Location of Marhashi and cheetah from Meluhha: Shahdad & Tepe Yahya are in Marhashi
http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/cylinder-seals Shahdad (Šāhdād) cylinder seal. tagaraka 'tabernae montana' rebus: tagaram 'tin'; kola 'woman' rebus: kol 'alloy' (Meluhha, Mleccha) See other rebus readings of hieroglyphs on the seal. Nine plants (tabernae montana tulips) emanate from the woman' s body. lo, no 'nine' rebus: lo 'copper'. Copper alloyed with tin creates bronze. It is possible that the cylinder seal is a commemoration of this breakthrough in the Bronze Age of creating metal alloys.
Shahdad standard is a Meluhha (mleccha) metalware catalog describing the repertoire of a smithy in Shahdad, Marhashi:
pajhaṛ ‘kite’. Rebus: pasra ‘smithy’ (Santali)
Three pots are shown of three sizes in the context of kneeling adorants seated in front of the person seated on a stool. meṇḍā 'kneeling position' (Gondi) Rebus: meḍ 'iron' (Munda)
kōla = woman (Nahali) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Tamil) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil)
kaṇḍō a stool. Malt. Kanḍo stool, seat. (DEDR 1179) Rebus: kaṇḍ = a furnace, altar (Santali)
If the date palm denotes tamar (Hebrew language), ‘palm tree, date palm’ the rebus reading would be: tam(b)ra, ‘copper’ (Pkt.)
kaṇḍ kan-ka 'rim of jar' (Santali). kanka ‘rim (of jar, kaṇḍ)’ (Santali) kárṇa— m. ‘ear, handle of a vessel’ RV., ‘end, tip (?)’ RV. ii 34, 3. [Cf. *kāra—6] Pa. kaṇṇa— m. ‘ear, angle, tip’ (CDIAL 2830). Rebus: 'scribe'. Pk. kaṁḍa -- m. ʻ piece, fragment ʼ; -- Deriv. Pk. kaṁḍārēi ʻ scrapes, engraves ʼ;M. kãḍārṇẽ, karã̄ḍṇẽ ʻ to gnaw ʼ, kãḍārṇẽ n. ʻ jeweller's hammer, barber's nail -- parer ʼ. (CDIAL 2683) कंडारणें [ kaṇḍāraṇēṃ ] n An instrument of goldsmiths,--the iron spike which is hammered upon plates in reducing them to shape (Marathi) khanaka m. one who digs , digger , excavator MBh. iii , 640 R. ; a miner L. ; a house-breaker , thief L. ; a rat L. ; N. of a friend of Vidura MBh. i , 5798 f. ; (%{I}) f. a female digger or excavator Pāṇ. 3-1 , 145 Pat. ; iv , 1 , 41 Ka1s3.
kaṇḍ 'jar' (Santali) Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298). mayponḍi kanḍ whetstone; (Ga.)(DEDR 4628). (खडा) Pebbles or small stones: also stones broken up (as for a road), metal. खडा [ khaḍā ] m A small stone, a pebble. Rebus: kaṇḍ = a furnace, altar (Santali)
kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Te.) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.)Pk. Kolhuya -- , kulha — m. ʻ jackal ʼ < *kōḍhu -- ; H.kolhā, °lā m. ʻ jackal ʼ, adj. ʻ crafty ʼ; G. kohlũ, °lũ n. ʻ jackal ʼ, M. kolhā, °lā m. krōṣṭŕ̊ ʻ crying ʼ BhP., m. ʻ jackal ʼ RV. = krṓṣṭu — m. Pāṇ. [√kruś] Pa. koṭṭhu -- , °uka — and kotthu -- , °uka — m. ʻ jackal ʼ, Pk. Koṭṭhu — m.; Si. Koṭa ʻ jackal ʼ, koṭiya ʻ leopard ʼ GS 42 (CDIAL 3615). कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Ta.)
adar ḍangra ‘zebu or humped bull’; ḍangar ‘bull’ Rebus: adar ḍhangar 'native metal-smith'.
Rebus: ḍangar ‘blacksmith’; aduru native metal (Kannada). Tu. ajirda karba very hard iron (DEDR 192). aduru = gaṇiyinda tegadu karagade iruva aduru = ore taken from the mine and not subjected to melting in a furnace (Ka. Siddhānti Subrahmaṇya śastri’s New interpretation of the Amarakośa, Bangalore, Vicaradarpana Press, 1872, p. 330) aduru ‘native metal’ (Kannada); ḍhangar ‘blacksmith’ (Hindi)
kuṭi ‘tree’. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter’ (Santali). The two trees are shown ligatured to a rectangle with ten square divisions and a dot in each square. The dot may denote an ingot in a furnace mould.
Glyph of rectangle with divisions: baṭai = to divide, share (Santali) [Note the glyphs of nine rectangles divided.] Rebus: bhaṭa = an oven, kiln, furnace (Santali)
Three sets of entwined 'glyphs (like twisted ropes) are shown around the entire narrative of the Shahdad standard.
meṛhao = v.a.m. entwine itself; wind round, wrap round roll up (Santali); maṛhnā cover, encase (Hindi) (Santali.lex.Bodding) Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) mẽṛh t iron; ispat m. = steel; dul m. = cast iron (Mu.) meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) mẽṛhẽt‘iron’; mẽṛhẽt icena‘the iron is rusty’; ispat mẽṛhẽt‘steel’, dul mẽṛhẽt‘cast iron’; mẽṛhẽt khaṇḍa‘iron implements’ (Santali) meḍ. (Ho.)(Santali.lex.Bodding) meṛed, mṛed, mṛd iron; enga meṛed soft iron; sanḍi meṛed hard iron; ispāt meṛed steel; dul meṛed cast iron; i meṛed rusty iron, also the iron of which weights are cast; bica meṛed iron extracted from stone ore; bali meṛed iron extracted from sand ore (Mu.lex.)
měď (copper)(Czech) mіdʹ (copper, cuprum, orichalc)(Ukrainian) medʹ (copper, cuprum, Cu), mednyy (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), omednyatʹ (copper, coppering), sulʹfatmedi (Copper), politseyskiy (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), pokryvatʹ medʹyu (copper), payalʹnik (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), mednyy kotel (copper), medno-krasnyy (copper), mednaya moneta (copper). медь (copper, cuprum, Cu), медный (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), омеднять (copper, coppering), Сульфатмеди (Copper), полицейский (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), покрывать медью (copper), паяльник (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), медный котел (copper), медно-красный (copper), медная монета (copper).(Russian)
Mohenjo-daro seal m297a: Harappa h1018a: copper plate The hieroglyphs are explained as fortified enclosures of mleccha smithy guild workshops. veṛhā 'octopus, said to be found in the Indus' (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900) Rebus: beṛɔ m. ʻpalaceʼ, beṛā m. id. beṛā ʻbuilding with a courtyardʼ (Western Pahari) vāṛo m. ʻ cattle enclosure ʼ (Sindhi) மேடை mēṭai, n. [T. mēḍa.] 1. Platform, raised floor; தளமுயர்ந்த இடப்பகுதி. 2. Artificial mound; செய்குன்று. (W .)
meḍ ‘body ‘ (Munda)
mēḍha मेढ 'polar star' (Marathi) mēṭaṉ, n. < மேடம்¹. The planet Mars, as the lord of the sign Aries; [மேஷ ராசிக்கு உடையவன்] செவ்வாய் (நாமதீப. 98.)
meḷh ‘goat’ (Br.) mẽḍha ‘antelope’ meḍho a ram, a sheep (Gujarati)(CDIAL 10120)
Glyph ‘mountain’: మెట్ట [ meṭṭa ] or మిట్ట meṭṭa. [Tel.] n. Rising ground, high lying land, uplands. A hill, a rock. ఉన్నతభూమి, మెరక, పర్వతము, దిబ్బ. மேடு mēṭu , n. [T. meṭṭa, M. K. mēḍu.] 1. Height; உயரம். (பிங்.) 2. Eminence, little hill, hillock, ridge, rising ground; சிறுதிடர். (பிங்.) Ka. mede heap. Te. (VPK, intro. p. 128) meda id. (DEDR 5065)
Glyph ‘kneeling (adorant)’: మండి [ maṇḍi ] or మండీ manḍi. [Tel.] n. Kneeling down with one leg, an attitude in archery, ఒకకాలితోనేలమీదమోకరించుట, ఆలీఢపాదము. मेट [ mēṭa ] n (मिटणें) The knee-joint or the bend of the knee. मेटेंखुंटीसबसणें To kneel down. Ta. maṇṭi kneeling, kneeling on one knee as an archer. Ma. maṇṭuka to be seated on the heels. Ka. maṇḍi what is bent, the knee. Tu. maṇḍi knee. Te. maṇḍĭ̄ kneeling on one knee. Pa. maḍtel knee; maḍi kuḍtel kneeling position. Go. (L.) meṇḍā, (G. Mu. Ma.) minḍa knee (Voc. 2827). Konḍa (BB) meḍa, meṇḍa id. Pe. menḍa id. Manḍ. menḍe id. Kui menḍa id. Kuwi (F.) menda, (S. Su. P.) menḍa, (Isr.) meṇḍa id. Cf. 4645 Ta. maṭaṅku (maṇi-forms). / ? Cf. Skt. maṇḍūkī- part of an elephant's hind leg; Mar. meṭ knee-joint. (DEDR 4677) Glyph ‘oblation, offering’: mḗdha m. ʻ sacrificial oblation ʼ RV. Pa. mēdha -- m. ʻ sacrifice ʼ; Si. mehe, mē sb. ʻ eating ʼ ES 69.(CDIAL 10327).
beṭhan m. ʻpack -- cloth(Hindi)
veṭh, vẽṭh, veṭ, vẽṭ m.f. ʻroll, turn of a ropeʼ (Marathi) bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā ʻto plait, braid, fold (Hindi) baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ (Kumaoni) vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ(Sindhi) baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ (Hindi) meḍhā m. ʻ curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread ʼ (Marathi)(CDIAL 10312) meḍhi, miḍhī, meṇḍhī = a plait in a woman’s hair; a plaited or twisted strand of hair (Punjabi) [dial., cp. Prk. měṇṭha & miṇṭha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 293. The Dhtm (156) gives a root meṇḍ (meḍ) in meaning of "koṭilla," i. e. crookedness. (Pali)
meḍ ‘body’ (Munda)
veḍh n.f. ʻringʼ, m. ʻcircumferenceʼ(Marathi)
mēḍhi -- m. ʻ post on threshing floor (Prakrit) meḍhā m. ʻ post, forked stake ʼ(Marathi)
mẽhi bāṭi ʻ vessel with a projecting base ʼ(Maithili) meṭṭa‘projecting’ (Telugu)
Some glosses of Indian sprachbund:
Ancient Near East: Shahdad bronze-age inscriptional evidence, a tribute to Ali Hakemi

pajhaṛ ‘kite’. Rebus: pasra ‘smithy’ (Santali)
Three pots are shown of three sizes in the context of kneeling adorants seated in front of the person seated on a stool. meṇḍā 'kneeling position' (Gondi) Rebus: meḍ 'iron' (Munda)
kōla = woman (Nahali) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Tamil) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil)
kaṇḍō a stool. Malt. Kanḍo stool, seat. (DEDR 1179) Rebus: kaṇḍ = a furnace, altar (Santali)
If the date palm denotes tamar (Hebrew language), ‘palm tree, date palm’ the rebus reading would be: tam(b)ra, ‘copper’ (Pkt.)
kaṇḍ kan-ka 'rim of jar' (Santali). kanka ‘rim (of jar, kaṇḍ)’ (Santali) kárṇa— m. ‘ear, handle of a vessel’ RV., ‘end, tip (?)’ RV. ii 34, 3. [Cf. *kāra—6] Pa. kaṇṇa— m. ‘ear, angle, tip’ (CDIAL 2830). Rebus: 'scribe'. Pk. kaṁḍa -- m. ʻ piece, fragment ʼ; -- Deriv. Pk. kaṁḍārēi ʻ scrapes, engraves ʼ;M. kãḍārṇẽ, karã̄ḍṇẽ ʻ to gnaw ʼ, kãḍārṇẽ n. ʻ jeweller's hammer, barber's nail -- parer ʼ. (CDIAL 2683) कंडारणें [ kaṇḍāraṇēṃ ] n An instrument of goldsmiths,--the iron spike which is hammered upon plates in reducing them to shape (Marathi) khanaka m. one who digs , digger , excavator MBh. iii , 640 R. ; a miner L. ; a house-breaker , thief L. ; a rat L. ; N. of a friend of Vidura MBh. i , 5798 f. ; (%{I}) f. a female digger or excavator Pāṇ. 3-1 , 145 Pat. ; iv , 1 , 41 Ka1s3.
kaṇḍ 'jar' (Santali) Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298). mayponḍi kanḍ whetstone; (Ga.)(DEDR 4628). (खडा) Pebbles or small stones: also stones broken up (as for a road), metal. खडा [ khaḍā ] m A small stone, a pebble. Rebus: kaṇḍ = a furnace, altar (Santali)
kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Te.) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Te.)Pk. Kolhuya -- , kulha — m. ʻ jackal ʼ < *kōḍhu -- ; H.kolhā, °lā m. ʻ jackal ʼ, adj. ʻ crafty ʼ; G. kohlũ, °lũ n. ʻ jackal ʼ, M. kolhā, °lā m. krōṣṭŕ̊ ʻ crying ʼ BhP., m. ʻ jackal ʼ RV. = krṓṣṭu — m. Pāṇ. [√kruś] Pa. koṭṭhu -- , °uka — and kotthu -- , °uka — m. ʻ jackal ʼ, Pk. Koṭṭhu — m.; Si. Koṭa ʻ jackal ʼ, koṭiya ʻ leopard ʼ GS 42 (CDIAL 3615). कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pañcaloha’ (Ta.)
adar ḍangra ‘zebu or humped bull’; ḍangar ‘bull’ Rebus: adar ḍhangar 'native metal-smith'.
Rebus: ḍangar ‘blacksmith’; aduru native metal (Kannada). Tu. ajirda karba very hard iron (DEDR 192). aduru = gaṇiyinda tegadu karagade iruva aduru = ore taken from the mine and not subjected to melting in a furnace (Ka. Siddhānti Subrahmaṇya śastri’s New interpretation of the Amarakośa, Bangalore, Vicaradarpana Press, 1872, p. 330) aduru ‘native metal’ (Kannada); ḍhangar ‘blacksmith’ (Hindi)
kuṭi ‘tree’. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter’ (Santali). The two trees are shown ligatured to a rectangle with ten square divisions and a dot in each square. The dot may denote an ingot in a furnace mould.
Glyph of rectangle with divisions: baṭai = to divide, share (Santali) [Note the glyphs of nine rectangles divided.] Rebus: bhaṭa = an oven, kiln, furnace (Santali)
ḍāḷ= a branch of a tree (G.) Rebus: ḍhāḷako = a large ingot (G.) ḍhāḷakī = a metal heated and poured into a mould; a solid piece of metal; an ingot (G.)
Three sets of entwined 'glyphs (like twisted ropes) are shown around the entire narrative of the Shahdad standard.
meṛhao = v.a.m. entwine itself; wind round, wrap round roll up (Santali); maṛhnā cover, encase (Hindi) (Santali.lex.Bodding) Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) mẽṛh t iron; ispat m. = steel; dul m. = cast iron (Mu.) meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) mẽṛhẽt‘iron’; mẽṛhẽt icena‘the iron is rusty’; ispat mẽṛhẽt‘steel’, dul mẽṛhẽt‘cast iron’; mẽṛhẽt khaṇḍa‘iron implements’ (Santali) meḍ. (Ho.)(Santali.lex.Bodding) meṛed, mṛed, mṛd iron; enga meṛed soft iron; sanḍi meṛed hard iron; ispāt meṛed steel; dul meṛed cast iron; i meṛed rusty iron, also the iron of which weights are cast; bica meṛed iron extracted from stone ore; bali meṛed iron extracted from sand ore (Mu.lex.)
měď (copper)(Czech) mіdʹ (copper, cuprum, orichalc)(Ukrainian) medʹ (copper, cuprum, Cu), mednyy (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), omednyatʹ (copper, coppering), sulʹfatmedi (Copper), politseyskiy (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), pokryvatʹ medʹyu (copper), payalʹnik (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), mednyy kotel (copper), medno-krasnyy (copper), mednaya moneta (copper). медь (copper, cuprum, Cu), медный (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), омеднять (copper, coppering), Сульфатмеди (Copper), полицейский (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), покрывать медью (copper), паяльник (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), медный котел (copper), медно-красный (copper), медная монета (copper).(Russian)

meḍ ‘body ‘ (Munda)
mēḍha मेढ 'polar star' (Marathi) mēṭaṉ, n. < மேடம்¹. The planet Mars, as the lord of the sign Aries; [மேஷ ராசிக்கு உடையவன்] செவ்வாய் (நாமதீப. 98.)
मेटींव [ mēṭīṃva ] p of मेटणें A verb not in use. Roughly hewn or chiseled--a stone. (Marathi)
meḍh ‘helper of merchant’ (Pkt.) meṛha, meḍhi ‘merchant’s clerk; (Gujarati) मेढ‘merchant’s helper’ (Pkt.); m. an elephant-keeper Gal. (cf. मेठ). Ta. mēṭṭi haughtiness, excellence, chief, head, land granted free of tax to the headman of a village; mēṭṭimai haughtiness; leadership, excellence. Ka. mēṭi loftiness, greatness, excellence, a big man, a chief, a head, head servant. Te. mēṭari, mēṭi chief, head, leader, lord; (prob. mēṭi < *mēl-ti [cf. 5086]; Ka. Ta. < Te.; Burrow 1969, p. 277) (DEDR 5091).மேட்டி mēṭṭi, n. Assistant house-servant; waiting-boy. மேட்டி +. Headman of the Toṭṭiya caste; தொட்டியர்தலைவன். (E. T. vii, 185.) మేటి [ mēṭi ] mēti. n. Lit: a helper. A servant, a cook, a menial who cleans plates, dishes, lamps and shoes, &c. (Eng. ‘mate’) మేటి [ mēṭi ] or మేటరి mēṭi [Tel.] n. A chief, leader, head man, lord, శ్రేష్ఠుడు, అధిపుడు. adj. Chief, excellent, noble. శ్రేష్ఠమైన. మేటిదొర a noble man, lord. Bilh. ii. 50. మెరయుచునుండెడి మేటీరంబులుమేటీరంబులు, అనగామేటి, గొప్పలైన, ఈరంబులు, పొదలు large bushes. "తేటైనపన్నీటతీర్థంబులాడి, మేటికస్తూరిమేనెల్లబూసి." Misc. iii. 22. మేటిగా = మెండుగా. మేటిల్లు mētillu. v. n. To excel. అతిశయించు. Medinī (f.) [Vedic medin an associate or companion fr. mid in meaning to be friendly.]
மேதி¹ mēti, n. perh. mēdas. 1. Buffalo; எருமை. மேதி யன்ன கல்பிறங் கியவின் (மலைபடு. 111)meḷh ‘goat’ (Br.) mẽḍha ‘antelope’ meḍho a ram, a sheep (Gujarati)(CDIAL 10120)
Glyph ‘mountain’: మెట్ట [ meṭṭa ] or మిట్ట meṭṭa. [Tel.] n. Rising ground, high lying land, uplands. A hill, a rock. ఉన్నతభూమి, మెరక, పర్వతము, దిబ్బ. மேடு mēṭu , n. [T. meṭṭa, M. K. mēḍu.] 1. Height; உயரம். (பிங்.) 2. Eminence, little hill, hillock, ridge, rising ground; சிறுதிடர். (பிங்.) Ka. mede heap. Te. (VPK, intro. p. 128) meda id. (DEDR 5065)
Glyph ‘fig, ficus racemosa’: మేడి [ mēḍi ] mēḍi. [Tel.] అత్తి, ఉదుంబరము. మేడిపండు the fruit of this tree. 5090 Ka. mēḍi glomerous fig tree, Ficus racemosa; opposite-leaved fig tree, F. oppositifolia. Te. mēḍi F. glomerata. Kol. (Kin.) mēṛi id. [F. glomerata Roxb. = F. racemosa Wall.](DEDR 5090).
Glyph ‘curved end of stick’: मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] m A crook or curved end (of a stick, horn &c.) and attrib. such a stick, horn, bullock.
mēṭu, mēṭa, mēṭi stack of hay; (Inscr.) (Telugu)
meḍ ‘dance’ (Santali) మెట్ట [ meṭṭa ] or మిట్ట meṭṭa. மெட்டு¹-தல் meṭṭu-, v. tr. cf. நெட்டு-. [K. meṭṭu.] To spurn or push with the foot; காலால்தாக்குதல். நிகளத்தைமெட்டிமெட்டிப்பொடிபடுத்தி (பழனிப்பிள்ளைத். 12). (Tamil) meṭṭu ‘to put or place down the foot or feet; to step, to pace, to walk (Ka.)
meḍ ‘dance’ (Santali)
meṛha, mehra ʻ a circular construction, mound ʼ(Old Assamese)
meṛā m. (Bihari) meṇḍa -m. ʻ ram ʼ (Pali) miṇḍāˊl ʻ markhor ʼ (Tōrwālī) Glyph ‘crookedness of horns’: Meṇḍa [dial., cp. Prk. měṇṭha & miṇṭha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 293. The Dhtm (156) gives a root meṇḍ (meḍ) in meaning of "koṭilla," i. e. crookedness. (Pali) M. mẽḍhā m. ʻ crook or curved end (of a horn, stick, &c.) ʼ. Glyph: ‘ram with curling horns’: H. mẽṛā, mẽḍā m. ʻ ram with curling horns ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ she -- goat do. ʼ (CDIAL 10120) Bi. mẽṛhwā ʻ a bullock with curved horns like a ram's ʼ; M. mẽḍhrū̃ n. ʻ sheep ʼ.(CDIAL 10311).beṭhan m. ʻpack -- cloth(Hindi)
veṭh, vẽṭh, veṭ, vẽṭ m.f. ʻroll, turn of a ropeʼ (Marathi) bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā ʻto plait, braid, fold (Hindi) baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ (Kumaoni) vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ(Sindhi) baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ (Hindi) meḍhā m. ʻ curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread ʼ (Marathi)(CDIAL 10312) meḍhi, miḍhī, meṇḍhī = a plait in a woman’s hair; a plaited or twisted strand of hair (Punjabi) [dial., cp. Prk. měṇṭha & miṇṭha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 293. The Dhtm (156) gives a root meṇḍ (meḍ) in meaning of "koṭilla," i. e. crookedness. (Pali)
Glyph ‘spear’: మేడెము [ mēḍemu ] or మేడియము mēḍemu. [Tel.] n. A spear or dagger. ఈటె, బాకు. The rim of a bell-shaped earring, set with ems.రాళ్లుచెక్కినమికీఅంచుయొక్క పనితరము. "కఓడితినన్నన్వారకమేడెముపొడుతురె." BD. vi. 116.
meḍ ‘body’ (Munda)
veḍh n.f. ʻringʼ, m. ʻcircumferenceʼ(Marathi)
mēḍhi -- m. ʻ post on threshing floor (Prakrit) meḍhā m. ʻ post, forked stake ʼ(Marathi)
mẽhi bāṭi ʻ vessel with a projecting base ʼ(Maithili) meṭṭa‘projecting’ (Telugu)
Some glosses of Indian sprachbund:
vēṣṭá m. ʻband, nooseʼ Kauś., ʻenclosureʼ lex., °aka- m. ʻfenceʼ, n. ʻturbanʼ lex. [√vēṣṭ] M. veṭh, vẽṭh, veṭ, vẽṭ m.f. ʻroll, turn of a ropeʼ; Si. veṭya ʻ enclosure ʼ; -- Pa. sīsa -- vēṭha -- m. ʻhead -- wrapʼ, vēṭhaka -- ʻsurroundingʼ; Pk. vēḍha -- m. ʻwrapʼ; S. veṛhu m. ʻencirclingʼ; L. veṛh, vehṛ m. ʻfencing, enclosure in jungle with a hedge, (Ju.) blockadeʼ, veṛhā, vehṛām. ʻcourtyard, (Ju.) enclosure containing many housesʼ; P. veṛhā, be° m. ʻenclosure, courtyardʼ; Ku. beṛo ʻcircle or band (of people) ʼ, beṛi ʻfetterʼ; N. berh, ber ʻwrappingʼ, ber -- bār ʻwrapping upʼ; A. ber ʻwall of house, circumference of anythingʼ; B. beṛ ʻroll, turn, fence, enclosureʼ, beṛā ʻfence, hedgeʼ; Or. beṛha ʻgirth, fence round young treesʼ, beṛā ʻwall of houseʼ; Mth. beṛ ʻhedge, wallʼ, beṛhī ʻgranaryʼ; H. beṛh, beṛ, beṛhā, beṛā m. ʻenclosure, cattle surrounded and carried off by forceʼ,beṛī f. ʻring on ankleʼ; G. veḍh m. ʻfinger -- ringʼ, veḍhɔ m. ʻcircular log, joint of the fingersʼ; M. veḍh n.f. ʻringʼ, m. ʻcircumferenceʼ; Si. veḷu ʻtwisted string, bandageʼ.WPah.kṭg. beṛɔ m. ʻpalaceʼ, J. beṛā m. ʻid., esp. the female apartmentsʼ, kul. beṛā ʻbuilding with a courtyardʼ; A. also berā ʻfence, enclosureʼ (CDIAL 12130).
vēṣṭana n. ʻenclosing ʼ Gr̥Śr., ʻbandage, bandʼ MBh., °aka -- m. ʻa method of coitusʼ lex. [√vēṣṭ] Pk. veṭṭhaṇa -- n. ʻwrappingʼ, °aga -- n. ʻturbanʼ; K. wuṭhan f. ʻact of twisting, a screwʼ; S. veṭhaṇu m. ʻpack -- clothʼ; MB. beṭhana ʻturbanʼ, B. beṭan ʻwrapper, envelope, coverʼ; Bi. beṭhan ʻwasherman's ironing clothʼ; Bhoj. beṭhan ʻcloth wrapper of a bookʼ; H. beṭhan m. ʻpack -- cloth, wrapperʼ; M. veṭhaṇ n. ʻtieropeʼ; -- Pa. vēṭhana -- n. ʻwrap, turbanʼ; Pk. vēḍhaṇa<-> n. ʻwrappingʼ; Kho. beḷini ʻswaddling clothesʼ; K. wurunu m. ʻbedclothes, quiltʼ; A. beran ʻact of surroundingʼ; Or. beṛhaṇa, °ṇi ʻgirth, circumference, fencing, small cloth worn by womanʼ. -- X mḗkhalā -- : A. meṭhâni (phonet. methɔni) ʻwoman's girdleʼ (CDIAL 12131).
vēṣṭáyati ʻwraps up, encloses, surround ʼ TBr. [vḗṣṭatē ʻclings toʼ AV. -- √vēṣṭ]
Pk. veṭṭhida -- ʻwrapped upʼ; Dm. byēṣṭ -- ʻto twistʼ, Phal. bēṣṭūˊm 1 sg., Sh.koh. bĕṭhōnṷ, K. wuṭhun: M. veṭhṇẽ ʻ to tie ʼ; -- Pa. vēṭhēti ʻwraps, surrounds, twistsʼ; Pk. veḍhēi, °ḍhaï ʻwraps upʼ, Kho. beḷik; K. wurun ʻto wrap oneself up in bedclothes, coverʼ; S. veṛhaṇu ʻto twistʼ; L. veṛhaṇ ʻto wind, bandage, bind, surroundʼ; Ku. beṛṇo ʻto fence in, encloseʼ; N. bernu ʻto roll, fold upʼ; A. beriba ʻto surround (with fence or wall)ʼ, B. beṛā, Or. beṛhibā, Mth. beṛhab; H. beṛhnā ʻto enclose, surroundʼ; M. veḍhṇẽ ʻto twist, surroundʼ; Si. veḷanavā ʻto twist, entwine, (SigGr ii 464) wrapʼ. -- X bandhati: Pk. veṁḍhia -- ʻwrapped upʼ); H. bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā (see also váyati) ʻto plait, braid, fold ʼ. Md. oḷanī ʻrolls up, windsʼ. (CDIAL 12132). Ta. mētaravar, mētavar a class of people who do bamboo work. Ka. mēda, mēdā̆ra, mādara man who plaits baskets, mats, etc. of bamboo splits, man of thebasket-maker caste. Koḍ. me·dë man of caste who make baskets and leaf-umbrellas and play drums at ceremonies; fem. me·di. Te. mēdara, mēdari the basket-maker caste, a basket-maker; of or pertaining to the basket-maker caste. Kuwi (S.) mētri, (Isr.) mētreˀesi matmaker. / Cf. Skt. meda- a particular mixed caste; Turner, CDIAL, no. 10320. (DEDR 5092). mēda m. ʻ a mixed caste, any one living by a degrading occupation ʼ Mn. [→ Bal. mēd ʻ boatman, fisher- man ʼ. -- Cf. Tam. metavar ʻ basket -- maker ʼ&c. DED 4178] Pk. mēa -- m., mēī -- f. ʻ member of a non -- Aryan tribe ʼ; S. meu m. ʻ fisherman ʼ (whence miāṇī f. ʻ a fishery ʼ), L. mē m.; P. meũ m., f. meuṇī ʻ boatman ʼ. -- Prob. separate from S. muhāṇo m. ʻ member of a class of Moslem boatmen ʼ, L. mohāṇā m., °ṇī f.: see *mr̥gahanaka -- . (CDIAL 10320).
Pk. veṭṭhida -- ʻwrapped upʼ; Dm. byēṣṭ -- ʻto twistʼ, Phal. bēṣṭūˊm 1 sg., Sh.koh. bĕṭhōnṷ, K. wuṭhun: M. veṭhṇẽ ʻ to tie ʼ; -- Pa. vēṭhēti ʻwraps, surrounds, twistsʼ; Pk. veḍhēi, °ḍhaï ʻwraps upʼ, Kho. beḷik; K. wurun ʻto wrap oneself up in bedclothes, coverʼ; S. veṛhaṇu ʻto twistʼ; L. veṛhaṇ ʻto wind, bandage, bind, surroundʼ; Ku. beṛṇo ʻto fence in, encloseʼ; N. bernu ʻto roll, fold upʼ; A. beriba ʻto surround (with fence or wall)ʼ, B. beṛā, Or. beṛhibā, Mth. beṛhab; H. beṛhnā ʻto enclose, surroundʼ; M. veḍhṇẽ ʻto twist, surroundʼ; Si. veḷanavā ʻto twist, entwine, (SigGr ii 464) wrapʼ. -- X bandhati: Pk. veṁḍhia -- ʻwrapped upʼ); H. bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā (see also váyati) ʻto plait, braid, fold ʼ. Md. oḷanī ʻrolls up, windsʼ. (CDIAL 12132). Ta. mētaravar, mētavar a class of people who do bamboo work. Ka. mēda, mēdā̆ra, mādara man who plaits baskets, mats, etc. of bamboo splits, man of thebasket-maker caste. Koḍ. me·dë man of caste who make baskets and leaf-umbrellas and play drums at ceremonies; fem. me·di. Te. mēdara, mēdari the basket-maker caste, a basket-maker; of or pertaining to the basket-maker caste. Kuwi (S.) mētri, (Isr.) mētreˀesi matmaker. / Cf. Skt. meda- a particular mixed caste; Turner, CDIAL, no. 10320. (DEDR 5092). mēda m. ʻ a mixed caste, any one living by a degrading occupation ʼ Mn. [→ Bal. mēd ʻ boatman, fisher- man ʼ. -- Cf. Tam. metavar ʻ basket -- maker ʼ&c. DED 4178] Pk. mēa -- m., mēī -- f. ʻ member of a non -- Aryan tribe ʼ; S. meu m. ʻ fisherman ʼ (whence miāṇī f. ʻ a fishery ʼ), L. mē m.; P. meũ m., f. meuṇī ʻ boatman ʼ. -- Prob. separate from S. muhāṇo m. ʻ member of a class of Moslem boatmen ʼ, L. mohāṇā m., °ṇī f.: see *mr̥gahanaka -- . (CDIAL 10320).
mēthí m. ʻ pillar in threshing floor to which oxen are fastened, prop for supporting carriage shafts ʼ AV., °thī -- f. KātyŚr.com., mēdhī -- f. Divyāv. 2. mēṭhī -- f. PañcavBr.com., mēḍhī -- , mēṭī -- f. BhP. 1. Pa. mēdhi -- f. ʻ post to tie cattle to, pillar, part of a stūpa ʼ; Pk. mēhi -- m. ʻ post on threshing floor ʼ, N. meh(e), miho, miyo, B. mei, Or. maï -- dāṇḍi, Bi. mẽh, mẽhā ʻ the post ʼ, (SMunger) mehā ʻ the bullock next the post ʼ, Mth. meh, mehā ʻ the post ʼ, (SBhagalpur) mīhã̄ ʻ the bullock next the post ʼ, (SETirhut) mẽhi bāṭi ʻ vessel with a projecting base ʼ. 2. Pk. mēḍhi -- m. ʻ post on threshing floor ʼ, mēḍhaka<-> ʻ small stick ʼ; K. mīr, mīrü f. ʻ larger hole in ground which serves as a mark in pitching walnuts ʼ (for semantic relation of ʻ post -- hole ʼ see kūpa -- 2); L. meṛh f. ʻ rope tying oxen to each other and to post on threshing floor ʼ; P. mehṛ f., mehaṛ m. ʻ oxen on threshing floor, crowd ʼ; OA meṛha, mehra ʻ a circular construction, mound ʼ; Or. meṛhī, meri ʻ post on threshing floor ʼ; Bi. mẽṛ ʻ raised bank between irrigated beds ʼ, (Camparam) mẽṛhā ʻ bullock next the post ʼ, Mth. (SETirhut) mẽṛhā ʻ id. ʼ; M. meḍ(h), meḍhī f., meḍhā m. ʻ post, forked stake ʼ. (CDIAL 10317)
मेढेदाई or मेढेदाईक [ mēḍhēdāī or mēḍhēdāīka ] c (मेढा & दाय) The owner of the hedge or fence dividing his enclosure from that of his neighbor. मेंड [ mēṇḍa ] m ( H) Edge, margin, or border of a field, esp. as raised: also a ridge or raised edge more generally. (Marathi) Ta. meṭṭu mound, heap of earth; mēṭu height, eminence, hillock; muṭṭu rising ground, high ground, heap. Ma. mēṭu rising ground, hillock; māṭu hillock, raised ground; miṭṭāl rising ground, an alluvial bank; (Tiyya) maṭṭa hill. Ka. mēḍu height, rising ground, hillock; miṭṭu rising or high ground, hill; miṭṭe state of being high, rising ground, hill, mass, a large number; (Hav.) muṭṭe heap (as of straw). Tu. miṭṭè prominent, protruding; muṭṭe heap. Te. meṭṭa raised or high ground, hill; (K.) meṭṭu mound; miṭṭa high ground, hillock, mound; high, elevated, raised, projecting; (VPK) mēṭu, mēṭa, mēṭi stack of hay; (Inscr.) meṇṭa-cēnu dry field (cf. meṭṭu-nēla, meṭṭu-vari). Kol. (SR.) meṭṭā hill; (Kin.) meṭṭ, (Hislop) met mountain. Nk. meṭṭ hill, mountain. Ga. (S.3, LSB 20.3) meṭṭa high land. Go. (Tr. W. Ph.) maṭṭā, (Mu.) maṭṭa mountain; (M. L.) meṭāid., hill; (A. D. Ko.) meṭṭa, (Y. Ma. M.) meṭa hill; (SR.) meṭṭā hillock (Voc. 2949). Konḍa meṭa id. Kuwi (S.) metta hill; (Isr.) meṭa sand hill.(DEDR 5058).
मेंढका or क्या [ mēṇḍhakā or kyā ] a (मेंढा) A shepherd. मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] m (मेष S through H) A male sheep, a ram or tup. (Marathi) *mēṇḍharūpa ʻ like a ram ʼ. [mēṇḍha -- 2, rūpá -- ] Bi. mẽṛhwā ʻ a bullock with curved horns like a ram's ʼ; M. mẽḍhrū̃ n. ʻ sheep ʼ.(CDIAL 10311). mēṇḍha2 m. ʻ ram ʼ, °aka -- , mēṇḍa -- 4, miṇḍha -- 2, °aka -- , mēṭha -- 2, mēṇḍhra -- , mēḍhra -- 2, °aka -- m. lex. 2. *mēṇṭha- (mēṭha -- m. lex.). 3. *mējjha -- . [r -- forms (which are not attested in NIA.) are due to further sanskritization of a loan -- word prob. of Austro -- as. origin (EWA ii 682 with lit.) and perh. related to the group s.v. bhēḍra -- ] 1. Pa. meṇḍa -- m. ʻ ram ʼ, °aka -- ʻ made of a ram's horn (e.g. a bow) ʼ; Pk. meḍḍha -- , meṁḍha -- (°ḍhī -- f.), °ṁḍa -- , miṁḍha -- (°dhiā -- f.), °aga -- m. ʻ ram ʼ, Dm. Gaw. miṇ Kal.rumb. amŕn/aŕə ʻ sheep ʼ(a -- ?); Bshk. mināˊl ʻ ram ʼ; Tor. miṇḍ ʻ ram ʼ, miṇḍāˊl ʻ markhor ʼ; Chil. mindh*ll ʻ ram ʼ AO xviii 244 (dh!), Sv. yēṛo -- miṇ; Phal. miṇḍ, miṇ ʻ ram ʼ, miṇḍṓl m. ʻ yearling lamb, gimmer ʼ; P. mẽḍhā m., °ḍhī f., ludh. mīḍḍhā, mī˜ḍhā m.; N. meṛho, meṛo ʻ ram for sacrifice ʼ; A. mersāg ʻ ram ʼ ( -- sāg < *chāgya -- ?), B. meṛā m., °ṛi f., Or. meṇḍhā, °ḍā m., °ḍhi f., H. meṛh, meṛhā, mẽḍhā m., G. mẽḍhɔ, M. mẽḍhā m., Si. mäḍayā.
2. Pk. meṁṭhī -- f. ʻ sheep ʼ; H. meṭhā m. ʻ ram ʼ. 3. H. mejhukā m. ʻ ram ʼ. (CDIAL 10310).
2. Pk. meṁṭhī -- f. ʻ sheep ʼ; H. meṭhā m. ʻ ram ʼ. 3. H. mejhukā m. ʻ ram ʼ. (CDIAL 10310).
بټ baṯṯ, s.m. (2nd) A large iron pan or cauldron for roasting grain, a furnace, a kiln. 2. Luck, prosperity, felicity. 3. The bark of a tree, bark, rind, peel, husk (s वट or वड, wrap round or entwine). Pl. بټونه baṯṯūnah. See پټ ,پستکي, and پجه
(Pushto)*vārtra ʻ pertaining to a fence ʼ. [vártra -- ] Wg. wātr ʻ wooden fence ʼ; Kt. wōtr ʻ hurdle ʼ;<-> early EMIA. vāṭa -- 1 q.v. *vārtrānta -- . [Attested (instead of *vārta -- posited by T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 68) by Wg. Kt.] Garh. bāṛ ʻ fencing ʼ.(CDIAL 11565). kar-waṭiñ कर्-वटिञ् । वप्रादिक्षेप्यपङ्केष्टिकादिः f. (in a wall or fence) the portion made of hard mud or bricks.(Kashmiri) vāṭa1 m. ʻ enclosure, fence ʼ MBh., vāṭī -- f. ʻ enclosed land ʼ BhP., vāṭikā -- f. ʻ enclosure, garden ʼ Kathās. [Early east MIA.< *vārtra -- . -- √vr̥1].Pa. vāṭa -- , °aka -- m. ʻ enclosure, circle ʼ; Pk. vāḍa -- , °aga -- m. ʻ fence ʼ, vāḍī -- , °ḍiā -- f. ʻ fence, garden ʼ; Gy. eng. bor ʻ hedge ʼ, germ. bār ʻ garden ʼ, gr. bári, hung. bar, pl. barya; Dm. byeŕ, byäˊŕu ʻ cattle -- fold ʼ; Paš.weg. waṛ ʻ wall ʼ; Phal. bāṛ ʻ goat -- pen ʼ (→ Gaw. bāḍ ʻ fence, sheepfold ʼ; Paš.weg. bāṛ ʻ cow -- pen ʼ); Sh. (Lor.) bā ʻ sheep -- or goat -- pen ʼ; K. wār (Islāmābād wāḍ) m. ʻ hedge round garden ʼ, wôru m. ʻ enclosed space, garden, cattle -- yard ʼ, wörü f. ʻ garden ʼ, kash. wajī ʻ field ʼ; S. vāṛo m. ʻ cattle enclosure ʼ, vāṛi f. ʻ fence, hedge ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ field of vegetables ʼ; L. vāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛā m. ʻ cattle -- or sheepfold ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ sheepfold, melon patch ʼ; P. vāṛ, bāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛā, bā° m. ʻ enclosure, sheepfold ʼ, vāṛī, bā° f. ʻ garden ʼ; WPah.bhal. bāṛi f. ʻ wrestling match enclosure ʼ, cam. bāṛī ʻ garden ʼ; Ku. bāṛ ʻ fence ʼ (whence bāṛṇo ʻ to fence ʼ), bāṛo ʻ field near house ʼ, bāṛī ʻ garden ʼ; N. bār ʻ hedge, boundary of field ʼ, bāri ʻ garden ʼ; A. bār ʻ wall of house ʼ, bāri ʻ garden ʼ; B.bāṛ ʻ edge, border, selvedge of cloth ʼ, bāṛi ʻ garden ʼ; Or. bāṛa ʻ fence ʼ, bāṛā ʻ fence, side wall ʼ, bāṛi ʻ land adjoining house ʼ; Bi. bāṛī ʻ garden land ʼ; Mth. bāṛī ʻ ground round house ʼ, (SBhagalpur) bārī ʻ field ʼ; Bhoj. bārī ʻ garden ʼ; OAw. bāra m. ʻ obstruction ʼ, bārī f. ʻ garden ʼ; H. bāṛ f. ʻ fence, hedge, line ʼ, bāṛā m. ʻ enclosure ʼ, bāṛī f. ʻ enclosure, garden ʼ; Marw. bāṛī f. ʻ garden ʼ; G. vāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛɔ m. ʻ enclosure, courtyard ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ garden ʼ; M. vāḍ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāḍā m. ʻ quarter of a town ʼ ( --vāḍẽ in names of places LM 405), vāḍī f. ʻ garden ʼ; Ko. vāḍo ʻ habitation ʼ; Si. vel -- a ʻ field ʼ (or< vēla -- ). vāṭa -- 1 [Perhaps < *vārta -- < IE. *worto -- rather than < *vārtra -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 68] WPah.kṭg. bāṛ m. ʻ fence, pen for sheep, goats, calves in bottom storey ʼ, baṛɔ m. ʻ pen for cattle, grain store, fence ʼ, baṛnõ ʻ to fence in, build a nest ʼ, báṛhnõ ʻ to become a bar, to force oneself in, be fenced ʼ; poet. baṛən f. ʻ fence, railing ʼ, baṛne f. (CDIAL 11480).
vartana n. ʻ turning, rolling ʼ Nir., vartanī -- f. ʻ spindle ʼ Lalit. [√vr̥t1]
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b*lc̣*lṇi f. ʻ disc fixed on large spindle ʼ(c̣?); Kho. bartun ʻ wooden disc fixed on spindle ʼ(a?); K. watan f. ʻ small circular piece of leather or wood or metal for fastening chain of bolt ʼ,watüñü f. ʻ do. used as a toy ʼ; S. vaṭiṇo m. ʻ spindle ʼ; L. vaṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ, P. vaṭṭṇā, vaṭṇū m., °ṇī f., baṭṇā, °ṇū m., °ṇī f.; Ku. baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ; B. bāṭnā ʻ grinding ʼ; Bi. baṭanī ʻ fringemaker's wooden reel ʼ; H. baṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ; G. vāṭṇɔ, °ṇiɔ m. ʻ long round stone used in crushing or beating on a slab, muller ʼ. (CDIAL 11354)
Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaṇā<-> f., vattaṇa -- n., °ṇā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b*lc̣*lṇi f. ʻ disc fixed on large spindle ʼ(c̣?); Kho. bartun ʻ wooden disc fixed on spindle ʼ(a?); K. watan f. ʻ small circular piece of leather or wood or metal for fastening chain of bolt ʼ,watüñü f. ʻ do. used as a toy ʼ; S. vaṭiṇo m. ʻ spindle ʼ; L. vaṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ, P. vaṭṭṇā, vaṭṇū m., °ṇī f., baṭṇā, °ṇū m., °ṇī f.; Ku. baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ; B. bāṭnā ʻ grinding ʼ; Bi. baṭanī ʻ fringemaker's wooden reel ʼ; H. baṭnā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ; G. vāṭṇɔ, °ṇiɔ m. ʻ long round stone used in crushing or beating on a slab, muller ʼ. (CDIAL 11354)
vartáyati ʻ causes to turn, whirls ʼ RV. [√vr̥t1] Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēi, vattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. baṭyāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waṭun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭaṇ, (Ju.) vaṭaṇ ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭuṇ ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) bāṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. bāṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. bāṭnu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. bāṭiba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. bāṭā, bã̄ṭā ʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. bāṭibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. baṭnāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. bāṭnā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vāṭvũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M. vāṭṇẽ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇẽ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaṭanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaṭāiṇu; P. baṭāuṇā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇā, ba° ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaṭāvvũ, vatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ. vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. bāṭṇu; A. baṭiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ< údvartatē?). (CDIAL 11356)