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Intellectual mafia? -- Vivek Agnihotri. Psecularatti mafia.


Intellectual Mafia?

May 6, 2014
I was a young child when Indira Gandhi declared Emergency. My father was Vice Chancellor of one of India’s most troubled university, Jabalpur university. Sharad Yadav was the student leader. He was an extremely popular and violent leader. Jabalpur university had seen some celebrated Ex CJs and Ex Chief Secretaries as their VC. But Jaipraksah Narain’s student movement led by Yadav had made it impossible for any VC to last for more than 6-9 months. My father was a professor and an intellectual in his own rights with Radhakrishnan and Indira Gandhi seeking his advise on crucial academic matters. He was a man of men. He was a students’ professor. Saharad Yadav became his most trusted and obedient pupil. In that period of political turbulence he finished his term very peacefully and successfully. On a winter afternoon, I was playing cricket with our Maali (gardener) and my father was giving an interview where I overheard something that stayed with me. The journalist asked him the secret of this success and he replied ‘I don’t waste my time with intellectuals‘.
Couple of days ago, I was invited by NDTV for a political debate, hosted by Barkha Dutt. While making my point a term just slipped out of my mouth which went viral. I received many messages, tweets and emails. These were neither from friends nor relatives. These emotional compliments were from the unheard, invisible people.
That term was ‘Intellectual Mafia‘.*
Nehru was a Fabian sociologist and anti-business, romantic thinker.  Nehru was fascinated by English speaking, good looking, western-mannered, Fabian intelligentsia. He was also a Brahmin. It was his own ‘class & intellectual arrogance’ that he single-handedly destroyed indigenous intelligentsia. Like Rajendra Prasad, Radhakrishnan, Rajagopalachari, Kamraj, Patel etc. Nehru was Indian Jinnah. Jinnah was accidental Muslim. Nehru was accidental Hindu.* He despised typically Indian sensibilities. Indian thinking. Indian way of looking at the world. And Indian leadership. He was a pathetic economist. He could never understand ‘capitalism’. He could not understand technology. He could not understand the real aspirations of Indians. He could not understand Gandhi’s economics. To cover up his failure Nehru took a high moral ground. He was convinced that only he could decide what was best for the Indian masses. He chose socialism over capitalism. He chose spiritual elitism over religion. Since the masses were immersed in religion he slowly turned anti-masses. That Red Rose in his upper pocket was a reminder to people that he was God-like. Gods never lose. But he had lost a part of India to Pakistan. He had goofed up on Kashmir. His self-esteem was broken. He had to heal. He had to rise. So he self-appointed himself as Chief Intellectual Officer.
Nehru believed in political liberty but he was against economic freedom. Gandhi, on the other hand knew that political liberty could be achieved only with a strong backbone of economic liberty. Which is why, he had social reformers and political thinkers  on one side and Birlas and Bajajs on the other. Socialism is a utopia. Panchsheel was a utopia. Utopia which never came. USSR was a utopia which crumbled. Luckily Nehru did not live to see Socialism - baby of his intellectual flirting - die.
To cover up his illicit romances, rising corruption, undercurrent of a revolt and massive defeat and humiliation by Chinese, he nurtured an ‘intelligentsia’ which justified his impractical economics and failed politics to the masses.  The coterie of intellectuals he created was immoral. Historians know that whenever King has surrounded himself with immoral thinkers, debauchery has begun.  These short-sighted and opportunistic intellectuals justified ‘socialism’. Socialism has corruption in its very DNA. Nehru chose Big State over Big Market. More state sponsored programmes mean inefficient system, red-tapism, favouritism, weaker economy and corruption. It meant bigger disparity between masses and policy makers. More subsidies, doles, freebies meant more arrogance of rulers for they were the ones distributing alms. They became the givers. And us, the obliged masses, the takers. Isn’t it a sad commentary on free India’s development that the collective ambition of this country’s youth has been to become an engineer or a doctor? There was no competition. No excellence. No innovation.
Thus, India became State vs Masses. Corrupt vs Masses. Intellectuals vs Masses. Givers vs Takers.
Since Givers were guilty of their corruption they always looked at the Takers with suspicion. This suspicion turned into fear when Indira Gandhi was thrown out by Indian David – Raj Narain, a maverick socialist leader who should have been on her side. But he was masses.  Emergency was declared. Sanjay Gandhi took over. He created an army of morally corrupt, foreign educated intellectuals with no track record. Their biggest strength was their unconditional loyalty to Gandhi family. This tradition has continued. Loyalty over merit. Scheming over competence. Loot over contribution. Corruption grew. Guilt grew. Fear grew. With every scam, family started making the intellectual wall bigger and bigger. Today this wall is full of scamsters, crooks, agents, brokers, pimps, lobbyists, character assassins, land sharks etc disguised as lawyers, journalists, NGOs, feminists, advisors, professors, socialists etc. Simply put, beneficiaries of Congress’s largesse.
Their strategy was simple. Moral domination. Nehru was a thinker. But Rajiv, Sonia and Rahul are no intellectuals themselves. They took a different route.  They redefined morality. Secularism included. Anti-congress was new immoral. Pro Hindu became anti-Muslim. India was morally polarized. Morality is subjective. No one can say with guarantee what is pure morality. Masses were forced to choose between moral standards (Secularism, unity in diversity, Inclusive etc.) and quality of life (development). People who wanted quality of life were made to feel guilty. Hindus who wanted to celebrate their religious freedom were made to feel guilty. Muslims who wanted to be part of mainstream India were made to feel guilty. They filled India’s psyche with fear and hate. They hated all indigenous, grass-root thinkers. They hated Sardar Patel, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Chandrashekhar, PV Narsimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and now Modi. They are the hijackers of national morality. Secularism included. They are the robbers of Indian treasury. They are the brokers of power. They are the pimps of secularism. They are the Intellectual Mafia.
They are the land grabbers of Sainik farms and Adarsh Societies of India. They run NGOs. They run media. They coin useless and irrelevant jargon to confuse masses. They have designations but no real jobs. They are irrelevant NRIs who want us to see reality which doesn’t exist. They want plebiscite in Kashmir. They want Maoists to participate in mainstream politics. They want Tejpal to be freed. They want Modi to be hanged.
But something has changed despite their unity, might and moral acumen.
Left liberals,  as they call themselves, have realised that defeat is certain and with this defeat they will lose that ‘elite thinkers’ tag. And the plum posts, foreign trips and bungalows and other perks. There is a reverse revolution taking place. It’s the innocent masses, who have suffered intellectual injustice, they are raising their voices. It’s the organically secular majority of Bharat, which has been made to feel like communal evils, that is asserting its identity.  Modi is just their face. So do not make the mistake of thinking that its Modi vs others.
Its masses vs elites.
Couple of years back when my father’s death was certain, at the age of 95, he told me about his freedom struggle days. “When as a young man I joined  Bapu, I thought we were fighting British. Its only later I realised we were actually fighting the intellectuals, patronised by the British. And most of them were lawyers. They never solved any problem. Their sole objective was to keep the masses away from the rulers and vice versa. We don’t have forts anymore but they are the walls of an invisible fort. If you want to defeat the rulers you have to demolish this wall of state sponsored ‘intelligentsia’. That’s exactly what Gandhi did. He led the masses to break this wall.”
Something like that is happening again. The wall is cracking up. On May 16th its fall is certain. For the second time in India’s history masses are going to enter the fort. Its not Modi. Its us. The masses. I hope there won’t be new walls. And I hope there won’t be another mafia. Never. Ever.

* Thanks to @rahulroushan for helping me rephrase ‘intellectual terrorists’ to ‘intellectual mafia’. Because that’s what it is. 

29 Responses to Intellectual Mafia?

  1. Amit Daga says:
    There is a kind of something one can easily connect with this, and I am really connecting this wholeheartedly. You put the words and connect the dots in such a ‘intelligent’ manner which many not attempted yet.
  2. There is a book by Mark Tully called No Full Stops In India. He says the same thing that you so wonderfully have mentioned in your article. The British built these pro-western intellectuals to mock at everything Indian and make us feel inferior. Nehru was a product of the same thought process, and the illegitimate, so called intellectual children of Nehru and other misguided folks from the British era have religiously tried to emulate their forefathers. The film industry is a breeding ground for such folks. Being an aspiring film-maker myself, it gives me tremendous relief that people like you exist in the industry as well. Kudos to you.
  3. Have to say … you have written a master piece. Political History students should actually read this. Its a different matter that the same wall will block this kind of content in reaching to schools/colleges.
    Keep writing Mr. Vivek, wish more power to you and more audience too.
  4. Sandeep says:
    A down to earth article. It like my own views similar to all Indian-where religion does not matter. Heads off to you, Sir.
  5. Sandeep says:
    I have no words do describe. How elegantly simplistically Vivek described these so called left liberals.
    We need a lot like you to counter these intellectual terrorists.
    Kudos Vivek. Respect
  6. Sujit Mandal says:
    One of the best article i have read recently.I have this opinion 10 years back,you have written it and express it in a great as if myself expressing it.Simply excellent!!!
  7. Sujit Mandal says:
    I become a fan of u!!!
  8. Vinod Tuli says:
    Well explained Vivek Agnihotri the tyrannical Emergency 1975 and the 1977 Change. !980 Come back was yet another drama to continue the Indian scene which had dwarfed the Democracy, No wonder in the last decade Ratan Tata had to pass a REMARK ” BANANA REPUBLIC”? I agree with Dev K Gupta for his hopeful wishes for the future?
  9. Subramanya says:
    Brilliant article Vivek ! I loved the way you narrated it. 67 years of failed socialist polices of Nehru has dragged us to this situation where people are struggling to get basic needs for their lives. Very ,very sad state of affairs indeed.
    Hope, from 16th of may india will truly get freedom from ” these intellectual mafia” and achieve its original glory again!
    Jai Hind
  10. Shama Zaidi says:
    What about promoting our languages along with our “culture”? Why is the cult of “English is the only way to progress” being allowed to spread its poisonous tentacles? The Chinese get along fine without obsessing about English. We must respect our own languages, and only thencan we prosper. if Narendra Modi becomes the PM, he must not make speeches in English. He can always use a good interpreter!
  11. really a beautiful piece of eye opener ,, if only the masses would understand and react to it in an intellectual way
  12. Gautam Krishnan . says:
    I was4 when the emergency was declared -was interested in the social conditions at the time-one point though we must have gratitude for Nehru for leading India and learn not to repeat the mistakes / fallacies-not to become as someone close to the Gandhi family said”A banana republic” but who created this-the Gandhis or our own sycophant nature which Mahatma Gandhi tried to change
  13. Doddi Buddi says:
    Simply wonderful! This made my day! It hurts one’s soul to note what an “intellectual monster of sinister variety” Nehru was!
  14. SSM says:
    Ironic that one of our “founders” was actually anti-Indian! Gandhi family and the cult they have built around themselves is the root of all evil in India. I firmly believe Hindu-Muslim relations and inter-caste relations would have been much better by now if we had true nationalists leading the country for past 60 years. Great article and look forward to reading more
  15. Dr.Rajiv Tewari says:
    One of the best article I have read in recent past!! Apt, prrcise and focussed!! Hitting bull’s eye.. Thanks Mr.Vivek for this piece!!
  16. Sri Aurobindo wrote extensively in the ARYA which was started on August 15, 1914 giving an alternative vision of India.
  17. Wonderful! The pretence and the utter ineptitude of these left-lib ‘intellectuals’, these social parasites and these self-serving fakes has been put to words so nicely! They are the real mafia! Absolutely self-conceited and absolutely intolerant! And yes, they have never solved any real purpose. They have only messed up more and made things worse. Hope the new order, symbolized by Modi will put paid to all this and a new era of intellectual honesty, enterprise and prosperity will dawn.
  18. Balen Das says:
    QED. Hope this splendidly expressed view gets conveyed to maximum Indians. My literary acumen is limited and may call for a bit of polishing. But still I would like to say something, for which I would request to be pardoned, that these promoters of Intellectuals Mafia can also said to be doubling as Intellectual Prostitutes.
  19. Debabrata Pattrea says:
    Wonderful article . Have always thought similarly but could never articulate so well.
  20. After reading the article I felt you have just put my feelings into words. In the last 6-7 years whenever I watched TV debates, I felt some planned ‘Blockage’ of ideas taking place. I got opportunity to work with few NGOs during the same period, at first I felt Iam blessed to work with as they make tall claims of ‘purjing’ superstitions in Indian society and make us modern. But they resorted to same coerce-convert-spread lies blatantly. I felt in the realm of God, I shall not indulge in the same incredulous work of theirs.
    As you wrote, I felt there is sync in some NGOs-TVMedia-Journos and “Intellectuals” that they always further anti India agenda. Most of them are benefited from Govt. in one or other ways. Infact I shall say they are the best beneficiaries of “Tofee Model” of Congress. These peoples’ death (not physical) is essential for all Indian masses to progress.
    I just hope and pray, more gullible Indians doesn’t fall for these intellectual terrorism and hate fellow Indians to come to power.
  21. Brilliant expose of pseudo-intellectuals and why India is flocking to Narendra Modi’s rallies. They hope he would be the deliverer from the yoke of these pseudo-intellectuals and pseudo-secularists.
  22. Gaurav T. says:
    Thanks for defining the term and writing this down. As you say “The wall is cracking”, I hope people realize that the real work will start now.
  23. aamjunta says:
    Nice article. Agree that Intellectual mafia is killing our democracy. Do we have any option ?… as hardly any one in Indian democracy takes the responsibility. Every day we are dividing ourselves in the line of caste, religion, language, culture, gender and many more… then where is the Indianness ? If these divisions are called Indainness, then I am sorry.
    But still I do not lose my hope… with all the divisions and divisible forces, I still hope to see some light on 16th May…
    Jai Hind
  24. gari52 says:
    Bingo! Hit the nail on the head.
  25. Raja Narula says:
    This comes across as a highly one sided, opinionated piece. Some of the opinions at least should have been substantiated with more solid facts. What were the alternatives to nehru’s decisions / actions that would have put india in a better place today? …. Any points of view on that? We may not have become a Singapore but thank god we have not become a Pakistan, Bangladesh or an Egypt either. His socialist principles may seem outdated today – but were most apt for a new born country ….prevented us from degenerating into materialistic, morally defunct or a strife ridden nation. Agree with the opinion on the other gandhis though.
  26. mm1945 says:
    A real assessment of the reason for our downfall , it will be a tough ride but Modi can do wonders if the middle class support him through the pain of change that is inevitable
  27. http://vivekagnihotri.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/intellectual-mafia/

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