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Foreign-controlled gang of anarchists pursuing anti-national project to destabilise India (Video 52:00)

It is a diabolical potion, poison: foreign controlled gang of anarchists frantically pursuing anti-national project with active protection of Congress-SG. Read on the multiple exposes. See the 52:00 video - Rajiv Malhotra   in discussion with ex Aap member


What a joke? AAP has all its funds disclosed. it is fielding the best 4440 candidates India has seen in the last in the last 30+ years. Go on imaginning things; Indians are no fools to believe you again after their Delhi experience.
V. S. Sardesai 
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 6:05 AM, himanshu kalpana <aapkemitranj@gmail.com> wrote:
Bhagwat bhai: you got another competitor who is spamming hundreds of strangers. :-)

Rajiv Malhontra ji: what is wrong if we are asking a strong LokPal which can send criminals/corrupt to jail in time (not in 20 years). Can you dare to talk about some constructive action?

It is interesting how these folks are hell bent to discredit AAP just by using words from these 5-6 people, that too without any documented proof.
Rajiv Malhotra didn't find anything wrong in Congress/BJP who are fielding criminal/corrupt candidates for last 30+ years? Who contest elections with undisclosed fund of crores and insult the election process which is the foundation of democracy? And Rajiv Malhotra loves to live in US while criticizing any movement which talks honesty in India.

At least I can proudly say that AAP has all its funds disclosed, it is fielding the best 440 candidates India has seen in last 30+ years. It is aam aadmi contesting/campaigning/funding and that's why these politicians of Congress/BJP are so scared and using such cheap tricks and flooding emails of strangers.
On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 8:16 PM, Satya D <hitaya123@gmail.com> wrote:
To AAP members,
Below is interview of Rajiv Malhotra who is the author of highly acclaimed book, 'Breaking India' with ex-AAP members.   Rajiv is a highly successful entrepreneur, extremely intellectual, took early retirement to work tirelessly for India and its heritage.  His work is thoroughly researched, objective and takes no sides.    It is a chance viewing at evangelical Organization that displayed  a map of balkanized India that aroused his curiosity leading to writing this masterpiece.   The cover page of the book shows the picture of balkanized India that evangelical organizations openly declare as their goal.
If you want to work for India and understand the devilishness of Western Institutions , two books are essential.   One is the 'Confessions of an economic hit men'  by John Perkins and other is Rajiv Malhotra's 'Breaking India'.   Without the knowledge of such material, we are living in a fool's paradise, like a fool in psychiatric facility who does not know any other world.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhrPOQR9OH8
Regards, Satya


Rajiv Malhotra In discussion with ex Aap member

Published on Apr 26, 2014

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Satya D <hitaya123@gmail.com> wrote:
To Mayank and other AAP folks,

No matter who sends this email, can you rebut the allegations, very serious and anti-national.   Here is another link where clearly Shazia Ilmi is asking for Muslims to be communal.   Have any of you read 'Confessions of a economic hit men' by John Perkins and Breaking India by Rajiv Malhotra.   It is time to read if you are interested in India, no matter what our background and alliances are.

Shazia Ilmi asking Muslims to be Communal
AAP own former founding member talks on how AAP is connected to Naxals, foreign NGOs.   Now do you know why Kejriwal is standing against Modi but find nothing against Sonia.
Here is a short video on plunder of India that got 170,000 hits (across various versions)

Please pass on to other AAP members if you care for the nation.  We are all in it together.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Suresh Mangalagiri <msureshkumars@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 11:36 AM Subject: Who and What is Behind Aap To: suresh.mangalagiri@ofbjpuk.org
Not everything is what it seems at the surface there are many mischievous forces outside of India
that are trying to influence the elections in India so that India is not successful as a nation,
this includes the CIA, Pakistani ISSI, Israeli Mossad, Saudi Arabia and more all part of the strategy
of divide and rule.

AAP part of international anti-India racket: Part 1 
Surajit Dasgupta <http://www.niticentral.com/author/surajit-dasgupta> 18 Apr 2014

To begin with, some political commentators had speculated that one or more
larger players must be behind the inexplicable projection of India against
Corruption (IAC) and its offshoot, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), in the media
and political scene. Then, India News broadcast a story of an American
student Shimrit Lee who had met Manish Sisodia before the Jan Lokpal
movement was launched. It was found that Egypt had erupted after her visit
to that country too. Third, Ashwini Upadhyay, former head of the AAP's legal
cell, who has known Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia since the inception
of their NGOs, revolted on the ground that the party had links with the US
y-has-cia-links-196289.html> 's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

Then journalist-researcher Madhu Kishwar exposed links of Rajmohan Gandhi, the
-209120.html> 's paratrooped candidate from the East Delhi Lok Sabha
constituency, with terrorists.

Finally a larger network of miscreants, Maoists, Marxists, evangelists,
tablighis, terrorists, India bashers and financiers of disruptive activities
in this country helping the AAP has surfaced.

To understand how the entire international network works, the personnel
connecting one nefarious organisation to another must be studied.

On July 19, 2011, two people of Pakistani origin were arrested in Washington
DC. The US Department of Justice records describe one of them, Ghulam Nabi
Fai, as an agent of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The New
York Times reported that Fai was coordinating between the activities of
several ultra-communist groups, Islamist outfits and Christian missionaries
in India.

Fai once worked closely with Rajmohan Gandhi, the AAP's paratrooped
candidate from the East Delhi Lok Sabha constituency. Gandhi was one of the
prominent signatories to the petition by 53 odd well-networked 'liberals'
like Ved Bhasin and Gautam Navlakha that defended Fai and demanded his
release from the American jail. People already know where sympathies of
elements like Bhasin and Navlakha lie.

Kishwar recorded an interview with Sai Lal Jediya, son of a Gandhian freedom
fighter late Hira Lal who lived in Panchgani where the headquarters of the
AAP candidate's Moral Re-Armament (MRA), now called Initiatives of Change,
are located. The MRA has long been suspected of being a front of the CIA.

Madhu Kishwar writes in her website, "Sai Lal has documentary evidence to
back up his charges." She adds Gandhi instigated Hira Lal to foment
separatist movements in Nagaland and other border areas of the Northeast.
Sai Lal alleges that the MRA headquarters in Panchgani, Maharashtra, are
centres of CIA-backed anti-national activities in India, including holding
training camps for terrorist groups.

Niti Central now goes beyond the revelations above to unearth more skeletons
in the AAP closet.

Fai sought the help of a US resident, anthropologist-activist Angana P
Chatterji, who supports the cause of Kashmir's separation from India, to
further his agenda. The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
suspended Chatterji along with her husband Richard Shapiro in July 2011 and
dismissed them in December 2011, after it received complaints from students
against them. The CIIS Faculty Hearing Board found them guilty of failure to
perform academic duties and violation of professional ethics. Shapiro has
been declared persona non grata in India for his separatist activities.

Ironically, before Chatterji was expelled, US-based advocacy group Indian
Muslim Council (IMC) had given her the Tipu Sultan Award in 2008, and the
CIIS celebrated the felicitation. What kind of a profile should one have to
get this award? Readers will find mention of two more recipients of this
prize in this report later on, from where they may draw their conclusion.

Chatterji happens to be a co-author of the book, Kashmir: The Case for
Freedom, whose other authors are Arundhati Roy, Pankaj Mishra, Hilal Bhatt
and Tariq Ali.

Fai, Chatterji and Roy are associated with at least one or more of three
anti-Indian organisations: The ISI, Indian-American Muslim Council (IAMC)
and Progressive South Asians (PROXSA).

The IAMC website gives the notorious Students Islamic Movement of India
(SIMI) a clean chit and projects India as a dangerous place for minorities
to live in. The IAMC supports Harsh Mander, who is now a prominent AAP
member. It also hosts Harsh Dobhal, managing editor of Combat Law, a Maoist
magazine, and secretary of the Independent People's Tribunal (IPT) that
damned India through its "Report of Independent People's Tribunal on Human
Rights Violations in Kashmir" published in 2010. The IPT report was
published by the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) that projects Hindus as a
horrible majority population in India that persecutes Muslims, Dalits and

The HRLN's agenda is furthered internationally by Germany-based
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), Britain-based Christian Aid,
Denmark-headquartered DanChurchAid and India-based Church Auxiliary for
Social Action (CASA) among other forces that sees India divided along
Hindu-Christian lines.

The IAMC often hosts India haters like John Prabhudoss alias PD John, Lise
McKean and Raju Rajagopal. PD John or John Prabhudoss is the executive
director of the Policy Institute for Religion and State (PIFRAS).

In the 2002 PIFRAS symposium on South Asia, Prabhudoss had, in his opening
remarks, compared the conflicts in India to those of the Middle East, Sierra
Leone, Central Africa, Kosovo, Chechnya and East Timor, thus equating India
with some of the most cruel and violent regions in the world.

Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan documented Lise McKean's hatred
towards Hindus and India in their book, Breaking India. "Whenever there is
unrest in India, she shows up as a commentator to educate American audiences
about what is wrong with Indian culture," they write.

Raju Rajagopal is the president of self-styled Coalition against
Communalism. His Hindu-hating articles used to be hosted by the EKTA
website, known for promoting subversive elements in the country, till it was
active. The trio works with Jesuit priest Cedric Prakash who finds Hindus
tormentors of Christians. Rajagopal was the recipient of IAMC's Bahadur Shah
Zafar Award for "promoting pluralism and communal harmony in India" in 2008.

The PROXSA is an umbrella organisation for 300 extremist Leftists who are
members of more than 20 outfits sporting different fancy names. The most
prominent of these outfits are the Alliance for a Secular and Democratic
South Asia (ASDSA), Alliance for South Asians Taking Action (ASATA), ASHA
for Education, Association of South Asian Progressives (ASAP), Coalition for
a Secular and Democratic India (CSDI), Campaign to Stop Funding Hate (CSFH),
Centre for Study and Research in South Asia (CERAS), Coalition against
Communalism (CaC), EKTA, Forum of Inquilabi Leftists (FOIL, earlier called
Federation of Indian Leftists), Foundation for Pluralism (FfP), Friends of
South Asia (FOSA), Indian Progressive Study Group of Los Angeles (IPSG-LA),
NRIS for Secular and Harmonious India (NRI-SAHI), International South Asia
Forum (INSAF), Organising Youth (OY), South Asian Collective (SAC), South
Asian Magazine for Action and Reflection (SAMAR), South Asian Network for
Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD), South Asian Progressive Action Collective
(SAPAC), Supporters of Human Rights in India (SHRI), Voices for Freedom
(VfF), Youth Solidarity Summer (YSS) and the Association for India's
Development (AID).

After the collapse of Maoism in India, some elements of the Communist Party
of India (Marxist-Leninist) [CPI(ML)] moved to the US and, after a
sabbatical, tried to revive the movement in this country, handling it from
their American bases. Out of the outfits named above, the FOIL and AID were
floated by these people.

The FOIL describes itself as a "clearinghouse for radical Indian activists
in the United States, Canada and England". Its purpose is described by its
founders as "some place for us to share information, offer support, and
encourage each other to write in the open media on issues pertaining to
Indians overseas and India itself, and help build projects that make our
radical politics more material". Two of the FOIL's co-founders are American
Marxist-yet-evangelist Biju Mathew and Marxist historian Vijay Prashad.
These are the people behind the propaganda in 2002 that the riots that took
place in Gujarat that year were funded by Hindutva groups in America.
Prashad happens to be a supporter of the now-failed Arab Revolution. He says
Hinduism in its present form is nothing but a mix of Fascism and racism, and
that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is personification of such ideology
and, therefore, it must be condemned.

Three years before Chatterji, Mathew had received the Tipu Sultan Award for
"courageously serving India and India's interests" from the IMC.

The AID is the other prominent outfit under the PROXSA. It facilitates
funding to various leftist extremist outfits by showing the financiers
legally valid ways of routing the money. On different pages of the AID
website, one finds campaign material for Binayak Sen and Kopa Kunjam,
criticism of Salwa Judum, critique of Operation Green Hunt, Land Acquisition
Act, Chhattisgarh administration and police etc.

The AID also collects funds for the AAP. On September 20, 2011, The Times of
India had reported that "Arvind Kejriwal's NGO Parivartan was supported by
AID in 2008 to pursue the RTI campaign". A page on the AID website shows it
was, in 2011, soliciting money for IAC as well. Another page on the website
hosts an article by Prashant Bhushan criticising the Government's version of
the then Lokpal Bill.

In quite a few other pages of the website, Arvind Kejriwal has been
described as "AID Saathi", including one where the outfit is seen soliciting
donations for the AAP. Further, AID sent its volunteers to the AAP to help
the party in its campaign for the Delhi Assembly elections.

Forget nation, AAP can
ouse-together-208839.html> 't hold its own house together

AID co-hosted an event with the radical Council on American Islamic
Relations (CAIR). Communications director and civil rights coordinator of
the CAIR, Randall Ismail Royer was arrested and convicted for conspiring
with Lashkar-e-Tayyeba to execute terror strikes in India. Royer had earlier
pleaded guilty to charges of using and discharging a firearm during - and in
relation to - a crime of violence; and with carrying an explosive during
commission of a felony. A decade before that, he had joined the Bosnian
Forces fighting Serbs in 1994.

Royer was the third person with ties to CAIR's leadership who has either
been convicted, or is under suspicion of aiding militant Islam. Several
other CAIR officials have either proven or suspected ties to militant Islam.
Bassem K Khafagi has pleaded guilty to charges of visa and bank fraud in
federal court in Detroit. Charges were brought against Khafagi for his role
with the Islamic Assembly of North America. Khafagi was community affairs
director for CAIR at the time of his arrest. On February 2, 1995, Siraj
Wahhaj was named as one of the "unindicted persons who may be alleged as
co-conspirators" in the attempt to blow up targets in New York. Wahhaj, on
CAIR's advisory board, was described by CAIR as "one of the most respected
Muslim leaders in America."

The most paradoxical ideology of the CAIR involves helping Leftist
extremists in India but promoting Islam in the US, which it wants to turn
into the world headquarters of Islamic movements in this century.

Shockingly, a member of this sinister circle is Sugata Bose, grandnephew of
Subhas Chandra Bose, whose acceptance of Government of India's version of
Netaji's death was proved ill-informed or politically motivated (or both)
last year by author Anuj Dhar through the book, "India's Biggest Cover-Up."

Bose had co-authored a book, "Modern South Asia: History, Culture and
Political Economy', with Ayesha Jalal, a Pakistani-origin professor of
history at the Tufts University in 1998. The book glorified Mughal bigot
Aurangzeb as the best ruler India had ever had. Bose, Jalal and Chatterji
(associate of Fai and Roy mentioned early in this report) have together, on
numerous occasions, issued statements that reflect the Pakistani point of
view on Kashmir.

Now we come to another wing of this international mafia. In 1999, Teesta
Setalvad and her husband Javed Anand's magazines Sabrang and Communalism
Combat had, through their channels in the Indian National Congress,
Communist Party of India (CPI) and Communist Party of India (Marxist)
[CPI(M)], extracted $15 million to project the BJP as an anti-minority,
anti-woman party. Recently, the couple accepted that they had diverted part
of the fund for their NGO for personal use. Some of their witnesses in the
cases related to the riots in Gujarat in 2002 have turned hostile and
accused the couple of putting words in their mouths via signatures and thumb
impressions on affidavits submitted to the court, whose contents were
dictated at will by Setalvad.

Finally, let's see how all these people and their shady organisations are
connected to each other. In 2000, Australia-based International Council of
Evangelical Churches had instituted the International Award for Religious
Harmony in the memory of slain Graham Staines. This award was first given to
All India Christian Council's general secretary John Dayal, known for his
Dalit-Christian persecution complex and association with the infamous Dalit
Freedom Network.

In 2003, the award went jointly to Setalvad and Admiral Laxminarayan
Ramdass. The latter went on to become the AAP's internal lokpal while almost
his whole family was posted in the party's policy committees.

Kaleem Khwaja of the Association of Indian Muslims in America, infamous for
his article, "Brother, can you spare a tear for Taliban," published by the
Milli Gazette, is another recipient of IMC's Tipu Sultan Award.

We will now see how the AAP is linked with this international racket.
Kejriwal received the Ramon Magsaysay Award after he was promoted by
National Advisory Council's Aruna Roy following citation of his work by the
World Bank. Documents of the CIA show its links with the Ford Foundation,
Rockefeller Foundation and the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation. The papers show
how these foundations financially support intellectuals, students and
activists across the world through mutual coordination. Our focus is on the

Internal democracy a farce in AAP<http://www.niticentral.com/2014/03/14/internal-democracy-a-farce-in-aap-199

The World Bank featured the insignificant work of Parivartan in their
report, "Social Accountability Stocktaking Exercise for South and East Asia"
[World Bank Institute, Washington DC, 2005, pages 30-32]. Kejriwal was
selected for the Ramon Magsaysay Award only after featuring in the World
Bank report above. Narayana Murthy, the Infosys chief, is a Trustee of the
Ford Foundation. He apparently advocated Kejriwal's case for the award, as
did Aruna Roy.

The CIA's unusual interest in the AAP is evident in the fact that in 2012,
right after the party was registered by the Election Commission of India,
the American spy agency released a list of "significant" parties in this
country. Every party that featured in the list except the AAP was a
recognised party - one that has participated in elections in at least four
States of the country and secured 6 per cent of the total votes polled.
This, when the AAP was just one month old with no record of participation in

A few years before that, a New York University researcher Shimrit Lee
visited Manish Sisodia's NGO Kabir and prepared a report, "Public Power:
India and Other Democracies" (2010). She assisted in Kabir's campaign for
the Right to Information (RTI) and Local Self-Rule. She went on to work
actively in Egypt. Is it mere coincidence that, while the IAC launched the
Jan Lokpal Movement in India after she left, when she went to Egypt and left
that country, it witnessed the Tahrir Square uprising? The Union Home
Ministry has no record of Kabir having sought its clearance to host a
suspicious researcher who has been active in some countries of the Middle
East and Chad in Africa, required as per law of the land.

The Union Home Ministry does not come across as clean in this whole deal
either. While Kabir was registered in 2007, Sisodia had got the ministry's
clearance to receive foreign funds in 2005! This is evident from the
official papers Upadhyay has unearthed and handed over to this

Did the Home Ministry bend the rules for Kabir at the behest of the
Congress? If not, what was Kejriwal doing with Sonia Gandhi acolyte Ashish
Talwar in Germany in 2005, Upadhyay questions. And why is Talwar now the
head of the AAP's Delhi unit?

The World Bank had committed a similar fishy act in 2002. It funded
Kejriwal's Jan Sunvai activity when his NGO was not even registered. And
several of the donors of NGOs of Kejriwal and Sisodia mentioned above went
on to adjudicate who would get the Ramon Magsaysay Award for the year 2006!

Kabir received funds from the Ford Foundation (Rs 86,61,742), PRIA (Rs
2,37,035), Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (Rs 3,70,000), Dutch Embassy (Rs
19,61,968), Association for India's Development (Rs 15,00,000), India's
Friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nationals Development Programme
(Rs12,52,742) while Rs 11,35,857 were collected from individual donations
between 2007 to 2010.

Ford Foundation India Representative Steven Solnick admitted on 31 August
2012 that Foundation's last instalment to Kabir was donated in 2010. "Our
first grant to the NGO was of $ 1,72,000 in 2005; the second was in 2008 of
$ 1,97,000", he said, adding that the Magsaysay Award for Emergent
Leadership was funded by the Ford Foundation.

Lawyer Manohar Lal had filed a PIL in the Delhi High Court - WP (C)
3412/2012 - on 21 May 2012 against the dubious means NGOs employed to
receive foreign funds. Following this, Kabir was raided by the Union Home
Ministry officials for a suspected violation of Foreign Contribution
Regulation Act (FCRA) on 22 August 2012 after a court order. Following these
developments, the Government lawyer submitted to the court that the state
could lay its hands only on minor billing discrepancies in Kabir's account
(as well as in the account of an NGO run by Kiran Bedi).

Two months ago, however, the controversy surrounding Kabir resurfaced in
newspapers with evidence of Sisodia misappropriating the foreign funds
received by Kabir. Moreover, the papers revealed that Kejriwal is a part of
Kabir, too.

Kejriwal's NGO network goes beyond PCRF and Kabir. He also heads Parivartan
that claimed it "is not registered under any Act as a society or a trust or
a Company. It is a people's movement. For Income Tax purposes, it is an
Association of Persons." However, it had advertised through various mediums
in June 2002 that "all donations made to Parivartan are tax exempt under
section 80 G. Parivartan is also registered under section 12A of Income Tax
Act." This is misleading as its present document says, "Parivartan
Foundation for Socio Economic Development filed for tax exemption to donors
under Section 80G on 10 August, 2009. The permission was granted on January
8, 2010 and was valid for all donations between April 1, 2009 and March 31,
2010. This has been further extended through an order dated March 29, 2011
for all donations from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2013. The foundation also
has clearance under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961."

Kejriwal represented Sampoorna Parivartan, too. The secretary of this NGO
worked in the Commission Advisory Committee of the Delhi Electricity
Regulatory Commission, which was constituted vide notification
F1(135)/DERC/2000-01/5092 Delhi, March 27, 2003. This implies that the
responsibility of power rate hike and installation of faulty metres that the
AAP has been crying foul about partly lies on people associated with this
very political party!

The website of both Parivartan and Kabir were withdrawn when they came under
scrutiny in 2012. Even the Ford Foundation hid all the details about funding
to Kabir when some blogs revealed their IAC/AAP connection in October 2012.

We can now see the circle complete with the Ramdas family - L Ramdas, Kavita
N Ramdas, Lalita Ramdas and Sagari R Ramdas - as a vital link between
anti-India organisations, Ford Foundation and the AAP. While the admiral was
felicitated by evangelists, his daughter Kavita is the India representative
of Ford Foundation and married to Zulfiqar Ahmad, a writer and researcher on
peace and security issues in South Asia and the Middle East; this vocation
gives him an opportunity to hobnob with other 'South Asia experts' and
activists mentioned in this report. Admiral Ramdas's wife Lalita Ramdas and
the other daughter Sagari Ramdas are in the AAP's policy committees, too.
Kind Regards,
Suresh Mangalagiri
Overseas Friends Of BJP UK

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