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Arun Shourie ji,go out and fight, nimitta matram bhava savya saachin. I fully empathise with Sandeep's anguish.

Is This The Winter Of His Discontent?
Sandeep Balakrishna
The writer is the Director and Chief Editor, India Facts Research Centre, the author of Tipu Sultan: the Tyrant of Mysore, and has translated S.L.Bhyrappa's Aavarana from Kannada to English.
Arun Shourie’s bitterness was evident throughout his interview with Karan Thapar. However, as a writer, thinker, intellectual, activist and public figure who courageously fought in the face of adversity, the nation owes Arun Shourie.
If he Whom mutual league,
United thoughts and counsels, equal hope
And hazard in the Glorious Enterprize,
Joynd with me once, now misery hath joynd
In equal ruin: into what Pit thou seest
From what highth fall’n!
The last surviving Intellectual Godzilla—that fought the good fight—of the so-called Indian Right Wing has fallen.
Or has he?
Did ambition or frustration or both guide Arun Shourie’s latest acid-dipped interview to Karan Thapar? Or is he only clamouring for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attention?
Without second guessing him, we can get three points out of the way at the outset.
First, Arun Shourie’s bitterness was evident throughout. That Shourie who had skewered this same Thapar on several occasions in the past with detailed dossiers was reduced to—and I say this with great responsibility—what appeared a scripted show which required him to only agree with Thapar.    
Second, it was clear that he reserved most of his anger for only a certain section of the BJP. Nothing else explains his vociferous agreement with every phony canard that Thapar fished out of his rabbit-hat. If one looks at Shourie’s record, he was the one who for much of his life wrote longforms and books precisely rebutting these sorts of canards.
Third, as a consequence of the second, Arun Shourie has suddenly become the darling of the very folks whose bluff he called, whose shenanigans he exposed, whose insults he suffered—but didn’t cower—relentlessly, mercilessly almost throughout his life.
Whether one may or not believe it, Narendra Modi is in many ways destiny’s child. Nothing else can explain how he managed to tide over the worst of the unrelenting, vicious onslaughts sustained over a decade; and then there were so many things that could go horribly wrong at any stage throughout his high-voltage campaign. That he pulled off such a blockbuster victory can in the final tally of things be largely attributed to destiny or a higher power or whatever you want to call it. “Superstition” and “blind belief” will also do.  
Yet, this victory or destiny favouring him didn’t come overnight. Indeed, a lot of things came together to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister. Among others, Arun Shourie’s lifelong, painstaking contribution to the so-called “Right Wing” intellectual discourse stands right on top of that.
Hailing from what I call the Sita Ram Goel School, he awakened about two generations of Indians to a discourse rooted in integrity and a simple but unflinching commitment for truth and the nation, by leading by example. But for his predecessors and likeminded contemporaries, these would have been yet another in the long line of lost generations, misled and marred by Nehruvian Islamism that is at the root of most of this country’s problems.  
Arun Shourie, together with Ram Swarup, Sita Ram Goel, K.S. Lal and others, constructed the inspirational foundations of the so-called “Right Wing” discourse in India in extremely adverse circumstances, often at great personal and professional risk. It is thus both ironical and tragic when today, he agrees with Karan Thapar about “rising intolerance” in the Modi regime—Arun Shourie had the first-hand taste of experiencing the tenderness of Indira Gandhi’s Emergency.
To truly appreciate how Shourie changed and influenced public discourse, one must recall the sheer sweep and depth of the body of his work, apartfrom his investigative journalism, newspaper columns and activism.
From politics, religion, history, communism, law and judiciary, bureaucracy and administration, democracy and parliament, internal and external security, there’s perhaps no subject he’s not delved into in-depth. His research was backed by unfalsifiable and mountainous facts—one reason for the bulk of most of his books—and was truly insightful and path-breaking. It is a testimony to solidity that the corpus of his work has beenbesmirched but has never been rebutted.       
But for his Eminent Historians, how many would have known the scale and extent of the national betrayal in the ICHR? Or for that matter, the kind of political vandalism that went on during “Mr. Clean” Rajiv Gandhi’s regime (These Lethal, Inexorable Laws: Rajiv, His Men and His Regime)? At the height of the Ram Janmabhoomi movement, when the entire secular press had ganged up to choke the discourse emanating from the pro-Janmabhoomi side, Arun Shourie gave space to Sita Ram Goel in the Indian Express without which most wouldn’t have heard of the masterly two-volume Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them. Shourie was fired from his job for this impudence.
Most of all, Arun Shourie showed how one could stand up to Communist—morphed into secular-liberal after the fall of the USSR—bullying, scare tactics, and slander-as-public-discourse. Indeed, this has remained unchanged even as I type this: count the number of instances of manufactured outrage and calumny ever since Modi became PM—the latest being the Award Returns national drama. As the respected Dr. Shankar Sharan sums it up, Communist “discourse” is Gaali Shastra(Treatise of Scatology).
Without exaggeration, if the online space—including social media—is today dominated by the so-called “Hindu Right,” its underpinnings can reasonably be found in Arun Shourie’s body of work among others of his kind.
Equally, his record of intellectual and personal integrity has remained intact. Considering the fact that he handled two heavyweight ministries in a single term and did exceptionally well in both with no allegations of corruption or wrongdoing. Given the record of Indian politicians for most of the period after Independence, this is no minor achievement.
The current outrage against Shourie by (what I assume by now are) his former supporters is rooted in how he has apparently set fire to this long and gallant record. To put it more bluntly, his fall from grace. Yet, at a level, the outrage has some merit although it has exploded disproportionately—labelling him a Congress mole, anti-national, “worst turncoat,” traitor, and so on.
If we travel back in time, one of the reasons why P V Narasimha Rao, the PM who unshackled India’s economy could do that was because he successfully ensured that Sonia Gandhi came nowhere close to wrecking the said unshackling.
If we travel further down to Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s prime-ministership, India had become vastly different. There was optimism and hope: recall Arun Shourie’s own three part Indian Express article-cum-warning. The titles of two parts were especially clairvoyant: Before the Whining Drowns it, Listen to the New India and This is India’s Moment, but only a Moment, Can We Grasp it?  
Unfortunately, we went for the Congress-secular-media manufactured whining and didn’t grasp the moment, and the nation was submerged in a ten-year long nightmare.
Here are some lengthy excerpts from those August 2003 pieces:
Infosys had not even been born 25 years ago. Wipro was a company selling vegetable oil. Indeed, other than the Tata” in Tata Consultancy Services, there is scarcely a name in the IT industry that was known then.
And these 26-year-olds are changing Indias perception also of itself: that India can; that, therefore, we should face the world with confidence.
On the one hand, we have unbounded opportunities and incomparable advantages to seize them. On the other, there is the fate that will surely befall us if we falter. Unemployment will reach such proportions that social unrest will become unmanageable. Similarly, if the rates of growth of India and China continue to differ by the margins of the past 15 years, within the next 15 years the Chinese economy will be six times that of India. And the consequences will be worse than we can imagine.
We have become what an American author calls “Negaholics” addicted to the negative as an alcoholic is to drink. Ever so many of us are unaware of even the elementary examples that have been listed above.
I have had occasion to travel abroad several times in the past two-three years. Each time I have been struck by the contrast between the way India is looked upon abroad, and the way we look upon it here.

There is an equally telling symptom here at home there is much greater confidence in the Indian industrial class than there is in the rhetoric of politicians who ostensibly are shouting on behalf of and to save that industry!
But the main solutions lie, as usual, not in the economic realm. They lie in political arrangements, in discourse. We must reduce the frequency of elections: schedule elections, as the vice-president and the deputy prime minister have proposed, to state assemblies and to the Lok Sabha simultaneously; fixed terms for legislatures…
Even before such changes are put into effect, and even after they have been instituted, we have to make everyone see that change cannot be blocked.
Not the details of economic policythat is not where the impediments lie. The way we look at things, our discourse, the drag of interests that are vested in the way things are;these are what we need to change. [Emphasis added]
Without sounding presumptuous, it’ll be worth our time to reflect deeply on this, and know for ourselves how far down the abyss India plummeted in the next decade. A Chief Worthy of the selfsame Infosys is today issuing statements echoing the phony drumbeat of said “rising intolerance” while another had opted to become a Minister in the regime that oversaw the Decade of Decay.  
Like in Vajpayee’s time, today’s India too is characterized by hope and optimism, and the same whining that is now backed by more numerous and louder voices.  
However, there’s a key difference: Vajpayee could manage to push reforms because Sonia Gandhi hadn’t yet tasted power directly. And as recent history shows, the 2004-2014 decade witnessed how almost all key institutions and offices of the Government were massively subverted once she tasted power and wielded it absolutely. Murmurs about an essentially Congress-loyal bureaucracy running-riot-by-stalling have only increased in recent times.
And so, one of the greatest challenges that Modi faces is to thoroughly clean up this dangerous mess that the Congress has left behind. Given the strong roots of the 60 plus years of the Nehruvian ecosystem in almost all spheres, and given how even a petty robbery is seen as an opportunity to pull down Modi, this won’t prove easy.
It was certainly unfortunate to exclude Arun Shourie from the Government. Yet, it is equally true that he could’ve expressed his disappointment in a far more measured fashion than taking potshots at Modi and the BJP—potshots of the same colour that he had fought against throughout his life. Thanks to this, he is now seen as having joined the ranks of Karan Thapar who had brazenly called for the “sudden removal of Modi.” Needless, Thapar is obviously gleeful.
Whatever the political or other outcome of this episode, it is a great illustration of the need to have Hamsaksheera Viveka: where the swan sips only the milk content in milk and leaves the water content behind.
As a writer, thinker, intellectual, activist and public figure who courageously fought in the face of adversity, retained his integrity, and shaped the thoughts of nearly two generations, the nation owes Arun Shourie. And he, like any human being is endowed with ambition, disappointment and the rest. And so, it’s best to maintain dignified silence on the issue instead of prolonging it.
In the end, perchance had Shourie heeded this Shakespearean titbit, Karan Thapar wouldn’t have had the opportunity to conduct the interview:
I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself,
And falls on th’other.
For me, Arun Shourie will always remain one among the Four Rishis of contemporary Bharata who have deeply, positively shaped my studies, thoughts, and outlook.  
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    I read through your poignant piece veery carefully, Sandeep ji. Your Guru has fallen. You adore your Guru and he didn't have to take recourse to wise-cracks of Shakespeare. If only he had folowed the guidance of Gitacharya, he wouldn't have made an ass of himself before the whatever Thapar. He has exhibited loss of विवेचना discrimination in appreciating the merits (demerits) of others, Surely, as an ex-IE editor, he should have know about the whatever Thapar. I am no psychiatrist to unravel behavioral aberrations or mere anecdotes or sound bytes which would have made whatever Thapar enthralled beyond compare. May be senility, may be true outrage, who knows? I don't think NaMo would have denied him an opportunity if he had asked to meet NaMo to express his outrage. This failure is inexplicable. Maybe, he could have talked to his friends and sought a 'second opinion' on his state of outrage.
    I feel sorry for that aatman who, as you rightly note, has done so much in the pursuit of satyam. May paramaatman give him sadbuddhi and s'anthi, peace of mind. No big deal, Arun Shourie ji, don't despair on petty things, bharat mahaan hai. All of us are merely nimitta maatram; that is what Gitacharya has told you and has told all of us. Please remember this guidance of the Gitacharya.
    तस्मात् त्वं उत्तिष्ठ यशः लभस्व जित्वा शत्रून भुङ्क्ष्व राज्यं सम् ऋद्धं I
    मया एव एते निहन्ताः पूर्वं एव निमित्त मात्रं भव सव्य साचिन् II श्लोक 33 Chapter 11 - Viswarupa Darsana Yoga - Sloka 33
    The rashtram is destined for her due share of the global GDP. NaMo will make this happen; what has achieved in May 2014 is true Swarajyam. Let us celebrate the moment, Arun Shourie ji.
    With Devi Sarasvati's anugraham, everything is possible. So, go out and fight, nimitta matram bhava savya saachin.
    Namaskaram. Kalyan
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        Arun Shourie's sulking started long back, which is visible in his "Can He Understand a Mother's Heart". One can argue it has nothing to do with his career discontentment but a personal one. But the tinge of negativity is visible ever since, in different colors.
        But Sandeep isn't quite accurate in attributing to Shourie the Hindu Right: Arun Shourie was never Hindu right. His main contributions are on the post colonial institutions, their inherent corruption (judiciary, academics, legislature, defense, polity etc). What makes people feel he was ever right wing is his criticism of missionaries and fatwas (which he promptly balances out with his comments, on intolerance and H extremism etc though not so elaborately). Overall Arun Shourie made little if any, contribution on Hindu right thinking. This does not undermine his phenomenal contributions but one needs to place him properly in the spectrum. He has always been the non-Hindu post colonial modern kind with little regard to cultural systems, but demonstrated far more honesty than is typical of that kind.
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            More damage is being done by redundant and incremental Jaitley driven FM then any outburst or protest by sickulars.. Strong action on ground can answer everything , if there is right person in the all important Finance ministry...
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              I will not cut any slack to Shourie as he has 'repudiated every word' he has ever written (comment from Kanchan Gupta). It appears as if it was a dfferent Shourie who wrote the books & was courageous throughout! Now emerges the sad bitter emaciated man talking shit & appearing like Sonia's poodle. I am yet to recover from the shock of Shourie's betrayal.
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                  Sir if you get chance see his pathetic behavior once Modi won the Lok Sabha election. He was among those who ran to Modi for getting ministerial berth. The way he ran to meet Modi as if he worked hard for Modi's victory and now he is running to get appreciated for his hard work. But I guess he forgot that Modi is a Gujju. And getting something for free from Gujju is the last thing you should expect.
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                      Yes Shourie is great! Let's put him on a pedestal, but what motivated this about turn? Still searching for a credible theory.
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                          Your last paragraph really describes the feeling of thousands who are fans of Mr. Arun Shourie works.
                          Last time I briefly met him when he was with Mr. Sudheendra Kulkarni of course before 2014 election. Can we speculate?
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                              You may personally have been very influenced by Arun Shourie but perhaps you are overstating the case here. The right has arisen not because of some people but because of the people and it will continue to rise no matter what the short term political events of the next few years.
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                                  If all this results in Congressi like Jaitley being thrownout of cabinet then this is a very good move. Shourie and Swamy are men with original ideas, they must be there in the cabinet to make meaningful impact in 3-4 years....
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                                      What exactly is the problem with Mr Jaitley ? I've heard an undercurrent of dislike and disparagement directed at him by some otherwise BJP & Modi-supporters, but never heard clear reasons given.
                                      And do you propose that Shourie should be given a place in the Cabinet, now that he has embraced the "mainstream" media assault on the Modi government ?
                                      Besides, Jaitley is an old and staunch political supporter of Modi. It is he who strongly proposed Modi as PM when his own name was being proposed as a possible candidate.
                                      I am interested in your views.
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                                          I agree with you and I have same questions. Only answer I know is, his closeness with some folks from the media; but that doesn't explain the extant of disparagement of BJP supporters with Jailtely
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                                              You just pointed the reason. Many believe Jaitley has too much in common with PC and has deep ties with media which has not once cornered him or questioned him whether it was on Economic front or the I&B ministerial decisions but circumvented him and blamed it on Modi. They believe and IMO not entirely unfounded Jaitleys blunders are attributed to Modi and absolves himself of anything.
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                                                  well.. one reason can be.. Jaitley seems to be the weakest link in chain. he lost election still became top most minister. they tried it with sushma swaraj whose work is more visible but jaitley being in finance ministry work will be visible only after 3 years
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                                                    I would also like to know this.
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                                                    Appoint Shaurie Dean of JNU. all go happy. as shaurie is alreaady darling of media of seculars.
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                                                        You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain. Sad that Arun Shourie ended up becoming the villain.

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