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Meluhha standard – exchange market of Ancient Near East

Meluhha standard – exchange market of Ancient Near East

-- Product offerings: stone (bead, polished pillars, ring-stones), mineral, turner (forge/stone-cutter, metal alloy products), stone-smithy guild (fortification)

Two tablets of Mohenjo-daro present the Meluhha standard: m0490, m0491.

Line drawing of m0491.

Four persons in a procession, each carrying a standard. This procession of four hieroglyphs constitute the Meluhha standard.

one standard-bearer carries a shaft with some object, which looks like a perforated bead  on top

one standard-bearer carries  a shaft with a scarf hanging from the top

one standard-bearer a stand with the figure of a one- horned young bull on top

one standard-bearer holds  aloft the shaft of the the standard device -- a composite of lathe and portable furnace.

See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2013/08/professions-on-ancient-near-east.htmlProfessions on Ancient Near East writing systems 


Two of the four hieroglyphs carried in a procession by standard-bearers constitute the most frequently occurring motifs on Indus Writing Corpora: 1. one-horned young bull and 2. Standard device (lathe/portable furnace). For e.g. h006 Harappa seal, m001 Mohenjo-daro seal

Stone-smithy guild on a Meluhha standard


This is an exchange market barter procession exhibiting the artificers’ craft products available for exchange. Products offered for barter are: stone beads, minerals (ore), turned metal tools, pots and pans from an artificers’ guild workshop (in a fortification)

Tablet m0490 Four Meluhha standard-bearers carrie images in a procession, comparable to Tablet m0491 which shows only three standard-bearers.

m0491 Tablet. Line drawing (right). This tablet showing three hieroglyphs may be called the Meluhha standard.

Text 2937The same text appears on both tablets m0490 and m0491 read rebus from r.: 

dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast (metal)' kanḍ 'warrior's pair of bangles' Rebus:kanḍ  'stone'. sal 'splinter' Rebus: sal 'workshop'; khaḍā ‘circumscribe’ (Marathi) Rebus: khaḍā ‘nodule (ore), stone’; kolmo 'seedling' Rebus: kolami 'smithy/forge'. Thus the composite hieroglyph reads: stone smithy/forge.  bhaṭa ‘warrior’ Rebus: baṭa, 'kiln, furnace' (Santali); baṭa = a kind of iron (Gujarati)  kōnṭa‘corner’ (Nk.); kōṇṭu‘angle, corner’ (Tulu) khōṭ ‘alloyed’ (Punjabi) koṭe‘forged (metal)' (Santali). Rebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (B.) 

Thus, the artefacts offered for barter/exchange are: cast stone (ore) workshop, stone smithy/forge with furnace, alloyed (forged) metal turned in lathe.

Note: It is possible that the hieroglyph on Text 2937 shows a pair of 'bangle-glyphs' which connote such a pair of kaṇṭai‘warrior’s ankle rings’.

The procession is a celebration of the graduation of a stone-cutter as a metal-turner in a smithy/forge. A sangatarāśū‘stone-cutter’ or lapidary of neolithic/chalolithic age had graduated into a metal turner’s workshop (ko), working with metallic minerals (dhatu) and alloys (khōṭ) of the bronze age.

Dawn of the bronze age is best exemplified by this Mohenjo-daro tablet which shows a procession of four hieroglyphs carried on the shoulders of four persons. The hieroglyphs are:

  1. Perforated bead carried on a standard kaṇṭu‘bead’ Rebus: kanḍu, ‘stone’ (Gadba)
  2. Scarf carried on a pole (dhaṭu  m.  (also dhaṭhu)  m. ‘scarf’  (WPah.) (CDIAL 6707) Rebus: dhatu ‘mineral’ (Santali)
  3.  A young bull carried on a stand kõdāyoung bull’ Rebus: kõda ‘turnerkohorn’ Rebus: ko‘workshop’
  4. Portable standard device sã̄gāḍTop part: lathe-gimlet; Bottom part: portable furnace’Rebus: sangatarāśūstone-cutter. sanghāḍo (Gujarati) cutting stone, gilding (Gujarati); sangsāru karau = to stone (Sindhi) sanghāḍiyo, a worker on a lathe (Gujarati) Rebus jāṅgaḍ also indicated that the products offered were on the well-settled Indian legal system of transport and exchange as ‘goods sent on approval or ‘on sale or return’.
caṭṭam‘image’ (Tamil) Rebus: saṭṭī f. ʻ exchange market ʼ (Punjabi) ēgu‘procession’.

Combined reading for the joined or ligatured glyphs is an announcement of barter/exchange offerings (saṭṭī) from the guild (fortification): saṭṭī kanḍu dhatukõdā (koḍ) sangaḍa (sangara) ‘exchange market: stone, mineral, turner (forge/stone-cutter products), stone-smithy guild (fortification) -- goods delivered on jāṅgaḍ  'approval basis'’.

Glosses of Indian sprachbund :

Ta. ēku (ēki-) to go, pass, walk. Te. ēgu, (K.) ē̃gu to go, proceed; (Inscr.) ēgincu to carry the deity in procession through the village streets. Kur. ēknā (īkyas) to walk, direct or conduct affairs. Malt. éke to go, move.(DEDR 871). ఏగు [ ēgu ] ēgu. [Tel.] v. n. To go, resort, repair. పోవు. ఏగించు ēginṭsu. To send, to make one go. ఊరేగించు To carry (a god, a married couple, &c.) in procession through the town. ఏదుదెంచు ēgu-denṭsu. [Tel. ఏగు+తెంచు] v. i. To go, proceed, repair, resort. పోవు. Also, to come వచ్చు. ఏగుపెండ్లి ēgu-penḍli. n. A procession in which the bride and the bridegroom are carried through the streets of a town at the end of a wedding పెండ్లికడపట వధూవరులను ఊరేగించునట్టి వేడుక.

మెరవడి [ meravaḍi ] or మెరవణి mera-vaḍi. [Tel.] n. Courage, ability, energy, Increase, greatness, excess. Pride. ధైర్యము, శక్తి, ఉద్రేకము, ఆధిక్యము, అతిశయము, గౌరవము. A procession, ఉరేగింపు.

chaṭa S. chaṛaha f. ʻ thin pole ʼ, °hī ʻ walking-stick ʼ; L. chaṛī f. ʻ rod, switch ʼ (→ K. chīrü f. ʻ switch ʼ); P. chaṛ f. ʻ bamboo spear -- shaft ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ stick, cane ʼ, Ku. chaṛ ʻ shoot ʼ, °ṛī ʻ stick ʼ; A. sari ʻ bamboo punting pole ʼ; B. chaṛ ʻ spearshaft ʼ, °ṛī ʻ switch, cane ʼ; Or. chaṛa ʻ spear -- shaft ʼ, °ṛī ʻ switch, cane ʼ; H. chaṛī f. ʻ stick, rod, whip ʼ (→ Bi. chaṛī ʻ thin stick ʼ, N. chaṛi); G. chaṛ m. ʻ reed, bamboo, spearshaft ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ switch, cane ʼ; M. saḍ m. ʻ piece of stubble, stump of sugarcane ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ splinter, piece of stubble ʼ. S.kcch. chaṛī f. ʻ a cane ʼ; WPah.kṭg. ċhɔṛɔ (ɔ́?) m. ʻ stick, rib ʼ, ċhɔ́ṛi f. ʻ stick, symbol like a stick carried before an idol in procession ʼ; J. chaṛi f. ʻ gold -- or silver -- mounted stick kept by a gatekeeper ʼ; Garh. chaṛ ʻ iron bar ʼ.WPah.kṭg. ċhíṭṭɔ ʻ lopped bare branch ʼ (CDIAL 4966). Kol. saṭṭa shoulder-blade, (SR.) shoulder. Nk. saṭṭa back. Go. (W. Ph.) saṭṭā, (Tr.) sattā, (G. Mu. S.) haṭṭa, (M. Ma.) aṭṭa, (Ko.) aṭa jaba shoulder (Voc.3326); (ASu.) seṭṭā shoulder-blade. ? Ma. caṭṭuvam shoulder-bone (or with 2309 Ta. caṭṭukam). (DEDR 2303). Ta. caṭṭam wooden frame, socket, plan, model, rule, order, regulation, exactness, precision; caṭṭa properly, rightly; caṭṭakam frame, framework; bed, couch; shape, figure, image, body. (DEDR 2304)  saṭṭa2 n. ʻ door -- frame ʼ lex. N. sāṭo ʻ crosspiece of bamboo or wood in a grass wall ʼ; G. sāṭ f. ʻ backbone ʼ, sāṭɔ m. ʻ frame of a cart ʼ; M. sāṭ, sāṭā m. ʻ frame of split bamboo ʼ (or < *chaṭṭa -- 2).(CDIAL 13102). 

*saṭṭa1 ʻ exchange ʼ. [Scarcely with LM 418 < sāˊrtha -- : cf. saṭṭayati2 ʻ gives (v.l. receives) ʼ Dhātup., ṣaṭṭayati2 ʻ gives ʼ lex., sanskritized as sattra -- n. ʻ wealth, gift ʼ]
Pk. saṭṭa -- ʻ exchanged ʼ, m. ʻ exchange ʼ, saṭṭī -- f., S. saṭo m.; P. saṭṭī f. ʻ exchange market ʼ; Ku. sã̄ṭo ʻ exchange ʼ, saṭoṇo ʻ to exchange, barter ʼ; N. sāṭo ʻ amends, revenge ʼ, sāṭnu ʻ to exchange ʼ; H. sāṭā m. ʻ exchange ʼ; G. sāṭũ n. ʻ bargain ʼ, sāṭvũ ʻ to make a bargain ʼ; M. sāṭṇē ʻ to buy up stock ʼ(CDIAL 13101).

kaṇṭu  n. < gaṇḍa  Bead or something like a pendant in an ornament for the neck; ஓர் ஆபரணவுரு. புல்லிகைக்கண்ட நாண் ஒன்றிற் கட்டின கண்டு ஒன்றும் (S.I.I. ii, 429). கண்டை² kaṇṭai , n. < T. kaṇḍe. Reel of a weaver's shuttle; நெசவுத்தாறு. கண்டு¹ kaṇṭu  n. < T. kaṇḍe. [K. kaṇḍikē.] Ball of thread; நூற்பந்து.Pa.kandi (pl. –l) necklace, beads. Ga. (P.) kandi (pl. –l) bead, (pl.) necklace; (S.2) kandiṭ bead (DEDR 1215). kandil, kandīl = a globe of glass, a lantern (Kannada) gaṇḍá1 m. ʻ goitre ʼ AitBr., ʻ boil ʼ Suśr.(CDIAL 3997). kaṇṭaiகண்டை , n. < ghaṇṭā Bell, large bell; பெரு மணி. (திவா.)  gaṇḍī f. ʻ gong ʼ, °ḍikā -- f. BHS ii 208. [Cf. ghaṇṭā -- ] Pa. gaṇḍī -- f., Si. geḍa (CDIAL 4005). కండ [ kaṇḍa ] kaṇḍa. [Tel.] n. A lump or piece of flesh or pulp.

Pa. gaṇḍa -- m. ʻ stalk ʼ, °ḍī -- f. ʻ sugarcane joint, shaft or stalk used as a bar ʼ, Pk. gaṁḍa -- m., °ḍiyā -- f.; Kt. gäṇa ʻ stem ʼ; Paš. lauṛ. gaṇḍīˊ ʻ stem, stump of a tree, large roof beam ʼ (→ Par. gaṇḍāˊ ʻ stem ʼ, Orm. goṇ ʻ stick ʼ IIFL i 253, 395), gul. geṇḍū, nir. gaṇīˊ, kuṛ. gã̄ṛo; Kal. urt. gəṇ ʻ log (in a wall) ʼ, rumb. goṇ (st. gōṇḍ -- ) ʻ handle ʼ, guṇḍík ʻ stick ʼ; Kho. (Lor.) gon, gonu, (Morgenstierne) gɔ̄ˋn ʻ haft of axe, spade or knife ʼ (or < ghaná -- 2?); K. gonḍu,  grọ̆nḍu m. ʻ great untrimmed log ʼ (CDIAL 3998) kã̄ḍकाँड् । काण्डः m. ‘the stalk or stem of a reed, grass, or the like, straw’ (Kashmiri)

Rebus: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, stone, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) id. (DEDR 1298). కండ్లు [ kaṇḍlu ] kaṇḍlu The plural of  of కల్లు a stone (Telugu)

Rebus: kaṇṭaiகண்டை  Warrior's ankle rings or bells; வீரக்கழல். Bi. gãṛās, °sā ʻ fodder cutter ʼ, °sī ʻ its blade ʼ; Bhoj. gãṛās ʻ a partic. iron instrument ʼ; H. gãṛāsī f., °sā m. ʻ knife for cutting fodder or sugarcane ʼ (→ P. gãḍāsā m. ʻ chopper for cutting fodder &c. ʼ).(CDIAL 4004). G.karã̄ n. pl. ‘wristlets, bangles’; S. karāī f. ’wrist’ (CDIAL 2779). 

S. Kalyanaraman
August 17, 2013

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