This is a matter of interest to ancient Indian History in the context of the history of ratha and Aryan Invasion Theory Myths propagated by the likes of Witzel.
See: On the dishonesty of Witzel and about chariots. "The scholars of the 19th century translated the Rigvedic ratha (or anas) as 'chariot' thinking of Greece and Rome, and the notion stuck. Surely it is obvious that this ashtavandhura mini-bus has nothing to do with your imaginary chariots?" asks NIcholas Kazanas in an open letter to Prof. Michael Witzel.
Harvard Univ. should review Witzel's competence in view of the damage he is causing to Harvard Corp. with motivated anti-hindu myths and denigration of Hindus. See more on Witzel's escapades with truth and academic ethics at
Serbian Archaeologist Finds 4,000-Year-Old Chariot
Pirot – During the protective archaeological works, carried out in parallel with the construction of Corridor 10, archaeologist Zoran Mitic found the remains of beautifully decorated chariot, assumed to be aged between 3,000 and 4,000 years and to have belonged to a Thracian from the elite of the time.According to Mitic, this an unique and extremely important item, which he found near the village of Stanicenje.“This is a chariot, drawn by two horses. My assumption is that the chariot belonged to a Thracian citizen,” Mitic told Tanjug.He said that this is backed by the fact that, at the location where the chariot was found, was also found a tumulus – a tomb.“Judging by the manner of burial, I guess that it was a member of Thracian people, not ordinary, but someone who occupied an important place in the hierarchy, due to the fact that the chariot is decorated with beautiful bronze applications,” he said. A unique archaeological discovery in Serbia
Pirot – During the protective archaeological works, carried out in parallel with the construction of Corridor 10, archaeologist Zoran Mitic found the remains of beautifully decorated chariot, assumed to be aged between 3,000 and 4,000 years and to have belonged to a Thracian from the elite of the time.
According to Mitic, this an unique and extremely important item, which he found near the village of Stanicenje.
“This is a chariot, drawn by two horses. My assumption is that the chariot belonged to a Thracian citizen,” Mitic told Tanjug.
He said that this is backed by the fact that, at the location where the chariot was found, was also found a tumulus – a tomb.
“Judging by the manner of burial, I guess that it was a member of Thracian people, not ordinary, but someone who occupied an important place in the hierarchy, due to the fact that the chariot is decorated with beautiful bronze applications,” he said.
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Archaeologists in Serbia have found a very importantsubject - the chariot - which is assumed that it is from the Thracian period, and that is between three and four thousand years old.
Within the protected archaeological site, work is beingcarried out in parallel with the construction of Corridor 10. At this site, archaeologist Zoran Mitic found the remains of abeautifully decorated cart, which is assumed to be between the ages of 3,000 and 4,000 years old. The chariot was most likely belonging to the Thracian from the then highsocial ladder.
- This chariot, the so-called biga, is drawn by two horses. My guess is that this is a finding which is between three and four thousand years old and belonged to a Thracian citizen," Mitic told Tanjug.In his opinion, what supports this theory is the fact that it was found near the location of tumulus graves.
- By the manner of burial, I think it was a member of the Thracian people, but not an ordinary one, but a man who has been occupying a very special place in the hierarchy, as they are well decorated with beautiful buggy applications of bronze - he said .
Thracians also believed in the afterlife and in the rebirth .
- When they buried a dead person, they used to kill a horse or a dog about fifty yards from the tumuli graves, the used to bring the most valuable gifts they have received during life, even their wives begged to be buried with them - Mitic said.
Thracians were a great nation with more than 200 tribes. The traces of their stay in the region, according to experts, open a new archaeological and historical chapter.
Experts of the National Museum in Belgrade will do a complete restoration of the chariot, and they will then made part of an exhibition, whic might be one of the best exhibits in the National Museum.