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Aurobindo, Vivekananda and Gandhi too oxymorons? -- S Gurumurthy


Aurobindo, Vivekananda and Gandhi too oxymorons?

I am nationalist. I’m patriotic. Nothing is wrong. I am born Hindu. Nothing is wrong. So I’m a Hindu nationalist. So yes, you can say I’m a Hindu nationalist because I’m a born Hindu,” The moment Narendra Modi said this in his interview to Reuters last week, the secular hounds set upon him.

One of the secular hounds is Salman Kurshid, India’s External Affairs Minister. First, Khurshid being a Muslim, his secular credential is presumed. But, he has more claims to be secular. In the Indian political theatre just as hounding Modi is sufficient to prove one’s secular credential, admiring him is adequate to prove the lack of it. When Khurshid was chief of the Congress in UP, he defended the Islamic terrorist outfit Students Islamic Movement of India [SIMI] - reincarnated later as Indian Mujhahideen - as peace-loving lads, arguing as its counsel in courts. This was in 2001.

Some ultra-secularists might even feel that, by defending the ‘innocent’ SIMI, Khurshid qualifies for Padma Vibhushan, one notch less than Bharat Ratna. But they may not know that long back, in 1986 itself, he had qualified for Bharat Ratna for his book At Home In India; A Statement of Indian Muslims, expounding secular Muslim views. In that book, Khurshid wrote that in 1984, when the Sikhs were massacred in Delhi, “there was terrible satisfaction among the Muslims, who have not completely forgotten the Partition’s unpleasant aftermath. Hindus and Sikhs were alike paying for their sins. They were paying for the blood they had drawn in 1947”.

It is with such high credentials Khurshid says Modi’s claim of being Hindu Nationalist is oxymoron. The dictionary meaning of oxymoron is ‘a speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas are combined like thunderous silence or sweet sorrow’. That is, according to Khurshid, ‘Hindu’ and ‘Nationalism’ are opposites. If his poor prose is excused, he may have only intended to say that religion and nationalism contradict. But is ‘Hindu nationalism’ oxymoron? Test this on those who had laid the foundation for Indian freedom for contemporary India.

Take Swami Vivekananda first. The Swami’s nationalist exhortations deified the nation, seeded the freedom movement. The British Police repeatedly found Swami’s literature in the hands of the freedom fighters and revolutionaries, even mulled action against the Ramakrishna Math. Vivekananda inspired the passivists as well as the revolutionaries. The tallest leaders acclaimed him. Mahatma Gandhi: ‘reading Vivekananda had made me love the country ‘hundred fold.’ Subhash Bose: he ‘was the spiritual father of modern nationalist movement’. Rajaji: but for him ‘we would have lost our religion, not have gained our freedom; we owed everything to him’. Rabindranath Tagore: ‘if you want to know India, study Vivekananda.’ Finally, the ultra-secular Jawaharlal Nehru: ‘he was one of the great founders of national movement, who inspired the freedom fighters.’ Even mystics like Maharishi Aurobindo and Subramanya Bharati were inspired by him. And what did Swami Vivekananda stand for. “A nation in India,” declared Vivekananda, “must be a union of those whose hearts beat to the same spiritual tune.”

Swamy Vivekananda repeatedly declared India as Hindu nation. Comparing the three living nations - English, French and Hindu - he said ‘the Hindu nation is still living’ because of its religion. He condemned the Hindus saying most of the real evils for which the foreign races abuse the Hindu nation are only owing to us and pointed to jealousy as the reason why the Hindu nation with all its wonderful intelligence have gone to pieces.

Agonised at religious conversions - he calls them perversions - which have turned the converts enemies of the mother society, he said, “every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.”Is Swami Vivekananda, whose 150th birth anniversary the entire nation including Salman Kurshid’s Government is celebrating, an oxymoron for being a Hindu nationalist?

Move on. Maharishi Aurobindo, revolutionary, freedom fighter and mystic-philosopher, asserted Nationalism is no longer “a creed, a religion, a faith.... This Hindu nation was born with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan Dharma were capable of perishing, with the Sanatan Dharma it would perish. The Sanatan Dharma, that is nationalism.” Is Aurobindo oxymoron? Move further. ‘If we lay stress on common heritage forgetting all our differences that exist among the different sects...we shall ere long be able to consolidate different sects into a mighty Hindu nation. That ought to be the ambition of every Hindu.’

This is not Mohan Bhagwat. It is Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the first Indian to declare “Swaraj is my birth right”. Before Mahatma Gandhi arrived on the scene, the famous threesome ‘Lal-Bal-Pal’ [Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Bipin Chandra Pal] guided the freedom movement. They are Hindu nationalists. Even today the Odisha government website proclaims them so. Are Lal-Bal-Pal oxymorons? More.

“Though the majority of the Mussulmans of India and the Hindus belong to the same ‘stock’, the religious environment has made them different.......being heir to fresh traditions he exhibits the virility of a comparatively new system of life.......1,300 years of imperialistic expansion has made the Mussulmans fighters as a body. They are therefore aggressive. Bullying is the natural excrescence of aggressive spirit. The Hindu is an age-old civilisation. He is essentially non-violent.” Who’s this? Mahatma Gandhi.

In Hind Swaraj, which is his fundamental ideological text, he pointed out how Hinduism is the core of Indian nationalism. Gandhi said: ‘those farseeing ancestors of ours who established Setubandha (Rameshwaram) in the South, Jagannath in the East and Hardwar in the North as places of pilgrimage were no fools. They knew that the worship of God could have been performed just as well at home and yet they argued that it must be one nation. Arguing thus, they established holy places in various parts of India, and fired the people with an idea of nationality in a manner unknown in other parts of the world. But they saw that India was one undivided land.’

When asked about the advent of Muslims on the unity of India, Gandhi replied: ‘foreigners merge in it. A country is one nation only when such a condition obtains in it. That country must have a faculty for assimilation, India has ever been such a country.’ Is Gandhi oxymoron?

And finally the Supreme Court of India. The highest court declared, “Hinduism or Hindutva are not necessarily to be understood and construed narrowly, confined only to the strict Hindu religious practices unrelated to the culture and ethos of the people of India or depicting the way of life of the Indian people.....in the abstract these terms are indicative more of a way of life of the Indian people and are not confined merely to describe persons practising the Hindu religion as a faith.”

The court quoted with approval the views of Maulana Wahiuddin Khan who wrote: ‘The strategy worked out to solve the minorities problem was, although differently worded, that of Hindutva or Indianisation. This strategy, briefly stated, aims at developing a uniform culture by obliterating the differences.... This was felt to be the way to communal harmony and national unity and put an end once and for all to the minorities’ problem.’ Is the law declared by the highest Court oxymoron?

One thing is evident. The national discourse is devoid of historic sense. It does not even look at the law laid down by the Supreme Court. Result. Whatever inspired the freedom movement, whether it is Vande Mataram composed by Banchim Chandra or the ideal of Rama Rajya revered by Mahatma Gandhi or the concept of Hindu nationalism expounded by Swami Vivekananda and Maharishi Aurobindo, is regarded in the dictionary of Indian secularism as communal and anti-secular.

Are Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Tilak, Gandhi and all other revered national leaders, who spent their whole life to arouse the people to battle for freedom with their inspiring life and thoughts, all oxymorons then?

Postscript: Imagine, like Khurshid, Modi had said that there was terrible satisfaction among Hindus that Muslims, who were killed in the Gujarat riots, were only paying for their Godhra sins! What would the seculars have done? Or would not have?

S Gurumurthy is a well-known commentator on political and economic issues.
Email: comment@gurumurthy.net


Another well written article from Mr.Gurumurthy. Thank you Sir! You have beautifully encapsulated the essence of Hinduism and its relevance to Nationalism n this piece. The real definition of secularism is Sanatan Dharma and we will pay a heavy price for ignoring this by saffronising a very powerful and time tested INDIAN thought, which can guarantee peace and harmony in this world.
Beautiful article. This should be forwarded to every Indian immediately. The corrupt Congress is thoroughly exposed.
The incendiary statement of Salman Kurshid recalled by you in this article exposes him as an Enoch Powel of India known for his infamous statement of “river of blood” . Kurshid is thus shown in his true colours. The tragedy of our country is that people are teaching us governance ethnics and now stepping into teaching us English grammar.
Well written and Excellent Article...Bravo Sir Gurumurthy......I proudly say ' I AM HINDU NATIONALIST'
superb article by Gurumurthyji....MSM sickularists should read this....will they debate of khurshids comments....shameless cretures..tail piece is nail piece
Awesome piece! Good commentary and facts very well laid out. All the pseduo secularists need to be thought a lesson by voting them out of power.
Today's Congress is such a bunch of shameful jokers,they are imagining themselves to be Masters of Secularism.Educated Indians must teach them a lesson in such a way that they will repent their acts of Continuous Sins for ever!
Khurshid's traitorous credentials are the reason he is in that position. But how much ever they crib, there is only one nationalism in India and that is Hindu nationalism.
Super article................... Intentionally or not, Narendra Modi has pushed on the backfoot 'secular and other Muslims' into acknowledging that they are Indians first, Indian nationalists first and then only Muslims................ This is the magic of Narendra Modi. Making people redefine their preferences, priorities and committment. Making people identify themselves as Indians first.
The ' faculty for assimilation' was responsible for the entry of the Hindu practices like ' vipUthi' (holy ash), fasting and padha yathra ( by walk to the holy places) etc into Indian Christians and holy burial place -durga , etc to Indian Muslims. They are identified only as Indian Christians & Indian Muslims - all sharing a common Hindu heritage. Will any sane human being disown his/her own heritage?
Time and again Sir you are bringing out issues which exposes congress sins and calling themselves highly secular. This article again brings out Kurshid's double voice. Thank you very much sir.
A wonderful article. Well done Gurumurthy ji. We expect more such enlightening articles from you in future.
It is very unfortunate that we Indians have to hide behind secularism for every thing and any thing. We can't declare ourselves as Hindus or nationalists since it may anger some. For me, a secular state should keep equal distance from all religions and protect the aggrieved if any malafide ie perceived. But our secularists have reduced this to meaning PRO Muslims. It is very unfortunate. Most of the Muslims appreciate the concept of vasudhaika kutumbam but our politicians re poisoning their minds.
The true identity of Indians & Hinduism fully tarnished by the half backed/power hungry netas of of our country who neither know the history & culture of India .
Sir, Kindly write more articles like this to awaken the Indians who are in deep slumber for a long long time. Very inspiring article.
What a beautiful piece. Thank you, Mr. Gurumurthy.
You are Great as Ever. What a telling exposure of Salman Kurshid. Obviously the media will not question Salman Kurshid on his deriving satisfaction in the killing of thousands of Sikhs in 1984. Rajiv Gandhi was not at all affected by the killing of Sikhs right under his nose. And Lt. Gen. J.S. Arora has written that Rajiv Gandhi as PM did not allow him to let the Army take over Delhi to stop killings of Sikhs, and precious 72 hours were lost before Rajiv Gandhi allowed the Army to take control of Delhi No media will expose Rajiv Gandhi.
When comparing the above shocking news to the trend of the 'secularists' & the media praising then Rajiv as 'Mr.Clean' & now targeting Modi for Gujarat riots, though he was absolved by the SIT, their moral bankruptcy becomes obvious.
Shri.Gurumurthy,another delightful eye and mind opening article.A voting movement should be started where we can in millions,declare ourselves as a "PROUD HINDU NATIONALIST". What is wrong as it is equivalent to declaring our parents as Our Mother & Father!
Time for the Makens, Tiwaris and Digvijays to respond to this.
A beautiful article, you will enjoy reading it
Postscript is just amazing. Only the likes of Sir Gurumurthy can do this. Hats up to you sir.
an excellent piece of work,for those trying to ruin the identity of the nation n divide it for votes
very well written and explained by Gurumurthy ji. Liked it very much.
A committed hindu genius work at its peak.Great leap forward by hindutva ushered by sir,gurumurthyji.
Sir, Compliments to Gurumurthy for a 'straight talking' Article. The concluding part of Sri Aurobundo's famous 'UTTARPARA SPEECH' of 30 May 1909, was just the right antidote to the 'all pervading STINK' emanating from a 'INDIAN IPR' on 'SECULARISM' !! As your Associate Editor succinctly put it in his 'Caste in Stone' (Jun 17, 2012) : "In Indian political patois, ‘communal’ and ‘secular’ have macabre meanings. Anyone who enjoys the support of the Hindu voter and sentiment is communal. Anyone who has the approval of Muslims and other minorities is secular". Viewed in that perspective, Sri Aurobindo, by today's yardsticks, can quite easily be dubbed " COMMUNAL" !! So too Swami Vivekananda !! The 'secular' English media CANNOT escape its share of the blame for the current 'SORDID' state of affairs. Regards
An article to be read by all Indians..especially the youth of India who are really unaware of those great people. Thank You Sir. I AM A HINDU NATIONALIST.
Yet an enlightening article by Sri S. Gurumurthy. Very systematically demolished the pseudo secularism of congress who are out and out bringing disgrace to the nation. For 65 years they have spilling the beans of divide and hate among our countrymen whether Muslims Hindus Sikhs christians. Just to be in power they can go to any extent. For them end is important not the means. Let us atleast get alerted and stop this harm now by throwing these pseudo seculars out lest we are also answerable to posterity.
Excellent reading. We have only ourselves to blame for allowing the so called secular forces to bash us into believing all incorrect things. Jaago India Jaago !!!!!
Hindusa re communal unless other wise proved, or have credentials defaming ,denigrating, calumniating Hinduism.ll constitutional protection do not apply th their being free of converting bands and being colonised. As Naipaul wrote colonisation by conversion is the ultimate triumph over a culture. Already by losing l their language powerful sections of hindus view themselves in terms of the foreigner, ii.e. with denigratory vocabulary. Language corrupts thought and thought corrupts language. Salman khurshid is silent on million hindusa dn Sikhs killed and west Pakistan ethnically cleaned .. reduced fro 30 percent of population to practically nil. Not much diiference in east Pakistan. A natursl congress stalwart. kurup
An eye-opener indeed and it was really shocking to read the comments of Salman Khurshid on the killings of Sikhs in the country. many such well researched articles are the need of the hour to educate our youngsters on the dirty tricks of congress.
A "fitting" reply to Khurshid? May be we should remember the little insight into history that Benjamin gave us. It will help us to keep things - things that really matter - in perspective. Here is the 1st para from his "Theses on the philosophy of history": The story is told of an automaton constructed in such a way that it could play a winning game of chess, answering each move of an opponent with a countermove. A puppet in Turkish attire and with a hookah in its mouth sat before a chessboard placed on a large table. A system of mirrors created the illusion that this table was transparent from all sides. Actually, a little hunchback who was an expert chess player sat inside and guided the puppet's hand by means of strings. One can imagine a philosophical counterpart to this device. The puppet called "historical materialism" is to win all the time. It can easily be a match for anyone if it enlists the services of theology, which today, as we know, is wizened and has to keep out of si
And again a wonderful article by Sri. Gurumurthy, which brings out the essence of Hinduism. A fitting reply to Salman Kurshid, who unashamedly declared during the last elections that Muslims will be given a bigger reservation, fearing that he would be trounced- and ultimately was. Shameless characters like Salman abound in the Congress party, where salutation to the First Family is the major rule.
How the secular media conveniently buried Khurshid's traitorous comments. The media must take the blame for distorting history and creating further divide between hindus and muslims. In any other country, Khurshid would have been jailed for life for rejoicing over sikh massacre of 1984
wonderful article. Thanks S.G!
These kind of extremists masquerading as securalists and their unabashed endorsement by the Congress leadership is going to result in a Hindu backlash which may catapult the hawkish Modi to power. If it happens, it will be only Congress who will be responsible. Sonia is anti-hindu. So are Salman Khurshid and Digvijay. May be Chidambaram too.But why are leaders like Antony silent on this anti-Hindu tirade? Just imagine what will happen if a Hindu attacks Islam in Pakistan? Shame on you, Khurshid !
Rama Rajya concept oxymorn? Contestants accross all the hues and parties at elections are wont to make promise in their speeches that they would achieve Rama Rajya if they come to government.Can we presume the catchword Rama Rajya a oxymorn? It is foolhardy to equate Rama Rajya which is synonymous with a welfare state with peaceful coexistence.There`s nothing wrong that Modi proclaimed himself a Hindu. At the Rajghat in New Delhi, the words Hay Ram were inscribed on the tomb to honour the Father of the Nation who used to tell that Rama naama is my infallible weapon.Is Gandhi a oxymorn? The Rip Van Winkles in our pseudo secularists should wake up from their deep slumber to realise that after all,Hinduism is a way of life.
(Revised)Rama Rajya concept oxymorn? Contestants accross all the hues and parties at elections are wont to make promise in their speeches that they would achieve Rama Rajya if they come to government.Can we presume the catchword Rama Rajya a oxymorn? It is foolhardy to equate Rama Rajya which is synonymous with a welfare state with peaceful coexistence with oxymorn concept.There`s nothing wrong that Modi proclaimed himself a Hindu. At the Rajghat in New Delhi, the words Hay Ram were inscribed on the tomb to honour the Father of the Nation who used to tell that Rama naama is my infallible weapon.Is Gandhi a oxymorn? The Rip Van Winkles in our pseudo secularists should wake up from their deep slumber to realise that after all,Hinduism is a way of life.
Today, the Congress parasites and the Gandhi family worshippers have made being Hindu in India something shameful, while barbarians who kill women and children by planting bombs and attacking train stations have become "secular". Today, Hindus have to defend themselves in their own country, where Shiva, Krishna, Rama and Ashoka were born, about being proud of their Hindu culture or Hindu heritage. If somebody says he is a proud Hindu, these "secularists" label them as "right wing fundamentalists". It is as if Hindu's are living in the land of Islam and we have to be ashamed of who we are under this Italian Christian woman and her Sardar puppet. As an Indian, I find this makes my blood boil at not only the Congress party but all the minority cockroaches that support that anti-national traitorous party run by Italians, puppets and thieves.
Well versed and factually correct article ...In short, Secularism is about nationhood not brotherhood... Thanks Gurumurthy .

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