Mlecchita vikalpa is the term used in Vātsyāyana’s Kāmasūtra to denote cypher writing.
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Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond [Paperback]

Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond [Paperback]
Christopher Woods (Editor)
Available for download at
ISBN: 9781885923769 | Published by: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago | Series: ORIENTAL INSTITUTE MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS | Volume: 32 | Year of Publication: 2010 | Language: English 240p, 146 color photos
Writing, the ability to make language visible and permanent, is one of humanity's greatest inventions. This book presents current perspectives on the origins and development of writing in Mesopotamia and Egypt, providing an overview of each writing system and its uses. Essays on writing in China and Mesoamerica complete coverage of the four "pristine" writing systems - inventions of writing in which there was no previous exposure to texts. The authors explore what writing is, and is not, and sections of the text are devoted to Anatolian hieroglyphs of Anatolia, and to the development of the alphabet in the Sinai Peninsula in the second millennium BC and its spread to Phoenicia where it spawned the Greek and Latin alphabets. This richly illustrated volume, issued in conjunction with an exhibit at the Oriental Institute, provides a current perspective on, and appreciation of, an invention that changed the course of history.
Table of Contents
Visible Language: The Earliest Writing Systems, Christopher Woods
Iconography of Protoliterate Seals, Oya Topçuoglu
The Earliest Mesopotamian Writing, Christopher Woods
Adaptation of Cuneiform to Write Akkadian, Andrea R. Seri
The Rise and Fall of Cuneiform Script in Hittite Anatolia, Theo van den Hout
The Conception and Development of the Egyptian Writing System, Elise V. MacArthur
The Earliest Egyptian Writing, Andréas Stauder
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing, Janet H. Johnson
Hieratic, Kathryn E. Bandy
Demotic, Janet H. Johnson
Ptolemaic Hieroglyphs, François Gaudard
Coptic, T. G. Wilfong
Invention and Development of the Alphabet, Joseph Lam
The Beginnings of Writing in China, Edward L. Shaughnessy
The Development of Maya Writing, Joel Palka
Anatolian Hieroglyphic Writing, Ilya Yakubovich
Iconography of Protoliterate Seals, Oya Topçuoglu
The Earliest Mesopotamian Writing, Christopher Woods
Adaptation of Cuneiform to Write Akkadian, Andrea R. Seri
The Rise and Fall of Cuneiform Script in Hittite Anatolia, Theo van den Hout
The Conception and Development of the Egyptian Writing System, Elise V. MacArthur
The Earliest Egyptian Writing, Andréas Stauder
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing, Janet H. Johnson
Hieratic, Kathryn E. Bandy
Demotic, Janet H. Johnson
Ptolemaic Hieroglyphs, François Gaudard
Coptic, T. G. Wilfong
Invention and Development of the Alphabet, Joseph Lam
The Beginnings of Writing in China, Edward L. Shaughnessy
The Development of Maya Writing, Joel Palka
Anatolian Hieroglyphic Writing, Ilya Yakubovich
See teasers from the Exhibition installation and Exhibition website at (including some video clips, Image Gallery)
Download the Exhibit catalog oimp32.pdf
See also: where reports on the Exhibit and attempts reading the hieroglyphs on a plaque:
Christopher Woods who edited the exquisite volume notes in his introduction:
"The invention of writing and of a convenient system of records on paper has had a greater influence in uplifting the human race than any other intellectual achievement in the career of man. It was more important than all the battles ever fought and all the consitutions ever devised. -- JH Breasted, The Conquest of Civilization, pp. 53-54." The ability to represent language graphically, to make language visible, stands as one of humanity's greatest intellectual and cultural achievements. It is an often-quoted sentiment that speech is to being human, what writing is to civilization, or, in the words of the anthropologist Jack Goody, 'Cognitively as well as sociologically, writing underpins 'civilization,' the culture of cities' (1987, p.300) (Woods, Christopher, ed., 2010, Visible Language, p. 15).
Visible language, a picturesque phrase. Another picturesque phrase appears in what could be the world's very old human document: Ṛgveda. The phrase is takṣat vāk, 'incised speech' since early writing occurred on tablets and potsherds.
Christopher Woods presents a Three-dimensional CT scan of the contents of a clay envelope from the site Chogha Mish in southwest Iran. (Fig. 2.16, ibid., p. 48).
I hope a similar CT-scan will be done of the 10 clay envelopes (rattles?) discovered at Chanhu-daro, the Sheffied of the Ancient Near East, by Dr. EJH Mackay of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I have written to the Museum authorities and hope there will be a positive response.
An example from Page 50 of Christopher Wood's book (2010) may be cited:
After Fig. 2.20. Impression of an Uruk-period cylinder seal from the former Erlenmeyer collection, Berlin, in: Wood, Christopher, ibid., p.50
Reading rebus the Meluhha words on this cylinder seal, the hieroglyphs -- scarf, reed, four stars, bull -- can be interpreted as logoglottosememes:
dhaṭu 'scarf' Rebus: dhatu 'mineral (ore)'
काँड् । काण्डः m. the stalk or stem of a reed, grass, or the like, straw. In the compound with dan 5 (p. 221a, l. 13) the word is spelt kāḍ. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’; Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ , (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone. dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast (metal)'. Thus, together, the glyphs of a pair of scarfed reeds read rebus: dul dhatu kāḍ 'cast mineral (ore) stone'.
meḍha 'polar star' Rebus: meḍ 'iron'
gaṇḍa 'four' Rebus: kaṇḍa 'furnace'
ḍhangar 'bull' Rebus: ḍhangar 'blacksmith'
The upraised circular motif in front of the bull may denote a bun ingot,ḍhāḷako 'a large metal ingot' (Gujarati)
Thus, the cylinder seal is a metalware catalog of a blacksmith working with mineral (ore), iron and furnace.
Malcolm Rogers
"The invention of writing and of a convenient system of records on paper has had a greater influence in uplifting the human race than any other intellectual achievement in the career of man. It was more important than all the battles ever fought and all the consitutions ever devised. -- JH Breasted, The Conquest of Civilization, pp. 53-54." The ability to represent language graphically, to make language visible, stands as one of humanity's greatest intellectual and cultural achievements. It is an often-quoted sentiment that speech is to being human, what writing is to civilization, or, in the words of the anthropologist Jack Goody, 'Cognitively as well as sociologically, writing underpins 'civilization,' the culture of cities' (1987, p.300) (Woods, Christopher, ed., 2010, Visible Language, p. 15).
Visible language, a picturesque phrase. Another picturesque phrase appears in what could be the world's very old human document: Ṛgveda. The phrase is takṣat vāk, 'incised speech' since early writing occurred on tablets and potsherds.
Christopher Woods presents a Three-dimensional CT scan of the contents of a clay envelope from the site Chogha Mish in southwest Iran. (Fig. 2.16, ibid., p. 48).
I hope a similar CT-scan will be done of the 10 clay envelopes (rattles?) discovered at Chanhu-daro, the Sheffied of the Ancient Near East, by Dr. EJH Mackay of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I have written to the Museum authorities and hope there will be a positive response.
An example from Page 50 of Christopher Wood's book (2010) may be cited:

Reading rebus the Meluhha words on this cylinder seal, the hieroglyphs -- scarf, reed, four stars, bull -- can be interpreted as logoglottosememes:
dhaṭu 'scarf' Rebus: dhatu 'mineral (ore)'
काँड् । काण्डः m. the stalk or stem of a reed, grass, or the like, straw. In the compound with dan 5 (p. 221a, l. 13) the word is spelt kāḍ. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’; Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ , (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone. dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast (metal)'. Thus, together, the glyphs of a pair of scarfed reeds read rebus: dul dhatu kāḍ 'cast mineral (ore) stone'.
meḍha 'polar star' Rebus: meḍ 'iron'
gaṇḍa 'four' Rebus: kaṇḍa 'furnace'
ḍhangar 'bull' Rebus: ḍhangar 'blacksmith'
The upraised circular motif in front of the bull may denote a bun ingot,ḍhāḷako 'a large metal ingot' (Gujarati)
Thus, the cylinder seal is a metalware catalog of a blacksmith working with mineral (ore), iron and furnace.
Malcolm Rogers
Ann and Graham Gund Director Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Avenue of the Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
I have a membership account with MFA.
http://bharatkalyan97. daro-sheffield-of-ancient- near.html Chanhu-daro, Sheffield of Ancient Near East.
This post details the need to unravel the contents of rattles. This includes some pictures of rattles of Chanhu-daro in MFA collections gallery:
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston holds perhaps the largest collection of rattles excavated from Chanhu-daro of Indus valley civilization thanks to the extraordinary archaeological work done by EJH Mackay on behalf of MFA.
The URL cited above provides a glimpse of about 10 rattles held in the collections of the Museum.
As you know, in the nearby sites of Mesopotamian/Elam civilization, tokens and bullae were used for account-keeping. Since Chanhu-daro was recognized as the Sheffield of Ancient Near East (cf. article in Illustrated London News of Nov. 26, 1936. cf.http://bharatkalyan97. near-east-bronze-age-heralded. html
The insights provided by many scholars and researchers do indicate that the rattles could have held tokens used for account keeping. A rattle found at Sibri was also discussed in Indo-Eurasian_Research Group. cf. http://bharatkalyan97. near-east-transition-fro- bullae.html
I request for help from MFA Boston Museum authorities to investigate further the contents of the rattles (bullae?) of Chanhu-daro. Given the context of metalware and stoneware (carnelian, agate etc.) work done at this archaeological site, it is possible that the rattles of Chanhu-daro hold some tiny, miniature incised tablets with Indus writing to indicate the types of metal artefacts accounted for. This could be of significance for unraveling the secrets of purposes served by Indus Writing.
I am grateful to Prof. Richard Sproat who (in personal communication) provided a lead referring to oimp32.pdf around page 48. I have cc-ed this mail to Prof. Sproat and Prof. Mehdi Mortazavi. University of Sistan and Baluchestan.
Richard mentions that Chris Woods, Sumerologist at the Oriental Institute in Chicago has been involved in a project to do CT scans of the bullae in the OIC collection. He basically teamed up with some people who do CT scanning at the UC medical school.
It will be helpful if MFA in Boston could arrange for something similar with one of the many fine medical institutions in the Boston area to do non-destructive investigation of the Chanhu-daro rattles held in the Museum to delineate the contents which could have been inscribed tablets or just pebble-stones. Who knows?
This certainly will be an effort as a tribute to the late Dr. EJH Mackay, M.A., D.Litt., FSA, who has made enormous contributions to the study of Indus valley civilization with archaeological work at Chanhu-daro, Mohenjo-daro etc.
I look forward to receiving your positive response, thanking you for your consideration and with the best regards, Meluhha. Invention of Writing in Ancient Middle East. Maybe, Chanhu-daro rattles will produce evidence for visible Meluhha gateway to Meluhha, gateway to Bronze Age Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization Age Meluhha, smithy/lapidary documents, takṣat vāk, incised speech
Cumulative list of blogposts on Indus Script as of August 8, 2013 Meluhha. Invention of Writing in Ancient Middle East. Maybe, Chanhu-daro rattles will produce evidence for visible Meluhha gateway to Meluhha, gateway to Bronze Age Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization Age Meluhha, smithy/lapidary documents, takṣat vāk, incised speech of Ancient Near East as Indus Meluhha ... Ancient near East Gudea statue hieroglyph (Indus writing): lokhãḍ, 'copper tools, pots and pans' Rebus: lo 'overflow', kāṇḍa 'sacred water'. Discovering Khirsara’s Harappan glory: Seals with Indus writing read rebus. Ancient Near East evidence for meluhha language and bronze-age metalware Ancient Near East writing systems: Indian sprachbund and Indus writing Ancient Near East 'scarf' hieroglyph on Warka vase, cyprus bronze stand and on Indus writing Ancient Near East jangaḍ accounting for mercatile transactions-- evidence of Indus writing presented. Ancient Near East bronze-age legacy: Processions depicted on Narmer palette, Indus writing denote artisan guilds Ancient near East lapidary guilds graduate into bronze-age metalware An ancient Near East proto-cuneiform tablet with Indus writing Indus writing in ancient Near East (Failaka seal readings) Indus writing on gold disc, Kuwait Museum al-Sabah collection: An Indus metalware catalog Did Indus writing deal with numeration? No. The writing dealt with metalware accounting as technical specs. in bills-of-lading. Tokens and bullae evolve into Indus writing, underlying language-sounds read rebus Indus writing in ancient Near East (Dilmun seal readings) Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisations -- BBC Indus writing in ancient Near East as metalware catalogs and not as agrarian accounting On perceiving aryan migrations by Witzel misquoting vedic ritual texts. Explaining mleccha vācas in Indian sprachbund. Indus writing and ancient Ivory. Metal traces on Phoenician artifacts show long-gone paint and gold Functions served by terracotta cakes of Indus civilization: Like ANE tokens for counting metal and alloy ingots Bronze-age writing in ancient Near East: Two Samarra bowls and Warka vase Bronze-age glyphs and writing in ancient Near East: Two cylinder seals from Sumer Indus Writing in ancient Near East: Corpora and a dictionary and Akkadian Rising Sun: two new books (April 2013) Proto-Indian in harosheth hagoyim (S.Kalyanaraman 2012) Between Mesopotamia and Meluhha: an ancient world of writing Spinner bas-relief of Susa, 8th c. BCE -- message of wheelwright guild Indian hieroglyphs -- Indus script corpora, archaeo-metallurgy and Meluhha (Mleccha)(S. Kalyanaraman, 2012) Young bull + lathe hieroglyphs on Indus seals Protovedic Continuity Theory (Kalyanaraman, 2012) Decrypting sangar, fortified settlement on Indus script corpora (Kalyanaraman, March 2012) Trefoil as an Indian hieroglyph: association with veneration of ancestors, sacredness (Kalyanaraman, March 10, 2012) Indian hieroglyphs, meluhha and archaeo-metallurgy Dr. S. Kalyanaraman's recent contribution to archaeo-metallurgy - Jayasree Saranathan Indus script hieroglyphs: composite animal, smithy valley mystery. Archaeology and language: Archaeological context of Indus script cipher. 'ram' glyph of Indus script, meḍh: rebus: 'helper of merchant'śyena, orthography, Sasanian iconography. Continued use of Indus Script hieroglyphs. goat-fish on a seal; compared with crocodile-fish hieroglyphs on Indus Script and fish as hieroglyphs of Indus script: Susa-Meluhha interactions. Meluhhan interpreter 'may have been literate and could read the undeciphered Indus script.' script: examples of free-hand writing. A professional calling card on gold pendant. two long inscriptions of Indus Script (Kalyanarman, 2011) stupa & Great Bath - Modeled after Ziggurat and Sit Shamshi (Kalyanaraman, 2011) Indus Script Susa cylinder seal: Susa-Indus interaction areas fish and ligatured-fish glyphs of Indus script (S. Kalyanaraman, November 2011)āsa and eagle narratives, linguistic area; Meluhha -- Locus and interaction areas