Ever since India attained Independence in 1947, India has been struggling to implement Roman jurisprudence with an alien Constitution framed on Government of India Act 1935 which suited the needs of a colonial regime.
The criminal and civil jurisprudence are essentially copies from the British practices.
In a social order, all laws should be in harmony with the traditions which have evolved over millennia. India has had the privilege of jurisprudence even for corporate entities called s'reni (guilds) a thousand years before Rome invented the Corporation. There were Hindu laws to enforce law and order right from the panchayat (janapada) level brilliantly and precisely documented in ancient law books called Dharma Sutra.
The basic foundation for administering the justice system (nyaaya) was a team of elders who were elected from within the community. A stellar example is the Uttaramerur Inscription of 12th century which prescribes the procedures for election -- using secret ballot -- of members of village committees to oversee social and civil works such as maintenance of roads, village tanks, temples. Juridprudence also extended to the laws and customs regulated by jaatis and s'renis as autonomous institutions, yet subject to overarching state power which had to be consistent with the local, institutional governance regulations.
These systems which had been built up from the janapada upward were desiccated by the centralised colonial systems of the British-ruled state. A sad legacy which is perpetuated in India's written Constitution.
It is time to direct the Law Commission to make a thorough review of the present systems of jurisprudence and the imperative of instituting a Uniform Civil Code to truly reflect a just polity assuring fair and equal treatment to all citizens.
Ganguly's case is NOT a fit case for reference to the Supreme Court for opinion. It is ridiculous that the SoniaG UPA government does not know what a prima facie indictment is.
Under the laws of evidence, a procedure has existed for millennia for lodging complaints and for investigating the complaints.
Any tom, dick and harry can raise his or her voice through the boisterous media and seek to receive attention on spurious, misguided or mischievous complaints. The justice system should not be strained looking for direction from the highest court of the land to go back on these time-tested procedures of gathering, and evaluating evidence by the police forces and ultimately by the courts of law.
Why is this procedure being circumvented instead of asking the complainant to lodge a complaint and allow the law to take its course?
This perversion of jurisprudence has occurred because the State is increasingly being run by corporate interest groups. If a judge gives an adverse judgement against such interest groups as it happened in the case of the 2G scam investigations, the judge becomes a soft target for all types of innuendoes to discredit him or her.
This seems to have happened in the case of Stella James' complaint against AK Ganguly.
Both should litigate the issue through the judicial processes instead of playing charade games through blogposts or the State playing its own political game making Presidential references.
This will only bring discredit to the rule of law in force in India and make it a banana republic chewing the cud of dirty politics and diverting public attention from issues of abhyudayam and measures of social welfare to bring India to the status she had in 0 CE at the turn of the millennium, accounting for over 25% of the World GDP.
Surely, there are many issues in jurisprudence which should get priority rather than the silly complaint involving semantics of sexual harassment, advances or improper conduct.
On another plane, State cannot be the regulator of improper conduct. There is a system of extended joint family which regulates personal conduct which is a reflection of the social mores governed by dharma.
Justice Ganguly has suffered enough by the innuendos and prima facie indictments without applying the due process of law.
Enough Stop this charade, SoniaG UPA.
Published: January 2, 2014 20:29 IST | Updated: January 3, 2014 01:36 IST
Ganguly issue: Cabinet clears Presidential Reference

PTIChairman of West Bengal Human Rights Commission Justice Ashok Ganguly arrives at his office in Kolkata on Thursday.
The Union Cabinet on Thursday gave its nod for making a Presidential Reference to the Supreme Court for removal of Justice A.K. Ganguly as Chairperson of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission.
The process will be set in motion once the Reference under Article 143 is sent to the court for its advisory opinion. Under Article 143, the President may refer a dispute of any kind to the Supreme Court for its opinion and it may, after a hearing as it thinks fit, report to the President.
The Terms of Reference are: will the prima facie indictment by a three-judge probe panel that Justice Ganguly made ‘unwelcome sexual advances’ towards a law intern amount to proven misconduct? If the answer is ‘yes’, can it be a ground warranting his removal under Section 23 (1A) of the Protection of Human Rights Act?
Justice Ganguly has the option of resigning before the completion of the hearing. In that case, the Reference will become infructuous.
On receipt of the Presidential Reference, the court will hear the matter in open court, issue notice to Justice Ganguly, the law intern and the witnesses to be cited by her.
The court will issue notice to Attorney-General G.E. Vahanvati and also to the Advocate-General of West Bengal government as it was on its complaint to the President the Reference is being made.
The President forwarded the complaint to the Union Home Ministry, which after obtaining Mr. Vahanvati’s opinion put up a Cabinet note for making the Reference.
‘No comment’
Our Staff Reporter reports from Kolkata:
Justice Ganguly said in Kolkata that he had no comment on the Cabinet decision. “I do not know anything, officially. I have nothing to comment,” he told The Hindu.