offense to their corrupt masters. They are always partners in the loot and treason to this nation. I never forget how they demolished Morarji govt with active participation of Indira Gandhi. Onion scarcity was artificial creation of IG and propaganda was done by MSM.
    But this time Media Crooks and SM was there in the way. Congress and MSM lost this election just on this count. They could not paddle rumors and false propaganda. Bharat will remember Media Crooks as a real freedom fighter.
  31. As a regular reader of mediacrooks, I on behalf of many other such readers like me would like to congratulate Ravinar and also thank him for his valuable contribution in Modi's success in these elections. Your blogs have helped readers to get an insight into the malpractices of the corrupt media and exposed the likes of Burkha, Rajdeep, Sagarika, arnab etc thoroughly in their nonstop efforts to ensure Modi's defeat. Keep it up!
  32. All the hype in the media is due to different polls either exit/opinions etc. even bookies information is getting spread all over, still real result will be different and it have supporting history too.

    I always Appreciate MC for his articles and clear and strong views but he should not give any weight to such imaginary polls , only truth is Real result (of 16th May) and that is not dependent on such polls which created, to pass the time on MSM with amusement values
  33. Ravinar, very good post and keep writing...now I have been reading your articles for over 6months now and they have helped me to understand our corrupt media better...you have an invaluable contribution to this democracy by exposing the lies peddled in the MSM. On my part I have tried to spread your message among my friends and relatives and many of them have become your regular readers...
  34. Vande Mataram..super article..as usual I have uploaded it to my Facebook account.
  35. Vande Mataram..super article..as usual I have uploaded it to my Facebook account.
  36. Thanks to MMS, Rahul Gandhi, Sonia,Shakihising Goyal , Ami Behen....the more they open their mouth , the more Modi got votes - and lastly but not the least, the press , editorials , tv, all of them continuously bashed Modi - and Modi came out as a champion .
  37. "When he realised his stupidity didn’t work, his exit from Varanasi was not worth a train journey. He just took a flight back."

    Hypocrisy is an AAP Trait. "Eminent Tournalist" Ashutosh too took public transport for nomination and returned back by car. With crores of assets he begged for laptop. AK is richer than Modi, but bleats about helicopter rides. Will he be man enough to publish details about his international travel and how it was funded. YY claims Modi manufactured image but the reality is that YY and AAP are the made for TV manufactured images.
  38. Classic! Mediacrooks, in my belief, has opened the eyes of many of us whose eyes were half-shut (including mine) on the dangerous machinations of the MSM in cahoots with one of the worst dynasties of all time. There are many more whose eyes continue to be shut and one hopes that Ravinar's popularity will soon ensure that they wake up and do what is right. "It wouldn’t be harsh to say they even kept their mouths open all the time so she could use it as a spittoon for her moronic utterances." Stinging stuff. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I believe Ravinar tried to be within limits of propriety while still ensuring it stings big. Most of us know that their open mouths could be receptacles for any bodily ejections of members of the dynasty!
  39. Surviving on government funds, these news traders have traded their conscience and national interests for petty returns. Hope Modi stops all advertisements in 'national' papers and uses only the internet for government advertisements and tenders. After all, the bias of the MMS made him embrace SM in the past which he should continue in the future too
  40. To Ravinar : You are nurturing the next generation Journalists. Thanks. Go ahead and better not disclose your identity.

    Suggestion to BJP via Ravinar : Appoint Amit Shah as Incharge of South States + Orissa + Bengal immediately. Party needs him more as India needs strong Party. In 2018, appoint him as National President.


    1. Swamy or Amit Shah for Chairman of NAC sort of thing
  41. Ravinar, thanks for the enlightenment! I can already see the change in the behaviour of few MSM reporters/journalists/tv anchors towards BJP, Modi, and the audience in general. May the battle against crooked media continue.
  42. I am a recent addition to the readers of this blog, although I shared the sentiments since last 12 years ever since Indian Express came out with Bhartiya Janata Petrol Pump Party story bad mouthing the Vajpayee Govt.

    Anyway, have you seen yesterday the way Amit Shah smacked Arnab Goswami on Times Now poll of polls? Poor Arnab and the rest of the instellectuals went dead quiet and Arnab displayed remarkable thick skin lamely talking how Times Now brought out scams of the UPA & is epitome of unbiased journalism, ending with .."but let not talk about it now" .. or something to that effect.

  43. If there are any legal / PIL activists reading this blog, then this guy dipankar gupta is an open and shut case for being anti national, divisive, spreading hatred. And can be tried for treason
  44. 'The exit polls are just minor wounds; the bigger ones are around the corner.' Sounds so good and makes life worth living for & looking forward to the days when the MSM will squirm and shout in agony, as the riffraff they had propped up fall from heights they had scaled treacherously.
  45. This entire write-up is so Narendra Modi centric, how does one ensure that this whole blog is not sponsored by Narendra Modi? Knowing Narendra Mode the way he has used the media/social media in his favour it won’t be a surprise if the whole blog is being financed by Narendra Modi.


    1. one more joins the house of morons
    2. You seem to be the unit of intelligence. Any idiot with internet can see why M's have become headache of democratic & liberal nations across the world. Since you lack these basic skills, let me give you 3 basic stats to get you started:
      1. UK's population has 3% M's. UK's Jail population has 23% M's
      2. Italy's population has 4% M's. Italy's jail pupulation has 35% M's
      4. Hindu population in Bangladesh & Pakistan has fallen from 20%+ to <5% in 50 years. why?

      Of course, Narendra Modi got these M's arrested all over the world, using his influence and RSS cadres located globally. Only he hasnt been able to use this terror network in India because M's population has increased from 8% to 20%+, thanks to sickulars standing up strongly against these hindu terrorists

      One can only pity the stupidity of people who cant's see whats in front of them, or are more victorians than victorians themselves..
  46. When I and my son heard Dipankar Gupta on the News 18 on the exit poll day, not only we were not only shocked but furious too.When on a question that during Modi’s government there is no communal riot in last 12 years one Dipankar Gupta argued that ‘the reason why riots are not taking place is because now Muslims are also sufficiently armed. Only congress can have such an imbecile intellectual in its support. What a horrific solution this moron is suggesting that the best way to prevent riot is to arm the communities. Thanks that you have brought it back on the public domain, otherwise it went totaly unnoticed. It is shame that India has such idiots among its intellectual fraternity. His statement was nothing but an open instigation and advocacy of armed conflicts.
  47. hi sandeep chanda

    you will be glad to know even virus - kejriwal is being financed by modi - forget about virus - even 'maalkin' and her dear prince are being funded by modi - and forget about maa & beta - even nawaz sharif is being sponsored by modi - and now forget about this great pakistani - even American president - Barack Obama is being controlled by our modi.

    how's that !

    hey aap-bhakto : enjoy it - dream it and keep imagining it after all that's what naxalites-traitors & anti nationals in AAP teaches all of you every day - every night & every moment of their breath : Isn't it .

    lots of regards to you & to your Maalik - Kejriwal
  48. Ravinarji,
    Day after day, when I get closer to thinking "now I know all that MSM is capable of " I'm led to evidence that proves me wrong...they just stoop to greater depths. This comment specifically is triggered by this write up in The New Indian Express - a newspaper I chose to replace The Hindu -

    I request you to please read it in detail and use this and your humongous experience of MSM to prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that can be used to brief the leaders of Modi Sarkar on what are all the ways the MSM will use to rock the boat, playing devil's advocate...the most important thing is for our new government to ensure they have open communication amongst themselves and take everything the MSM presents with not just a pinch but a truckload of salt.


    1. I used to read The Hindu till 1 year ago, when it's standards fell so fast I had to stop buying it. Nowadays, in english newspapers, I only see The Pioneer that has not sold itself to Congress.
  49. The only concern left is that whether EVMs rigging will upset the calculation as happened in 2004 and 2009, where Exit polls were against UPA. After voting EVMs are stored in security that is alright. But after all securrity works under the order of CEC , whose role is seriously questioned this time. Are the represantatives of parties too gurad the EVMs? Whether before and after elections party represantative are invloved in checking of EVMs?. And the way congress leaders are confident that Modi's government will not be formed. The way Mim Afzal of congress ansewred the questions to day 14/5 on AajTak raises more dobut about rigging, in the justification they are refering to the result of previous Exit polls..
  50. When BJP office was raided by EC, TimesNow initially scrolled "Liquor bottles were seized from BJP office!. Did any one noticed?


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